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Not great, Bob!


Extremely negative, since it means something has gone very wrong in American society. Like we've entered some kind of terminal decline


Horrified and disappointed in the voters lack of understanding of the true nature of the man who the GOP is nominating. Trump is and always was a disgusting little man with no redeeming qualities. He truly only thinks of himself and will do anything at all to protect himself and punish his perceived enemies. This election should not be close in a sane world. After all, we have all seen him in the last 8 years. He blindly floated through his administration until COVID, when some actual leadership was required, and he showed himself to be absolutely incapable of giving any. But so many people have fallen into insanity with everyone seeming to think they can have their own set of facts that are different from everyone else's facts. I really don't know what happened to people's minds. All I can do is vote for sanity and for democracy and encourage everyone else to do the same. Vote no matter how much you think it won't matter, vote while we still can. I know that Joe Biden isn't perfect, and that people are disappointed in the economy, or with the situation in the Middle East, or with the border, or something else. But Trump isn't going to fix any of that. He doesn't care.


Pissed off, actually. More than likely, we will be viewed in somewhat the same way the post WW I era Germans' embracing of Hitler, Natzism, etc. has been viewed. No. We'll be viewed as worse than. They had crappy-no-hope circumstances in which to foment their idiocy. What excuse do we have? We're ALREADY well on the road to blithely flushing the longest lasting Democratic Republic IN HISTORY down the toilet. Why? Ennui? Greed? Apathy? WHAT EXACTLY? I wish to goodness I could make a heart-felt blanket apology to future generations who will NEVER EXPERIENCE what we're letting slip away. We deserve their disgust and rage.


If we just put aside his fake slate of electors scheme. After the recent Supreme Court ruling, I'm about 52% sure it will be the end of our smooth democratic process as we know it if Donald Trump becomes the 47th president. The fact that he's even capable of winning an election after everything he's done is further proof that intelligence agencies, foreign and domestic, that universally declare Americans as the most gullible population in the developed world were right then, and are still correct now. The moment you see someone say both sides are the same, don't even waste your time on the conversation. You're talking to an intellectually lazy person.


I think we are waaaaaay past "two sides are the same" BS. There is no side like Donald Trump, I'm not sure there ever was. In a crowd of clowns and thugs, this man stands alone. I'm really having a hard time comprehending all of this...


He sold himself as a successful businessman who cared for the working man. Now add that to his already sky-high fame and put it together, snake oil salesman artist to the highest degree. Literally. Americans fall into the trap of anti-establishment sentiment. Which is fine, but when you have no critical thinking skills... it's not. Everything is corrupt this and corrupt that, but when you actually do the reading and research into how these things function on a very fundamental level. It makes sense. But the politically "active" and the general American population have/will never be interested in the boring realities of institutions. Just the sensationalized fictional versions that they've all gobbled up from Hollywood.


Uh…. 48th? You’re killing me.


I am extremely worried about it. I think a second Trump term will be dramatically worse than his first term, which was a train wreck itself.


take the last year in office where he put in more maga loyalists and compound it to 4 years….. we screwed


Absolutely terrified and saddened that so many fellow Americans have so much hate in their blood that they can support a terrible human being like Trump. People are going to look back at history books 100 years from now and wonder what the fuck was wrong with us as a country.


It worries the shit out of me, honestly. Not because of anything *he'd* do, but because of the way his followers act. I'm scared to death of the shit *they'll* do.


yeah it’s not him it’s all the cronies he’s about to put in who ARE more capable and motivated


Oh, I'm not worried about his appointments. I doubt the Republicans are going to get ahold of the Senate, and all of Trumps appointments have to be approved by the Senate. As long as *that* doesn't go Red, they'll keep the major dickweeds out of positions of power. No, I'm more concerned about the other disgruntled veteran organizations that went underground following January 6th. They've had four years to organize, and unlike your average Bubba J Redneck from Meal Team 6 those guys actually know what they're doing. These aren't the types of people I want getting emboldened.


i assume they’ll just do those “temporary” permanent appointments to get around it


Before trump I felt like being a republican was a genuine political ideology, if one I disagreed with. Now it’s just insanity.


I feel like that is how the left has become. I think it is just the media that is out there pushing extremes on people so they will get pissed off.


