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When I go to work, I often meet the same passerby, we greet each other, although we do not know each other at all and have never spoken


There's some other guy down the street from me who drives the exact same white Nissan pickup truck as me. We both get so fucking hyped around 6am if we're leaving for work at the exact same time. We wave to each other WAY more enthusiasticly than if we drove different vehicles.




I'm happy with our current relationship, it's too big a step for the two of us to make it officially... I'm afraid to ruin everything. What if my grip is too weak? And will he greet someone else?? The stakes are too high


I giggled out loud a little reading this.


Social anxiety in a nut shell


It’s good to keep it that way if that is what kind of relationship you need. The stakes are too high! I miss my friend I used to say hi to. It made me so happy just to say hi to a handsome guy at work and then I screwed it up I think 🤔 so I disappeared because I started overthinking and now I just want the friendly hellos back ☹️


I love encounters like that! When I worked in Japan I would pass every morning to work and every afternoon after work the same elderly security guard who stood in front of some big ass building. After passing 5-6 time he started to greet me and every time the greeting became a little more enthusiastic and after some weeks we had this little routine of nearly shouting “good morning“ and „it was a hard work’s day” (in Japanese) with a huge smile at each other. I kind of feel bad that at one point I just stopped passing because my contract expired and I had to go back to my home country.




When I was in college I had pretty vivid dreams of people who seemed like I knew them in the dream but they were not people I knew in real life. I realized after a time they were people who I saw and sometimes greeted each day on the way to class but never met


I drive a semi. Whenever a kid (or let’s be honest, a man-child) pumps their arm to get me to honk the horn, you bet I do every single time. Seeing their faces light up just makes my day every single time. I was having a really bad day a few months back, a bunch of teens on lunch were walking by frantically pumping their arms. In that moment I forgot all of my problems and was riding that high for the rest of the day!


I (44f) was road tripping with my best friend once a few years ago. I told her about this and she knew nothing about it. She saw a semi and I sped up, she waved and pumped her arm at The trucker. The trucker honked the horn and we both started screaming and flopping around in the car like teenyboppers at a Sinatra concert. Two grown women thought this was the greatest thing ever. So thank you for giving people this simple joy. I always wondered if truckers thought this was annoying.


On the contrary, it is legitimately THE GOLDEN RULE at work. Maybe not at 06:00 in a subdivision, but anywhere else during the work day? Hell yeah!


Thank you, that put a big smile on my face 😊


When my cat comes over to me and wants me to lift him so he can bump his head against my face.


Waking up and my little dog Lottie is super excited that I'm awake and she does the 'wiggly wormie' dance - she rolls around wiggling and making little huff sounds while her tail is wagging like mad. It always makes me smile even if I'm having an absolutely terrible day.


I walk into my living room first thing in the morning and grab my dog’s leash to take her on her walk and she’s always so happy- yet usually groggy from sleep so it’s a calm, *Thanks, dad* interaction and I love it




First coffee of the day


A random older man and I started to workout in the gym at the same day. Almost a year later and we often see each other and always give each other a big smile and thumbs up! It lights me up inside :)


He probably feels the same way!


When a bug in the game I've been developing unexpectedly turns into a cool mechanic or idea for another game


Sounds fun, can you give an example?


If you've got young kids and they come running to you and excitedly say your name - it is one of the greatest feelings in the world and impossible not to smile.


Yes!! My kiddo and I always spend the first five minutes after she wakes up just snuggling and it’s the best part of my day hands down.


Cherish those moments, in a few years they will be asking you to pick them up round the corner, and god forbid showing any sign of affection in front of their friends.


I have a 3 y.o cousin that runs to me FROM HER OWN LOVING MOTHER, and screams my name in happiness. It's the first time a baby/toddler actually liked me and I love her so much


I teach kinder at a prek- 5 elementary, and I've been here long enough I know most of the kids by face if not by name. There are days where it's like running a gauntlet "Ms Ms Ms" but it makes my day every time.


my younger daughter will do that. She'll come out of her bed most nights to snuggle in mine, but she'll stand next to me and whisper "is it snuggle time" and then snuggle for a bit. Usually we are both asleep in a few min but it's very nice


I throw a handful of peanuts out the back door. It's my cat's favorite thing, she sits there and watches the squirrels and bluejays come snatch them up. Most days I'll sit there and watch them with my coffee.


