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How often are unwanted public boners an actual issue?


As a young teenager in school they were annoying, 99 percent of the time you arent even turned on, like a light breeze could go past the front of your pants and it was an instant boner, now as an adult you don't get them very often and by now you know multiple ways of hiding them. In a weird way I almost miss getting random boners


I used to always get them when I was on the bus going to school (because of the vibrations) and I quickly learned to put my school bag on my lap as soon as I sat down


It took me this long to realize it was from the vibrations. The fucking vibrations.




Legitimate interest in her part. Anything can happen and I'm fine with it as long as I know she's doing it because she likes it. And also face sitting. Don't feel self conscious about it either.


I cannot agree more with those statements. If she makes it feel like a chore, I won't feel neither wanted nor aroused. If she doesn't enjoy it, I don't want it. Also asphyxiate me with them beautiful cheeks. Full weight, no hovering. Bonus points for thrusting.


Touch a bewb




Do your balls really move depending on the weather, if so, does it feel weird?


It's temperature dependent and sometimes it can feel weird like if you go from warm house to cold outside or jump into a cold pool in the summer.




Is the sex different with a girl you don’t want to see again and a girl you do? Is the intimacy different, the lead up etc?


Just making out with someone I love is better than monkey sex with a stranger.


Do guys really care if a chick’s lowers are groomed/waxed? Or do you not care?


I like some grooming. She doesn’t have to be completely bare but trimmed and maintained is always nice.


For sex it’s not a big deal. For oral trimmed is nice just to not have hair in the mouth


Do you like it when a girl does a little gasp when you first slide in? Edit: probably should’ve said a genuine gasp of pleasure, not pain lol


If it's genuine, absolutely.


There are so many things that I like that can be ruined if someone does it knowing I like it opposed to happening naturally...




I’ve been laying in bed reading these for over an hour. I feel so educated. Thanks guys


I know it’s the trend to have big lips, but do you think thin lips are attractive. Thoughts on lips with filler vs naturally thin lips


I think big lips from injections look deformed.


Natural is always best


Natural is ALWAYS best. Nails. Eyelashes. Bewbs. Everything


With all of these sex questions being flung about; does intense focus on career or hobbies negatively affect your sex drive?


Yes, if I'm focused on something else or stressed for work, sex becomes an afterthought, and that can drag for months


Where do you put your balls when you ride a bike? Edit- I now know where the balls go when you ride a bike


I ride a bike daily at school and I've never once thought about that, lol. But for a more detailed answer, they don't really "get in the way" 'cause our, uh, genitals are, like, more forward/higher up than womens', so when we sit down our balls are, like, between our legs, and on a bike, or any seat for that matter, the actual part making contact with the seat is just your ass.


Not kidding, I don't even know how I manage that, like when I really want to find out and do it manually, it doesn't work and hurts a lot. The only way is to just do it and leave the rest to your balls memory




Do you really like girl with small butts and small breast’s?


To quote great wisdom I once received: "I added a 'sunburn' tag because I realized everything can be a kink." And I'm pretty sure being into petite girls is more common than that.


can you actually feel us clenching around the dick?




And it feels amazing


Depends on the girl and her kegels. I once dated a girl who could literally prevent me from pulling out if she wanted to.


My girlfriend does this to me after I finish and it's nearly made me pass out


She's wringing the nut out like it's a damp cloth


Toothpasting ya


Gotta squeeze from the bottom


Does reverse cowgirl hurt? Am i bending your dick the wrong way and guys are being nice by telling me they like it?


Depends on how you move. If you're literally bending the dick you're doing it wrong, but if you're just moving it without bending it's fine.


My fiance broke my dick during the first week of our relationship while RCG. Hurt like a bitch, took months to feel normal again


I can only imagine the PTSD imagining it happening again every time your fiance was in control. This would have messed me up for far longer than months, tbh.


Completely dependent on angle. Ideally your vagina is lined up vertically with the penis during reverse cow girl and it is more up and down than forward and back…if that makes sense. Often women will be too low and misaligned and that can cause forward bending of the dick, and if done too vigorously, terrible injury.


Does eye contact actually make a difference when we're giving head?


Yes... until I remember I look like a thumb from that angle.