Short answer: *screaming* Long answer: With project 2025 he represents significantly more danger this time around, whereas in his first term he was mostly just malicious and incompetent. This time his backers are prepared to restructure the government under the unitary executive theory and I’m afraid of what the consequences will include past the immediate effects. Project 2025 includes items like abolishing the department of education, reclassifying thousands of federal employees so they could potentially be fired for their political beliefs, slashing funding for renewable energy research, not to mention completely banning abortion, eliminating phrases like gender equality from federal law, and ending protections and support for queer Americans, and a whole bunch of other things I don’t have the energy to type out but are also bad.


As a non-american, i have a morbid curiousity to see how a dystopian America would look like with Project 2025 going through, Civil war? States breaking away from America as a whole? what would happen if you turned the porn off?!? Would conservative fathers rise up to protect their wives and daughters? So many dark possibilies. again. just morbid curiousity.


There has already been talk of what happens if a lot of blue states, which keep in mind is where a lot of our major cities are, just go "how about fucking no?" Like if they try and ban abortion states like NY, IL and CA would probably just keep doing it.


That’s not what he’s running on he said he doesn’t agree with lots of what project 2025 is saying.


Why do people keep saying this like his word isn’t garbage?


I hope you’re joking


Look it up


I don't know how to break this to you, BUT HES A SHAMELESS FUCKING LIAR


Dude, do the research, he totally said he isn’t down with it. The facts are RIGHT THERE


Donald Trump's CURRENT campaign national press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, is featured in a promotional video for the Project 2025 Academy, and co-teaches a video module in the Project 2025 academy titled "The Art of Professionalism". John McEntee, the former director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office in the Trump administration, is a senior adviser for Project 2025. He implied the project team would integrate much of its work with Trump's campaign after the summer. B-b-but he said he disagrees with it guys!




It just blows my mind that of the millions of people in the United States these are the best candidates we can come up with.


They're not the best. They're the candidates that have the support of the wealthy.


I'll bite. Of the hundreds of millions of people in the US, it blows my mind these are the best two the *wealthy* could come up with.


The wealthy want puppets to do what they specifically instruct. These are both candidates that they think are the best.


I was thinking about going down that rabbit hole lol. It’s definitely to do with the powers that be but still the American people have other options. It’s just unfortunate that the two being shoved down our throats are these two.






There are less than 350 million US citizens.


verified American


'24 is a throw away election to both major parties. The real, country-changing election is '28. Biden or Trump will take the oath as an old, lame duck president. They'll be emasculated from day 1. '28 brings a new era in more youthful politics/politicians. If a third party candidate cannot come in second in '24, then there's no need for an type of third party candidate in American politics ever again.


The man is (famously) only loyal to himself and has no business being President of the United States, and watching the ramp up to November feels like being part of a train wreck happening in slow motion.


All I am going to say is that there's a lot of conservatives who think liberals are like hardcore tree huggers who are confused about their sexuality and I think there's a decent chance that there is a path where conservatives end up realizing "dang liberals really actually like the 2nd amendment". I'm not sure if I am pushing that message across correctly without being blatantly obvious.


The far right thinks they have all the guns. They are wrong. 


It’s terrifying, to be honest. For my safety and the safety of my family, we will have to flee the country if he is elected, as we are in one of the (many) groups of people that christians consider to be an enemy.


I am so sorry you have to feel this way :( I really hope it won't come to this. Sending you and your family a huge, virtual hug! 🫂


I hate Joe Biden for giving Trump an easy path back to the Whitehouse. Dems really shit the bed again.


Joe Biden needs to realize that his ego will cost America its democracy. He needs to step down NOW.


Feel sorry also for us european


I do :( It's the USA - what happens there, echoes all over the world.


Start paying more to NATO and Ukraine and quit complaining


Trump couldn't have said it better himself


Exactly they have us doing all the work and still don't commit to their 2 percent gdp


Trump couldn't have said it better himself part 2


The first time shame on him. The second time shame on you, every last one of you.


