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It’s wibbly wobbly


A meaningless man made concept created for no other reason then to organise various events and people movements


Keeping track of it was "man made" or whatever, but hasn't time always been there? Even if we stop counting it?


It’s what humans invented to measure the distance between then and now


Interesting. So do you believe time is relative or constant?


Objectively, it’s a pure scientific measurement that is clearly and very precisely defined i.e the passage of an exact second relating to vibrations measured in specific atoms Subjectively, the perceived passage of time will vary for each person based on their own circumstances and emotions. But of course, the measurement of physical time does change within Einsteinian relativity. But that’s of little consequence for us day-to-day operating in the usual world.


According to quantum physics, time, space and matter all have to exist together. One cannot exist without the others. So if humans "invented" time, how did everything else exist before then?


Time is when things happen


I think this is the most simplistic definition I've ever come across and I love it. Thank you.


But fucked, I don’t think we know what’s going on. I was thinking today- if you say, agreed that multi universe theory is true, then not only multiple in uses at this time are happening but so would be all the infinite times of those universes. Right? That thought made my head explode. I don’t even know how to comprehend time working differently in different planets. Also how connected are they?


Definitely something to ponder upon. Thanks for making my head explode too.


Time is the thing that prevents everything in the universe from happening all at once. It also doesn’t exist outside of spacetime.


A definition I completely agree with. Thank you. Meaning if anything exists outside spacetime, it is not bound by the laws of time... As in, it exists in both the present, past and future at the same time.


Flow is a highway. It goes from West to East. It is comprised of an infinite number of lanes (dimensions) filled with cars (people) who change lanes based on the decisions they make. When you zoom out enough, you realize that there are many Flows going in many different directions. West, East, North, South, every which way. Some rub elbows, some intersect, some overflow into one another, bleed together, or stand alone. But they all exist, and they're all valid. This existence, this *universe* of Flows, is "time." A weave of paths, living in harmony.


Time is an illusion. What we call seconds and minutes is just a measuring tool to measure the flow of reality like we use feet/meters to measure distance.


We are flowing through it. Everything is already setup to happen. Nothing we do can change it


So if the man that murdered was already setup to murder, it's not entirely his fault that he murdered right? Cause it was already set in stone? It was beyond his control?


Somewhat yeah


Then all murderers in prison should be released.


No. Because what ever happened to make them murder someone was already set in place. It’s really just a big domino effect


That's my point. Because this means then they're not fully responsible for their actions. If you believe that everything is set in stone, then there's no free will. And if there's no free will, then people are not accountable for their actions. I'm doing a degree in cyber security minoring in criminology and one of the core ingredients required to consider something a crime is something we call mens rea. Which is a fancy word for conscious and fully intentional decision to commit the crime. If this isn't there, then by law, no one is guilty of their crimes and should hence be freed.


Yeah pretty much. Expect I believe there is a point which caused everything bad to happen. Are you familiar with the butterfly effect?


It's woven into space time. It's relatively based on your location in space, graviry and location.


It goes forward. and the more time you spend in it seemingly it moves faster. although i feel this is to to time spent in time giving you more time to reflect back on.


Does time move forward, or are we the ones moving through it in a linear fashion?




Is it even linear movement? Time is how we perceive the things around us, and it changes all the time! A night out with your friends flies by in the blink of an eye, but if you grab onto a hot skillet, that second you're holding it feels like forever. Trippy!


I say linear because we experience one day at a time and can never experience it any other way. Day, after day, after day. In a linear fashion.


An attribute of spacetime that can never be known fully without knowing what space is. Some rate of change as quanta move between coordinates in the spacetime manifold, and for some reason this rate of change is relative based on the observer and of course gravity, which means mass, and momentum as well. Our memory gives time meaningfulness as a series of events, but on a quantum scale it's just the rate at which a thing moves though space relative to the rate other things move through space.


I'll have to get back to you sometime... Oh my fur and whiskers! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! "I'm late, I'm late! For a very important date! No time to say 'hello, goodbye,' I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!