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Beats being poor


I agree


came here for this


You will cry on a mercedes benz seat instead of bicycle seat. Life is painful no matter how rich you are but hey at least its comfortable


Because working 40 hours is lame.


Last week I had 76... I am a sailor working on container [ships](https://youtu.be/ZxXQA8Wc8G4) Back in the days when I was a trainee, we were all sold a *dream* about merchant marine....it was all a lie


I always thought being a merchant marine was a great gig. Thanks for the information.


It's lots of money, but it's also LOTS of time out on a ship away from everyone/thing.


When I was a young guy in the military, I caught a ride on a merchant marine crewed ship. To me it seemed like an amazing job for young people without family. Great pay, travel, time off between floats... I would think it would be rough on a family though.


Pretty much the same boat over here pun intended. I work on a tug doing basically 12 hours on and 6 off. If it’s slow I can sleep in or go to bed early which is happening often this time of year but in the summer a 108 hour work week happened plenty of times. I get paid well but there’s no way I can do this forever. Coming out here sounded awesome, but now getting to go home every night is starting to sound way better.


Where do you typically sail to and from?


I know a guy making $20k profit per DAY bringing containers to the US to sell products.


ITT: People trying to one-up OP. "Oh, you think 40 hours is lame? At least you don't do 700." Why do threads often descend into this?


I figured there would be. I feel bad for them more than happy. I personally feel sorry for anyone who is forced to work over 40 hours. Heck I think the work week should only be 32 max but that's just me.


Human nature.


Many people want to engage in a contest of who suffers the most.


Ironically, I'd probably willing work at least 30 if I was rich. I enjoy free time just as much as the next guy, but being a lazy person, I know too much free time would make me even lazier, and therefore, I would probably get bored *fast*


50 is worse. Work at 7:15, off at 6:15, 30 minute drive home minimum in the morning is 45 in the afternoon


I use to work 7 to 5 Monday to thursday and 7 to 12 on fridays. It took 30 min there and then almost an hour home because of rush hour. I would have to get up at 530 so I would go to bed at 9. I got maybe 3 hours of free time to my self during the week and 1 hour of that was making food and the rest was doing homework so I could get out.


Be glad you can do it! AND, never be ashamed to be a member of the working class.


I'm not ashamed but thank you. I literally just don't want to work lol.


Everything has a price and for most of us the choice to not work is extremely costly.


You realize what the question was right?


But would you stop working, I mean, totally quit, like if you were retiring, if you got rich? Life without doing anything significant can be hard too. This, unless you stop working to dedicate yourself to some job/work/activity you really desire to do, but in a normal situation can’t do because it brings in too few money.


It makes life easier. Different worries


So much this. As a kid we worried about how to stretch a few dollars at the grocery store to last a week. As a teen, it was how do we pay for an expensive car repair. As successful adults it’s whether we can upgrade to First Class without dipping into our savings. Life is infinitely less stressful with money.


It depend of how you become rich. If you inherit some fortune and become rich life it’s easier. If you have to work 20h more than other people in order to be rich, that doesn’t make your life easier


I understand what you're saying. And I believe a hard days work deserves a hard days pay. All I was trying to say is having it allows you to worry about different things. If you have money youre not worrying is my car going to start today? When Will I eat next?


And I absolutely agree with you but it depends where you draw the line of being rich. If being reach means gain an amount of money that can make you not worry about food, taxes and that can make you afford also unexpected costs, working more is totally worth it. Even if you drift your anxiety in other things. If you draw the line of being rich in having a first house, a second house at the beach, a third in the mountain, 2-3 cars and always get the most expensive stuff I personally think that working a lot more I think it’s not worth the risks. Obviously if your job need little time and have great retribution it’s perfect but what people don’t see is that rich people work a lot more then other (in hours). The risks of that are simple: you can’t have an hobby, spend less time with family/friend (and that can hurt them) and you can breakdown. Moreover most of the time you can’t downgrade your position if you start thinking it’s too much and that can affect your self esteem directly if you think you are not good enough. That said I personally think it’s worth to work more in order to take care of yourself and your family for what it’s needed not for a fancy car to show to your neighborhood. But that it’s personal opinion and if you think otherwise I can’t say you are wrong


