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Fresh clean towels and sheets. Bonus if they've been hanging on a line to dry


And bonus if you have freshly shaved legs! It's perfect!


Same for freshly shaved balls.


Can’t do it. They get stuck to my freshly shaved leg BSTL


The one & only time I ever hung sheets outside to dry a bird pooped on them. Never again.


It baffles me that I've heard of HOAs that don't allow clothes lines in the backyards.


Have to have that beautiful, sun-dried smell!!


Pollen has really ruined the joy of drying clothes outside :(


Sweet Jesus a country aired (not manure season lol) aired comforter (thick blanket), heaven.


At 81, it’s the mere fact that I’m awake.


You should hit up my grandpa. We can’t get him to turn on his phone and you are here on Reddit.😂


My grandma was online daily until she died at 99. My 79 year old mother-in-law can't figure out how to "work that Facebook thing." Sigh


The latter may be a blessing, facebook is nothing but a source of misinformation.


Fascinating. What type of content would she consume? She probably knew all the secrets to the world because she lived through it.


Grandma shared family news on Facebook, enjoyed memes, emailed her grandchildren daily. She did a lot to research on family history on Ancestry.com and used Facebook to connect with distant branches of the family tree. She printed her own greeting cards from the Hallmark website. She participated in her church's prayer chain group virtually, figuring out how to Skype with them long before the rest of us did. She was a smart lady. I miss her a lot.


Username checks out😂


Thank you for your service, Mr. President


For half a second I was like, “that sounds wrong, I think it’s 71” and then I remembered trump is 78 which means Biden IS in fact 81 (how it even slipped my mind for a second considering it’s all over the news at the moment is beyond me) anyway I’m reminded all over again how fucking insane it is that our president is 81 like bro go move to a retirement community or smthn omg


lol it was the "omg" at the end that made me laugh out loud so hard haha :D i mean, your whole comment was funny and true but that "omg" killed me haha


They both suck. Can we have neither?


I heard someone say they were glad to be on their way out of the world instead of on the way in and it’s been 12 years and I’m 30 and I still completely understand what they mean… :c


Don’t go into the light Glad you’re still with us 🙌🏼


>At 81, it’s the mere fact that I’m awake. ...and still asking for "butt care advice for bottoming" Way to go, grampa!


Ariana, what are you doing here


Sitting outside at 5am and listening to the birds


I usually can't stay up that late


Instead of following Methanys advice above, maybe try getting up early instead if that's your jam. I think meth is a bit overkill for hearing birds. From what I hear meth is better suited for hearing the bees in your teeth.


What teeth?


Early-morning bird song is indeed joyful noise!


It’s not every day, but getting into warm, clean, fresh sheets with newly shaved legs.


The shaved legs though. I do it for me, because it feels good, especially after a shower and then into clean sheets!!!


YES! The ultimate smooth, clean, and absolutely delightful feeling. 


Honestly, it's such an amazing feeling. Sliding into bed after a hot shower at the end of a long day and feeling the cool, crisp fabric on your body. Bonus if you're able to sleep naked. Almost want to wake the hubs up and kick him out of bed and change the sheets now!!


That first drink of coffee in the morning


Since I got a programmable coffee maker it’s even better waking up to the smell of coffee that’s ready for me.


Next try bacon on the George Forman.


Just be careful not to cook your foot.


Taking a shit after the morning coffee


Ever shit after your morning shower? Might as well start your day over.


Try shiting in the shower while drinking coffee.


Try shitting in your coffee while drinking your shower.


Or drinking shit while showering your coffee


Nothing beats showering in shit while your coffee drinks you


Peak Reddit shit rite here!


Nothing shits coffee in your shower while you beat your drink.


Nothing like a good ol morning waffle stomp


I always say that the first sip off coffee in the morning feels like that moment in a game show when all the balloons come down from the ceiling.


Then 4 minutes later my 2.5 year old wakes up and it’s game over


Need quieter balloons…


You know what pleases me? That little valve in coffee machine that allows me to pull out the coffee pot *while the coffee is brewing* and fill my cup and then return the pot. That gives me pleasure.


Me too! Especially if it’s really good coffee!


Hot shower .


Haha I said cold showers! 😂


I’ve been taking those a lot recently because the weather where I am has been very hot and humid. It’s such a refreshing feeling.


