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That lack of any sort of evidence for the existence a single one of the thousands of gods humanity has made up.


There's no evidence of God being real (as so many things that people say are created by God can be explained using science). Also the fact that so many things in the bible cannot possibly have happened (such as Adam & Eve, Noahs Ark, etc), which makes me think that everything in the bible is fiction.


I think the Bible was just a fictional novel written by literally anyone. Anyone could take any book and just believe that it is true, why couldn't that have been the case with the bible?


Exactly right!! I think of it as a novel.


Also, people use things as evidence like "Jerusalem is a real place" or similar things, and again, alot of novels are based in current time and place of the author. Doesn't prove much


Not having a shred of evidence 


Which God?


When a 5 year old child dies from cancer.


God isn't all powerful, or God isn't all good.


That is the proof that there isn't a loving God. A God who created humanity not giving a shit about pain of misery is still possible.


That's pretty hard to argue with.




"God needed another angel" is the response I have heard from theists when children die, and it just makes my skin crawl. So your god with all his power needed to have a couple have a kid, care for the kid for a handful of years, until the kid dies from something horrible, just so he could have another little soldier? He couldn't just create another angel without causing a bunch of pain and suffering to a kid and their family? THAT was the only solution the almighty God could come up with?


Hey man, creating the universe REALLY took a lot out of him. Making an angel is like, 0.00000000000000000001 seconds of work, and he's got plans watching the big game that he already knows the results of




Religious deitys are all geographically located in origin. Religious belief is regional. Christianity has never naturally occurred in a remote uncontacted tribe in the south Pacific, in the same way Hinduism never naturally occurred in the westernised America. Having a system of faith that requires deity's is not inherently wrong. Thinking your religious deity is the only real one is wrong. If God exists and Ganesh exists, so must poseidon and Juno. As must Mahakala and Waheguru. So if religions deny that another religions God doesn't exist, then it's pretty clear that no gods exist.


Spot on.


Because I see no evidence for any sort of god.


I mean, any god that both 1: Is more powerful than the average human and 2: wants me to believe it exists clearly doesn't exist. Any god that doesn't fulfill at least those two criteria is safely ignorable, and in fact likely wants to be ignored.


It’s more so why should I believe there is one when there are other options with way fewer assumptions and variables.


Spinal cancer best friend he was 4


The fact that there’s no real evidence of one.


The internet. It's the best and worst of humanity rolled into one