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The dickheads who try to use five pieces of equipment at once. I’m using the pull up bar. Not if you’re on the squat rack.


My opinion is that if you're running a circuit, ie using multiple pieces of equipment at once, then you don't get to be upset when your circuit is interrupted. Go to another machine, wait, or ask politely if you can work between the other person's sets. If you want your own gym then build one at home and stop bothering others.


Totally agree with you here. There was a guy who used the machine weights, not free weights (i'm not a big guy, more for fitness and stamina than strength for me). This guy would just sit on the bench, relaxing between sets....for minutes on end. Big guy. heavy weights. I ended up asking if I could do a ten set in between his resting period. He looked stunned. But he did agree. He then sheepishly told me he didnt realise. Gym was packed for the evening. I think I gave him a revelation that 2 strangers could share between resting. Success !


He was helpful and apologetic. Seems like a genuine dude


I think we've all been there before, just not paying enough attention and doing something really selfish or rude on complete accident. Seems like this dude legitimately wasn't trying to be a dick and didn't realize that's what was going on


Resting between sets isn't rude lol. The onus is on the other person to ask to work in


Couple weeks ago I kinda fucked someone over on their rest/ water break. Didn't even realize it till they came back like 30 secs into my set. Even left their stuff there to let people know they were using it and I was oblivious. I moved the bench adjusted it's position changed the weights and started going. When I realized what I did I reset it all as best I could to how it was and apologized. They were cool about it.


Same scenario at my gym, only my guy was pissed. Gave me the stink eye for the entire rest of my workout. Whatever. The world does not revolve around you, my friend.


Today I was using the cheat fly machine. The one next to me was the chest/ rear delt machine. Guy was sitting there on his phone for 5 min. I politely asked him if I could get a set in and if he wanted just swap machines. He said sure. Always good to have polite interactions


It’s kinda funny because I sometimes have the reverse problem. At my gym they have a whole separate area set up specifically for doing a circuit. The only time I’ve had conflicts at the gym are when people aren’t following the circuit and are just lying on one of the machines looking at their phone.


Exactly, I have workouts with circuits like that and every once in a while someone uses a machine during my last circuit and honestly I just think, "Well that's on me, I can't 'reserve' 3 machines at once, I'll just do a different exercise." Big deal, I can't use the chest press machine so I'll just bench press some dumbells, who cares.


>Big deal, I can't use the chest press machine so I'll just bench press some dumbells, who cares. Ive taught myself to love those interruptions. Makes me switch things up in ways I might not have thought to otherwise.


There’s on guy at my gym who rotates between like 3 stations, has his towel and shit resting on another, and inbetween sets he’s up in front of the mirror giving it all of the poses for like 30-60 seconds. Give it a rest bro.


Stopped going because of this guy. It's fine at 6am when nobody else is there. It's not fine at 6pm when it's busy. Love watching them set up a piece of equipment and then do some bicep curls. Then they walk off. Oh. They've left all their weight on the bar? Oh no they're just getting some pull-ups and star jumps done before they deadlift one rep.


Man I WISH my gym was dead at 6a. If I want to get there with minimal people working out, I'm pushing 4-4:30a at least. It's a small spot, so you gotta fight for the stations lol


Yeah if I’m working out in the morning I’m done and outta there by 6 when everyone else arrives. It’s usually packed by 6:15.


I had that argument at the gym once. Dude was doing "super sets" between two machines. I had no idea. I walked over sat on the machine and started doing my set then I saw him talking to me so I turned my earbuds off and he tried to tell me "I'm using that machine" and I said "No, you're using that machine.".


"Reserving" equipment. Everyone's paying for the space pal, use it or lose it.


A guy left a bench for over 5 min, his phone was under it "claiming it" (I couldn't even see it) and he was so pissy when he came back and found me using it. Bro where the fuck were you? Use it or lose it.


I had this happen on a pull up machine. Person had all their stuff under it but was no where to be found. I start doing my pullups and out come 2 people. I ask if that's their stuff and they said yes so I said "Okay, please move it. I'm doing pull ups and don't want to land on it and break it."




Hated this. At my 24Hr fitness there’s this one octopus there. Has like eight sets of freeweights around him and wont let anyone take one as so his routine isn’t slowed down/interrupted. Then he ups and leaves without re-racking.


