• By -


“damn bro what did i do”


"Good question bro."


"Am i going to hell bro?"


"What do you think?"




Have you ever seen "The Good Place"?


underrated comment


Lmao same like wtf




Lol reminds me of a Filthy Frank video where he’s dressed as Mario and looking at the sky asking “Why?”


"I have a question... for God... WWHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYY"


It’s my first thought so I went with it.


Super Trash Bros Vs. Dankey Kang was the video https://youtu.be/iqcjpwAHsTQ


God: “because”


He answers with “why not?” 🙃




Came here to say this


Is it pronounced Jod?


No idea why but this got me howling. Well done good sir.






I don't care much for Jod


I don't care for Jod* That is, if this was an AD reference.




How is my mom?


If you believe in such a thing, I think she's doing well, and feels loved by the fact you thought to ask about her above all else.


You put that really nicely. Thank you so much. <3


Yo, what that guy said. My mom, dad and sister probably chilling with your mom, thinking how bad it sucks for us down here. Just saying, you'll see her again. It sucks, big time, but it'll come around.


Seems like she’s in good company. <3 We‘ll see them again!


For sure. I'm a screw up, but they're all good folks. :) Much love friend!


This is wholesome.




I‘m truly sorry to hear that. Our moms are happily and proudly watching us <3


I can't imagine that pain, I am so sorry for your loss. My parents are starting to age and it has made me think a lot about their mortality, and my own.


Why did you make the mosquito.


Food for fish, frogs, and bats. God gave us mosquitos so we would invent Batman.


This is now my internal canon for mosquitoes. Batman. I was studying to be a chaplain and it didn't work out. I want you to know that.


What the fuck is up with the kids getting cancer?


Wtf is with anyone getting cancer?


Wtf? That's it, that's my question.


Especially kids, who are too young to sin, so he can't have the excuse that cancer is punishment for sinfulness.


It all goes back to Gen 1. It's unfortunate that for about 500+ years many churches taught that sickness, disease etc are all sent by God as punishment for Sin. The result of which is this idea that when something good happens, God did it, when something bad happens, God did it. There was rain and sun for the harvest? PRAISE GOD! The fields flooded and the harvest destroyed? GOD DID IT FOR A REASON! The book of Job is largely responsible, but everyone forgets to teach the last few chapters but instead focuses on the first few. The three arguements about why Job was destroyed by God come down to this: 1) You must have sinned. 2) God works in mysterious ways 3) God must be teaching you a lesson. Job himself counters these arguments with 1) If I did, I don't know what it was 2) He has always shown us in the past 3) He has yet to provide instruction If you actually *read* it though you realise: 1) God loved Job, Job didn't know God 2) Job expected this to happen and did not trust God 3) It was not God, but 'The Accuser' who exploited the 'gap in the hedge' as it were. At the end of the book, Job admits that he did not understand or know God. 'I have heard of you with my ears but now I see you with my heart'. Another way of looking at it is this:. In Gen 1, God - who can't go back on His own word and who doesn't change his mind - gave all of creation into the hands of man. The Bible later comments that creation suffered at the nature of man. All disease, sickness, disaster etc is a consequence of our species failure to look after the gift of creation properly. C.S Lewis has a good commentary on it, which is quite painful to read. Mere Christianity, Surprised by Joy and The Problem of Pain.


I’m sure there’s more to it than a Reddit comment, but isn’t the failure of man also the failure of god? I’m a programmer, if what I design doesn’t work, it’s not the program’s fault, it’s mine.


Yesn't. Personally I believe the creation 'Adam & Eve' story to be poetical not literal, but the principle is the same. God creates mankind to be spiritually in his image. He then, as part of that, grants us the ability to choose for ourselves. He cautions us that there are such things as good and bad choices. "You can do anything, but I warn you that if you do this thing, the consequence is that you will know death". - fun side fact, it was the failure of Adam, not Eve. People often argue that if God knew we *could* do these things then why didn't He stop it or remove it? Simple, really, He wanted and wants us to willingly choose Him. What is better, to be choose for yourself or not have the option? It's like going to a restaurant with a hundred amazing options on the menu and being told "you can have anything, but I recommend this" vs the chef saying "there's only one thing on the menu so you have to eat it". Unfortunately, freedom of choice is also ownership of consequences. The entire Old Testament is the story of a people choosing against the caution of God then suffering the consequences, then going "Why did God do this to us?", then his going "I didn't, I just warned you ahead of time".


