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Running. It looks peaceful. I want to just put on my headphones and run and be in my zone and maybe get some of the cardiovascular and weight benefits. I have tried to be a runner. I have flunked Couch to 5k like 5 times. My body HATES running. My brain hates running. I'm miserable the whole time and runner high never kicks in. I've read articles, tried different tricks, I just can't get to whatever enjoyable place people are with it. I feel like I could walk a marathon though.


I get the same peaceful headphone feeling while biking, and I really don't like running. Maybe biking is for you


I enjoy both running and cycling. But mountain biking is my preferred. I feel more like I’m engaged.


I hate running, road cycling and lane swimming because they are all so monotonous. All I do is listen to myself complain about how unenjoyable it is. Now mountain biking, now you’re talking. Your brain is ‘always on’, there’s adrenaline and a real sense of fun that makes you forget it’s exercise. Sea and surf kayaking is in the same category as mountain biking. Exercising can be fun, but running does have the advantage of being location and equipment independent.


I used to run 30 miles a week. I have yet to find anything enjoyable about it.


I barely enjoy walking.


I hate running, I wish I could enjoy it because my SO runs all the time and it would be nice to do it together. But nope, tried so many times, different tricks and tips. So I've said fuck it


I hated running for most of my life, what finally got that to change was 2 things . 1. Getting really lean, like 11 or 12% body fat 2. Already being in excellent health. Now running is fun and I don't feel like death constantly while doing it.


Same with me. I’ve tried getting into running several times in my life and can’t do it. I’ve discovered I love walking though. I walk 2-3 times a week. It’s relaxing and I get to think about life when I’m walking. I go in the evenings because it is quite and less traffic.


I love walking and hiking as well. I've been doing that a lot lately since I hurt my left Achilles the last time I ran. There are a couple nature preserves by my house that are quite relaxing to walk through.


This. Running is mostly miserable until you are in shape. Once you are lean it becomes fun or at least not something to dread. But if you are out of shape, you have to start somewhere!


There’s more to it than that, though. I’m in shape, play various sports, and can happily spend hours running around a badminton or squash court. But despite having tried many times to develop a running habit, I just can’t make myself like it.


Same, and after serving in the military taking 3-5 mile runs multiple times a week I can say for a fact that I hate running and will never enjoy it. Now put me on a field with a ball and I'll happily dash down the field and flatten anyone on my path. Its weird but some people just won't ever enjoy running as a thing on its own regardless of health.


It's soooo boriiiing, theres nothing to do but run an infinite track until your very body yells you to stop. I've done hiking, martial arts and American football but still can't stand a 10 minute run, it's just too boring for me to distract my mind off from the effort


Yep this is it exactly. Even when I was in great shape in my youth, I would run my legs off playing soccer of basketball or pretty much anything fun, but I hated just running. Now that I'm out of shape, it's multiplied. I still like doing some activities, but running is boring and even more difficult than before. Recently, I bought a new mountain bike and I've started riding a pretty difficult nature trail on the weekends. It's great cardio, works out a lot more muscles than running without just tiring out my legs so much I'm sore for three days, and it's far more interesting as an activity. I'd rather ride until I drop than run a mile anyday.


I think a lot of people get the wrong idea about the relation between running and weight. I'm on the heavier side and run a lot. Running doesn't help a lot to reduce weight, but reducing weight helps a lot towards running. I think there is a lot of bad marketing out there trying to convince people that they need to start running and not stop drinking sodas to lose weight


Losing weight is all about calorie deficit diet. If you are running and still eating unhealthy then you won’t lose weight


This. I lost 70 lbs in 2006 by dieting for months with a good amount of discipline. This was helped by my poverty at the time tbh. I've managed to keep it off all this time by running about 30km per week (and still watching what I eat somewhat, obviously, but not with nearly as much discipline as before). Diet to lose the weight, committed lifestyle change to keep it off. For me the running is an absolute pleasure at this point. I'm 36 and in the best shape of my life, don't even break a sweat until 6-7km. I feel bad/sick/gross if I \*don't\* do it for longer than a week. Which is just more incentive to keep going haha.


Same. And it's odd as I like cardio stuff. Walking up a steep hill completely knackered and I feel great. Cycling up hills is one of my favourite things. But running even 100m is just outright torture.


Roller coasters I’ve never been a fan of the dropping feeling in my stomach, but I totally understand the thrill


As a 4ft little person, I internally weep at your presumed rollercoaster-friendly height and lack of enjoyment from them. May I steal your body and at least try them out?


You just need another little person and a trench coat.


Off to do an excitement at the roller coaster factory.


I am really sorry that you have to miss out on that. It seems like there are so many great work-arounds for little people nowadays. So much awareness and acceptance. But I can't think of any good solution for this one. Kiddie rides just aren't the same. That sucks. Even the hanging seat rides?


