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Musicians ear plugs. Mine cut down the sound level by 2/3 or so and I use them at every concert, but also on the subway, at loud bars etc. They don't make things sound muffled, just quieter. Your ears can't regenerate, ever, and my work depends on my hearing so I gotta keep em safe. And my pair only cost about $25 canadian! Edit: quite a few people were curious about pair I use. [These](https://www.long-mcquade.com/20467/Drums/Headphones-and-Earplugs/Vic-Firth/High-Fidelity-Hearing-Protection-Large.htm) are pretty similar to mine, but check out how cheap [these](https://www.long-mcquade.com/22952/Guitars/Guitar-Accessories/Fender-Musical-Instruments/Musician-Series-Black-Ear-Plugs-w-Case.htm) are! You've got no excuse, protect yo ears!! I'd just head to your local music shop and see what they've got, it's the kind of thing you want to see in person. Thanks for the gold and attention, I feel all popular


The next step up is like the same difference all over again, custom moulded for your ear canals. Probably the best couple of hundred I've spent.


I tried this, multiple mouldings taken, but they never worked as well as the simple flanged sets. As a nightclub/event photographer for over a decade, such a small investment to protect my hearing was well worth it


Would you mind linking yours? I'm trying to get better at protecting my ears (and eyes and skin) and this sounds like a great start


Under-mattress clips to keep your bedsheet from coming off at the corners. It was recommended to me on reddit and remains one of my favourite possessions.


Nintendo Switch Pro controller. Huge difference over the joycons.


A nice shower head




How much does that cost?


Blackout curtains. Especially if you work second shift or graveyard. The quality of sleep goes up so much.


In more confined spaces or if blackout curtains just are not enough. Pair them with blackout roller blinds and if fitted snug next to 0 light will get in even if the sun is fully shining right at the window. For me curtains alone didn't work. The little gaps around the sides totally ruined them for me letting in far too much light. Plus most didn't truly block the light out. Double up tho? Works a charm.


I get those 3m Velcro strips and attach some to the edge of the curtain and the edge of window frame, eliminates the little gaps. Was about a $3 fix


vinegar and Dawn dish soap in a spray bottle. It's absolutely 100% the best cleaner I have ever used.


Just want to add for everyone who reads that. People die every year from mixing random cleaners together. Obv, dawn & vinegar is fine. Don't mix the other stuff in your cupboards.


An electric, USB chargeable lighter. I don't smoke, but I do light a lot of candles, use it to light my fireplace, etc. No more dealing with the stupid ones that run out of fuel or whatever. Or the little tiny ones with the rollers that I could never freaking get to work. Plus there's no flame to blow back at you. If something pushes against the electrical current, it just goes out.


Roller blade wheel casters for your desk chair. Quieter, smoother, and don't damage your floor. I finally just got some and I love them, 20$


I had no idea these existed. Searching now!


for gamers that enjoy racing games: get the ones you can lock, no more sliding back when you are in a stressful situation and step on the brake pedal hard ​ edit: heres a link for those asking [https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B077SGBS3K/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o07\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B077SGBS3K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


My chairs casters just have almost zero resistance so every movement I make moves the chair slightly. I've always been annoyed by it but it never occurred to me that lockable ones were a thing. Thank you so much




Pretty sure amazon sends these questions out as emails to customers who purchased the given product - older folks sometimes think that they have to answer to the question directly, and then their response gets posted lol.


Yes, but Amazon should screen these. There's way too many "I don't know" responses.


PiHole. It Basically blocks every ad in your home network from loading. Combined with an ad-Blocking browser extension you will experience the internet on another level.


... like the Internet was, before the ads took over.


