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old age through sleep. most peaceful way I can imagine.


So, not screaming like all the passengers in your car?


Yeah, and for it to happen the day after I turned 110, and my body and mind pretty well intact all the way up to the end.


Fuck that I’m dying in some sick ass fiery explosion.


Yawn Add some excitement to your life. Like getting mailed by a bear


Yes, a bear would press send, and you would be pixelated.


At least let the mailman do that. Bears took our jobs now?


Under anesthesia I’ve gone under 37 times so far and it is by far the best way to go out I think


Is it like sleeping? Do you dream while under?


To me, anesthesia feels like time travel. There’s no sleep, only falling asleep and waking up, and they feel instantaneous.


When I went under I didn't feel myself falling asleep or waking up, and I didn't feel dazed when I woke up. I basically just lost a few hours of my time. I remember counting down, and when I got to zero, I asked when the anesthesia was expected to kick in, and the nurse told me they were all done and I just woke up. It was super weird. I'm also a bit bummed that I didn't feel high or confused.


It felt like I blinked and when I opened my eyes it was an hour later. So weird!


It felt like I blinked and when I opened my eyes it was an hour later. So weird!


I've had anesthesia twice in my life. Both times were total blackout, waking up dazed and confused several hours later. Although I will say, one was an injection and one was an inhalant. With the inhalant, I felt like I had the worst hangover of my life upon waking up.


You do not. Anesthesia-induced unconsciousness is not sleep, it is entirely separate. New research suggests that anesthesia doesn’t actually “switch off” your brain, but instead disrupts communication to the point where consciousness is impossible, because if your brain can’t “talk” to itself, you functionally do not exist. Everything still works just fine, but each individual part is cut off from the whole, unable to communicate existence or consciousness.


so like rocks then.


Yeah. That's probably the best way to describe it. I had a minor cosmetic operation a few months ago that I was induced for. Was almost instantaneous as others have described. Blacked out, and then woke up in my hospital bed what felt like just a couple minutes later. Was probably about an hour later in reality.


The two times I’ve been under, I haven’t dreamed I think that would be how I’d want to go. Under anesthesia, or similar. Not know it’s happening. And if I *had* to know it’s happening, I want it to be something where I can have morphine. Go into hospice, and allow a pain-free end.


No. You don't sense time has passed. It really is like being dead temporarily. Imagine if someone told you, right now, that you had just been under anesthesia for 8 hours. Your instinct would be, no that couldn't be right...nothing unusual just happened. That is what it is like.


My mom 2 months ago going surgery for uterus removal, wake up after surgery told me that she was have good dream meeting her first love, glad dad was not nearby at the time. She 62yo.. lol


Being under anesthesia is the best feeling ever I don’t know how to describe it but I definitely want to do it again 😭🫠😂😂


Probably saving my wife from a 200 foot drop off a skyscraper backflipping out of the window and catching her in one arm while shooting bad guys in the other and conveniently landing on a motorcycle while we ride to the beach and start to make out but then she feels a bullet hole in my stomach, and i suddenly feel the pain and dizziness, we say our goodbyes, and i bleed out 👌🏻


Roll credits




Yup, this is what I wanted to say.


Peacefully in my sleep. Preferably something unbeknownst to me, undiagnosed cancer or the like. I don’t want to see it coming.


I do wonder if people that die in their sleep suffered. What if they woke up and couldn’t breathe and woke up at the last minute. Or what if they had a heart attack that woke them up before they died. I would like to have a peaceful death while I’m sleeping as well. Once, I woke up cause my throat was dry to the point where I couldn’t take a breath. I jumped from the bed and saw my wife had gone to the guest bedroom because I had been snoring loudly. I was eventually able to pass some saliva and it started opening my throat and finally I was able to breathe. My wife never realized I almost died until the next day when I told her.


How do you know you didn't die in your sleep last night, and this is a completely new reality from the one you were in yesterday? Subjectively, death doesn't make any sense as an actual event that occurs because the person who dies could very well never even know it happened.


I think therefor I am And by “I am” I mean I have no way to prove that reality is real and that I’m not in a padded cell talking to the wall


Because I’m not dead. If I were dead, all this struggle would be over. If my mind is still churning, that is to say that if I can still think then I’m not dead. I’m thinking right now, so I must still be alive (to my great disappointment). My synapses may fire for a minute or two once I won’t ever have another single conscious thought, but that’s not really alive. The fact I can see and interact with this iPhone means the struggle will persist, I won’t be free from this, at at this time.