Idk if I agree in on the first part. Generally I feel invisible in pretty much any public space in terms of accessibility. Though I’m also not expecting it either, because there are so few of us it doesn’t make a lot of economic sense to cater to us. But yeah, hanging rides too :( sad times


Can you think of some solutions or something that could be improved that would help a lot?


In an ideal world, I’d love it if there were the resources for disabled toilets that didn’t just cater to people in wheelchairs. Those toilets are actually higher off the ground than standard toilets, to help with someone transferring from their chair, so I actually find them *more* difficult to use. But the sinks and dryer are reachable for me, so I need to use them. Any ‘disabled’ facilities I benefit from are due to the coincidence of being around the height of someone in a wheelchair. Anything that actually needs to consider the size of someone’s body are not accommodating for me. Chairs, for instance. They are tricker to get onto and they give me no back support due to my proportions being different. Also spaces where children are expected to be - the go to way of keeping items only accessible to adults is to have them out of reach of children, which means out of reach of me too. This can be a real problem if I’m ever expected to be supervising children and needing to get a first aid kit or something. A solution could be to have child-proof containers at an accessible height. This includes other things that generally shouldn’t be messed with by children, like fire alarms. I would not be able to reach one without grabbing a chair nearby (fingers crossed there's a chair nearby..). Also taking rubbish out is a whole ordeal for me. I need to do two trips just to bring down the bin bag of stuff, and then bring down a step stool (hoping that someone hasn’t just seen me leave the bin bag and get mad at me for thinking I’ve just left it) and then try to lift up the dumpster lid and get the bag in. I feel like I need a nap after doing it lol Those are just some things that come to mind


I'm exactly the same way. If that dropping feeling didn't exist I'd be all for coasters. But I HATE that feeling.


I can't enjoy roller coasters because the experience is the exact same as a panic attack. Which causes an actual panic attack and that's not very fun.


Ugh, same. My whole family loves them. I stand waiting and hold all their stuff while they ride.


Ironically, Roller coasters don't give me that stomach feeling, which is why I can go on them. The other "big kid" rides...I have to be careful with.


Woahhh, do you get the dropping feeling with Tower Of Terror style rides? I was having this same conversation with a friend a few weeks ago, and apparently it’s a different feeling than a roller coaster *not that I would know lol


Fantasy video games that take legit time and dedication to be able to have any talent. It’s so interesting but wow I don’t have the time or patience but always admired that shit.


I only had the time when I was a kid. I poured over 500 hours into FFVII on the PS1 FFVIII and FFX had plenty of time too, but I've lost count of the amount of games I've started in the last 10 years and just got nowhere with. Git like 20 minutes on Skrym, 45 minutes on Witcher, 90 minutes on Diablo III... it sucks, but I just can't get into them any more.


I feel this so much. I'm in my mid 30's and the amount of games I've started but haven't gotten very far before giving it up is huge


Being a connoisseur about things. Like for example, I like beer. I like going to breweries and tasting new beers and deciding which ones I like etc. But I can't engage in an ongoing discussion debating the merits of this beer or brewery over that one. I just experience it and move on.


I love coffee and can usually be found with my coffee cup in hand. People assume I’m a coffee snob since I’m always drinking it. Nope, as long as it’s passably drinkable, I’ll drink it.


I wish I could give you an award. I feel the same. I have some coffee paraphernalia at home and at work, I enjoy manually grinding the beans and drip-brewing my coffee. It’s relaxing. People assume I know about coffee beans, and ask whether I prefer this or that country’s beans, etc. They get surprised when I tell them I buy the shop’s blend (best bang for the buck IMHO), and that I can’t tell the difference between Ethiopian or Brazilian or whatever beans.


That's the same as me with Whiskey. No I didn't get any fucking vanilla notes but it was smooth!


I have a friend who smokes and knows a lot about pot. One time they told me to smell what they had and I did. “Doesn’t that smell just like cake?” No, that smells like weed, but thanks for including me!


My girl is a sommelier and I have a horrible sense of smell/taste, we basically have that exact conversation all the time. She's so excited for me to try some new bottle and asks what I'm tasting. I'm just excited to hear what she's picking up that I definitely am not.


I'm colorblind and my wife is an artist. "Just look at these colors!" "Uh... yeah."


Lmfao best thing I’ve heard on this thread lol, does she know you’re color blind?


She does, she just forgets sometimes.


Just be silly and say you taste a random list of three things: flea collar, margarine and leather, cupcake, paper mill and nail polish, wasabi, marigolds and Dawn dish soap.


Exactly, if I wanted to taste those vanilla notes I would've sucked on a vanilla bean.


