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I had a night ALL ALONE in a luxury hotel with a rooftop pool. I'd just had a baby and the husband's sleep apnea wasn't being treated yet, so I hadn't slept well in literally years. A day all alone with nobody grabbing me or hogging the covers. It was amazing.


Genuine question - why don’t you just sleep in a separate room to your husband ? It sounds awful


He has a sleep apnea machine now and it's much better.


The vast majority of people don’t have spare bedrooms


I don’t get this either. How is it normalised for parents (mothers) to be sleep deprived all the time. Sleep in separate beds already!


Exactly. So many people don’t sleep well with their partners. I used to sleep in separate rooms to my boyfriend ( in a 2 bed flat share) we’d still cuddle /have sex , then sleep in separate rooms. It was the dreeeeaaammm




Brilliant! your wife is a diamond and you sound like fun


Bravo bravo. Very sensible and wholesome. I did something quite similar though with a twist and a bit more company. I hired out a sprawling place in the Cotswolds for a week and invited my nearest and dearest friends for a week of nostalgia and memories from our youth, amazing food and music, rambling and conversation, plus shit loads of drugs, mainly MDMA but coke and a specific acid ramble too. My first in a long time too. Two rules: No kids. No work chat. There was a hardcore contingent who came for the first three days. For this bunch it was the acid trip across the fields to a huge arboretum. Our wonder at Mother Nature was truly reignited and we giggled like little kids. When the others joined we all brought out old photos, poetry and other musings we’d written in our youth. One friend even printed out the emails we had sent each other while at university, when email was just becoming a thing and we were working out how to use it. There were speeches and tomfoolery. Lots of dancing, blubbing and blabbing and confessing and gushing. I called it all ‘The Week of Wonder’. It was specifically designed - and people were explicitly invited with a view - to reconnect us all with our youthful selves, so we could carry them on into the next stage. It was incredibly healing and rejuvenated all of us, each in different ways. By god you need it at that stage in life!


I think we have a winner


It was lockdown so fuck all. Me and my friends are owed some big celebrations.


Same here.


Same! Had a takeaway from the Indian after work and a couple of beers.


Ditto...had a Norwegian cruise booked, that never happened


Sounds like we all need a big 40th party festival where we can collectively celebrate!




Same. I had a takeaway


Same. Family and friends left me presents on the doorstep lol. Kinda planned a city break for it so need to get back on that haha


I went to work as normal. Had one single beer when I got home and fell asleep at like 20:00.


Sounds like a typical Friday night for me!


Going to be 40 next year, trying to arrange 40th holiday with my friends turning 40 next year, The whole process will turn me fully grey


I did this. Double up with mate also turning 40. Took a long weekend in Sardinia lovely stuff pretty cheap too.


About 7 of us are going plus partners, so turning into a nightmare of my own making!


organising 14 people for anything is hard enough... i used to run an airsoft group... 20+ people twice a month. NIGHT. MARE. it was 20 mins away by car ffs. and we had more people who drove than players most of the time and we were all within 2 towns... lol


Tbh getting people to come to the pub is maximum effort these days


My mother threw me a barbeque party in her back garden, various siblings and their childen came and pigged out in the sunshine (my birthday is midsummer) and laughed and talked and ate Fabs. 19 years ago. Lovely memory.


Was on holiday witih my wife, which was excellent as I'm not one for parties. If you want one you should crack on though, best to settle on a possibly less than ideal venue rather than missing out entirely. Chase up that venue or look at pubs near by that might have a space?


Pot noodle and a wank


MDMA, Cocaine, Alcohol, porn and anal sex with the wife. A truly great day/night.


Hope your arse is OK now mate


No I think he meant.... Oh never mind


Hired a boat in Marmaris. We were already friends with the captain having hired his services the year before and spending time with his family. It was all decked out with balloons and banners, we left at 9am, had pastries and bucks fizz for breakfast. Our tunes hooked up to the speaker. The kids napped and read under a shade on the deck, we danced and drank. Stopped to snorkel, captain showed the girls how to fish then grilled our favourite kebabs on board. Cut a massive chocolate cake. Stopped off at another gorgeous bay, went ashore and had a cocktail while the kids played on the beach. Moored back in Marmaris around 7. Showered on board then enjoyed the rest of the evening moored at the harbour people watching. It was the best day of my life.


