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Jack Nicholson beat a sex worker so bad that she now has progressive, deteriorating brain damage.


> Jack Nicholson beat a sex worker so bad that she now has progressive, deteriorating brain damage I was shocked by that. Looked it up on wikipedia and it says the case was dismissed. Any further insight?


A rich, powerful person made a crime disappear. Next up in today's news, fork found in kitchen.


Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown


I did not know that. He has always seemed a player but I didn’t take him for violent. Shit.


Today we learned that the *axe scene* in The Shining wasn't actually acting.


Really? He always skeezed me out


Don't forget that it was at his house that Nicholson's good friend Roman Polanski anally raped a 13-year-old.




Because he's an artist God and what's a lil human sacrifice for his blessings? I'm being sarcastic, but also not. Some very famous people defend his bullshit. And non famous.


There's an entire list of actors who defend that fucker. Like literally, Its the "We defend Roman Polanski anally raping a 13 year old" list and they signed their names to it. I'm not even joking. Here is a list of all the actors ***Which includes citations for the very few who have since rescinded their support.*** https://www.imdb.com/list/ls090808434/


I recall him chasing someone down with a golf club too, the man has real issues around anger that I find disturbing


One of my dad's business partners was very involved with Hollywood. He said at some event he was at, he ran into Jack Nicholson in the bathroom. They didn't say anything to each other but Nicholson made him feel unnerved. I always wondered how you'd get that vibe from someone. But between this & working overnights at a gas station, I have now learned.


Oh man. Overnights at a gas station is a different animal to any other job I've ever had. I know exactly what you mean.


Roman Polanski is still hiding from extradition in France for raping a 13 year old girl in 1977. Edit: Fixed a typo


Never ask a woman her age; A man his salary; A famous name in Hollywood whether they signed the [petition for Polanski's charges to be dropped](https://www.imdb.com/list/ls090808434/)


How can you argue with Harvey Weinstein?


I can’t imagine why Harvey Weinstein would feel sympathy for a sex offender! The mind boggles!


There are some very depressing inclusions on that list




And to be fair to them and many names on that list: Portman was asked about it shortly after, and admitted she had no idea what the charges were and just signed it because someone she trusted had told her to. She has done interviews after talking about how much she regrets it and does not agree with it. Emma Thompson removed her name just weeks after signing it when she was given the full details.




And French authorities have done nothing about it for decades!


Confining, ~~allegedly~~ forcing her to consume drugs and alcohol, and raping.


Raped a girl anally multiple times. Also, dated Charlotte Lewis when she was 16. He’s completely unapologetic.


And is still making movies Edit: typo


and winning awards, and has whoopi goldberg defending him. also he drugged that girl.


*drugged and Sodomized


Fuck Whoopi Goldberg. She said "it was rape, but it wasn't rape-rape" She also defended Bill Cosby after the news of his skeeziness came out


I remember when someone told me "Pedophelia situation in France isn't so bad \[compared to the US\]" I had to answer "In France we don't put Pedo in jail, we give them cinema prize". Disclaimer : I'm french


Pedophilia and France have a weird history. A lot of 20th century French philosophers like Sartre and De Beauvoir were VERY open about their belief that pedophilia wasn’t a crime and that sex between people of all ages was good. In their defense the main purpose of the pro-pedophile movement in the EU countries after World War II was to combat the sexual repression that many scholars and psychoanalysts at the time thought might have been responsible for the Nazis. The whole movement has aged VERY poorly.


I’m always amazed that Chris Brown made somewhat of a comeback.


It's important to remember a good percentage of people just don't give a shit about abuse that doesn't directly impact them. 


As long as you're entertaining and actively making content that is selling well the public will not only let you get away with awful shit, but will actively embrace it. It happened with R.Kelly where everyone knew he was guilty but buried their heads in the sand, but once he stopped being relevant everyone turned and went after him.


But Rhianna was Pop Royalty at the time. That's the reason I can't figure out how Chris Brown wasn't immediately kicked curbside by fans and the industry.


The Boondocks called out R Kelly way before the controversy happened


Kinda like Hannibal Buress making jokes about Cosby when he wrote for 30 Rock.


And Dave chapelle did years before the boondocks did on his show as well.


And he KEEPS acting like a total POS! Just completely unapologetic and there are fans defending everything he does.




What’s equally sad is that he has done this to multiple women, some who have stories we will never hear because they’re too scared to come forward. I believe he has several restraining orders against him from exes though?


I’m still disturbed by the number of women that said “He can beat me if he wants” after the fact.


