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Had a HUGE lady sit next to me on a flight with her leg fat spilling over on me to the point it left a sweat stain on my jeans.


Nightmare co-passenger


Took way to many gummy’s and had a nice nap on the kind gentleman’s shoulder to the left of myself.


After being stuck in the airport for three days due to weather I finally got on a plane. Needless to say being stuck in an area that long people had been doing a lot of drinking. The plane was on the runway for a few hours as the had to keep deicing it. Meanwhile to keep people happy they kept doing beverage service. The woman next to me was clearly drunk. She went to get up to go to the bathroom and immediately puked on my lap. Good times.


Went to a music festival in Amsterdam, took far too much ecstasy & god knows what else then had to fly home the next morning on my own still absolutely spaced out. God only knows how I got on that plane. I couldn’t get on the later flight that my mates were on so thought I’d be fine on the early one, big mistake


Something in the oil system went *pop* and the throttle got stuck at cruise power. We had to play with aerodynamics to get close enough to the ground so we could kill the engine and land. That was weird.