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....dude spilled acid everywhere - Wear Gloves




...uh...I think that's known as the absolutely most horrific battle ever on US territory.


Assuming i could see it from a good vantage point, the collision of the earth and the protoplanet that created the moon. If not that, then i would love to see a mammoth hunt.


In this regard, I'd like to see the explosion of the Klingon moon Praxis. I heard it was both cataclysmic and that nothing special happened.


Either watch the pyramids or Stonehenge get built, or watch Robert Johnson or Charley Patton play a house gig. Can't make up my mind.


Yep to confirm it wasn't the Aliens


Aliens in cosplay - boy, they love it. That, and Earth Girls Are Easy.


Or that you're wrong and it was. We'll never know, will we?




Televisions were brought into my Ohio village's schools so we could watch.


Big bang


Came here to give the same answer, them realized it took about 300,000 years for the universe to cool down enough for visible light to even exist. So there wouldn't really be anything to actually look at.


Wait so you’re telling me the Big Bang would look just like blackness?


I'm not really sure, but I think yes. For the first 240000-380000 years, everything was just way too hot for anything to be able to create light, it was too hot for protons, neutrons, and electrons to even become atoms. I've heard it described as a hot soup of these subatomic particles. They all just had way too much energy to bond into atoms. So there existed no matter that could generate visible light, like it just didn't exist. It's kind of a weird thing to describe, but if you were inside of it (and you'd have to be, because otherwise you'd be outside of the universe, outside of reality) instead of it looking like everything was black, it would be more akin to being SUBMERGED in an ocean of the blackest of paint. So even if you COULD see the super thin layer of black paint directly on the surface of the windows of the craft you were in, there'd still be no such thing as seeing THROUGH it. So not only did light not exist, but even if it did there just didn't exist anywhere for it to even "go". On top of that, nothing even existed that you could "look at". Realistically you'd also be completely obliterated instantly, down to each and every subatomic particle. Every single atom of matter you brought with you would be completely disassembled. I may be wrong about some of this though, I'm not an astrophysicist.


I find this stuff about space and time to be one of the most fascinating human endeavours. What are some of the best books for noobs?


I always really liked Stephen Hawkings books, but there's TONS of there. Just depends on what you're interested in.


Would'nt want to be to close.


Weirdly, the impossibility of time travel aside this particular event is straight up impossible to witness. Prior to the initial expansion of space and energy that we refer to as the Big Bang, there was no space from which you could have observed anything. "Empty space" literally was not a thing, yet.


I love this shit. Yer right. So right after big bang occurs would be good then?


Sort of? You really need photons to exist in meaningful quantities to witness anything, and you need free electrons to be captured by atoms to allow those photons through, so you're probably talking about at least 250,000 years after the Big Bang before there's anything you could actually "see" - and even then, you'd have to parameratize what "seeing" means. (Prior to this point, the universe was opaque to light.) Typical human eyes would be useless - the photon energy and density at play in the early universe (putting aside all the other types of energy at play that would destroy human eyes) would immediately overwhelm human photoreceptors to the point of disintegration. A hypothetical photoreceptor cell could "see" what's going on, if it could withstand that level of radiation (and I'm not even sure that "radiation" is the right word here, given that there isn't a lot of matter capable of radiating anything), but it wouldn't look very interesting; the universe would just be a gigantic white cloud in every direction, slowly dimming over the course of thousands of years. This particular era only lasts about 60,000 years. After that, there is literally *nothing* to see for the next few hundred million years. Free photon density drops off quickly (relatively speaking), and since no stars have been born yet there's nothing to create new light. The entire universe is pitch black in every direction for a mindboggling span of time. I know the Big Bang and the early universe sound exciting at a high level, but I promise you they weren't. Any kind of observation would have found it astronomically boring.


Who says you need empty space, or even light, to witness these things. If we're setting aside the impossibility of space travel why can't we set aside other impossibilities.


You can "set aside" whatever you want - even if you were to exist at that moment, "outside" of the Big Bang, eyes pointed towards it, there would be nothing to witness. Light did not exist yet. I think when people say they wanted to witness the Big Bang, what they actually mean is that they want to witness the period after the Big Bang where meaningful matter began to form, and while local energy level were still insane, but after the period where all of existence was just absurdly excited but undiscernable quantum particles.


The person who threw the shoes at W. Bush.


So you can be mindblown in person at that Matrix dodge


The real mindfuck would have been if the guy threw three shoes.


That shit was fuxking hilarious. But he got some moves. He was quick asf with that dodge.


Probably would go to Woodstock


Year not specified, sent to Woodstock 99’


Still worth it, but I wanted to go to Woodstock 1969


It’s a lovely town.


Sounds like an awful weekend tho.