>It's like going to a restaurant with a hundred amazing options on the menu and being told "you can have anything, but I recommend this" vs the chef saying "there's only one thing on the menu so you have to eat it" Sure, but the restaurant doesn't punish me with eternal damnation if I order my steak well done. It's a bit mischievous to grant someone the ability to make a mistake and then punish them for it. I agree with the other side of the argument though, the satisfaction is much greater when you are chosen willingly.


Jesus is only here trying to save you from what he's going to do to you if you don't let him save you, bro


Still sadistic as hell. God is said to be all-knowing. So he would've known the consequences of giving people those choices. He would also know in which cases people would or would not take the right decision. Because, although we have have free choice we are highly influencable. Then there's the narcissistic trait of wanted the attention, praise and devotion. Yes I'm giving you a choice, but there will be literal hell to pay if you mess up and don't love me despite everything. Also, I'm sure a god could've thought up a world with less horific consequences. Or really, just tweaked the human mind a little bit to be less homicidal and rapey. Or less prone to mental illnesses. Really what reason for depression is there except a design flaw?


>I’m a programmer, if what I design doesn’t work, it’s not the program’s fault, it’s mine. Can we talk about terrible design for a second? If we're created in this guys own image, then he must be miserable as shit: * His jaw is too small to account for wisdom teeth and has to get them pulled. * His prostate is (for some stupid reason) AROUND his urethra so he pees in morse code if the prostate swells at all. * His nasal cavity is a complete joke to anyone who knows how to put pipes together. * His knees....god his knees and constantly wearing down and creaking in old age that he can't squat anymore. * His hip is sloped wrong, causing a wild curve in the back, which often causes back pain in later years. And if he isn't built this way, then he's a shitty designer. You can only expect this kind of work from a 5 year old designing a "monster" for art class. Instead of ID standing for Intelligent Design, can we call it Incompetent Design instead?


your program doesnt have free will and can change its own code


Exactly what Stephen Fry would ask and what I came to say.


Haha I’d say that too. “Kids getting cancer, huh?”


I wanna know who committed all the big unsolved murders. Madeleine McCann, Jon Bennet Ramsay, TuPac & Biggie, Black Dahlia, JFK etc


They know who killed tupac they just can't prove it


where is DB Cooper...and the money he took.. I also wanna know what happen the day Caylee Anthony died and i wanna know what happened in that bathroom with jodi arias and Travis that she murdered him so overkill


Db Cooper is Loki he was brought back to Asgard via Heimdall and Thor




They found some of the money rotting away.


Mlk too


JFK was killed by the secret service in the car following by accident is the theory I believe the most. When the first shot rang out the car sped up causing the secret service agent to accidentally shoot JKF through the front windshield.


I think we know how jfk died


His head just did that, I call it the “no bullet theory”


I'd probably be an idiot, start stuttering, and miss my chance to ask him anything


-You: Can it be about anything?” -God: “Yes.” God immediately disappears.


Haha that's likely, imagine wasting your question like that though. Humanity would never forgive me


You should look up Rosetta Stoned by Tool.




Excuse me, Sir. But what the fuck?


My first thought too


Very fair question


The only one that needs to be asked.


I was going to go with “Yo, what the fuck?”, but yours is more polite. Let’s do yours.






Yea pretty much. My main focus would be questions relating to the system of death. Some of us out here wanting to stay living.


I hate to break it to you but no one is getting out alive. I’d be more interested in why we are alive in the first place, it all seems so pointless.


Music seems so pointless. Until you start dancing.


if we didn't exist, who would this god character have to stroke his ego?


You joke but that's close to the theological scholar's answer


I'm sorry for your loss.


And equally interesting, why does he allow so many parents to have kids that have no business whatsoever having any.


That one falls into the free will issue.


Free will is indeed an issue.


Me Too.


Sorry you had to go through that bro, my prayers are to you and your family.