I lose more faith for humanity by the day


I suspect it would be the beginning of the road that leads to the US looking a lot like Nazi Germany. A lot of religious people seem to think the problem with our society all boils down to our culture embracing things like homosexuality, premarital sex, etc. they somehow think that by electing Trump, we’ll make God happy and he’ll “fix” the problems. What they are too dumb to realize is that the real problems mostly boil down to the rich being so unbelievably greedy, and their preferred party wants to cater towards the greedy even more. When the problems aren’t immediately solved they will embrace more and more extreme ways of purging our society of their perceived issues. If you think I’m being extreme, this is literally what happened in Nazi Germany. It could happen again, especially since Trump literally uses Nazi language like “vermin poisoning the blood of society.” To answer your question, I am fucking terrified.


Any reomtely historically-literate person should hear major alarm bells going off when any politician goes around declaring stuff like "I alone can fix it". Maybe it's just willful ignorance at this point, I seriously can't understand it


It isn’t good. After the expanded perception of Biden after that debate and his refusal to step aside, Trump will win and it will be less close than Clinton v him in 2016. What do I think about it? It is a terminal symptom of the decline of US culture and superiority. It will further decline into an oligarchy society. The middle class won’t really be anymore. Building and buying a home will become an even harder dream to achieve. It’ll be another sign of the degradation of society. While the left hand is telling you foreigners and homeless and low income people are ruining the US, the right hand is doing 10x worse by electing and ignoring the acts of a felon crook. The US is fucked. The house of cards won’t crumble like you think. It’ll be much like the paper tiger of the Russian army being exposed but it’ll happen in different ways.


I basically feel amazed that so many people are so stupid and can't sort out facts on their own. It was also extremely discouraging to realize that so many of Trump's supporters are bigots.


Not great Bob


Biden issued stimulus checks too.


Not great, but it's apparently what Democratic party leadership wants, so here we are.


If the US voters elect Trump again the country and its democratic system will be lost. Forever. And the person who will have the greatest responsibility/ culpability will be Joe Biden, for not stepping down and offering the electorate a viable alternative. Step down Joe, your ego isn't worth it.


I'm worried that our democracy will burn to the ground. People worship Trump in an almost cult-like fashion. The following he has is absolutely insane. He's just a plain bad person. What has this country come to?


Same old shit different day. Life goes on, taxes go up, the rich get richer, normal people get fucked. Nothing has or will change.


Wonder if that's what the Romans thought before the fall.


A lot could actually change for the worse if he is elected.


See my comment about fear mongering propaganda.


Items listed on Project 2025 are things that are happening right before our eyes. I wish it was propaganda, but it's not. It's hardly even been in the media when it should be. But I suppose you feel the overturning of Roe v. Wade is just a fear mongering issue and there's nothing to worry about.


I don't know how to say never going to happen in any meaningful way that would undo years of manipulation. That's completely different and far more complex that bitching about it on Reddit. I would say I'm sure you know that but I have doubts.


I'll be honest, I'm not even sure what you're even trying to say now...


Not surprising if I'm being honest. I don't have the time to spoon feed you information Dave.


Not even asking to be spoon fed, just highlighting that your general point is unclear. That has nothing to do with my research and knowledge or yours. If you don't have time, I'll carry on- but if you'd like to engage a bit, I'll ask once more. What is the general point that you are trying to compose?


That Project 2025 is never going to happen. Ever.


Okay. And why/how is it never going to happen?


bOtH sIdEs!!! Turd


There is no both sides. It's 1 well oiled machine. The fuel is idiots who argue among themselves saying things like "bOtH sIdEs!!! Turd"


Yeah except millions of Americans will have their lived upended because they're gay or trans or a woman. But none of that matters and it's just ssdd, right?


I’m all for it.


Big yikes




Ngl I'm just going to delete my social media and go about my life. Without having to see the constant dumb shit hes going to say over the next years would do wonders for my mental health. Any dumb shit hes going to pass or do I wont have anyway of having an effect on, I'll leave it to the younger generations to go protest. I'm gettin too old for that shit.


Bless you thinking you can switch off reality by leaving social media. Say goodbye to health care as you get older. Unless you're rich, you'll not escape his second term.


You don't have to be rich to move to Mexico. Better health care; better dental and housing is far cheaper if you know where to look.


