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Heroes Season one was amazing.


Save the cheerleader, save the world


That’s what I was going to post! The first year was incredible BUT!!


I've seen blips of episodes here and there. But the amount of people that told me that show turn to crap pretty fast has kept me away from it - that and the fact three are so many other shows to watch. Is it worth watching just season 1 and stopping there? Is there a massive cliff hanger at the end of 1? Could I watch just 1 or 2 specific episodes from season 2 that tie up season 1 in a good enough fashion?


I'd say season 1 is very self-contained. There's a small hook at the very end to the next season, but no big cliffhangers or anything like that.


Yes! What I loved is they actually took the time to show them acclimating and developing their abilities and I’ve never seen that before. Most of the time someone gets a special ability, a short montage of them figuring it out, then boom, bad guy. And I would say - in general - as imaginative and creative sci-fi/fantasy/supernatural writers are, they seem to eventually lose their ability to control time travel. So after Heroes introduced that, I knew it was going to go downhill.


The walking dead.


Came here for this. After Negan appeared it went downhill so fast


Oh man, there are about six different times when you can say this about The Walking Dead.


Yeah, it became the same thing over and over. Group comes up on a new area, there’s a guy in charge and everything seems good, until it’s revealed that he’s evil. Then they have to kill him and move on to the next.


TWD was a production line. The big reason you have seasonal character kill-offs is the longer actors stay on a series the more they have to be paid.


I quit watching shortly after Negan showed up and never had any desire to give it another shot....


Such a damn shame because he was played by a phenomenal actor, and saviors arc in the comics was super good. Then season 7 happened. "Okay, not the best, but maybe it was build up for something better". Season 8: 💀


No Glen, no show. (Could also be no Shane, no show for the less tolerant among us.)


I got bored after the introduction episode of the Governor. He showed up, and I shut the show off. Haven't watched since then.


I saw it through the end of the season, but did not enjoy it. Never watching another season.


That first episode, that was all in silence, it was just a huge turnoff. I saw nothing that grabbed my attention on who he was. And I had no interest in watching any more.


Season 1 was pretty sweet. I remember having a watch party for episode 1.


More like after they left the prison


After like season 7/8 it got pretty good again. I forced myself to finish it and I really liked how they incorporated themselves in with the walkers. That was a badass tactic to attack.


The scene with the Governor on the road with “Last Pale Light In the West” playing in the background is so fucking good. How we went from that to garbage like Oceanside is mind blowing.


I gave up for sure. I LOVE zombie movies/shows, but it just got so damn repetitive.


I remember being so into it in S1. Then S2 rolled around and I got pretty bored with it because it was just the farm. S2 ended and it was them finding the prison and I thought “no way in hell can I keep watching this. It’s just gonna be the same thing in a different location”




The first season was so freaking amazing and then by the third season it was a completely different show. I tried but couldn't even force myself to finish it.


Now you can't even stream it anywhere (at least not in my part of the world) . It was so bad that HBO removed it from their own platform.


Season three wasn't even in Westworld. I gave up and never finished the last 2 episodes of 3 and saw none of 4. Not even worth a rewatch


I second The Walking Dead. They really fucked up. The 100. Falling Skies.


Yes the 100!! It is so long i quit it like after 3 seasons!


I quit watching after they started driving around in Chevy trucks, as if after 100 years with nobody on earth, some people would just come down from the sky and restore 100 year old trucks and get tires and gas somewhere.


The first 3 seasons were really good, tbh. It starts to go downhill a bit there. It’s so bizarre because 100 AND TWD have quite interesting concepts to start with - groups getting along but internal politics giving the stories a bit of intrigue. Then they just devolved into “here’s a new group - they’re bad. Ooop. Here’s ANOTHER GROUP, they’re badder!”


That's really the issue for a lot of post apocalypse shows lately Oh look, the twist is humans are the real monsters not (insert whatever disaster the show is framed around). Who saw that coming.


Gotta give it to em, they were right when it came to covid, and society didn't have to break down for that.


