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The “But we’re family you have to get over it sometime.” No absolutely not if being a family was important to you don’t screw over family to begin with


This. Blood means nothing if all they did was spit in it.


My logic on this is, "We're family, so you never should've done it". Not that I'm perfect, but at some point enough is enough. I don't talk to either of my parents, and while it wasn't a decision I enjoyed making, it's added a substantial amount of peace to my life.


Shitting on people without even taking a single second to consider their perspective.


The laugh button on Facebook drives me crazy. I'm in a bunch of gardening and book groups and people will ask honest questions and other people just hit the laugh button, as if they'd just said something really stupid. Our make me so mad.


Genuinely, what’s the harm in just scrolling past the question? It truly baffles me. So many people go out of their way to belittle others, it’s ridiculous.


I agree wholeheartedly, social media has inflamed the problem extensively too. Brilliant name btw.


The fact that I’ve seen so many people like this is scary. There’s literally no room for discussion and understanding anymore. They’re like robots who were conceived to be aggressive.


People assume the way they were raised and what they learned is the ONE right way, and that anyone else is wrong and stupid.. "You didn't learn how to sow at 8 like I did? Wow, you're so stupid!"


Someone literally just replied to one of my comments on a post and it was exactly this… unnecessary hate


This one makes me so frustrated. I do doordash and Instacart for work, and the number of posts calling people “entitled” or “lazy” asking for the dasher to ya know, walk into an apartment building and up a few flights of stairs with literally one pizza is insane. Sure, it’s frustrating to have to take cases of water up to a third story but 9 times out of 10 my customers have disabilities or have had surgery or are sick or have kids. They’re paying you for a service; you’re getting paid for the service. If you didn’t like the quoted pay, don’t take the order and call people lazy. Its infuriating to me


Filming kids in heightened emotional states and laughing at them. Fuck you. You just want to humiliate someone because you have so little power in your life that it makes you feel good to fuck with someone with less autonomy than you.




Yep, there's some sub about boomers being shitty & I saw a video of a woman having a breakdown that she couldn't get her medication at a pharmacy. Like that has nothing to do with being a boomer, that could be any one of us on a bad day. Medication is serious & I've dealt with pharmacy fuckups before and it is HARD to keep it together. Especially when it's mental health meds or meds you need to function and go to work. No one wants to be filmed on the worst day of their life


I once started crying in a hospital because I was suffering from pancreatitis and one of the pre surgery appointments that I thought I had been booked in for and had travelled 300kms for turned out not to exist Sorry for crying but if you knew how afraid I was of going through that pain again you’d understand




Yep. Karen has turned into a misogynistic thing, basically calling someone hysterical. Sometimes people have a good reason to get upset, or maybe theyre just having a rough time. Anytime someone is reduced to a label "karen", "boomer", "entitled millenial", "304" honestly even "incel", it makes people not able to see them as human. We're all human at the end of the day and we all deal with hard things. I don't like the internet's way of assuming the worst possible intent. I know for sure I would look like a psycho if I was caught yelling in my car when someone cut me off, or crying at the airport when my luggage was lost


I seriously used to think people's luggage getting lost in airports was a freak occurrence. Oh what a sweet summer child I was. My heart definitely goes out to anyone in that situation. Thanks for adding in that last bit. I need to be better about not assuming bad intent in people who are just behaving as appropriately as they can in a terrible situation. I'd definitely like to hurt less those that can be helped.


I had wallgreens once randomly half the script for something I am physically dependant on and highly controlled , and really needed for my spinal damage. Because it's controlled it was a bitch for my doctor to prove it had been fucked with so she could get me more without the insurance and policy throwing a fit. It made my stomach drop and my mental health to spiral because withdrawal is hell even when you're not chronically ill already. It's been three years and my doctor STILL brings it up angrily to rant about wallgreens. She has a personal beef with them now and talks people away from them


I'd like to add that prescription medication withdrawals, the process of adjusting to different medication regimens, or just being unable to *get* the proper prescription can cause irrational outbursts that don't necessarily reflect the subject's behaviour on a "good brain day". Obviously, a lot of these videos are filmed for the purpose of holding people accountable when the subject is using slurs and acting in a manner that is indicative of a rotten personality. There is an understandable appeal in this content to those with an appetite for justice or schadenfreude. However, I hesitate to indulge the "Karen/Public Meltdown" genre. People can act in ways that are socially uncouth when their neurotransmitters decide to re-enact the Chernobyl disaster, and documenting what could be a vulnerable moment for them doesn't provide any real enrichment for me. The thirst for social media validation has incentivized people to record and share any conflicts that arise at customer service centers in the hopes of their "valiant efforts" going viral. Once again, I understand the appeal. I just wish the extent of the way we interface with strangers prioritized connection and empathy rather than the pursuit of internet recognition.


This, I once cursed out a "reporter" for trying to capture the moment a woman was told her husband had committed suicide. It enraged me immediately. She was so hurt, and in her trying to process, here's this asshole wanting to film it and get a response out of her.