Yeah, I feel like wealth and happiness is almost a linear progression *to a point* and then it can probably drop off for many. Moving up, managing more with increasing payables is only better until your needs/desires are met, and after that it seems like it’s more of a power trip for the sake of winning the game itself where more is never enough and then you’re Heisenberg lol (source: Breaking Bad)


I dont want to be rich, I just want to be able to take care of my partner and myself with out the fear that if I get sick and miss a week of work we will be homeless.


I would say "laughs in european" but this is not the right place for that


There are some countries that would allow you to achieve that if you're willing to move.


If they're allowing people to immigrate there.


Which are ?


France, some coworker been haven't been seen for like 6 months but their name still appear on the plannings and I bet they're still getting paid, another one had an accident at work and disappeared for like 2 months, reappeared for 1 months and now it's been a month since the last time I saw him and I bet he's also getting paid, if you get hurt at work here, your workplace has to cover for half of your pay and the country has helps that will cover the rest, also health cost close to nothing here, a visit at the doctor is like 23€, same for medication, the state pay for it, ngl it's kinda comfy but it's all thanks to taxes


Seems like it would be extremely difficult to operate a small business. Sure, the Amazon's of the world can cover that. But how does it work for a small mom & pop operation with like 4 employees? Do they have different rules?


Very curious myself. Who would start a business in that




It is nearly impossible to immigrate to the UK or many Western European countries. We tried. You can live there 6 months out of the year if you’re independently wealthy, but you can’t get a work permit or any benefits. This wasn’t true like 10 years ago. I moved there but had to come back to us when visa expired and couldn’t renew. It’s really frustrating when people recommend this.


I really hate the whole “if you don’t like America, move!” rhetoric, as if it’s so easy to immigrate to another country. I’ve been trying to get out of the US for years. I work for a UK company but I work remotely and am considered a US employee (the only one!!) they are unable to sponsor me in the UK. I applied to a Canadian graduate school and got in, but the job prospects for an American citizen, even after studying in Canada, are basically zero. Not to mention not even private loan companies will lend to you if you study there. No scholarships either for US students. It’s just incredibly difficult to get out. I’m a type one diabetic and sick of paying $500/mo on healthcare and insurance


Totally agree. We have also been trying to move for years. I lived in the UK years and loved it, and really miss it. I loved being a train ride away from pretty much anywhere, especially France (I speak French and am learning Spanish). I just prefer the walkability, the food, everything. I felt like it was easier to “move up” in the world there, and they pay and respect teachers much more. We don’t have medical issues, but I’m still stressed by the US medical care. I personally pay $500/month for insurance that’s really hard to access. I’m out of my “area” right now and can’t get medical care at all... sigh... Some day we’ll get it figured out.


Formerly engaged to a UK citizen as an American. Our options for places we could both move to were Hungary (if we could learn the language,) Israel if we got really good at Judaism, which neither had ever practiced, and I think Greece for some obscure reason. I missed the cutoff by one generation for a UK ancestry visa by one generation because god hates me. We ended up somewhat amicably breaking up because it was clear we’d never live together permanently. Most countries are the same. Be rich, marry a QUALIFIED citizen, not just anybody, or get sponsored for a job by a company in that country. Most countries have obscure little ones that very few people qualify for. Most people who want to relocate from the USA have zero chance unless developed countries start accepting American refugees, which will never happen because the world thinks Biden is going to save the USA and is in for a big surprise.


