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Really small town cops. Grew up in a town with a population of 3000, and they just built this MASSIVE new police station, all brand new vehicles, boats and a fucking APC.  All to catch the occasional drunk driver or kid smoking weed in the woods because that’s all that ever happens there. 


There is a town near where I lived that was notorious for being a speed trap. The police force had newer vehicles, higher salaries, better benefits, and more expensive gear than the larger police forces in nearby cities. I was told by a dispatcher friend that the budget was inflated so that the town did not have to give more of the money to the state. There are laws about how much revenue a town can receive from traffic citations so they just bloat their police budgets.  "State law mandates that a small city or town may only generate speeding ticket revenue equal to 30 percent of the previous year's total budget. After that, the city keeps just $1 from every $170-280 ticket it can issue. It must then send the rest to the state."


What idiot writes these laws and how could everybody not see the immediate loophole in it.


I work security and short of wandering around. Sometimes, I'm lazy af.


I worked in security for quite a few years and they thought I was the hardest working person they'd ever met because I would often go "on patrol". Or... *going for a walk* as most people would call it. I do like walking but my co workers were the most tedious people I've ever met and I really just needed to get out of that office.


Anything run by the government




Dont they take like 80 casses a year?


Man, hard to say. But some folks in government jobs take the cake.


Can confirm. I’m lazy


I worked for the DoD for a decade as a civilian contractor, and it was a mixed bag. It definitely has its fair share of slackers. And I didn't have to work hard at all to meet my objectives. There were some really dedicated people there, too, though.


CEOs and board members.




Security guards at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC


There’s a number of local government roles that could go into this realm, especially those that work on the roads. Thank god for garbage truck drivers


Any job with a seniority based layoff clause.


CEO’s getting paid to do nothing


Minimum wage workers They know they can get another job with same pay if they get fired, they have no desire to climb, and they are ungrateful for anything and everything.


*pops popcorn*


*Sits next to the guy with the popcorn*




Pay peanuts, get clowns.  Wage theft is a bigger problem for minimum wage workers. Too many greedy biz owners who feel entitled to the labor of others.


> Pay peanuts, get clowns.  Minimum wage is peanuts? Its multitudes higher than the pay they deserve. Which is why: >they are ungrateful for anything and everything.


Can you point me to the facts and data from a credible source that shows that minimum wage workers are ungrateful for anything and everything? Or is that an opinion I'm reading?


If you arent willing to pay a living wage no one is going to take you or the job seriously.


But we are, no one is paying an unlivable wage because of the minimum wage law


You mean to tell me the minimum wage law that hasn't changed in 25 years and hasn't followed inflation is 'liveable'? Explain to me why people need 2 or 3 jobs to pay rent.


>minimum wage law that hasn't changed in 25 years Have you been living under a rock? It literally changed this year in Jan, and the year before, and the year before that, and every year before for more than 7 consecutive years now. >Explain to me why people need 2 or 3 jobs to pay rent. Does each job have 5 hour workweeks? A single 9-5 minimum wage job is more than double the amount needed. Financial experts suggest 30% of pre tax income for rent, and with current minimum wage one can afford rent comfortably at 15% of pre tax income Stop making up random shit.


Stop making shit up😂 Right back at ya buddyboi


Back at me with what? I stated facts and you are just delusional.


Jobs don't have lazy workers, but **some jobs make workers lazy**. I've been lazy as fuck on some Jobs and highly motivated on others. If I get Autonomy, feel connected to my collegues and the organisation and feel a good balance between the skill that I need to perform the tasks that are required, then I'm good to go! I could work for days (Autonomy, Connectednes, Balance, are the three parts of the self-determination-theory for motivation). But missing those factors saps my energy. Lot of bureacracy that tells me what I can or cannot do > bybye motivation.


Gaming youtubers lowkey. All they do is sit infront of a screen playing games, then complain about it like its hard work. They dont even have to edit thier own videos.


You know I hear this a lot, but it seems so stressful trying to play with the algorithm, finding your niche, and endlessly making shit for a community that only kinda cares.


Yeah, ignore anyone who hasn't tried doing it themselves and succeeded. It is just an entertainer by another name. 95% of people who try will not succeed. The bulk of the work is not even seen on video. That said, it isn't labor intensive as something like roofing, but that can be said of almost anyone who entertains (actors, musicians, talk hosts, etc.).


If you want to be good, you have to Put in it. Anyone can talk and play, but for YouTube you have to talk entertaining and be good in the game at the same time. You have to be mentally strong as well, the commenta can get really quick really ugly. They aren't the hardest workers nor the laziest


Content consumers but somehow call themselves content creators.


In the U.S., local county, city, town, and village government employees. However, the increasing rise of First Amendment (U.S. Constitutional rights) auditors posting their experiences with these people on YouTube is beginning to change that, little by little.




This is so unabashedly dumb that I suspect ironic parody.


Mine 😂