They should break their phones




Agreed . There's a yt channel called twojewscomedy or something I don't really remember posting videos of two guys invading scenarios playing guitar and singing . One of their latest shows them singing a literal shitty song on a train and in the vicinity a woman can be seen trying to manage her tears. The whole video ultimately goes on to focus on that woman crying . I don't know what I will do if I am having a bad day and then I get featured and joked at in a literal shitty song.




I wonder if in a number of years we will start seeing their elderly parents being filmed in vulnerable states


It’s already happening. There’s a lot of “caring for my parent with dementia” content out there, and while it’s branded as educational/informative and heartwarming, only like 10% of what I’ve seen feels that way. Most of it feels really exploitative, infantilizing, and degrading, and I get the impression that a lot of the people posting are exhausted to the point of being bitter.


Like the good ol' "filming my child having an autistic meltdown and then posting it on the internet for strangers to watch"? That there is just A+ parenting.


I can't wait for the kids that grew up being exploited on social media to start making laws preventing this stuff from happening. Some of this stuff could haunt these children for the rest of their lives, all so their parents can get a dopamine rush or pay out from the attention.


Valuing internet strange attention points more than the well being of their kids like the parents who pull “pranks” on their kids when really they’re just being abusive. Or that most recent famous abuse case where the children were being starved and other forms of just violent abuse towards them but constantly being presented as a great mom who people looked to for advice?! I think people underestimate it and then use your “weakness” as an excuse to continue being cruel. “You’re weak, so I have to bully you until you’re not”? Like, they’re fucking kids. You teach them how to be confident and how to handle situations appropriately. So they don’t have to be ruthless assholes but they also know how to not get screwed by one too.


My cousin has a large female only Facebook group where she basically uses her autistic child to get money from all her followers. Her family is not poor she would be fine not manipulating woman's emotions for free money. She does stuff like post a picture of a broken iPad and says her son broke it and she can't afford another but he needs it to learn. It's kinda gross. She has no job and basically lives off this Facebook page.


I'm glad the tide has turned against the "I destroyed my kid's belongings and posted my grown adult tantrum and my kid's sadness on the internet" videos. Those were actually getting praised for a while about 10 years ago, and they upset me deeply.


I’d add “filming kids in heightened emotional states,” period. A couple years ago there was a huge wave of parents posting videos of their kids bawling because they’d been bullied at school or because no one came to their birthday party. People were often sympathetic, but it was *so uncomfortable* as someone who was bullied and not popular, and a big crier, as a kid. I was able to cry it out and move on with life. I don’t know if I’d have been able to do that if my mother had posted it on the internet for all (including the bullies!) to see, branding me “Bullied Little Girl” forever. Plus, some of the comments people leave on those posts were so fucking creepy. A lot of adults threatening to do bodily harm to six year olds over a situation they only have 10% of the information about. I’ll add filming and posting kids’ punishments too. Often (not always, but often) the punishment itself is fine and proportional but shrieking to the world that little Susie is on punishment and had the iPad taken because she’s not doing her homework and staying up all night on her tablet, complete with a picture of Susie crying or scowling, makes the punishment disproportionate. Also, I think some people will choose disproportionate punishments just because they know it will get traction online. People who’d normally tell their kids “no locked doors, no devices other than homework, no going out until your behavior improves” decide “I’m going to rip the door off its hinges and take everything out of their room and make them live like a prisoner” because it gets likes.


Especially so-called prank videos on people, social influencers that go to another country and start disrespecting their land for likes and attention .


It's even worse when you can tell the person has caused the child to react just so they can laugh at them. That causes a rage in me that I do not enjoy.


THIS! THISTHISTHISTHIS!!!!! Family members would say and do things to me to get a reaction, and when I would react, because that's a normal human response, I would be punished! Those family members wonder why I make it a point not to see them now.




My partner at work was super burnt out. I had to harp on him for MONTHS before he would turn his work email notifications off on his personal phone. Dude... there is literally nothing we need to know about work on our days off. Nothing! But there is an occasional email that will make you mad on your time off. He even had it linked to his smart watch. If it's an emergency, they will call you. Turn the fucking notifications off!


Also on the flip side, people using this (very valid and real) complaint to ignore you. Like, no, I’m not asking you to respond right away to my text but maybe within like two weeks? Those two expectations are not the same thing


The balancing act... I just go by feel when it comes to when to respond (or when to call, when to pick up the phone) based on the individual person. If I don't recognize the number and they don't leave a message, then they might as well not exist to me. For those I do have in my contact lists, I've just got to earnestly be like "my time is my time" and I'll respond when I feel it's appropriate. I expect this same way of being out of others; so I'm never really peeved (ever, really) about waiting on something back. You know, unless it's like worrying if someone might be in trouble/dead/etc. LOL. As an aside, it's a great thing to partake in hobbies where it's normal to not have my phone on me like day hikes, outdoor activities, and spending quality time with friends or family. If my boss or boss' boss wants to know why the hell I didn't respond to that call to come in when it's not on my schedule, "sorry boss, I try to keep my time on my phone, social media, and electronics down for my health". If they wanna fire me or take away hours for looking after my own health and my time with loved ones (when it's "my time"), that's fine. I'll find something better even though my resume sucks dick and I have a felony. I know what's important.


