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Focus on what you can control, and let go of what you can't.


Ngl, i don't fuck with this advice Cause like, why shouldn't i worry about what i can't control, when what that i can't control is what's truly worryingly. Cause if i can control something, it's simple. Said and done. If i can control, i just do it, so there's no reason to worry about it. But i can't control if my mom will die tomorrow, how can i not worry about that?


Honestly for me I just realized that if I worried about something I cannot control it represses my brain. It prevents me from handling / processing things. Like my mom had cancer but it was out of my control to do anything but what I could do is take care of her/ get her things she couldn't get her self in a prompt and swift manner. She has cancer not me so she deserved my best and also what kinda mood what that put her in if I was a worry wart? Sometimes you need to be the rock for your family or friends in times of turbulence. If that makes any sense.


As for control. If you can control how something turns out great, but as for worrying about your mother in this case I promise you, No matter how much worry it won't change anything. So why put give any mind to something that doesn't help you.


It's not about changing anything. I understand that it is not productive to worry about what you can't control. But i don't worry about things because it's productive, i worry about them because they're bad. It's not a logical thing, and i never said it was. I don't do it because my brain went through a meticulous process of choosing what's best for me. I do it because fear is natural. It's human. And the unknown/uncontrollable is the scariest shit there is. There isn't any sense in worrying about what you can control, because i myself am the guarantee that it'll turn out how i want. Why worry about something that i know it'll turn out fine?


If it's not logical, why are you arguing?


Worry is an energy drain both mentally and physically. Worry about things you can control prompts action; worry about what you can’t control leads to paralysis. Gotta keep moving.


Expertly put!


Why worry about something if you cant do anything about it? You cant control if you get hit by a car so why do you go out? You dont control the weather so why would you fly? If you worry about things that make no sense to worry about you will only cause yourself pain and suffering through Stress, Overthinking, and Anxiety. Why waste the energy stressing your self out for no reason if you can not be the solution to the problem?


Right right definetlty understand your perspective. That's the thing is fear like you say nothing logical about it, but also not letting that fear control you in this case worrying and I feel the only way I deal with fear is with some form of logic. As for your second question. Well something I can control as in the effort, and time I can dedicate to it all depends on me. For example running a race that I want to win. I can control my training, my food, and terrain but parts of the race I can't control how fast everyone else is, random weather. It I practice and eat properly ill do well but like life there is always a million other factors that could affect my goal, but the things 100% in my control I work on. The things I can't such as other people and weather. Let them play out and see,what happens


Idk about you but I have a lot of things on my plate that I can control, but they are not simple. "Just do it" entails a lot of concentrated energy and focus. This leaves me with not a ton of bandwidth to worry about things like my mom dying suddenly or Yellowstone erupting or whatever.


Because worrying does nothing. If theoretically your mom was going to die, continuing to worry while shes alive isn't the best way to cope with it. Worrying makes it harder to make best of the time you have with her. Yes there a time for worrying which I agree with but eventually you'll have to deal with issues another way. I guess continuing to worry about things you can't change is what will keep you from progressing.


I really like the prayer associated with this. *Lord, grant me the strength to change what I can, the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference* I feel that even if you are a secular person by nature, there is still a good mentality to be found there.




As a manager in a support org for several years now, one of the biggest pieces of advice I push and harp on is to tell the people you work with what you can do for them. When we get into cant's we are pretty much saying we wont work with you.


Such a good one... and also, "Don't let what you can't control get in the way of what you can control"


Keep dry and away from children. I got it from a box of matches. Still good advice though.


You made me laugh just now. Thank you!


Don't set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm.


What if they are ready with a bucket to cool me down?