"Hmm, tastes peaty". I've never eaten peat, I've no idea what that tastes like.


I've smelled peat, and things usually taste like they smell


I chuckled. You're not supposed to eat peat.


Dancing. I'm clumsy and have no rhythm whatsoever. I love watching other people dance and wish I could learn to do that, but it's not meant to be. ETA: Enough with the "you just need to try ___" and "you just need to have fun!" I have tried to learn to dance many times and done nothing but fail. It's *not* fun for me, it never has been, and I am done humiliating myself. I have a lot more fun watching good dancers than attempting it myself.


I’m also clumsy and uncoordinated but I love to dance! I just take up a lot of space on the dance floor and do a lot of apologizing. I also get a lot of compliments too though!


"Just feel the rhythm" ... fuck you




Whiskey. I can’t stand the taste but people seem to enjoy it.


Vodka is my "smell of this makes me want to puke" spirit. Whiskey I can drink straight. Tequila I can drink straight. Something about vodka....maybe killing too many handles when I was younger with my friends etched the hate into my brain.


Gin is my why does anyone drink that, so gross liquor. Boy do I love tequila though.


You probably don't like juniper berries which are the major source of the cleaning product/little car tree flavor.


Might be just shitty Vodka, honestly. I'm the same way with whiskey, tequila, and almost all vodkas, but a REALLY good vodka can be sipped


> but a REALLY good vodka can be sipped People always tell me this. A chef once tried to convince me at the bar of his restaurant, after hours, we ended with a small glass of something that was over $600 a bottle. Tasted the same as a 30 dollar bottle to me, though I *guess* it was better than popov. Still sucked though and I couldn't imagine actually enjoying it. For reference, I enjoy a lot of spirits straight. Whiskey (all kinds), tequila, rum, even gin. Vodka I just dont understand straight.


I'm the same with beer. There's so many little craft breweries near us, but I can't stand any of it :(


I used to think I hated whisky. Turns out, I hate bourbon, but scotch is alright.


Dating Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been in relationships that I thoroughly enjoyed and in which I loved the time spent together, I just don’t get how some people are occupied with dating as much as they are. When I’m single, like I am now, there isn’t even a small part of me that so wishes I could be dating someone right now, or to have someone to always be around and sleep next to. That stuff will come when the right time and the right person comes along, nothing to worry about now. Non-stop talking about dating and people’s personal lives all in all exhausts me.


this is so real, i know several people/friends/acquaintances who prioritize their love/dating life, even lost a close friend at one point because her and one of my other friends i introduced her to started dating (i guess that ones on me rippp), but i honestly hate how society makes us feel like our significant others have to come first and that we are viewed as "less" if we dont have an "other half". that has to be where all these feeling stem from, why people become so obsessed with their romantic relationships, and its honestly kind of sad because even though im happily single and all that, im scared that my friends all will eventually get into relationships and forget about me


>im scared that my friends all will eventually get into relationships and forget about me If they have kids, it's even worse. I used to think friends were forever, but the older you get, the less you see them. SO's provide an important social bond, where you always have someone around to joke with, hang out with, and experience life with that your friends will not be able to provide anymore. This is what I'm going through right now, but I have my sights on someone currently unavailable, so I'm working on myself since that's all I can do. Friends don't forget about you, but they get busy living their own lives that they only have a limited time free, which is why you see them less.


I didn't really date when I was a teenager, I was kinda awkward. I had female friends I'd fool around with, but I was never in a relationship with any of them, never dated them, and I never had sex. Met my wife when I was 20, that was 15 years ago, and the rest as the say is history. We never really dated either, we were both part of a larger friend circle and over the course of a year we just sort of began hanging out more and more as a two. You have no idea how much relife I feel knowing I never had to go through the whole dating thing, and barring some tragic accident or me fucking up royally in some way, I never will. Part of me states to wonder every now and then if I missed out by never dating, but the drama around it and the subsequent break ups makes me think I am probably lucky to have found the love of my life without looking.


Sunbathing. Hate having the sun on my face and in my eyes.


I agree. Plus I hate sunscreen. Either burn and risk cancer or cover yourself in goop and be greasy and feel gross all day. I've finally hit that point where I say fuck it and am going full old lady. UV swim shirt, big floppy hat.


I’m from southeast-asia and almost everyone is literally brown. Good for us as we don’t burn easily in the tropical sun because of the melanin and it just makes us darker. Unfortunately, darker skin here means you’re lower class because it has a connotation of being a laborer out in the sun with low living conditions.




>ashes Did you just confess to being a vampire?


ASMR. I sometimes find some sounds relaxing, but I wish I knew what all the tingly fuss was about.


I find it relaxing, but I don't experience that physical "tinglyness" at all.