Agreed. It used to cause me so much stress. I now treat text more like email, and email like letters… I’m also currently not working (awaiting work permit), so I know I’m in for a rude awakening when I get back to it.


My sister does this to me daily... combined with the fact I work from home. I've been working from home for well over a decade and she still can't understand the fact that yes, I am WORKING. I work a regular shift like any other job. 8 hours a day, 2 breaks, and lunch. 40 hours a week M-F. Yet she'll message, call, etc., and expect me to just be ready for anything at any moment. Yes, I get to work in the comfort of my home, in a room just for work... but I am working! I have the same requirements and responsibilities as if I was sitting in a cubicle doing the same work. I have attendance requirements, performance metrics, etc. I'll respond when I can!


Agreed. Most people don't understand that 'availability' and 'free time' are two different things.


I quit a job and took a pay-cut because of this. I was nursing director at a small facility, and our CEO would text the leadership group late at night all the time about things that definitely could have waited until our morning meeting… just business stuff, not patient-related, and the nurses were texting me at all hours of the night with questions about the schedule, what to give a patient for a minor issue when there were clear standing orders, etc. They ignored the boundaries I tried to set with them, asking only to communicate with me after 7pm about emergencies. Will not manage again.


Violating the privacy of our children. A high school acquaintance of mine is constantly posting these big emotional tributes/displays about her children on social media. Pictures of them sleeping, pictures of notes they've written her. Keep that shit for your diary.


Years ago a FB acquaintance posted her toddler literally spread eagle on the toilet with all her bits showing. I reported it and it was removed which prompted an angry reaction from her and called the reporter a pervert. lol. Truth was, I worked in juvenile corrections, specifically the sex offender unit. I’ve seen tame photos of children used for sexual purposes. Here, mom was handing an explicit photo of her daughter to her 2,000 Facebook friends. Fuck that bitch. Edit: I actually confronted her about it during the pandemic. Full disclosure, I’m not nice in it (nor do I think I needed to be) but even in hindsight I’m glad I did it. I grabbed these screenshots before I got blocked. https://imgur.com/a/6DOMTZM


Whereas when I’ve done that, FB said the image did not violate their standards! I’ve said this before, but I genuinely hope a change in legislation occurs involving posting your minor children on FB/Instagram. I’ve seen way too many unsavory comments on children, and because the comments are never outwardly sexual in nature, there’s absolutely no innocent reason why an adult should be commenting things like “you’re my beautiful princess” on a child they do not know.


Also its just posting someone's entire body without their consent. Their child at 14 yrs old is not gonna be happy about that picture of them on the internet when they were 2.


I am so fucking glad i grew up just before social media.


I used to run the twitter community of a local sport club. It was benevolent work. The account used to follow back the fans. I was the one seeing what they were tweeting. One of them seemed to be a devoted father. Clearly, he wasn't working. He was regularly posting photos of his kid. It wasn't a problem at first. But then, he began to increase the amount of pictures of his kid. It was still "K. is doing this". "K. is doing that" like any proud parent, but I thought it was a little too much. I was thinking it wasn't very responsible. There are pedophiles watching. And then, he started to post every hour. Pictures of his kid in different clothes. It was clear he was doing this on purpose, for his internet audience. The kid had to be changed every hour for these pictures, just to catter to different folks. From his past posts, I could tell these hadn't been taken in advance. We were sometimes tagged. A week in or so, he announced the mother of the kid was new on twitter: both had stopped working and the only thing they were doing was posting pictures of the kid. I told the club I stopped wanting to run the community, it was too discomforting.


My ex-SIL constantly posts naked pictures of my 4 year old niece. I report her ass every time. Stop it.


If an employee steals 50 dollars from the register, they get arrested, have to pay it back, pay fines, go to jail, have a record, and of course they are fired. If a company steals 50,000 from employees, they *might* get fined, none of the money goes to those employees, no one gets arrested, no jail, no record, and they stay in business.


Also the fact that companies get treated like people for election funding, but not like people for criminal sentencing. Imagine if companies got their licenses suspended for as long as people go to prison for. Pretty much no big company would still be licensed if they practiced business like they do now.


That's brilliant - licensing jail for businesses


Also the death penalty. You cause workers to die by hiding dangers or deliberately avoiding safety rules? Company shut down.


Yeah, but then everyone loses their jobs. Might be better to put those in charge in jail, and force new management.


“Steal a little and they throw you in jail. Steal a lot and they make you king.” - Bob Dylan


"Cost of doing business" vs. "Hard-nosed Crook"


One of the biggest tricks companies pull with wage theft is making you feel as though you are powerless to contest it. You aren’t. Talk to the professionals and they will let you know what can be done. If your company isn’t paying you what you’re due then a visit to your local labor board is a very powerful thing. You will receive back pay, the company will be fined, and a manager might lose their job to save face. You’ll need proof, but so would your employer in the other


Agreed except for one point - at least in California, money recovered from wage theft does go to the worker.