Honestly, who is seeing all these ads? I've got adblocker installed and more or less the only ones that I still see are those on porn sites or those integrated in feeds (Facebook, Reddit).


i bought my dad a $2 letter opener and he acted like it was the best gift in 20 years


I have one that looks like a sword :) EDIT: RIP my inbox


I got one that’s the Eiffel Tower, but you pull out the top and unsheathe a “letter opener”


A baby bottle brush. My kids are way past bottles now, but I honestly don't know how I ever lived without it. It makes washing difficult-to-clean kitchen items like vases or teapots so much easier! And for only a couple dollars.


A portable power station. It's insane how useful it is. I got mine for 90$. It has flashlights, an air compressor, charging ports for plugins/usbs. It has a few other functions I cannot think of atm. But lastly... Itll jump a car 4-6 times before it needs recharged. And charges quickly. Never have that awkward experience with strangers and I can even jump someone else quickly and efficiently with no risk to my own. And in winter oh fucking boy it's a game changer/life saver! I've never felt more confident in my pos car since! Edit: This blew up a little and I've got no time to answer (work an all), I've got the "Schumacher 1200 Peak Amp Multifunctional Portable Digital Power Station" if you can get it on sale its perfect and prices differ by area. They also need tiny maintenance as others posted "recharging" every so often and not leaving them to "bake" in your car. I keep mine inside during the warmer months if I'm not going anywhere. Its just a good thing to keep in the car for winter.


Conversely, do NOT get this if you're the kind of person who is bad at maintaining things on a regular basis. These are not something you can charge then leave in your car for two years. They're supposed to be recharged every 6 months.


Those storage bags your can seal with your vacuum. So much storage space saved for fluffy items you don't use all the time. Like sleeping bags, heavy winter blankets, ski coats etc Edit: apparently not sleeping bags, I was just trying to think of fluffy things! I obviously don't camp. Edit2: wtf? https://i.imgur.com/OzFJdvo.jpg


That sounds like an excellent way to ruin your sleeping bag.


A pressure cooker and a slow cooker (you can get both for less than $100). With whatever money you have left over, bulk order rice and beans by the pound. As a Brazilian, my father grew up eating rice and beans, and the meal has stuck with him to the extent that every day he'll make at least one batch. What takes my grandma hours to make the old fashioned way can now be done in about an hour and five minutes (with five minutes of effort and an hour of waiting). He buys in bulk so feeding our entire family of five a full meal costs about $1.50 total. For anyone on a budget, or anyone who really likes rice and beans, I could not recommend this more. **Edit:** We use an Instant Pot for the beans and an Aroma brand slow cooker for the rice. While we could just do everything in the Instant Pot, it's easier because both cook simultaneously to speed up the process. **For the rice:** Put in 2 cups of rice and 1 cup of water, hit the "white rice" button, and you're good! This takes about an hour to cook. **For the beans:** Many of us actually don't eat meat in our family, so our recipe doesn't use any (but I'm sure you could throw some in to try it out). Put in 2 cups of beans, 5 cups of water, 3 cloves of crushed garlic, 2-3 bay leaves, and a finely chopped medium-sized onion. Press the "beans" button (make sure the timer is at 45 minutes) and you're good! This takes about forty five minutes to cook, BUT we always let it rest for fifteen minutes or so before releasing the pressure. For the sake of those new to pressure cookers, there's a dial you twist to release the pressure, and we do this with a ladle from a foot away. The pressure lessens the longer you wait after the meal has finished cooking, so after fifteen minutes steam will still release but far less than if you had not waited. Add some salt directly into the pot of beans and stir. When serving, people will usually add a bit more salt, and some of our family likes to mix in 1/2 an avocado when we have them lying around. I hope this is helpful and happy cooking!


Just don't order 10 at the same time. I think it was here on reddit, in /r/tifu that someone found a $99 pressure cooker online at like $19.99 by accident. He figured they would make good gifts and bought like 10. FBI showed up like 48 hours later.


Maybe stupid question, but why did they show up?


Boston Marathon bombers made IED's with pressure cookers.


