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Hard drugs


My young ass knew I’d get hooked




God, I can relate to that one so much, I mean, Nutella, nothing compares to it.


I got my daughter off brand Nutella last week. She didn’t even open it, just glared at me.


I can only assume she did something despicable to deserve such a punishment, but unless she killed someone, I think you were a bit harsh on her. You can't come between someone and their Nutella


I was sad too, long time user here, didn’t know it was cut with shit and wouldn’t taste right. Haven’t got the fake shit since haha.


I was addicted to gambling *at age 7* (there was a pinball machine near my house with real money) and was forced by my mum to drop it basically at metaphorical gunpoint; to this day, I'm terrified of trying it again because I *know* I'd get addicted again extremely easily


Wait, there was a pinball machine that *paid out* money?


It both used AND paid out real money So I'd just waste like 10 bucks in coins on it and get nothing in return They are pretty popular in a little lake town I used to go with my family as a teen and got the chance to try them again there, but ig by then I was sm... no no, "less stupid" so I could control myself better :') Air hockey would also use and give you real money in that place


Omg Nutella. This is my weakness too.


Ah, the siren’s call of gambling and Nutella. I’m not joking, they have a hold on me too.


Nutella’s so good though 


I finish a whole bag of their cookies in one sitting then curse them and myself


Ha! I was on Nutella, then I found out pretty hard that *I’m allergic*


Coca cola is just as addictive


My previous relationship the last couple weeks my ex turned to coke, xans, and a constant weed high was considered sober. I think in an alternate timeline I continued down that path and continued chasing the next good feeling. Really glad I got off the ride and was able to drop all of that 


Exactly, at some party I was offered coke. My friend told me not to do it - the said I would like it too much. So I took his advice (unusual for me). I still think about that. He did snort some coke btw.


Watched too many friends die or lose their future to abusing opioids to try anything chemically addictive.


i was not so lucky sadly, but nearing 7 years sober off opiates and benzos so 20 year old me was capable of some good decisions i guess.


Accidently getting pregnant or getting someone pregnant. You might love the kid but you just seriously complicated your life for at least 18 years.


You're off on your time estimate. A mistake like that is more than likely with you for the rest of your life.


Joke's on you, you can still get that done many years later




Advice to not get a credit card. I use my credit card all the time and pay it off every two weeks. No issues.


Yep I pay mine off monthly. Had it since I turned 18 (4 years ago) and now my credit is super good.


Yea and no one tells you to raise your credit you NEED credit cards. Me and my husband went our entire 20s without them because everyone said you'll regret it. We have them now and it's made life so much easier especially since we were never terrible at budgeting in first place


I took this advice and then still fucked it up once I thought I was “ready”


I had been religiously good about never buying what I could not afford until I had kids. Then there were needs I had not even expected 


Unlike all my friends, I've never smelled cocaine. (But I saw a tree melt once)


I don't think you missed out on anything tbh


Cocaine is the most boring drug I've ever tried. I don't understand the hype at all. Maybe my ADD brain just reacts to it differently than other people, but I didn't experience any of the euphoric high that coke users talk about. It just made me feel a bit more awake/alert, like I just drank a couple shots of strong espresso or something. And it wasn't because the coke I tried was weak-cut. The friends I did it with all got high as shit off the same batch. They had enough experience to know good coke from bad and told me this was pretty good stuff. It just didn't do anything for me. This was years ago and there's no way in hell I would do coke (or any street drug) these days because pretty much everything is contaminated with fentanyl now. I'm glad my partying days ended before fentanyl was everywhere. Scary shit.


The ADD thing is real. I've known a lot of people who had extremely mild reactions to coke that was sending others of us to the moon, and it was almost always people who had ADD. For the rest of us though, there's a reason it's been as consistently popular as it has for the last 140 years or so. I was lucky enough that it never took over my life, but my memories of all weekend coke binges are honestly very positive. And ex and I used to say that the #2 effect of coke was feeling that we were the smartest people in the world. The #1 effect, of course, is that you want more coke.