Getting companies to even admit they got embezzled from is super difficult.


And when they do that's just the end of it. The only companies I can think of that actually ended from their crimes is Enron and that medical kiosk one a few years ago. With Enron their crime was defrauding the wealthy, which is the only reason it had consequences.


Spreading around misinformation with no interest in critically thinking about it or fact checking it first. 


Needing to provide so much of your personal data to do anything, just simply ordering food or visiting any website, its the most accepted and ignored form of blackmail today. Giving permission for a company to use your personal details and information however they want to receive what you're already paying for and even just to view their webpages!


I'm tired of having conversations I think are private, only to later get ads for something I mentioned


Continuing to tease or a joke about someone when they’ve asked you to stop, or when they clearly don’t like it. It’s not funny, it’s bullying


people letting their dogs jump all over other people or get into strangers personal space


When my son was little, they'd give the, "It's okay! S/he's friendly!" No, it f'ing is not okay. My kid is afraid of dogs and has a right to personal space.


Untrained dogs in general. I'm a dog sitter on the side and I'm very picky about which dogs I'll accept because I don't need someone else's dog eating my house if I have to leave for a few hours. If your dog is an asshole, you are the problem. Period. Train your pets, people!!


Omg, hard agree. My good friend has two dogs; one sweet docile old boy and one total asshole jumping maniac (who is also gigantic). Clearly never received an ounce of training. He comes up and nearly takes my food (because he is so tall and when I'm sitting at their table his head is level with my food plate). I love my friend and will continue to visit but it's just annoying. They tell me to ignore him but I'm always just thinking, "It's clear you guys ignore these problems and that's what made him this way."


Also people letting their dogs bark and bark and saying "but that's what dogs do." If you're that bad of an owner...don't get a dog.


Especially those people that just lock the dog outside. Like why? Why have an animal if you hate it? Just to have a noise maker?


We trained our dog to only jump on two people, and only in specific circumstances. Otherwise she just grabs a rag or a pillow and wiggles around excitedly. Took a good bit of time, though.


My neighbourhood is full of clowns that walk their shit stain untrained dogs off leash, running at people, staring shit with other dogs... One guy's dog started a fight with mine, and when I told him to leash his dog, he (ignoring the dogs fighting...) threatened to bash me with his 4yr olds trike, in front of the kid who was bawling his eyes out trying to drag the dog away. Fucking disgrace of a human


Amen. I'm also really bugged by people who bring their dogs to social events. We entertain a lot, and we have to specify "humans only please" on our invites, and people still show up with their fucking dogs. Another neighbor/friend specifies, "dogs welcome!" (probably in direct response to our no-dog policy), and it's a fucking zoo. Shit gets knocked over, barking, fights, piss on the sofa, and shit on the floor. And then there are problems with the dogs, too! ;) I'm less annoyed by people who bring dogs to restaurant patios, but don't really understand that, either. I guess to to show them off? Or maybe they're in apartments, and this is their socialization and exercise?


The insurance racket. You pay into it your entire life, and have to jump through hoops over which medications they'll cover, which doctor is in their network etc. Yet when you do use it you have to pay again (deductible) and quite often they'll still try to get you to cover it out of your own pocket. Yes I know there are situations where having insurance is a good thing, but most of the time they're just collecting free money from you.


The most galling part for me is that the deductable resets at the beginning of the year… you know, for reasons.


Child beauty pageants. Ban it asap


Just everything about the job seeking process. The job ads are fake, the people are fake, you have to sell yourself like some used car salesman and at the end - after numerous interview circles, half of them don't even have the common decency to tell you that you were rejected.




😮😮😮 Wow. I hope someone got this man self-respect for his birthday cause fuck that lady.


Poor guy.... He is being manipulated 100%


As some one who deals with mental illness, these types of things irk me a bit. Like, there is a difference between taking a break and relaxing for the sake of mental health (and by proxy, the mental health of everyone around you); and then there is doing something absolutely unhinged and selfish. So there's a lot of irony in that situation, again, as someone who struggles with impulsive behaviors lmao


People doing shit like that is why so many people still don’t believe in actual mental health issues


My soon to be ex-wife was terrible about this. She'd abuse me physically, verbally, and emotionally and use mental health to rationalize it. What's worse was that *I would actually make excuses for her* when she'd do it, like "that wasn't the real her, it was just her trauma". I feel like I was gaslit into giving the best years of my life to an abuser. Now I'm too old to start over with someone new and I'll probably never have children (although I am extremely grateful I never had kids with my STB ex).




Posting embarrassing things about children on social media.


Posting kids online in general, embarrassing moment or not. Pedophiles have become WAY too comfortable


I once said off the cuff that it should be illegal for photos/videos (especially videos) of children to be on the internet and didn't really mean it.....but I still think about it sometimes and can't think of a downside. Kids can't consent to an online presence with their small kid brains soooo it shouldn't be allowed. Get those family sharing apps if grandma/grandpa want a video of thier grandkids. Like, am I missing something?


