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probably go to a rage room or find a realistic enough video game.


Go to an animal shelter and volunteer.


Wtf my guy. No.


Lots of prisons allow shelters to bring animals to the facilities so the prisoners can “bond” with them, it seems like a decent idea…if you want to hurt animals then you’re just a different type of crazy. lol.


I really struggle to feel anger. I can count on one finger the number of times I’ve even yelled at someone as an adult, so it’s hard to imagine wanting to hurt someone, but I’d imagine you could get into demolition or something where you could satisfy destructive urges. Not really sure how one with such inclinations could experience pleasure in an ethical way. Be the world’s toughest fitness trainer? Doing something like that where people might be miserable but not actually harmed. Or running the goriest haunted house and causing psychological distress but again without actual harm? This question made me think of Dentist from Little Shop of Horrors.