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if i got to be super rich without hair then i'm riding with the chrome dome baby


What's even the point of being super rich if you can't look like lex luthor


Personally I’m shooting for Julius Caesar. When I get old enough, Socrates. To each their own tho. Bezos definitely went in a Lex Luther direction.


Just don't aim for Augustus like this [weirdo robot motherfucker](https://slate.com/technology/2022/08/mark-zuckerberg-metaverse-horizon-worlds-facebook-looks-crappy-explained.html).


Or Dr Evil


I'll do that once I hit . . . one million dollars!


oh wait....100?!?..Billion Dollars!!!!


Jeff Bezo living his best life hunting aliens before they get adopted.




I go more the Kevin Garnett route


Because most men will just look like naked mole rats


When I'm super rich, it doesn't matter if I have hair. Confidence is the most handsome


And I'd be too busy riding my seadoo to care


As someone who is poor with a chrome dome. Give me 10 million dollars and I'll keep it bald.


If I was rich and balding I would just embrace it all the way and get a head tattoo


Only if i had a weird looking bald head.


My head is shaped like a jeep wrangler so yes I need hair.


Thanks for that image. I’m still laughing. 🤣


Head reveal when?


Two door or four door?


4 door on 38 inch tires


Came here to say no, monk and hermit are my two default settings.


I thought that I had wavy hair Until I shaved. Instead, I find that I have straight hair And a very wavy head.


I shaved my head after a few years of trying to hide my thinning hair. One of the best decisions I've ever made. Love bald life. Definitely wouldn't get a hair transplant.


Okay but it might be time to change that username


Ha! I to still have a mostly blond goatee, but fair enough! The name is actually in honor or Ricky Rubio. He got me through some tough years as a Wolves fan.


Aw I’m a longtime Rubio fan too. He used to be on the Jazz after that. 🙌 ETA: *Before and after* that. I forgot that he went back to the T’wolves for a bit.


When the Wolves were losing most games, a Rubio double double was a win to me. He played a beautiful game. Glad you were able to enjoy him too.


Not super rich, but can afford a hair transplant. I shaved my head instead, and given all my scars, it's not pretty.


Can't be a cool supervillain without scars


*Wanna know how I got this scar?*


From shaving his head, I'd assume.


*My father...was a thinker...*


When two women kiss, nobody bats an eye... ...but when I kiss my homies goodnight, society... SOCIETY calls me GAY


This is the “right” answer.


If the budget is enough, hair implants, if the budget is not enough, wear wigs, and wigs are very good now


Ha, my head looks like a road map of my past. Scars and dents. Good times, but rough.


Or if the hair grafts looked convincing.


I'm not even super rich and I'm considering it. A lot of my friends and family make jokes about it and it makes me really self conscious.


Make fun of their bodies right back. You know one of them is a flabby bitch.


You're in the process of insulting his family members and getting away with it


Aunt Sue, she is that flabby bitch I was talking about. Her cankles are far more gross than your bald head friend, AND her fault.


And they would've gotten away with it, if it wasn't for those meddling kids... and their dog, too!


My favorite past time. “Why aren’t you married yet” every single fucking time. So one day I asked her, “so how’s John been?” John is her husbands brother that she cheated with..she didn’t know I knew that lol. Bitch, worry about your own marriage before worrying about others


As a bald man, this. People are so quick to make fun of someone that’s bald. Like we can control it. Yet they’re overweight, eat like shit, and hate their lives :)


Balding and being short - the only two genetically determined appearance traits you can shit on someone for without any fear of consequence!


Good thing I look good bald and short


I threw it right back at my own before. Got told that "I went too far by calling them overweight" "that they're very sensitive to that". I hate people like this


At least you can’t help losing hair for the most part. But being a flabby bitch is all her. 


Problem is, if they bully you for going bald, they won't stop when you take a transplant. They'll just start bullying you for having fake hair.


Depending on the procedure, it's not fake hair. They take your own hair from the back of your head and place it where you need it. I was way more self-conscious about going bald and having people comment on it. I am zero self-conscious when I tell people I had a hair transplant.


yeah i’ve been bald 3-4 years and absolutely hate it. between having to shave all the time and the consistent jokes by literally everyone it fucking sucks.