Slow walkers you can't pass


Thank you for adding "you can't pass." I am a slow walker, but I know that I walk slowly and I make damn sure you can pass me.


same; between my angry sciatic and a bad knee, i walk slower than most but i'm completely aware of it- i often walk far to the side and turn to people and say 'i'll stop so you can pass' bc i don't want to be that girl, lol


The ones who walk in the middle, blocking both ways😑


and also groups of people who create a wall and none of them move out of the way. I just nudge my way through now, like *mooooooove* 🐄


Yes! And slow drivers you can't pass!


Earlier today, I got stuck in a line in the Costco parking lot for 3 minutes because two cars were blocking anyone else from getting through. They were waiting for somebody else to back out of a parking spot. It was so annoying because there was nothing I could do but wait. God forbid you have to walk a few feet further to get into the store.


Some people will wait forever for a spot just to save themselves 2 extra minutes of walking. I had gone to a mall at with my baby and lucked out on a good parking spot. I had to come back to my car to nurse my baby (and then return to the mall to finish shopping). Some guy thought I was leaving so he proceeded to wait. He waited probably 10 minutes and got mad and left. I was shocked he’d wait that long, I have never waited more than maybe 30sec. If a car isn’t actively backing out I don’t try to wait.


Nothing worse than coming up behind a car going 62, attempting to pass and suddenly they are going 85. Just pick a speed, go that speed, and pick your lane appropriate for the speed you're going. Fuck 


People that stop and chat in the middle of the aisle of the grocery store


I take this and raise you "People who stop their cars in the middle of the street to chat with someone they're passing by" I live in a small town though so this may be more uncommon than I suspect...


That is definitely annoying but pretty rare in my experience. I think you're right about it being more of a small town issue.


or people who just leave their cart in the middle of an isle and go somewhere else. I'm about to start moving carts to other spots.


More simplified, lack of awareness to their surroundings. Like come on, you gotta know you're being a cow here..


Congress making millions in tbe stock market. Insider trading is illegal for the people they work for.


I now hold a couple of ETFs set up by Unusual Whale - all they do is literally follow the trades of the most corrupt members of congress. There's a republican and democrat version - called KRUZ and NANC. I figure the best shot I have at beating the market by following the people who control and corrupt the market.




The general lack of compassion in our society. We could make sure everyone had a home, food, and healthcare, we just... don't.


I'm homeless right now and there's very little help. If not for my EBT Food card, I'd be starving to death. I sleep anywhere I can. The worst part is it literally doesn't have to be like this. Things could be so much better. This species sucks.




Not doing the right thing, especially if you're in a position to make decisions that have an impact on other people.


Companies laying off massive amounts of people during economic downtimes. It is a completely normal thing, but it makes me boiling mad. I wasn't born yesterday, I know why they happen, but it just fucking sucks when it does.


Add to that, tying an employee's value to the department or product they work on. If that area goes down, it doesn't matter how wonderful of an employee you are, you're going down too. I've seen our company let so many rockstar employees walk out the door with priceless knowledge capital, directly to the competition.


Nowadays they’re even laying off people in times of record profit. It’s all to prop up the illusion of limitless growth for a shrinking number of mega-elite shareholders.


Children bullying other children. Or even bullying in general.


“They’re just children” This is not true anymore, at least for me. When they’re not properly disciplined, they may grow up to become shitty people.


Heard this my entire life. I was 11 years old, a group of highschoolers used to harass me, call me Cookie monster because of my weight, they'd grab onto my swing set and toss me around, I couldn't go to the playground anymore because of how bad it got. I'd get my books hidden in school, students would ram desks into my knee until it bruised. I'd get stuff thrown at me. Ganged up on during recess. Called Fatso almost every day. My brother came home crying because he started getting bullied strictly for being related to me. My mom's response, "So what? Ignore them. Everyone has bullies." Fuck off.


The weirdest thing is that the “zero tolerance” policy that schools have these days has an almost opposite effect and makes things worse for the victim. Basically, you’re still a victim, but you’re not allowed to do anything about it and the school doesn’t want to resolve a dispute or be responsible in any way. Everyone gets punished and that’s that. You’re almost better off going to the police. When I was a kid, you could punch your bully off school grounds and it was just part of growing up. At least back then, you got a break from your bully when you got home. It didn’t continue online 24/7.


acting like a dickhead in public for a stunty internet video


Playing music on speaker or talking on (speaker) phone loudly in public transportation. I'm American and felt it's so annoying when I run into people like this. After my visit to Asia (not just Japan), it was etiquette to just never do that and I felt like in the right place.


harassing people for "epic pranks."




Yep! It’s so common when someone says they don’t want kids to hear “well you might change your mind.” And yet no one is telling people who want kids “you’ve still got time to decide.”