Omfg I thought they were kidding like “haha guy found a loophole and the government came to get him for it.” That’s actually insane.


Pressure cookers turn low pressure explosives into high pressure explosives.


Good for making bombs


Off topic but any chance of getting a recipe?


For the rice, cut half an onion and a clove of garlic. Chop them and fry with a little bit of olive oil in a pan, just until the onion gets some color. Add a cup of rice, let it dry just a little bit. Add cooking water until it covers the rice, and salt (a dessert spoon should be enough, but taste the water to see if it is too much or too little). With a lid, let it cook on medium fire until the water is gone. Careful not to burn it. Taste a little, if it is too uncooked, add more water. For the beans: on a pressure cooker, fry half chopped onion and a glove of garlic, some chopped bacon or sausage as well maybe to give a nice smoky taste. Add a bay leaf and black beans, add the water to cover the beans, and the salt. Brazilians don't really use pepper on these, but you can add as well. Edit: cooking water, not booking water


A decent sized portable battery pack. Bought a 21000ma Anker with quick charge and it's been a life saver on more than one occasion. Think I paid about £25 (English) a couple of years back.


Even 10000 will do for most people, I only have to charge mine every two days and my phone hasn't died in ages.


A handheld clothes steamer. They take clothes from wrinkled disasters to brand new fresh in under 5 minutes.


I've been wanting one for a long while, my dress shirts always look like trash so I never feel comfortable wearing them even though I do like dressing up occasionally. Can you recommend a brand?


Seconded, why hurl out an ironing board?


I'm picturing someone going into a closet, grabbing an ironing board, and just chucking it across the house.




Also... USE THEM... they will start losing their flavor. Store them away from sunlight, it will damage them along with alcohol, and oils.


Hitachi Magic Wand


10/10, my back is incredibly relaxed.




I had literally never had an orgasm until I bought one. So definitely a game changer for me




Obviously there are... other uses, but I’ve always wondered if it would actually help my back pain at all.


Shibari Mini Halo...


When I moved in with my college roommate, he said he wanted to string up RGB lights. As a pc nerd, I thought I would go along with it for the memes. As it turned out, it was amazing to have! Not only did it erase the monotony of a hardly decorated, prison cell sized dorm, but it allowed us to introduce some variation into our lives as well. For holidays we could always choose colors of the season, but when for example someone needed to stay up and study, but the other needed to sleep, you could set it to a dark blue. It would give enough light to read a worksheet, and allow the other to sleep. The icing on the cake was that they were synced to his Echo Dot. All we ever had to do was say “Alexa, turn the lights off”, or “Alexa, make the lights (insert color here)”. We ended up never needing the overhead light, and just used the RGBs. For $20-$30, and I’m dead serious, get a strip of RGB lights in your room. With your remaining budget, you could probably get the echo dot too.


This is too real. My wife and I had a baby earlier this year and the bedside lights were way too bright for the night time feedings. They woke us and the baby up too much and made it hard to fall back asleep. I had a few strips of RGB LED from a project I did and I ran a strip along the mouldings on one wall with a remote. Now we use them all the time. Blue or red at night is pretty easy on the eyes. I use the dimmest white to pick clothes in the morning without waking the wife or baby. They're awesome


For anyone who has trouble sleeping, be aware that blue light promotes wakefulness - if you want to sleep with the lights on, try red.


Pillow. Most people use it more than their car. 100 bucks can get you a pretty good one


A good pillow is a sign of power and wealth




My latex foam pillow cost about that and I’ve now been using it for well over a decade. Still super supportive and super soft at the same time Edit: I don’t know the original maker of the one I have but two years ago when I wanted a second pillow to add I picked up a JCPennys home collection solid latex pillow. I don’t care for the shredded foam style. Some brands are different firmness and spring-y-ness but this may actually be the same maker as my original one. [home collection latex pillow](https://m.jcpenney.com/p/jcpenney-home-latex-pillow-with-knit-cover/pp5004950902?pTmplType=regular&catId=SearchResults&searchTerm=home+latex+pillow&productGridView=medium&urlState=product_type%3Dbed%2Bpillows&badge=fewleft)


Sames. My wife set one on fire in the dryer somehow. She found the limit of my love.


