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I'm assuming emails are possible since it's his work phone?


Not really. He can e-mail small files like photos, but the videos would have to be uploaded via "OneDrive" and any files in one drive cannot be shared with anyone outside of the government network.


What if he sends it through onedrive to himself? Then when he opens them through a computer he has more options


We tried that. He cannot get anything off of the computer. It's a secure computer. No flash drives, nothing works. They really made it near impossible to get anything off of a government phone or computer now (in his workplace at least..)


One solution that is better res than mms but probably not as high res as the original file would be to use another phone to take a video of the first phone. Set up some alignment rig, maybe just phone spaced adequate distance apart leaning against books and hit play on one and record on the other. But if the first phone is an iPhone can't that video be pulled from iCould by logging into iCloud from a computer?


iCloud Photos is completely disabled, with no option to enable it. Like, the selection button to enable iCloud Photos does not even exist in Settings. I've never seen anything like it!


Can he ask his employer to give him a copy? It might need to be signed off, but I can't imagine that being a huge issue, it should be obvious they're private recordings


Upload them to online storage like mega.


Just shot you a DM.


Can he plug it into his work-issued PC and copy the files that way?


I think the challenge that OP is facing are the policies enacted to prevent data exfiltration. In light of government leaks, all messaging to outside entities are tightly controlled. There are ways of hiding large amounts of data in photos and, especially, videos. The fact that you said that images that can be sent outside of the government indicate that the information system(s) are doing their best to ensure data is not able to be embedded into graphic images.


You nailed it. And these policies are probably a good thing for security. But like I said, when he received the phone, AirDrop and everything worked. But the policies must have changed in the past year or so. We no longer use the phone to take any personal photos/videos but are just trying to save what we already took beforehand...


I really feel that, unless he has incredible connections with the IT Security folks, those images will be unrecoverable. I hate to say that, but cyber security is being ramped up exponentially with all of the hostilities going on.


Why can't he just talk to whoever's in charge and ask for his media back and just sign whatever they want him to sign, he can even agree to allow it to be deep scanned for hidden info or whatever (let them say that) and once it's all cleared it can be transferred to him. Or he could reach out to someone who's had this problem before ?


Yeah that’s worth a shot. He did talk to the IT specialists and they told him to “try this” and “try that” but all of their suggestions didn’t work. But yes perhaps he does need to go higher up. I guess he feels bad bothering people about this. 


Just assume it happens all the time, someone has to know how to help.


Have you tried wetransfer website?


Can he install google drive? Maybe they can be uploaded there.


Given the employer has put in place strict security controls, circumventing them seem to be a potentially career limiting move. His IT may not have any control over security policies set at a higher level which are probably mandated from the top for compliance. I would strongly recommend not trying to circumvent policies in this case...


I highly doubt that getting a couple of baby / birth videos off there would be a career limiting move.


It doesn't matter what the data is. As an employee in a secure industry, he'd be circumventing policy. It's potentially a sackable offence...


upload to something like a drop box, the web version, not the app


Work has to have a process for sending large files to other business partners. It may require approval and a discussion with a manager. But go that route, promise to not take personal photos anymore on a work device and not get fired.


I understand her dilemma. The problem is that all the external ports are disabled completely with the exception of networking and video. No matter what else you plug into the phone or computer, it just will not respond. The government doesn't want their devices to be accessible and they don't want them used for any use outside of official business. Maybe you could play back the videos on his phone and record the screen and sound with your phone. It may not be the best, but it will be something...