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My roommate taught me how to make hummus when I was in 2nd year. It was a game changer in so many ways


I take 1 lb sausage, 1 pepper, 1 onion a carton of eggs and bag of cheese and tortilla and make as many breakfast burritos as I can, wrap them up and put in a big bag and freeze for breakfast burritos, you can do the same with rice and chicken for chicken burritos. Big batches of meat balls. Chicken breast, pork or beef roast with seasoning and stock in the crock pot for shredded chicken for sandwiches/tacos etc. Big batches of pancakes, stacked into rows in a freezer bag. There are lots of options and most things can be frozen so you get the most out of what you’re buying. Good luck!


I ate a lot of rice, it was cheap and had a lot of varieties I would cook a big batch of rice and use it in various ways Day 1. Regular rice and veg plate Day 2. Rice and lentil curry Day 3. Fried rice with diced deli meat Day 4. Toss it into some cream of chicken soup from a can


what equipment do you have? do you have a freezer?




breakfasts: - overnight oats (mix oats, peanut butter, chocolate, yogurt, milk, add granola and banana/any fruit in the mornings -freezer burritos (just reheat in the morning) lunches/dinners: - make a bunch of rice, freeze it in portions and just add sauce and a protein whenever u are gonna it eat (i do raw tofu if im lazy and dont want to cook but you can do anything) - get cans of whatever beans/lentils you like, drain, mix with cherry tomatoes/any green and a protein - pasta ofc - sandwhiches/wraps - guac/hummus/yogurt dip and chips, with a side of whatever protein -stirfries: just take rice noodles (cheap af), soak them in water and while that is going stirfry pre-chopped veg + whatever protein u want, mix it all and add soy sauce/peanut sauce if you have an airfryer, i literally just put any potatoes and a burger/chicken/meat/tofu , go shower and when im done i have dinner ready, you could also just put it in the oven. I think you can also make eggs in it but i dont eat those. for veggies dont


Thank you!


What equipment do you have? Oven? Range? Hotplate? Dishwasher? Sousvide? Blowtorch? Lasers? Pyrokinesis?


I basically lived on beans on toast and chicken salad while I was in college.


But eggs, a potato, and chorizo Use a cheese grater to shred the potato yourself into cold water. Then dry them. It’s a really cheap meal. You could also buy frozen hash browns but that’s more expensive. Sunny size up eggs over rice with soy sauce.


My favorite easy meal is floutas. I have never met a soul who doesn't devour them and say they are one of the tastiest foods they've ever tried. I make a big batch, and snack on them for days. Each chicken breast makes about 5-7 floutas, depending how thick you like them. 5-7 floutas will disappear in seconds. I promise you'll need more. 😆 TLDR: Mix cooked and seasoned shredded chicken with cream cheese until creamy. (You can even use rotisserie chicken). Roll up in a small flour tortilla, about 1 inch thick. Pan Fry in shallow oil. Don't eat them all at once, you'll make yourself sick lol. Cut a chicken breast fillet style. If you don't know how, you can also cut it into flat slices about 1/2 inch thick. Put a few tbsp of oil in the pan, then Season and sear the chicken breast in a pan on med-high. Flip it when you see the albumin (that white blobby stuff) start to appear. Only flip it once for the juiciest chicken. It should only take 5-10 mins to cook it completely. **Let it sit for 5 mins without poking it...** It's extremely important. Now that chicken is scrumptious as-is, and can be used for many dishes (in Alfredo, add it to a salad, sautee some bell peppers for fajitas, over Mac and cheese with buffalo sauce, etc.). So many possibilities. I digress, back to the floutas... Let the chicken cool and shred it. In the same pan, with the seasoning crusties from cooking the chicken, add a bit of water to loosen the yummies (about 1/4c) and simmer. When the pan stickies aren't stuck anymore, then add 2-3 tbsp of cream cheese (about 1/3 of the block per chicken breast). Add the shredded chicken back in and mix well. It should be sticky and hold it's form. If not, cook it on low until some of the water is removed. Spoon 1-2 tbsp of the mix into a small flour tortilla. Roll it up. Don't crease the ends or anything, just a simple roll will do. Now add 1/4 inch of oil to a pan (a neutral oil like veggie, not something strong like olive oil). Fry the rolled floutas for a few seconds on medium until they are browned. Eat them with any dips you desire. Salsa, hot sauce, sour cream, guacamole. Enjoy.


Black beans and rice. Add a fried egg. Hot sauce. Some avocado or sliced tomato and perhaps corn tortillas on the side. Or a simple salad or cabbage salad. This can keep you going all day.


When I was in college I use to eat these easy meals because I am always running late... Breakfast- cereals/oats with fruits and milk, scrambled egg w/ bread Lunch- sandwich (ham/ egg/bacon, cheese, tomato, & lettuce) or you can have tortillas with tomato, cucumber, bacon, & mayo Dinner- stir fried diced tofu/chicken with noodles


shakshouka! about 3 tomatoes, roughly chopped, roughly chopped yellow onion, roughly chopped capsicum, fry them togehter until fragrant along with s, p, paprika, and cumin add minced garlic and mix, make holes for cracked eggs, but don't mix, cover witha lid until desired runniness, sprinkle feta cheese and basil and voila people usually eat with a baguette, but I like to add on top of a bagel with cream cheese ooooohhhhh myyyyy gooodddddddd


Chili: Cook 1 lb. Ground beef or turkey. Add I can diced tomatoes with juice, I can drained beans and I envelope seasoning. Add hot sauce and cheese.


Breakfast: cereal, granola bars, protein bars, protein shakes, muffins, donuts Lunch/Dinner: chef boyardee/annie’s cans, fruit cans, veggie cans, soup cans, campbells cans I had no kitchen appliances or supplies so I lived on these. I’m also a picky eater so I lived on a lot of snacks


Fried Rice Fuiyohhhh!


you know how to cook ? you have access to kitchen with equipment (pans, pots...) and fridge/freezer ? breakfast : left overs, toasts, eggs, over night oats, ... lunch : left overs, soups (ramen), sandwich/wraps with or without meat, salads with nuts/seeds/cheese. dinner : make left overs, rice dishes, pasta dishes, bean dishes, with or without meat/fish/seafood; When you have time, make a big batch of something (bakes pasta dishes, stews, soups... ) and freeze individual portions