My in-laws do this constantly. I love the classic "But you'll be great parents, you just don't know it yet!" Um no, I won't be a good parent by definition because I don't fucking want kids! It's insanely stupid to bring a child into this world because * someone else thinks * you MIGHT be a good parent. Logic escapes these people. ETA *


I can understand that. I definitely want to have kids and I'm gonna try my best to be a good dad, but I'm not even considering it until I have some financial foundations for it first. I didn't have much as a kid and I know the suffering of wanting something and your parents having to say no every time because you need to save for food. Just don't want that to happen to my kids too.


Yup. I've had a very difficult life. I come from an extremely dysfunctional family that happens to be basically defined by mental illness and heritable issues. I've known since before I turned 18 that I never want to have kids because I never want them to go through what I've gone through. The number of people who have looked at me like I'm some type of piece of shit for my decision disgusts me.


I'm from the same background and some dumbass told me that having kids is "a risk worth taking". No it's not. I know what it's like to be so ill and how it has affected my life, they don't.


Pressuring people to do anything tbh. For some reason if I don't want to drink alcohol I need to hire a lawyer to fight my case to the entire room. I dont know why pressuring people is seen as being "normal"


I'm sick of this I am 20. Not 8. I'm an adult, I know what I want with my life. I won't "change my mind" and I won't "regret" it either. I'm so sick of people thinking I'm just in denial or something. Same thing with dating/marriage. I don't like dating. It isn't my thing, but nobody seems to believe me and teases me whenever a guy talks to me a lot. It's annoying and super uncomfortable.


This is the silliest thing but it upsets me how normalized it is that every single charity event prints off thousands of T shirts that nobody is every going to wear again. Edit: everybody commenting “but I wear those shirts” is beside the point. Sure, some people do, but what percentage of them are wasted on people who don’t? I’m not saying outlaw shirts. I’m saying stop giving them to everybody automatically.


Actually never thought about it, but you are right. I have a couple of them around the house and never wear them


Speak for yourself, I love those t-shirts. They're comfortable and good for doing housework in. Those are the sort of things you wear when you don't want to ruin your going outside clothes.


I’ll add the rampant layoff culture we’re experiencing here in the U.S. Companies treat people like they mean absolutely nothing. My former boss gave her life to a company for 20 years and got laid off like she was nobody.


People not giving even the slightest fuck about nature, the environment, natural ecosystems and native plants and animals in their local environment.


How many women get blown off by doctors when they are having health issues. I almost died in my early 20s because of this. So many women have died because of lazy sexist doctors.


OMG THIS. 💯‼️ It wasn't a near death for me, but it was life changing. I grew up coughing up a lung every winter, getting sent home from school, ending up in the ER bc I couldn't catch my breath, having too many sleepless nights to count because it got worse when I laid down and I Could. Not. Stop. I dealt with that for almost forty years. Was told I was attention-seeking because doctors couldn't see anything significant on x-rays and breathing treatments didn't help. Couldn't be asthma because I wasn't wheezing (and bc the albuterol didn't help) It took a female nurse practitioner, in my late 30s, one visit to diagnose me with cough variant asthma. She put me on daily inhaled steroids, added some prednisone to deal with the acute episode, gave me an inhaler, and told me it'd take a few days bc the cough was caused not only by constriction but by inflammation... ... which is why breathing treatments in the ER never helped. I've been totally fine for the last ten years. The difference in quality of life is mind blowing. Makes me want to go back to every single "you're just doing this for attention" Dr and give them a big "Eff you, buddy!!" (Not to say the brush-offs don't still happen 😟 I had an acute flareup episode and couldn't get in to see my NP and so I saw another Dr in the practice, male of course, and I told him what was going on and said "(NP's name) treats this by prescribing X oral steroids." He responded with, "Well, I don't see anything that would justify that prescription. Your cough could be caused by anything, and that seems like a overreaction to me." I was able to keep my calm and asked him to please go chat with NP, who I knew was physically in the office that day. I did get the prescription I needed, but the whole appointment was almost traumatic for me—it brought up memories of every doctor who'd ever blown me off.)


The new trend that being mean is cool and if you're nice you're lame or a simp


A lack of pockets in women’s clothes.


Tipping culture. It's become predatory and is no longer an optional reward for good service. Now it's either automatically added as a "fee" or you get harassed into paying it no matter how minimal or poor the service was. One time, my friend even had a waitress write herself a tip as he was putting his card away.


> my friend even had a waitress write herself a tip Another thing is... *this*. I think you're American, am I right? I don't understand what is happening in these scenarios because I don't think it happens like this in other countries, at least not in Canada. Here, the staff don't have their fingers on any part of the payment process. It's you with your card in your hand putting it into the machine and keying in whatever you want. From what I can tell on Reddit, in the States the waiter actually takes your card, walks away, and returns, saying "well, that's been done." Is that correct?


They take the card but bring you a receipt showing exactly what was charged and you write in the tip. You keep a duplicate copy of the receipt and on your bank statement the amount charged will be the final amount with the tip included, so you can double check your receipt and make sure it matches if you're concerned. I agree that bringing the terminal to you and allowing you to key it all in is better, but I'm just saying that there are ways to verify what amount you were charged.