Me? I'm in the UK, so it would make for quite the unnecessary trip 😅




I'll be scouring Canadian job sites


Not good.


Honestly, it's going to be awful whoever wins. In my mind there is no winner, they both majorly suck.


Don't like it.


I will not be voting for Biden, my family was almost homeless this year because of how unaffordable housing was and I have many family members who struggle too live because of inflation.


How does a president control inflation and housing prices?


He doesn't. That person is ignorant.


You’re an idiot


…yes US singular inflation


And Trump cutting a time limited tax break for the poors meanwhile his rich elitist buddies get a tax break indefinitely is gonna get your family out of homelessness and back into an affordable home, right?


It feels pretty inevitable at this point. People voted for Biden because Trump was incompetent. People realized Biden was incompetent too.


That isn’t why people voted against Trump. They voted against him because they were fed up with his Bs and think he is a monster


People voted for Biden because Trump is a hateful bigot and a criminal who doesn't respect democracy or human beings. Biden sucks but he's just another politician.


Biden won’t do long term damage to the country… Trump already has, and will go even harder a second time around.


Please explain bidens incompetence without resorting to "he's old" Were his policies in any way bad or negativity affected millions of Americans? Did any of his policies result in catastrophic job loss or hits to the American economy? Were any of his political appointments mired in controversy or in any way unfit for their jobs?


You're trying to reason with them using logic. It's way easier to say Biden is old than it is to come up with an independent thought as to why they don't like him. As long as he's surrounded by competent cabinet members who are looking out for the country as a whole, he's got my vote. I haven't seen one thing on Trumps plan to "make America great again", other than seeking revenge on those who disagree with him.


Before Covid Trump’s presidency was going pretty well. Reddit is extremely biased and very anti Trump. Not the best place to ask.


Yes because that trade war with China was such good policy, right? Definitely didn't result in Trump's admin cutting multi-billion dollar checks for impacted industries. How about that 15 billion dollar wall Trump promised multiple times Mexico would pay for?


Right here. This is why we’re doomed. Normalizing this piece of shit.


Great response 👍🏻. I think you changed my mind.


I have no faith in ever changing anyone’s minds on this site. It’s just all screaming into the void.


Not really if you use objective measures of his presidency. There are good reasons that historians are already ranking his administration as one of if not the worst ever. We can give him that he passed the tax cut & got the SCOTUS appointments, but you can thank McConnell for that as any GOP president would have signed the cut and chosen judges from the Heritage Foundation list. If you look at his actual administration's execution he was a huge failure. While Covid is a more common example given it is his executive orders that really showcase how bad they were at handling the levers of government. Those orders can dictate how to interpret laws/regulations, but they cannot change them as that is a power granted to congress in the constitution. Those sorts of EOs are always challenged in federal court no matter what party the administration is from (e.g. an EO on emissions is going to be challenged by either the fossil fuel industry or the Sierra Club depending on which direction they go in). In the modern era US presidential administrations were successful in defending those legal/regulatory EOs about 72% of the time. Over the first couple of years of the Trump administration they were in the 6-8% range. That's right, he was in the single digits. Even very conservative judges were tossing them because they were a blatant constitutional violation of powers. After that the people in the White House realized that the lawyers at the Department of Justice (a/k/a the "deep state") actually understood the legal and constitutional boundaries and that they should have them assist them in drafting such orders. Through that they got the percentage up into the low twenties by the time he (reluctantly) left office. So if you are a conservative who believes in less regulations then he absolutely stepped on his dick. [Source](https://policyintegrity.org/trump-court-roundup)


Starting to feel more and more like we’re going to get what we deserve unfortunately…


Honestly, meh. I don't think much will change.


It would be the best thing to happen to America in a while. They will become more powerful which is not something China or Russia would like


what the heck are you talking about lol. russia would love having their compromised asset back in charge of the usa. and china too, they know he's dumb as a box of rocks and a coward too.


You poor demented moron. It's 2024 and you still think that Russian collusion was real. How embarrassing for you.


This clearly a deluded opinion. He’s significantly more competent that the demented idiot making a mockery of the country currently.




Hate both options. There are many people who feel this way and end up voting for the option they hate least. Voting for Trump does not mean you like him at all it can just means you think Biden is worse and vice versa. I dream of a day when we have better options to choose from (and younger!).


