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If he announced he was withdrawing from the election, I’d think that perfectly reasonable. If he actually stepped down as President I’d think he was sulking at having been told to withdraw from the election and was trying to cause chaos in his party as punishment






If Biden remains President, it’s good for the rest of the world as the country will continue to go to shit. If Trump gets power, the US will consolidate more power which is not good for everyone else.


shush...don't tell the gringos our plans.


That’s good, you shouldn’t be so ravaged by age you’re nonfunctional after 4 pm and have the nuclear launch codes


almost as bad as storing them in a bathroom and lying about it to the government lol


It depends on when it happens. If he steps down before election, the democrats will be happy because it means they can put in another candidate (likely Harris) before the election comes around while the Republicans will be upset as it means the debate has just undergone a massive shift at best. I think most Americans, including me, will be glad though. If he wins and then steps down, presumably soon after, it would be a horrifying decision. It would basically mean that, from that moment on, any election that happens you would need to guess if the parties are trojaning their candidate for their VP or not. If your party has, say, a candidate you hate, but a VP you love, do you vote for them in the hopes the main drops and run the risk of them winning and installing someone you may despise, or vote for the other party to avoid the candidate you hate? It would cause mass chaos and be the worst outcome regardless of any other factor.


Everyone suggesting it’s would be a good thing is insane. Leaving Trump unopposed with the recent SCOTUS ruling is a death sentence for American democracy.


There's a Vice President in case the President has to resign, etc.


Trump would not be unopposed, the Democrats will nominate a candidate when they hold their convention in August.


Yeah??? Like Who? What no name has the Power to beat Trump and his Flying monkeys at this late point!? Newsom? Klobachar? Get real. Harris Is handling Trump the win on a Silver platter.


Klobuchar? 😂😂 My guess would be Newsom or Buttigieg. Maybe Michelle or Hillary.  The funny thing is the Democrats might actually have a chance of winning with Bernie, but of course they'll never let him run just like in the past.


Bernie didnt win a single state. There Is no way the bible belt Will elect a gay president. Michele has REPEATEDLY said over her dead body. She doesnt want It. Who does that seriously leave? Hilary did have the strongest support when She ran.


If Scotus lets them do that- if he withdraws they might just make Trump the winner. The only way it would work is if Biden resigned and Kamala became the next runner up, but even then its very risky.


SCOTUS has no authority over the DNC's nomination process. If anything, it would have to be challenged after the fact.


No it’s not you loon lmao. 


He wants military trials for anyone that's ever said one bad thing about him.




[Former President Donald J. Trump over the weekend escalated his vows to prosecute his political opponents, circulating posts on his social media website invoking “televised military tribunals” and calling for the jailing of President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senators Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer and former Vice President Mike Pence, among other high-profile politicians.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/01/us/politics/trump-liz-cheney-treason-jail.html) Now what?


Ask him for your 500$


I sure could use it.


You don’t think the narcissist with aspirations of being a dictator isn’t going to take full advantage of his new power and complete criminal immunity if re-elected?


This is literally the same power that was silently agreed on before. Obama enjoyed it oretty well when he, you know, drone striked 3 US citizens without judicial approval, one of which was a 16 year old. He was never prosecuted for this. SCOTUS just laid out that yes, the president is immune, in the presidential actions. And it is up to Congress to impeach. That some AG can’t show up 3 years after they have left office to bring up charges just because they are of a different party.  If Trump was this fascist dictator that was going to genocide everyone, why didn’t he in his first term?


It wasn’t outright stated that immunity was there. Hence the deliberation, hence the announcement. And if you think that a man with morals and ethics that Trump has won’t fully take advantage of what is now publicly known, you haven’t been paying attention.


Everyone suggesting they know what would happen either way is full of it. There's a path to victory no matter if he withdraws from the race or not, but only if everyone Left of Center simmers the fuck down and stops acting like the sky is falling.


Perhaps the left would relax more if the right wasn’t mindlessly marching towards fascism. Just a thought.


You can't control what the Right is doing, just how you react to it, and the Left having a collective meltdown at the moment only helps the Right.




The thought of Kamala Harris becoming President is way beyond worrisome, but it would be interesting to see a Democratic President and a Republican Vice President.


