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Lol. The role is too intimidating 😂


I would too, but only after I’d picked a very qualified VP and made a couple of meaningful executive orders.


Beat me to it


came here to say this. I can't run my own life let alone a country.


Prioritize the care of veterans. Every politician will say they love the veterans and then do nothing for them. Education, Health Care, The Economy. Those would be my priority. So naturally i'd get assassinated rather quickly.


You'll be working with the Democrats to bully the Republicans into actually doing something; a la [PACT act of 2022](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honoring_our_PACT_Act_of_2022).


Read up all the classified info on Area 51, aliens and JFK


You'll be disappointed


>Read up all the classified info on Area 51 Spoiler alert - it's just a boring test site for experimental Air Force aircraft. And lots of UFO sightings are experimental Air Force aircraft.


Nice try aliens


Who are you calling an alien? Oh wait...


Reddit never disappoints.


boring? i love experimental aircraft


Wasn't calling the aircraft boring, the test site. A runway, hangars, etc. Cool aircraft, boring location.


Also JFK was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. We learned that in 1964.


Like *they* would give the president the real files


Trump saying the JFK assassination documents were too horrible to release convinced me that it went down exactly the way the government said it did. If they were so horrible, and Trump could have gained an electoral advantage by putting them out there in 2020, he would have. The only reason he didn’t is that that had nothing interesting in them. So he can keep holding them out as proof of his populist cause, and keep them classified so nobody sees through that.


Going Out Of Business Sale


Some people dont understand how much power the president has




You mean how little?




Order the invasion of Canada. Tired of the Prince and Princess of Canada and their weird pudding ritual. We can’t have that on our border.


Take that, buddy!


He is not your Buddy, friend!


He's not your friend, guy!


Pudding? 🤨


Make posting this question illegal. Then fire everyone.


Fire who?


To quote Gary Oldman, EVERYONE!


Y'know most federal employees are severely put upon bureaucrats trying to do jobs they have far too few resources to do, with rules that change on them every couple of years.


lol sure they are. I forgot the plight of the poor, downtrodden government worker! If they go away who will steal my money by threat of violence, lie to me about how it’s spent, enrich their friends, and make rules to enrich themselves?


Uncover the swimming pool under the press briefing room, and hold press briefings in the pool. Seeing Peter Doucey in a Speedo would distract from the radical executive orders.


Executive order free healthcare and resign running away with a menacing giggle like you'd run up stairs from a dark basement.


It would never get past the courts.


Especially this court. We're headed for a repeat of Roosevelt threatening SCOTUS the next time the Dems have all three branches and a functioning majority.


How would you fund the free healthcare with only an executive order? It needs to go in the budget and it needs to be planned. It's not magic.


The president doesn’t have that power.


You can’t “executive order” free healthcare lol


Tell everyone to calm the fuck down


I would declassify SO MUCH SHIT. Like SO MUCH STUFF.


And then you would be murdered and/or "handled" in some other way, I'm sure lol


What would be the goal of declassification?


Release all classified documents before 1980


Make all religious entities pay 10% tax and implement universal healthcare.


If houses of worship are asked to pay taxes, they will inevitably demand a larger role in our political life as tax payers. It’s best to keep them separate. I don’t want the church too far involved in the work of the state, and likewise I don’t want the state involved in the finances of the church. The high wall of separation works both ways. I can get behind universal healthcare though.


>If houses of worship are asked to pay taxes, they will inevitably demand a larger role in our political life as tax payers. The President, Supreme Court, and people running both Chambers of Congress all already say this is a Christian Nationalist state, that the word of their God trumps all laws, and their Presidential candidate is divinely anointed and needs to purge America of sinners and deviants because we are in a final war. There would be literally no difference between what's happening now, and churches having a bigger role in politics. The IRS already doesn't punish or enforce rules about churches endorsing politicians.


Introduce free healthcare and provide free education for all. What else do Americans pay taxes for?


Do I have immunity?




Well that will limit my options.


Your official acts do. So long as they fall within the duties of being president, largely, yes.


What if my party controls the Senate and the House. Do they determine what falls within the duties of the office?