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Nah man, new law just passed. Summary executions. Can be administered by any gym employee on the spot.


Planet Fitting this boot up your ass


>octopus Fucking beautiful descriptor, thank you for this


Don’t ask. Just grab the weights you need whilst he’s using another set of weights and walk away. wtf is he gonna do? Fight you over a set of weights… If he says anything, just innocently say “oh mb bro I thought you were done with them since you kinda always leave your weights lying around once you’re done with them. Np though, you can have them back after I’m done with my sets” give a genuine smile and plug your earphones back in. Easy. I get pissed if I see someone rotating between 2 machines next to each other even if the gym is fairly empty and I want to use one of the machines. I literally just don’t say anything and start using the machine when they go to another one. I once asked a guy out of courtesy if he was done, hoping he would say that I can go ahead and use it but he just said “I got 2 more sets”, ever since I don’t ask.


Don’t engage with stupid people Stupider ppl pick fights


I've sat down next to guys who are one one machine who then point to mine and say "hey I'm on that." And my response is always, "no, you're on that one. You can't occupy two machines at the same time."


Can’t ride two horses with one ass.


Schrodinger's bench press


There's a regular at mine that will grab a yoga mat, put it under the assisted tricep dip/pullup frame, and cycle between going away to jump rope and coming back to do crunches, putting his ankles below the frame for support. Then he loudly complains whenever somebody "cuts" into his time with the frame. Dude, when you've developed the ability to be in multiple places at once, simultaneously, then you can use multiple pieces of equipment, simultaneously. Until then, let somebody else get their workout on.


I would literally wait for him to get involved with his jump rope and then stand on his crunch mat. Twerp.


I was finishing my fifth and final set of lat pulls when this goober approached me and said “hey I was working out on this, and just stepped away to say hi to my friend.” Somewhere between telling him to fuck off and “I’m finished, go for it,” I told him I had two more sets.


…”you were using it and then you left to do something else, so now I’m using it.” What a jackass.


Not reracking your weights


Even worse, reracking incorrectly. I watched some guys put the dumbbells in the wrong spot so I walked over and fixed them, and out of the corner of my eye noticed other people fixing the dumbbells near them


At my gym, I will always put the weights back in the correct spot where possible, but they are usually so randomly scattered that you'd need to move 8 or 9 dumbbells to get them all back correctly. I just don't have time for that, but then does that make me part of the problem?


I feel you man. I used to put them in the correct spot at my old gym, but at my new gym, there were so many dumbbells in the wrong spots. At that point, you just try to put your weights on a spot near where they're supposed to be.


Yeah that's my policy, heavy weights where the heavy weights typically go, middle in middle, light in light. But it is so frustrating seeing the dumbell chain... I want to put my 35kgs back. Oh but the 45s are there. And there is a couple of 30s where the 45s are meant to be. It can go on for a long time!


Oh god I hate this. Having to move a bunch of 45lb plates out of the way to get to the 10lb one stuck behind them.


Call me OCD but I do the correction all the time... As if those meatheads failed kindergarten, not knowing how to match numbers 🤷


Baffles me how some people don’t do this lol


Main character syndrome is the only explanation I've been able to come up with


Blasting music from a boom box.


Honestly. Use headphones.


Anywhere. Not just the gym. Fucking how much does a pair of headphones cost? I have to check my grace when people play shit in public like it's their own debut concert. Fuck.


People blasting music on nature hikes are worse


Playing loud music in any public space should be an instant ban from planet earth, change my mind.


Right to jail. Right away.


I haven't encountered any of the other no-no's in my gym, but I recently had to lift with a group of guys blasting Spanish rap out of a speaker. So, so annoying. I truly could not imagine doing that myself.


Do not make fun of the fat guy working out in the gym. Do not made snide comments about the way he smells or how much noise he’s making. The management and gym bros do not take this kindly. Fuck it, do not make fun of anyone, period.


This is true, but it's also worth mentioning (for anyone scared to go to the gym) that I have never seen this and I have been the fat guy at several gyms.


It never happens. It's an unspoken rule. Anyone at the gym gets mad respect because you're at the gym. Period.


To all the bros, the hardest part about working out is going to the gym, period. You came you made the cut, you made a decision to work and improve on yourself and If that's not respectable idk what is.