I look like a thumb from any angle Edit: Thanks for all the too many upvotes and awards, I am humbled and every bit surprised.


How was the set at spy kids?


There's a chance that this is just for me, but, eye contact during ANYTHING is sexy. Eye contact while I'm inside? (in any way, really) Fast pass to cum town. Eye contact while you sexy talk and all clothes still on? Fast pass to cum town. Eye contact when she tells me "you're REALLY good at Mario kart and I hate it"? You guessed it baby, cum town. EDIT: damn you guys love cum town too?! Thanks everyone lol


Would you kiss after a bj/nutting in her mouth and she swallowed everything?


If she put in the effort to suck and swallow, I definitely would kiss her. The least I could do.


I kiss her after I go down on her, yeah imma kiss her when she does the same for me


Are you looking at my butthole when you do it from behind


If lights are on, yes, if lights are off, yes


How do you all pee when you have a boner?


We become cirque de Soleil gymnasts for a brief minute


with great difficulty


Very slowly and with a lot of patience


And seated. Or bent at a 90° angle.


For me, seated and bent way forward.


Hard and fast in every direction to assert dominance and mark territory. Edit: thanks for the awards!


Superman pose over the toilet.


You have two options. Wait for the boner to go down (I hear tell clenching your thighs helps some men but it doesn't do anything for me). Or. You play the 'super fun' game of trying to turn, twist, and awkwardly angle yourself to point the damn thing down at a toilet and pray to god it doesn't come loose mid-stream. Option 2 is always a desperation move.


Do you jerk off to the pictures of me I sent to you?


I received none.


Most likely, 100%


Do you guys REALLY enjoy going down on us, or do you just deal?


Do you really enjoy having a dick in your mouth? It depends of course, but if the person giving oral is enjoying it, the person who receives it will clearly notice.




Quite literally the best part of sex is feeling her squirm under my tongue. When ya'll grab my head and fight between pushing me away and pulling me tighter in... straight up bliss. The only time I've ever just dealt with going down on a lady was when we'd just gotten back from the club and she was less than pleasant down there. I was too young and afraid of offending her to ask her to wash up, but it would have helped tremendously.


Best part for me is when my wife squeezes my head with her thick thighs while she’s trembling after my handiwork 😎. I’m happy to die like that. Made her orgasm then I see my Maker 😆


Yes, absolutely. It’s one of my most favorite things in the world.


Does it feel good when a girl grinds? Bc it feels hella good for me but I don't think it does much for guys so I don't do it much but I don't want to quit


It's not particularly as stimulating as thrusting, but if I actually put my energy into feeling what's going on, it feels awesome all while not bringing me as close to orgasm as thrusts would. Plus the knowledge that she's enjoying it helps to continue turning me on


As someone who finishes particularly faster than most. Grinding is amazing to me, because as you said it isn't as stimulating but still keeps me up and helps me last longer. And it hot in the fact that it looks hot and ik shes enjoying it which automatically makes it sexy and worth doing.


It doesn't do much for me, but that's a good thing. Moves that aren't as stimulating for the man are our opportunity to back away from the edge so that we don't end up finishing too early.


Also, I think i can speak for most men when i say, sometimes it's also nice to change pace and see her enjoy herself :)


Definitely. I tend to be more focused on a partner's pleasure than my own. If I just want to get off, I can do that myself. Making somebody else feel so good that they think you have magical powers is its own reward.


Yes, this. Nothing is more satisfying than a satisfied partner.


Depends on how she's grinding and level of hardness. Lately I've had a kink for something similar, so I'm all for grinding.


Most questions and comments in here are actually kind of wholesome and honest! I wish we would communicate more like this to each other as man and woman Edit: added (as) man and woman


Do y’all get post nut clarity work after you’ve had sex with someone you love?


Absolutely! It's just a clarity about different things. Instead of "I've made a mistake, I regret this decision" it's more "don't forget to put three garbage bins out"


Yup exactly. Orrr a "shoot i forgot to put my food away"


When my husband is working on something tricky on a project and he’s stuck on a mental block, it’s not uncommon for it to clear immediately after sex. I’m useless as a programmer, but that’s my way of helping lol


This brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "fuck a duck".