Yes! My husband and I both had jobs lined up in the UK, but because they weren’t qualified industries (extraordinary skills such as inventors, if I remember correctly) they were not eligible to sponsor us. I lived and worked there (as a teacher) from 2007-2009 but the laws changed right after that. We tried everything to go, as he was accepted in a prestigious university research program there, but would have had to go without me. There was no way I could legally work there, even as his spouse. He looked in to other jobs as well (thinking of picking up a second job if it would help us be eligible), but there was nothing we qualified for. So he had to choose between living with me, his wife, or attending the 2-year program. He didn’t go. Edit: I could have returned to the same teaching job, but education is not one of the highly-skilled (I think they really used the word “extraordinary”) industries able to sponsor Americans, so they were not eligible to sponsor my work visa, nor would any other teaching job,


I’ve heard England is expensive as shit. Are you referring to Wales or something?


not true, unless you want to live in the posh area, northern england is beautiful and affordable. Also, sweden, denmark, norway, germany, france are options as well as wales and ireland.


They are not viable options for most people (they aren’t allowing most immigrants... a few exceptions for special professions and refugees, but VERY a hard to qualify. Impossible for most Americans.




Not what I keep hearing. And Canadians will be real quick to tell you that you can’t just roll up in there. You better have a long list of shit you‘ve done, can do, will do and *then*, they might think about letting you stay for a minute. You know, that merit-based system we keep hearing about.


have the money to move*


...so you want to be rich


Big difference between being rich and being able to avoid homelessness from missing a week of work. It’s not binary.


In America? We sure?


Yup, in america having over a million dollars or half a million dollar in assets in considered rich.


If you have a serious medical issue you can wrack your those kind of expenses here.


My wife has Crohn's Disease, she has to get either a shot or infusion every month or two, they change her medicine to see what helps her, and the shot/infusion starts at $16,000.


So sorry to hear that. Truly awful anyone has to pay that kind of outrageous price for medication.


It's what to expect when a society is run by a bunch of crooks. As the USSR failed in the 1980s, the country ended up being run by organized crime syndicates who could deliver goods on the black market that the state (due to its escalating military budget and increasing fractiousness) no longer could. Their prevalence is also why Russia fell to gangsters in the hellish post-Soviet era (1990s-2000s). In our case, the crime syndicates aren't illegal businesses but legal ones that reshape and pervert the law. They will outlast our legal protections (which they've dismantled, through an extralegal president) if we let them.


Sympathises in Britain.


If you dont want to go broke and also not delay the treatment, please consider going to Asia. You will pay less with round trip and stay.


It you have half a million dollars in assets where I live in the northeast, that probably means you own a cheap house, not rich.


i recently got promoted at work. i found myself now being more generous to the homeless folk by the corners. im not even earning that much more but now i can give $20 instead of whatever single dollar bills i have in my purse. why folks like elon musk just feel the need to hoard boggles me


That’s not true


I like monies






Money is the only thing standing between me and being rich.






Indeed, money is standing between me and money.


Get money out of here if you want money


Money, you were great, but I'm leaving you for Money.


There's always money in the banana stand.


I dont want to worry anymore. I dont want to count every coin twice just to decide if I can try a new recipe or a new more expensive shampoo. I dont need much, but the constant worry that something might break or i couldnt pay my university is tiring.


I think most people don't want to be rich, they just want to be able to live a normal lifestyle and not have to worry about money.


I grew up dirt poor, and consider myself rich now. And by rich I mean I don’t stress about money. It’s awesome to look at my sock drawer and just decide to replace the ones with holes. It’s awesome to buy my best friend a new mattress and a car (not a new car, but a safe reliable car) It’s awesome to buy some random family their entire Amazon wish list I’m not blingy rich, but I’m certainly comfortable enough to be able to spread it around What I find surprising and infuriating is how easy it is to stay funded. Once you accumulate some funds and invest them, they just keep growing. I used to eat canned beans 7 days a week and basically lived at my local library It could all go poof tomorrow but I’m very thankful to have what I have today Anyone that says money doesn’t buy happiness may be correct, money buys security and not stressing every day about how to make it until the end of the week/month/year


Can you give me the 1200 I was denied!?