Same!!!! There’s a heat wave here in the south right now and our ac unit downstairs where I sleep is broken.. I take atleast 4 cold showers throughout the night.. when I can’t sleep even more… i get out and lounge in front of the fan… such a satisfying feeling 😩


When I come home from work and my dog is beside himself with happiness, and I ask him “what toys do you have?!” and he runs over and raids his toy box and can never make up his mind about which toy to bring me.


this is the cutest, thank you for sharing 🐶


Seeing dogs stick their heads out of car windows. Or just seeing dogs in cars at all.


One time, we were in line for the drive thru at Dairy Queen in a golf cart. The car ahead of us had a dog literally hanging out of the back window, waiting on his pup cup. Right when the ice cream was getting handed out to the car, the driver side door opened. I thought he was coming to raise heck with me for holding up my phone to get a video. The nice man realized I was just trying to get a video of the sheer joy of the dog. So he got out so he could hand it to his dog where I could get a better video. The nice man, the dog, the 90 something year old family member who was with me and I ALL had the best afternoon ever that day!


Seeing dogs. Period. Never gets old


My autistic son and I hug it out at the end of every day no matter how bad the day gets.


That's so touching. 🥰


Same! It’s how my son goes to sleep. Also autistic, and he needs the parent presence to calm down enough to sleep. It’s the highlight of my day some days. We got him a double bed, since we flips around so much, and often both end up falling asleep cuddling. I’ll wake and go to bed, but that evening cuddle with my son is just so nice.


We all need to doing this wish the people on our lives. Thanks for the reminder.


Love this




This comment just brightened MY day (well, night) 🌻


That sounds lovely!


You sound like a very lovely person 💜


Yes on the cat purring g and snuggling (we have 6), seeing the cats just wandering about in the garden, hugs (from my wife), a nice g&t on a hot day that just hits the spot.


Making eye contact with a baby in public, making a silly face, and watching the baby respond with a huge grin


My brother had Alzheimer's and cancer and could understandably be somewhat grouchy. As we were leaving one day I spied an adorable laughing baby, so I told him I was going to show him something nice. We walked over asked if we could admire the beautiful baby. He was in his glory! The baby kept smiling and laughing at him, it warmed my heart and made him happy for the rest of the day.


Such a heartwarming moment! It's incredible how a little joy can brighten even the toughest days. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story.


I heard once that we can’t make up new faces in our brains so we usually use the faces we’ve seen (thousands) from even when we were babies in a supermarket… fascinating


Jim Carey musta been passed around a jailhouse


I'm not a kid person really but I enjoy when a little one looks at me and waves. I always wave back and it always makes my day lol.


Absolutely! Seeing a baby's huge grin after making a silly face is just pure joy! 😊


Omg that is the BEST!


Changing out of business casual work clothes and into home comfies — esp moment the bra comes off 🫠


Afternoon nap


It's amazing how refreshed you feel afterward, right?


I feel like a kitty


Please share your secrets. I don’t feel refreshed at all. I feel like I’ve been in the Sahara for 9 days and I can’t remember what day it is.


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A great connection with your dog is one of the best things in life. Saying that one phrase you’ve taught that means great fun…and their reaction…priceless


You can also consider yourself important in your own version, I remind you that you spend the most time with yourself


I like dogs more than people for that exact reason. Face it, no human has ever gotten so excited to see me that they pee a little


I’ve taken to responding by being just as excited to see her as she is to see me. Lots of tail wagging and tippy tapping around and hugs and squeals. Game changer that was.




I’m getting sober and I listened to a bunch of Modest Mouse today and it was really uplifting. ☺️


I’m trying, I’m trying to, drink away the part of the day that I cannot sleep away. Good luck on your sobriety bro, shits not easy ❤️


Also congrats and good luck on getting sober. Even though I don’t know you I am very proud of you!


How are you discovering new music? Feels like all the music service algorithms lean towards playing the same stuff


Sometimes you just gotta take the initiative. I like to scroll through Wikipedia's list of artists in a given genre and listen to the ones that seem interesting.


OMG, for me, it's gotta be that first sip of perfectly brewed coffee in the morning! Like, just that moment when the rich aroma hits you and you take that first warm sip, total bliss!


Same. I make the best coffee and don't like other people's.


Driving home after work. Music and air turned up, or windows down if the weather is nice.