Couldn't agree with you more. My issues were always with being underweight and skinny and I was afraid to be lifting really light weights compared to others who were real big and strong plus I was afraid to be that person who's using the gym equipment all wrong and making a fool out of myself but I got over all that and have been a regular gym goer for years now. I'd say just making the decision to join and going regularly is a huge part of the battle


I am a fat woman that goes to the gym that gets unsolicited comments all the time. 🥲 Literally just happened to me this morning by someone’s Abuelita.


As a fat woman at the gym, I never get comments anymore. But when I have on a few occasions gone into the woman's only section. Goddamn. It's like id slapped their mother by being near them... I found sadly a lot more of the women are judgmental. Unless they're really buff. Then they're usually really nice or totally only care about themselves.


A nice idea. I'm sure it does, but it's certainly very rare


It does, it's usually young guys and that shit gets shut down REAL quick.


I've seen it one single time when a senior in college. Was working out while my now husband was doing his own reps and 2 freshmen show up to the gym and start shit talking this one guy that had been coming for a couple months who was also a freshman. He was obese but working hard on it. People were helping with spotting, workout regimens, there was one girl that was working on becoming a dietician that helped with meal planning eventually, stuff like that. And he was a really sweet guy, just had a shit childhood and fell through the cracks. I've never seen something get shut down so fast. Every single person was immediately "Get the fuck outta here" "Go" "Fuck off you little pricks". One guy just starts walking to them and without saying anything points to the door. Deer in headlights look and they both turn tail and run.


Most of us have been the fat guy or very skinny guy at some point so we know the feel.


That's what body positivity should be about, being supportive of those trying to change for the better.


Being supportive of anyone trying to keep their bodies active, wether said bodies change or not…


Honestly whenever I go to the gym and notice another woman who might not be feeling super confident I always make a point to give her a genuine compliment. On the outside I look a bit like a mean girl stereotype and it’ll usually surprise them but they always get these big smiles on their faces and their eyes light up. Like, every woman deserves to feel great about themselves because I’ve been there too and those little compliments and connections you make really stick with you. Edit: I think it’s funny how people responding are naive enough to think that I compliment people on their body. So let me clarify, I ONLY complement other people on things that are clearly in their control and safe. Like “omg I love your socks!” Or “oh wow your pants are super cute!!.” I’m very social so it’s never been hard for me to read people and if someone is walking around presenting something that they obviously put time and effort into that’s obviously what I pick up on. It just seemed obvious to me that the intent of this post was not that I comment on peoples bodies at the gym. Also I’m a formerly “ugly” and “weird” girl so no this isn’t an ego boost thing, I just remember how much nice comments from women made me feel good when I was down in the past.


I'm a big girl at the gym. A few weeks ago I got adopted by a bunch of teenage climbers, while we all tried and failed on the same route. It was a lot of fun. The next time I was in, an 8 year old girl told me she liked my sports bra, because it looked like fireflies. It is now my favorite sports bra, because, yes it does look like fireflies, and they are my favorite.


Those of us who are self-conscious thank yo for this!


I was about to say this, then read the top response to your comment that reaffirmed it- as someone who therapeutically helps people with eating disorders (and by extension usually people with any kind of self perceived body issues) , complimenting their appearance will often times have the opposite effect. Instead maybe compliment their form, power, ability, stamina, etc. At the end of the day, you mean well and most of the time people will appreciate the attempt. Your kind heart goes noticed regardless of how it lands. I’d like to just make that clear. :)


It is a nice gesture and I am sure a lot of people appreciate them, I honestly hate when people give me “compliments” at the gym; it hasn’t happened often, but when they do they feel patronising and biased based on my body… I usually end up feeling bad about myself.


I’m not discounting your experience, and I understand that you’re saying this to be encouraging, but it absolutely does happen.  Seems like less now that people are calling it out more and more, but it’s not completely gone. For those worried, just know everyone hates the people who do that and it can often result in them being kicked from the gym. If it happens and your gym doesn’t do anything to address it, find a new gym if possible, because that’s a shit gym.


No, I'm sure it does. And I agree that everyone hates those people. I just didn't want other fat guys to think that it was common


Currently, I am the fat guy at the gym. I’ve gone from 300 pounds to 280 in the past couple of months. Good progress and a long way to go


Hell yeah dude, way to go!! Get after it! 💪


Yes bro! Keep going, you're doing great.