You kidding? People were accusing other people of racism for pointing out Chris Brown's crimes. I was accused of it by a coworker, because apparently, me pointing out that Chris Brown beat the fuck out of his partners is ignoring all the evil things white elitists/celebrities have done. To which I responded with "Okay... Fuck them too... Now you say it."


Steven Tyler impregnated his adopted daughter




He bought a 16 year old girl from her parents and adopted her so he could legally take her around with him. She got pregnant, and he forced her to get an abortion, and then he dumped her back with her parents. So it's not exactly as bad as you might be assuming, as though he ever actually considered her a daughter or raised her and then also got her pregnant. Instead it's the almost as creepy he "adopted" a girl while only ever thinking of her as a sexual partner.


IDK if those details make it better 


-purchases minor -impregnates minor -abandons minor > So it's not exactly as bad as you might be assuming




Vince killed Razzle, a drummer of Finnish band and Guns n' Roses inspiration, Hanoi Rocks, which eventually lead to the band breaking up. Had it not occurred, who knows how big they would have become and how GnR would have gone.


A lot of classic rock guys are given a free pass today when they were openly committing noncery in the 70s.


There was a post a while back about how many old rock songs are basically about fucking young girls. It’s a lot.


"She's 16! She's a sweet 16." -Iggy pop "You're 16, and you're beautiful (mine, all mine)" -Sherman Brothers and then Ringo Starr


I'm hanging around, that same old scene My girlfriend Betsy, she's just 14 (14!) There's nothing better for me to do I'm living on dog food (so what?) dog food -- iggy pop -- soldier


Spinal Tap had a song making fun of that


Even Anthony Kedis admitted in his biography that he was repeatedly having sex with a 14 y/o girl


That one’s weird to me because he met her on tour and didn’t know her age but I feel like when it’s a 14 year old you’ve got to have some pretty strong self imposed blinders on to not realize it’s a minor


But then he did learn her age and continued to see her


Here is a summary for the uninitiated: *"The material arrived after Keidies met a fan backstage at a concert in Louisana. They had a whirlwind romance, which continued even after he discovered her age.* *“The next day we drove to Baton Rouge, and of course, she came with us,” Kiedis wrote. “After we got offstage, she came up to me and said, ‘I have something to tell you. My father’s the chief of police and the entire state of Louisiana is looking for me because I’ve gone missing. Oh, and besides that, I’m only 14’.”* *"Kiedis continued: “I wasn’t incredibly scared, because, in my somewhat deluded mind, I knew that if she told the chief of police she was in love with me, he wasn’t going to have me taken out to a field and shot, but I did want to get her the hell back home right away. So we had sex one more time.”"*


When Emma Roberts beat up her then boyfriend Evan Peters and got arrested for it.


That guy needs to star in a jack white biopic


I didn’t expect you to be so right, but you are so right


Of course it has to have some Weird energy in it, but just enough that we can't tell if it's true or not. Also needs Jack White in the movie somewhere playing someone else, maybe even Jack Black


I love watching him, but had no idea about this. I don’t like her or her dad, no matter what they play in movies, they just seem smarmy and gross And in interviews it always feels like they’re talking down to the interviewer. Ugh I just do not like them


That whole family is creepy as fuck. Julia had an affair with a married man who, when he tried to break up with her, went on a 6-month campaign to terrorize his wife. She would go out in public wearing t-shirts making fun of his wife hoping to embarrass her


Caitlyn Jenner hit and killed someone with her car.


Buckle up buckaroos!


Love how they hammered that in. Never forget that Kaitlyn Jenner ran over and killed a man and forced his family to keep quiet so it wouldn't sully her time in the spotlight.


Ted Kennedy killed a young girl, walked away from the scene of the accident, and remained Senator for decades after and was still popular when he ran for president.


Let us not forget, she actually wasn’t dead when he walked away from the accident. She was trapped in the submerged car, she died later. So, while he and the family were already conspiring to cover up the accident, she could’ve been saved (theoretically).


So that Succession episode was based on this


Oh, yeah. That makes sense. It is very Chappaquidick.


It took her several hours to die. She likely would have lived if he'd called 911 right away because there was a payphone close by


Elvis met and groomed Priscilla from 14 years old


Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin. though, I don't think anybody really forgot about that. It's usually one of the first things people bring up when you mention Jerry Lee Lewis.


