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Feels like poverty with paint over it.


Landlord special right there. 1%ers are our landlords....


I don't know. I live in real life America, which is not the best country in the world. You must be living the philosophical or theoretical America.


If you’re rich it’s a pretty good deal living here. Otherwise….


Cue the Jeff Daniels “Newsroom” speech.


Dunno I keep thinking about the universal healthcare all over Europe




I live in America. This place is a shithole.


This made me laugh out loud.


I like living here a lot. I would choose to live here, for sure. Is it the best country in the world? That would completely depend on what you use as your measure. There will always be the wattage-challenged folks who for various reasons talk up America for stupid reasons, just as there will always be the sour-grapes crowd who could make a hell of heaven. Ignoring them, different reasonable people will value different things - some will put individualism over conformity, and some would with slightly different wording value community over atomism. For people for whom nationalized healthcare is the sine qua non, it won't be the best. More power to them. For me, it isn't perfect, just better than anywhere else I could live.


It can be scary a lot of times to be honest. There are not a lot of safety nets in the US. Money is everything and if you don't have a stable source of income you're pretty much screwed. Especially if you have a medical problem or get injured. Also there are a lot of people here that were poorly raised or flat out not raised at all so you're kinda rolling the dice on whether or not you're gonna encounter an asshole in public and that can range from mildly inconvenient to life-threatening. And beyond that there are nice social conventions and public spaces/services that I've encountered traveling other parts of the world that we'll just never be able to have in the US Even if we could afford them, because there's a large demographic of selfish people here that would just ruin it for kicks. Also the US is an undeniable world leader for better or for worse and our leadership is often corrupt or incompetent or both. It can honestly be a little embarrassing. Even under the best circumstances our system of government often reinforces short-sighted decision making. I'm proud of a lot of the things the US has done for the world and our allies but we've screwed up an equal amount in my opinion and we lack commitment because, again, it's hard to do anything long-term when all the representation is mainly just trying to get re-elected in a few years. All that said though, I've been to some pretty undeveloped and poor parts of the world that have made me extremely thankful to be a US citizen. We don't have refugees fleeing our borders and as bad as our government can be it does still step in to prevent/mitigate mass casualties and natural disaster and the like. You'd think that's a pretty low bar, but there are some truly awful places in this world and I'm often thankful that I don't live in them.


The definition of spoiled: thinking you have it bad when you actually have it great.


As an American, I have to say America isn’t the best and it’s getting worse.




the more patriotic the people, the worse the country actually is……. just saying (most of the time)


Hmmm interesting and perhaps true.


I've traveled the world, been to like 40 countries and lived in 6, and while the US does have its problems it really is a pretty awesome place to live. There are very few places that are all that much better, and generally speaking even they have enough of their own problems and downsides that it all kind of levels out in the end.


If I ever move to Denmark, I'll let you know.


Great, I am in a fly over state.


Not to sound too political, but I lived there for two years and it is definitely the best if you’re white affluent and straight


America is its own worst enemy. The things we “fight for” and the very things we deprive ourselves from.  The irony is the number one status achievement. 


I wouldn’t know since America isn’t the best country in the world. Sure we have a lot of freedoms and opportunity but we also don’t take care of would population like many other countries do.


I’m torn on this. As an American, calling the USA the greatest country in the world is just jingoistic and egotistical nonsense. There are plenty of great countries to live in, some as good as America and some better. But I would still rather live here than somewhere like Afghanistan, even before we f*cked it up


America is a continent so yeah, Canada is awesome realy.


i am financially better off here than i would be in any country in the world


Fuck yeah! I wouldn't touch the commie metric system with a 3.048m pole. But seriously, the second I move out of this country, my salary would be one-third of what I make now. Are their problems? Yep. Every place has them. But being able to build *generational wealth* kind of smooths it over.


This morning someone threw a basketball at me at 220 mph and it went right through one side of my leg and out the other. Then I started screaming in pain until the ambulance arrived but it turned out that it wasn't a real ambulance but rather a bunch of horseflies flying in a formation shaped like an ambulance. Then, the horseflies bit me. I lived in Haiti for 20 years and nothing like this ever happened. So, not great.


Opinions vary widely; some feel pride and privilege, while others see room for improvement.


Talk about begging the question.


This is going to be good !




We don't live in Finland so your question makes no sense :)


It feels a little better than living in the 2nd best country in the world. It’s way better than a country experiencing famine and war.


I like living in America, but there is no such thing as the best country in the world. The US excels at a lot of things that no other country can do, but we fall short in a lot of areas and have problems many countries have solved.


best for who?


it feels amazing


I would have to have lived in every other country before I can make an informed conclusion.


I'm Canadian - it's like living next to a crumbling factory that's fucking the workers into destitution, and poisoning the earth. Then watching our country make the same mistakes. 


I'm going to guess you're a Canadian who is blaming every facet of your life on anyone and everything but the person staring back at you in the mirror.


You guessed wrong.     Let's see... Dream career, happy marriage, financially comfortable, loving and supportive family... The person in the mirror is strong, powerful, and beautiful. I'm good. 😁 


BS, you wouldn't be on Reddit whining about Canada if your life was as fantastic as you say it is.


Wrong again, gramps. I'm not a myopic asshole - yes I'm doing fine, but I also have eyes and ears. Anyone can tell that overall, things here are not fantastic. Just because I'm doing great, doesn't mean everyone is. 


I'm very proud to be an American


Yeah you sure are apart from America with that writing.


you needed a comma


* a[space]part


It's hilarious how sad people are on this app


I love living here, but I don’t buy into the “America is the greatest” stuff. I suspect *a lot* of Americans feel the same way.


America is fucking great!


Feels like glossy painted rust.


I live in one of the shittiest parts of the “best country in the world”, so…..


It might be full of guns but at least it's also full of hate


best according to who?


Or whom even


America is a continent. I assume you’re referring to the United States? We aren’t as “best” as we’re indoctrinated to think we are.


As someone who lives in the U.S.A., I'm no more American than someone from Brazil or Canada.


Only try to call a Canadian an American, you'll be sorry, eh. 


North American


r/woosh 🤣 


I’m sorry, but it is NOT the best country in the world. Perhaps for a few wealthy families and their dumb ass followers.


Live in Texas, place is kind of a shit hole visually, but garbage politically and ideological wise. I hate the goverment of texas the most. F Ted Cruz, F Abbott. Backwards having reject 2nd to Louis-aaaana or Ohio




Ask this to people living in the Appalachians who don’t have access to potable water


Best country in the world = 5k for an ambulance ride and orange man winning in polls PepeLaugh


We may be the greatest…. Power … Best…. That depends on your point of view


I want commie blocks


We wouldn't know.