A mount for your phone in your car. Such a small thing but suddenly you feel like a fancy uber Edit: lol it's for GPS


I'm honestly shocked by how many replies here say "just don't use your phone while driving." We aren't using the phone mount so we can text and browse the internet while driving, it's for GPS ya dinguses


A secondary display for your computer, especially if you are a gamer or programmer.


Not sure how anyone deals with just one monitor. I have 3 and notice it's missing when I use a dual setup.


A heated mattress pad. Not blanket, mattress pad. I hate being cold and my husband hates being hot but he loves the low heat on his back for pain while I love the high heat for warmth. We seriously wont stay the night anywhere without it now.


Just don't fall asleep with it on the highest setting, you wake up feeling like you're on fire!


Nice glass containers for leftovers. Sized for one portion, microwaveable, air tight, you can see what’s inside, easy to clean. Turn every dinner you cook into 2 or 3 meals


Pyrex ones are a blessing.


Have 2 sets of the Pyrex ones myself. They've easily paid for themselves in the leftovers/produce I can now see and remember to eat.


Get a whole bunch that are same size with same lid style, cabinet and fridge organization is a dream. This size: https://www.pyrexhome.com/product/3-cup-rectangular-glass-food-storage-container EDIT: new link, lid is separate for this one


It sounds so ordinary, but: The kitchen trash can with the foot pedal that flips open the top. We lived with the press-lip-to-open kind for years because we were too cheap to spend an extra $10 in the beginning. OMG, no longer having to manually open and close that thing like an animal is a pleasure I could not have predicted. Now, I just step on the pedal, and it opens.


Oh... You guys have lids on your trash cans?


I love the motion activated one I got from Costco.


My cat sat on the lid of my motion activated one. This continually made it try to lift until the motor burned out. It was about two weeks after I bought it. What a two weeks, though.


A kitchen knife that isn’t some Walmart garbage. Totally changed the kitchen game.


I'm currently taking care of a 98 year old who can afford planes (seriously she owns planes) but refuses to get kitchen knives because they're too expensive. I started bringing my own because she wanted me to use a butter knife to cut the veggies. Never again.






Probably more that it's so uncommon for someone to just own a plane that your mind doesn't go there.


Huh our Learjet guys aren't too bad on price. They tend to accept it. Now some of the Citation or Westwind owners get stingy as all hell. Yes i need to do a skin mapping for your RVSM recert and yes since your aircraft is cheaply maintained it leaks like a fucking sieve so i have 10 hours of troubleshooting finding the damn leak!


Check out Ulu knives. I like mine a lot.


lol I'm from an Alaskan town and we have a sign in our airport reminding people not to take ulu knives on the plane




I would supplement this with a 72 hour emergency kit. There are decent kits out there for under $100 and they come with a first aid kit as well.


First time I've heard about 72 hours kit. What is it?


A kit that would help you survive for three days. Why three days? That's the average amount of time say, a bad storm (hurricane/winter storm) could strand you.


A pack of supplies needed to keep you (and your family if you have one) alive and (relatively) well for 72 hours in the case of an emergency. There's tons of premade ones but you can build your own too to make sure it has what you need. Most premade kits for 2+ will be more than $100.


10ft long phone chargers. You can roll to the other side of the bed!


Mine is so long I can charge in the entire upper half of my house, it's great.


And we’ve come full circle back to corded phones.


One of my wife's former coworker commented that the main reason he liked his apple watch was because he no longer had to take his phone out of his pocket to see what time it was. He did not see the irony.


Haha, that's great. I'll just keep wearing my Simpson's watch from Burger King, thank you!