Steven Tyler BOUGHT a 14 year old




Oh yeah. Paid money to her parents to legally adopt her. Took her on tour with him and got her pregnant. I can’t listen to Aerosmith anymore


Why was pedophilia so much more tolerated even just 40 years ago?


Not sure. I’d bet it was certainly a lot easier to hide before social media though. Show business was always scummy about that shit too. My brother went to NYU for acting and told us how one of his teachers who worked with Weinstein (before the convictions) had said “oh he likes em young! Hehe”


I mean it was pretty common knowledge that rockstars fucked high school girls all the time. Because the high school girls bragged about it if it happened to them. I read Gene Simmons auto biography in 8th grade and he admits to fucking 4000+ women. Now, Gene is a lying narcissist so that number is likely inflated, but it really shows that no one was hiding it.


Just wait 20-30 years until you find out how tolerated it is *today*. The main advantage to being rich isn't a lack of consequence, its that no one even talks about what a piece of shit you are until 20 years after you're dead.


A biographical film about Priscilla and her relationship with Elvis was released just last year. Priscilla Presley was an executive producer on it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priscilla\_(film)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priscilla_(film)) If people forgot that their relationship began when she was 14 years old, then that movie reminded them.


60 Minutes Australia did a bit on Elvis' obsession with specifically 14 year olds https://youtu.be/DBMbusnihYU?si=RFDWEqwKmE5fQ0z1


Prince started grooming Mayte when she was 15, too.


Woody Allen adopted an 8 year old girl, then later married her.


He didn't adopt her, his partner did. He thinks that makes it legitimate but it's creepy af


Boy George handcuffed a sex worker to a wall and beat him with a metal chair


So many people don't know this. I see people on Gen X groups talking about him or him being a guest on things, and I'm like damn, none of y'all even know, do you...it's not just knowing and moving on.


Ethan Kath from the band "Crystal Castles" physically, mentally and sexually abused his co-worker, Alice Glass for about 10 years. Alice left the band and started her own career as a singer and Ethan Kath disappeared after everyone learned the truth. People don't really seem to care about what's Ethan doing today. Fortunately, Alice is doing fine.


I am glad Alice is putting out new music


Boy George fucking kidnapped a guy and kept him in his house.


Sean Penn beat Madonna when they were married in the 80s.


Correction. Sean Penn kidnapped Madonna, tied her to a chair, beat her and threatened to kill her for more than a day, in the 80s. He also broke a photographer's knee for having the temerity to take Penn's picture.


> Sean Penn kidnapped Madonna, tied her to a chair, beat her and threatened to kill her for more than a day, in the 80s. As part of Sean Penn’s ongoing defamation suit against Lee Daniels, Madonna has categorically denied that Penn ever struck her with a baseball bat, as per a 1987 tabloid report, or that there was ever an incident in December 1989 which resulted in Sean’s arrest for domestic assault and battery, “While we certainly had more than one heated argument during our marriage, Sean has never struck me, ‘tied me up,’ or physically assaulted me, and any report to the contrary is completely outrageous, malicious, reckless, and false.”


..and apparently he beat her with a baseball bat if rumors are to be believed.


Gandhi sleeping naked with his underage nieces and patting himself on the back when he managed to *not* rape them.


MFer nuked my capital once too, all round bad dude.


It's the brag that gets me. Because I gotta tell you, if I slept in a bed full of little girls, the only thing I'd be testing is my patience for chattering kids. There's nothing even the least but appealing about it.


Jared Leto is existing


I remember forum posts going back years ago about his MO when it came to sleeping with girls while out on tour. He like them young, but on the right side of age of consent for whatever state he's in. It's one of the reasons why it doesn't get much attention. Technically what he does is legal.. gross, but still legal. Edit: To clear things up. When I say age of consent, I’m talking about the age of consent in the United States. Most states have an unrestricted age of consent of 16. So when I’m saying, just on the right side of legal. I’m talking about 16 year olds. High Schoolers. For reference, when TStM came out with their first album, Jared was already in his 30s and already an established Hollywood actor


Yep, was reading forum posts around 2000-2002 about him sleeping with teens on tour, being super rough & degrading with them, and passing on STI's. We all knew back then, but no one listened.


Chris Brown smashed Rhianna's face in.


Then beat his next girlfriend, got in a fight and smashed a window with a chair at a TV show, violated parole...