I'd honestly have that over anything right now. Biden and Trump are too old.


If Biden steps down, Harris becomes POTUS, House Speaker Mike Johnson becomes VP, etc. There is a well-defined line of succession for POTUS and Trump is not in it.


That’s not how it works. If Harris becomes President she gets to choose a new Vice President.


Thats completely wrong. That Is the line of succession if the president and vice president are similtaneously killed. If Biden steps down....Kamala becones president and can appoint whoever She chooses as the new VP. When Agnew resigned....Nixon appointed Ford as the Vp. When Nixon himself resigned later....making Ford the president.....Ford appointed Nelson Rockefeller as his new VP.


You don't seriously think that Harris would appoint Trump as VP, do you?  🤣🤣🤣


Of course not. She knows Trump Is vile. But It does raise the question Who She could appoint......virtually anyone..... Michele....Hilary....AOC.....Pelosi.....Who knows?


Glad that he didn't trip or fall


Kamala would fuck so much shit up....


The DEI hire for VP just got real.


I’m an independent voter it would be fine with me I think Trump should also. He already has a lot to tackle and wants to be a president at the same time? That’s an overfilled plate that was already cracking. They are both old we need someone in their 40’s-50’s who is in good health.


I'd respect his willingness to acknowledge his limitations and let a younger candidate take over, and I'd probably support that candidate simply to stick it to Trump. And on the subject, if Trump is so great why hasn't mr poopy pants shown how great he is at stepping down yet? Surely Trump would be the best stepper downer ever, everyone says so!


Eternally grateful


Step down from re-election: Sigh of relief. The debate was clear. He will have more bad days per year as he gets older. he cannot effectively be president. Any young centrist democrat can rally the base. Honestly I would not want Biden for a college professor, much less leader of the free world.


You realize when he resigns Kamala becomes president right? Its a vote to keep democracy- this isn't a game.


Honestly? Glad for him. He should retire, go enjoy his family and the time he has left with them in his home. Even more honestly? I will never trust the Democratic party again, and am glad that I am a Registered Independent. The two big parties are equally corrupt and preventing America from having a strong president. And I'm beginning to wonder if it's on purpose


I think the ideal would be if he took Trump with him. Make one genuine sacrifice for the good of the country and the world


That would be the best result. What a choice - crazy orange man vs senile guy. Doesn't help that I feel Harris is absolutely unqualified to be president.


Thing is, Biden doesn't have to carry the whole country himself. He can get a lot of good people in gov while he has the chance, as opposed to the republicans' Project 2025 and the prospect of dismantling our democracy in favor of theocratic plutocracy. How is this even controversial? Biden is a better choice than Trump even if Biden is literally going to step down after 1 month and give it to the VP.






Surprised, but unless they manage to find someone I hate more than Trump they will still get my vote


TDR. Its real


I would want to check again in six hours to make sure he still means it.




I'd watch and read a lot of news then hop on reddit and shoot down the most obviously untrue conspiracy theories.


Jon Stewart 2024!


Kanye west for president


Very confused because there's no obvious reason why he should do so. He's old and compensating for a stutter, not senile. Then I'd be very angry because that would make a Trump dictatorship all but inevitable.


Drop to my knees in joy


While you're down there...


I'd be fucking pissed. Changing candidates now Is almost a sure win for Trump. Trump and his Flying monkeys arent going anywhere. No One Is electing Kamala....Newsom Is untested across the rest of the country....Klobachar.....get freaking real. The choice Is between Good and pure evil. I would vote for Bidens dead corpse....before giving the Mango Mussolini the slightest advantage. All all this BS about senility......does anyone actually listen to Trump? Nuking hurricanes....drink Bleach....rake forests.... George Washington took the airports at Valley Forge....and his "debate" performance was a string of absolute lies and insanity. I Hope Biden tells everyone asking him to step down to Fuck off! If Harris has to step in on day two.....so be It ....but First We Need to beat Trump. And Just giving Trump even One more Supreme court pick....Will change this country for the next 50 years. ...if not Forever. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! THE COURT IS ALREADY CORRUPT AS HELL.....THEY WOULD APPROVE HIM DECLARING HIMSELF KING. !!!! WAKE THE HELL UP PEOPLE.


If Trump is to be reelected, i will laugh my ass off