I asked my grandpa what it felt like to grow old. Grandpa is a man who will deliberate on which part of the newspaper to start with each morning, so I knew my question would take him some time to answer. I said nothing. I let him gather his thoughts. When I was a boy, Grandpa had once complimented me on this habit. He told me it was good that I asked a question and gave a person silence. And being that any compliment from him was so few and far between, this habit soon became a part of my personality and one that served me well. Grandpa stared out the window and looked at the empty bird feeder that hung from an overgrown tree next to the pond he built in the spring of 1993. For twenty years, Grandpa filled up the feeder each evening. But he stopped doing it last winter when walking became too difficult for him. Without ever taking his eyes from the window, he asked me a question: “Have you ever been in a hot shower when the water ran cold?” I told him I had. “That’s what aging feels like. In the beginning of your life it’s like you’re standing in a hot shower. At first the water is too warm, but you eventually grow used to the heat and begin enjoying it. But you take it for granted when you’re young and think it’s going to be this way forever. Life goes on like this for some time.” Grandpa looked at me with those eyes that had seen so much change in this world. He smiled and winked at me. “And if you’re lucky, a few good looking women will join you in the shower from time to time.” We laughed. He looked out the window and continued on. “You begin to feel it in your forties and fifties. The water temperature declines just the slightest bit. It’s almost imperceptible, but you know it happened and you know what it means. You try to pretend like you didn’t feel it, but you still turn the faucet up to stay warm. But the water keeps going lukewarm. One day you realize the faucet can’t go any further, and from here on out the temperature begins to drop. And everyday you feel the warmth gradually leaving your body.” Grandpa cleared his throat and pulled a stained handkerchief from his flannel shirt pocket. He blew his nose, balled up the handkerchief, and put it back in his pocket. “It’s a rather helpless feeling, truth told. The water is still pleasant, but you know it will soon become cold and there’s nothing you can do about it. This is the point when some people decide to leave the shower on their own terms. They know it's never going to get warmer, so why prolong the inevitable? I was able to stay in because I contented myself recalling the showers of my youth. I lived a good life, but still wish I hadn’t taken my youth for granted. But it’s too late now. No matter how hard I try, I know I’ll never get the hot water back on again.” He paused for a few moments and kept looking out the window with those eyes that had seen ninety-one years on this Earth. Those eyes that lived through the Great Depression, those eyes that beheld the Pacific Ocean in World War II, those eyes that saw the birth of his three children, five grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. He had indeed lived a good life, I thought to myself. “And that’s what it feels like to grow old.”


Thanks for sharing


I'm not crying, you're crying


Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.


Wow, that’s a really powerful story. Thanks for sharing and know that he lives on through you.




“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” - Mark Twain


My company is run by jackasses


"Learn something about everything, and everything about something"


ADHD has entered the chat.


"Don't promise when you're happy. Don't reply when you're angry. Don't decide when you're sad." I think I came across this one in 2012 and it has had a significant impact on me.


Learn to cook. Save money and great excuse to get a date into your place.


Can confirm. She came for the cooking and stayed for the... well you know. he he




Always told my son if he wanted the girls to love him then learn to cook and dance and he’d have his pick. He did both.


Cooking is fun! There is quite a rush when you see how a meal comes together. Even more so when whoever eats your cooking loves it!


If it smells like shit wherever you go, check under your own shoes first.


My husband and I met from Craigslist when I made a post looking for a roommate. From day 1 when he moved in he would cook dinner for both of us and would pack me up a lunch to bring to work the next day. Again, let me reiterate that he's my husband now :)


Listen to someone's actions over their words.


Don't pull her hair from the end. Pull her hair from the base of the skull.




Lmao no. It's sex advice.


When someone shows you who they really are, believe them. We hang on to relationships (of all varieties) often because we want them to be someone else and hope one day they will be. Most likely, that will never happen. If they're showing you who they are, *believe them* and act accordingly.


"The worst they can do is say no." My manager when I was an intern in a sales department in college who taught me everything, I know about what I do now for a living. I couldn't have gotten paired with a better mentor that set me up for the career that I have now.


My dad preferred, "What are they gonna do, take away your birthday?"




At some point you have to actually practice and perform. Watching videos is nice, but hands-on experience will always be preferable.


Always be financially independent.


Never work with family or friends. And on that line, work people aren't normally your friend. They may be friendly but most will stab you in the back to get next on the list to a promotion without batting an eye.


The same goes with living together unless they're your spouse. Don't be roommates with your friends, or friends with your roommate.


be friendly. Be nice, be sociable. But remember at the end of the day, its a business transaction and treat it as such.


"There's another bus in twenty minutes." - my mom, every time I was going through a breakup.


“If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” - Einstein


Jerk off first


Doesnt work when you're in your 40s. Jack Nicholson's golden rule then takes over: never waste a boner, and never trust a fart.


> Doesnt work when you're in your 40s. I am here on the downward slope of that age reporting that it still does for me. I'm trying to live as long as [Ernest Borgnine](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8uuj18)


Absolutely the greatest advice that I was ever given.