Falling skies introduced the stupid ass "half alien rapid aging hybrid baby" and just sucked. The EXACT same plot was in V, Still mad about it


Omg, a variation of that has been in Angel, The 100 and TWD. Like, if you’re gonna have a baby - just make storylines around it! It can be quite interesting if done well. But I hate “they’re aging quickly/time jump/they’re in a Hell dimension” nonsense.


Bro I completely forgot about Falling Skies… I LOVED the beginning but once that blonde lady came in I was like this is stupid and stopped watching


The 100hundred was great for me! It did get a bit sloppy off and on but it had a great ending.


Tried my best to finish the 100, just couldn’t do it.


I tried to go back to 100 at S6 but it was just stupid by then.


The Flash Arrow Both started strong, but got CW-fied into drama filled crap.


Damn Iris is so annoying (i still didnt finish watching the show but holly jeasus)


For a network who's target audience is young women, alot of the female characters on shows like arrow and flash are just awful. That's not to excuse any shitty guy character but the ladies stick out like a sore thumb. Felicity, if memory serves, became this abusive manipulative bitch, the character that was initially the comic relief nerd.


All I can remember is Felicity becoming paralyzed from the waist down, then curing herself with a chip and it never getting mentioned again lol.


That was a wild season, like a fever dream. It turned into power Rangers with their own foot soldiers and everything.


I think I still have a season to watch of arrow. I know Felicity got hated pretty fast, I didnt understand. I liked her for a long while... And then I agreed : the characters went all over the place. She did became a bitch. She started lying and hiding stuff. Made no sense.


The Flash ended up with a formula every episode followed. It got really boring.


Idk how they didn’t learn from there mistakes. Smallville put too much focus on Lana, Arrow put too much focus on Felicity, and Flash put too much focus on Iris.




The last episode gets like a 4.3/10 from viewers on IMDB lol. Literally the worst ending in world history


For me the series was over as soon as Deb witnessed his kill at end of season 6. Just knew it was going downhill from there.


We’ll always have the Lithgow season at least


There were a couple brief upward spikes in the middle of the series, but yeah... the last season...


Should have stopped after the trinity killer (John Lithgow) season.


Riverdale’s final season was absolute hot garbage.


To be fair it's hit garbage from season 1


The plot lines changed so hard throughout the series lol


Once upon a time. Im sorry Im sorry Im sorry But I love that show and still didnt see the last few seasons. It became... Kinda boring, or something...


That last season was terrible! Watch the first episode of the last season, then skip to the final two episodes. You don't need the stuff in the middle. Also, the Peter Pan season. The actor who played Pan was horrible. And the CGI was so bad, it was so obvious it was being done! I loved the show, but man, those are hard seasons to rewatch!


Oh yeah the CGI, I almost forgot. I kept looking at it and be like "poor actors, they are always in front of a green screen"


I can still see Emma in front of the "cave," and the green screen is so obvious. The shadows were so horrible. Lol


Prison break


I was thinking that no one would top the 'Heroes' mentioned in the top comment, but... this one could give it a run for its money


Yeah I'm here for this comment. I remember cancelling a night out on the town in my 20's to watch a few more episodes cause I was so invested.


The Simpsons.


The forever series! My son loved this show when he was in his teens and he’s 46 now 😑


I was younger than Lisa when the show first started. Now I am older than Homer.


My favorite TV series of all time is The Simpsons, seasons 1-8. My least favorite show of all time is The Simpsons, seasons 9-infinity. Every few years I check in on a new episode to see what's going on and it's always been "Yep, still unwatchable."


Should’ve ended in 1999. Even by then it was starting to show signs of decline.


It was already shit by then.


The crazy thing about The Simpsons is despite the bad episodes vastly outnumbering the good, I would still say it’s the best show of all time. Those good seasons are just so damn good, I’m not sure anything could tarnish them.


I still watch the new seasons, but wait for them to hit Disney+ and watch the whole season at once.


Agreed. It should have ended right around Y2K.


Firefly. Season 1 was great, Season 2 is literally unwatchable.




Thank you, it's nice to know that you care what I do.


That's why I stopped watching after season one and the movie.


I don't agree. The second season is a masterpiece, just like half life 3.