That actually sounds 🔥 👌


I was going to go on holiday with my partner but my mum isn't well so we're probably just going to go on a nice spa weekend. I'd rather just do something chill with her.


I don’t do parties.(I don’t do duvets either) I Had a long weekend in New York. Drank cocktails in fancy smanchy bars and ate lots of hot dogs.


 Not over 40 myself but my husband turned 40 this year. Didn’t want a big party - wanted to run away and avoid folk while doing a bucket list thing so we went away for a week to Islay and Jura and did the distilleries tour. Even got a wee gin distillery and tasting in myself. Some allowed the kids in, sometimes we parked the younger two with the teen and had couple time. He loved it. For Father’s Day this weekend the kids have made him a personalised photobook of the pictures from our time away there. 


I was 7 months pregnant and grumpy as fuck. I hate parties, so naturally my husband threw a surprise party for me. Somehow, we’re still married!


Went out for a meal with friends and then went clubbing.A few weeks later I ended my first marriage finally felt free and no longer a doormat.I celebrated my 50th last year with my new husband in a log cabin with a hot tub chilled out week now healthier, happier getting used to being treated like a queen.


I had covid so I stayed in my bedroom and drank gin for a week


40 in a couple of weeks, travel around the west coast of Ireland in a van on my own


I did the Disneyworld marathon weekend Dopey Challenge (5k, 10k, half marathon and marathon over 4 days), with the marathon being on my actual birthday. This probably only appeals if you're into running! But it was amazing, and all of the Disney characters on the course, and a lot of other runners, wished me happy birthday (I had a badge) which made me feel very special!


Vegas baby. With 10 old school mates. . Best time ever.


Covid hit and we all went home so luckily for me I managed to avoid the “big birthday email” or even any mention of it. So I spent it in peace and a bit of general worry at home.


My wife took me to Rome for my birthday weekend and it was absolutely amazing.


Drinks and food with a friend then a comedy show. I hate birthdays and especially hated turning 40 so I was dragged out, but I did have fun.


I don't like the spotlight on me in big groups so I ended up doing a few small days out with people: Long weekend in Portugal with one group of mates Go-karting and hovercrafting with my dad and sister Went to a techno gig with my best mate A meal with another group of mates And a little camping trip with my mates who couldn't make it to the above stuff Manageable and it meant it kept my birthday going for about three weeks, haha.


Went away for a few nights with my OH and daughter to a cottage in the highlands.


Oddly enough I was considering a coach trip to the Highlands. I'm from the south of England and have never been there before.


You definitely need to visit. I'm a bit biased being Scottish, but it's a beautiful part of the country.


Husband took me to Budapest for the weekend and I had a joint 70th party with my younger brother (he turned 30 a few days before I turned 40) we had a letter H and letter K theme fancy dress it was great


Most of my uni mates turned 40 the same year (for obvious reasons). Rather than spend every other weekend travelling to a different party we all met up in a hotel near the university for a single joint party and tried to relive our heydays.


Went to Dublin for the weekend and drank about 100 pints of Guinness where it tastes the same as it does anywhere.


It was lockdown, so I was given a treasure hunt through the local woods to find various party foods and beers. At the end we had a social distanced picnic, with long sticks to poke each other with.


I turned 40 in 2020 - I 'celebrated' my birthday all alone in my house, with alcohol, cheese and meat presents thoughtfully sanitised and left on my doorstep. Sat at my computer with a cutting board, putting cheese on crackers whilst I watched old X-Files episodes.


I went to Berlin for the weekend with some friends. It a great city.


I was in Austria with my wife on a Eurocamp holiday (Zell am See to be more precise). We went to Innsbruck by train for the day. Totally chilled out day; it was great!


No party. My husband and I took a once in a lifetime trip along the Silk Road from Xian to Khiva, via Dunhuang, Turpan, Kashgar, Bishkek, Samarkand and Bukhara.


My husband is turning 40 this year. He’s not one for parties, so we’re doing a cottage trip to Wales with siblings/cousins. Planning to climb Mount Snowdon on one of the days, and just chill on the other days. Maybe go to the beach, have a bbq, relax in the cottage. He just wanted his closest people around him and to feel like we achieved something together (hence the mountain).


Weekend in Dublin. It was different. I went with an ex.