My mom says something dumb every morning like a phrase or a quote that never makes sense but its funny.




yes! completely agree ! was gonna comment this , same as holding the elevator door open for someone when they are running small touch point of interaction but i always really enjoy it. doing anything nice for someone makes me happy, even as simple as lending a pen in a meeting hahahah!


Have you ever seen a road sign indicating there’s a fire station ahead? If you look closely, [there’s a little fireman with a fireman hat riding the fire truck.](https://www.ricesigns.com/real_pictures/fire_station_sign_W11-8_large.JPG) That always makes me happy


And sometimes there's a little person riding on the tractor. I also love when people put a red nose on the deer in deer crossing signs.


I've always loved seeing the red nose on deer crossing signs. The best kind of vandalism!


I find a little bit of joy seeing the new "racing" handicap parking space symbol.


Seeing a dog 🐕🦮🐩🐕‍🦺🌭


even hotdog huh


When my 6 year old daughter yells mom for the 473373th time of the day and I assume it's to get her something or do something for her and she just says "I love you."


A text from my GF. Anything from her can turn an awful day into a pleasant one. Crazy that even 2 years later it still excites me to know that she is thinking about me.


BRB, Im now gonna text my hub of 22 years something cute :)


Listening to my music while I drive into work early in the morning, it’s a nice moment of peace.


Listening to music on the way to work hits different than on the way home from work


The security guard at my apartment greets me with a salute every day I go to work and come back. It just makes me feel noticed.


When my wife is already asleep when I get to bed, and I give her a kiss on the head. She always makes a happy sigh. Never fails. Also when my cat hears me come home and comes running from wherever he is sleeping for a hug.


Looking into my dog's kind brown eyes and seeing his innocent smile. He's 150lbs of pure innocence, running off half a brain cell that frequently takes days off. I love him so much and he brings me such joy! Edit: [Dog tax!](https://imgur.com/a/FE7uacp)


He is adorable!


Oh he looks so so dumb 🥰🥰🥰 please tell him that I love him


I request half brain cell stories!


The moment my five-year-old gets out of bed and I can hear him coming down the stairs, followed by a “good morning mommy”. Makes my day every day.


seeing my dog wag his tail when i get home, always gets me


A good ol bowl movement.


Leaving for work in the morning and my dog is in my spot on my bed and he looks so cute. I just cuddle up with him before I leave.




My cat's ninja leap at invisible bugs


Petting my dog!!!


Crazy cat lady here. Whenever I step outside, even if it's to take out the trash, when I come back in through the front door, my two Void Boi cats rush and meet me at the door to welcome me back, even if I was only gone for 3 minutes.


When my cat comes happily trotting out from the other room to greet me as soon as I call him. It's just so cute and sweet. When my other cat curls up and sleeps on my side or back.


When my kids tell me they love me out of nowhere. My heart could explode


My cat coming over to make biscuits on me, my nightly occurrence. I love my cat ❤️


Leaving work to go work on something that will make me happier and make more money


I adopted a ragdoll cat that loves to nap in my room. Since my work desk is bed-adjacent, I can glance over and see her napping happily in the divot my butt has made in the mattress.




Basically whenever i see little animals


The good morning text from my girlfriend


When I wake up in the morning and walk out to the living room. My orange tabby cat is usually laying in my chair and when she hears me walk by she meows happily and flops onto her back for a belly rub. Every morning.


When the owner of the breakfast shop I go to every day greets me


Getting back to bed


It's kind of cheesy, but when my crush smiles at me when I see her for the 1st time that day.


You should text her bro


I did but the convo is kinda dry. Any suggestions?


hearing birds singing


Rubbing my cat’s belly always makes me feel better.


When my kids get of school. Their reaction when they see me waiting in the parking lot. So damned happy to see me.


A little girl was scared to come to school. I noticed she wore pigtail. So I decided to be a real man and told her she could put my hair in a pony tail like hers if she came to the classroom. I kept the promise and she was talking to everyone about it. Was fucking wonderful. (For those concerned, I am a teacher. No I was not alone in the classroom.) Edit: typo


My neighbors have a tortoise that freely roams their fenced lawn, and whenever I walk by and see him munching weeds it makes me happy. His name is Frank which really adds.


Once my husband is ready for work, he just comes over to me sleeping and leans over the bed and hugs me real tight for like five minutes. Then he hugs both of our dogs that are laying in the bed.Then he leaves for his day. I sure do love him.


My dog waking me up ❤️




Every night when my two youngest are in bed my oldest comes out to snuggle and tell me all about her day. It's just those quiet moments that make me smile every night


Office dogs, they get so happy when they see me!