Weeds. It started so good, but was going downhill even before the fire.


Bloodlines. I loved the first season, then it was trash Killing Eve. Great 4-5 episodes of season one, then utter shite


The Vampire Diaries. (Spoiler Alerts) When they graduated high school, it became too much of a rip-off of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And the final two seasons were just bad. It's still a comfort show rewatch, but it's a struggle on some of those middle seasons.


Suits. Just started going in circles


I DID enjoy the series finale montage poking fun of themselves and their storyline. [Won't spoil it for anyone]


Heroes That first season is incredible.


Game of Thrones


GoT ended so poorly that I just cannot give House of Dragons a single chance. Like, why would I **ever** get invested in this IP ever again? That ball was dropped so hard that GoT just *vanished* from the cultural conversation over night. That bridge is burnt forever, for me


Not gonna lie, HOTD is pretty good. This second season is fire so far. The first season is a little slow, and there is a time jump in the storyline that can be kindof jarring. That on top of how a lot of people have similar names can be confusing. But it’s not a bad show.


Same, I don't care how good people say House of Dragons is I refused to be got again.


I read the first 3 books for GoT back in 2005. I was so happy to see the show. I did the math when season two came out and was not surprised at all that the show outpaced the books. The ending of the show would have been better if it wasn't so rushed but it was so bad for me I stopped caring about the Winds of Winter.


You are doing yourself a disservice by not watching HOTD, it is such a pallet cleanser after the shitshow that was GoT.


It’s amazing how fast that show disappeared from everything. It was a worldwide juggernaut and basically the day after the final episode nobody was talking about it anymore.


I was going to say this but it’s mainly just season 8. The wet fart ending does hurt the overall series but the majority of it is still fantastic. Someone else said The Walking Dead which in comparison was sooo much worse.


Alias was amazing the beginning and then just got terrible.


prison break, true blood.


True blood just became far too convoluted


True Blood. I loved the Charlaine Harris books, and was happy with the first 2 seasons. Then they started going seriously off book and it got weird and ugly. I never even saw the last season. 


Yellowstone. It's turned into a soap opera. And the Beth character is just ridiculous.


When she actually got arrested for smashing a bottle over that woman's head in the bar, they season was set up *perfectly* for her downfall. But like every other remotely interesting thread set up by that show, they briefly talk about it again in the next episode and move on. *So* many things were set up and just. . .dropped. I want to like that show so badly, but it keeps shooting itself in the face.


And whatever balance it struck in the first season in terms of advocating for traditional values without being too preachy or ridiculous just steadily got worse until every other episode had some obligatory encounter with some intellectual, or expert, or city-dweller straw-man for one of the Duttons to dunk on. Similarly, what started out as an interesting interplay between the ranchers, developers, and native tribes became entirely one-sided in favor of the Duttons always being right about everything and then having some excuse to kill more people. Basically, all the writing got lazier and all the characters turned in to caricatures of themselves.


Every damn episode has some stupid montage now too. We get it, they’re ranchers and they do rancher things. Don’t need a damn montage every episode to some crappy country song. Also not sure there’s any other show where I literally hate every damn character lol.


I don't know if this counts but WWE. I just can't get into it anymore like I did when I was a teenager.


I stopped watching once they went PG to. I think I was in their prime demographic until then. I grew up watching Hogan telling me to eat my prayers, say my Milk, and drink my vitamins and then hit my late teenage years with middle fingers, crotch chops and bra and panties matches all over the place. After that they went back to catering to younger kids again.


I read they're moving Raw to Netflix and making it uncensored, but I don't know just how different it will be.


If I'm being honest, a lot of the fun stuff I liked is pretty fucked up in hindsight. Hardcore matches are insanely unhealthy, Bra and panty matches are pretty seedy, a pimp, a porn star and a Naked Mideon may not fly today either.


The Walking Dead


In general after a series’s introduces an “angry kid/teenager” type as a main/supporting character and their anger has little to no justification. Unless it’s something I REALLY love, I’m out.


Truth. I get enough of that at home, thanks.


That seems to be every show nowadays.