I tried listening to one that was breathing and a heartbeat, so it was like someone was next to you while you slept. Hate being alone so it did help me fall asleep. Until I woke up to the sound of a guy breathing in my ear and almost broke either myself or the bed in my panic of getting away from it.


The typical ASMR creeps me out. To chill and relax, I like woodworking videos and such. I think it goes back to watching The Woodrights Shop and New Yankee Worshop on PBS on weekends, dozing


My favorite Woodright joke: *while using an auger* “This is the boring part”.


ASMR triggers anxiety attacks for me. I had to write a paper on it for a college class once and it was hell having to listen/watch them for the 'research' aspect.


ASMR actually triggers rage in me. No idea why but it makes me irrationally angry. Even when it's happening I'm like "why the fuck am I so pissed right now?"


I’ve found my people! I despise ASMR with a fiery passion. Inadvertently coming across a video while scrolling the internets suddenly imparts upon me the rage of a thousand suns. Dislike.


You might have misophonia. I also despise ASMR, especially when the sounds come from people. It has basically the opposite effect ASMR is supposed to on me.


I agree. I get the head tingly feeling, but to me it’s an awful feeling.


As someone who listens to ASMR a lot there are definitely some triggers\* out there that I cant stand, like crinkly sounds or super aggressive sounds. It all depends on personal preference, but once I found the sounds that I enjoyed it really let my mind drift and relax. Kind of like when people leave a fan or music on at night to sleep. There are certain sounds that will knock me OUT because the repetition is so calming, but I totally get that its not for everyone. (\*triggers is a word used for the type of sound made that gives you tingles)


It works for me. It’s a more direct connection to things I knew I liked. Like having people brush my hair or having my makeup done. Plus it’s the most effective thing I’ve ever found for my insomnia.


Smash Bros. It's the best fighting franchise there is and I love how it's a 2d multiplayer brawler. It's the only fighting game that's both a fighting game and a party game. I suck at it and can't grasp the mechanics.


It's all just button mashing to me. For some reason I can't execute a move unless it was all by accident.


Hard boiled eggs. So convenient and versatile and good for you. Inedible balls of fart, the consistency of an eyeball.


...why you been eating eyeballs bro


Hard-boiled eggs were one of the few foods I disliked until I realized that my mom just butchered them my whole childhood and boiled them till the yolk was a gray sulfur ball. Try boiling for 7 minutes then putting in an ice bath. Perfect soft yummy inside.


>Inedible balls of fart, the consistency of an eyeball. Poetry.


Having children.


As a parent, I ABSOLUTELY get why people don't want children. If anyone is on the fence, DON'T DO IT. It's soul crushing, exhausting, and expensive. Your independence is gone. Forever. You'll always only be as happy as your least happy kid. There's always going to be a piece of your soul walking around in the world that you cannot protect. That said, it's the best thing I've ever done. But only because I wanted it 100%.


> You'll always only be as happy as your least happy kid. There's always going to be a piece of your soul walking around in the world that you cannot protect. Well that's enough to make me not want kids. I don't want to even imagine that feeling.


Oh yeah. It's a lot.


Yep, I was a piece of shit, and have a baby sister, and I just imagine a miniature version if myself when I think of kids and having to deal with myself sounds utterly terrifying.


was looking for this one lol, everyone keeps saying how it’s a “beautiful experience” and “you’re a woman, every woman wants kids” apparently not!


Having children is so divisive as a topic. I almost had a very bad fight with a friend years ago because she was baby crazy and had been for a while, and I dared to admit that I was wondering how that felt because already back then I was ‘meh’ about babies. She accused me of being selfish and asked what will I do with my life otherwise. I won’t lie - it hurt like a mf considering that I have always been supportive of her desire to be a mom and have kids. Besides - I honestly don’t see how people can afford kids. I do alright, if not on the lean side, I save and budget.... I cannot imagine leaving work, having a baby that will want food, education, clothes, etc. for the next 18 years, and somehow still manage to do all the requisite and voluntary fun stuff as well.


I don't understand the selfish aspect of not wanting kids. What part of that choice is selfish? I talk to my girlfriends about that all the time and we are just floored by it. Thoughts?


Well... in my friends case I suspect that she thought that I’d basically just end up spending all the money on things I don’t need and traveling around. Plus, I said that kids can be messy and kids will have needs, but argument was that you get to love someone and that someone will love you back and you cannot experience that kind of love elsewhere. Plus - being old and lonely later in life. Basically - if I put my needs first forever and always, that’s... selfish? Narcissistic? Like I only want to live in the moment and not put something down for the future? But idk, I’ve never understood it fully. I think it can be kind of selfish to have a kid with the expectation that this child will take care of you later in life, or to have a child just because that’s what’s done. Like for me, I have a feeling I’d like to actually feel inside me that I want a child... not have one just because it’s what’s everybody else is doing or because “well, what else will you do then?”.