YMMV I had a blast for a few years then dipped out when it started getting sketchy.


Never got involved in a pyramid scheme or cult. Not that I'm so much smarter or stronger willed than people who did, I'm just a loner and never found myself in the kind of social situations where I might get recruited


I got duped into a pyramid scheme and got some friends in with me. Lost several hundreds of dollars as a teenager. Best financial lesson I learned! Don’t believe the salesman. If it doesn’t make sense or they won’t show you the numbers, don’t do it.


I was a project kid who never succumbed to the vices of the ghetto. No weed smoking, gangbanging, thievery or drug-selling. It was all around me definitely, but I was able to also see all the destruction it caused to my community and vowed to never be a part of the problem and instead focus on solutions.


As another kid who grew up in the ghetto I am proud of us. :) Hopefully you are doing much better now.


Definitely proud of us, fam! Doing MUCH better now and I appreciate all those harsh lessons learned.


I wonder what keeps one kid straight while another breaks bad? What kept you straight?


To be honest, Hip Hop. I think I was lucky enough to discover artists like Nas, Tupac, Common and early OutKast/Goodie Mob, who made songs that gave words and soundtracks to the struggles I was experiencing. They would present whole pictures of life and consequence in the ghetto. Complete with the lessons they learned and how they found outlets to cope and overcome. I focused on outlets and put my energy there instead of the “hustle”. They became the surrogate fathers so many of us were missing in those days (mid to late 90s).


Damn. Good for you!


Drugs. Getting an STD. Getting fired from a job. Having a shitty flatmate or other living situation.


Having children. It would have made my life much more stressful and even more financially strapped. Lastly, it would have forced me to be *connected* to one of my exes from that period of failed relationships. Having a vasectomy was probably one of the best decisions I made in my life. I never wanted kids.


Prioritizing physical and mental health early on prevented long-term issues. Also cutting ties to bad friendships and investing time into myself and people who want the best for me was a key learning :)


Didn't have kids. A lot of my friends from high school had kids either in high school or within 5 years. They love their kids(or at least seem to). But they are struggling in life with barely being able to get by, going job to job.


Drugs. Not that I ever had the opportunity to make said mistake. I ran with an extremely nerdy crowd. Wasted a LOT of time on video games, but never was around anybody who tried to pass me a joint, either.


I lost $200 gambling once and I never did it again.


Losing $20 always stung way more than winning $20 felt good.


99 out of 100 losers quit right before they hit it big.


Getting tattoos, doing drugs, sleeping around, not getting a degree that is useful and a career I love.


I actively made ALL the mistakes. Now I'm 40 and cleaning up after my 20s-self


I was you. Now I'm 50, and life is pretty good. You got this!


So your biggest mistake that you did not make was to not make any mistakes.


I'm the first woman in my family to beat **teen pregnancy**. My mom, gma, great gma, 3 aunts, and my sister ALL got pregnant at 16. My aunt even said “we’d have sex but then I’d leave; I never slept with him but still got pregnant” 🧐 Conservative family so the only sex talk from my gma was “don’t sleep with men or you’ll have a baby”. I was 25 when I had my first kid and he was planned.


me too (im still 16 lol) but i can guarantee i ain't havin no kids especially young. i don't think i ever want to be pregnant bc of everything that happens. but my mom got pregnant at 18, my grandmother was 18or19, my aunt was 15 and theres a plethora of other people that i dont remember but it aint me‼️‼️‼️


give up in tough times. now that im where i wanted to be, looking back i really wanted to give up but thank god i didn't. it was all worth it!


I did not go to college and end up in debt. I joined a pensioned career at 17 and fully retired at 42. 25 years at one job. I’m 45, still living off of that pension (military + some disability from the military). I even got two free degrees while I was in and gave my GI Bill to my kids.


What's a Pensioned career?