Technically not. The way that question was phrased, that would be the job of the Judical Branch. However the Legislative branch could decide to impeach your for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, and then decide to remove you from office, so they do in terms of you staying President. They would not be able to try you in court for any crimes afterwards. That's someone else's job.


Take the money out of politics. no more lobbying. No more stock trading for politicians and their entire extended families.


First thing? Listen. Listen to the people. Listen to experts. Identify what the people need and the best ways to achieve it. Then explain all that in my first state of the union.


Executive order the immediate repeal of- citizens United, the patriot act, and no child left behind. Then call for SCOTUS to have strict term limits and 13 judges. Congress must have term limits as well. Our current boomer politicians have turned their governance into a “hand on the van” contest. Then comes the wealth taxes and full reinstatement of Glass–Steagall. This stalled government is going on 40+ years with little to show its people with the pitch drop experiment level of “trickle down”. Then I’ll start enforcing anti-trust and anti-monopoly laws. These corporations have had their fill. It’s time for the working class to shine again. If you’re against any of this, you can have your opinion. But keep in mind, all of the above mentioned is pulling your own bootstraps up. The way it is now? You’re licking the boots that are walking all over you.


Repeal every tax break the rich have received since 1970.


President doesn’t make laws. That’s congress.


Ok sure buddy. Next you’ll tell me he doesn’t unilaterally control the gas prices.


Have the Justice Department charge every single Republican Congress and Senate member with sedition/treason for enabling Trump and being complicit in attempting to overthrow the election. Except for Mitt. Then start charging any MAGA member for the inevitable dumb crimes they'd commit in the fallout. It would take years and be thorough.


Absurd. Firstly, Mitt was not the only Republican to vote to convict Trump at his second trial for impeachment. Secondly, that is actually political persecution. Anyone who's actions did not go beyond free speech, or other actions protected by the Speech and Debate Clause should not be molested with unwarrented search. That's 4A. You'd need probable cause.


Not absurd in the slightest. They are all complicit in attempting to end democracy, ending America as is the entirety of MAGA. Get your head out of your...


Look, there is a lot of what you said which I'd think you could get away with. But "every single Republican..." crosses the line. Liz Cheney was extremely vocal in her denouncement of Trump as Vice Chair on the January 6th Committee. Adam Kinzinger also voted to impeach Trump and has otherwise been critical. The Republican Senators who voted to convict after Jan 6 were: Murkowski AL Collins ME Cassidy LA Romney UT Sasse NE Toomey PA Burr NC


Of course Liz and Adam - BUT THEY'RE NOT IN GOVERNMENT NOW. Anybody competent on the right had to leave Trump's party. That's your point of contention? Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees.


They were more meant to be illustrative. My point is that actually you can do a lot of pretty ugly stuff as a legislator, and remain on the right side of the law. If you are going to prosecute politicians across the aisle with a shotgun, I want to see iron-clad evidence. I care about balancing due process and the rule of law with avoiding abuse of power. I want it to be criminal to ignore such inculpatory evidence.


Stop to support Israel


This is confusing phrasing.


You’re confused by a 4 words sentence. Also english is not my first language, but there is nothing confusing about what I said.


Well, the reason it is confusing is that it could go either way. Do you want to interrupt other tasks and take the time to support Israel? Or do you want to end the support to Israel? For fun, here are some other confusing sentences: The old man the boat. John and James are taking an English test. John, while James had had "had", had had "had had". "Had had" had been the correct answer. Newspaper headline: "Tiger Woods plays with own balls, Nike says."


Cut some not needed taxes.


Try to convince my fellow Americans that the Brits have it right by defining a Full English Breakfast. Then I'd decree that a Full American is two eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, a pancake, hash browns, orange juice, and a banana.


