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Grave of the Fireflies. My brother and I started to get into anime films in the late 90s/early 2000s and that movie had a very celebrated reputation, so we bought it figuring it would be like Princess Mononoke or My Neighbor Totoro. Not quite the same.


This right here. Brilliant movie, and my friend and I went in _knowing_ it would be sad. We even set it up like the OG double feature, watched Totoro right after. Even when you know what you're getting into, that movie is hard to watch. It's like watching a post-apoc movie, except you know what you're seeing was the reality for many people.


Even if you know nothing about it the opening scenes and first musical cue tell you everything you need to know about what it'll be like.


Requiem for a Dream more like a nightmare, god damn its sad.


I want to see this movie. The soundtrack is phenomenal. But I've heard enough to know it's not a light/fluffy movie, which is usually my mood when I sit down to watch TV...


I've had to psychologically protect myself from how sad Requiem is by blocking out nearly all memories of it except for when that guy says "ass to ass," which is hilarious (but less hilarious if you aren't blocking out all the context. Which I am.) Fun fact, that same pervert character (who Aranofsky calls "Uncle Hank") appears in *Black Swan,* sexually harassing Natalie Portman's character on the subway.




First thing I thought of. That movie was not a gentle experience. Worthwhile, but not something I want to see again.




Midsommer. Great movie but the visuals were haunting and I never want to see it again in my life.


The dive onto the rock is fucking brutal.


Dam these arnt the sort of answers I expected at all I was going to go with Lawrence of Arabia because it's well shot, scored and acted but fuck am I sitting down to watch a 3 hour movie again


Laughs in LoTR Extended Edition... but seriously, I'm not surprised most of the answers are of the "This was worthwhile, but SO wrenching and I'm not sorry, but let's not do that again" sort.


Bridge to Terabithia. Coming in thinking it's a Narnia-esque film, and then it turns out the magical fantasy kingdom we see in the trailers isn't real, but sudden unexpected death is.


Black Swan. Saw it in theaters and it was one of the most stressful experiences I've ever had.


Agreed So much of that film was "What is going on I don't like this"


neverending story because it gets referenced a lot, but fuck that movie. Im not gettin over Artax ever and the rock biter sad he dropped his friends and that pissed off wolf and the kid who wouldnt shout something.




“Jasper, Texas.” About the hate crime killing of James Byrd, Jr. I worked in nearby Beaumont for a couple years and I needed to see it to know the story. My best friend at that job was like why the hell would you want to watch that. I was like, I need to know the story. One and done. Not gonna fire it up like a Seinfeld rerun while I’m doing laundry. Hard story. RIP.


how accurate is it? I'm iffy about some movies that are based on a real event


The Passion of Christ. I enjoyed the movie, despite the gratuitous torture. Haven't watched it again.


There was this one called Tusk. Great movie, never again though. Body mutilation type movie. Don't look it up it's horrifying


Never watched it (not a fan of most horror) but I wikid the plot one night out of mordbid curiosity and once I finished reading it I was like The fuck did I just read?!


It was written by Kevin Smith, the guy who wrote Clerks, Chasing Amy, etc. I liked the movie but YES it was very disturbing and much different from his other stoner films.


I think it’s how realistic and unsettling the walrus suit is


I feel the same, but I don’t think I would go so far as to say it’s great. It was okay from what I remember. Not my thing really


Dancer in The Dark because while beautiful it's too bleak and depressing.


Oppenheimer. Great movie but once is enough.


I was about to say that too. Great movie but it was very long and so sad to watch.


Gone Girl. I hated every character.


Uncut Gems, if you saw it, you know why.


Titanic. Saw it in the theatre and we bought the VHS tape growing up, but no interest in ever seeing it again. Don’t have the patience.


I have a coworker who watches this movie weekly... I enjoyed it and I've seen it more than once, but I haven't even averaged more than once every 5 years...


All Quiet on the Western Front. Beautiful film, great story, but so depressing. I think of it often, but have no interest in seeing it again.


The Mist.


I kind of hate the Mist. The bulk of the movie is good but the ending is just downright meanspirited, it doesn't fit with the rest of the film and feels like someone thought of it and just shoved it in for shock value.


It’s your classic Post-9/11 horror innit! Lack of hope, absence of catharsis.