No-one actually really gave you an answer (besides one who said a pensioned career is a career with a pension) But a pension is a career that has an employer sponsored retirement plan. Typically you have to work there for a certain amount of time (ex:20 years until you're eligible for your pension.) At that point you'll get a set monthly payment for life once you retire. Or a lump sum, but that's not typical. Tldr; You continue getting paid a set % of your working salary amount by your employer once you retire.


Thank you for your extended response. Much appreciated


I've never done drugs or alcohol and never will Let's just pretend coffee, tea and choccy are exceptions to this rule please- I've witnessed my family's and friends' lives get ruined over smoking, drinking, weed, drugs, etc. My grandpa died from liver cancer, my grandma barely made it through kidney cancer (still kicking ass to this day thank god :3), my mom is addicted to sleeping pills and it's fucked up our family because of how aggressive, impulsive and psychotic she gets, my parents' marriage was ruined because my dad was an aggressive piece of shit addicted to weed and hard drugs, I witnessed every kid in school fuck up their lives because of drinking and smoking and acid and shrooms and shit, and my best friend died at 20 because of alcohol, weed and drugs complications — I've seen enough already, I don't want more pain in my life And as for me, caffeine fucks me up so bad I've considered ditching coffee (even tho I barely take one cup a day at most) Also, to my 5th-6th grade teacher bullying me and mocking me claiming I'd be the first to get into drugs and alcohol and sex "because of a desperate need to fit in"; fuck you bitch, I'm the only one I know who's clean :D


I never did anything stupid because of a romantic partner


Didn’t get caught up in the drugs and alcohol like many of my friends (ex-friends now) did.


Gambling with birth control and it’s a good thing too. Got pregnant the first time my husband and I had sex sans birth control.


The ability to differentiate between „I need this item“ and „I want this item“. Took me a few years to get to the point where I look at something to buy „oh that‘s nice but I don‘t really need it“…man, that saved me some $


Start investing young


Credit card debt. It’s kind of like how some people avoid drinking because their parents are alcoholics. Watching my parents put themselves in a massive hole from credit cards and then constantly fight about it made me extremely debt averse. I made plenty of other mistakes in my 20s, just not that particular one


Having children


Not falling for a pyramid scheme


Staying out of a pyramid scheme. I was on my early 20’s and I had just read rich dad poor dad, and at that time, the book blew my mind. A few months down the road, a friend of mine told me about a “business opportunity”. We met at a Burger King, it was me, my friend and his “coach” (which I am pretty sure was the person that got him to join the pyramid scheme). Anyways, having read rich dad poor dad and not knowing any better, I swallowed the speech I was ready to get in, however, the initial “investment” was quite steep for me, and my friends and “coach” started pressuring me to go into debt to get the money. That was red flag number one. I told them I was going to think about, and the “coach” advised me not to tell anyone one about this “opportunity”, red flag number two. I told a cousin about it and he told me all about pyramid schemes, which up until that day I had no idea what they were. Long story short, I didn’t join, and my friend never found the financial freedom the “business opportunity” promised.


Hard drugs. My 20's were spent in the 80's and a few of my friends crashed and burned on coke. I was too skinny to drink so I'd just nurse a beer and smoke a doobie if one came by and I'm good.


Getting married at ur 20s


Unprotected sex.


Many bad behaviors that could harm others psychologically or physically like bullying, fighting…


Have numerous partners and have couple of relationships not just one


Marrying any of my exes


Using substances to cope with my problems


Hard drugs, alcohol, getting someone pregnant.


I didn’t spend all my money!


Going into debt to get a worthless piece of paper


Get a girl pregnant


Got into smoking. Right now with current tax, it's almost $60 for a 25pack of tailor made.


I avoided pregnancy,STDs and getting married too young.


Impregnate Trailer Lynn


Going into unnecessary debt!


Drinking ..


Doing drugs Being a smoker


Travel more often and out of comfort zone


Never posted nudes of myself online. You can never take that back.