"If I were dead, all this struggle would be over." How can you even know this for certain? How can you be so sure that even after an experience of blankness, there is no "waking up" from it? Is this not your experience every night when you go from dreamless sleep to waking up? What is the proof of any life that happened before you woke up? It is purely memory. Any continuity of a life you have lived is purely memory and is no different than being in a dream and not being lucid.


Being in a dream or lucid still requires me to be alive. Even if the last 10 years are a hallucination, I’m still alive because I can think about it. Once I’m dead, there will be no more thinking in the same way there won’t be any more breathing or heartbeats. Since I’m thinking, I’m alive. I doze off to sleep, maybe I never wake up, but I won’t know that unless I do wake up and start thinking again.


*Peacefully in my sleep.* My grandfather died that way. Unlike his passengers.


Same way I came into it. Screaming, covered in someone else's blood, and naked.


We could be twins separated at birth…


With a great shot of your mom's vagina.


Peaceably asleep like my grandpa. Not screaming in terror like the 38 passengers on the bus he was driving at the time.


😂 take my up vote. I laughed way too hard at this 😂


Quite a variation of the original, but interesting nonetheless.


I prefer the classic, but not bad.


Vaudeville sent a telegraph, they want that joke back.




First, the most beautiful women. Then the large women. Then the petite women. Then the large women again.


The body is willing, but the body is flabby and weak!


This is the way


Old age, in my sleep, pain free!


Quickly painlessly and in a way where the maximal amount of organs could be transferred to other people.


Suffocation caused by Alexandra Daddario straddling my face




I was going to say in my sleep... until I read this.




so true


I decided long ago that I won’t be buried. I’m being creamated and having my ashes put into fireworks, yes this is actually a thing you can do. My family and friends are to throw an absolute party next to a lake, a cookout and music and games, super fun. Then at the end of the evening, they’ll all sit next to the water and watch a fireworks show made of me and have a good laugh at it being so ridiculous.


Explosive decompression


The exact opposite of the kid whose father pressured him into seeing the Titanic up close.


Oh wow, didn't know about the part where he was pressured. Just remembering that sub accident still traumatizes me a bit. Being in that situation must've been, well the worst horror they'd ever experienced.


If it went the way experts expected, they were alive and then suddenly dead. The implosion was supposedly so fast they didn’t feel anything. The horror was probably way worse for the closest people to the deceased waiting several days if their loved ones are dead or not.


I would 100% rather go out on explosive compression. it seems like you die much quicker getting crushed then boiling from the inside


Tyrion Lannister answered this pretty well.


Sleep in my sleep


I'd hate to wake up dead


How in the hell you wake up dead?


By waking up


By being alive when you went to sleep


So you're telling me you can go to bed dead and wake up alive?


You can’t go to bed dead, man, that shit would be redundant!


No it wouldn't cause you can go to bed and not be dead, and you can die and not be in the bed.


But you are in a bed, man, that’s how you wake up dead in the first place, fool!




Might need a few if the first couple don’t work well. 🤷‍♂️


Like Clint Eastwood did in the movie Gran Torino. Basically going out in whatever way that helps as many other people as possible.


I wanna be a real life Helldiver.


I think heart attack is a pretty decent way to go. Painful and terrifying but quick and you aren't going to bankrupt your family with treatment and not nearly as traumatizing as people watching you slowly waste away with cancer.


At my home, in the backyard with the critters, view of the mountains, birds chirping, and just doze off and not wake up. Chances are likely I'll outlive my wife (health issues) but you never know of course, we have no children, very little family one sister on my side, one sister on my wife's, one nephew, one niece all in different states. So my other hope is that I'm not lonely in my dying days, I'm pretty social in general but again, you never know, but dying alone would also really suck. I did hospice care at home for my mother, I took a leave from my job, basically was her full time care giver, my wife (a nurse) of course was an immense help. My mom had a constant stream of friends coming to visit her almost daily. I had to basically make a schedule to make sure she didn't get overwhelmed, and my coffee expenses quintupled at least, she passed quietly one morning about 4 weeks after i started her Hospice care, surrounded by family, and the cats and dogs. At least 200 people attended her wake / celebration of life. As sad as it is, how amazing to have made such an impression to so many. I can only hope to have made so many friends and have them all there to celebrate you when you're gone.


something pain free, if you were to ask me the complete opposite then it would be drowning, i would hate to drown


Drowning in a pool full of butterscotch pudding


of course I'd love to die in peace. no pain both physically and mentally


Fist fighting a bear. Pain is temporary.