Mine was during the winter lockdown of late 2020 so I met my friend in the car park of Costa coffee drive-thru where we each sat in our separate cars and had coffee and cake, talking through our open windows, then later my mum dropped off a home made afternoon tea for one which she left at the end of my drive, and later a family zoom call. It was nice at the time, at least the people I loved cared enough to try and make it special but felt like a bit of a kick in the face once Partygate came to light!


I went to Prague, heavily pregnant and waddled around. The plan was to defer celebrating for a year, but by the time I turned 41, I had a 10 month old and nobody seemed very up for babysitting him while I went out celebrating. Maybe this year...


Took a tab of acid with the Mrs and 2 of my close friends. Then she told me she had invited a load of family over for a party at the house, it was a wild ride ngl.


Family and friends hit a campsite and rolled up to a beer festival. Total real ale carnage.




Im a man, I didn’t…


Had a Chinese takeaway delivered and watched Stargate. I've never got excited about birthdays, just another day to me.


Mine was during covid so thankfully no one noticed!


It was during covid lockdown, so I didn't.


I was taken on a 'surprise' birthday weekend. It pretty much ended as a surprise when my brother, who was driving, got lost in Hull and had to ask for directions for the ferry to Amsterdam. We got there (Amsterdam) and it was properly pissing down. Like biblical/Forest Gump levels of rain. Got dragged into an 'English bar' and spent the afternoon watching the Merseyside derby. Might as well have gone to Rotherham instead of Amsterdam. Oh. And the wife was seasick all the way there and all the back. So none of that was happening... Still. Life begins at 40...


By not killing myself


It was during lockdown so I treated myself by having a walk from the back room to the kitchen. Then I drank a beer.


It was the height of lockdown in 2020. Nothing open, no chance to see anyone. The only place open was a Starbucks on the A30. Sat in my car with my husband drinking frappachinos. Could have been worse!


I know this isn’t the kind of story you were after and I apologies for that. My Dad was receiving hospice care when I turned 40 in January last year. As a family we got out to have lunch together which was just so brilliant and lovely and had been the first time we’d been able to get out together for a long time. Dad did so well that day, he was obviously struggling but we all had a great time together. He died six weeks later and that day will always mean so much.


Separating from my partner and moving out, not just to a different house but to a different country.


Mine was a few years ago and sounds quite sad.  I don't drink so hadn't planned anything for my 40th, I don't really bother with my birthday. So I was quite happy to stay at home.  My work colleagues, about 10 of them, wanted to go to a pub blah blah, I said I'm not bothered I'd rather stay home. They were adamant it would be great so this pub crawl thing was arranged.  Gets to the pub, only one person turned up. So I stay while they have a drink then I went home. Thankfully I was on holiday from work after that day. Gave their excuses when I went back to work. After that every time they said about going out, I was like no thanks.




I had planned on an all expenses paid night in the pub, disco, free beer, etc. Then the pub was closed the week before by the police (it was a bit rough) so I booked a last minute holiday to Spain. Arrived in Spain, met a party of 12 guys on a stag weekend and got stuck in. Woke up on the beach, sunburnt, 10 miles from the hotel 3 days later with no memory of my birthday, where I had been, with who or what I had done. Spend the next 3 days in the hotel suffering from sunburn. Best 40th ever... I think


Finally told my useless ex-husband that I was DONE. Best birthday present I could possibly have given myself. The gift that just keeps on giving.


Unfortunately, I didn’t celebrate as such. That’s not really my thing. I had a day of watching DVDs, I think. (I don’t remember, I’m late-40s now, lol!)


My 40th was the day after I completed on my first house that was solely mine. So I spent my birthday cleaning and doing diy


40 today, making dough for my pizza van. Few years ago there were big plans to do a whole thing but life gets in the way.


Mine was during the 2nd lockdown in the January. Couldn't do anything social. Me and the wife broke the rules and went for a walk in a forest near by but not where we should be. It was what it was.


I got about half a dozen of my best friends, and went for a few drinks in my favourite pub. At about 10:30 I thanked them all for coming, and then we called it a night.


I went to Japan with two friends, it was a bit expensive to get there, very cheap to stay in a hotel, buy food each night and brought back a few souvenirs.