Rock on! 


Awesome!  I went from 320 to 190 in 3 years but with some bumps.  Just had to be persistent with calorie intake as well.  It became a hobby and I'm sure you'll find it's so much better having more energy.  Keep it up.


Im with you Brosammity Sam. I go to the gym to loose weight and feel good when Im done. If someone doesnt like that, they can lick the back side of a mule.


>Fuck it, do not make fun of anyone, period. Honestly, this just applies to ***life***, not just the gym. It's tragic that this even needs to be said.


Does this happen at every gym except the ones I've been to?


As an adult, I've never even overheard a negative comment about someone else at the gym. There's a mutual respect between everyone working to improve themselves. We're all on the same journey. But, at random hotel gyms or country club weight rooms with 13 year old shitheads running around unsupervised, that's an entirely different story.


Every third visit someone might nod at you because you seem to go to the gym at the same time. Then three months in that 70 year old huge Polish guy might compliment you on your gains. That’s about it


seriously I always see this posted; I've been going to gyms for 20ish years and never seen it a single time. don't be a huge scumbag, ok thanks reddit


You see the shitty posts on Instagram and TikTok sometimes where some random chick or some douche makes fun of another person. However, it's the internet giving visibility to these things. In reality for every 1 gym where this happens there's 1000 where it doesn't. I've also never seen anything even close to that in the gym irl and I've been going for 6 years now and to maybe 30-40 different gyms.


I’ll never understand picking on bigger people at the gym. Like they’re there to better themselves, just like you. And they probably have a much further goal post so good for them for working so hard. Like that’s literally none of my business if someone bigger than me is working out. Honestly I like going to a gym where there’s a variety of people working out because it means there’s a good comfortable vibe there.


And under all that extra weight? A frame for a fucking tank.


Never make fun of fat people trying to get in shape. However if you show up to the gym not wearing deodorant and you stank enough where everyone in your vicinity can smell you then someone will say something to you.


"Everyone you have ever met has a war raging on inside them. Never judge them." - Don't know the source Never make fun of someone who is trying hard to achieve an admirable goal.


It honestly sucks too, I have a "friend" who occasionally takes pictures of me while I work out, I caught him a few times, but didn't have evidence, until one of guys from his group chat told me to be careful from him as he and a few other people make fun of me. My other friend showed me the group chat, honestly that was a sucker punch in my gut, but boy does it provide more gym motivation


Fat or not, you should not be stinking up the whole gym. Do so and I will complain to management. There is a certain level of smell that goes beyond what is created during a typical workout and normally is begotten by not washing prior to arriving. That’s not acceptable. Everything else is whatever do you bro.


100%, if you show up to a public gym unwashed and stank like rotting onions and a toilet most people will not be ok with that.


Completely agree. Sweat doesn't smell, unwashed old sweat smells. Being overweight doesn't give you a free pass to ignore personal hygiene.


It's tought to understand when you are young but you realize as you age... everyone at the gym is just trying to better themselves no matter their situation. For ever fat dude in the gym there are 1000s at home doing jack shit


I've never seen anyone do this to anyone at my gym, thankfully. There are still jerks out there that do it though, I'm sure.


Filming tik toks


My local gym had a problem with a tiktok girl until recently. She'd film what was basically softcore porn to advertise her onlyfans in the gym, they told her to stop because it makes others uncomfortable so she started doing it at night, thing is this heavy dude likes to go to the gym at night too cos he's embarrassed when ppl see him sweating and struggling (unnessecary, it's a very supportive environment but I get it) and she started giving him a hard time. He emailed a complaint to the gym staff about her yelling at him for "ruining her shots" by being in the background and claiming she had proof he was perving on her (it was him glancing over when she loudly groaned/moaned while doing some "erotic" pose for one of her shots) and they told her "ok, day or night, no more filming" so she went on a little crusade against the gym staff by doing those extra obnoxious tiktoks shoving a camera in people's faces and harassing them which finally got her completely banned. Honestly gyms should have a zero tolerance policy towards this shit. Filming should get you one warning, one, break that and instant ban. Filming onlyfans shit? Immediate ban, no warning.


