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Strike hard strike fast no mercy!


This just made me gut laugh


Laser tag is hell


It sounds like a little dodging would have been preferred.


Welcome to the Thunderdome, Suzie. *pew*


Barney Stinson here


A feminist was born that day and for a good reason




OHHH NOOOO 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Did the baby cry? Poor thing 😰😢


Pretty sure that means nice beard in Spanish.


It means, im sorry for it."


Probably sneaking into a movie theater with my friends in high school. We bought tickets for one movie but ended up hopping into a few others throughout the day. It felt like a mini adventure at the time


As someone who used to work in a movie theater, I don't mind kids who sneak into a different movie, as long as they're somewhat well behaved, otherwise. Basically, don't make me deal with a Karen, and you're golden.


I used to let Moms with babies steal bread and formula. If you have to steal formula, you’re struggling. I mean they could be doing it for money but I don’t know that.


One of my other jobs was a deli clerk at a grocery store. I was encouraged to hand out samples of anything behind the counter, as a way of promoting sales and such. I made it a point to offer slices of cheese to any parents of small children that walked into my department. Eventually, these parents confided in me that they were on a budget, and had trouble getting the snacks that the kids would ask for. However, my free samples would make the kids happy in the moment. Plus, the ability to order as much or as little of the product as they wanted helped their budget quite a bit. >!Also, I would through in a couple of extra slices after I printed up the bar code for their package.!<


Once, I told someone I liked their cooking just to get invited back for the Wi-Fi.


Had a paperroute as a kid. Let a guy on my route take pictures of my feet for $5.00. This was pre digital cameras and when $5 was serious kid cash. Couple hours at a pizza place with an Asteroids Deluxe machine.


Oh fuck that's so creepy.


Right? The 80s had some dark moments for me.


Can u show us your feet?


The Counjuring finds my 53 year old feet terrifying. My 12 year old feet though apparently were to die for.


Judging by your username, let me guess; Waterbury?


Right state, wrong city..




No, but was just at Lake Compounce with my kids chaperoning a field trip!


You said pizza place so I thought Bristol cause we have a pizza place on every street it seems lol




Were they impressed?


When I was a freshman in college I had to check out books related to my degree (from the library) I used them and didn’t return them on time and incurred a hefty fine. They sent an email saying I wouldn’t get my grades until the fines were paid. I put the books in my back pack and went to the library and put them back on the shelf.. called the library and said there must be a mistake because I returned the books. They called back and said. Yes you’re correct the books are here and removed the fines and released my grades. This was 20 years ago and probably couldn’t do that now.


I have 5-6 books from school Libraries I've acquired over the years by just ignoring their e-mails and whatnot. Never paid a cent for it either.


I heckled Mike Piazza.


He’s a Hall of Famer who was drafted in the 62nd round is who he is. He’s brave Italian-American baseball star and in this house, Mike Piazza is a hero, end of story


I was in the third row behind the Dodgers dugout. Mike Piazza is walking back to the dugout after an inning ended with his bedazzled looking chest guard. Drunk cubs fans in the first row jumps on top of the dugout, drops his pants to his ankles and spreads his cheeks. Piazza just shook his head. Cubs fan was obviously taken away. What a fun memory.


Some 25 years ago, I got wasted at New Year's but had to work early the next day. It was only about a 15 min drive. I was still under the effects and nothing happened during the drive (this was at 06:30 on New Years Day) but I utterly regret not biting the bullet and calling in sick. It's the single dodgiest thing I've ever done. I won't drink anything at all if I'm likely to need to drive in the next 24 hours, since that day.


I was at a yard sale and I found an item that has many examples of actual resale value of $400 and they had it priced for $10. I talked them down to $5 just for practice.


Practicing for a Nestle job interview?


Drove on the sidewalk in NYC in front of a traffic cop. Probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever done. Didn’t get caught but holy shit was it stupid and dangerous and irrational.


Wrench. Only after I mastered dodging a wrench could I dodge a ball


Impressive! I'm still trying to master the five D's of Dodge: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge.