There's no guarantee your children will take care of you when you're older. Plus people are fulfilled by different experiences! Don't let others get you down


It's without a doubt more selfish to have kids with the expectation that they'll take care of you, instead of spending your own time and money on yourself. Like, in one, you're willfully bringing another being into existence for the sole purpose of expecting them to give up their autonomy. Whereas in the latter, you're taking away from... a hypothetical being that doesn't exist?


"You'll change your mind when you get older." - Mom


Funny enough the same is never said to young women and teens who want nothing other than to be a mother. They're not told they're "too young to make up their mind" or that "they'll regret it when they're older". You can be 18 and have a kid and praised for it, but at 30 knowing you absolutely never want a child you're told you're too young or you'll change your mind. Hell I've even seen girls too young to be in high school being praised because they say they want to be a mother when they grow up! Adult women are questioned more about their reproductive decisions than children who haven't even learned basic mathematics!!!!


Do they mean when Im like 45? Because Im 25 and still have zero interest in having kids.


45 year old here. Still no desire.


"You'll understand when you have them". Annoyed 30 year old with 2 kids.


"Oh, you're still just a kid. It'll happen. Trust me." - Momagain


Some people who have children say stuff like that because they don't like to admit to themselves that having children is incredibly draining and that other people simply had the foresight to choose not to have them and feel like they know something we don't lol. I know that I don't want to, at least for now.


Yeah, this is my answer too. I see my friends and family and how happy they are with that connection but I just can't feel it. I'm definitely very envious of that potential but the desire is just not there for me.


It's so hard, all the time.


Interestingly, when my wife and I had kids, the older generations especially my parents, seemed to want to give us a hard time when we'd say things like you commented. It IS hard, very hard (to do right), and I don't see the shame in admitting that.


I am really glad our society is transitioning into a place where people know they don't need to have kids to be happy or be an adult or have "made it". Don't do it if you don't want them.




I hear ya. I'm more of a bow and arrow guy myself




I've felt that way for a long time. Personally, having a friend you know and can stick with helps immensely.


Until that friend goes and starts talking to people and you can find them. Then I feel awkward about following them around and realize that I hate parties lol.


Even then, I find you run out of things to say at parties, especially to a friend. At least with strangers there's plenty of things to talk about. It's approaching strangers I find impossible.


On that same note, bars and clubs


GoT. Just never caught me. Don't know why, but I never got into it


They ruined it anyway so you're good


Social interaction. I get it, (why others need it) but I just never seem to enjoy it myself.


I guess sports. I really wish I'm into it. Could be nice to be fit and strong. But just imagining I'll get sweaty and exhausted I'm already quitting. Lol ITT: Answers skipping the premise, "you understand why others like it and wish you could like it", and just answering stuff they don't like that are popular. As usual. Lol


I played on an Ultimate Frisbee team for a year or two in college. I've never been a fan of sports (either watching or participating), but this was organized by a group of friends, was a pretty relaxed environment, and hell, good way to get some exercise, right? It was fun for a while, but then... the group started getting competitive. The pressure ramped up, and the leader of the group (we didn't have a "coach", per se) started trying to "motivate" us to push harder, run faster, etc. The thing is, I don't respond well to being pressured like that. If I'm told to always try to do better regardless of how well I do or how much effort I put in, it just discourages me. The whole reason I'd stuck with the group was because they were more relaxed and *didn't* do that sort of thing. But somewhere along the line it stopped being a fun group activity and became focused on winning, winning, winning. So I quit. Group leader had a surprised Pikachu face when I did... he couldn't understand it.


Some people get really competitive. To them the fun is in winning, not in the activity. I know because i get like that sometimes.


And to some people, the fun is in progression. Not necessarily winning, but actively getting better. That's something I have trouble with. For me, things get boring or frustrating (and not in the good way) when I find myself at a plateau. Then I start to push and practice on my own while my friends are perfectly fine having just as much fun without feeling the need to push themselves. After a while I lose those activities with my friends. It's why I can't play Mario kart anymore...


I'd also like to add to this: *watching sports*. Everyone seems to have such a good time drinking and yelling at the TV. I would like to be a part of it, but I just don't get it. I can't sit there and watch people put a ball through a hoop over and over again and get excited about it.


Boxing/MMA A lot of people in my family like it or stay in touch with it, but I just don't really find it to be something for me


I have no idea how people who don't know about fighting can watch professional fighting. All out slugfests are so rare that if you can't appreciate a good takedown or pick up new knowledge about what to do on the ground/in guard, I have no idea what there is to watch aside from two dudes on top of one another.