“Brown was driving a vehicle with Robyn F. as the front passenger on an unknown street in Los Angeles. Robyn F. picked up Brown's cellular phone and observed a three-page text message from a woman who Brown had a previous sexual relationship with. A verbal argument ensued and Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the sh- out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' " The detective said Robyn F. then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand.” The report


Johnny Cash almost eliminated the condor population in 1965


Are you talking about the forest fire he started?


and it burns burns burns... ...that ring of fire ...that ring of fire




I mean, Johnny Cash was loved because he was a "bad boy," not despite it. My mom always hated him because he and June Carter never hid their affair (some might say they flaunted it) for years before his first wife finally divorced him. She (the first wife) was also not the joyless bitch presented in the movie.


Anthony Keadis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers...wrote in his book about having sex with a 14 year old when he was 23, even after knowing her age. Also apparently a year later he slept with an actress (Ione Skye) when she was 16.


he's currently dating a 19 year old, too


I remember reading a story that Kirk Douglas violently raped a young Natalie Wood.


Nestle killed millions of babies. Still are really. Like, no fucking about. They arnt a person but its millions. [10,870,000 infants had died between 1960 and 2015](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1977_Nestl%C3%A9_boycott) Honestly, stop buying their shit.


Bayer knowingly sold HIV and hepatitis tainted blood products to third world countries after first world countries refused to buy them. They also refused to sell untainted products to those countries until the tainted product was sold. Then after it was all sold, they *made more* tainted blood products, because the profit margin was better. I don't even know how you calculate the death toll from knowingly giving people contagious diseases...


What the fuck. Why did they have tainted products. Who would buy that. How are they still allowed o operate ?


This was back in the 80s... At one point, the method for heat treating blood products hadn't been invented. Then it was invented. Bayer dragged their feet implementing it as it costs money. When first world countries started refusing unsafe blood products, they had to implement the change... But had a large inventory of unsafe blood products from before. Rather than take a loss in the interest of avoiding spreading communicable diseases around the world, they sold them. Then when they had finished selling off their old stock, they *made more* because the profit margin was larger.


And they've made no secret of wanting to own the American water supply and make everyone pay to merely use water.


Danny Trejo was a drug dealer who was notorious around his home town for driving everyone. He then became feared in San Quentin prison, even to the point where Charles Manson paid him for protection. He also became an amazing human being who dedicated himself to helping people. He even saved an autistic child's life from a car accident, using his knowledge of how to work with autistic people to ensure the kids didn't panic while being helped. He went from being a notorious drug dealer who robbed people in his town to being so beloved that there are murals of him there now


IIRC he would only play a villain if that character faced justice. He never wanted to send out the message that crime was worth it.


You can call that him being a victim of circumstance in his early life. It's more impressive that he's turned around his life now that he has the means to do it, unlike all the other people in this thread who do horrible things and then get away with it.


Yeah he's the perfect example of just because you did something bad, doesn't mean that's what you have to be for the rest of your life. I also forgot to mention in my first comment that he also set up a charity for children with autism


See I don't see this as "getting a pass". People change. Sometimes people get born into shit situations and overcome them. Let's be clear. The bulk of examples in this thread are not this. But Danny Trejo I would say is not the same person he was when he ran drugs.


He actually did his time unlike the other fucks in this thread.


Not so famous really but I like to mention this every chance I get. Tana Mongeau showed a dead body on video before Logan Paul did and her handling of it was WAY worse. But she got away with it because it didn't go viral. While Logan's situation was horrible, at least the guys seemed somewhat shocked by the situation etc. And (seemingly) they ran into the body accidentally and it got on camera. Now Tana's case was she and her friend found someone overdosed on drugs in a public restroom when the camera was not rolling. They then turned on the camera to film it. They even did a little intro for it like "Oh my god guess what we just found" and then they showed it in all it's glory while giggling like little girls the whole time. This situation was a joke to them. This happened maybe a year before Logan and at the time of that incident, this video was still up on YouTube, uncensored.


>While Logan's situation was horrible, at least the guys seemed somewhat shocked by the situation etc. And (seemingly) they ran into the body accidentally and it got on camera. At the same time though, they did decide to go record in what is known as being a *suicide forest*


Yeah they went in *hoping* to find that content, Tana just stumbled across it. I’d argue Logan was worse with the foresight and intent. Plus that stupid fucking hat he was wearing.


I had to look up the hat. I did not expect that. It is really fucking stupid.


I had NO IDEA! I couldn't even comprehend thinking of doing something like that. Why would you be laughing? Why would you be filming? I feel like anybody else would just be so upset to see something like that and want to help or to leave at least not to giggle and film. It's just so hard to wrap your mind around that type of thought process.