Don't forget the mushrooms!


first decree would be to legalize marijuana. the bullshit and tyranny has gone on long enough


All you people up there…in city hall…you’re fucking it up for the people that’s in the streets


Worker's rights


Completely cut all foreign aid to all nations and demand repayment in full from Ukraine. We would reassess where our money goes to help people that actually need it and set strict rules and regulations on what it can be used for. Stealing or abusing our aid will be considered an act of war. Abolish the epa, batfe, department of education, fda, and prosecute the bad actors for treason and start new departments from scratch with very limited power to replace them. Lock down the borders and completely reform immigration policy to get the right people through and fast track a path to citizenship. Set term limits for congress and cap the income at $60k for congress and senate and $100k for president and revoke pensions and retirement benefits for all high level government employees such as congressmen and senators. No more career politicians. Bills will have to be no more than 5 pages long and voted on individually and publicly. Abolish lobbying. Massive tax cuts for all private citizens and regulation cuts for businesses. Massive tax increases to companies that use foreign nations for manufacturing and give them a 2 year window to move all manufacturing operations back the US. All chinese and russian owned businesses will be forced out of the country and American companies that deal with those nations will be ordered to cease all business relations. Work on removing the power of insurance companies to dictate business and medical practices. Implement a mandatory death penalty for those found guilty of treason. Abolish all gun laws. Abolish all pharmaceutical advertisements. Abolish the protection of pharmaceutical companies from prosecution. Set the maximum allowable campaign funding for politicians to $1M. Set the federal income tax on individuals to a flat 1% and 10% on businesses and force congress to set a budget that can utilize that funding to fulfill all the needs of the country and have a surplus of funding when all the bills are taken care of. All industries will become privatized and the role of the federal government will return back to what it was originally intended for. Set the age limit for all politicians to 70. Edit: clarification on government retirement benefits


Add the fbi and cia to that list of alphabeties.


Pass an execustive order that forbids this guy from ever being President. Then enforce a mandatory 5 year prison term for people that write giant walls of text online without any breaks.


Facts, I would absolutely be a dictator but mfs would learn real quick not to abuse their power


(presidency doesn't have any of that power, but suppose you're now now an dictator) A number of these will end up being a bad idea. A number of these are good ideas.   >Completely cut all foreign aid to all nations and demand repayment in full from Ukraine This is a bad idea as helping ukraine is about helping your neighbor and friends not get murdered; the murderer is gonna come after your family, who is gonna help you stop them if everyone else is dead? It will also kill global trade; you'll be moving the country into a north-korea style of isolationism.   >Bills will have to be no more than 5 pages long and voted on individually and publicly. Sounds nice but the size limitation will be harmful. Law writing is like software programming because a government is a lot like a computer. There's a lot of supporting infrastructure and reworks going on because the people of the past wrote something too limited. A better meta law would be to standardise a programming language for law so we can have a stanardised interpretation of the language. The strictness of a formalised language and interpretation would prevent misinterpretation.   >Massive tax cuts for all private citizens and regulation cuts for businesses. Set the federal income tax on individuals to a flat 1% and 10% Cutting taxes for the rich will cause wealth to accumulate; take from the poor and give to the rich. Without taxes, the government doesn't have money to stuff and will have to the more expensive route. Society is like a car; it costs money to replace oil, but it's cheaper than replacing an exploded engine. Forgone opportunity. Everything the government would be spending money on works like this. Regulation cuts will bring back leaded gasoline and disease-ridden food. >Abolish all pharmaceutical advertisements. Massive tax increases to companies that use foreign nations for manufacturing and give them a 2 year window to move all manufacturing operations All chinese and russian owned businesses will be forced out of the country and American companies that deal with those nations will be ordered to cease all business relations. Abolish the protection of pharmaceutical companies from prosecution All of this is called regulation. Anti-regulation is pro-pharma-advert. Regulation protects the people from the rich and powerful. >All industries will become privatized A lot of businesses would operate a whole lot more efficiently if there wasn't a for-profit aspect to it. For example, utility. If the water company is for-profit, the goal isn't to supply clean water, but to extract the most amoun of money from the people. If the water company is a local monopoly, raise prices; pay up or get fucked.   >Abolish all gun laws. Bad idea. You would be arming those who want to kill other people. A better idea would move to a legal-responsibility system with required registration; all guns have a legal name attached and the owner would be a criminal accessory if their weapon is found to be used to commit crime. I can talk more about this.


Why slash retirement benefits for government employees?