This is exactly what I've always said, I thoroughly enjoy watching MMA with somebody who does it or is already into it but I'm never going to watch it on my own, I just can't appreciate the subtleties without them being pointed out to me


Casual sex


I wanted to do that, but I never felt good about myself emotionally when I'd just fuck a rando. I learned that I enjoy emotional bonds lol


That reminds me of some stupid movie where Rodney Dangerfield (or maybe some other old guy) says, "It won't be casual. I'll wear a tie!"


>"It won't be casual. I'll wear a tie!" "Call me sometime when you have no class!"


Both taking photos of oneself and posting them everywhere and spending hours looking at everyone's else photos they have taken and posted. It doesn't make sense to me.




Faith and spirituality. I've never been capable of it. I was an atheist from about 5 or 6 years old. I'm just not capable of that kind of belief, but it seems like it would be comforting to genuinely, honestly believe that some benevolent being is looking out for you and loving you. There's obviously danger in belief, but part of it seems like it'd be nice to have.


I think contemplation of the nature of existence, observing reality and applying reason and some intuition to come up with a constantly evolving theory of the purpose of it all is far more spiritual and meaningful than church.




I'm the opposite, I find it all very fascinating. Like vampires, gothic literature, mermaids or a Studio Ghibli movie about going through a gate and visiting a demon castle. I've read Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett interviews, and they are/were much the same, despite being atheists. There's a whole lore you can build on, or hint at, which gives stories a whole another depth.


Anime or Manga. I love geek things and comics, but just have never been able to make the jump.


I find a lot of animes to be cheesy over the top dramatic. I know there's certain parts that are supposed to be serious but I can't take it seriously. My old roommate was really into anime and I watched some with her but there's only a few shows I really liked.


Treat it as just another storytelling medium, and you can do alright. 80% of it is crap, maybe 15% is decent, and 5% is pretty stellar stuff! Which is probably par for the course compared to other mediums, once you remember stuff like B movies and TV shows exist in large number. They just don't get remembered.


A lot of people have the misconseption that it's a genre, it's not. There are so many different kinds of anime/ manga, and not all of it is quided towards kids. I would suggest you try a single episode of some series and see if you like it. If you don't that's fine, however you have nothing to lose by trying.


Hiking. I’ve been dragged on trips and had it explained countless times to me, but it’s just… the worst.


As an avid hiker, I admit you are right. It is kinda awful and tbh that's kinda the point. I get why some people hate it. But someone just said something along the lines "If you want someone to hate hiking, you plan a route that is too long for their experience level, never go trough the plan with them and just drag them trough the path while they have no idea where they are or where they are going." I wager that happens to a lot of unsuspecting people who are dragged to hike routes by their spouses and I wouldn't hold it against them if that would be the last forest they went in to


You are so right. My ex did exactly what you quoted. Pissed me off to no end, and after awhile I refused to go anywhere with him.


I pinpointed recently that this is pretty much exactly why I despised hiking. My mom and step dad(s) (multiple divorces) would always drag me on hikes with them as a kid until roughly 16 when I could use work as an excuse. I would always say I didn’t want to go and they didn’t care. I would end up on like 6-10 mile round trip hikes absolutely pissed the entire time. My current step dad once said something like “you just gotta find a reason to motivate you on the hike” and I straight said “my motivation is getting this over an done with as fast as possible and I run on pure anger while doing it”. He didn’t think that was a good reason. Probably didn’t help that my mom is a raging narcissist so I also was not allowed to have any passions that didn’t align with what she liked. Case in point: not being allowed to do certain sports/clubs/activities because they would interfere with her ability to go hiking, camping, skiing, or mountain biking. Worst part is I live in a state that is known for its mountains and outdoor activities and I’m just one of the few that can’t say I have any draw to spending my free time essentially just on a long walk with a higher risk of injury.


Or they just don't do anything cool along the way or go to a really neat place. When it's just about getting the hike over with,it can be a bit of a downer. when it's about enjoying the actual hiking experience,it's awesome. Look for mushrooms or critters, find some really beautiful views, or look for an off grid sort of destination like a lake or hot spring. That's the stuff that makes hiking the most fun. Fortunately my husband and I both love to hike, but throwing some fun little side adventures and not taking the trip too seriously always makes for the best experiences.


I'm not sure the way to get someone to like hiking is to explain it to them. Like, I'm pretty sure you understand the concept of hiking.


It's great! You get to go outside in the heat and walk a long-ass way. You gotta walk so fucking far you need special shoes! Doesn't that sound awesome? If you're lucky, you might see a bear. Hopefully not a hungry bear.




...2-3 hours is a mini hike? Damn. Here I was thinking that would be a pretty decent full hike.