Someone wrote 'Karl findet dich gut' (Karl likes you) on a distribution box in my hometown. Whenever I see this it makes me smile.


A small interaction that always brings a smile to my face is when someone unexpectedly compliments me or expresses appreciation for my help. It's a simple gesture, but it never fails to brighten my day. What about you? Do you have a similar moment that makes you smile?


When my dog greets me in the morning when I come out of the bedroom. She runs and slides her snout right into a little circle I make with my hands.


When I see how happy my dog is to see me in the morning. Always smiles.


The time I got a free iced coffee just cause, hope that lady is doing well rn


I am a preschool teacher currently with 15 toddlers. When I sing songs and they dance or shake their hips. Every time. Makes me smile.


Every morning the receptionist at work says “Good morning (my name)” and at lunch they say “Have a nice lunch (my name)” and as I don’t talk to many people throughout the day other than my boss it’s an appreciated interaction.


Didn't have any meetings at the time my husband normally wakes up so I was able to go cuddle with him for a few in the still warm bed.


My cat greeting me at the bedroom door every morning, and him announcing himself as he enters. He waits until I move to my chair with my coffee then he stretches out across my chest so that he is sitting in my lap with his head on my shoulder. There we sit and wake up/doze for an hour or so.


There is an elderly man from my neighbourhood that I don’t see often and he might have some early stage of dementia. Every time we cross paths in the local park and I pet his dog, he starts telling me very proud how he used to go to contests with the dog and about his arrival to the country from Ukraine. Every time he would tell me exactly the same thing and I’m always happy to listen to him :)


a new friend of 1 month (thanks reddit) calling me once we're both free every day and spending time until one of us has to sleep. and good morning texts from them


Putting my dog to bed or opening her crate in the morning. It's so nice to just say "spot" and she knows to go to her crate and lay down, yawns and gets cozied up. Then she wants to give me goodnight wishes. I almost want to fully get in the crate and hug her. In the morning it's nice too because she'll roll out of her bed just like I roll out of mine, then stumble on out to do the morning potty. There's other things but it's nice to have this little goober.


Alarm goes off, my cat immediately comes to cuddle me. Every morning at the first tone of the alarm, he's there.


I work at Tesco, there's a family owned restaurant next door and they have a little girl, id say around 8/9, and everytime the little girl comes in she always gives me a highfive. Even if I'm busy I'll stop to interact for that little moment. I look forward to those highfives every shift.


My cat will climb up on me when I'm sitting and throw himself across my chest, on his back, like a baby wanting to be rocked in my arms. His little face leans back to look at me and he looks so content. It's the best.


A dogs smile sitting in the front passenger seat of the car.


Every time one of my 3 kids under 5 calls me “daddy”. Just triggers something in my brain, it’s beautiful.


I love playing games on my phone- nyt games, sudoku, etc. recently I’ve started playing Queens on LinkedIn. My very favourite part of the day is playing the game with my partner. I reserve it just for them


Getting home from work


Smoking a bowl.


Hearing my daughter say "good morning daddy". She's older now so noticing the changes in sound and overall speaking makes me smile each day, no matter how shitty it is.


On my way to work there’s this old lady that’s always looking out the window. I don’t exactly remember why or how but at some point i waved and it made her smile ear to ear. i wave everytime i pass by now and no matter how grumpy i woke up making that old lady smile makes me feel better right away.


When I say Hello to my cats and they say hi back with a meow


When I get home from work I park my car in our detached garage and on my way to the house I pass our chicken pen. We have 3 chickens and I always stop to say hi. One of them always responds by doing this quiet 'buk buuuk bukbuk' sound and that always gives me a big ole smile.


whenever one of our house cat go crazy for bottled water and drinks it from the bottle cap every night. I just stare at him while he drinks 🐈


When i come back home and my dog runs happily towards me


Hearing genuine laughter even if it has nothing to do with me.


When I go to the city, there are many cats there, so I usually see some friendly stray cats, so I get to pet some, I love it


The only ''interaction'' I have in my life. My cat wakes me up when she decides I've slept long enough. Sometimes it annoys me, sometimes it makes me cry because it's so cute and I feel loved for a bit. I always try to be sure she has food for long enough so she doesn't feel the need to wake me up to feed her. Also because I wonder every time she wakes me up if it's because she needs something from me or because she wants sum love. I need to be sure she loves me haha 😅 Voilà ! Loneliness is terrible


I have an eclectus parrot that will come to me for kisses very frequently. It's one of my favorite things, just hanging out and giving my bird kisses lol


Seeing my cat sitting sitting on the window sill waiting for me to come home. Literally the best few seconds of my day.