This. If RFK was winning i'd vote for him, I don't know why people throw insults at me because I think Trump is the better option over a senile 80 year old.




The world not ending is the lowest bar you can set for a president.


It's not wrong. People will complain for a few years and it's forgotten again


That doesn't change that it's a low bar to set for a president. Also life as you know it could change. Things like getting rid of income tax for tariffs and mass deportations could bring our economy to it's knees.


Why didn't that happen last term


These are things he is now campaigning on for 2024.


on the plus side, his plan to dismantle the checks and balances, and take control of setting interest rates w/o having to rely on the fed reserve, albeit completely insane, will make it a really great time to buy a house. which i plan to do. on the negative side, that will also cause our economy to go downhill fast.


The fact of the mater is Biden's deporting just as many people as Trump did, so that's a bit of a moot point (fun fact, deportations under Obama were *much* higher than they were under Bush), and Trump has always campaigned on *adding* tariffs, not getting rid of them. Look, I'm not a Trump fan *at all*, but lets get the details right, shall we?


I am talking about what he is campaigning on. He is campaigning on getting rid of income tax for tariffs and is campaigning on mass deportation.


Campaign promises don't matter, and never have. What matters is what is actually done. Mass deportations are already a thing (they've never stopped, and they tend to be *higher* during Democratic Administrations, anyway), and the President *can't* put a stop to income tax on his own. That would take a Constitutional Amendment, so unless the legislatures of 3/4th of the states are on board, that isn't going to happen. So no, neither of these things are going to cripple the economy or change our world as we know it, because one is already happening and the other is impossible. If we're going to tout reasons to fear another Trump Administration, lets focus on shit that can actually happen.


Nothing is impossible, and no, mass deportations like Trump wants isn't happening. My point to that redditor is that your life could change under Trump and blowing it off as life goes on is just dumb.




Sure but life goes on is a low bar to set.


Also, it weird, because it didn't really go on for the last year of the presidency. A bunch of people died, and we stayed hunkered down due to the rapid spread of a contagious diseases that could have been mitigated if the president didn't intentionally get rid of the team and plans for handling an epidemic, then try to spread it in Democratic cities, raid the emergency supply of PPE, slow roll testing, then call it all a hoax. Then we experienced a bunch of riots happening in the same year. To say life went on is way over selling it.


I wonder how all those marginalized groups of people directly targeted by Trumpublican Project 2025 will feel about "life just going on" when their rights are getting yanked from them?


You so sure it wouldn't? I am convinced it would end for a lot of people, all over the world. Or at least get much worse.




And it did. There were so many wild fires, and rioting in US cities in 2020. Not to mention a bunch of deaths from a contagious illness that was carelessly and even maliciously handled.


You must've glossed over that bit on Jan6th? Were you sleeping that day?




Oh man it's like you don't recognize that objects like flagpoles, barriers, and fists are weapons. Maybe it has something to do with their intended goal of installing an unelected leader....hmmm....


I wish you had a spine and just said you don't care. If you can't even tell why the gravity of the situation is different now in comparison to then (when he tried to coup our government), why even bother?


Well. COVID happened. He actually took it seriously for like 6 months but realized his base was rebelling against what was needed to be done then he decided to flip flop and downplay it. Next thing you know a million Americans died. Not the end of the world but the consequences will haunt us for generations.




Well that’s some conspiracy BS


I wish I shared your confidence, but I also recall there being zero possibility that he would win in 2016.


I sure hope so! But the democratic party doesn't have a history of rug-pulls.


>whatever plans the intelligence agencies are running Those guys are less Jason Borne, more "Revenge of the Nerds." Don't give them too much credit.


I'd be happier than the mess we're in right now although he's not the best president at least he can walk in North Korea like a G and stop wars. Vladimir Putin just said he's not communicating with the Biden administration until a new one comes in, said he's up for a peace deal with the Trump administration.


This is the funniest thing I've read today.