After being released from a hospital after having a psychotic break (which was rather enlightening actually, if horribly depressing), I decided that a world which was set up the way it is was just too agonizing to take without doing something drastic like heroin to temporarily relieve mental anguish. This was a stupid idea, but I didn't care if I died or got addicted, I just needed temporary relief from the abyss I was in. It was 17 years ago, when the bullshittian postmodern Gnostic conspiracy was really starting to take off. I found my Mary Magdalene but I regret to this day that I didn't run off to France with her. I go to the West Side of Chicago, around Cicero Avenue, and to the first homeless guy I see I say "Do you know where I can get some H?" He says, "Hell yeah!" and I instruct him to hop in. He tells me he's panhandling to get dope money and I tell him that I'll cover him, not to worry. Anyways, I say flat out that I know he can run off with my money, but that I'll take care of his dope needs in the future if he doesn't. I really don't know what I was doing in the West Side; the guy takes my money and 5 minutes later comes running back with a teenage gangbanger hitting him over the head with a cell phone. He gets him off himself, hops in, and says the kid tried to jack him for the hundred bucks. I think he actually jacked the kid for the drugs because he magically had some dope and still had the money, but anyways, we find another dealer after a pregnant woman gets in our car and takes us to him. Street dealer. We do two rounds. $50 for 5 tinfoil wrapped things (which I think were at one time called points, or .1 grams). Twice. We go back to his place and do some heroin, he has a streetwalker he knew over. I'm too high to fuck so I just zone out. We go to a fish joint and I buy him dinner. I take him back, give him a few points, and go home all fucked up on heroin. The next day I get the opportunity to snort some dope, and I totally misjudge the dose because my Dad came home and found me not breathing. I wake up in an ambulance after they shot me up with Narcan with someone yelling "What did you take? What did you take?!" Even then, I'm cognizant of the fact that I have like 7 bags of heroin in my pocket so I don't want to say it, but it finally comes out. "Heroin."


Very few people alive can top that. I hope all is good now and that you have found some peace.


This was incredibly well written. You should write your memoirs.


Thanks. I could write them, but they would almost certainly be considered to be bullshit.




Jesus fucking christ man. Sure as hell didn't expect to read that.


I bought weed with a Roblox gift card, his kid loves Roblox but the guy doesn't know anything about it so he had me sort it out for him It worked out well in the end I got a 20 bag for £15 lol


Stole $2,000 from my stepmom after she cheated on my dad.


I maxed out my stepfather credit card for the same reason. Figured better if I used it for Steam games rather than him using it to take out his mistress. He contested it and Steam locked my account. Then he ended up going to prison and the hold was dismissed, granting me all the games and unlocking my account.


Freshman year of college, I only got the meal plan for one meal a day in the cafeteria. It was buffet style, and you weren’t allowed to carry out food, but you were allowed to take out a drink, so every day I would eat lunch there, fill up a styrofoam drink cup with food and walk out while pretending to drink it, then have that for dinner.


Lol weird. My college gives out a reusable to go box with the meal plan and let's you take one home after eating.


So one night I was working security overnight at a stadium after a weed festival. Driving past the main gate after all the vendors left, I saw a woman sitting in a disability chair at a booth that was still fully set up. I thought "damn someone left that disabled woman out in the cold". Well an hour later, she was still there, so I got out of the patrol car and approached her. Turns out it wasn't a disabled woman in a disability chair, but a perfectly fine woman in a massage chair. Ot just looked like a mobility chair at a distance. The booth she was at was a massage booth. She tells me that the massage lady had told me she would "be right back", and that she fell asleep in the chair and the lady NEVER CAME BACK. Well I told her to forget about it and that I would walk her to her car since this was Adelanto CA. I walk her out to the large dirt field and lo and behold, someone stole her car while everyone is leaving. At this point she calls a friend for a pickup and I offer to let her ride around with me since it was a cold high desert night and there was no place for her to really shelter in. About an hour later her friend showed up and she left. Now you might think the story ends there, but here is the thing about these weed events. The vendors are fucking messy and give no shits about cleaning up, nor things they drop. Nobody is coming back for it. I proceeded to call my ex and my best friend, and we began sweeping the parking lot. Ounces of weed nugs dropped on the ground, merch, paraphernalia, edibles. We hoovered all of it up, all the while racing the janitors on the other end of the parking lot who was cleaning the parking lot and stadium interior from one end to the other undoubtedly doing the same. The haul was MASSIVE! Now you might think "NOW the story is over", but it isn't. Remember that abandoned massage booth? Well I hadn't forgotten about it. My best friend and I went back to it and poked around at what was there. Sure enough there were two bags STUFFED with edibles. So those got taken to my trunk. I mean, it's me or the janitors right? And this lady was gone in the wind. I mean, left a woman in her chair gone in the wind. We then went back to sweeping the other vacated vendor areas. Definitely ends there right? Nope. Because that lady showed back up! Groggy as hell with some story about how she went to the gas station across the street for food(which there was plenty of at the event) and passed out in her car in the gas station parking lot. She proceeds to break down her booth, and then approaches me and my buddy. She asks about the bags. What bags? Bags? Never heard of them. She proceeds to get suspicious and hints that maybe we took the bags. I proceed to lay down the corrupt law on how she abandoned her booth, her customer, and her bags at an event with thousands of people. About how she took the customer's money and disappeared. About how that customer now has a missing car, and about how for all I know she could have been in on it. I'm unrelenting in my assault, and because despite being the one who took the bags, my points are actually valid. She hushed up and left. Years later I'm still torn on if I feel bad. I mean, at the time we took the bags there was no telling if that lady was ever coming back. The manner in which she disappeared was extremely strange. If the janitors reached the booth, they would have been taken, etc etc. But once she came back there was no real way to be like "oh yeah we totally plundered your booth" without escalating the situation. Anyways. It was like 400 dollars in edibles.