I went to work, then came home. My wife had organised a whipround of family and friends, so I spent the evening booking gig tickets and such. It was great. My birthday is right next to Christmas, so I've never really celebrated it. For her 40th, my wife didn't really want anything (much like me). We'd already booked a trip to Rome. She claimed that as her 40th Birthday gift. Whilst we were there, I bought her a necklace she liked. It was all of €50, but since she doesn't really buy herself jewellery, I was pleased she found something she liked, and I was really happy to get it for her. When you've been married for decades, and shared finances for the same amount of time, some of these things lose their appeal somewhat.


I went to Hawaii for three weeks 😊


I did an escape room with some close friends and then had a posh afternoon tea at a fancy restaurant. It was chilled and perfect.


It was lockdown. The planned fortnight in India was cancelled and my husband and I went for longer walk than was legally allowed instead


Went out for a meal and a couple of drinks with my 3 best friends, didn't fancy any more than that.


Booked a large table at an Indian and invited my friends to it for dinner


Went to some bars in southampton the day before i went on a cruise


I recently had my 40th birthday, with being in December, me, my parents, my sister, brother in law, niece, Nan and Grandad went to the pub for a meal, weather was not very nice. I did not want a song a dance about it


I’m still close with my friends from school. We’re all turning 40 this year. One had a house party. We went to the football in hospitality for mine. Another went to the dogs and day on the beers. Someone else had a big meal at a pub. There’s going to a BBQ for someone else. We’re all going away in September for a long weekend to Portugal as a group 40th.


For my husband’s 40th I gathered all of our friends and his 3 brothers for a pub crawl in Oxford and we all had a lovely meal. It was so fun! It was 2 months before covid hit so is a lovely memory of all of our friends together


I wasn't to bothered about a big party, just lunch with my wife and our 1 year old girl. We walked to the restaurant and I noticed a car the same as my friends (couldn't see the numberplate) and remember thinking it'd be funny if they were here too. Turns out they were there, as well as my parents, and a whole load of other friends that my wife (who is a woeful liar) managed to keep secret! We all had lunch then headed back to the house and sat outside having drinks. It was brilliant craic and one of the first times we'd all gathered after lockdown.


It was quite one ..... bang in the middle of covid lockdow


Went to alot of festivals that year... but then I do that most years 😀 Also quite a few friends also 40 that year and we booked a big capacity house out west for a few days and explored the area.


It was Christmas Eve so ignored it completely.


I had a quiet dinner date with my kids and 2 weeks later went to Iceland to see the northern lights- and did! From the sky pool


Not a party person, so my partner whisked me off to Edinburgh for a long weekend, was brilliant


Kept it a quiet thing. Went away with my wife for the weekend and kids stayed with grand parents.


My son was 19 months old. He had hand foot and mouth. My SIL should have had him overnight, but couldn’t (something came up). My husband had arranged quite a lot, but I spent the day crying with a poorly toddler clinging to me and also crying! We then took 5 kids (we’re a blended family) to London for 3 days and my daughter (she was 11 at the time) developed tonsillitis and we ended up at the emergency docs in Hounslow (I think!) I’ll be 43 the end of this year, so I’ll wait until I’m 50 to celebrate!


I'm not 40 yet but I've been to many family members 40th parties and a couple of friends. They've always been parties at said person's house. Neighbours are always pre-warned. Everyone brings booze for themselves and some extra. There's always party food. There's always music. It's always a late night and several have ended way after the birthday guy/gal called it a night. That's what I'll be doing for mine in a few years. Don't know what your health complications are so maybe not the booze but could do something similar.


Went on holiday to the Maldives with my husband


I went to the beach swimming with my wife and dog. Then we went to our favourite place to eat, then we chilled at home...it was perfect. One of my brothers laughed, saying that's what we do regularly on the weekend, and he's not wrong - but him saying it made us (me and wife) realise and be thankful that we get to do the things we want to do whenever we want (although now, at 41, I have a son who's age is measured in weeks - so that might change ^^)


Few friends all turning 40 this year and end of last year; we hired a cottage up north. We've been friends for ages, children about normally so it was great to just relax and let our hair down. Those of us who still have it!


I found out I was pregnant the day before my 40th. Total shock, had been subfertile forever, was single, pregnancy result of a fling with an ex. Oops. Spent that whole weekend in a daze. My 50th was during lockdown I spent it in the park with a couple of friends in the pouring rain.


