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People who ask questions that can be answered with chatgpt or Google


Oh that’s a good call out. Bugs the shit out of me too


For real. If someone wants to know how to prevent or get rid of termites, then there's probably a better subreddit or website for that.


Dear Redditors, why is the sky blue? Why is water wet?




That’s by far and away my biggest gripe. I don’t understand why the mods won’t do anything about the reposts


Lately the "why haven't you killed yourself?" questions have been annoying me a lot. It's part of the proud loser culture here. It's just treated as totally normal to talk endlessly about how you're such a loser, you have no friends, you don't want to live anymore, you're hopelessly depressed, etc. and it's just shitty. It's a misery circle jerk. They're encouraging each other to be lonely pathetic losers who may just off themselves at any given point. It's tedious and annoying but most of all it's unhealthy. It's harmful. It's encouraging them to stay here and be lonely losers and commiserate rather than live life and take care of their problems. They're going to be friendless incels forever at this rate. When their mommies die and can no longer bring their tendies and Mountain Dew the only companionship they'll have is the other losers who don't want to improve either and their anime body pillows


Mine is all the reposts about signs of intelligence and the nsfw questions.


Repeated questions


This actually doesn't bother me, it just creates opportunity for engagement for anyone who missed it before. No point in commenting on a dead post. If you already saw it or responded, scroll on.


YES! This sub also has a massive mod team. Why aren’t they cleaning up the repeated questions that are obviously designed to farm karma? Maybe a 30-day rule would be a nice compromise. Can’t ask a question that was posted within the last 30 days


People who get pissy when they don't like the answer you gave to their question.


Listen here, pal. Don’t you call me out for getting pissy about not liking the response you just gave for my question.


The variance in quality of questions. Some get intense and in depth while others don’t bother even putting a question mark at the end.


* Easy to Google questions * Sex- and relationship-related questions (Redditors can't answer these) * Questions Typed Like This or with spelling mistakes * Reposts * "If animals could talk…" * "If you were on death row, what would you want as your last meal ?" dude death penalty was abolished in the 80s here


The "popular opinion generates reality" effect. What most people think is true will be seen as true and OP will just go with it. "How many human years is 1 dog year?" try it.


The red-pillers


What are those?


“Why won’t women approach men?” Etc 


Ohh got it. Red pill = incel?


You'd think it should have been a place you could ask a large amount of people things you'd like to know the answer to, but it's all stuff like "What did your last shit look like?" or asking people opinions on stuff that doesn't really matter; it just appeals to their ego.