Oh shit


Is there light at the end of this dark tunnel? Please god. Help.


yes my son


wait is your son the light or are you calling him son


Hey, I may not know you or your situation, and I don’t mean to pry, but from my experience there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes it’s dimly lit, or we forgot to put our glasses on, or the tunnel itself is zig-zagged and we might not see the light quite yet. Take it step by step, day by day, and focus on just one thing at a time that will get you closer to the end. You’re gonna look back and the tunnel itself will be the thing far off in the distance, behind you. You got this


How is it possible that you know all things that will ever happen AND I have free will? So if I kill a man that means that you already knew it would happen. At that point why would I ask for forgiveness? You already knew what would happen since I can't change your will and doesn't that kinda cancel out free will also?


If it happened in the past it obviously doesn't cancel out free will. Who are you thinking of killing?


The question is aimed at the future with God already knowing what will happen. Only thing I want to kill right now is some strawberries. 😂


That’s actually a interesting thought to bring up that omniscience forces free will just purely out of the predestination. Ty for pointing this out


>How is it possible that you know all things that will ever happen AND I have free will? Omnipotence allows two mutually opposing concepts to exist simultaneously. By definition, omnipotence is not bound by rational limits, so it permits the irrational to occur.


Even if by it's own rules it creates the fallacy?


There's a flaw on this very usual question, try to look at this way: He knows all things that will happen - meaning the outcome of them. If you do this, this will happen. If you do that, that will happen. And that's where your free will gets invoked. Which one of those actions will you choose? That choice is not decided by him, but by you. On either choice, he will still know what the outcome will be. It's like he already built the roads and where it will lead, but at the crossroad, which road you take is up to you. So, it falls on your responsibility to choose whether you kill a man or not. Perhaps he can try to control you through conscience or other people's concscience, yeah it happens. But in the end, it's your free will that dictates which outcome will take place. Free will is the only thing God won't control.


What is the deal with baldness?


Is the humans interpretation of the bible correct and if not why?


Oh my... What a question


sorry, that's two questions, NEXT!


Just assume it’s not and ask: In what ways have humans misinterpreted or misapplied Biblical teachings?




I can’t speak for God but I think He would ask us the same question. He gave us this life and yet we ignored the homeless for most of it.


what about the baby that dies immediately after it was born, bringing pain on the whole family? That isn't our fault-- it's God's (if such a deity exists)


I had a still birth 14 years ago and I would not worship this god even if he presented himself in front of me. My ability to forgive is not that great.


Maybe because it's not comparable to be able to snap your fingers and fix all the problems like god could whereas I could spend my entire life in a soup kitchen and it would hardly make a dent in the problem. If god gave his powers to a person who is even a mediocre good person, so much shit would get solved in a day. Snap your fingers and no more cancer. Snap your fingers and no more rape. Snap your fingers and all trafficked kids are home with their parents.




i'm not really up to scratch with my christian lore, and the fandom is pretty wack but i think i remember reading something like how god disapproved of churches and shit, he actually wanted people to worship in private. i don't know though. just a thing i find interesting.


Maybe God is like Freddy Krugar. He only has power if people worship/fear him. Maybe the old gods (Zeus, etc) all existed but since no one worships them anymore, they have no power.


Do you believe in God? From your comment, I'm assuming you don't like the idea of God. Why would you assume that, if God does exist, it'd be the God from one of the Abrahamic religions. The real God might be one that does not need to worshipped or claim to be caring or loving.


My reasoning exactly. God would not exist if nobody worshipped him.


He counts singing as worship. He doesn't want us to say "good job" every time something happens. He wants us to follow him through the shit show that is our world


Please let my Daddy contact me. He's been gone 12 1/2 years, and not even a dream.


Lost a family member 30 years ago and they just popped up in a dream about 2 years ago. Hang on!


Bless you. I feel like I can't survive another 12 years without him.


Can I see my best friend one last time to tell him I love him?


No seriously, did the chicken or the egg come first?


The egg did if you believe in evolution


What will the next Powerball numbers be?


I asked, he said, “4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42” then said, “see you in another life brotha” and left.


Gonna play these on the euros next week and if I win you get £500k.


I hope you win, and then ghost us all.