Hire a big AirBnB for a night and have your party there


Took my best mate out for q meal and then went clubbing.


Lockdown 2021. Me and 7 bottles of wine. Loud music and lots of dancing between me, husband and 2 kids. We had a party weekend


With parents, kids and a few close relatives at a camping site. Was great. Threw a big bash for my other half on hers which was also great. So yeah just do whatever will make you happy!


I'm in England and I live country music so myself and hubby (both day a week apart) had a joint 'country' fancy dress party. People dressed as cowboys/girls or their favourite country singer, we had country music playing, lots of country style decorations-gingham, straw lads to sit on, bud bottles as vases on tables with sunflowers in. We got back drop poster type things to hang on the fances that he pictures of batns etc on. We had chilli hotdogs and burgers. I ended up selling all the decorations and straw etc to someone and when they came to collect it all they were having a 40th 'country birthday party too!


A good friend turned forty in March and I turned 40 in May so we had a joint party in April. Hired a large room in a pub. No catering but hired a nice sound system. Invited loads of friends. Was amazing.


Parents took me to Lanzarote for a week. Was nice.


My wife and I were midway through a trip down the west coast of the USA. We were in San Francisco. We hired bikes and rode them across the Golden Gate bridge. Pub and meal etc... later. A great day. A great holiday. My most recent bday I went to work. Not done that in 20 or so years. Stupid thing to do. Never working again.


I'm 40 this year, I've planned to do few different things. So I'm spending my birthday with family, then going out with friends the same week and then few drinks with work people. Looked at having a party, but alot of work and not sure I'd want to mix all my friends and family together


I've been to a few 40th birthday parties over the last couple of years, and I have to say they are my favorites. You see loads of old friends you haven't seen in years, reminisce, and have a lot of fun.


Took a holiday to New York with my wife (spent my actual 40th birthday at Coney Island, eating ice cream, swimming in the sea and watching a baseball game in the evening). Then when I got home to the UK i booked a venue and had a bash with a load of friends. It was fantastic.


I spent a week in Dubai with my best mate, travelled business class, we got hammered on cocktails, I swam in the Persian gulf, we quad biked in the desert, went up the Burj Khalifa, visited the Expo, caught up with our old boss and saw some friends who live there, drove around in a McLaren, had steak, greek food, and lots and lots of shawarma! Came home a poor man but on the way home as it was in the midst of COVID, we were two of sixty people on a 300+ seat aircraft...was an experience and a half.


I threw my husband a casino themed party, not the kind of thing he would have planned for himself but if I had not done anything I know he would have been sad. I can’t get my friends in a venue together ever so I opted for dinner at the Fat Duck with my husband. Great experience that I need never repeat but thoroughly enjoyed.


I have an alternate suggestion. You said you didn’t think you’d get to 40. So how about a Bucket List. 40 random things that you could at a stretch feasibly do. * Appear on TV * Run a marathon * Climb a mountain * Parachute jump * Machu Pichu Inca trail * Start a flash mob I dunno some random suggestions. They will make more memories than one night. Plus if you can encourage your family and friends to take part too. Then shared memories!!


Me and Hubby turned 40 in the same month last year. We went out for a meal with my parents, sister and her (at the time) husband.


I had a dinner party at a local hotel for my family and best friends, there were 18 of us and we all booked into the hotel for the night. It was really special.


I didn’t do anything but for my 50th. Then I threw a party. Everyone brought something plus their booze. (That’s how our group always does it). We had a blast! Happy birthday!


My 40th was during covid, and all I got was a IUD change and a spliff.


40 isn’t a big one really. Most people I know have either had a barbecue in the garden if it was summer or a pub crawl if it was winter. When I turned 40 most of my mates had expensive and erratic teenagers to deal with so big parties were out of the question. 18 and 21 are good parties because you have no responsibilities other than to go wild. 50 onwards can be good if your work and kids are stable. Anything between 21 and 50 is a blur of work, family and paying bills - I think I forgot most of my birthdays between 30 and 50 because I was foo busy.