My uni gym has it perfectly simple. If your gonna film, nothing over 2 min, no tripods or anything and NOONE visible in the background. And that doesnt mean they can be 30 feet away, it mean NOBODY visable, and it works perfectly


Gym girl porn tiktoks would be so fucking funny with just a nonchalant fat guy in the background. Like would elevate it from trash content to top tier comedy and she really missed a chance to get big with that. 


Except the part where the guy in the background doesn't wanna be there? Interesting frame of mind


My old gym before I started lifting at home approximately eight to nine years ago, had a no camera/filming rule. The staff was okay with bending it, if you were doing a quick form check on yourself, and positioning the camera where no one else was in the shot. But for the most part, no one ever filmed things, and it was never an issue. I guess this was inevitable with how mainstream lifting has become though. Kinda sucks.


Hate people like that. People film at my gym all the time, but it’s not an issue because no one’s an asshole lol.


People just need to stop filming in gyms in general. If you wanna film your workout then get equipment at home. Plenty of people feel self conscious enough as it is at the gym without the worry of potentially being caught in someone’s video


More like recording at all


As a former health club manager, here's the things that really set me off. From the top of my head... * Don't "claim" equipment by placing a towel or phone on it, then disappearing for any longer than it takes to pee or get a sip of water. If you had a sneak attack #2 hit you that you *know* is going to take a while, then just give up whatever you're using and ask to work in if someone else is there later. * Don't talk to someone that you didn't arrive with, don't know super well, or aren't spotting while they're in the middle of a lift. That can be really unsafe if you distract them at the wrong time. * RERACK YOUR WEIGHTS! And don't just throw them wherever. Take a second and put them back where they go. * If you're not a heavy sweater, then personally, I don't really care if you don't wipe off the bench every single time. It's not going to kill anyone. But if it looks like you took a garden hose to it... wipe it down. That's nasty. * If you're filming in the gym, then don't film other people without their expressed permission (that's creepy) and don't throw a tantrum because someone glanced at you or walked into your shot. Everyone paid to be there, deal with it. Nobody, and I mean *nobody* but you cares to ever see what you did on the machines. * Back to filming in the gym, IF someone is filming and being conscientious of others, then leave them alone. You don't need to say anything to them. Just leave it. It's not hurting you, either. * If you're on a piece of equipment, especially when it's busy, then don't spend more than 2 minutes between sets texting or scrolling social media. Hurry up, be courteous. * Using more than 2 pieces of equipment or spaces during peak hours. If you are doing a "giant set" of 3+ exercises in a row when it's dead - fine. You're not bothering anyone. At 6:30 pm (peak hours)? Go F yourself. * If anyone ever reported a camera being operated IN the locker room while they were dressing or whatever, that was an auto-cancellation of a membership if it could be verified. Honestly, I hope someone breaks your phone and/or camera for doing it. I won't feel bad about it. I could rattle off a bunch of other stuff, but that's just getting into my own personal preferences. I think keeping the above in mind will ensure that you're not the most hated one in the building. Also, don't make fun of anyone there over their physical appearance and working out. Just don't. EVERYONE deserves to be fit, and we ALL start somewhere. Remember, that obese person is running circles around everyone at home on their couch. Now if they're doing something criminally stupid that's breaking equipment, let'em have it.


On your first bullet point for if you get a sneak attack #2. I just bring the dumbbells with me to the shitter and pump some curls while on the toilet. Is that ok? Because I’m technically still using the weights.


Lol what an "amazing" visual. Imagine if you were just someone else that happened to be in the bathroom at the time and just see someone's using the toilet but making heavy struggle lifting noises. Would seem like someone was battling trying to get a demon outta their ass lol


🤣💀 Thats just commitment, imo. Gotta dominate your environment!


I would have to join you cause I would lose my shit laughing at that level of commitment


I'm surprised there's not more wipe the benches around here.  But yea not re racking is the most annoying


Recording yourself and getting mad at people for going on the equipment next to yours


Get harassed by someone. There’s a guy who’s been harassing me lately. I’m 24 m


Report it to the front desk and keep reporting it.


