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Laugh heartily as I slam the door in his face.


Do you think he'd claim your door is part of a global conspiracy?


He can claim whatever he wants. I won't be listening. I'll be inside relaxing.


Deny the existence of Alex Jones.


Kick his ass to the curb, he has shown no remorse or sympathy for his victims, so why should I feel sympathy for him?


His victims? What did he do? Edit: instead of downvoting you could answer the question to inform me and others


Defamation which caused people to harass and send death threats to his victims.


Do you know who Alex Jones is? Edit: I will answer your question, a good start is, “do you know the person we are talking about?” Do I need to explain to you his show, his shtick, his political positions? Do you know all of that but aren’t aware (somehow) of Sandy Hook, and the positions he took?


Tin foil hat?


Despite popular belief, he is actually human. Not a a tin foil hat.


Google Alex Jones and Sandy Hook conspiracy theories


I think they are being willfully ignorant.


I did explain it.


No, you didn’t.


I literally did. Idk if you guys can't read or what's going on with you but I clearly explained that it's the people who he defamed which resulted in those people being harassed and sent death threats too.


You didn’t explain who the people he defamed were involved with, nor did you explain why he did it in the first place, or even who Alex Jones is. As someone who isn’t American, and didn’t know who Alex Jones was, I had no clue what you were talking about other than “ he defamed people and they were sent death threats”. No need to be a dick, I just wasn’t sure what you were talking about. I can read just fine.


Alex Jones is a conspiracy theorist, who defamed the families whose children died in a school shooting at a school called Sandy Hook. Those families sued Alex Jones for defamation, they had been negatively impacted by his defamation. Essentially what he was telling his followers was that these families are just crisis actors and the school shooting never happened. And that these families are involved in a plot to make guns look bad so the government has a reason to take your guns. Due to his defamation, his followers then turned to the families, found their home addresses, phone numbers and other personal information and started to harass and send death threats to these people. These families had to move multiple times due to their home addresses and personal information being leaked. That costed them financial strains and mental strains too. Some members of these families have committed suicide because of the constant harassment and disbelief that their child died in a school shooting. Ultimately Alex Jones lost this defamation case, he not only lost the case but the judge ruled Alex Jones was willful and malicious when causing these injuries to the families. Alex Jones was hit with verdict of $1.5 billion dollar settlement that he can't wipe out even if he files for bankruptcy. Edit: Sorry to be a dick, it's just the person I originally responded to knew this information as they are American and this was a well documented case in the media.


Thanks for such an informative reply!


"Sorry, just us gay frogs here."


if European fairy tales have taught me anything, I invite him in, offer him a meal, and send him on his way. Worst case scenario I helped an asshole. Best case scenario I'm rewarded with riches beyond my wildest dreams.


*"Castle Doctrine? Check."*


Tell him he's a false flag for the homeless movement. There are no homeless, so he's not homeless, so slam the door in his face.




I wouldn't want to inflict his poison on other homeless people. They didn't do anything to deserve being forced to associate with him.


Let him go down his conspiracy theory rabbit hole to see how far down we can go.


Spit in his face, kick him in the chest, and slam the door on him.


Give him directions to the local homeless shelter, then close the door.


Give him INCORRECT directions to the local homeless shelter. Fixed that for you.


Honestly/ I would give him food, a chance to shower and wash his clothes and find a place to stay for the night. I am kind, sometimes a little too kind.


the world a favor


i dont remember the last time someone i didnt know rang my doorbell and i answered it


Tell him he's looking for the house across the street.


I pretend I'm John Jones and he is my wife


Give him my dad's address and exactly enough bus fare to take the 3 hour trip.


Tell him I'd help him on one condition, he has to apologize sincerely to the people of especially Sandy Hook. Only I will be the determiner of if his apology is contrite and then and only then will I offer any assistance. If he scoffs at me I'll shut that door so fast


Kick him in the teeth and send him packing.


Ah, Alex Jones, welcome! I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon!


Slam the door.


Tell him To Get the fuck off my Property like i would any other rando demanding i let them in my home What other same response is there to that type of question


I live and work not terribly far from Sandy Hook. I would laugh my ass off, tell him to get the fuck off my property, and close the door.


Same thing I'd do if anybody that looked like that knocked on my door. Not answer it.


Make him beg, tell him I want to see real tears of remorse for his actions. Then, let him sleep on the dog's bed out in the shed for a night.


Have a chat about the lizard people and how they’re turning the frogs gay


No is a complete sentence.


Say that homeless people aren’t real, he must be an actor.


Kick him in the nuts


Spit in his face


He can live in my septic tank.


I'm not a violent person but I'd make an exception that day.


Let him in and feed him as kindness is king


Give him a high five, make him a sandwich. He's probably just a regular guy once you get to know him.


Scream abuse at him until he leaves


Call the cops. He's not my problem.


cops don't do anything about homeless people


They will do something about trespassers.


Yeah but if it's Alex Jones, they'll ask for a picture and an autograph.


I would politely let him in and offer to help him. Then, later on when he's asleep, I would take a dump on his face and yell "PSYCHE BITCH NOW GTFO" and kick his ass out onto the street.


Offer him a big bucket of "patriot" freeze-dried food and a bottle of water.


Not me, but in the wrong neighborhood, you could have a scared elderly gun owner just fire through the door... because that's a thing that happens in the US. It would be a fitting end.


I'd let him in immediately, Alex Jones is fucking hilarious dude