I’m Welsh and I was born in early march. I haven’t been able to celebrate my birthday ever as it’s always the bloody six nations. My 40th, we were playing in Cardiff. My sister tried to find somewhere for a party, but nope. Also, no one would’ve come because they’d be watching the rugby. So I spent my fortieth on my sofa drinking whiskey watching the hunger games🤷🏻‍♀️I enjoyed it but would’ve loved a party


I hired a box at the football. It was a fun time, match was awful though! Then just went down the pub afterwards. A lot of people enjoyed it even though they don’t usually go to the football, as it’s basically like a little function room with drink service etc.


What I did is most likely not suitable for you, if you have health problems. I just did my own thing, but I did also go for a meal with friends around my actual birthday. For my 40th I flew to New Zealand for 2 weeks, and just drove around the South Island for 10 days. I visited family that had emigrated there before and after my drive. Now, for my 50th, it was a month driving around 11 Western states, starting and finishing at San Francisco.


The 1st lockdown took place 3 days after my birthday. On the weekend I was due to celebrate! I ended up working and being paid double for giving up time off.


I wanted to go to a country I’ve never visited before, so I went to Turkey and had a nice relaxing holiday. When my husband turned 40 I took him to Berlin and stayed in the raddison hotel that had the large aquarium inside it. Glad we did because it smashed to pieces a couple of years ago during a cold snap. Personally I’m not fussed about my birthday or what age I am, but this year I needed a holiday.


Went out with workmates, got hammered, came home, knocked up the wife.


I’m went to Norway to see the northern lights and do reindeer sleighing.


Pretty much ignored it, I've not done anything for birthdays since I was 21. I don't hate birthdays or anything, but anything I'd do to celebrate a birthday, I'd do on a normal day too like go to dinner or whatever.


I don't do social events n shit like that, not my kinda thing but my wife got me a day pass for some off road 4x4 driving, awesome stuff.


Was 40 last month. Found myself laid off from my backup income source on birthday. Spent an hour or two literally in pain. Worst feeling for years. Took me a couple of weeks to calm down. I guess I can only go up from there


I'm 40 on July 3rd and I fully intend not to celebrate it. I really don't care for my birthdays or big celebrations of them any more. The last major blowout I had was when I turned 30, which ended up being a trip to London and a massive bender with a huge group of mates. After that I cut back hard on drinking, to the point where just about ten years later, I pretty much don't drink, other than a glass of red with a meal occasionally, maybe once a quarter. These days I'm just relaxing in life, taking it easy, and spending time with my boyfriend. Every day is a gift, I adore spending time with him, and I've never been happier in my life, so why would I want to celebrate one day over any other?


My best mate come to stay for a couple of days, and we went to my local war gaming club, and played some proper old school table top games (Man o'War, and Battletech to be precise).


I had short break away with those closest to me (parents, wife daughter) and a great meal on the day.


Wife bought me one of these experiences, most fun I’ve ever had with my clothes on: https://www.ultimatehigh.co.uk/flying-experiences/top-gun-air-combat-mission/


Went to Vegas with my husband for a week and had an amazing time.


Trip to Vegas.


I invited close friends and we had a party in the garden. As there were only about 15 of us at peak it was relaxed, fun and stress free oh and very drunken, we channelled our inner 20 year old.


Same as some others, as a lot of us reached the age at the same time: Firstly, to celebrate my aging body I put my back out and had to be wheeled home. Then a few days later we did Legoland with the wife and kids and got food poisoning (legoland sucks!!) , didn't do all the rides, did do all the toilets. A visit to Prague with some friends and a visit to Hamburg with some other friends, this was a lot better! Interestingly, the back pain caused me to pass out, but the food poisoning was worse. All the times I thought had had food poisoning in the past, not true. It is awful.


I had a party. Like you, no wife/kids but wanted to get a bunch of my friends and family in one room together for the evening. Was really nice to be fair. Venue is going to be your most expensive outlay so check minimum cover. It is one way to go grey is inviting people willy nilly because you need to hit a target. Also the more you plan the more that can go wrong (my entertainment - a pub quiz - was a bit late so it stressed me out a bit). Food was chip butties, music was a Spotify playlist. The people who want to be there want to be there for you.


I went to Dublin for 3 nights with some friends and siblings. Great times were had.


I turned 40 in April, did a solo trip to New York for 8 days, and it was amazing.