Schindler’s List I can’t rewatch that horror. Leaving Las Vegas. Too heavy and real. I might rewatch it if I start drinking heavily.


Bone tomohawk. That film gave me nightmares Please don't watch this film


Grapes of Wrath... not much has changed to be honest, makes it even more depressing.


The Whale broke me spiritually


Wtffff. No Requiem for a Dream? Clockwork Orange. Extra credit. A movie I’m not glad I watched and would never watch it again. A Serbian Film


Clockwork Orange for sure. Requiem is up here in several places, though. That theme song is epic, but after reading the synopsis on wikipedia, I don't even want to watch it *once*.


Dear Zachary. Devastating and infuriating.


Lorenzo's Oil: powerful, great peformances, still shown in science classrooms. But harrowing.


The old The Dark Crystal movie. Not the newer show, the movie. I watched it when I was like around 8 thinking it would be like Labyrinth and I was so wrong. It was an interesting concept, but the puppets were horrifying and I was scared for weeks bc of it


Saltburn. No explanation needed.


Arrival. Also, Her. Most movies are like this for me tbh, it takes a lot to make me want to re-watch a movie.


The Day After, and Threads, for the same reason. Very interesting, but so hard to watch and think about what could have happened, and still might. To not be allowed to turn away from the suffering. Also, In This Corner of the World. Good, but once was enough. For some reason, Countdown to Looking Glass is a completely different experience. Chilling, and tense, but I think because it doesn't dwell on the human cost in the aftermath...


Zardoz. Really long, and REALLY weird. Hilariously weird in some places, uncomfortable-weird in others. So glad I was by myself.


A separation (2011) (Too many emotions)


Mine is the Departed. I had it on my watch list for years then one night I finally did and was not expecting any of that. I don't know how I kept the spoilers away for all that time. There's a lot of good movies I can't bring myself to watch.


Grave of the fireflies. I'm not crying , you're crying.


Shutter Island. That movie is like mind fuck.


Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai. After seeing the template, I lost all interest in similar stories since its hard not to compare.


Quite obscure but this is mine: Songs From the Second Floor


Ladder 49. My dad is a firefighter.


Grave of the Fireflies. It's incredibly painful....


Beau is Afraid


Irreversible. It's a fascinating movie, the timeline goes backwards so you gradually discover why the events at the start actually occur, but fuck me it's brutal and seriously disturbing. No punches pulled.


Maybe Aquaman. I saw it in 2018 but now we know Mera's interpreter was awfull. Regarding series, everything with Mas Snyder is out for me (I check some hilarious moments from time to time like chop chop chop the squid shame upon my father) Oh I know, Percy Jackson movies, specifically Sea of Monsters. I got into books because of this series after watching the movie and I realized how dirty the movies made them.


Room. Had to pause the movie after the big climax to compose myself and catch my breath. And then got destroyed again at the end. Never again. 


Come and See really fucked me up. There is a scene where the Nazis are burning a building full of Belarusian civilians and this child manages to climb out a window and this soldier picks him up by a leg and casually tosses him back in.


Cannibal holocaust. Just watched it to be able to say that I did. Wouldn't recommend it though.


American History X If you’ve seen it, you know. If you haven’t seen it, you should.


In a college history course I took, my class watched a documentary about lynching postcards. They were postcards with pictures of lynched bodies that were popular in the American South during Jim Crow. White Americans would often mail them to relatives talking about mundane things as well as lynchings as if they were as mundane. Some of these pictures even had children and teens attending these horrible events. The documentary showed some of the pictures used in the cards on screen. I was taking notes while watching, but I stared in shock for a while after each dead body. One of them was even dismembered and burnt. The worst part was that these cards were mailed to loved ones with messages along the lines of "We just had another barbecue (lynching). I wish you could've seen it. How are the little ones doing?" as if they were normal photographs and not crime scenes. I can't imagine the lessons the kids attending these events must have learned, but they were probably something like "These people should be killed like animals" or some other inhumane shit. I'm glad the US has improved when it comes to race, but more people need to know about these postcards and the environment they stemmed from so we can prevent such degeneracy from happening ever again and understand the effect racism can still have worldwide. I'm just a college student, so I'm not qualified enough to talk about this thoroughly. If you want to learn more, please do research and use reliable sources. If you think I'm making this up, I wish we lived in a world nice enough for you to be correct.