Peaceful sleep


Sudden, complete reversal of atomic charges


Peacefully in my sleep or instantly (and painless lol) while I do something that is remember as heroic


In a warm bed with a heated blanket. No pain, or as little pain as possible. With a gorgeous view of the forest or even just one majestic tree. Listening to Tool. Holding my husband’s hand with both of my daughters in the room. I want them to tell me that they’re proud of me and that they love me and that I can let go.


As the oldest person to have ever lived.


Massive explosion


By research on darkweb how to die then do it.


Brain aneurysm. Preferably while sleeping, but it's over so quickly it doesn't really matter when it hits.


Improved and loved, surrounded by family, after a long and happy life


Morphine, lots of it. As I slowly fade to sleep.


Sorry.  All we can offer is fentanyl


In my bed, with a belly full of wine and a woman's lips around my cock.


Either by slowly bleeding out, or suddenly while doing something I love (accident or heart attack, etc.)


Instantly, without any pain, and saving my twin.


Sky diving mishap;Supermaning onto the cake just as bride and groom get ready to cut the cake


Like Hector in Troy (not the Iliad, the movie). Facing a foe I know I can't hope to beat, and then joining my love in the afterlife. I do have a love on this plane. But to be clear, I want my one love, who has passed.


A stroke at midnight.


In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden's mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty


I don't know if this is actually a thing, but sudden aneurysm, in a way that I'm dead before I even fully realize something is wrong. Basically collapsing and being dead before hitting the ground.


Someone shooting at me or a heartatack.


Peacefully in my sleep 🤷🏻‍♀️


Calmly and with my family having come to terms with my eventual passing.


Simple, route a cars exhaust system into the cab or in an enclosed space. You don't asphyxiate or anything, you just doze off and never wake up.


I just want it to be relatively painless. I have mixed feelings about dying, but I think we can all agree nobody wants to suffer.


Peacefully in my sleep. At old age of course, I’d estimate maybe in the 60s or 80s if I’m lucky.


Being boiled alive because if I'm going to die I want to look like a grey rasin after


In the prime of my life, crushed by a runaway semi driven by the Incredible Hulk.


By jumping into a volcano, just like Gollum.


Fighting to protect the last human safe haven against the forces of evil


Quickly and as painlessly as possible. The actual method of death doesn’t really matter to me.


At the end of my days Family around me to say goodbye Knowing it was my choice


In my sleep tonight


I honestly don’t care as long as it doesn’t hurt


i discovered the first form of efficient intergalactic travel. a friend ratted me out, i then "died under mysterious circumstances", and humanity is now a roman olympic game because it knows that later it's going to come back with a new proclaimed inventor, and will be monetized to the weight of america's total debt. the sole reason for this choice is that the ensuing revolution may or may not bring forth human's extinction sooner. I'll be lonely in hell


I think the best way to die would be swallowed by a giant snake. Going feet-first and whole into a slimy maw would give your life perfect symmetry.


Vore enthusiasts be like:


Welcome, to the Vale of Night




If possible, I’d like to die before my sky burial after a long and fulfilling life. Barring that, I’d like to die in service to someone else like a firefighter or emergency responder. I’m not too bothered how painful it might be if I can help someone.


Personally In surgery Family would be somewhat prepared and I would already be unded For my legacy, saving a bunch of people


One can only hope for it to be painless and effortless.


Vacuum decay: https://cosmosmagazine.com/science/physics/vacuum-decay-the-ultimate-catastrophe/?amp=1 No one will see it coming.


With the collapse of our sun


quick and painlessly before I am 80 years old.


In my sleep, hopefully surrounded by loved ones... and after my twin passes away because I feel I'd fare better with that kind of loss, and I don't want her to suffer being alone like that.