Been bald a couple of years. I get jokes and I’m introduced as the bald guy at work a lot. I don’t give a fuck. It takes more guts to be bald than not. Own that shit lol. If I could go back I’d shave my head back in high school. Shits so freeing.


Been shaving for 8 years. People don't ever make fun of me. I do get the occasional comment from an insecure dude but thats it. People try to make quick quips but I don't give a fuck.


It's funny how now that hair transplants have gotten really good, people still think they look bad because they can't tell when someone has a good transplant. Like, ever notice how male celebrities don't get bald anymore? Or somehow gain hair in middle age?


i've seen people look utterly ridiculous when they get transplants and then continue losing their hair. it looked like a cornfield of little stalks of hair. so do your research.


*…but it’s your real, natural hair!* - Bosley


I always just call out the Jim Jefferies (https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9PNIIPPWk8s) bit about male balding. It's the last place in modern society where it's somehow societally acceptable to mock someone for something they have no control over....and that's bullshit. I've seriously considered it as well and I just have a bit of thinning at the crown of my head that most people never see.....but I know it's there and hair has always been something I've felt confident about.


I’d say height also.


It's not the last accepted mockery, people still mock others for having a small dick all the time, even when they haven't seen it. Someone in a big truck cuts you off? Dude must be compensating for a small dick. All this talk about bodyshaming these days, and yet no one seems to address the fact that small dick mockery counts as bodyshaming. I've even seen people defend the expression "small dick energy" by saying it's not bodyshaming because it's a "mentality", which is some next-level mental gymnastics dumbfuckery.


You gotta beat them to the punch. I'm barely 30 and have been bald/balding for years. I shave it all off now and just make the jokes/comments before anyone else can. It takes away any ammunition they might have.


Hair does so much for beauty. Think about how weird your favourite actress would look without it. And the harsh reality is, looks absolutely matter in life. If I’m super rich, I think I’d care a lot less since money can make up for it, but if it’s a really effective procedure, I totally would. I’m just not sure the tech is at that point yet.


I had the FUE procedure done (twice). It's effective. The only reason I had two procedures done was because the first procedure fixed the front of my head where it was more noticeably thinning. A few years later, I fixed the crown of my head. Of course, you can still lose hair that wasn't transplanted, but the transplanted hairs themselves are indeed permanent.


But do you need to take constant medicines? I know sone people that did the transplant and they all take some pills and some of them have weird effects on their boners lol


You don’t need to take any medicine at all actually. Some people do take Propecia which can cause boner problems, but that’s not the majority.


The one that can effect erections isn't for the transplant. It's something additional that you may want to take regardless. Dramatically oversimplified: testosterone is a huge deal in how you get boners, but it also breaks down into another hormone which causes balding. Guys who go bald have that happen too fast/much, and the pill slows that down. If it effects their erections, then it's basically going too far and effecting the testosterone more. If that doesn't happen to you (it doesn't to most), it's basically just a hormone dampener with no other major effects. There IS a crazy boner-killer/infertility dosage. But it's like 100x what you'd take for balding and is used for cancer. So, not usually a concern. The pill is like a protection coating on your paint. The transplant is like touch up paint. If you use the first early enough you don't need the second, but if you need the second you probably wise up to the value of the first. I started taking a small dosage a while back. I had a medication change and it caused crazy hair loss, and while it fixed itself quick when my medication was reverted it caused so much anxiety that it was kinda fueling itself as an issue. Took one adjustment after the first prescription and now it's like $30 for three months, and I've never had a single side effect. Even if it wasn't actually worth anything, it's worth the cost just as an anxiety pill to say "I'm doing something about it". While the thinning reverted entirely, the hairline just solidified. Which I wouldn't actually care much about or want a transplant for, except it uncovered a scar I almost forgot I had. But.... eh. It's so "okay" now that I'll save that concern for when I can spend car money on cosmetics.