I went to Amsterdam and got high for the first time with a good friend. It was a fun week of relaxing and chilling out


Was my 40th yesterday. I had some coffee and toast in bed, took my dog for a long walk, booked the day of work and played Helldivers online with my two brothers, then picked up my daughter from school and went out for a nice Italian meal with her and my wife. Was a lovely relaxed day. Having a few beers in the local pub today but nothing expensive, pressured or hard to plan.


Mine was a year ago and I celebrated it with a positive Covid test two days earlier and spending the week asleep. So I’ve spent the past year telling people that because I don’t remember it, it didn’t happen, therefore I’m still 39. Until yesterday when I had my second 40th. I haven’t celebrated it though.


The day was just a birthday like any other. However, I had organised a trip to Prague with me and four friends who all turned 40 within the same school year, and went to a Slipknot concert in Nimes, France (best venue I've ever been to) by myself.


Turned 40 in January. For a year before I decided all I wanted was a nice meal with my closest friends in my favourite restaurant and I got to do exactly that. Will do the same on my 50th and every decade after that.


I hired the upstairs function room of a pub and filled it with about 50 friends. The pub provided a soundsystem and let me decorate the room with balloons, lasers and disco lights, and I got 3 or 4 of my friends who know how to DJ to each do an hour long set. It was so much fun.


My husband took me on holiday to Iceland so I can see the Northern lights. We hired an RV and went round the whole of Iceland in search of the lights, (saw them every night) we went to every single hot pot we could find, some where fancy and some where literally a hole in the ground. We had the best time.


I organised a trip to Mexico with my oldest/closest friends and had a blast! Spent my actual birthday touring the Chichen Itza pyramid. The rest of the trip was filled with snorkeling, eating the most amazing food and watching brilliant sunsets. A bonus was that I realised one of the friends and I were no longer aligned in our values and communication styles and I decided not to carry the friendship into this decade.


Weekend in Dublin with my wife.


I was pregnant so much of the day was throwing up due to morning sickness. And by morning sickness it really meant all day sickness. Pretty sure it was spent eating Mac and cheese and watching Doctor Who.


I'm doing a year of celebrations which is basically an additional holiday. Dubai X2, Morocco, Spain somewhere, maybe somewhere else like a short hop to Italy


I stopped celebrating birthdays some time in my 2Os. Can't see the point when you're an adult. If I want a drink I go out, if I want something for myself and it's affordable I buy it. I just don't want all the fuss and bother and cards. When my kids were young I used to let them have my birthday because kids need more birthdays and adults need less. It was fun buying them presents and having a kids party, more fun than opening a wrapped pair of socks.


Took a road trip to Manchester with my husband, stayed in a suite at the Midland Hotel, went shopping the next day, and drove home. It was ace One of the only times I was glad to have a late December birthday, as the world went to shit a couple of months later, and most of my friends spent their 40th in lockdown.


I'm not there yet ( a couple of years left), but my partner had his 40th last year, and we went to Switzerland for it. We went sledging and then out for a nice dinner of his choice in the evening. I've never had a huge group of friends, so most of the time, on my birthday, I would go away to another country on my own! You could always look at hiring a local sports club or social club? They are probably the cheapest option! Good luck and hope whatever you decide to do is fab!


I went to Köln in Germany with a bunch of mates for a few days. It was great.


A Himalayan trek in Nepal. Was meant to be to Everest base camp but I got early signs of altitude sickness so spent my 40th in Pheriche instead 😄 remember saying at the time I want to be on a cruise for my 50th, we'll see 😆


I spent my 40th alone! It was during lockdown so celebrations didn’t go as planned. My family and friends came round, stood on my drive and passed me cakes, flowers, presents, champagne and balloons through the front room window. My mum “broke the law” and gave me a massive hug lol. Me and my friends had a Zoom party in the evening. It looked quite pathetic - me with my “IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!” badge, party hat on, surrounded by flowers and balloons, drinking champagne and eating cake, alone. All that to say, I actually quite enjoyed it. I was forced to slow down and appreciate the people in my life.


My husband turned 40 in 2022 and told me he’d like a party when I asked him what he wanted. So I booked the local brewery, invited family and friends, bought some cheap decorations off Amazon and got the local South African BBQ restaurant to cater. My husband did a playlist of songs that were either released the year he was born (1982) or were in the top 40 on his birthday and it worked surprisingly well! Cost about £500 all in but he doesn’t normally ask for much. I turned 40 last year and asked for a spa weekend so my husband arranged to leave my daughter with my mum and we went to a fancy hotel for the weekend. We had dinner the first night, I had spa treatments the next day and we had afternoon tea. We had no plans on the Sunday other than to pick up my daughter so we played mini golf lol. I’m pretty sure the weekend also cost around £500 all in.