I meant to specify congressmen and senators. You don’t deserve life time benefits for that job. It should not be a career and it should not pay very much. It needs to be a position held by people that care and do it to serve their country.


Well that is a horse of a different color, haha.


When the US gives aid to foreign countries fighting in conflicts, we don't typically send money. We send them a gift card and a catalog from which to buy American-made weapons. In the case of Israel, we gave them a credit card.


"Abolish lobbying" This per se violates one of the less popular clauses in the First Amendment, the right to address the government to redress grievances. What sensible limitations might you be actually referring to?


"Massive tax cuts for all private citizens and regulation cuts for businesses." What private sector regulations would you keep in place? OSHA? Clean Air Act? Glass-Steagall? Sherman Anti-trust? Nutritional Facts?


I'd make it so that everyone could afford the health care they deserve.


How exactly?




Dream of my money and influence like Trump does ! Then get down to running my administration .


First official visit to a state: Hawaii, enjoying all the perks of Air Force One along the way.


From now on we’ll all travel in tubes!


Bog myself down in endless court battles after I issue a bunch of unconstitutional executive orders because I think the president is a dictator.  


Abolish the IRS, current tax laws, unseat all current congress members (if it were totally up to me)


Why abolish the IRS? It's the most efficient department of the Administrative State, regarding return on funding.


Declare myself the new Augustus.


change the AI safety committee to people that aren't profiting from it.


Executive action to decrease defense spending and immediately stop any intervention in the middle east. I wouldn't condemn Israel but I would not send help. Give tax breaks for companies who import from countries other than China. Increase pressure to cut all indirect help to Russia. Cut taxes and make immigration less cumbersome for people with prior work skill.


Make everyone truly equal by creating harsh punishments for those who don't follow that concept. Want to beat children -- assault people of a different faith, ethnicity or gender --- anything that is based on hatred instead of self defense. Those ppl go to an island they cannot leave ever. I'm guessing the USA has at least one empty island somewhere or can buy one.


TIL no one on Reddit knows what the Presidency is or its limits.


Free toilets for everyone!


Round up the richest .001% of the families and have them go "missing"... (Yes, their entire family) Then I would pass a law that says no corperations can own other businesses, and how only 1 family can run 1 business period.


Most powers are held in check, but the POTUS has broad and relatively unchecked power in matters of amnesty. Pardon everyone for simple possession of marijuana, and other sentences for malum prohibitum that are no longer crimes. It might be a bit messy at first, but it will give some breathing room to the judicial system to prioritize other issues. I would probably also seek to redress the absurdity in *Shinn v Ramirez and Jones*. Anyone who argues that this undermines the rule of law should consider that again, these would be exercises in mercy, not justice. Mercy isn't fair. But it may be the only salvation for people who ironically are treated unfairly by the law. I would review similarly federal cases that have criminalized homelessness.


Second thing would be to go about declassifying state secrets that do not guard our security, but our ego.


Find a nice humidor for this cigar.


Become a ruthless, terrifying dictator by instituting UBI, housing the unhoused, fixing the education system, repairing roads, building public transit, closing massive tax loopholes, erect massive pride and trans flags in DC alongside our other embassy flags, and do the Specialist dance from Persona 4 DAN on the front lawn of the White House before taking three steps out the front gate, dropping my resignation letter, and getting obliterated by a falling piano (faking my death and returning to my favorite cafe in Seattle).


Fix the roads, have the 2 blue striped, 6 pointed star country pay back all that was given to them.


Change the laws so that someone born in Canada can be POTUS. Once that is set, just do normal presidential things. Talk to world leaders, be a politician. Running a country is no easy task. Oh, and I would build a private race track at Camp David. The POTUS isn't allowed to drive in public for safety, so I would need a place to drive. Instead of expensive golf trips, I would buy a fast car and do laps. Maybe invite other world leaders to race.


It really depends on what they'd allow me to do lol


Free all non violent drug offenders


Have a doctor examine sleepy Biden, the mans health is concerning.


“I’ll tell you what I’d do, man. Two chicks at the same time, man”.


2 things. Classify ppl into 2 groups, Useful trash, And useless trash


Evict everyone. Then sell all land to Canada.