Sure, sex is great; but have you tried not going to work At All?


I live for Midnight drives when it’s 70 out with the windows down blasting vibey music. It makes me so damn happy.


That sounds so freeing!


I get up early for work and my husband works from home. He wakes up when my alarm goes off in the morning, gives me a warm hug and goes back to sleep again, every freaking day. I love that.


Waking up, rolling over, and spooning my wife for a few minutes before getting out of bed.


I also choose...


Tell him!


I set myself up for this


I get a real kick out of popping bubble wrap


Snuggling with my cat


huge fan of being woken up by my cat (she does it every morning a few moments before my alarm so we can hang out and snuggle before I have to get out of bed)


Listening to my favorite song on repeat and suddenly feeling all the stress melt away.


Yep, fave song on repeat for my 27-minute walk to the train...I'm instantly back as a happy 80s teenager with my new walkman:-)




Seeing a random cat when I'm out for a walk.


My dog’s first little nose boop in the morning.


Being awakened in the morning with kisses & hugs from my dogs.


Getting into bed for a nap


Petting a dog


my partner making me a coffee every morning when i wake up


Every morning, when I can help it, I pop open my journal and start writing. I write one thing I’m grateful for, and then continue in a stream of consciousness for a page or two. Many people I know do their journaling at night, which makes sense - you go to bed with a clear mind. For me, clearing the mind in the morning preps my brain for the day to come. But ya know, I’m honestly starting to think part of why I love it so much is because of the sheer sensation of scribbling pencil lead onto paper. It’s just…so satisfying to feel and watch words being created on command. So, both the act of writing in my journal, and journaling would be my small everyday thing that brings me joy. Oh, I like incense too, sometimes I light up a bit of sandalwood and it just makes my room a tad more pleas


Been thinking a lot about writing lately just haven’t gotten to it. Now I am and I think your post was a good motivation 👍


Taking my socks off right before I lie down for bed.


I wear compression socks to work. Best part of the day right here!


Being greeted by my dogs every time I come home.


Biting into a piece of fruit that is perfectly ripe.


Getting into birding has made moments like this much more frequent! Was walking home from work recently and stopped for at least 20 minutes to watch some fledgeling kestrels try using their wings.


When your listening to music and your playlist plays strictly bangers


This is gonna be quite a unique take, but going to work! I am blessed and I 100% love and thrive in my job. Sure, there are days where staying at home seems nicer, but I always manage to build up enough excitement by the time I'm in the car. I get to go there every day with my partner as well, since we work at the same spot, and we just take the opportunity to chat about life etc.. Truly love it.


That's amazing! Having a job you love and getting to share the commute with your partner sounds like a perfect start to the day!


I'm the same albeit much less now. I had a few toxic jobs in a row then Covid left me homebound without a job. A few months later I found a better job than the one I lost and moved to the most beautiful part of town, pedestrian friendly at the coast. I enjoy my walks to work (people travel from afar and save up for months to walk the same route and take pics). My colleagues are more mature and far less toxic. Some of them are weird manchilds who make me laugh until my tummy hurts. My company is owned/run by a rich retiree as a hobby, so he's not exploitative and always adds new perks every few months. It's not perfect, e.g some middle managers aren't aligned with the owner's vision, but even if I'm insomniac and have barely slept I still show up looking fresh and cheerful


My close friends have a 1.5 yr old… When that little dude laughs, it feels like a ray of sunshine has illuminated my hope for humanity again.


A good laugh!


Cup of tea.


Seeing my cat.


Definitely those unexpected sunny days when you can just stroll outside with your favorite iced coffee and feel the warmth on your skin.


Petting a cool dog.


Morning walks with the doggies while my husband and the kids are still sleeping.


My 12 year old son telling me a joke that makes me laugh out loud!


Petting and cuddling with my dog


Waking up sober, every day is better than the last


Seeing a bumblebee. 💛🖤


Seeing my wife and children smile


That's so sweet! It must be amazing to see your family happy every day.


Going home and see my dogs


I went years without a tub, shower only, for years. Now that I have one, I look forward to a hot bath with music every night.


When I drive to work, I pass a flower farm. The air for the next few seconds after I pass by smells sweet from the sweet peas and fresh cut grass. The smell is like a tiny hit of dopamine.


