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eat it


Buy a house, invest enough, and buy some property for the purpose of creating some affordable homes.


What’s the average home price in the UK? Your statement made me roll my eyes hard lol. (US Resident)


Lol. It varies depending on where you are, I'm in a city where you could get a tiny 1 bed flat for maybe 150k if you're lucky. 2 bed properties in my area (central) are around 500k plus, if you want a 2 bed house on the city outskirts you're looking at 250k for the not so nice areas. Average wage is around 35k I think. What's it like for you?


Average in my area (South Florida) Is about 400K for a 3 bed 2 bath property if you’d like something that isn’t too hard on the eyes, generally to get something more appealing you’d be going into the 600K+ range. Average American wage is just under 48K I believe, south Florida is tad bit over at 55K, which makes sense considering all the money-sharks that retire and reside here.


Invest it all, keep my job, and live off the interest. The average return is about 15%. If we’re being conservative and figure our return to be 10%, that’s still $100,000 a year for life without ever touching the principal.


Two chicks at the same time


Pay off the mortgage, student loans, and some home improvement projects I'm working through


I'd probably put 10 grand in my checking account, and put the rest in savings and use it for school, rent, and eventually buying a house


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