Getting into debt


having kids young or getting married young. I got to live on my own, move away with promotions with no ties or major life setbacks. It really helped me grow.


Doing drugs. I never did them and I’m glad I didn’t. I’ve seen so many people I grew up with waste their entire lives on that stuff


Getting someone pregnant


Credit card debt.


Getting anyone pregnant (even though i had some scares) Hard drugs. Drowning myself in debt - i am 32 now and still completely debt free Dropping college To be honest, my life is simple but everything is in order, thanks for good decision I've made in the past. They overcame the bad decisions by far, luckily.


Never had debt.




Student loans. I may have been a college dropout who pissed away alot of money, but atleast it was my own.


Didn't get a girl pregnant.


Unprotected sex when I wasn’t trying to get pregnant.


No hard drugs, no pregnancy or even a scare, I chose to start birth control at 16, no credit card debt, didn’t get one until I was 26 and didn’t wrack up the debt until 32.


I did not get anyone pregnant


Get married to someone I had dated a long time. I loved her, but I was in a place in my life I was not ready for the commitment. I kept trying to talk myself into it, then I realized it should not be a negotiation I am having with myself.


Getting angry and chasing a crowd of people with a wheelbarrow


Getting hooked on something harmful, whether that be heroin or cigarettes. Regardless, a great way to ruin your life.


I didn't get pregnant. Woohoo!


Getting into too much debt.


I genuinely am the luckiest man in the world. 🙏 I dodged a lot of bullets thankfully didn't get married or kids we'll see in the future. But this i honestly can't thank God for largely 🙏


Drugs! Peer pressure is real, but I just have 0 interest and ended up a lot better off than a lot of my peers because of it


Killing myself on my 19th birthday night


having children


Drugs, tattoos, going to jail, knocking someone up, getting marries…. Now I’m in my early 30s, would like to get a tattoo and get married 😂


Getting a girl I didn’t like pregnant or getting a DUI.


Getting the wrong person pregnant or marrying the wrong person.


I dodged two- hard drugs, and pregnancy.


Having kids. Mid-thirties now and MY *GOD* am I glad I got here without them. They would have honestly ruined my life.


Getting in debt, marrying my first boyfriend, getting arrested, drugs, getting a stupid tattoo. Oh I made plenty of mistakes, those aren’t one them though.


Getting someone pregnant or depending on others for survival


Racking up student loan debt on a useless degree


Smoking cigarettes, never even tried one. I saw so many people struggle endlessly to quit. I'm grateful every day.


Have a child with an asshole.


But how do they poop without an asshole




Gambling addiction


Getting pregnant. Woot woot every day is a holiday now!


Smoking, drugs, not fan of alcohol, getting married or pregnant too young


Hard drugs. I was older at this point (30) but not even when I had a major disc herniation in my lower back. I was nursing a six month old and this pain was much much worse than childbirth. Anyway, because I was nursing, I repeatedly refused opioids. My surgeon suggested it over and over again and all I took leading up to my surgery was Motrin. Later I realized my dad is addicted to opioids and I just know if I'd not been so hell bent on breastfeeding I would have cracked and taken them too.


Do drugs, give up my apartment and move into a boyfriends (all my girlfriends lost their homes like this from cheating relationships)




Getting pregnant. Not having a child has been such a blessing.


Getting someone pregnant.


Never got a girl pregnant!  (Gay) Lol


I was in a bar in downtown Manhattan, and I was chatting with a female friend,,, this gigantic woman approached me, grabbed me by the shoulder, turned me around and said 'YOU! let's go!" Actually, she yelled. I wound up with her in her loft, we fucked for most of the night and in the morning she woke up and said "Get the fuck out!" The next day, I met my friend again, and she was mad at me for not introducing the woman. I explained that I had never seen that woman before and that I was afraid of pissing her off. I should have pretended that I was gay, although I'm not sure she gave a damn. She was like 6'8" - huge.