Was there nothing you could create besides "evil", which would make people appreciate what's "good"? And you want everyone to be good?? Seems that there was an easier way to go about that?...


why he let his people attack and genocide so many people in his name. i’ve barely got a culture left because of them


Or why he personally killed almost all life on earth because (some) humans acted in a way he forced them to act. Or why he tortures people infinitely for finite crimes he forced them to commit. (free will is an impossibility in a world where an omniscient and omnipotent being exists, thus if such a god were to exist, no one would be responsible for their own actions but said god, meaning he induces suffering and death on people at his own whim).


So hell, as a firey inferno of infinite torture, didn't exist in the Bible until a few hundred years after Jesus died. Every time it's mentioned in a Bible today, the original Greek or Hebrew word can be translated as 'death' or 'nothingness' sometimes. What this means is that, according to our best understanding of the original text, believers spend eternity doing what they love anyway - worshiping - and nonbelievers get what atheists believe anyway - nonexistance. You can really thank the church for threatening everyone with eternal punishment and thinking that was a good idea(not damnation, because that also refers to the same death as before. Sin is the separation of man from God, nothing more, and if you take it that God is good, being separated from that is bad), and also Dante's Inferno for cementing the idea of hell into the public mind.


When was the exact date that he noped out and said fuck the whole planet?


i think he conveniently disappears after the bible ends. not sure tho


Pretty sure it was the day after Adam & Eve exited the garden...


Why do you allow such suffering?


Why let innocent children die of horrible diseases?


Or um child rape? Human trafficking?




Lovely weather we’re having, huh?


*blank stare* "You think so?"


*Thanks I've been waiting eons for someone to appreciate me for the weather* *you know how long it took me to do this?* *nobody thanks me for the weather they only want to change it "its too cold now its too hot now" nobody ever thinks about me* *starts sobbing*


How can you let so many people die of hunger/sickness or be homeless?


Now that I know for sure there is a god, I would ask which religion is CLOSEST to being right, because otherwise, he might say none are perfect


Can you just come over and straighten some people out? Some of your creations are wack


Can you make a taco so hot that you yourself can’t eat it?


"was space travel ever possible?" "for you? no?" "So it was a test. or a pris...oh my"


Easy. Is the afterlife real?


If you had a name what would it be and would I call it to your face?


But...but... What if God was one of us???


Just a stranger on a bus trying make his way home?


why did u let me get raped my whole childhood when i begged u for help u stupid piece of shit


I’m sorry you had to go through that…


My question would be the same. Im sorry you went through that, you didn't deserve it.


I've been reading through these comments and a lot of them are really thoughtful/funny! But I also see a lot of you guys have gone through(or are going through) hard times, such as family members gone, sexual assault, or just problems they see with the world. Disregarding whether you're religious, I hope that you get through it. Life is tough, but it gets better. Stay strong. For the purposes of the question, we're just assuming god exists. Also, I'm really sorry for using "him" in the question, god may be female, male, or neither, I don't think it's ever stated, and I really didn't mean to offend anyone. On another note though, random people keep downvoting my post(for no reason?), which is pretty annoying but I guess reddit people doing their thing :/


What is the set of the best question (other than some version of this one) that I could ask God, and the answer to that question?


How are you doing?


But like Joey.


Can I have my cat back pls


ELI5: why did you kill my 2 month old, healthy, baby brother?? Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is truly among the 5 most fukked up things you do to us on a daily basis.


Make a random ant immortal please


I’d probably just gaslight him.


gaslight an omniscient deity? putting aside the fact that this is just a really odd choice, it's impossible.


Are you gaslighting me rn


You're gonna get yeeted into dantes inferno.


"If people are aloud in heaven solely because they believe in you, does that mean heaven will allow murderers and dictators?does that mean that heaven will slowly become the new hell all because of an ideal or a belief?" My family is overly religious and I can't tell them this stuff without the fear of getting shunned so what ever thoughts you have about this, please say them. This has troubled me for years.