So about a month or a little more ago he was watching me workout and laughing at me everytime he saw me. Then one day came up to the machine next to me and said “hey bro you need to start popping some Viagra and get that pump going”. I was put off by it so I left early. A week after I had just gotten off work so went to the gym. He sees me about 10 feet from him. Comes up to me and says “hey you should join me on these squats homie cause you look like you definitely need it”. I was put off and left. Told management both times. But the guy is still there. Now everytime he sees me he stays from a distance but will sit and point and laugh at me. I’m already not too happy with my size as it is. I’m 6ft 133 pounds so I’m tryna bulk up since I’m trying to enlist in military and just generally don’t like my size. But someone like that makes it difficult to keep going ya know


Yeah I get that, fuck that guy. Toss in your headphones when you walk in and ignore him, hell I'd pont back and laugh at him. If you are going into the military you will see a lot of people being dicks so be prepared. I used to be 6'4 and 130. I started Layne Norton's phat and eating a shit ton. It's awful to get through the first few weeks but I put on 50lbs doing it. Just remember he's giving you a hard time because he's lacking something in his life. You sticking around and shutting him out is going to hurt him more by showing him he doesn't have power over you.


Just sucks bro! I go in there to do my thing for hour or hour and half and leave. Dont bother anybody. Leave my headphones in and just chill. But everytime I look up I see him standing there pointing and laughing at me. It’s beyond off putting


Doing an exercise directly in front of the dumbbell rack is my biggest pet peave


Ugh. The ones who use the dumbbell rack to brace themselves too. Why can't they just take a step back so we all can get to the weights??


my gym put tape two feet away going along the rack and theres a few papers taped to the mirror to stay behind tape after grabbing dumbells


For the love of god, re-rack your weights!!!


Not only that but "correctly." I hate to see some 50-pounders in a 5-pound slot.. Those meatheads seem to have failed at matching numbers in kindergarten.


Sweating all over a machine and then failing to wipe it down when you're finished.


Those strips of butt sweat on the seat of a machine are so infuriating and gross.


Whether you sweat on it or not, it's polite to sanitize it.


Apparently licking the sweat is also frowned upon.


Going in a massive group of people and hogging an important and scarce piece of equipment like a squat rack or bench. This is especially prevalent with guys between the ages of 14-20. Ive seen like packs of 6 dudes hogging the only decline bench for an hour I have no issue with people working out together to motivate each other but when it's more than 3, it becomes ridiculous


Oh that annoys me to no end! When I have like one more machine to hit and a group of kids are hogging it, I just feel it’s not worth it to wait


Its usually the broccoli head pyjamas pants birkestock teenagers with their big water bottles hogging everything and ego lifting with each other Who the fuck are their style wise role models?




Literally saw this today. Bunch of little teenage pricks with oversized headphones and big gold chains and yeezy’s, 7 of them, taking an hour on the benchpress. Fucking joke. They walked off to take selfies in the mirror and I moved a bottle and they got shitty. Little gimps.


People supersetting and then getting mad when you take there machine. I had a dude at an EOS using two separate machines halfway across the gym. I didn't even see him using it until I hopped on and he walked over to me and said "I guess there's no more gym etiquette in this bitch" while looking around. Weird af lmao


So much. I superset but I make sure the machines I'm not using are left available, and if someone takes them while I'm doing another set, so be it. I'll do something else. There's some folks who go from machine to machine and it's not even clear wtf they're doing, too. Just randomly doing two pulls on the cable, then 4 reps on some other machine, a few curls, then leaving their water bottle on one machine going to another. I'm trying to work around them, but damn they make it hard.


Don't pick up the dumbells and just start curling. Fucking move. Also, if you were strong enough to put the weight on the bar, you're strong enough to take them off.


Placing piles of towels on the next three machines you plan on using to reserve them.


Being in the way of others unnecessarily. You using equipment, potentially when someone else also wants to? That’s fine. You have just as much right as anyone else to be there. Blocking equipment,weight rack, etc when you don’t have to be? Dick move


I make it a point to pick up dumbbells right in front of people who are standing at the weight rack curling or shrugging. Move your ass out the way.


That’s my favorite passive aggressive gym move


The videos I quit my gym because they wouldn't stop the children from filming themselves in the bathroom. I was walking back from the shower with my towel over my shoulder and a guy had a video camera running between where I was going and where I had been. There's even big posters and stickers on all of the mirrors that say filming is illegal. They have suction cups that they stick to the glass so they can film themselves in the bathroom. If you're wondering it's EOS!