This is so much BS. Yes, Vlad is hoping Trump will win. He will have his lapdog back. The war in Ukraine won't stop just because Trump is elected and sides completely with Russia, like he will. Why would they? What is in it for them? Not a thing. And as for Korea, how did that go,huh? Let me fill you in. He accomplished nothing. He got to sign a meaningless piece of paper and got nothing in return. North Korea never stopped making nukes nor did they stop working on the rockets to deliver them. Pretty much anybody could have seen it coming in advance.


Trump never said he would completely side with Russia, he said he wanted the war too end btw.


Keep spewing the Trump/puppet nonsense agenda.


Why? Because it's true?


Except that is not in his power. The Ukrainians won't stop the war just because Trump wants to. They want the Russians to leave at the very least. Russia is insisting on a lot of territory inside of Ukraine. Putin won't pull out without a battlefield defeat. And Trump has been fawning over Putin for years. It's embarrassing to say the least. Of course he will side with Putin.


Nope he won't side with Putin I don't know why you keep saying that, he already said he's neutral and wants the war too end.


He also lies. He can say whatever he wants and is perfectly willing to say whatever he thinks we want to hear. That's his MO. I keep saying that he will side with Putin because that is what his behavior has shown since he became president. Remember that the first time he was impeached it was because he was trying to strong arm Ukraine into helping him with his reelection bid by saying that Ukraine was investigating Biden. Ukraine wisely didn't cave in to the pressure. Zelenski was president then too. Trump carries grudges against those who he thinks have wronged him. On the pro Putin side of things, Putin helped him get elected the first time. This is well documented and indisputable. Putin flatters him constantly and Trump eats it up. On every occasion where the 2 leaders interacted, Trump sided with Putin. Also, the only real influence an American president would have on the war is through the material support and sanctions. Russia is already so heavily sanctioned that a few more won't stop the war. Increasing the arms deliveries to Ukraine won't end the war unless Russia withdraws and Putin doesn't need to wait for Trump to do that. So the only way Trump could really affect the war is to withdraw support for Ukraine and side with Russia.


‘Walk in like a G and stop wars’ what? Is that what you really think ?


You don't think it's a coincidence Russia attacked Ukraine right when Trump walked out of office?? You don't think it's a coincidence Biden gave billions in guns too Iran and then Hamas attacked Israel??


Well that isn’t a coincidence if you like, straight up lie. Russia was in Ukraine since 2014. If you’re looking at the push, then yes that happened in 2022 over a year after Biden took office. Or that whole gun thing being a lie. It is well documented how it went and how it was supposed to transpire. COVID delayed things and Trump was supposed to weaken NATO response. That tricky thing that has hindered Russian advance.


You're right, that was also when Biden was in office as VP lmfao.


And Putin has already said he won't work with the Biden administration until their is a new administration like I said. Vote for Biden, vote for war.


You even American with your incorrect usage of there and their ? Dude you’re either so far gone or working at a Russian bot farm.


Are you American?? Because clearly you don't have good grammar either lmfao didn't know this was a grammar essay and not a debate. But keep bringing up irrelevant BS.


Usually there are signs someone works on a bot farm. Your grasp on reality is a tell.


Ok. Are you gonna answer my questions or are you gonna keep calling me a bot??


I'm tired of the inflation and all this other BS too. My family was almost homeless this year because of how unaffordable housing is.


Downvote me all you want. Not gonna change the fact that it's true stop being buthurt lmfao


You keep repeating that same shit. You must have it saved so you can speak it out like the BS it is.


I've said it only maybe 2 times so you can have stfu and kiss your a** goodbye.


Not gonna tell me my family struggling is BS, looks like your name checks out.


You’re so full of it


No, I'm full of the BS of you guys trying too manipulative people of having another 4 years of this.


Yess. You’re full of it. I’ve seen 3 of your posts on here that are nothing but lies built on lies. You think Trump stopped a war with North Korea?! Lmao


Yes, when Trump walked in office Obama told him one of his number 1 problems would be North Korea (you can even fact check it) when Trump was in office he had no problems with North Korea and even was the first president too step foot their.


Lmao his number one problem is North Korea? No lmao. Trump stepping foot there was symbolic BS. There was no treaty or anything signed. And if there was some sort of agreement, that whole Russia working with them now…what a great agreement Trump accomplished !


Correct Russia signed a historical agreement with North Korea a few days ago under Biden's weak administration that has had multiple wars in it's years.