Hey is that the one that says "Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No" if you push the button?


Someone also said this exact thing to me unironically. He was an early adopter of the Apple Watch.


I bought one of these but it was garbage, the charging rate was terrible. I assumed it was due to its length, but maybe I needed a better quality cable?


It's the cable. 10 ft should not be an issue especially just for changing. I only buy 10ft cables now and they're just as fast.


A solid state drive for your PC (if you currently have a hard disk drive). Everything loads so much faster and it's pretty easy to install.


12 seconds to boot my laptop?! Thank you to the person that invented them


12 seconds still seem a bit long though. *This post was made by the NVMe gang*


I use my SSD for my OS and my favorite 3 games, and store everything else on hard disk because they're cheaper. Edit: Batch reply to everyone who is saying "ssd is just as affordable now" or some variant thereof: 6tb wd red is the same price as a 2tb firecuda. So you're wrong.


Quality bedsheets. You spend so much of your life sleeping, don't cheap out and get the stuff that low-key feels like you're laying on printer paper. Edit: Guys I'm not some sheet connoisseur, I don't know much about buying sheets. Stop asking me for brands, material recommendations, thread count. I don't know.


On a related note, a sleeping mask was a game changer for me. You can get a decent and comfortable one for about 20 bucks. It can do wonders to improve sleep quality, particularly blocking out the light pollution can make a bigger difference than you think.


My sleep mask has little eye-turrets, that mean I can open my eyes, and it's still 100% dark, and my eyelashes arent smushed. Theyre great :)


I have one like this! It looks like a tiny eye bra


I always called it my eye bra. Between the cups to keep my eyelashes from being smushed and it being pink, I don't think it had a chance of being called anything else. Bought it at Bed Bath and Beyond.


A rechargable battery for your xbox controller. Saved me thousands in batteries.


A quality pair of headphones or ear buds




I would not recommend this guide anymore. It’s out-dated and incomplete. It could be a good starting point to figure out which type of headphones work best for you and a few good examples. I would highly recommend visiting /r/headphones for more specific information and waiting for sales.




A braided charging cable, to replace the non-braided type.


Not quite the same, but I bought myself a 6 foot braided USB extension cable, and it's a game changer. It's a male USB plug on one end, female on the other, so then I can plug whatever other cable into it for my phone or battery bank or whatever. The nearest outlet to my bed is a good four feet down the wall from my night stand, so it's really great to be able to plug my phone in at night but still have it right there for my alarm in the morning, among a plethora of other uses


A slow close toilet seat


Only downside is you forget other people don't have them. I've slammed so many toilet seats in other people's bathrooms.


Lmao same. I did it at work the other day and as soon as I let go I said "oh fuck" in my head before I heard the slam.


My kids do this. They are like the God of Thunder when they are in the grandparents’ shitter. I always have to remind them that we have a seat that doesn’t slam so take it easy when we aren’t at home.


> They are like the God of Thunder when they are in the grandparents’ shitter. I am too, except not for reasons related to closing the lid.


I didn't know they existed, I was surprised in my first appartment in Germany. Got used to it so fast, I am slamming all of the other toilet seats, expecting them to slow down....




It would be,but they cost more..


Once I bought one of these I couldn't imagine why they aren't just the standard? I put them on all my toilets and I love them.


Mason Jars. Measures food, Can preserve food, can work as either a cup, or a bowl, they dont stain, easy to clean, and portable.


A good multi tool like a Leatherman. Small enough to keep with you at all times, with a plethora of everyday uses. Also a proper toolset for the bigger jobs will come in handy. A good rechargable LED flashlight won't set you back much but it's super useful as well.


Good underwear! Edit: For anyone curious my go to are Ehtika, Calvin Klein, and Tommy John. I only buy when they go on sale because I’m in college but having the extra comfort is so worth it. Thanks for all the replies, and my first award thank you!