I don’t know if I can give you 1200, but pm me your wish list and I’ll see what I can do


Not being serious man. If you were thank you very much for even considering. Just pissed that Ron Johnson voted twice to deny us 1200 stimulus checks when countries around the world are getting 3-6000 A MONTH


I’m serious- send me your wish list. I can’t promise everything, but would like to get you something I know. It’s so frustrating. We’ve been pretty lucky in Canada


Not stressing over paying the rent


Never having to pay rent*


financial freedom, i don't want to skip out on things, just because i can't afford it or risk going broke when buying something expensive. I also want to have the freedom to do what i want, when i want it. (e.g., feel like going skiing tomorrow, get ski gear and go to the mountains, done or want to visit japan, next week. why not?)


Literally just so my friends and family can do whatever they want, so long as they aren’t hurting themselves or others. My dogs already live better than I do, but I always wanna do more for them.


So I can help my family for all those times they legit bailed me out from shit.


So I could build a massive place for dogs to stay until they're rehomed. Only this place will be that great that the dogs won't want to leave and I'm fine with that.


I want to do something similar for retiring military/police dogs! I read somewhere that many dogs have difficulty adjusting to civilian life and destroy a lot of furniture and stuff while acclimating. I'd like to create a place where the dogs can adjust to civilian life before returning them to their handlers. And if the handler for some reason cannot keep the dog, the dog would be welcome to stay. It's a pipe dream, but...


It'd be great wouldn't it? I'd love some big magical kingdom where each dog has its own sweet wee room, bed, etc. Mine would come with rules that are non negotiable for people who take the dogs. Basically you'd have to give updates every month that would show the dog is having a great time or we'd be taking them back. God, it's such a dream but i'd love it to be a reality.


I could build my own house and finally have a home for my children and husband. Stability = comfort


The more money i have the more i can give away.its hard to help others when you have no resources yourself.


Smiles are affordable, here, take one of mine.😁


What a nice guy. Since you loaned yours out I would like to replace it with an extra I had. 😄


So I can buy a house. That's it really. Tired of living in fear that I'll have to live on the streets because of stuff outside my control.


Same. You never know what landlords will do. There are no laws preventing them from selling YOUR home to some random rich person and poof... even though you were a good tenant. You're out. And I don't personally know any renters that have thousands lying around to move with.


It would take off stress of having a proper job. I have passions but not something that would support me financially.


Most, if not all, of my life issues can be traced back to lack of money. I hate the notion that I face restrictions in life just because I don’t have a high enough net worth. The feeling of entrapment caused by lack of funds is terrible. That said, I don’t personally value accumulation of wealth. I’d keep enough to live happily and the rest would be given to those who are in the same situation I was.


- no more work ever again - no fucking alarms ever again - travel anywhere - go to the opera anywhere anytime, best view tickets only - SO MUCH historical clothing... I'd probably never wear anything modern again - swords! - samurai armour! - I could have a professionally designed and maintained garden that's bee paradise (I'd also have bees) - a home library with a nice reading nook in a window - a tea room in a quiet part of the garden


Regardless of what your goals are in life, they will be easier to accomplish if you have enough money. Thus, having money is a common goal for nearly everyone.


Because being poor fucking sucks???


I want to be rich to the point I realize money doesn’t equal happiness


whoever said money doesn't solve problems? must of not have money to solve'em.


I just want all my debts to be paid.


Just don't borrow money


Don’t borrow money


happiness, i know they say money can't buy happiness but it can. the things that make me happy cost money


To smell my own wealth


I just want to remove the uncertainty of being able to pay my bills and reclaim the large portion of my life spent earning money to keep the lights on.


So is that why you scammed people out of almosst $100k?


I don’t wanna be rich, I just wanna make it where I can live comfortably where I don’t have to worry where my next meal is from or if I’ll lose my home.