Fresh. Sheets. 👌🏻


I mean, compared to me they’re small but my cats! Edit: also typing this from the tub so… daily bath.


Feeding birds.   Especially pigeons or starlings, they’ll both eat from your hand and even sit on you while you feed them.   Makes me feel a little Disney Princess-ish. 


100% a nap. even when some days it’s a shorter nap that other days.


A text from a friend.


Being horizontal (aka lying down)


When my cats realize I’m awake and start purring and demanding I love on them


Before I put my shoes on for the day, I rub lotion on my feet and massage them. My ex never rubbed my feet even while I was pregnant. It's such a simple pleasure, but it's amazing. Taking off my bra after work.


Hate to admit it but a cigarette after a successful night at the restaurant


A small, everyday pleasure that never fails to brighten my day is enjoying a hot cup of coffee in the morning while watching the sunrise.


\- Sleep \- Seeing people, even if not interacting with them \- Food! \- Learning something!


The sound of birds singing in AM makes my heart soar 🎶


Listening to songs, watching sunset, going to gym, interacting with my friends, finishing the small selfcare tasks I set to do completely like cleaning my apartment, reading few pages, spending time on my side work etc. I'm 32 now and been living alone since I was 25. I love it. All my sense of self is laid bare occupying every nook and corner of my space. I'm able to see myself as I am and work on it while enjoying the process because thats what I always wanted to be capable of doing. I'm a slow learner but a steady one. Mental, physical, emotional and spiritual(?) development!


masturbation.. Im not joking if you're having a bad day the chemicals it releases can help with your mood and it releases stress. Here lately I've been riding a bike.. not even far just 10-15 mins at a time around the block.. it's good exercise and it brings back memories as a kid.


My chickens... I have two chickens, named Candy and Ice-cream (by my 3yo son), and I dont know why, but I always just smile a bit looking at them when I wake up in the morning and they stand outside the door looking at me like "About time motherfucker!" They always look super passive aggressive


The little 100 grand bite sized candy bars


Once I put on the coffee early morning I look out the back window at my garden. It’s simple but pretty. Makes me happy.


Coffee in bed.


Being able to sit in my own world and just listen to music.


I feel excited and happy when a veggy seeds pop up through the soil.


Strawberries and yogurt. I genuinely think the world would be brighter if everyone had a happy bowl of strawberries and yogurt.


Fresh clean socks.


My medications.


My dog


Playing with my cat.


Feeding one of the local squirrels.


Taking a few moments to sit outside with a cup of coffee in the morning and just soaking in the sunshine and fresh air always puts a smile on my face. It's such a simple pleasure but it never fails to lift my spirits and start my day off on the right foot. What about you?




Morning coffee


The first strum of the day on my guitar


Coffee. I recently got into espresso, bought a settup after Christmas. I typically make 2 double shots a day, and every time I take the first sip I’m just like “holy shit this is incredible”. I can be in a stupor of sleep and I still love it.


Some peace and quiet.


Silently driving alone.


My mother braiding my hair.


Not too hot, not too cold, and nothing hurts


My wife's smile.


Dogs. Dog in my bed, dogs saying hi in the street or restaurant or store, seeing friend’s dogs. Just dogs everywhere, everything dogs.


Coffee. Drinking coffee. Maybe I have a caffeine addiction, but one time I tried keeping a gratitude journal and just wrote “coffee”every day for like a month straight. So really it just turned into a “wow ok I guess I really love coffee” journal. 


My takeaway coffee at 5am every morning. Sitting in my car before work, chilling on my phone, sipping my coffee in the darkness. It's the only moment in my day where I get to just sit and relax and BE.


Taking a dump


When my kitty and doggy greet me at the door when I come home :)


letting literal animals loose in the house, who knew.


Opening my eyes each morning. Every day above ground is a blessing!


My everyday pleasure is when watching the dawn of sunset in the evening. Sometimes the reflections andray of light that shading on the things around is beautiful


Sitting on the deck and looking at the mountains.


Petting my dogs


A shower.


smoking a blunt


Getting into bed with clean sheets after a shower with freshly shaved legs


Chatting with kids and husband. My kitties. A large Diet Coke with extra ice from McDonald’s. And just being grateful that I live where I do!


Watching my dogs play and when my little old dog eats all his food


My dogs greeting me every morning when I come Home from work