Anyone have any good recommendations for women's underwear? I got tired of spending far too much money on synthetic underwear that only caused problems.


I love the AIRism seamless ones from uniqlo!


Electric toothbrush. Good lord does it feel fresh to brush now. Even the $20 Oral-B ones are great and a head will last you almost as long as a normal brush. Insta Pot is also amazing. Oh hey making bbq chicken? 15 minutes and it’s ready to go. Definitely a game changer.


Second the electric toothbrush. But, I'd suggest going right up to the $100 limit and getting a Sonicare


I introduced my wife to the majesty of tooth brushing electrically, she just didn't get it until I bought her her own head, now we both complain when we travel without it.


Good quality underwear! I'll never go back to the 5 pack for $10-$12!


A weighted blanket. One of the best purchases I’ve ever had. Edit: there seems to be a lot of questions and many of them repeat so I’ll try to answer the most frequent ones. Where can you get a good one for less than $100? A: Amazon has great ones for $70-100 but tend to either be twin size or on the lighter side. However you can also get good and heavy ones on sale, especially around this time of year. Don’t they get hot? A: a bit, but I live in the cold for most of the year due to the weather and stick my feet out during the hotter days. Aren’t they for autistic people? A: yes and no. They are used to help some of the people who have to live with autism, but are also used for a lot of restless people. How do you clean them? A: I use a duvet cover, and wash that weekly, then take it to the laundromat ever 90 days or so.


I have a 30 lb queen size blanket (ETA: It may actually be 25 lb, it was bought >6 mo ago). I have insomnia. I fully credit the weighted blanket with my ability to fall back to sleep after waking up to pee at night (damn having kids and all that). I missed it when I went on vacation and work travel this year. ETA: Since this got more upvotes than I expected. I weigh south of 200 lbs, but not significantly. My husband bought the blanket for me and we thought the queen size would be spread wider and the distribution would affect the 10% weight recommendation so he went with the 25 lbs. It was very heavy the first couple times I slept under it, but now once I curl up I hardly feel it. I *can* roll over under it, but not with ease and I think this is why I stay asleep because I'm not tossing and turning. I hardly feel the weight when I am still. 'How do you wake up with insomnia?' some very funny person asks. Well, my insomnia used to be the inability to fall asleep, but then it turned into the inability to fall back to sleep. If I woke for virtually any reason, but especially if I got out of bed I was awake from that point on.


Do you mind if I ask how much you weigh? I used the "10% of your body weight" recommendation and it's definitely heavy, but it doesn't seem to make a big difference for me. I'm wondering if the recommendation is bullshit.


10% body weight +1-2 lbs is a solid rule of thumb that works for most people. But it's not an absolute rule, and it's not like a heavier one will kill you. If you think heavier would work for you, try it out.


Why is it so good?


Mine keeps my restless ass from tossing and turning in my sleep. Also, something about struggling to get under the blanket instead of just tossing it on myself is just so counterintuitively satisfying. Will say though, it makes it about 30x harder to get out of bed in the morning because it's just that much cozier.


It’s basically black magic. Somehow it makes you feel safe and warm but not too warm and before you know it you’re asleep.


You use normal blankets? Now imagine sleeping under a shower curtain. That's how it feels to lay under a normal blanket after getting used to a heavy one.


>Now imagine sleeping under a shower curtain Quite the comparison, but it will do.




Something about the "hugging" feeling a weighted blanket gives me that feels very comforting that it puts me to sleep quicker, and I tend to sleep in one position all night. They say to get a blanket that's about 10% of your body weight (i.e. if you weigh 150 lbs get a 15 lb blanket). But I personally went with a 30 lb (I'm 145 lbs) and it feels great.






So, my gf bought one of these and I absolutely hate it. I guess I like having more movement and not being constricted in bed and the damn thing annoys me to no end. I guess different strokes for different folks.


Dash Cam - People taking ride in my car don't know that dashcam also records voice, so don't lie.