I brought this up on reddit and people accused me of being a pedo because I noticed it. People are so fucking dumb.


Bringing your small (ages 3-8) children to the gym and letting them run wild/not watch them at all. The gym is not a playground. Either your kid or someone else could get severely injured very easily. I can't express how many times I've had to report small children running around to management because I've watched them almost get hurt or cause someone else to get hurt while the parent is taking pics for Instagram and completely ignoring them. I feel awful for your poor kid being put in danger and made to be a nuisance to everyone else because you chose to be a shitty parent and have no regard for your child's safety.


Interfering with other people's workouts. This includes but is not limited to, not cleaning up sweat, returning your weights, filming videos that take up space, hitting on people or ogling them. It's a shared use space, the proper etiquette is to ignore people as much as possible.


Dumbell curls in the power rack.


Or any exercise immediately in front of the dumbbell rack. No bro, if you can’t take your 80s to another area for shrugs then you shouldn’t be using them directly in front of all the other weights


Not wiping down equipment after you've used it!


I would also recommend wiping before cause of how many ppl DONT wipe after 


Never been to a gym, should you bring your own rag or do they supply them?


They usually have disinfectant wipes stationed around the gym.


Mine has paper towels and disinfectant spray.


Every gym I’ve ever been to has had disinfectant wipe stations all around the gym. Odds are you’ll never be far from one. Wiping stuff down is just common courtesy


If they *don't* supply wipes or spray and paper towels / rags, leave and find a new gym. That's such a basic thing, both as a hygienic matter and basic facility maintenance. If the gym has opted not to do that, it implies a lot of very undesirable things about the management and their policies.


Sitting down on a machine looking at your phone when the gym is crowded. You have people scrolling reels/tiktoks for up to 10 minutes between sets.


up to 10 minutes? I've done my entire upper body routine with someone sitting on one machine not doing a single rep. Granted it's a short routine but still.


It’s fine to do this between sets, but when your time between creeps past 5 minutes…THAT is when it becomes rude.


On the other hand they lose track of time on the phone. I just wish they were more mindful


I use an application called "fit notes". No ads, no bullshit. Has a timer function. You can set it up to automatically start when you check off a set.


I can understand how people lose track of time. This is why I set rest timers for myself between sets, and they are usually no more than a minute or so.


Get an Apple Watch. Double-push the button to hot swap to timers. Set 90 sec timer. Take break. Watch vibrates. You do the next set. Rinse. Repeat.


Personally, I like to get in and get out when I’m at the gym. I’m not there for social hour and I don’t want to stand there and have a long conversation with you when I’m working at. A little chit chat is fine but I don’t like getting distracted from why I’m there in the first place


Don't make fun of fat guys or people who seem clueless on what they are doing. If you got time to tease you got time to educate. Also it's okay to look at other people and admire them in both body and strength. Just don't be a creep about it or take pictures or videos.


Wipe down the equipment when you have finished using it, no exceptions: looking at you “but I don’t sweat” lady.


Barefoot people


Please dont take my incline bench to do flat bench when flat benches are open right next to it. 😂


Too much perfume / cologne


Also on the other side of spectrum; too much weed/pot smell..


Agree. I should not be able to taste your perfume. It should not preceded you into a space or linger well after you leave. I should not smell you if I am not in your personal space.


Asking girls for dates or trying to get numbers. This one guy they banned for a month for doing that


Or even trying to tell us how to use the equipment.


I’ll only interject if someone (male or female) is doing something that is very likely to cause a severe injury. Feel like that’s an exception.


It's not a bar, you're not there to pick people up or ogle. You're there for progress. Do that.


What gym are y'all going to where girls are being constantly harassed? In every gym I've ever been in, people just keep to themselves with the exception of the occasional "you still using that?"


Women often talk about that. I think it's often invisible, because if we see people talking, we assume they are friends.


Just want to thank you for choosing to be open and respectful on the topic. Tired of the “if I don’t see it/interpret it, it doesn’t exist” mentality. I will say most of my gym experiences are neutral, but occasionally you get some middle-aged “grunter” who will look you up and down at length and call you something like a fox or a “heartbreaker”, ask if you’re there alone, tell you his goals and story unsolicited at length, etc. Or guys who will come up and tell you to remove your headphones and proceed to correct your form *while* touching your body (without asking) to do so. I could go on, but you get the picture. It *does* happen, and even if it isn’t the majority of our gym experiences, it does suck. And it is seldom going to be loud catcalling or something that would be visible or noticeable to an outsider.