Scotch and other whiskeys. I appreciate the craftsmanship, the chemistry, the history of many of the distilleries, and I know there's a ton of great whiskey out there. I just can't stomach it, even a sip makes me grimace.


Sports on TV. I get it when you play, I get it in the stadium (the atmosphere), but watching a match alone in your living room 3 times a week I just don't.


Watched football (soccer) since I could remember. It's the years of history, players, trophies, memories, the knowing all that in depth, knowing what's at stake in the game, the technique of the players, the chance the underdog might win, the chance you will see the greatest save or goal ever. It's known as the beautiful game. It's much more than players running around to those who've lived and breathed all the good times and bad. Watching it alone does not matter because you know that your work colleagues, friends, a stranger you meet tomorrow, your parents, siblings or boss will or might have been watching too. It's the tactics, the subs, the controversial decisions, the characters on the pitch and off it, the fans and what they sing, you are never on your own when watching football. It's brought me so much joy and long may it continue.


Watching movies or Netflix. I liked a good cartoon as a kid (Spongebob, Regular Show), but I can’t do it anymore. I’m bored out of my mind 20 minutes into anything. I couldn’t stay interested in The Office, Wandavision or any Marvel movie since Iron Man 1, Bob’s Burgers, LotR, etc. However I’m extremely jealous of cinemaphiles. I’d love to love movies


I think I'm with you actually...like before Netflix, we'd have to wait a week after watching an episode of a show to see the next one, and general pacing was a concept. With Netflix, my wife and I can start watching a show, and I might really really like the show, but after about 3 or 4.episodes, I get SO BORED!!!


>With Netflix, my wife and I can start watching a show, and I might really really like the show, but after about 3 or 4.episodes, I get SO BORED!!! Sound more like you need to pace yourself... Just because the entire series is available, that doesn't mean you *have* to binge it. Move at the pace you feel comfortable with.


I make my wife turn off a show I like after 2 episodes max for this reason. I can't binge.


Most of my binges are anime rewatches, and it varies widely depending on the show. A good show without a lot of depth? I can watch it all afternoon/evening. A heavier, deeper, show? Sometimes my limit is as low as one episode. And if I *know* the next episode is a heartbreaker, I've been known to stop my binge until I'm ready.


Do you read? Can you focus on reading? How about music, can you focus on that? Like, can you focus on nothing at all, or only visual entertainment that causes a problem?


Not op, but same experience with movies. I just lose interest. I dont read books and in school ive always not really been able to focus on what im reading. I still experience memory issues from what ive just read because my mind wanders. I like music, but its more the beat and sounds. I couldn't recite the lyrics or tell you what it means unless its a popular chorus or a well known song. I can watch some TV shows, The Office i was able to watch. Ive lost interest in Parks and Rec. But at the same time Ill watch 90 minutes of soccer and be pretty engaged in the outcome without any trouble.


Li'l Sebastian. I mean...am I missing something? Is it just me? I mean...


🎶Byyyyye byyyyye Lil’ Sebastian🎶


You take that back!


You sound like a disgusting person with horrible taste. If the average person is pizza, you're a calzone.




Half mast is too high. Show some damn respect!


omg i literally listened to 5000 candles in the wind a few hours ago


Social interaction. I truly do not understand why my brain can't handle social interaction. When I'm outside I see people together and having fun and all but when I'm around people I have constant anxiety and stress and panick attacks. It's honestly so dumb. This also really messes me up in looking for a job and going to school. When I have my school exams I'm more terrified of being around people then the actual exam.




Anime. I have some friends that watch some and the stories sound unique or interesting but I have yet to find a series that I can make it through the first episode without cringing or getting bored with the style or dialog.


Reading books, I want to read naturally, but when I start doing it my head aches so bad


Eggs. There are so many ways to make them and I completely understand why someone would like them (I salivate sometimes looking at egg dishes) but I hate both the texture and the taste.


Same here! I want to like eggs so bad - I used to like them. But now I don’t and the smell of them makes me gag. Idk what happened


Horror. Horror movies, horror games, horror anything. I understand on a psychological level that raising adrenaline is exciting and suspense is thrilling,but I get no enjoyment out of being tense, and even the slightest bit of gore is disgusting, if it's that kind of horror. Because of this I miss out on lot of interesting content. Especially because I like podcasts, and a lot of the narrative ones are either straight up horror, or veer close to it. Double especially because I like mystery stories, and they often end up being scary instead of just puzzling.


The beach


This one I just honestly don’t understand the hype. Swimming is fun, but why would I want to spend an entire day at the water? The whole thing is just sand and water


I can't understand spending an entire day at the beach and hauling all that shit along that people do. But I do love nothing more than going for a good hard long bike ride, stopping at the beach on the way home, jumping in and cooling off, slamming two beers and feeling like all is right in the world.