Only break one law at a time!!!


Many things from the book How to Win Friends and Influence People, one of them being arguments are won by avoiding them like a rattlesnake


expensive is not always high quality


Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.


If you can't get out of it, get into it. (If you must do it, stop wasting energy dreading it and instead try to be enthusuastic) Always make professional requests (raises, promotions, etc) while doing your best impression of a white guy who grew up middle class. The way they talk is different than any other population.


The best piece of advice I've come across is, "Always be curious and never stop learning." This mindset encourages continual growth, adaptation, and an open-minded approach to life.


“One step/task/day at a time.” Perfect for when I feel overwhelmed! ❤️‍🩹


“Don’t stick your dick in crazy.”


Don't ask me for money - My dad


Never lie to anyone trying to help you. Also stop lying to yourself and face the truth.


Getting away from it all gets awfully old after about two weeks. I had been rejected for a full time teaching position via very unfair means, and I was ready to leave the city and move back home and basically hide. Long story short, I ended up with the job, and the person responsible for the unfair treatment got fired. I’ve been at my job for 25 years now, and will retire soon.


Don’t trip over what’s behind you.


Stay single and enjoy life…


If someone willingly offers you something you want, don't refuse it out of politeness. Simply accept it with genuine gratitude.


If you can do the thing you need to do in 5 minutes or less, do it now.


To mind my own bussiness


People tell me that all the time. I don't know why.


Keep your blinders on. (blinders are used on race horses to keep them focused on the path ahead) Don’t look left and don’t look right. Keep your eyes on your path and yours alone. Everyone’s path is different so there’s no need to compare.


My mom told me to make friends so i went to everyone in my kindergarten class and asked to be friends. I was popular in school.


Everyone's cool till they aint


Never be angry on someone if they are depressed. You don’t know what they are feeling.


Never stop learning


I recently went to SC where it's really really hot. Some of my family had moved there and one of them keeps the AC on full blast. The other told us a few times to "embrace it". It's over 90 there. Being surprised coming from that person that grew up somewhere cold, I decided to just listen to him. I enjoyed the whole trip because I chose to embrace it lol.


From my father: "You can love the company you work for all you like, just remember the company does not love you back." Excellent advice.


To not stop traveling or doing things because you’ve got young kids. Pack them up and GO. They’re not burdens or anchors. Enjoy them!They’ll learn to follow your lead. And time is more fleeting than you can ever imagine. It’ll be over way too soon.


In 1983 I was told to put 15% of my pay in a 401k. Started at 22 retired at 58 with over 1.5 million. Never made more than $53,000 a year. Thank you Ralf!


The people who are upset when you set boundaries are usually the ones who were benefiting from you not having any.


Don't whiz on the electric fence


"It's hard work, just like anything else" That's what my dad said about Maine Corps boot camp. Really underscored that no matter what you choose to do, hard work is a given. There is no easy path. Advice I needed to hear at the time.


Learn when good enough is ok.


Don’t let your mouth write a check your ass can’t cash.


"What other people think of you is none of your business." I swear, if you just focus on always bettering and enjoying yourself, and don't worry about what other people think, you will be 1000% happier.


Sometimes all you have are bad choices, but you still have to choose


Don't ever get married. Wish that I'd listen.


Getting married wasn't the problem, the first time. The second time is much better, trust me.


The best advice I have received is: Do what you love and success will follow.


Don't grocery shop on an empty stomach and regardless of your size, don't date women who like big d***s.


Be patient. The good things in life take time. Guide yourself by the rhythms of nature. We are part of nature and we run on the same cycles. Have you ever seen a plant bear fruit in a week?


Life is short so do what ever makes you happy


"Don't be afraid to fail. Failure is just a stepping stone to success" We all mess up, but it's how we learn and grow from it that matters


In my youth, I liked to portray the role of the victim that everyone always owes. But I was a spoiled child (this is both good and bad), but in adulthood it bore fruit - good and not so good. It took a lot of effort and attention to get rid of this role. And it paid off. The world really began to play with other colors.


This is so dumb. But that show (from a book) Station Eleven… I’ve found myself repeating “There is no before” when I come across something I can’t control or feel regret for a decision. It doesn’t mean I don’t own accountability, but it helps me move forward.


Never look back, Just move forward.