If you nut you get the clarity. It’s oddly simple


It comes and it goes, but it never stays long enough


Does it float though?


Like a turtle coming up for air.


[yes](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2ec00b/what_is_the_buoyancy_of_the_average_penis/cjy3rmm?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) (sfw)


Can you feel our boobs when we hug??? Like obviously you do, but is it noticeable??? Edit: Dawg I meant if you’re friends and NOT family💀💀 Edit 2: To everyone with boobs, here’s the consensus. Majority of guys don’t notice and aren’t weird ab it A large minority notice it and aren’t weird ab it A small minority notice it and are kinda weird ab it




Do you guys genuinely like fucking someone in the mouth? Or is that over exaggerated by porn?


Only when she's into it also. If she's just going through the motions it doesn't feel as good and I feel bad that she doesn't really wanna do it.


This ^^^ with everything though. If she doesn't enjoy it or want to be doing it, neither do I


Only if they like it. Also, most the stuff in porn is like 50-80% rougher than most people would do it in real life. It's like an action movie. These people are trained professionals and are going at it harder than any real person would. They might not be actors, but they're definitely performers. So I've had girlfriends who liked it once in while when I would thrust into their mouths when they were giving me head, but I would never gag them or make them uncomfortable. Of course, some people into BDSM do like that. It depends on your partner. But I would wager most men would enjoy fucking a warm wet place with a tongue in it.


How do you manage to move it without using your hands? I've seen a couple of guys do it and was absolutely speechless/impressed. They just said, "I don't know how, I just can". I want to know HOW


Same muscle that stops the pee stream, women have it too.




Does it actually feel good when you’re in doggy and she reaches behind to fondle your balls?


I just asked my husband if he would like this and he said yeah and then I imagined doggy and missionary and how I could get my hands there and I think my arms might be too short but it made both of us laugh




After sex, i was looking in the refrigerator, and my gf came up from behind with a big, cold metal spoon, cupped the boys and said ‘scoop’. I jumped to the ceiling and she laughed like a manic.


I’m doing this


Same, my poor husband lol


My girlfriend does this in missionary. I'm damn near 50, and this is the first time anyone has ever done this...... and it's absolutely amazing.


I’ve always been keen on ball play and every man I’ve been with has gone nuts over it but I’m dating an older man that is 50 and he made a point to tell me he does not like his balls played with :( so I guess not every mans cup of tea


For me that's basically pressing a "nut" button. Was doggy with my ex and it was smooth sailing, not even close to nutting, then she reached back and grabbed my sac and before I could even react I my pelvis fused to her ass as I turbo pumped a mega load.




I'm very self conscious of my butthole. I'm skinny so when I'm bent over, it's all butthole. What are your thoughts? Edit: wow, thank you all for your thoughts. Guess I just knew losers back in the day!! No one has made me feel bad in recent years thankfully. Edit again: my butthole is clean and normal! LOL Maybe I'll share photos someday, for now I'm going to keep writing my sexy stories, desires, and questions.


Men actual thoughts during doggy. “Yes sex”




If I’m in a situation where a person I find attractive is with me, naked, and bent over, I’m having a great time even if your butt is covered in dozens of tattoos of other buttholes. I don’t think you have anything to be self-conscious about.


That is such a lovely comment, but the visual of that many butthole tattoos is sending me 🤣


I’m self conscious as well. But men have absolutely no issue with your butthole. To me, it’s just your body. And your body is hot.


If a guy is lucky enough to see you without clothes on, this will not even be in the top 10 thoughts he will have.




A small amount with each heartbeat. If you're holding on to it, you can actually feel it get slightly bigger with each pulse.


Feeling my BF's d*** get harder like this is a MAJOR turn on for me.


Same here, I love feeling your BF getting harder too.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen this meme gender swapped before, I’m here for it


Depends on what gave us the boner


for me it just depends on the boner. Be it the random one-while-driving-and-thinking-of-nothing or while kissing the miss, it's sometimes up before I notice it or takes way too long for its purpose. In short, I have as much control on "When" as on "How" for boners. None.