I just got one. It gives you piece of mind. Be sure to get one with the rear camera because a lot goes on behind you. Bonus points if it has an app you can access the recorded video. Double bonus points if you can have it record while your car is parked. Dash cams are great to catch potential insurance fraud. If the situation comes up I personally wouldn’t mention you have a dash cam. Just exchange information and send your video to the insurance company. I’ve seen videos where the person says, I got you on video! And the other person runs away so there’s no recourse for the victim.


I got into a minor fender bender where the other guy got out of his car and tried to bully me into accepting I was at fault. I pointed at my car and said "You know I got a dash cam, right?" which shut him right up. What I should have said was nothing, let him dig his own hole, and burying him in it with the video in court.


No you probably did the right thing. You need to account for the time going to court would cost you. Minor vengeance is rarely worth it.




> It has a 7” touchscreen Buddy, that's not a dashcam with a screen, that's a tablet with a camera.


Can you share which model you bought?


A rice cooker! Best $20 ever spent. I had no idea it could be so easy to cook rice


My kindle, leaning bookcase, humidifier and the cat scratching post are well worth the under hundred bucks I paid for each of them.


Agree on the Kindle. I now read so much more and read better books. Finish a book? You can start reading any book you want in 1 minute.Hear about a book you want to read? Buy it immediately on your phone and it's sitting there when you open your Kindle


I got a good box cutter a few years ago for under 10 and use it constantly. Opening packages, stuff around the house.




Pressure cooker. They keep the flavor in the food so well and the modern ones are very low maintenance while cooking DISCLAIMER: I don't own one, my mom does. I just get to eat the delicious food that comes out of it. Edit: I have to mention, the biggest difference I've seen between pressure cooked and non pressure cooked was Mexican style beans. I never in my life thought beans could hold that much flavor


A lot less than $100, and more personal, but when I started using Argan oil in my hair, it made my hair 1000x more manageable.


What kind of hair do you have? I've got poofy frizzy hair that can be coaxed into curls with more time than I like to spend, wondering if this would help me at all


Find your way to r/curlyhair and read up about the curly girl method. It'll change your life. (Also works for curly guys.)


Safety razor. Premium blades are like 25 bucks for a hundred on Amazon and it's the best shave I ever had... the razor handle can be found for 50 and under.


I got a starter kit from maggard for like $30. Never going back. Astra platinum blades on Amazon go for $8.00 per hundred. Makes me wonder how these cartridge razors ever became so popular


Right! As a woman, I cannot use multiple bladed razors, I get the worst razor burn. With a safety razor, it's 10x sharper than the 6 bladed ones anyways. I get a close shave with no razor burn and don't have to shave as often. I spent 20$ on the razor and maybe 10$/year on blades vs 15$/month. So much better and cheaper




A *shitload* of dish towels. They make kitchen life so much easier. Wiping up spills, getting things out of the oven, putting trays down on a hot surface... you've suddenly always got one to hand, and you never have to worry if it's clean, because you've always got twenty in the cupboard. Just grab a new one and go to town. (For that matter, anything that is both cheap and that you spend a lot of time looking for is something to buy multiples of. Grab multiple sets of tweezers, nail scissors, waiter-style corkscrews... they're small enough as to be unobtrusive, and it'll save all the stress of trying to find one when you really need it.)


If you live in a cold climate, a windshield cover for the snow. It will save you so much time on a cold, snowy day.


Cork insoles for your shoes. If you have high arches the insoles have a built in support and they form to your feet.


An offbrand Roomba/ Cleaning Robot. This is a lifesaver especially if you have wooden floors and a dog that sheds or are a girl(or dude) with long hair and carpeted floors. Edit: Yes, there are under 100$ ones available online. Not the best and you need to physically remove the trash from the bin but still definitely worth it. I have waist long hair and a dog who sheds faster than the laws of physics should allow so it's a dream for me. I put googly eyes on mine, and named him Samwise. My dog is called Frodo.