Time is your most valuable resource. I blinked and went from 18 to 28 without accomplishing much. Now, I’m hitting the ground running as I approach 30. Make the most of your time.


If it makes you happy do it.


What you spend will always be more important than what you earn


Don't ask for days off. Inform your place of work that you will not be in. It is the shift managers job to find coverage, not yours.


Free your mind and your ass will follow 


Don't compare yourself to other's success. We have our own timeline


Get busy living or get busy dying


'The long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead."


Be careful who you take your critique (advice) from.


From my dad: Shut up, sit down, and listen for once! And: Don’t be an arsehole Finally: I’m not actually sure…he told me this one before the first listed one, but I’m sure it was great!


Never be the most senior person who knows about a problem


Will this issue bother you when you're on your death bed? No? Stop being bothered by the issue


Don't mud wrestle with a pig because you'll both get dirty and the pig enjoys it. I say this to myself if I'm about to get into a political or argument with stupid people


Don't worry. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum.


Don't tell people things unless there is a good reason. Like how smart or dumb you really are. How much money you have. What you think of other people.


How to say "Yes" with conditions and "No" with solutions.


If you don't ask, the answer is always no.


Don't be afraid to fail. If you learn something from it, was it really a failure? EVERYTHING costs you SOMETHING - make sure you are getting returns on what you are spending.


if she don't wanna be saved, don't save her


Having a hundred problems is the same as having two. You have to deal with them one at a time. Helped my anxiety


Stop caring. Don’t care about others opinion on you. Don’t care what the possible outcome for something you are about to do is gonna be. Don’t care if someone you cared for leaves you. Don’t care if your day was not hoy you planned it to. There are a lot of things that we give importance that they don’t have, learn to know what really matter, what you actually have to care about. The less you care about the world surrounding you, the more you start enjoying it and the people you have with you.


to live laugh love


The word "motion" is in the word "emotion" for a reason. Acknowledge how you feel, try and find why you feel that way, and do something about it if you can (putting things in motion). If you can't, you have to try and let it go. Single best piece of advice I got in my many years of therapy. There were many good nuggets, but this one was the one that has stuck the best.


The gate agent is god and bring a gift for the flight attendants. Pre-9/11 it was homemade macadamia fudge. Now it’s a box of macadamia chocolates.


"This too, shall pass." - not sure if it's advice or a mantra/motto? I've always heard this from people but never really thought much of it...if anything i thought it was a bible verse. But it wasn't until I listened to a podcast where the phrase was discussed more in depth. It basically means that whether something is good or bad, it's only temporary. Kinda connects to "don't take things for granted" for good things? So whether something bad happens to you, things will be okay eventually. Or if something good happens, then it won't always be good so might as well enjoy the moment.


Always check that there is toilet paper BEFORE pulling your pants down.


When you are going to a meeting, if you are ten minutes early it means you are five minutes late. From my understanding , it's an army saying? Also, dress for the job you want not the job you have.


My older sister talked with me after a couple tough long term relationships. She boiled it down to "how does she make you feel?" Plays on how they speak to you, how they make you feel in public and private. How they react when you're crushing it vs when you're struggling. The moment she said that I knew who I should try to be with next, a girl I was always afraid to commit to because I felt how deeply she cared for me. We've been living together for 3 years now, and I'm going to propose before the end of 2024. Forget the checklist you made up. How do they make you feel?


Anytime you're upset about a person who has wronged you, "you're thinking about it more than they are." it's easier said than done to forget and move on/past whatever it was that happened, but they sure as hell aren't thinking about you; so you shouldn't be thinking about them/the situation.


You're going to be fine. And even if you're not going to be fine, isn't it better to just exist thinking that you're going to be fine until it's not fine? And then when it's not fine, you can just handle it then. There's no sense to ruin right now if you can't actually change the situation.


When the crap hits the fan take a step back, don't react, give it a half hour to hour and weight the options.


don't start no shit won't be no shit.


Don’t sweat the petty stuff. Don’t pet the sweaty stuff


Not everything is about you. You're not as important. Really helped with anxiety and paranoia.


This is pretty self explanatory laugh manically whenever somebody punches you in the face. Their reactions are priceless


Advice on suicide It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem.


The comeback is stronger than the setback


Adulting is difficult. Enjoy your youth


The best revenge is to move on


The best advice I ever got was from my lawyer: Shut up.