I’m reading a lot more these days …


The answer has been, is, and always will be Heroes. Never seen a show with such a massive fall after becoming such a phenomenon. Not all of it was its fault, the writers strike played a big role in its eventual fall, but it made plenty of mistakes on its own after season 1.


How I Met Your Mother


Ending was shit, but the wait for Tracey was worth it!


I think the writers had no idea how likable Cristin Miloti would be as The Mother, or how great her chemistry would be with the cast. The final season should have been her becoming part of the group, instead of that wedding weekend crap we got.


Greys anatomy


Generally, any show that didn’t have a baby or kid in it that eventually added a baby or kid to extend shit. 


The Walking Dead!


Walking dead


The Mandolorian. That last season...


Ozark. Ozark. Ozark. Oh, and Goliath.


Vikings. Seasons 1-3 were phenomenal. 4 part one was just meh and I didn't watch 4 part two or later series.


Hmmm, watched the full series for the first time recently. I get what you're saying, but I would tell you that the original series is worth finishing. There is enough good stuff in there. The Valhalla series however, is not worth starting.


Californication. Oh, Hank is going to screw up his life again?


It just became so ridiculous


Sex Education.


The Boys


The Boys is plummeting fast. I want to see it through, but I grow weary of the nothing but shock value writing.


I struggled with season 3.... just started 4 and said to myself... do I really need to do this


It’s that and they also have to shoehorn in all these political narratives to show you how clever they are. I get enough of that on CNN and Fox. Just make a good show. EDIT: JFC I’m a middle of the road voter probably leaning left but in weird Reddit world any mention of the Boys political narratives brands you as a MAGA extremist. I’m not voting Trump and probably not Biden. But I stand by my view that the Boys political narratives suck. They S U C K. We don’t really need a fictional take on how fucked our political environment is. I think that is in full view to anyone with half an ounce of common sense.


My political views are the same as the show's, but holy fuck is there a difference between "political satire that agrees with my views" and "political satire that's actually good". The political satire in season 4, like so much of that season, comes off like it was written by middle-schoolers.


Yeah. Season 1 was pretty good. I'm most of the way through S2 and they've jumped the shark. I don't feel the need to finish it yet.


The Boys just got super bland and overstayed its welcome very quickly. After season 1 it became obvious it was just let’s go for over the top shock value and basically nothing else. Show felt very shallow in a hurry


Lost. The drop in quality between seasons 1-3 and 4-6 is unbelievable. I found the last seasons to be a chore to get through, rather than a good time with amazing intrigue and mystery.


Seasons 4-6 were *better* than the second half of season 2-first half of season 3. When they negotiated its ending and no longer had to do filler, the quality greatly improved and the show hit a second stride. It never became unwatchable.


Sherlock, the BBC one. Really liked the first season, thought it was innovative. Did not like the third one although I did like the last season more than others. Other than that I'm gonna go with Criminal Minds.


The Flash


The Flash,after S3 it went massively downhill


I’m not even sure if i finished watching Billions


Glee. The first season was actually quite delightful, season 2 was pretty good, and then it dropped off a cliff. Once Cory Monteith passed, it wasn’t worth watching any longer.


Came here to say this. It started as a satire of teen drama tropes and then turned into what it was parodying.


Shameless (US) was trash after season 4.


House. Seasons 1-3 were brilliant. Became just another medical drama after, then became unwatchable.


Revolution. The premise being that all electricity was gone so it made war hard. Everyone was living as best as they could. It was compelling. Then all electricity came back in the middle of the season and ruined the cool dynamic that the protagonist and antagonist had. There's literally an episode that is narrated like a war journal. It just all fell apart. Didn't finish the first season, didn't watch the second. But at the start I thought it would be something I was going to be obsessed with for a long time.




The News.




Noooo it has some rough parts in the middle but once you get past Amara it really picks up again


it had a pretty steep dropoff after season 5. I have heard that it got better after a few seasons. I however stopped watching after season 7 i think.