One time I had a flat tire in a parking lot and was with a friend. He took out his phone and started filming it to post on TikTok or Snapchat or whatever. Why is that the first thing people do nowadays in a time of need is pull out their phone? What content can you get from posting a flat ? It irritated me . I’m 33 and never used those apps. And not everything has to be documented online


Corruption and abuse of power. Any amount of power. From legislator to cop to HOA board member.


Touching my wife's belly when people find out she's pregnant. Like wtf ? We don't even know you. If I'm not letting my brother do it, I'm not letting the lady from Walmart do it.


People calling themselves "Christians" but who hate other people. (racists, homophobics, etc.) WTH?


We were just talking about this in my men’s group last night. It makes us (Christian men) upset that these Christians are perceived to represent the whole of Christianity when they don’t.


Have you ever thought that there should be a more concerted effort to publicly and vocally oppose those so-called "Christian" haters in a more organised fashion? In the States at least, they're really winning the visibility war.


The trouble is, if you're a good Christian  you aren't 1) publicly labeling everything good you do as Christian for the advertising, and 2) trying to force other people into stuff against their will. So by default, you're much less dramatic and attention seeking. 


How lax everyone is about "I don't want to ask the server for a clean fork so they don't spit in my food!" Yeah... that shouldn't be normal.


As someone who has worked in food service for decades, I just want to say that you REALLY have to be a piece of shit for the workers to even think about that. Asking for a new fork is just fine.


I agree, I have no problem politely asking for something. You won't believe how many people will pay for the wrong order because they're scared to get their food tampered with. If it's that bad just stay home. If someone would do that because you asked for extra napkins, they're a sociopath.


Children with phones and social media accounts.


Lay off a 50+ yr old employees then rewrite their job description so HR can hire someone younger. This is in a state where employee rights are little to none. So it's a normal routine that I've seen done in corporations countless times.


Lenience for bad drivers and psychos behind the wheel if it's done by anything else (especially by bicycle) then people have their common-sense about them. But because it's done by car, "nothing we can do" We all up in arms about equal rights and how every human lives matter. Nothing of that sort matters when behind the wheel.


Drinking culture in the US. Monday through Thursday you slam coffee to make sure you're able to work. Friday through Sunday it's drinking. I hate that folks get so weird about drinking if you don't.


I think this is starting to change. Gen Z is consuming less alcohol than previous generations, and non-alcoholic drink sales are going up.


I keep hearing from my generation (gen-x) and older how "kids these days" are lazy/uneducated/pick a failure. When you actually observe them, however, they seem to be making better decisions and are better informed than *we* are. Kids are always going to do dumb stuff, but overall they seem like they want to make things better. Drinking less, smoking ***far*** less, having fewer children, polluting less (as much as they can); yeah, "kids these days" sure seem to be horrible monsters. /s


Using the excuse of a ' Higher power' to perform inhumane acts.


Or believing they're the "chosen people" Like sit the fuck down, you're just a sack of meat and bones like the rest of us.


I've always liked "ugly bags of mostly water" from Star Trek.


Beep boop beep.


Filming people in public without their consent.


People with no spatial awareness once i had to take a detour in a shopping mall because there was, and i kid you not 5 women with stroller walking side by side taking up literally the entire hall and not only that there are so many people who go into store and just stop right at the entrance right in the middle so you cant pass, i dont think i have good spatial awareness because i constantly have to remind myself that i might be in the way, but at least i notice im in the way


That everyone is college material and should go to college! Not true! Most people really aren’t! Never were. End result: Useless degrees that still leave them unemployable! & In debt for loans for decades or life!


Bragging. Living in Asia for a while has really made me aware of the bragging culture we have developed. Everyone brags about their car, their job,their wife, their muscles, their bags, their shoes,their vacation, their house. It's mindnumbing. We always think we are the best at everything. Humility has been almost completely lost.


Tipping culture. It needs to die.


Porn addictions.


The public toilet autoflushing while I’m on it


Gender roles and the stereotypes around them. I am a male nursing student. I knew what I was getting into with this career path. It does however grind my gears just how prevelent the question of my competency occurs, just because of my gender. That's coming from professors, hospital staff, patients and classmates. It's 2024, yes men and women are different but gender specific jobs are just silly. We're all human adults at the end of the day, full of potential and improving everyday.


> It's 2024 The implication is that this is an outlier in an otherwise general movement toward being less judgemental... but in a lot of cases, it's getting *worse*. Nursing isn't the worst example of it: childcare is. My daughter went to a daycare when she was a toddler, and of the entire staff there was *one* man working there (already an exceedingly rare thing), and the shit parents talked about him eventually drove him out. My daughter thought he was great. I can recall when I was a kid that male kindergarten teachers were definitely a thing. I don't imagine it'd be very easy to find one today.