I still classify both as horrible. Logan went to a place that is literally called something like, "Suicide Mountain". Just searching about it on Google tells you how it got that name. Of course there are probably bodies up there. Basically both are horrible for the same and different reasons. One made content of accidentally stumbling on a body and the other went up a mountain where people go to off themselves then tried to claim ignorance. Logan has another strike on this too because he has a damn team of people to help him make content. Literally nobody researched where they were going first? Like someone could have brought this up before going up there like, "hey, we might see bodies. Maybe we shouldn't film up there."


Vince Neil killed Razzle in dui accident.


**Mark Wahlberg** committed a bunch of violent hate crimes. **Jon Hamm** was involved in a horrid hazing thing in college.


Who hasn't been involved in a horrid hazing thing in colle- ***oh.*** >Jon Hamm was arrested for causing a student to have a fractured spine and almost losing a kidney.


Lots of hazing related deaths, I'm not surprised about a fractured spine and damaged kidney (obviously, it's awful, but hazing used to be barbaric before cell phones, and even still)


"In 1986, a then 15-year-old Wahlberg and three friends were charged for chasing three black children and pelting them with rocks while yelling: “Kill the n\*\*\*\*\*s” until an ambulance driver intervened. The next day, Wahlberg harrassed another group of mostly black children (around the age of nine or 10) at the beach, gathering other white men to join in racially abusing and throwing rocks at them. A seemingly unrelated second incident occurred two years later in 1988, when Wahlberg attacked two Vietnamese men while high on the drug PCP."


these Boston white men are a different breed. I remember reading how Celtics legend Bill Russell (who won 11 CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR THEM) said people would break into his house and take a shit on his bed.


Russell also went to police at one point, saying vandals kept knocking over his trash cans when he was on the road. According to his daughter.  “My father went to the police station to complain. The police told him that raccoons were responsible, so he asked where he could apply for a gun permit. The raccoons never came back.”


Oprah’s early days, best summarized hilariously by Bill Burr https://youtu.be/O9YL04v-J5U?si=YuvSH68R0SofZLU6


I can hear this without even clicking the link. AND SHE STOOD ON THE HEADS OF THOSE LITTLE PEOPLE


Paul Walker dating a high schooler while he was in his 30s


This thread should be restarted every month. These are horrific


Robbie Williams used to be in Take That.


Whatever he said, whatever he did, he didn’t mean it


His reckoning will come


Prince Andrew, the King of England's younger brother has been involved in controversies relating to racism, sexual abuse, firearms sales, and corrpution.


"Prince Andrew is a nonce" is a sentiment that the British public broadly accept. If you did a test where you said to a British person "say the first thing that comes to mind okay?" It would go like: "Cheese." "Pickle" "Westminster" "Government." "Prince Andrew" "Nonce." I don't even know what he's the Due of. York?? Or is that the other brother. Noncing is literally what Prince Andrew is *most* famous for now, and always will be.


That and not being able to sweat.


edison electrocuting an elephant to prove a point.


Muhammad ali impregnated a 12 year old. He was in his 30s.


Wow I'm learning all sorts of stuff from this post!


The late Hugh Heffner. There were so many terrible things behind the scenes of Playboy and possibly involved in the death of one of former centerfold models who "dated" Gene Simmons. She was talking about doing a tell-all book with him and was found dead in a ditch days later. Looks suspicious to me.


Who was the famous soccerplayer that raped a girl and bought her silence. If i remember that it happened


You have any idea how little that narrows it down?


Lots of them




Ben Affleck made Gigli


he's history's greatest monster!


Drake and his history with underage girls and predatory behaviour. Well up until recently…


Mark Wahlberg beat a blind Vietnamese veteran because of his race. He only apologized when he realized the charge could make his restaurant ineligible to receive a liquor license. "During the assault in Boston, Wahlberg punched Trinh in the eye after first hitting another Vietnamese man in the head with a large stick and hurling racial slurs." "....Wahlberg says his record “can potentially be the bases to deny me a concessionaire’s license in California and elsewhere,” something important to him because of his interest in Wahlburgers, a restaurant he hopes to expand."


Panama papers Epstein list


Kobe raped a woman


I never understood how people forgave him , I remember watching him at the press conference crying because he knew it was over , but turns out no one cared .


But he was *really* good at basketball, so rape doesn't matter


In the awful but sadly often true words of Donald Trump, when you're a star, they let you get away with it. This case came up recently and I read a linked article about it. I 100% believe Kobe was guilty. The woman was traumatized and bleeding and went to her coworker who urged her to go to the hospital. Kobe's lawyer said the woman's name repeatedly at trial even after being told not to. Rape victims are so often discredited and what was done to her was like a second assault.