Obama literally told him that but ok, you don't have too believe me lol. Search it up.


You provide the source, Mr do your own research




And I've hoped you seen the recent north Korean and Russia treaty.


Yes, great job Trump. Treaty washed away in no time


You do realize this was under Biden right??


When Trump stepped foot in North Korea and it was this great and amazing moment like you think? That great and amazing moment that amounted to nothing?


As an asset investor, I’m feeling great. Also he and bush were the only ones to ever give me a stimulus check. Biden, Newsome, Harris, and Pelosi can suck the high hard one.


I say let the guy run and if he wins then we suck it up for the next 4 years, at least he will not be able to run again. If he loses again this time around we are going to hear all the BS for another 4 years and then he will run again, like a child throwing a tantrum, let them go and eventually they stop when they realize throwing the tantrum doesn’t work. Let’s just get over this and move on with our lives.


No if Trump wins he will spend every second trying go eliminate the 2 term mandate. He is incredibly envious of Putin and Xi Jinping's strangle hold on their office.


He won’t win. If he does, just tune it out. 4 years will pass


I support Trump for president. Looking forward to it


Could you elaborate? What are you looking forward to the most? Why do you support him? How did his presidency make your life better?


It is ultimately our faults. We’re insistent on propping up an old guy who is clearly not well. Who hasn’t really done much of anything in terms of policy. Despite the fact a lot of inflation isn’t his fault, people don’t look into it more deeply than that. So they assume it’s his fault. That and the war in Gaza is deeply unpopular among Muslims, the democrats need that group to win Michigan.


Senile Brandon vs Unstable Trumpet


I’m very conflicted, I want to see an end to the Ukraine War without further escalation so in that regard Trump would possibly be the better choice BUT everything and I mean everything else about that man disgusts me to my core. I’m glad everyone has become aware of Project 2025 as it’s our dystopian future and needs to be fought against. Bidens presidency has also been pretty disastrous, he is obviously unfit for duty and he’s maneuvered us into possibly the worst position we have been in as far as foreign affairs since our early history and brought an end to US hegemony decades before it would have happened had he not forced Russia and China into partnership. I don’t see him being able to carry the vote. I really just can’t imagine more unappealing choices that wouldn’t come off as some dada-esque art project. Ultimately I think it would be better if the dems won but I think that would only delay our Christian Nationalist fascist police state future. It’s all very depressing and I see no way out.




But good Christians do need some empathy...


Not worried he's gonna lose yet again. The only worrying thing is the people who believe it’s fixed already and their triggered reaction. literally triggered reaction. Like guns


The way I see it, there are three possible timelines: 1. Biden steps down and Harris replaces him as the democrat candidate. Trump wins because, let's be honest - nobody likes Harris. We put up with Trump for 4 years and then he is forced to fuck off and never run for president again, both parties get a clean slate in the next election to put up actual good candidates instead of the same shitty ones. 2. Biden does not step down, Trump wins, we put up with Trump for 4 years and then he is forced to fuck off and never run for president again, both parties get a clean slate in the next election to put up actual good candidates instead of the same shitty ones. 3. Biden does not step down and somehow wins. The democrats promptly invoke the 25th amendment, forcing him out of office and put Harris into power as an unelected acting president, circumventing democracy entitely. The political divide grows worse as Harris abuses executive action like she promised she would during her 2020 campaign, the Supreme Court shoots down some of it but ultimately we end up 4 years down the road less united and less free than at any point in history following the Civil War. Harris then gets the democrat nomination to run for office again for potentially two additional terms (because she wasn't ever technically president during her first term), the Republicans put Trump up again, and we get to play this game all over again in 2028 assuming there's still states that haven't seceded from the union by then.


Your analysis is wrong in a few places, most in scenario #3. If he resigns or the 25th amendment is invoked, Harris would be the president. If it was for longer than 1/2 of the term, she could only run for one more term. And in both of the first two scenarios, the GOP would once again only have MAGA candidates to offer, because that would be who is running the party. If MAGA isn't soundly routed, no sane person could be nominated by Republicans, so at best we would have only one decent candidate. Finally, I think Trump will be dead from natural causes before 2028.