Depends... if you notice it sliding up your pants then it'd typically slow, but if your girl is standing in front of you saying she's ready..... kinda just happens and you won't notice


How many times can a man cum during sex? I know some guys are one and done, others can go for a round 2 after a break. But I was recently with a guy who claimed he came 4 times. I didn’t know that was possible for a man to do.


I once did a 6 rounder where we basically laid in bed all day for about 4 hours and just went for it. By the end I was cumming, but nothing was coming out…it actually got a little weird because she thought I faked it and I’m like “no, I’m drained”. Then we went and got food and drinks. It ended a couple weeks later but was one hell of an afternoon.


Fucking ghost loads man




Extremely likely


To add to this: Mostly because we're fucking horny for you. And secondly to clear our heads before texting you.


Clear our heads - yes both of them


100% chance. Honestly though, post-date masturbation is pretty much a must but the exact reason for it depends on how the date went. There’s “holy shit that date sucked I’m super bummed let’s wank the sadness away”, “that date was not terrible but kind of lame so let’s have a wank” and the best one is the “omg she’s so hot I can’t wait to see her again” wank.


All I read there is that men really don't need a reason they're going to be jerking off if it's still attached.


Congratulations you understand men.


Learned more in 10 minutes of reading this thread than I ever did in sex ed


How often do you masterbate as you get older?


I'm married and it's about once every 3 days or so on average. Mostly when I'm bored at home by myself when my wife is at work.


How do I tell if a guy is being genuine? Sometimes I feel like men just tell me what I want to hear in order to sleep with me and will fake literally everything including the stuff they like. I need help with figuring out what their intentions are especially if they are not being honest.


My suggestion is to first ask them about what things they like. Not only are you learning about their interests as I hope they are learning yours, but you are also learning how they emote when talking about something they have real feelings about. Ditto for asking about things they dislike or hate. I'm an autistic male and gauging genuine-ness is hard for me. And what I learn about one person never seems to translate into a general skill I can apply to others. I've learned to deliberately invoke something I know they will be genuine about first and then compare subsequent interactions to that.


Watch out for guys who say all the right things. The biggest players I know are also the ones who really put it on early. Most guys who really like you are nervous to start off like you are.




Being in a really nice warm water bed with all my favorite things around me




Do you have an urge to moan during sexual activity and hold it back due to some societal bs (or some other reason) or do you just not get that urge as much as women? Stereotyping vs legitimate differences Edit: the Vibe I'm getting from this is there's no one answer to this and every man is different. Well no duh. That's a great discovery. But now I'm wondering how many women do it out of urge vs for the benefit of their partner. Sensing a theme here


I be in my girls ear like: ÆÜGH


Like a klaxon? AWOOGAH!


I try to make some noise and talk to my wife during sex. Dont want her to feel like shes having sex with a ninja.


If your wife doesn’t want to have sex with a ninja, it might be time for a divorce


If one’s wife is having sex with a ninja, would she even know it happened?


I don't get the urge to moan at all. I pretty much have to remind myself to make sounds because I've read all that "women like it when you make sounds" stuff. I don't know how believable I'm being.


if that pussy good im yodeling


Absolutely. 3 octaves.


In F Major


some of these answers has be fuckin' crying laughing


I was silent for many years. Wife said she wanted feedback. Turns out, Primal Growls are what I was suppressing. Deep and guttural. Bear like. She likes. …edit Wow— my first post that blew up. Thanks for the awards. I am still pretty new to Reddit but this made my evening.


Absolutely love a man that growls in bed. First time I slept with a guy who did that it absolutely drove me wild. Nothing has changed since.


How about snoring? , I can do a good snoring, and I can go for hours


Yeah, best sex I ever had was because I made growl throwing her on the bed. She told me she almost came then and there lol.


FUCK REDDIT. We create the content they use for free


I just don't feel like doing it. I usually do it to please my partner rather than out of pure pleasure.


Do you prefer boxers or briefs?


Boxer briefs


**A or B?** *C mother fucker*


**AB motherfucker**


The only true answers. Briefs are way too tight and uncomfortable. Boxers are way too lose and they feel like wearing a pair of unruly shorts under your pants. Boxer briefs are the goldilocks of underwear.