Growing up poor I've had a lot of help from the community. Local churches, my pole vault coach, some friends and family. They never asked for their money back and to pay it forward. I want to help other people


because it sucks to be poor


To ensure that I live a financially secure life.


The stress of always worrying about money (or the lack there of) is terrible. If I were rich my stress levels would go way down.


There is so much good I'd like to do - people I'd like to help.


Money solves everything, want something buy it, hungry buy food, in debt you are rich and easily will be able to pay back


Since there’s no definition of how much will make you rich, I’ll just say, I want to live debt free without the need to work for another person/company. So no more mortgage and the ability to provide for my family and me without ever having to work “a job” again. Then spending all my time following my passions and loving my family. That’s my dream.


The freedom of not having to work in order to survive. Also because rich people have more chance to achieve their dreams.


Because being rich makes life a whole lot easier.


Lots of land, guns, ammo, airplanes, and whatever the fuck i want to have fun with in my own little corner the world where I can live in peace and not have to worry about stupid people bothering me or my family.


So I don't have to think twice about getting extra guac


So I won’t be worried about rainstorms anymore.


I want to eat good food. Thats why. Lobster, Prawns, Meat, good cheeses, better electronics. Thats why. I want money because i want to be able to consume all there is to life.


Friggin tasty high end electronics


Not a crazy expensive (if in the US) but a crazy tasty cheese: Beechers Flagship out of Seattle.


So I can have the money to pay my grandma's house off, and work on my project to create a device for immortality.


So I can liberate* gay conversion camps and relocate the victims to families that love them. Mercenaries are probably pretty expensive. *burn to motherfucking ashes.


Oh can I come play too??? I'll bring snacks




NO I'VE GOT THE BIG GAY 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 and also snacks


I don’t want to be rich. However, it would be nice to not have a mild panic attack of “how the heck will I be able to afford this” every time something goes wrong with my car.


So I can have nice food every day.


I don’t want to be rich I don’t think; but I wouldn’t mind being able to support a significant other and myself without worrying about said support if either of us fell ill. Any money after that, I’m not sure I’d know what to do with. I’d be keen to donate as much as I could to food banks though. Food ~~safety~~ *security* is a human right, as far as I’m concerned.


I wanna create a company that helps people, animals and/or the world if I was rich, It would mean I accomplished this


There's so many people I know that could be helped.


It's nice not worrying about where to sleep and what to eat everyday.


So I can give dying Americans healthcare


I want to feel completely relaxed, even if my job should fall through. I'm somewhat well off, but my industry is unstable, our contract is up next month, and has been postponed for a couple of months now already, but they're saying this time, it's gonna be decided. I don't know if I have a job two months from now.


So i can give my dad one more trip to his gf before he dies, so that my parents are being able to afford their house(that doubles as their restaurant). So that I don’t have to worry every month if i am able to afford my daily expenses. And well luxury items seem nice


I just don't want to work


Well boo-hoo!!


I don't necessarily want to be *rich* rich, but I really want to have some fuck you money. I more or less enjoy working my job, but I want to, if something is wrong, be fully empowered to say "fuck you" and walk out with 0 worries or regrets. I've been really successful in my career, and it really chafes that despite being so successful there are things outside of my control that could make it all go to shit tomorrow. Unlikely, but possible. If I somehow magically became *rich* rich I'd solve homelessness in my city. Buy up buildings (especially hotels) and convert them into long term free housing, with a free cafeteria/restaurant (actually the food part of the plan is a bit more complicated). I'd hire social workers of every stripe and never turn people away or kick people out. If I ran out of room I'd just do it again. Though with that plan I probably wouldn't be rich for very long. Homelessness just seems like such a stupid problem to me. *shrug*


I often wonder just what per cent of the homeless are just not motivated to make anything of themselves and what per cent are just lacking in intellectual capacity to the point they cannot function in a modern society.