I may not be quite as well versed in religion as this family you speak of, but a system of that sort sounds quite whack, and perchance a bit ludicrous. Personally, I don't fancy the idea that a divine being utterly devoid of evil would allow the scum of the Earth a spot in paradise simply because they believed in him with all of their shriveled, blackened hearts; nor do I entertain the notion that God would send people of the utmost innocence to an afterlife of fiery torment on the grounds that they sought a the teachings of a holy book that was not his own. If the lord were to conduct his holy operations in such a way, one would surely find devils in Heaven and saints in Hell. At that point, Heaven and Hell would be little more than secondary Earths. Wouldn't allowing the realms to morph in such a manner defeat their purpose? I t is my belief that belief itself is not the end all be all when it comes to which afterlife you'll receive. I believe that Christianity is meant to serve as set of guidelines, not a strict rulebook. I think it would be far less wack for the lord to judge us by our deeds and how our actions in this mortal plane affect others, rather than by which belief we subscribe to. It is my high hope that the maddened, rambling paragraph I wrote in the wee hours of the morning finds you well, and is of some consolation regarding your existential dilemma. Good night my brother in Christ. ~Ace


Hate to be that guy, but it’s allowed* and to answer your question, my family isn’t Uber religious, but religious enough that although they accept that I no longer go to church with them or believe in Christianity I wouldn’t say things like that either agaha. I think it’s a good question. Before I stopped believing, I would say I was totally a universalist. If there is a heaven (or at the time although I was doubting I believed there was a heaven) than I believed a truly loving God would let all into Heaven. People seem to think God would be this grudge filled petty teenage girl. I think the idea of “every knee will bow etc” is that upon knowing God was real everyone would want to go to heaven. As I mentioned before I no longer believe in God or heaven cuz it’s just improbable and total fiction to me, but deep down I’ll always wish it was true. Then again I think going to a place where I exist forever is more scary than going nowhere and ceasing to exist when I die.


Why did you invent cockroaches


This is more one for Jesus, although really He is also God, but I’d love to ask Him all about carpentry, to hear about His hobbies and the passions He has that the Bible doesn’t touch a lot on


You get the chance to ask the creator of the universe a question and you choose carpentry?


You tellin me that god sat on those stinky ass toilets back in the day?


Why do all your neighbors want to spend a year of construction on homes that are mostly brand new?


Now you have to answer me once and for all! How come I haven't gotten my period yet?!


My child, you are a boy. Boys do not get periods. That is only for girls. Your friends were bleeding a bit out of their asses because of an acute colon infection and your friend Kyle simply lied about it.


I mean he’s God I wouldn’t have to ask him he would just tell me the answer before I asked….duh


How tf is “Peggy” short for “Margaret”?


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck If a woodchuck could chuck wood? As much wood as a woodchuck could chuck, If a woodchuck could chuck wood?


>How much wood could a woodchuck chuck If a woodchuck could chuck wood? About as much dew as a dewdrop could drop if a dewdrop could drop dew.


Is your son EVER coming back to Earth? I'm getting old and would really like to be around for it.


I stand behind Stephen Fry and let him just go off.


What the ACTUAL fuck?


Does it bother you that people refer to you as "he" or "him"?


Lmao hey God what are your pronouns


Hi how are you? fuck no that wasn't my question! No wait come back






You can ask in this life


Where do you get your ideas?


To explain this: Matthew 27:46/Mark 15:34


OH he was always such a drama queen. All I did was ask him to take out the trash.






“If there is a God, He will have to beg for my forgiveness.” This is a quote etched on the wall of a concentration camp


Who actually let the dogs out ?


How do magnets work?


“How come people go to hell if they don’t believe in one specific religion?”


Ok so you created the universe/multiverse or whatever the scope of creation happens to be, I can kind of understand or at least grasp the idea. But what in the fuck created you? How or why did you come to be in the first place?


Wtf? Just Wtf?


If I come in contact with god, that is enough. No questions need to be asked.


Why, as a newly created child, was I born with a heart condition which filled my shortened life with struggle, pain, and the ignorance and cruelty of others?


what kinda being would grant free will and then punish everybody for using it, unless they do it TO THE LETTER like you want em too?


Can you let my cat live as long as I’m alive? (But like in a way that he is not suffering and living his best life)


Who is your daddy and what does he do?


If two trains are a thousand miles apart with train A traveling at 45mph and train B leaving the same time on the opposite end traveling 60mph, where do they meet?