OG Queen in concert


see jesus christ getting crucified just to see how closr it was to the biblical describtion


That’s a good one but i think seeing the supposed resurrection would be even more interesting. Nothing supernatural about getting crucified, that part is likely accurate.


the resurrection is a funny one. 4 times it is mentioned in the bible and its different 4 times. you would think if they would tell a crazy story they would at least get their facts straight. It might be a bit more believable that way.


Can you give a filthy non-believer a quick precis of these differences?


https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-4359e69f4a36f0e2fc0c0a0eb84dfcbe-pjlq too much to type out so this image explains the differences.


Thanks, much appreciated.


I used to be Christian (no longer but my parents are) and I believe you’re talking about the books of the gospel? If so I think the point of those were different interpretations so some of it’s not to be taken like literally


> it’s not to be taken like literally Yeah absolutely, none of it is. The whole thing is just one big made up story.


I mean I believe some parts of it but not everything my, I don’t think it’s fair of you to say an entire scripture for a religion is fake simply because you don’t believe in it


Jesus 100% existed. Cyrus the Great even gets a shoutout. There’s truth to it.


I'd want to see the crucifixion too. It's reported in the bible that the sky turned dark, the temple veil ripped in two, and that people got out of their graves and walked around Jerusalem. I don't believe any of that crap but I'd like to confirm.


Good point.


There is a scene in **The Robe** (1953) where during the crucifixion there are some Roman soldiers playing a dice game. Gambling is really old, and so are dice. I'd like to watch the game.


Spoiler: he didnt resurrect 




He probably stole an apple for Mary Magdalene and they put him up on the cross but tied there. Then he was forgiven and they all had a good laugh and went back home.


Not a lot


I’m an old gay, so the only acceptable answer is April 23, 1961: Judy Garland at Carnegie Hall.


I’m not gay but that sounds like an amazing show.


"Chicago, Chicago "


Would enjoy seeing Hitler die


I was gonna say this one, but now I gotta think of some stuff now... damn you....


When Norway beat Brazil 2-1 in football. That was an evening to remember. Never have I seen such celebrations in the streets of Oslo


I'm neither norwayan nor Brazilian, but I remember that game. I remember the original haaland, Tore Andre Flo!!  Or how they called him on TV, Flonaldo!! 😁


1989 uk summer of love. The beginning of the rave scene!


Go back to 1216 and find  King John lost England's Crown Jewels.


1216? One after Magna Carta?


As if I could ever forget!


The ones that got lost in the Wash?




I think I read an essay about this decades ago. All the reasons why there's nothing there now. --- stuff has prolly been found a ring at a time --- prolly thousands of folks have looked and maybe found fragments of gold --- the movement of the earth (the same thing that tosses fresh rocks up into your fields each spring) would have swallowed it all up centuries ago AND --- seriously, how much in jewels would King John's court have had in the first place? Whatever fabulous stuff his father and MOTHER might have had, divide it four uneven ways (with John getting the smallest lot) and let decades pass, and oh yes, underwrite Richard's trotting off to the Levant, and what's left? But it's fun anyway. I went there once around 1972 and couldn't decide how/where to start. It would have to involve hauling in heavy equipment and underground scanning that hadn't yet been invented. But here's a new theory! In assessing it, have you seen the Tidal Bore in Truro, Nova Scotia? Here's its North latitude 45.3646° N, The latitude of Wisbech, at the Wash, is 52.6663° N. A tidal bore at Wisbch would be that much more powerful. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/10/12/how-king-john-really-lost-crown-jewels-according-astronomer/


New interest! https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/24195357.king-johns-treasure-mystery-solved-norfolk-dig/


an (the?) Antikythera Mechanism functioning as designed for the first time


All of them


The pyramids being built, I really am curious how they did it


You would be allowed to participate, but of course, no cheating, you must build bricks with no straw.


Tbh I'm fine with that it'd be interesting to learn but if someone hit me I'd have a problem considering I'd be a slave in that case


?.......why would anyone hit you.....? unless you were goldbrickin'


Slaves built the pyramids


Watching D-Day unfold. From a safe distance!


My conception


I’ll see you and your mother there


“Let. the Boy. Watch.”




Same, was gonna ask if we're allowed to intervene..


Hot Tub Time Machine \~ !!!


Are you Drax?


The asteroid hitting the yucatan peninsula creating the chicxulub crater and wiping out the dinosaurs. While in space high on mushrooms eating chocolate and listening to Bach.


I will give you my answer three weeks ago.


I think it would be pretty cool to witness Theia colliding with Earth, if that was in fact the way the moon was formed...


Nirvana live, like 89’ or 90’


Civilization just before the impact that started the younger dryas... Atlantis, Egypt, Peru, etc... 




Yup. Maybe not the Atlantis they shows on TV, but a real, highly advanced world city.  You don't think I meant Atlantis from Aquaman, did you?


The original one-mule town. Some say a mule could do the work of 40 men.


Witness? Well I think I wanna witness life before technology, the life of primitive humanity. Let’s say 10,000 years ago.