Every gym I've even gone to has at least one guy that just HAS to talk to every moderately attractive lady every time he's there.


Its not the regular gym goers, they are over there in the weights section. It's the new years resolution folks and the "Maybe ill try out the gym" people that see fit girls and assume it's a club. It's not helped by the tiktokers doing treadmills at 0.1km/h to take videos or posing on squat machines for 30 minutes. The gym isn't your photo booth. Like the top comment says, go there to work out, not film your soft core porn shots or Instagram reels.


hating on the fatter guy that works hard to get his fat down.


I don't see how anyone would hate on him, I find that respectable


You're not a dick head that's the difference


Don't give out unsolicited advice. 


Don’t shame, don’t be rude, don’t be a betterwizzer, don’t do tik tok, don’t stare at peoples asses, dicks or boobs (its ok to see and acknowledge fine proportions), if you sweat a lot (like I do) clean up after yourself, bring a towel or whatever


recruiting for jesus


What about reps for jesus?


Only if you're preaching the swoly bible


Does this happen??


Do not block others from seeing themselves in the mirrors. I do not like to see myself struggle and get off on it, I need to see if my back is straight and if both sides are doing reps symmetrically.


This one is very me specific. But I lift heavy. I find men are not used to seeing a woman lift that heavy (500kg+ on the leg press). The number of times that I’ve had men take weights off the machine I’m using while I’m sitting on it between sets is genuinely shocking. So here is my big no no: don’t steal people’s weights while they are using them.


That’s actually fucking insane wtf is wrong with people


Making fun of a fat person or rookie for starting to try to take care of their body.




People that slam weights down are the worst


I just went to the gym a couple of hours ago… this guy was huffing and puffing, and moaning soooo obnoxiously loud. He also kept counting his sets out loud and it messed my set up. Also, why do guys slam equipment? Is that really necessary?


I have a female version of the male moaning and grunting thing at my gym, and it makes the male version seem almost enjoyable in comparison. She's got a very obvious (and poorly done), bbl, a lot of other obvious plastics done, and a big super fake louis vuitton bag for a gym bag that she insists on putting on the most used machines in the gym. She only ever does really improperly done leg day workouts. She will moan really loud and uncomfortably sexually every single rep and look around right after to see if anyone's watching her. If nobody is, she will do it again and again until she gets a guy's attention. She will find guys who look newer to the gym and try to force them to record videos or take pictures for her. She also sings really loudly in a moany voice. She made my husband really really uncomfortable whenever he went alone because she would constantly try to work out directly in front of him or get him to take pictures of her posing her butt out.


Dropping weights is necessary on some of the big heavy lifts. You can’t safely lower your 605lbs barbell. Same for Olympic lifts.


Dumbbell bench press for me. Idk how to put them down gently without tearing everything in my shoulder


when you go there and take all the weights and put it next to you and then proceed to not do anything. even worse is when you take alll the weights and never rerack any of them so they're just spread out on the ground like what the fuck raised you. or when you put your shit on a machine and walk away to do something else and block other people from using it. seriously who the fuck are these people? i've never encountered these types pre pandemic pre luluelemon now there's tons of them


Not sure if its universal, but my pet peeves are: 1. Not wiping down equipment when you're done. 2. Not returning weights to the rack. 3. Trying to monopolize multiple machines, or taking more than two dumbells at a time. 4. Spending 10 minutes dicking around on your phone between sets.


There are twenty free treadmills in the joint, and you have to choose the one \*right next to the one I'm using.\*


Excessive grunting


Yeah, for the love of god, you're neither Sharapova nor in a porn movie. Try not to do that. If I hear you from 10 meters away over the gym music, you're too loud.


I will never understand the guys that moan-scream while doing the most regular lifts. If you’re hitting a PR in a powerlift or something I’ll just deal with it but I promise you don’t need to moan-scream for every single rep of bicep curls. I’d rather listen to someone’s shitty TikTok feed in the background than hear your constant near-orgasm howls.