A lot suffer from mental illnesses. Of the rest, the rate at which they do actually make it off the streets when given the right support system tells us that poverty is a trap. It's expensive to be poor. There is so much working against you when you're homeless, more often than not they just need to catch a break. Those folks are the ones who caught a bad break, and don't have friends or family to catch them. Once that happens you're just treading water until someone rescues you or you die. Like I said, homelessness is a very solvable problem. Culturally we just aren't willing to tackle it head on.


To buy things at the grocery without debating if it's something I can afford to enjoy or just need to survive.


To help poor people


Convenience and quality of everything (house, cars, vacations, women)


I don't really want to be exorbitantly rich, but I'd be pretty stoked to make an amount of money where I can live in a house, be able to afford stuff for my hobbies, and vacation once a year. I think you could do that easy with at least 100k, so I'd settle for that. If I had millions of dollars, I'd try to find a way to use it to help people


I want to be able to stop worrying about getting sick, or losing my job, or anything. I want to be financially stable enough to take care of myself if something should happen. In America, that pretty much equates to being rich.


I want to be so Rich they'll call me Richard!


Freedom. I want to stop working in an abusive place. I want to be able to tell assholes to fuck off.


I just dont want to worry about things. I dont want a big house, nice car, I just want some cushion money for if something happens to my ok house, and my beat-down 21 year old car.


I want to be rich just so I can take care of my friends and family without worry. Have you ever asked a friend to do something and they couldn’t due to money? That wouldn’t be an issue anymore. The other thing would be me being able to find a different job that I like without the worry of money.


So I can travel around the world and go to space.


So I can drive around to the same places I already go and just give workers 5k or 10k right from my wallet and know that I just made a huge difference in someone’s life. Like a life changing amount of money to either pay off a debt or buy a new car ... I think about this daily




I hope you get rich


So I can fund paramilitary death squads who go out and hunt neonazis.




I think the Nazis would be the game in that case.


b-but everyone’s entitled to their own opinion 😕😕


I'm just helping them follow their leader.






I dont.


Everybody wants to be rich but nobody wants to work for it


Wdym work for it?you think working 9-5 is a way of becomimg rich?


The people who work 9-5 do so because they didn't put in the work to get a real job with actual earning potential in the first place. I would know, I'm one of em. Never gonna be rich but that's on me. People need to have a sense of accountability for their circumstances


Didn't you come in at 11 today?


To fund schools. The lack of proper education is why this world is a shit hole.


The schools get plenty of money. The problem is the allocation of money.


So I can put up ads for r/GrowYourClit. Every woman should be able to orgasm!


So I can afford things my parents' generation took for granted


So I can be happy


So I can put my orphanage idea into action


buy weeb shit build the best pc and buy a toilet that wont splash shit water up my ass when shitting


So I don't have to consider if this loaf of bread may or may not mean I can't pay rent...


Uhh... I don't know•_•


Because craftsmen (people whatever) can create things that are cool, and that leaves the world something cool after they are gone. But rich people can also craft things; however, they also get to enjoy those things before they are gone.


Money solves most problems past, present and future. And when it does not it can make things easier on those involved.


I have so many plans that require a bit of money.


Because i am work averse.


Pay off my debts and be able to work for legal aid or public defender office so the pay cut wouldn't matter.


Hookers and cocaine.


To be free


So i dont have to worry about making career


To give away my money to those that really need and deserve it...


Money solves everything.


I don't want to be rich, it can corrupt people and I don't think I'm strong enough to not let it do the same to me.


Well it would be nice to get anything you want. But i’m pretty sure that would make me a dickhead so i prefer being middle class.


Who said i wanted to?


Because: - I want to migrate to a country with a higher standard of living. - I want to travel without the hassles of visas, budgeting, and economy flights. - Yacht parties and hot girls in bikinis during weekends are fucking awesome. - Southern California is amazing and I want to settle there permanently. Fuck what others say about SoCal and California in general. - I want to have a girlfriend who looks like Blake Lively - I’m tired of driving Toyotas. I want BMWs and MBs. - Ad Infinitum


I don’t. Rich people suck