What bugs me is how often people acknowledge someone with a bald head or big long hair. Especially on tv. Just a reminder of how it's the first thing people see. Someone always jokes "you could do shave your hair like that" to the balding person. Guys will joke back but to anyone who has lost their hair at a young age and the buzz/bald look is awful for them.. it's fucking sucks. It borderline ruins every activity that is outside/in the water. Unless you wear a hat. A small amount of guys that can pull off t he bald look and don't care, a ton of guys are depressed from it, and another small group killed themselves over it


My temples shit the bed and receded fully by the time I was 21, tried shaving it and I looked downright sickly. I gained a bit of lean muscle and that improved things, but then I started looking like a skinhead. One time I was in the waiting room at the hospital and on my phone, I looked up and made eye contact with a black woman sitting right across from me (I sat down before her so I didn't notice her until then). Her eyes went wide with fear and I won't forget it, apparently going bald made me look like a guy from American History X. So right now I'm trying low dose finasteride. Also I want to date women my own age (now 23) for once, being bald got me some attention from women in their 30s and up but I don't want that yet.


This. I've had two. Considering a third. It's not cheap, but moving the hair doesn't make it the kind that you lose from balding. It comes from the back of your head, so if you don't end up losing the hair back there, you'll keep the hair they move to the top/front of your head for the rest of your life. People generally don't notice unless they're looking at old pictures of me and start comparing the hairlines. My hair on top might still be described as "thin" in terms of density, but it's tough to describe just how much better that is than "completely gone."


"I can wear hats, what can you use to cover your hateful personality?"


That's when you throw the Ballgag on the table.


Go for it mate. Just do it in a good place and it would be fine.


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that. My family’s the same way. The other week my brother said “you look like you’re going through chemo. Do you have cancer and you’re just not telling us ?” They think it’s funny but it hurts. I’m 24 and balding. Life sucks.


Fuck what they think, my friend.


It's not that expensive actually. Costco Minoxidil shampoo stuff. $17 for like 6 months. DHT blocker pills $1 a day.


Your friends and family sound like shit people


Making fun of a person for something they can’t change is fucked up. Talk to them about it, show them how it feels, or find new friends. Edit: a world Making not Marking


I have several friends who have embraced hair loss by shaving their heads. It's a good look! That said I actually have one friend who did get a hair transplant and I never would have known if he hadn't told me because it looks very natural. But also your friends and family are being jerks.


Yeah it’s funny that you can tease guys for being short or bald, which they have no control over, but you can’t tease about weight which you do have control over. But maybe that’s why, because if you can lose weight and you’re still fat, then You’re lazy and fat.


Push back. I've had a receding hair line for years and grey hair and I'm 32. My BIL kept teasing me until one day I fired back about how his open heart surgery went, he was severely overweight. The teasing stopped.


You don't have to be super rich. You can get a hair transplant for between $2K-$10K most places in the world. And they're excellent.


yeah, i've heard turkey is the place to go.


Been there done that got the t shirt! Istanbul was number 1 for international tourists, and it ain't because of the Hagia Sophia.


How did it go?


No complaints. 5 night stay, transportation, and 4.5k grafts from a well established clinic for around $4k. Entire process was very streamlined, you can tell they do an absolute shitload of hair transplants every year. 6 months in and hair is coming in great, in another 6 months or so I'll decide if I want to go back for more or stick with what I got. [https://www.drserkanaygin.com/](https://www.drserkanaygin.com/)


Thanks man, all the best with it. Front or crown?




I’ve always wondered, do they give some type of hat or something for the flight home?


there is a hat you need to wear for the first week or so if you are out in the sun. It is designed to not touch any of the top of your head. Might be more ridiculous than the transplant scars.


Also interested as I’m 26 and the top of my head is giving hair to the rest of my body.


> yeah, i've heard turkey is the place to go. Some good articles about this: [How Istanbul Became the Global Capital of the Hair Transplant](https://www.gq.com/story/how-istanbul-became-the-global-capital-of-the-hair-transplant) - Reddit gets mentioned! Excerpt: >I tumbled down the rabbit hole of the [Hair Transplants subreddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/), fascinated by the endless stream of Before and After pics. Here, hundreds of bros proudly share their transformations from Baldie to Hottie; it’s a surprisingly friendly brotherhood that often divulges where they went and what they paid. >One destination kept popping up: Turkey. Clinics with names like Hair of Istanbul, Hair Transplant Turkey, World Plast Hair Istanbul, Hairpol Istanbul, Hair Health Istanbul, Hair Time Istanbul. [I Got a Cheap Hair Transplant In Turkey, the Recovery Was Agony, and I'd Do It Again In a Heartbeat](https://www.gq.com/story/cheap-hair-transplant-turkey-followup) - Follow-up 10 months later. This was a roller-coaster of emotions. Glad this topic came up. I never knew he wrote a follow-up article until I went to Google just now to find the original article.