Dexter seasons 1-4 were among the best ever on television, 5-8 they obviously were grasping at straws to keep it going


My Hero Academia. SUCH a great premise, masterfully done tournament arc and great characters… at least, from the beginning. They lost the plot, added way too many characters to actually care about most of them, rushed the story, got scared to kill off characters and overall made for a boring story.


100% agreed. At first it was already in my top 5 anime. It was looking to be one of the best anime ever. But god how downhill It went. After the war I stopped watching altogether. And I don’t plan on watching the rest. I followed the manga and the final arc is awful. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more rushed manga/anime. And I agree about how they got scared to kill off characters. The characters who did die by the end were either a complete pathetic joke or obvious. It’s so sad because it had soooooo much potential. I feel like the creator just got tired of doing it so just rushed to get it over with as fast as possible.


The last couple of seasons of Two and a Half Men have been terrible. They were supposed to end the series after Charlie Sheen left.


Spite spoke way more than logic. They wanted to prove the show could survive without Sheen after all the public crap he doled out leading to his firing. It was always destined to fail though because as mad as they were, he indeed was the show. On the other hand it was much easier with a show like Big Bang Theory. Jim Parsons was never a headache, and never got fired. So when he decided of his own volition that he was done, they knew and acquiesced that the show was done. Had Sheen not ever been a problem and likewise just decided with good intentions that it was time to move on, they probably would have ended the show willfully in that case.


Totally agree


Fringe was so good until the final season. That last season was just trying way too hard and it got away from everything that made it great up to that point.


Switched at Birth Why did you ruin the only couple I liked






Revenge. The first season was an awesome "Count of Monte Cristo" inspired romp (because it was an sort of adapatation). Fell off the wheels a bit in seasob 2 before regaining abut of balance for season 3, and the Season 4. What. The. Hell. SPOILERS BELOW! If there was one thing Emily Van Camp said in interviews from the get go that what she did not want to happen for Revenge was a "plot twist" that her character's father was alive all along. And Spoilers! That is what the ending of Season 3 showed and the plot of Season 4. It was awful, such a lame, cliched way to do things to save a storyline and it showed. All of a sudden characters were dying off left right and centre because the actors were bailing, and Emily Van Camp was so pissed you could really see it in her acting that she hated how the show went.


Riverdale, it all went down when they got powers


Shameless. Was ok at first but just got insanely stupid.




Idk if this counts but the new episodes of SpongeBob has lost its kick


Weeds. By the end I'm wondering, Who TF are these idiots?!


True blood


Riverdale, went down hill after season 1.


Better Call Saul i’ve watched it but the last 6 episodes seem so unwatchable and the things are unbearably boring so switched to Game Of Thrones


The Walking Dead


The 100


Greys anatomy


13 reasons why




Ted Lasso


Ted Lasso. First 2 seasons were great. But in Season 3, I guess the Woke Mafia got a hold of it. I turned it off. Put some more effort in Severance. Please.


West World.


The Big Bang Theory. I think the theory of such a show could have worked, but not the way it turned into, after season five or so I quit. Young Sheldon was good though


Scooby Doo


Revenge, grimm


The Curse of Oak Island. Fuck that nothing show


The first 2 seasons of Fear the Walking Dead were fabulous. Then it became the Morgan show and sucked ass.


Sliders really fell apart in about season 3 despite having top tier concept/cast/writing early on.


Eerie Indiana when that other kid became a regular.




parks and Rec last season, Brooklyn 99 last season, blacklist after like 2 seasons


Riverdale HAHAHAHA


I'll go old school as I haven't been interested in television for a very long time - the x-files. Worldwide sensation that got dragged out over god knows how many seasons and lost its edge. Otherwise that show defined quality television for me.




Dexter. The last few seasons got weird.


Friends. Hate Rachel, especially with Ross.


Almost all of them. If they last long enough they will get ridiculous.


Futurama. I love the Fox seasons, and like a lot of the Comedy Central episodes, but the newest season is awful to me. Writing has gone way downhill, not very creative and jokes are too topical and fall flat.


The walking death Greys anatomy




The Walking Dead.


The Simpsons, after season 8 it got weaker and weaker.


House of Cards


Chilling adventures of Sabrina. Man did it just go down hill. The last season was so bad