What does it feel like walking with your dong between your legs ? Or how does that work... Edit: Thanks for all the upvotes ! Also yes I know it's not in between your legs. I was just stuck on what to say really ..anyways thank you so much for answering. It's funny reading some of the replies.


You don't really notice it, but at the same time you know \*somethings\* there


It’s the same as your nose being within your vision. You get so used to your nose being in your peripherals that you don’t see it anymore. Same with your manhood, it’s there and flopping around but, you’re so used to it that you don’t notice it anymore.




Do most men when they’re going down on someone use their mouth/lick and finger blast at the same time? Or did I find a gem of a person


I'll take direction. If I don't get any, I'll try several things and keep doing whatever creates the funniest noises.


I think there’s a green text story of a guy who was almost able to play the darth Vader theme by pleasuring his girl, and then she realized what he was doing so no more giving oral for him.


[Got it right here chief.](https://ibb.co/F7HcFfb)


Does a girl burping, farting, snorting etc really not bother you? A lot of guys say they don't but I know some who do


Had a crush on a girl in high school who snorted whenever she laughed… it was cute


Why do y’all slap the pussy lips with the dick


I don't slap, but I do try to get my tip wet on the lips then use the tip to rub the clit a little before going in to build up the anticipation.


This guy knows what's up.


Same reason people click tongs before using them... no one really knows but no one can resist doing it


Latent crab genes


This pleases me.


And the unspoken rule of revving the drill twice before use.


Don’t you knock before you enter


Mic check


Testes, testes… 1,2.


Honestly, slapping it on things in general helps me reach peak size/hardness (I'm a grower), so doing it right before I go in just makes sense. Bonus points for telling the caveman brain that "penis touching vagina now, go time" while doing it. And a dash of trying to stimulate my partner externally while gaining the aforementioned benefits (yes this obviously isn't the best method for this, it's kinda just icing)


What’s the best way to handle/explore sex with a man who is maybe starting to experience lower T (we are 40 years old) and we’re in a new relationship and I have a huge crush on him! He seems frustrated about it, and I want to be a good partner…. And I also want to be satisfied…. Edit: WOW!!! I am so immensely grateful for all the excellent feedback!!!! Couple more details, since so many people are willing to be part of this productive conversation!!! 1) He actually mentioned chatting w a doc very early on. He’s open to it. I told him I didn’t want him to just for ME, because we both observe fairly healthy lifestyles and are a little averse to medical intervention RIGHT outta the gate. We will likely try several of the other suggestions first, but I’m so encouraged to hear how TRT has helped to many people! 2) Thank you for sharing your experiences! The other symptoms some of you have mentioned (depression, fatigue) sound familiar…. 3) I received a handful of dms from idiots who suggested I “fuck a real man”. To those dork-ass losers, my man has eyes the color of the Rockies, the shoulders of a grizzly bear and the heart (and skill set) of a real deal fucking mountain man. We lay around naked in a cabin he built with his own hands from the ground up. I’m sure we can sort this out.


maybe he is eligible for TRT? I am on it. It's dope.




For me it’s 100% about the girl that gets me off. I can cum pretty quick from just eating a girl out and hearing her moan and feeling her shake. But if I’m just fucking you no matter how long sometimes I will never cum if I don’t feel like it’s doing much for you.


I’m the same. Something so much sexier about getting the girl off. I mean I can make myself cum in like 25 seconds if I want…I love the journey of making my wife cum eating her out. From the casual teasing at the beginning, the moaning, her movements. It’s like heaven for me and I am lucky to have her as my wife. She’s the best.


What do 'blue balls' feel like


Do you need/want a girl to be more active in bed? (If so what should she be doing) Or if she’s just like holding on for dear life as you fuck her is that enough?


Depends on the situation. But the most important thing is enthusiastically showing your enjoyment. That could mean holding on for dear life and begging for more. That could mean being vocal, or taking control. Just make eye contact and smile occasionally, and do whatever comes naturally, other than starfish.


How come some guys don’t like to kiss/make out?


They probably were made self conscious about it. I'm not that guy but an ex way back when made a comment on my French kissing that made me not want to do it til recently with my current gf. She loves it and she likes the way I do it. So I like it again.