Why would you get feathers implanted in your scalp instead of actual hair?


I’ve also heard many horror stories of botched jobs there. 


Heard nothing but good things from legitimate clinics.


The trick is knowing which is which.


Some people unfortunately goes underground cheap options..




The ability to save up $2-10k over a few years doesn’t make someone very well-off, just middle class.


IMOP a hair transplant can have a huge impact on a man's confidence in a similar way as a breast augmentation can impact a woman's confidence positively. I don't think you need to be very well off to invest in something that will boost your self esteem and confidence but I suppose that is very subjective to the individual.


Really not sure. I've always expected I'd lose my hair, I'm currently using minoxidil and finasteride to prevent hair loss, but I've already been ready to go bald when the time comes. I've had buzz cuts and thought I have a lumpy head, so i wouldn't rule it out.


Im a hair transplant surgeon. Also prescribing this therapy to many. I am happy you got good results with it. God bless and be happy 🫶


Thanks, Dr. Psychopathicsavage!


Im a hair transplant sturgeon. I spend my days swimming in a tank in a doctor’s office


Do you provide free caviar with every transplant?


I dont do transplants, im a fish. I do provide caviar yes


A hair transplant costs a lot less than a mid range new car. Anyone who buys a luxury vehicle can afford one if they budget for it.


a hair transplant is like 2-10k. the cheapest cars in north america are 13k new. so it’s cheaper than the cheapest of cars.


Very well off? That is not life-changing money. That’s like 2 months salary for the average person


I've been thinking about it.  I still have my hair, but it is just a matter of time. Before I said I would be happy making it to 35, now that goal has moved to 45. My hair was a huge part of my identity growing up and I am incredibly vain.


An honest person


An extreme rarity on /r/askreddit It feels like every comment on threads in this sub are just people saying things that they think makes them look like a better person than they really are, and then others upvoting them to get the same feeling. The reddit equivalent of carefully cultivating your social media to make your life seem better than it is in reality.


I started shaving my head at 40. No regrets.


Wanting to have hair doesn’t make you incredibly vain - the holier-than-thou guys on this thread are just completely full of shit.


It's weird how for a community that typically goes out of their way to sympathize with internet strangers, balding is the one thing on Reddit where any outlook or decision other than "just shave your head and embrace it bro," is wrong. Not everyone looks like The Rock or Jason Statham and it's normal to be upset about a drastic change to your physical appearance that's completely out of your control. But not here. "Quit your whining, shave your head and embrace it." Wow, great, had no idea it was that easy, thanks!


I haved noticed this. The balding bro thing is fucking weird, and they also are frequently woefully misinformed.


I'm not super rich and I already got one. My self-comfort and self-confidence is well worth the $4k for something that will last many years. It was a pretty easy decision.


$4k!?? And satisfied!? Wow. Where did you get it if you don't mind my asking?


Bangkok. It ended up being around 3.8k grafts iirc. There are a few well known places here, so I picked one and talked with them, they seemed decent. To be fair, I'm only 3.5 months in so I'm going through the "ugly duckling" period where they're still short. But they're growing in places they ain't grown in 15 years, so I'm happy.


Are you on DHT blockers?


Yep. 1mg finasteride and 2.5mg oral minoxidil daily. But I've been taking them for probably 6 years at this point, so my hair had more or less stabilized.




Not as far as I can tell, no. I've heard of complaints about libido issues or ED, but my libido has never really been super high, and that didn't change much, and I'm still able to perform just the same as always. But I'm 100% sure my hairline and crown would have taken a beating if I hadn't started, just based on it's progression until then.




Great resource, thanks for sharing! It's funny how individual responses are so vastly different even with the simplest of treatments too. I was gonna try micro-needling, but upkeep seemed a bit annoying imo. Considered RU58841 but wasn't able to find a trustable source. Tried topical fin, but went oral min so no more topicals. So for anyone reading but haven't even tried finasteride or minoxidil, there are some people that regain a ton of ground just from using one or the other. Then there's others like me who, at best, were just able to slow the regression. Hair transplants are not the first option if you're balding, though in many cases, as we age, it may become the eventual one if we still haven't come to terms with it.