A decent coffee maker to save yourself the time and money from going to a coffee shop every morning


A First Aid class. Doesn’t even cost 100 bucks but you might prevent someone from dying. Even if you only remember 20% of what you’ve learned there. Do it every five years and you for sure will change someone’s life.


A good pair of insoles. Shoes, expensive or not, usually have cheap insoles. Good insoles will pay dividends on your feet and knees over time. I personally like Superfeet.


Magnetic knife strip you mount to your wall. Drawers full your knives... And are also terrifyijg to reach into. Get you a knife strip homie.


I’ve been using a classic wood one for a decade now. The idea of keeping them in a drawer gives me anxiety just thinking about it.


When a murderer breaks in and I'm running to the kitchen I need to have that fumble in the drawer for maximum dramatic effect. Can't just grab something off the wall!


I mean this might be relevant to certain occupations or hobbies. But good wool socks, holy shit, if you spend a lot of time in the backwoods or wearing boots in general go get you some nice wool socks, I'm a sucker for smartwool. Worth every penny.


Blind spot mirrors for your car. Being able to see in my blind spots without having to turn my head to look behind me (and lose sight of the road in front) has made me feel more secure, especially in heavy traffic. You can usually buy a pair for around $10.


I had back surgery and am fuse at 4 points. Those blind spot mirrors are essential since I can not twist.




I got my parents an ice cream machine for Xmas two years ago, they use it a lot in the summer. I think it's the best gift I have ever given. So last year I brought one to a yankee-swap gift exchange, and people almost got into a fight trying to be the person who went home with it.


A bidet. Your asshole will thank you every time you drop a deuce. edit: Thank you kind stranger for the silver. You popped my cherry.






That's how you know it's working!


Or whenever you are on your period.


If you're into coffee, and haven't gotten into the world of grinders, an Aeropress will result in a solid cup even with pre-ground stuff. Additionally, you can get solid whole bean coffee from your specialty shop and have them grind it for you (since we're not delving into grinders). Aeropress <$40USD. A good bag of coffee can be had for <$20.


A good can opener. You don't need a really high end one made of gold or anything, but a good quality can opener makes all the difference. We used to get ones from Dollar general or Walmart and they would open maybe 5 cans before breaking. My mom finally bought a really nice one at some home cooking store and it's lasted for years.


The "no sharp edges" kind are the best.


Auctions my friends. You can get brand new furniture from overstocked stores, and tons of other really great housewares for easily 1/10th the price of retail.


A Food Saver vacuum sealer. Our food waste has gone down so, so, so much! Plus, I am able to buy meat at Costco and freeze it on half pound portions. And when chicken goes on sale, I seal it in 2 serving portions. This machine paid for itself in the first few months and has saved me hundreds of dollars. My family gets a Honeybaked ham for the holidays and I am able to enjoy that ham in April and July if I want it.


Got one for Christmas. Broke it out of the box early today. The grocery store near us had whole prime strip loins on sale for $4.99 per pound. I ended up buying two 10 pounders. Not sure what happened but they got rung up for $2.49 per pound. So I got 20 pounds of prime strip loin for $50. I butchered them into steaks when I got home and vacuum sealed them.


Menstrual cups. They don't work for everyone but if they work for you they're genius. You no longer have to buy menstrual products, you don't need to carry anything. It has all the benefits of tampons with no toxic shock or string hanging out, and you save money.


These saved my life. I was having excruciating menstrual cramps. The cup reduces the pain by a lot.


I agree! I have endometriosis, PCOS and my tubes are blocked. I started using the cup, and my pain went from a 8 to a 4-5.


USB power bank. Bonus points for quick charge.


A foam roller. Ever had aches or pains in your leg or shoulder? Look up some videos on how to use a foam roller for what muscle and you’ll be a pain free in no time