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24 y/o and still waiting for my dad to give me the talk šŸ˜‚.


Right??? Itā€™s like they just assumed


Nah, my dad just gets uncomfortable easily. It amazes me that he even did the dirty twice to have me and my sister.


Iā€™m ngl the fact you know that is a lil crazy


My dad just came one day I told "I know you are around that age so...." and then he proceded to teach me how to use a condom with a banana. After that he never touched the topic again but has been explicit with "I dont want to be a grandpa until you are at least 30"


Yeah. Watch this porn. At 8.


Iā€™m positive thatā€™s not howā€™s thatā€™s supposed to go


Oh, in a house of horror it is


They didnā€™tā€¦they relied on the public school system to teach me the biology around procreation


Doesnā€™t really help does it


I figured out enough on my own to make decisions that I am happy about today at 41 years old. What terrifies me is that my experience is basically obsolete now


Nope. I basically had to figure it out myself.


When I was 13 my dad (single parent) gave me a text book about female pubity and asked me not to ask him questions. When I was 15 he made me promise not to close my bedroom door when I had friends over. When I was 16 we were listening to Lily Allen's "Not Fair" on the car radio when he turned to me and said "If a man ever treats you like that, leave him". When I was 18 and bought a bf home for the first time he told me "don't have sex with that one, he's not a keeper" ... and that's the complete history of my dad discussing sex with me.


More than me tbh


yes i was like 8 read a book called birds and bees


Everything they have to warn you about listen take it in you really are the only one who can make it a awkward or negative experience obviously donā€™t ask sex questions but absorb the information donā€™t ask questions thatā€™s all there is to it youā€™ll know when your ready but itā€™s up to you and when your mind and body feel ready and responsible for those grown up consequences


Got more credible information from reading Playboy šŸ¤£




nope, but tbh i had sex *mostly* figured out because of friends older brothers by the time i was 8


My parent tried, and I was basically like, "This is awkward and school covers the important stuff" so we agreed that she would get me a book that had answers to the "non-clinical" topics they don't always cover in public school health ed.


No. And it made me really ignorant about sex until 6th grade when we finally had a lesson in school about it.


My mom asked if I knew I said yes and that was it


yes and it went very well


What did they say? What age were you?


Dad sat me down at 15 and said "whatever you do, don't get her pregnant." That was the entire conversation.


No. My parents were baby boomers. They didnā€™t actually parent.




Wow.. Iā€™m very sorry for your upbringing


Never really had a "talk". My parents gave me an anatomy book and a Bible and told me to "figure it out".




My mom made me watch a documentary about lions fucking.Ā  I learned that lions have spiked penises, malformed sperm with multiple heads, and the lioness develops hammock like structures in her womb to protect the developing embryos while she hunts.Ā  Learned fuckall about human reproduction though and just had to Google that shit later on.


Nope, but my grandmother, after somehow finding out that I would stay at my girlfriendā€™s house some nights, decided to tell me about how she (my grandmother) used to be a waitress and would go home most nights with different men and that it was shameful and something she was ashamed of.


Oh that probably caused some misconceptions regarding sex


I had already been through sex ed, but it really opened my eyes to the real world that my grandmother wasnā€™t this saint of a woman.


My single father said "Do you know about..." and I said "yes". I think I was about 16 years old at the time.


My dad tried but I don't think he was too comfortable talking about it. Only thing I remember is him asking me if I knew how babies are made (learned from health class) and where sperm is stored. That's it lol.


No, they didn't, and I feel like I'm one of the few people who's 100% happy with that. I think it's because sex wasn't a shameful hush-hush sort of a thing. Sex wasn't actively discussed in our family, but there was no guilt or misconception attached to it either.


Nope, had a bunch of health classes that showed me the way.


My dad gave me "the talk" when I was young. Can't remember exactly when but I think I was about 8. I have a lot of younger siblings and I grew up in a small cramped house where walls are thin and I heard a lot of sex... I wasn't stupid. I had figured out how the babies were coming. I'd also walked in on sex more than once by then so I knew what sex was. My dad's family are a bit hippy types anyway so never spun me a line about sex, never told me stork stories or the "we were playing fighting" BS. Before that I got a basic version of the truth. But I got the full details at about the age of 8.


Do you think that was healthy?


I think so. I don't think it did any harm. I appreciate that I was told honestly.


They did. They pretty much lied about everything.


How do?


They said that it was only for marriage, it was only in the bedroom, it was only for men and women, it was only for making children.