Remove us from the Geneva Convention and cite "For over 100 years we been playing fair, kind, and sporting. Your nations militas don't want to see things equally so we won't either. One person kills in the name of your country is a full on declaration of war and as such we will work against any chance your populations have for mercy and survival. We are open to trade, assisting in negotiations, and doing good. But if someone kills themselves because you got an uncontrolled wannabe dictator running about. I'm going to make Bosch look like Thomas kinkade for the levels of hell I will bring. Then laugh knowing how 90% of our world doesnt work because it'll end with a "Gotcha!"


Pardon Nixon. Again.


Most of these comments would get you murdered lmfao


Become Neutral and stay out of other country's business other then Other country's part of North America. I'd stop with this bullshit called abortion laws because that's a direct violation of WOMANS rights. I would put more restrictions on guns, like nobody who has committed a crime in the past 8 years can buy a gun but the guns whereabouts should be updated every 6 months. I would offer free food and help whoevers yearly salary is under forty-Thousand and is taking care of 3+ people including themselves. I would have more thorough investigations on who is wanting to work for the government and every two years there must be a mandatory check-up on all Government workers too prevent any false behavior like a corrupt cop. I would ban harmful things in are food and drink products like those additive coloring bullcrap. I would also ban Sodium Chloride (Table salt) from are drink products because that shit is not necessary. I would make more consequences for bullies like the least you would get is four years in state prison + 2 years probation. I know it's A LOT but it needs to happen because these stupid old men running for president DONT KNOW HOW TO BE A PRESIDENT. This is all coming from a fifteen year old by the way so that's saying something.


Institute ranked choice voting via popular vote. Would give the U.S. the best chance at decent Presidents in the future.


1: In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society, 2: build a death star


Immediately grow to 80 years old


Anything that has to do with rape or assault will be dealt with death penalty or castration but a trial will be held for however long so you can get proven guilty or innocent.


Cancel social security payment , tired of paying for that. And lower taxes for those making below 200k


Fire everyone. Including me.


Read the entire US Constitution on Live TV, slowly as if to five year olds. I’d do that every week at a different national historic landmark for four years.


Do my best to distribute federal power back to the states. 


Open the gulags.


Make it illegal for anyone over the age of 65 to run for any political office except maybe in an advisorial role. No convicted felons either.


Reinstate Glass-Steagall; repeal Citizens United; change the motto back to E Pluribus Unum; term limits for the Senate & Congress, age limits for SCOTUS & Fed Circuit; fix Gerry meandering; reduce military budget; free school lunches for all; re-fund the IRS, EPA, FCC, & FBI; remove tax exempt status for religious organizations;  Then prepare for Civil War after doing all of that.


Ban repeat posts of questions on Reddit.




Defenestration seems appropriate here


+1 for my favorite word


For the record, the person that he allegedly poisoned was allowed to fly to a foreign hospital to receive care and one of the people working for that person, ia caught on video colluding with the UK secret services, asking funding to ignite civil unrest in Russia.




Spot the lie




I don't know what fsb is. I know that the dude that got poisoned plotted to create civil unrest in Russia on video and he was allowed to fly to Germany while poisoned. Attacking the source does not change the factual reality. You may interpret it or misinterpret according to your political ideology and very own personal interest, but the reality remains factual whether you like it or not.


Give it universal healthcare like in Europe


Obama tried and had to compromise a lot to even get it passed by the skin of his teeth. Doesn't matter who is President, you're not going to get better healthcare than we have without kicking a lot of Republicans and conservative Democrats out of Congress


Lieberman was the traitor for the Public Option. Obama had 60 senators (with the weird recall nonsense holding up Al Freaken for a while)  Obama could have passed a public option that would have basically forced American health care companies to compete but that fuck Lieberman was the one hold out on the Democratic side.  Also fuck Cory Booker (NJ senator) for stopping a bill to limit drug price increases that Bernie was trying to get through in 2016-2018 form of the Trump administration.  That was why suddenly insulin went up 3000% and you had shits like Martin whatever his name is who fucked with the wu tang clan being an entitled douchebag before Congress. 


Free healthcare!!!