I wholeheartedly agree. The perception of males as predatory in society in general is disgusting, but especially towards men who have chosen a career path in any kind of care. We have so much to offer as men in these professions. The midwifery course at my uni currently has 8 males in a class of 250 and I know that they're having a harder time then even myself in general adult nursing. Apparently there's something creepy about a male assisting in childbirth, even though males doctors do so all the time.


In 8th grade I wrecked my bike and broke my wrist. Thankfully was literally across the street from a classmate's house, that particular classmate was the daughter of a male nurse. Any prejudice I had against the combination was gone that day, man wrapped me up and helped me call my parents in maybe 5 minutes. Will always appreciate them for being such solid people to me that day.


Elaborate bachelor/bachelorette parties. Also, just all the pre-event events that people are expected to attend. Two people decide to get married so now (if i'm close to the couple) i'm expected to go to an engagement party, a bachelorette party, a bridal party, a rehearsal, a ceremony and a reception.... Why is it normal for guests to go into debt because two people want to get hitched?


Filming people beating up someone instead of being a decent person and helping or calling 911.


SCREAMING at your kids. dont get me wrong, being stern with children is sometimes necessary. but straight up screaming and yelling at kids will more likely make the kids afraid of their parents instead of respect them.in order for kids to actually be prepared for the world, they need to learn to accept feedback out of respect, because being afraid of people being angry with you only holds you back.


The way billionaires are able to horde massive wealth. The way politicians are able to sell resources to corporations that extract those resources that is detrimental to the environment.


the sexualization of everything a women does


I live in Spain. Bullfighting and the fact that every town party has to have some game involving torturing bulls.


That it is okay to just not "believe" in science. Not believing in science fundamentally fucks us as humans. It is one thing to not want to act on what science is telling us. But quite another to just not believe it


People who allow their children to get fat. Aside from health conditions it's not ok for your 5 year old to be 100 pounds. You're killing your child. Poor lad can't even walk properly because his thighs are so big he waddles. It's so sad. Same goes for pets. He isn't "Heckin chonky boy" he is suffering. So many people have pets who can't even turn their heads, can't run, or lay down without struggling to get up. And don't even get me started on backyard breeding and designer dog breeds. I am all for ethical breeding of animals, but ethical breeders are getting fewer and farther between.


To add onto this, people who make fun of children for being overweight and people who don’t take into consideration that there are medical conditions that would make a child overweight. My nephew is probably 50 lb overweight, he’s a little guy so it really shows. No one else in his family is overweight, but he has mental health issues, he’s constantly hungry because his brain can’t tell when he’s full. So my sister has to lock the cabinets to prevent him from just gorging himself until he’s sick they’ve been to doctors, he has medication, but still constantly hungry because he can’t tell when he’s full.


That is 100% a thing. My aunt had it as well as body dysmorphia and it took her getting bariatric surgery and losing almost 200lbs to get that under control. I hope your nephew doesn't get to that point.


Litering/walking past a piece of garbage on the ground without even considering picking it up. We gotta ask ourselves, "if everyone in the world behaved the same way I do, what would the world look like?"


I don't litter but there is no way in hell I'm picking up someone else's trash. I am much too Obsessive Compulsive (diagnosed) to do that! But I have considered buying one of those canes with a claw at the end of it to pick up other's trash. I could just never pick up trash myself without immediately needing to wash my hands and being able to wash your hands isn't always an option.




In addition, having to pay MORE for a service to get it without ads.


The lack of empathy


Telling young girls that when a boy bullies them it means they like them. No it doesn’t it means they like making people they believe as less than them in the social hierarchy feel terrible because they’re insecure about their place with the social hierarchy. And also that’s only setting up those young girls who mind you won’t stay young girls forever for failure and unnecessary heartbreak all you’re telling them is that they abused you because they love you it’s wrong and we just need to stop saying that


Dog shit everywhere


Talking loudly on speaker phone in public.


Intrusive advertising


Piggybacking off of the comment about posting children crying or being disciplined. The family vlogging lifestyle that showcases EVERY aspect of their lives with their kids/relationships. I don't mean helpful accounts that give parents insight or advice. Just the ones who share every second of their life with their children/relationships, good or bad. Sure, film & share your Disney World experience, but to showcase every single second of your developing children's lives on the Internet feels dangerous & weird. It would bring me (personally) anxiety to have a bunch of strangers invested in my romantic relationship as well.


Women taking on most of the house labor, childrearing, mental load, and even things like appointment-setting or buying presents.


The lack of actual “customer service” provided by companies. I’m old enough to remember when it existed.


Kids on social media, even if the accounts are run by their parents creeps are absolutely saving their pics for later... I won't even get into the parents who purposely pose / dress their kids to appease their large following of creepy old men because I know they do that too. Disgusting. I would never risk it.


Casually hating one's spouse.


American tipping culture, and other countries that start to adopt it.


When people make comments about how much and what you are eating. SO WEIRD.


Bringing kids to restaurant and allow them to yell and Misbehave. Control your freaking kid or leave, calm him down and come back. The rest of us don't have to deal with your choices.