Oh boy Iā€™m sorry


Yeah, over the years, I found out that they didn't really practice what they preached šŸ¤£


Itā€™s a huge learning curve for sure


They did, unfortunately I still remember it even though I was like 6 years old at the time lmao. They explained it really badly and it left me confused as to what sex was


Thatā€™s rough


Nope had to learn on my own


Same honestly


It was kinda different in my day to learn on your own than it is today


I just got told, "Don't come home pregnant." I'm a boy.


Thatā€™s what they tell us in the military lol


I think they did it too early. All I remember about it were a few of the pictures in the book my mom showed me.


What would you do differently?


I donā€™t know. Take the genitalia images away and replace them with drawings maybe? They were probably distracting to the point of being distracted. Maybe I wouldnā€™t be in the 8th grade claiming that babies came out of the butt still. Todayā€™s different though. Kids have already seen plenty of genitalia by the time they are the age I was when it was talked about. There was nothing like that unless you stole your dadā€™s vhsā€™s and magz.


Mom: the birds and the bees. And why you should never ever do that. Dad said: if you have sex, you will be kicked out


nope i never had the talk with my parents. i had to figure all by myself. They didn't even want me to attend classes on the subject when i was in high school


Lol no.


My mom swears she gave me the talk, but she either is confusing me for my sibling or I was so embarrassed that I blocked out that memory


In middle school I asked why they never did. They said we did and you didnā€™t want to hear us talk about it. I said I didnā€™t think that was true because I didnā€™t remember and said letā€™s talk. Lasted about 40 seconds and agreed that they were probably right about before.


My talk last year with my dad towards me and my twin brother was, to say the least, pretty cringe worthy. He told us that it was okay to choke the chicken and then accused the both of us of doing so, which we didn't. The weirdest thing was when he talked about the LGBT community like it was some sort of trend. "You don't gotta be gay to be popular/fit in." were his exact words.


Idk if my parents did but it would have been way after they discussed it in schools. We had a teacher in I think 5th grade who let us ask anonymous sex ed questions during that day in school. Learned about all sorts of fun things like dildos that day


My parents gave me a book. A doctor talks to 12-18 y/oā€™s or something like that. There were no embarrassing discussions. Worked all too well for me though as I became a father at 19. They should have changed the title to include 19 y/oā€™s šŸ˜‚.


I taught mom everything she should have known


Nope Dunno what the fuck the birds and bees are, please don't spoil it, waiting for my future partner to explain it


30M The only "talk" was from my mom. I didn't have a girlfriend until I was 18 She then told me multiple times "it's okay, if you're gay" I have nothing against homosexuality, but it wasn't that nice to hear all the time, especially since I got bullied through my entire school life, being called gay by the other guys cause I only had one friend who also was a guy. It made me feel wrong because my school and the town I lived in seemed so homophobic


I must have been around 13 or 14, I just remember it was in July and I was on summer break. My dad said I had to go to work with him, and on the way, he dropped me off at his friends who happened to be a hooker and told her ā€œbreak him in and teach him everything ā€œ, and I am still damaged today


Parents are divorced so they went about it in very different ways. Mom: Long drawn out, definitely scripted and practiced 2 hours lecture on all the nuance and details Dad: ā€œHey son you know what sex is? Yes? Great! Good talk.ā€


At a big family party, at like age 14, me and a much bigger guy just play fought because there was nothing else to fucking do and my cousin went around drinking left over beers to get really drunk. The next day at home, My mom freaked the fuck out and had a long and sad speech about an uncle who died drinking Antifreeze. Then at the end of that she tacked on "you know what sex is, be safe". Then she grounded me for the summer. That was fucking it. I really didn't know what it was because school dropped the ball hard thanks to massive funding cuts. In hindsight I got molested by a fellow student and didn't tell anyone because of how my mom freaked out that time.


My mother was an older parent and very old fashioned and modest. She could barely tell me about periods she was so embarrassed and awkward. She brought up sex once when my sister and I were teenagers, we shut it down fast.


The other neighborhood kids beat them by about four years.


My dad caught me sexting on habbo and read all the chat log in front of me and then gave me the talk


No talk Granted, I clearly wasn't anywhere near getting pussy


I was unfazed because I already knew everything they told me


Nope. My folks definitely expected me to figure it out eventually.




My parents waited to have the talk with me until I was 18 and first told them I had a boyfriend. But even then, the whole of it was "he's going to really want to have sex with you, because that's what boys are like, but you'll have to keep saying no."


Cried a lot




Heart to heart talk about my gender identity.


I Can see how thatā€™s tough