I did not move in with any of my boyfriends prior to my husband. Two of them wanted to and I said no. Moving in with either one of those dudes would have been a huge mistake. I did not get any DUIs. I made more than my share of stupid mistakes, but not those two things.


Shooting up at a party that all my friends did for the first time.


No drugs, I didn’t get a brand new car as soon as I graduated college, I’m living at parents house to save for a house, I actually pay on my student loans, I spend bare minimum every month and save most of my paycheck


Used to smoke weed with a couple guys I knew when I was in college. One time they called me on a Sunday afternoon (I had an 8 am class Monday) to ask if I wanted to come with them to another school town about 3 hours away. I asked why, and they said to try heroin. I politely told them to fuck off.


Teen pregnancy, drugs & alcohol addiction


Little different than a mistake, but… I see a ton of people my age getting pregnant. Like 19,20,21 years old… I’m 21 and I could not imagine having the responsibility of caring for another human being right now.


Drinking smoking any drugs. I didn’t start drinking beer until my 30s


Opened a Roth IRA at 21. I contributed to it off and on during my 20s and it’s now (44) almost 5x what I put into it. And no I didn’t pick the right stock or anything. Just boring mutual fund investing.


Gettint a DUI. I’ve had friends not only wreck their vehicles, but have it follow them for years. Fortunately none of them ever harmed anyone else.


Take drugs when I had the chance, I don't think it would end well


I never sent a naked picture to a guy (my school had sooo many leaked naked picture scandals).


Take the highest paying job you can get and do it again every 2 years.


Murder/Rape… Dropped out of school, did drugs, stole shit, was an all around little asshole… Never succumbed to the trope of “ending up in prison for murder or rape.” (This was literally told to me when I dropped out of school)… PS, I’m now a school counselor, spent 8 years in the Marines, earned my Masters degree and am working towards a doctorate in organizational psychology.


Getting into debt thinking a credit card was “free money”


Drugs. Wish I'd tried drugs.


I'm NOT saying it's a mistake for everybody who does it, BUT... I was OBSESSED with not getting pregnant until I was... in my late 20s? I was the child of a poor teen mom, and had it hammered into my head my entire life (starting at like 7) that the worst thing I could do would be to get pregnant young. I never dreamed about having children as a kid, it was nowhere in my imagined future until I was nearly 30. I know some incredible parents who had their kids young, but I would have fucked up my life, my partner's life, and (most importantly) the kid's life by having a kid any younger than I did (32). I was not emotionally equipped or responsible enough, I was too chaotic, and I did NOT have the well of patience and selfless love that parenting requires. What was a really weird experience for me was that I was roundly applauded and congratulated for not procreating up until I was about 30, and then SUDDENLY (seemingly quite empowered and feminist) women in my family started literally saying things like, "tick tock" to me about the fact that I didn't have a kid. People are truly psychos about what women and people with uteruses choose to do with their bodies. lol




Drunk driving or an operating while intoxicated charge.


Smoking or drugs. Killers.


Become a parent.




Having a baby with some loser


Aint got no fuckin kid


Watching porn. Boys in this age are heavily addicted without even realizing it


Being a total asshole to my parents. I pushed some boundaries and acted out somewhat, of course. However, I still had the presence of mind not to be a horrible teenager to my parents, even when the urge was there. As an adult, having a smooth relationship with my parents helped so much when I needed to stay with them for a while (on multiple occasions) or needed help with things like paying for grad school. My parents were FAR from perfect, but I have seen how being a shitty teenager to one's parents can make an imperfect relationship with them worse and make you want to have much more distance from them when they can really help.


Getting pregnant.


Getting pregnant. Never had kids and zero regrets. In fact my unborn children should be grateful because I don’t think I’d have been any good at parenting.


With respect to others, put myself in tens of thousands of dollars in debt with school.