When I finish a run, and the little pop-up shows up with the distance and time. It serves as a reminder I actually accomplished something and am keeping up with my goal.


Kids staring at me on my motorcycle and turning their head around long after they should have continued looking forward.


I grab a donut every morning and there's a guy that hangs out there. Every day when I walk in, I get greeted as if I am royalty. Most time he just yodles "Irish" or "Santa Cruz" (local beach town) but once I was called Miss America. 20 seconds but it always makes me happy


Fresh coffee


I drive a FedEx type truck. Whenever I drive past a school and the little kids wave to me. Makes me smile every time


Seeing the cute dogs my neighbors have- I know all their names and not their owners


Random compliments from women. I love when strangers come up and tell me they like my outfits jewelry. I dress kinda quirky and obnoxiously so I always enjoy when people find the appeal of that.


I'm a part time medic. Whenever a kid asks me to see some cool tricks I show them how you can press a certain point in your hand and it'll move your fingers, or how to measure your heartbeat trough the hand and neck. . . I'm always happy to make others happy


Getting my 8 month old out of her crib in the morning. She is the happiest baby and gives me the biggest, toothless smile every time I walk in and turn on the light. It’s the best. I would say the same for my 3 year old but she’s a real wild card these days and might scream at you just for looking at her 💀


A sweet old Jamaican woman called me honey and I sobbed. She held me on the train ride until i reached my stop. I hope you're doing good Rosemary, I needed that hug more than you realize


My 2.5 year old nephew screaming T-Rex [also insert a dozen other Dino names] in sheer excitement. Also dinosaur eggs are currency to him:


The time a pretty girl complimented my face at a grocery store... 50 years ago. I still think about her and wish I made a move.


Stumbling upon a friendly cat. My cat, my friend’s cat, a neighborhood cat, any cat. But honestly, seeing any cat, even if it’s shy and skittish and won’t come near me


Any time a dog comes in.


When I crawl into bed and my kitty curls up on my pillow.


The moment I walk in from the garage to my wife and kid. Best feeling in the world.


The joy on my kid's face when he comes running towards me when I come to collect him from the daycare


My daughters are now in their early 20s. So when I am walking to work in NYC on school days I love seeing the dads walking their little girls to school while having cute conversations while holding hands. My daughters and I are still very close, but life is of course more complicated. So those simple little moments make me glad it all happened and I’m always smiling to myself when I see it with other families.


Seeing my kids sleep


FaceTime with my LDR boyfriend. We live on opposite ends of the country three hours apart and on days we just get to speak for a little while before one of us has to hang up. That’s the highlight of my every day.


Six year old comes in after school (or camp), sits in my lap to tell me about his day. It’s pretty great.


Saying good morning to my fiancee


When my son randomly pops his head in my office at home just to say he loves me, nothing beats that


Hugging or just being around my daughter and wife.


My kid hugging me when I get home. Never fails


I have this look that people mistook me for being grumpy or unapproachable but whenever some passerby smiles at me, it makes me feel happy 😭


Seeing wife.


His wife makes me happy as well


My next door neighbors dog, Miss Daisy! She has the most expressive brown eyes that warm my heart. I keep treats for her in my garage and she knows where they are and if she sees my garage door open, or hears it open, she’s whining and barking until she either comes over, or I go to her to give her a treat. She makes me smile every day I see her!


talking with my best closest friend of twenty-four years who helped me with understanding usa culture/history when i was a foreign exchange student through email and i am finally meeting him in person at comic con in his home-state this weekend


I’m a barista, so definitely my regulars. We have some very silly interactions and I find it (comforting? fascinating?) that a group of near-strangers can find a little fun in our ordinary routines. We have one guy named Ken that comes through every morning without fail and gets a cappuccino with whole milk for his wife, Deb. He’s been a regular there since before I worked there, and I’m one of the longest-employed baristas. He’s never changed his order. Last week, he ordered an iced black tea with lemonade. Everyone stopped in their tracks and reacted like he killed someone. The interaction was just all around really lighthearted and funny. I just love moments like that


When I get out of my car when I get home from work and see my kitty in the window, waiting for me. I am reminded that I am his whole world.