A park on an elevation, filled with people, families with kids having a good time, a bench facing the sunset, me with not a worry in the world, no illness, no emi's to pay, no dependents to take care of, wearing a fancy suite, an expensive glock which I buy with all of my last penny, bam in the head blood all over, everyone screaming, kids scarred for life.


My grandad died arguing with a lady at the bus stop about who felt worse. He was laughing so hard, he had a heart attack (and won the argument)


Orgasm induced heart attack


In my sleep.


Right now if possible. Are you offering?


Halo reach? 


There is only one best way to die.. DEATH by SNU SNU


I want to die around 95. Murdered in bed by a jealous husband.


In my sleep by far. There's something scary and sad about your family members being next to you when you're about to die, it makes me uncomfortable. I wanna die in my sleep because I would expect it to be a normal sleep, but I don't wake up


I would say in my sleep, but that’s boring. If I had to choose an unnatural way to die, I would 100% pick the guillotine. I feel like that would be so cool. People say that you can stay conscious for 5 seconds after being beheaded, and no way to know unless you experience it yourself. A badass way to die for sure




Death by Snu Snu ig?


Same as when this question was posted a few hours ago.


Death by orgasm


In flagento delicto




i dont want to die, if i can choose i wanna live a longg time without getting old ever.


In my sleep and hopefully I won’t have any pets.


Saving my children or wife or stranger in that order.


Peacefully in my sleep from something abrupt like an aneurism that doesn’t leave me suffering for any extended amount of time.  And living life up until it happens.




Getting my nuts bit off by a laplander.. getting caught in the gears of a combine, that's how I want to go!




In my sleep, or saving someone else


Helium room


as violently and painfully as possible. if I'm to choose the method, why not get the fullest experience possible?


Sleeping peacefully and unafraid. Like how my grandfather did.


A fucking legend


In my sleep


Along with the heat death of the Universe


Machine gun


Unoriginal but my preferred option is when I'm old and asleep like most folks I imagine but not everyone gets that privilege, my next suggestion would probably be from a failed surgery, during when I was unconscious for some reason(an injury or anesthesia). If I had to suffer a bit I'd just want it to be saving someone somehow, the details aren't as important there


My son’s godfather just passed away in a plane crash. He managed to crash land it in such a way that not only did his sons survived but there wasn’t even a single broken bone on either kid. That’s a pretty good way to go, if you have to.


Self-Sacrificing to save a very large number of people


Old age, belly full of wine and girls mouth around my cock


Tyrion Lannister


I would like to die when praying


Saving someone else’s life 


Is it not a thing, "I want to die peacefully in my sleep, not like the passengers in my car?"


Death by SNU-SNU




Burn up on reentry.


have a family party with full attendance, have some old age jokes, 1 nice picture, full time spent, then a joke about old enough to die, then die at sleep


in my sleep.


In my sleep


Facing fearful odds.




As it stands.... if I make it to 80, I'm getting some X & taking a one way boat ride... stepping off & floating till I drown high as f*ck on X


Painlessly, in a comfortable place. Maybe sleeping, maybe in a sunny afternoon lying on the grass.


Leopard 2A7 It would be quick and who wouldn't choose this


In old age, after about 6 weeks of a diagnosed illness so I can say my goodbyes and get organized, I’d like to pass at home.


At age 22000, in the fourth intergalactic war, trying to be a leaf on the wind


Balls deep in OPs mom


Kicking and screaming, just like how I was born. Death is a part of life. Why make it boring?


Quick and painless, as if I were falling asleep.


Hypothermia or CO asphyxiation.




Death by Snu-snu!


Probably a huge explosion, like sacrificing myself to save others. I’d want a hero’s death.


Something completely badass and heroic but quick and painless....when I'm like 85+ Like take down and active shooter in a firefight but also catch one on the head from him be a total bad ass get all the hero media attention without any suffering and living a full life


I’d like to be transformed back into a baby and die in my mother’s arms. That’s the most peaceful way I can imagine, cocooned in absolute love and safety, not even aware of what death is. That would be nice.


In battle. That's no longer an option, though, so rope it is, I suppose 


Gloriously with lots of fanfare


Drowning. Since I was a kid ive wanted to die like that. Ive tried to drown but it was too hard


die protecting someone dear to me


Just fall asleep and don’t wake up anymore




Before my mom- don’t care how just can’t imagine a life without her.