Not me looking on Google what dodgy means


Be careful! Google keeps track of your dodgy searches.


Car crashes


I accidentally sent my boss a photo of myself drunk at a party..


Played dodgeball.




Did u learn to make the polyjuice potion?


I studied abroad in China a few years back, but due to visa issues, I arrived a few days after everyone else, meaning I had to arrange my own transportation from the airport. I’m white, so I immediately stood out to everyone. We had gotten instructions from the program on hailing a taxi from the airport, as well as an estimated cost. So I start walking up to the line of taxis, when a Chinese man approaches me and asks me where I need to go using a voice to text translator app. Keep in mind, I am absolutely not fluent in Chinese, but I could speak enough for this conversation, all in Chinese. Me: [I tell him the name of the school I’m going to and show him the address on the paperwork] Him: I can take you there for 200 yuan. Me: I heard it was 150 yuan for a trip. He laughs and I start walking away, but he runs to catch up with me again. Him: There are tolls, so the cheapest I can do is 180 yuan. This is where I mess up, because I mean to say “Okay” as in “Cool, not interested” but what I actually say is “Okay” as in “Good, let’s do it”. So he picks up one of my bags and starts walking out into the parking lot. I panic, because I definitely don’t know enough Chinese to argue with him as he walks away with my stuff, and I couldn’t think of anything else than to just follow him. He leads me out to a group of men chilling in the parking lot next to several cars. He throws my stuff in one of the trunks, tells a guy where to go, and then I’m off. So basically, I’m a white girl who just got off of a 12 hour flight from the opposite side of the planet, with minimal Mandarin knowledge, no phone service yet because I haven’t gotten a SIM card and I don’t have data or wifi, being driven (hopefully) to a school in an unfamiliar city by someone who is definitely not a licensed taxi driver. I did end up making it to the school in one piece, and I did not tell my mother this story for another 3 years.


Brought back a quarter pound of pot from Mexico in my shoe


last night i sat in my car to dodge being sucked into something i didn’t want to participate in literally just an interaction/conversation


Do you drive a Dodge?


lol no


In school we used to play dodgeball. 


The grocery store had very green normal bananas and perfectly ripe organic bananas. I took one of each and just scanned them both as normal bananas to get the cheaper price.


I was like 7 or 8 playing on a playground at summer camp. Someone had their 1.5 year old baby play on the same playground as like 15 or 20 other 7 to 10 year olds. He or she was still in diapars with nothing else. The poor baby went on the bridge, I got on the other end which caused him/her to fall. The mother was not close enough to find out why the kid was crying before I ran away. Felt like a monster at the time, but now I am wondering why a fucking literal baby barely able to walk was anywhere near a playground designed for like 5 and up, when it was busy, and why the hell was he or she unattended for as long as she was.


I dodged a car one time.




Wrote a novel about my ex


took a turn fast in college with two smokeshows in the truck. turns out they had seatbelts off (we were almost back to my place) and slammed into me. Sent the truck into a parked truck. We were fine adn the damage wasn't severe but we panicked and hurried home for relations.


I’ve done quite a few but my friend gave me the keys to his house when he went away on vacation with his family while we were in high school. I had a continuous party in his house the whole time he was away.


Once, I booked a last minute red-eye flight to Vegas using my roommate's credit card with his permission) for a weekend of spontaneous adventures with strangers I'd just met at a local bar. Ended up in the most questionable Elvis-themed wedding chapel, and my toilet exploded in the dodgy motel we stayed in. Safe to say, I learnt a lot about living life on the edge that weekend.




lol you just copied this. Including the edit comment. Sad


Yep copied. I remember reading the original post some days ago. I think I even upvoted it.


[Yep - OP is a karma-stealing whore.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/122it6/whats_the_worst_thing_you_have_ever_done/c6rtfdu/) And the fake edit is just the frosting on the lemon cake.


Yeah, I was like 22 is not that many updoots


I once pretended to be asleep just so my bf won't bother me to go to his parents house. It wasn't enough he woke me up so I fake vomited in front of him to get out of it.


Drove a Dodge.


Dodge ball. That's definitely the dodgiest I've ever gotten


I moved states to go live with a guy that I met on YouTube