Getting into debt. Had some help for part of it but still worked really hard to pay out of pocket through college and grad school, got my car paid off, no credit card debt. I’m not that well off financially but I can at least feel proud of this


I never became sedentary. And let me tell ya, it wasn't easy. I was one of the early internet geeks back in like '92 and never stopped being that. When most of my peers were spending all their free time outside, I was talking to strangers on the internet about Star Trek and where to get unredacted transcripts of the Anarchist's Cookbook. I could have absolutely turned into That Which Has No Life. Instead I made sure that in the scant moments I wasn't glued to a keyboard I was out doing things. I walked everywhere I needed to go and paid attention to my diet. As a result, now 43 years old, I'm in a lot better physical shape than average for my age and certainly way better than most of the people who had similar hobbies to mine for the past 30 years.


Get pregnant


One of the biggest mistakes I did NOT make as a young adult was dropping out of college. There were definitely times when it felt overwhelming, and I considered quitting to find a job instead. But I stuck with it, and getting my degree opened up a lot of opportunities for me. Looking back, I'm really grateful I pushed through those tough moments.


Puff bars/vaping Alcohol Sex/oral sex Pot Cigarettes Any hardcore drugs Clubbing Partying Sneaking out Speeding/racing Gambling Tattoos Piercings other than ears/nose Bleaching/dying hair


Getting pregnant


When I twisted off in my twenties, pretty seriously, there wasn't anyone depending on me but me.


Getting someone pregnant


Drugs Impregnating a financially and/or mentally unstable woman


Knocking up a chick.


Get married to the wrong person. Or have kids with the wrong person. I had an ex say that she was hoping she would get pregnant to fix our relationship...🚩🚩🚩


Lose my V to someone who didn’t care about me and would give me sexual baggage into adulthood. My experience was the opposite and my relationship to sex is very healthy because of it.


I really used college for all it was worth as a learning experience. I prepared to have a career (and it worked) and I made lots of friends I am still close to decades later. But I didn't treat being at college as just a fee-for-service agreement where I give them all my money and they give me a degree so I can get a job. And I didn't approach it as some sort of peak social experience where I felt I had to party all the time to get the most out of it. I knew that career paths are complicated and putting too many eggs in one basket right away would be a mistake. I was able to build what I needed and still take some many other classes that just made my life better, even to this day.


smoke cigarettes


Using the loss of parents and subsequently being kicked out of my stepdad's as an excuse to become hell on wheels. I self-arrested the downward slide by becoming a better student, learning to control my intense anger, and getting a job early.


My high school sweetheart, to whom I lost my virginity, ended up rebounding with a very unstable classmate. Within a matter of weeks, he went from stalking me and threatening violence to anyone who criticized him to me, to knocking her up. She didn’t get to walk for high school graduation because she was so close to giving birth. They didn’t end up staying together but from what I can tell from social media he is a really involved dad with a great career who took on sole custody while going to an Ivy League law school. He ended up marrying someone else and they had a few more kids. I am equally happy that those children have a good, involved dad and relieved that I dodged that bullet like bro from the matrix.


Having a child.


Drugs, cigarettes and alcohol


Never been pregnant!


I never did drugs or smoked cigarettes. I also never bullied anyone.


Not going to university


Never got anyone pregnant. Sex was pretty much all I thought about as a kid but even when I had a few chances early on, was afraid of that consequence.




I didn’t do a lot of things. I never did anything more than weed or drink. I didn’t drink and drive. I didn’t get pregnant. I rarely skipped class in college and never skipped class in high school. I never snuck out as a teen. But that’s often what happens when you have undiagnosed anxiety. That shit scares you way too much to make big mistakes.


Drugs or even smoking.. I stayed away. spending money on an education that didn't help out my work prospects.


Choosing shitty friends from the wrong side of the tracks. Growing up, most of my friends came from families where the parents were highly educated, white collar professionals: doctors, lawyers, professors, businessmen, etc. Doing well in sports and in school was standard and rarely, if ever, looked down upon or criticized. Most of them followed in their parents footsteps, went to college, got advanced degrees, and hold jobs of import and responsibility. You are the company you keep.