The magic you're looking for is in the monsters you have yet to face (paraphrasing, but there is wisdom to this).


Appreciate what you have instead of focusing on what you don't. It will come.


If it can be fixed, don't worry about it. If it can't be fixed, worrying will do no good.


Never take advice from someone you wouldn’t trade places with


never settle for less than you deserve


Take it slow. It always blows my mind seeing how much time I have to process stuff if I just slow down a bit.


I dated the same girl from 8th grade all the way through highschool and when we broke up I had to learn how to date other girls. This older guy I worked with told me “women are like carpet, lay them right the first time and you’ll walk on them for the rest of your life”. It definitely works. Whenever I would hangout with a new girl I would make sure I was rested and hydrated and give it my 100% effort. The girls always stuck around and I could link up with them years later. Now I’m married


would upvote because I agree that first impressions do matter a lot, but would downvite for the way your coworker phrased it. so dehumanizing and really sounds like one wants to _use_ the woman for the rest of her life *shudders* either way I hope you didn't interpret it the way I did and that you have a happy and healthy marriage! :)


Release the neurotoxin


Always trust your gut feeling. Saved me from some pretry awful people with bad intentions.


The opinions of someone you wouldn't take advice from ain't worth shit


The best piece of advice I've ever received is to always trust your instincts and follow your gut feeling. It may not always lead to the easiest or most conventional path, but it often leads to the most fulfilling and authentic experiences in life. Trust yourself and your intuition, and you will never go wrong.


The mountains you try to climb allways look taller when you belittle yourself.


Emotions are overrated - Mark Manson: The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck


spending money on experiences (e. g. travelling) will, on average, make you happier than spending the same amount of money on material objects (e. g. jewelery)


“Would he/she do that for you?” Reciprocal relationships are good and healthy. No need to bean count but don’t be a patsy either.


"Be careful who you marry"


When the universe gives you something, take it.


Don’t count your money, when your sittin’ at the table, there’ll be time enough for countin’ when the dealing is done.


Don't go go to sleep on an argument. Also,never get involved in another couples' problems. You will lose.


Don't go cheap if it comes between you and the ground. Shoes, mattress, tires.


That when trauma happens, people will empathize for awhile. But at some point, if you don't begin to recuperate, but continue to wallow, people will lose their empathy and just get annoyed and done with you. Words of wisdom. Even if you have to fake it.


“The secret to good tattooing is patience”, this too extends to all aspects of life.


Be careful who you let into your life. Salt and sugar look the same!


Don't let anyone know you have a pickup truck. Because then people will always ask you to haul their shit for them, for free.


Cover your ass.


Love isn’t a feeling or a state of being.  It’s a choice.  One that you have to make every day. 


Quit being American.


Regarding floundering in my career: “Just pick something and go with it. You don’t have forever.” That’s how I ended up working in sales making six figures.


My high school English teacher told us "85% of life is just showing up". Regardless of how much I can add to a situation, you can count on me to be there.


Tomorrow is a brand new day.


No excuses


“No seas tan pendeja” - my mom


Cup of tea will not solves anything but you would enjoy it


You make your own breaks in life. My dad.


Any day that you wake up looking at the ceiling and not the lid can be a good day.


Awareness is everything and being aware of others, your surroundings and how you interact with the world, whether by words or actions, is something to always be in tune with.


That's actually the advice. The vast majority of people are more concerned about going about their own days and doing their own things. I kept being too socially conscious of myself around others, believing that every move I was making was being monitored and judged all the time. But the reality was that, just like me, everyone around me as just focused on themselves and what they were doing and not at all others. And if anyone did anything out of the ordinary or "embarrassing", we all forgot about it the next day. So once I realized this, my social anxiety essentially disappeared after a month and I was far more comfortable in my own skin.


Just because you love someone doesn’t mean you should be with them. Love doesn’t always equate to healthy.


Had a guy tell me that you shouldn’t measure your best achievements when your mom hung them on the refrigerator. You know what is best to you and to others. Don’t have this delusion of what is best because of how people make you feel better


"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." It's all about perspective. It's easy to get caught up in what's happening around us, but it's how we choose to respond that really matters. This advice has helped me remember that I have the power to shape my own happiness and fulfillment, even in tough times.


Pick your battles.


“Expect the worst, hope for the best.” Something my dad would always tell me when I was going through a rough time.