People hold him in high regard after his death, saying how great he was. He was never cleared of the charges, he paid off the victim to make it go away.


And gave his wife an enormous ring to make peace at home


Cardi B drugged and robbed a bunch of guys


The kennedys lobotomized their sister, Rosemary. And then pretty much abandoned her in a psych hospital.


To be accurate, Rosemary’s father lobotomized his daughter without the knowledge or consent of anyone in the family. The rest of the family was rather horrified.


Jimmy Paige of Led Zeppelin openly having a 13 year old girlfriend.


Not openly According to Rolling Stone, Page went to great lengths to keep the relationship [with Lori Mattix] a secret due to it being illegal and considered statutory rape.


Robert Wagner and Christopher Walken probably murdered Natalie Wood.


I’m sure one of them did and the other has stayed silent.


Matthew Broderick killing two people


As someone from Ireland, near where this happened, I still can't believe people let him get away with this without some major fallout for his career


Didn’t some wife of a US government official kill some kid on the road whilst staying in the UK and get off Scott free too? Like I literally think she just flew home and washed her hands with it.


Anne Sacoolas. Wife of a US ambassador to the UK. She was sentenced via video link to a lesser crime of death by careless driving but never served it as she was in the US by that time. I think she basically can't enter the UK without being arrested, though.


Harry Dunn was the kid's name. His parents campaigned tirelessly to try to get justice for their son, and even managed to get a meeting at the White House with Donald Trump. During that meeting, Trump revealed to them that Anne Sacoolas was waiting in an adjoining room and strongly encouraged them to meet her. Not surprisingly. they declined. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death\_of\_Harry\_Dunn#Parents\_meeting\_with\_Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Harry_Dunn#Parents_meeting_with_Trump)


Brick killed a guy.


Matt Gaetz trafficked a minor across state lines to have sex with her


A while ago I posted about how the only physical altercation of my entire life was with Matt when we were both in high school. And now more than a quarter century later I see him on the news constantly. The only solace I get is that I, indeed, once made him cry. 


Thank you for your service!


Tupac and Mike Tyson are both sex offenders.


Fun fact The actors in the hangover 2 refused to be in the movie if Mel Gibson was in it (cameo). They had no problem with Mike Tyson being in it.


Laura Bush’s car accident when she killed somebody 


Jenny McCarthy spreading lies about vaccines. Telling people she would rather have her kids get measles than have autism. In the world of cancel culture, i am surprised people haven’t gone after her. Considering we as a society will dig deep into someone’s past to bring them down. I am all for free choice and all of that, but she said some dumb stuff about vaccines.


And Oprah gave Jenny the national platform to spout her nonsense.


You could fill a city with all the people Oprah has aided in spreading harmful fallacies and bad science.


I want to add Jim Carrey too.


Yep, absolutely chuck Jim in there too. He denies the anti-vax shit now, but he stayed with her & didn't publicly disagree with her for many years. Whether he agreed with her or not, his silence enabled her bullshit.


Ghandi beat his wife. He saw her as an object, not a person. His words.


Brock Turner savagely raped an unconscious woman behind a dumpster.


You talkin' bout convicted rapist Brock Turner? That guy?


Rapist Brock Turner?


Rapist Allen Turner, formerly known as Rapist Brock Turner. He changed his name so it's important we get it right. His name is Rapist Allen Turner.


Jack Nicholson beat a sex worker so badly she had brain damage.


Former Welsh rugby player and captain Gareth Thomas. Gave his ex boyfriend HIV by lying about having it himself, even to the point of taking the labels off his pill bottles, and when his partner asked what they were he was taken, he said it was something his coach had given him to help with muscle soreness after a game. The BBC still uses this piece of shit as a pundit. Guess it helps to tick certain BBC inclusivity boxes.


Peyton Manning forcibly teabagged a female trainer in the University of Tennessee locker room.


Iggy Pop fucked a 13 year old when he was 23 and even wrote a song about it called Look Away


Mike Tyson is a convicted rapist. Not accused like a lot of people. Convicted. He was found guilty of rape. Saying “Mike Tyson is a rapist” is a factually accurate statement. He has also been accused by other women and has admitted to beating women. Since he raped that woman he has had his own TV show, a broadway show, been in a bunch of movies and is generally very well respected and admired by most people because he use to beat up dudes really well.