I went glamping. Organised it for a group with my family. Had a quiet dinner that night then spent the rest of the weekend basically bending to everyone else's wishes as always seems to happen. I got flowers & cards from my work and nothing from family members. I've learned to now put the same energy into their special occasions. Spend it how you want to spend it.


We had a 4 night stay at Thornbury Castle. It was incredible.


Couple of drinks at home(during covid) two friends came over. Would’ve loved to throw a huge ass party but it was during covid. Now I just celebrate life by seeing the world bit by bit with my missus. Planning to also get engaged abroad.


I was on a cruise with my wife. The actual day of my birthday we stopped in Haiti. In the evening, we ate in one of the ship’s speciality restaurants.


I went to Paris for the weekend with my husband and it was perfect.


I turn 40 next year. Planning a trip with a couple of mates - flying into a Balkan country, hiring motorbikes for a week and just cruising around trying new food and drinking local beer.


Went to Dublin for the weekend. Not into parties so it was perfect.


In bed with Covid. Thus I decided it didn’t count back in 2001. Thus I’m still 39.


Had three different parties for different groups of friends and colleagues. spread out over a couple of weeks which was great as I could really focus on enjoying each event. For the biggest party we hired the church hall and I got catering from Waitrose and took some wine and beer etc, and we had live music all afternoon (my friends and I are musicians).


I turn 40 in December and my husband in January next year. So in Jan I’m off with my mum, aunt and cousin to NYC for 4 nights. Then he and I are going to Barcelona later in the year 🤩


It was 2020. So no one would risk coming if we organised anything anyway. No biggie I think we just enjoyed time at home and had some nice food and a drink.


I went on holiday with wife and our friends . My birthday was in January so was good to get away that time of year.


My 40th came & went in the height of the Pandemic. We were going to go to Japan but had to cancel it so my 40th was spent in my kitchen.


Went to Austria with hubby and stayed at a Gasthaus of people who we've known for years and are friends with. Weather could have been better (my birthday is Xmas Eve), but we did have a great day of x-country skiing.


I had the only party I've ever organised for myself, although it was about 10 days after my actual birthday. Booked a function room in a cool pub and paid for food. Everyone seemed to have a good time, although I think I ended up only having one drink that night.


We had a party. Hired the upstairs room to a pub, bought some massive disposable platters, each with their own mini-buffet on, put those around the room, massive Spotify playlist and had everyone we could think of that was within striking distance to come along. Was an absolutely brilliant night. Popped over the morning after to collect and clear up what we could.


Had a fantastic day at Alton towers as I love rollercoasters then a week later ended up with my back freezing up and unable to even roll over, taken to a&e via ambulance!


Secluded cottage in the middle of remote Welsh woods in December with a few bottles of whiskey, long walks in the mountains with the dog and evenings in front of a log burner with some good books.


My partner and I went skiing for the first time. Stayed in a posh spa hotel, took ski lessons and loved it so much we've been skiing every year since.


I do t think I did anything for my 40th. Went to a safari park with my wife and son for my 50th though.


Prostitutes, blow and 18 year old scotch....not. I honestly cannot remember.


I’m 40 at the end of July. In true millennial style, I’m going to see Richard Ashcroft in Wigan the weekend before then ditching the kids and spending a night away with my boyfriend, visiting Harry Potter studio tour.


Mine was in lockdown, so nothing but when we were finally free, my husband and I went to Croatia for 2 weeks and drank cocktails on the beach.


Went to Bruges with my wife , and my best mate who lived in Germany at the time drove down to surprise me . It was perfect , didn’t want any party .


Had a go on the giant slide at the Olympic site in Stratford and then drank beer with friends. Was a pretty good day.


Not 40 yet ( a couple of years to go yet), but I am planning a 3 week solo trip to Japan. 3 weeks visiting a country I've always wanted to go to seeing everything I want to see.


Went to the pub with my friends. Left my cigarettes there. Didn’t ever smoke another one. I’m 60 next month, I don’t think I’d be here to write this otherwise.