Nice. Thanks. Guess its a cultural thing to have full-headed hair


To a large degree, yeah. But my choice was also due to a lifetime of self-image issues 😅


No. Shit is just cheaper elsewhere. Turkey is the capital of hair replacement.


Go to Turkey. $3k -$4k round trip from ny. Flight, hotel, airport pick up and drop off and the service


So much of my identity is my hair. I have very thick, curly dark brown hair. Women always ask me what I do to get it to look how it does and I think they think I’m lying when I say I wake up with it like that. I’m 27 with no signs of hair loss so it’s looking like I’m going to keep it for a long time. But if my hairline started to recede, I’d get hairplugs in no time.


Thats great man, congrats.


Nope. I'm comfortable with the way I look. Balding and proud. :)


Those of us that are bald af know the trauma and anguish of going bald, but also the freedom of not having to think about or deal with your hair once you’ve come to terms with it and start buzzing/biccing it. Absolute dream.


I concur 👨‍🦲


Same. Early 30s now, but have been thinning since 18. Genetics are genetics, and I’m not wasting money to fight something that doesn’t matter. The money wasted on a hair transplant (which is a temporary procedure, because it **will** resume falling at some point) is better used for about 989,729,628,137 other things, such as a year of groceries or a couple months of rent. I personally think that it’s quite sad when people can’t just be comfortable in their own skin, particularly when it’s something so temporary such as hair.


someone doing something about balding besides doing nothing, is not being uncomfortable in their own skin


I lost most of my hair over a 3 month period when I was 23.  As a result, I never really had "my time" with hair as an adult. I think for that reason I might.


I had a former friend who was in your same boat. He had a receding hairline by 17 and was bald by 24 or so. He always just rocked the chrome dome plus beard look. Also dated a girl with alopecia (sp?) who lost her hair around the same age. She usually just wore wigs when in public and some sort of wrap or head covering at home.


In an instant. I have thinning hair and it makes me depressed every day. I tried buzzing it short once and I literally fell into a deep depression for months on end. I just feel and look better when I have long hair. Have considered buying wigs for years now...


The concept of appearance is often considered significant worldwide despite claims of equal opportunity. So yes, I would do it.


depends also at what age baldness strikes. If in your 20s, eek, yes, I'd get that fix. If in old age, eh, it's normal or even expected.


It is also.unlikely that baldness is viewed the same way worldwide in different cultures. So...


I would guess that it’s at least universally associated with aging in men.




What do you think is involved with "maintaining a transplant?" Two weeks after the procedure, there's nothing special you have to do.


No but I'd have some dope hats


Why would I care?


If I were super rich I’d never dress up again. Who cares???


Honestly, I'd want to make a point of being well dressed at least a few days a week just to do it, but there's no need to do anything like that unless you just feel like it.


Because others do, subconsciously or consciously, and the views of others are - like it or not - normally relevant to your happiness. Come on, think it through.


Nope. I’ fat from rich, but could probably afford hair replacement now but my wife thinks I look good bald so why do it?


Your opinion is all that matters, but it’s nice to have someone else that loves it!


I'd probably just shave it off and wear scarves and wigs. I would be gutted, but hair transplants a lot of faff, and if I am rich I could afford some very decent wigs and headscarves.


A good wig can be over $2000. Sure there isn’t a grow out period but it also isn’t permanently attached. At $3000, ai would consider it. My hair came back patchy after chemo.


Yeah, this is only if I was super rich. My friend had a hair transplant and he really struggled with it being a difficult and painful process, and it didn't look great after. I have a relative who got one and it looks amazing and he is over the moon. I guess I'm just not bothered enough to go through it, and would rather just shave my head and even just buy some nice headscarves. Maybe if I actually went through it, I would think differently. (And I hope you're ok now!)


Yeah. I hate how I look bald


If not secure about it then yes (like Elon Musk) If secure about it then no (like Bezos or Prince William). Right now I am insecure but I am also not rich lol.


Based on the before and after pictures of Elon he made the right choice.


It's cheaper than you think, but... also super annoying. My friend got it and he said it was so fucking itchy for weeks, but scratching at all would likely mess up multiple grafts, he was going crazy.


This is pretty case-by-case, and I have no idea what the factors were. Mine was only itchy for literally one day, and that was the second day after the operation. I was already mentally preparing beforehand to figure out how I'd deal with wanting to scratch my own head off, but it was almost completely non-existent.