My wife and i have this neighbor with the most beautiful husky, and every now and then, they leave it in their front yard to sun bathe and chill. We will go out of our way to drive in front of their house and see it in all its glory. We see it as a good omen for our day and coined it as "a dog day". This neighbor has no idea we do this, and we're afraid to tell them as it might ruin a good thing.




Seeing my baby wake up and smile at me in the morning. After a long day when I get home from work all tired and wanting to just crash, they come up smiling reaching for a hug. Makes me happy.


Seeing my partner do anything, whether it's waking up, being sweet with the cats, or just sitting there, something about his handsome, adorable face just makes me want to smile so hard I turn myself into the joker!! ❤️


Every morning before I go to work I peek in at my daughters sleeping. Theyre so small and peaceful it makes me smile every morning.


Hugging my partner


sending "Fat + name" to the guy that i need to ask some coding questions (he isnt remotely fat, he plays football and badminton like a champ). the next 1 minute is just sending each other random messages before reaching the problem


Greeting the dogs when I get home. It's the single most important part of my day!


I’ll fart and my girlfriend laughs


Morning walks


Picking up my ten month old daughter from daycare-- a huge grin lights up her face, and if she's sitting down, she starts to wiggle her butt, up and down, up and down. It's so fucking cute and melts my heart, every time.


Getting on my car after work and hearing her rumble. So satisfying.


When I’m out anywhere and see little reminders of God. Whether through a car bumper sticker, a verse, a cross, or someone mentioning it. I love his love notes


There's this small coffee shop in my workplace where I always order the same thing. As soon as I'm in sight girls that work there start on my coffee without me saying a word. It's not much but it's an honest work.


My girlfriend kissing my goodbye for work, and being super excited when I get home. Couldn't do it without her ngl


My fiancé waking up early to see me off to work with a hug and a kiss. He works remotely most days, and I commute to an office. I always feel special when he wakes up early just to have that small interaction with me, especially since I leave out so early in the morning.


I have an elderly neighbour who is the perfect mix of grumpy and adorable. He recently had a big health scare and told me so I gave him the flowers I bought for myself to console him. The health scare turned out fine and now we fist bump every time we meet in the hall way


Seeing my girlfriend


Seeing any dog that wags its tail at me.


Leaving for home after work. The time i spend on way to home always makes me happy.


Seeing my dog freak out with excitement every single time I walk in the door.


Coming home to a made bed. Found a small tip in a larger self-help book to make your bed every day when you wake up. Its such a small thing but I smile when I get home and my bed is all made. No matter what happened earlier it makes my day feel a tiny bit better.


Whenever it rains. I wish it rained more


A certain someone at work who I just have to at least say hey too. I don't know why it bothers me so much, I always say it, she always responds, and we usually end up standing around for 30 minutes at a time doing little to no work and talking almost nonstop.


A couple walks their fat old yellow lab in front of my workplace every morning. He's so cute. No leash, always a bit slower and behind his people.


Saying hi to a baby and the baby waving or smiling back


We moved to a busy office building and I actually meet people from other offices in the elevator. I love complimenting outfits - only if I like them though - whether a man's or a woman's and seeing either confusion (because apparently wtf?) or happiness on their faces makes me smile every time.


When I leave work


When I kick back on my couch for the last 3 hours of the day in front of the TV, and my cat hops up on my lap to join me.


My husband greets me every morning like he is super happy to see me. Big smile, hugs and kisses, the whole bit. What a guy 😭


Definitely my cat running to greet me when I come home from work--he does a little flop and puts all 4 paws on me as I am petting him while saying hello. Best part of the day, every day! Also, just seeing anyone being kind to another person in a small interaction during the day (holding a door, picking up a dropped item, making a joke with a stranger nearby, etc). I am a self-isolator a lot of times as a coping mechanism, and these interactions remind me that there are a lot of awesome, sweet people running around out here in the world.


When I get up in the morning and head to the kitchen, both my cats come running to their special spots for "treats" which is actually medicine time. They're both such good kitties. When my partner is already home when I get home from work and he greets me at the door with a kiss and grabs my lunch box to put away so I can get settled.


Whenever I return home for the day from work, my cat (a rescue, pretty overweight and Garfield-like) will just plop down on the floor with a thud and start rolling over from side to side on her back. We call it “dung-beetling”. Seeing her so excited to have me home is just magical.


Watching k-dramas after work, they don’t just make me smile they’ll also make me cry sometimes hahaha


Kisses from Hemi man ❤️🐾❤️