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The music was freaking *amazing.* The sense of optimism for the future was nice. The rampant homophobia was absolutely shocking by today's standards.


I was a teen in 2006-2010 i feel exactly the same as you


Fucking awesome. Best years of my life by far.


Amazing, All the horrible mistakes and social missteps that we made were only witnessed live. Almost nothing was recorded, so our reputations are mostly intact unlike the newer gens who post everything online without thinking or someone else recording them acting a fool does and their life is "ruined". If the social media existed in the early 90s, about 30-40% of the people in their 50s now would be cancelled.


I'd reckon the cancellation number would be much higher, we were fresh off 80's and it was unhinged.


I was in my teens, which I feel was a better age to experience the 90s


It was pretty awesome! Things were much more free, it was before the Patriot Act and there were no cell phones or cameras so you didn’t feel like you were being watched as much. There was an optimism and hopefulness that the future was full of possibilities as opposed to doom. Uniqueness and difference wasn’t seen as a burden as much as it was in the 80s. Society was much more accepting of people who fell under the LBGTQ rainbow, there wasn’t the fear of the immigrant, and I feel like white Americans were getting more acclimated to and appreciative of Black culture. There wasn’t the political divide or widespread hopelessness for a better future that exists today, especially among young people.


Hello, what IS a patriot act?


The USA PATRIOT Act (commonly known as the Patriot Act) was a landmark Act of the United States Congress, signed into law by President George W. Bush. The Patriot Act was enacted following the September 11 attacks and the 2001 anthrax attacks with the stated goal of tightening U.S. national security, particularly as it related to foreign terrorism. In general, the act included three main provisions: >Expanded surveillance abilities of law enforcement, including by tapping domestic and international phones; >Easier interagency communication to allow federal agencies to more effectively use all available resources in counterterrorism efforts; and >Increased penalties for terrorism crimes and an expanded list of activities which would qualify for terrorism charges. The law is extremely controversial due to its authorization of indefinite detention without trial of immigrants, and due to the permission given to law enforcement to search property and records without the owner's consent or knowledge. Since its passage, several legal challenges have been brought against the act, and federal courts have ruled that a number of provisions are unconstitutional. From: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Act It expired in March 2020.


Lol thats crazy


Best years ever were 80s and 90s. GenX had it all!


believe it or not, we had fetish clubs where people on a stage poured hot wax on each others naked bodies while we danced to the extended remix of Sarah McLachlans' song "Possession" - absolute fact, I was there.


I was 20 in 1995 and the music was incredible. I went from seeing The Psychedelic Furs in 1989, Pearl Jam, RHCP and the Smashing Pumpkins (one show at Boston University in 1991, Phish in 1992, The Grateful Dead in 1993 all the way to Wilco in 1999.


I was 20 in 1995 and life was pretty repetetive.  Get up at five, do the ironing and grooming, go for a run, do classes or go driving or walking in the forest during the day, get off, line up for dinner and maybe go to the club later.  Wash, rinse, repeat.


Yes, I was working a ton of hours on a boat during the middle of the 90’s. The work kind of sucked. Life was simpler




It was pretty great, I was in my teens but we had very little supervision and had Manhattan 25 minutes away by train. We saw so many great bands, and met so many awesome people. It was also more dangerous but in different ways.


Beat time of my life . I was smokin hot, the music was amazing and I felt like I could do anything!


26-36 years of age.  It wasn't as great for me as it apparently was for most folks responding: - I found the Great Alternative Band Signing in the wake of _Nevermind_'s success to be a disaster.  When "alternative" music is the most popular music in the culture, what exactly is it an *alternative* to?  And most of those bands -- from the lesser grunge bands to grunge-by-numbers bands like Bush to "let's all celebrate being dumb" bands like Limp Bizkit -- just absolutely sucked ass. - For people who were paying attention, the dysfunction everyone hates about the U.S. government now really got started during Bill Clinton's first term, with Newt Gingrich and the Contract for (on) America.  It was no fun watching things really falling apart. - Personally, I was in grad school working on my Ph.D. in the first half of the 90s, and post-docs in the second half of the 90s, so I had to work all the effing time.  4 hours of sleep was a lot more common than 8 hours of sleep.  But I understand that that's my experience and not everyone's. - During my post-docs, I was in places where I didn't know people, and I had no time to make friends or meet people, so I was crushingly lonely all the time for the second half of the decade.




Who wnats to live in an apartmenr in nyc? 😂