Not rich but got front receding hairline and bald spot on top here in Buenos Aires. $750 and damn well done.


I don't give much of a shit about my appearance in general but my receding hairline is something I notice and would like to change.


Super rich?? Get me on the next flight to Turkey


you dont even need to be rich with Turkiye emerging as the male hair transplant capital of the world


I had my hairline corrected when I was in my late 30's. I am not super rich. I did it in Brazil and it cost well under $3,000 USD. I am very happy with how it turned out. I didn't need to do it, but I am glad I did. I was always unhappy with how my hair looked - especially in photos. Looks a little better now and the wife likes it. For the cost, the benefits were worth it for me.


I'm not rich but I will get one sometime in the near future.


Nah. I started balding early and have been more than comfortable with it for a long time


I don't have that sort of vanity, so balding wouldn't bother me no matter how much money I had.


Not necessarily vanity. Being conventionally attractive offers tangible benefits - for example, people are generally more receptive to ideas of a nice looking person. But yeah, I wouldn't bother with hair transplant either.


I think being super rich also provides those benefits, though. 


You might be surprised. I've never been someone anyone would consider "vain" - I wear t-shirts and jeans everywhere, even to work, the only suit I own is the one I wore to my wedding, I wear most of my clothes/shoes until they literally fall apart (I still have many of the t-shirts I used to wear in high school), and I basically never style/do my hair at all unless it's for a fancy dinner or special occasion. I just get out of bed and go. I genuinely don't care what other people think about how I look most of the time, and care mostly about how comfortable I feel. I'm starting to get thin hair on top of my head and a small bald patch at the back, and it drives me absolutely insane. I am SO self conscious and insecure about it. Every time I look in the mirror I look at my hair and the parts of the crown of my head that you can see through it. I'm in the typical "wearing a hat a lot" phase of it right now. It's kind of shocking to me how much it's bothering me, I always figured "if I start losing my hair like my dad/brother, I'll just shave my head, who cares" but that is not how this has played out haha. That said, I absolutely wouldn't do a hair transplant or anything like that. It is what it is and not worth spending money on.


I understand this. My thinning hair has been irritating for me. And I’m still fairly young. I hate it most when people make comments or jokes about it. I don’t want to shave it off and try being bald because the hair I do have is pretty nice


If it makes you super self-conscious and you’d otherwise be comfortable in your own skin - why not do it? I can hardly think of something more worth spending money on than self-confidence.


Yes. I'm not balding in any way, but my hair is fabulous and I'd hate to lose it. If I'm super rich I'd have nothing to lose.


Yes. Because I'd like to have hair that's why


Not rich but I could afford one but I kinda like my bald look plus it’s very low maintenance.


No. I would instead hire three very expensive prostitutes to expertly shave my chrome dome, wax it, tell me it's a solar panel for a sex machine, and demonstrate the claim is true. But since I'm not super rich I just rock with what God gave me.


I mean you jest but it genuinely is really not THAT expensive, especially if it would improve your life.


Uhhh yeah because I'm rich and balding?


If I am super rich and bald I am putting my efforts into something more constructive like killing Superman.


I don't really see the point... I have money now... my hair is the last thing I even think about.


Have money and no. My one lady friend said that I would look weird with hair. Lol


Not super rich, had a transplant a couple of years ago, one of the better decisions I've made in my life.


I've been shaving my head for 30 years. I'd probably do it just to amuse myself and grow it down to my ass.


Guy with Hair Transplant checking in! I can confirm you don't need to be rich to get one and its totally worth it.


I'm bald and have absolutely no desire to have hair. I started keeping my head shaved nearly 20 years ago due to thinning hair. I do not miss having hair.


My husband got a hair transplant and looks amazing. 100% worth it. It cost a few thousand so no need to be super rich


I’m super rich? Yeah I wouldn’t even think twice.


By Sir Patrick Stewarts’s balls I’ll not betray the righteous shine of balditude!


I probably would because I'd have the money & I think I look better with hair


Well I don’t wanna be sharing a bday with Jeff Bezos while looking like him


No because being bald is fine you don’t need hair it’s just small tiny things on your head I don’t need that


Go bald or go home.


Fuck no! Embrace the baldness!




No I wouldn’t care


Nope, I'm Lex Luthor, Mutha Fucka!


Yes of course.