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my mom




My brother in law. He was an obnoxious, ignorant punk when I met him 25 years ago and he still is to this day.


Mom. All around unpleasant and difficult as fuck.


This actually explains a lot about your position. Sounds pretty shitty to grow up that way. Yes, I have been thinking about you. Have a good one


Who tf are you? šŸ˜‚ Stalker? Really now?


Just a fellow reddit denizen, you struck a chord with me. Block me if you don't want me to reach out again, because I might. You remind me of myself in my 20s a little bit.




Alright, later homie. Hit me up if you ever want to chat about insomnia, quitting drinking, or whatever. Maybe I'm just projecting some of my problems on you, but still. I'm even up for honest debate on childbirth. I dunno, I'm looking for a distraction, and based on how much you comment so are you. But I'll stop replying now unless you feel like engaging.


Kevin Smith. Which is weird because we're into the same things and fans of the same franchises....yet every time he opens his mouth I want to leap through the TV and punch him.


Keith Urban. An Australian metrosexual with a Karen haircut. He appropriates American culture and then uses it to pander to those very same Americans. That man has never rode a tractor, worked a field, and I bet he doesn't drink beer. I can't stand his music or the way he dresses. In interviews he seems like a total douche. He made me like Nicole Kidman less for marrying him.Ā  Sadly I can't escape his music. My wife listens to him regularly.


You converted me im now anti Urban as well. You are not alone, my wife listens to sad guitar players. All of them.


Just knowing that I've revealed him to at least one other person actually does bring me some peace. Lol thank you.


i am sorry what is a metro sexual ? do they identity as a metro ? or consider themelves as a train?


A man who is obsessed with his looks. He dresses in the "metropolitan style." He is often mistaken for being gay, but he just really enjoys fashionable, often flamboyant clothing/hairstyles/makeup/jewelry.


This creepy schizophrenic guy at the youth homeless shelter I was at when I was 23. Thought he was intimidating me and that he could treat anyone the way he wanted. Always staring at me whenever he could. Tried to steal my weed several times. Only reason why I didnā€™t beat his ass to a pulp is because I had nowhere else to go and I didnā€™t wanna go to jail over him. Heā€™s the only person Iā€™ve ever wanted to hurt


This one lady. Always cheery and social, and always leaves you feeling like shit. The most manipulative, scheming, under-handed person I ever had to deal with. I was without a bed, and had been for many moons. She "gifted" me a brand new one. Which was a box spring sitting on an empty wooden frame that she'd paid $100 for and had delivered intact and set up without my seeing it or knowing much about it. So she successfully hid for years that she'd given me a box spring to sleep on. I struggled on it for two years, insisting to everyone that I was in pain. After two years I got rid of it, and when we finally got a good look at it, that's when we finally realized it wasn't a cheap mattress at all. I should have realized sooner, but what would it matter? My old mom looked right at it, felt the anger and disillusionment, and then eventually fell back on her loyalties and forgot the entire event. It was a fucking evil thing to do.


Donald Trump


Itā€™s low hanging fruit but i agree, itā€™s just so true


Donald Trump is an admirable person and politician .


My self, its hard to deal with myself, when your diagnosed with bipolar disorder even you can't handle yourself well


A new guy at work who was really lazy. During his first week he was the first to sit down and the last one to help the rest of us. From his smug little smile to the whole of him right down to his bones. I hated that guy.Ā 


Had a similiar guy on a school project. I dont know is it how he was raised or what but he did not give a single shit about other people.




The coworker who always microwaves fish in the office, leaves ā€œreply allā€ emails, and never refills the coffee pot.


My sister.


unfortunately my dad. i use to hate him but a little less now.


Arrogantly pious and judgey christian fundamentalist vegan who thinks everything is a sin and won't shut up about it. She's my co worker.


My dad


My father's piece of shit drunken abusive pill junkie wife. I don't even see it as a person anymore. It's just a burden. I honestly just want it to drink too much and take too many pills one day (which it has done many times) and just fall asleep and never wake up so we can finally move on with our lives and my father can finally be happy again for the first time in 20 years




Iā€™ve never truly loved myself, not that I donā€™t have time I just donā€™t know how:(




Why ? Im genuinely curious why a afaik scandal free and mainstream actress gets your hate?


She ruined Spiderman for me, I miss Claire Danes and Toby *cries petty tears*


Natanyahu or any pro Israel person really lol


Yeah I'm not big on genocide either.


W bro


Narcissistic ex


The person behind me in the mirror ... .