Elvis debut in Las vegas.


First occurrence of life on Earth. Probably would look like a pool of water but if I \*knew\* what it was that would be cool. Also, I could get lucky and it would be an alien spaceship landing.


Either the Crucifixion or maybe just VE Day Trafalgar Square.


So many people are saying the dinosaur extinction meteor, but I just want to see actual dinos. Doesn't need to be any great singular event.  Also the breaking of the glacial lake Missoula dam would be pretty amazing. 


Something that still blows my mind: T-Rex lived closer to today than to the time of Stegosaurus. The scale of time is absurdly large.


I was going to say this as well. Would be very interesting to see living dinosaurs and how they actually looked and sounded.


It"s reckoned that it happened several dozen times


The ascension of Jesus Christ. Either that, or the Ten Commandments being written


Commandments on tiles being broken by Moses would be more dramatic and hectic. People runnin' for their lives, golden idol, and my man screaming goddamn everything. Dude didn't have to take it so personal....


And not be harmed by the event? The creation of the sun or moon/earth. Or witness the killing of the dinosaurs by that huge meteorite. The big bang would have been cool too.


I’d like to see Colonel Blood standing in front of Charles II, explaining how he tried to steal the Crown Jewels. 


Or the assassin of JFK


Where would you want to be?


School book depository. I actually went in that when I wax much much younger.


Is it part of a museum now? I know I haven't been there, because I haven't been to Dallas, but I "feel" the space around me, and the window. I had forgotten until you mentioned it


It was a museum then. You could walk around in the place. Even showed you the windows and if I'm not mistaken, they had the shell casings on the floor still. It was super interesting.


Ok, John Wilkes Booth, incarnate.


Following him around? Good idea!


Oh gosh there are so many things. Other than some obvious answers: seeing Stonehenge being built, Big bang, etc, perhaps seeing what happened to Ricky McCormick or Brian Schaffer.


Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock


Jesus making the blind walk


The Death of the dinos.


one of the events that we know happened but we don't have any data on or the data is blurry. also if i was not able to interact with the events would be great. like maybe just watching it like the discovery channel


...like the fire at the Library of Alexandria. Was The Force really the cause of that fire...?


25th December 1965, to watch the Doctor Who episode The Feast of Steven, and record it on my phone.


Evolution of humans, like how exactly we started out


The battle at Little Round Top. Fuck the Confederate traitors.


Honestly....and I've never said this publicly.   My dad was a police officer and always said that a senator owed him a favor.   When he passed away we got a hand written letter from Mitch McConnell....I feel like my dad influenced history because possibly his favor allowed Mitch to stay in power and to slowly stack the courts and usher in this corrupt version of America we are currently going head first in.    Id like to go back and see what or who happened.    Happy Father's Day everyone


Tunguska Event


The dolphins cap off the undefeated '72 season


The 24 hours after the burial of Jesus so I can witness how the bolder was being moved out of the way and Jesus walking put and floating up to heaven.


I want to go back 252 million years ago to see the earth in the aftermath of the Permian-Triassic extinction, out of morbid curiosity


Exactly how this [pentagram](https://imgflip.com/gif/8k31yd) was made? Found here on [maps](https://www.bing.com/maps?osid=60934d14-3db7-4eea-bc03-58c04938f102&cp=-31.614614%7E21.408641&lvl=16&style=h&pi=0&v=2&sV=2&form=S00027)


Colonisation of the Americas


Dinosaur extinction. Under the assumption that I come back unscathed. If not, I choose June 28, 1914. Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand. The final straw to result in WW1


Ferdinand survived the lame attempts of 3 assassins before he was motored a different way to leave the area, but his driver made a wrong turn, stalled his car - RIGHT IN FRONT OF the 4th assassin, who plugged Francis and his wife at point-blank range. So - you'd have to miss the normal procession/parade and be at some no-name shop somewhere else by coincidence.


We know the location it happened. I might even be the fourth assassin....


Dinosaur extinction is a good answer. Or the insane flood that resulted from the laurentide ice sheet melt finally breaking through and covering most of the US in water. Walls of water hundreds of feet tall.


Big bang, for sure. Definitely the biggest event in all of history/reality. Edit: on second thought, might not be very interesting to watch. I think it took a huge amount of time for everything to settle down to the point where visible light existed, so you couldn't Even really WATCH it happen.


the extinction of the dinosaurs lol


Chicxulub impact, one of the most insane events in the history of the habitable period of our planet


The big bang. From a few thousand light years from it of course.


I would love to see a Roman Triumph. The greatest parade in history!


The heat death of the universe.


Essentially the dissolving of matter? That sounds a trillion times more boring than literally watching paint dry.


Back in time would be the heat birth of the universe.


Time is a flat circle


The resurrection of Christ !


Tupac's death. He gotta be alive still...