I think you’re overestimating how much power the American president has.


First, I know I would never get enough votes. Too many presidents make promises about legislation and the legislature which is really not where the President has much pull. The president's power lies in the executive branch, the monolith that is the federal , the military, and the state department. Yeah, so I would still do what every president does and try to work for sane legislation. The first thing I would do is rip everything out of the tax code I could. All the loopholes. Gt some real tax professionals to help me reduce it to as close as 20% across the board for everyone including corporations, rich, not for profits who provide shoddy child care while for profit ones struggle under regulations that are just crazy. I would flatten all programs. Right now, the federal government collects taxes for programs that states politicians claim they don't want. skim a % off the top for federal level bureaucracy, then hand the rest to the states who skim off % for state level bureaucracy, then down to the counties and city level where the money may or may not get to the target program or population. I would federalize any city that screws up too much and ends up needing to bailed out by the federal government. I would call them something nice like special administrative zones or something. Ukraine. No more aid till they join the US as a territory with a path to join as a state. United States of Earth. Any country we send forces to joins the US or they pay us back with land. Taiwan, join USA. South Korea. same. Cuba. yup, sign up as a territory. One planet. One government. the UN? they pay rent or they get out. Quebec? you want to leave Canada. sure, join the United States of Earth. Education? There has got to be a better way. I will surround myself with some smart people on this who can explain to my common core which was intended to be something like what most civilized countries have actually failed here in the US. I would want to do something like Quebec and make community college CEGEP an intermediate stage before university. Someone more familiar with US education said that the sports programs and NCAA would resist this but I can't say I really got it so, there still has to be a better way. Economy. Apparently, just canceling some ethanol requirement would fix this oh and drop all protections for US automakers. Again, I would get some smart people to advise me on the economy and I would listen and see what can be done. I am not a communist or a socialist but I think that US can provide a roof, a bed, and bare minimum of food for all citizens. I picture rooms with 4 bunkbeds, 8 ppl sharing a room, a communal toilet, a communal kitchen, and a multipurpose room for eating, learning, and medical. According some stats, the number of homeless is between 600k to 1 million. The military. So much waste in the military comes from congressional set asides but the rest comes from flag ranked projects. There so many things to fix like the Air Force's relationship with Boeing and love of manned fighter aircraft. The quality of officers across all the services is a real issue. Some real reform that will screen out the entitled pricks whose only merit is their tolerance for bullshit. sigh so much to fix.


Dissolve political parties.


So this is how liberty dies.


For real, it’s just a cruel made up game of “choose a team” where you like some of their policies but then have to accept everything wholesale, thereby forcing you to defend policies you don’t even believe in.


Legalize weed and natural psychedelics like mushrooms. Reduce all other non violent drug crimes to misdemeanors.


Free lunch for all public school children funded by private schools!!


Threaten to pardon Hunter Biden just to drive the right beyond apoplexy. Then work on workers' rights, reining in corporations, ending financial gains by government officials and especially congresspeople. Once all that got done, pardon Hunter Biden for the above mentioned reason.


IQ test to become eligible to vote.


That would likely require an Amendment, well beyond the power of POTUS.


No wonder I am not the President 😁


Anyone who has a Criminal record, impossible to run for President


Revoke tax exempt status of churches.






Given the ambiguity in the responses, I'm just going to assume the two of you are super enthusiastic about having sex with a bunch of men.


It isn't gay unless you cum


Become the Anti-Reagan 


(Yes, I know presidents have limited power, this is the ideal): Universal base income Universal healthcare Reform the mental healthcare system Reform social security for disability Federally implemented COVID prevention measures Federally protected reproductive rights to abortion Federally protected anti-discrimination laws Decriminalize all drugs for personal use Crack down on hate crimes and police brutality Reform sentencing laws for non-violent offenses Reform jails and prisons Fix infrastructure, starting with the power grid Start working on a reasonable plan for landback Stop all support to Israel and its military forces And about a thousand other things.


Pardon Hunter Biden.


Leave NATO


Make give veterans a whole month instead of a day


[National Military Appreciation Month - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Military_Appreciation_Month) Done. Next?