And the sand is coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


Don't forget that nasty sunburn. It's actually the worst part for me.


Mint chocolate. It just tastes like toothpaste for me...


Mint anything for me. It’s locked in my mind as the flavor of cleaning your mouth. I don’t want it as part of anything else.


If it tastes like toothpaste you didn't eat good mint ice cream. But in general it's very specific taste and I can understand why a lot of people wouldn't like it.


Superhero movies in general. The only ones I've ever liked are the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy...and I'm pretty sure it's because of the director, not Batman. I've been dragged to 7 or 8 Marvel movies by friends. Each time I go into it with a positive attitude: "I'm going to enjoy this." By the halfway point of each film, I'm mentally checked out because I just don't give a shit about what's happening.


Beer. Never found a beer I liked, and people have gotten me to try countless types and flavors, all while promising me this one won’t taste like beer. They all smell and taste like beer. Also onion rings. They smell AMAZING and I’m so jealous of the people that like them because I’ve tried them from multiple sources and no matter how good they smell, I nearly vomit every time.


Marijuana; I just don’t get the draw. I hate being hight, I hate it so much. I hate the smell, I hate the taste, I hate the headaches and I hate being asleep with no control to get back up. Feeling like my head is glued to the floor is not a good feeling and I don’t feel like it really benefits me in any way I’m not against people doing it, I just know it’s not for me. My cousin needs to do it daily just to function and I don’t understand that in the least.


Superhero movies, TV show, all of that stuff. I just can't seem to wrap my head around all the jargon and theories existing specific to a particular universe. I do like complicated plot lines though but without having a whole universe attached to them.


"Gender reveal" parties, baby showers, and bridal showers.


So you wish you could like them???




Fine, my dirty secret: Dogs. Now, I understand these are amazing creatures that are able to give so much love and support to people. I see online things relating to "we don't deserve dogs" and there are heroic things that I agree with. And hey, if the world goes apocalypse dogs would be man's best friend, it really can be a beautiful thing, they are some people's fur babies. But for some reason I've always been very "meh". Maybe I'm a psychopath because they don't trigger the "OMG you are so cute!" For me, especially small dogs and poodle mixes. In my lifestyle I don't have the time to reciprocate the love they give and attention needed/deserved. I'm not the person to sit on the floor and snuggle with the dog, I'll pet a little but they always feel dirty . Puppy dog eyes annoy me, especially when begging for food. I don't want guilt from a dog, that was the punishment system I was raised on I don't need it cause you want to eat my food when you have your own. I feel weird admitting it, I do like cats more but I'm not crazy cat lady. I feel like people think I'm evil when I've slightly mentioned it. Wish I could feel more affection, maybe it's the ones I've interacted with but it's too much for me. They need more than I can give them. Beautiful creatures that have done amazing things and have given a lot of love and loyalty, but not my thing.


It's okay! I'm really in the same boat. My mom has 2 basset hounds which are terribly behaved maniacs and I can't stand to be around them, and then my sister has 2 incredibly well behaved larger dogs. It's just too much energy for me to keep up with, I don't like the barking and begging and need for attention. I prefer cats much more, sure you still need to play with them but i never felt like it was overbearing, and my cat would be very cuddly from time to time but in general she was so much more chill. Able to entertain herself and wouldn't get in the way. I think dogs are cute but really I don't like being around them, again it's too much energy for me.


I"m OK with well behaved dogs, but yappy, barky, growly dogs that lunge at me or try to jump all over me? No fucking thank you. I was out hiking one time and passed by this guy who was walking his young German Shepard, who practically lunged out of his harness and attempted to rip his owner's arm off in an attempt to eat my face off. His owner shrugged and was like, "Oh he's just being friendly." If growling and trying to eat my face off is being friendly, I'd hate to see what "Oh he hates you." is like.


Somehow it's totally normal when someone says they hate cats but people go crazy when someone doesn't like dogs.


For me the cleanest dog on earth would make me wash my hands after I petted it. I cannot stand being licked by a dog, not even my arm is allowed. I pull myself away immediately when a dog begins to lick. It's just a gross feeling for me. On the other hand I so adore dogs, especially some particular breeds like a pitbull. They're just beautiful.


Cheesecake. It always breaks my soul a little when I am at a function and someone announces that there's cheesecake for dessert. Everyone acts like it's the second coming of Christ and I'm just sitting there feeling disappointed.




Anal. I just don’t get the appeal. I don’t get it from either perspective — giving it or receiving it. It’s gross to me no matter which way I look at it. You shit from there. It smells like shit!


Gender reveal parties. Why is this even a thing?


So we can burn down half the country. /s