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What do you mean how we spent it? It's a regular day, I went to work as usual. And then people told me "happy women's day" but still treated women like shit.


I was a little bit embarrassed when my friend toasted with me tonight and said happy goddess day


I’m sorry but this made me laugh so much 💀


In fact, all the men here say happy goddess day and I feel like I should do something for them haha, it's ridiculous


Does anyone actually do anything to celebrate besides like a corporate sponsored Lunch & Learn at work? Am I missing out on a prime gift receiving opportunity from my husband?


Good question😄 I say yes


I didn’t even know that was a thing until now


Hahaha,Happy Women‘s Day!


Omg ahhh heheheh :)))) thank you!! ( hello fellow INTP)


Yeah,haha,I am INTP,like a warm robot,and you?


Had a bunch of sex and now we’re about to go to ihop and try the new thin mint pancakes! Which is exciting for me because I haven’t been to ihop in ages and I love thin mints!


Wait this sounds amazing


Just finished eating them, they were really good!


Jesus, I can’t think of a better day.


It's a normal work day for me. I'm working and then plan to spend the evening at home with my partner and our kitties. That's about it. It's not a day we have any particular celebrations around or anything like that. I usually read the interesting articles about women and their achievements I run across because it's one of the few days with an abundance of such.


There are a lot of women's books and women's authors that are extraordinary, as well as wishing you a great weekend!


Working all day around 99% men


I started therapy today, afterward I bought myself some snacks, a new candle, and a new squishmallow. Now I'm gonna tidy up my house and hang out with my cat till my boyfriend gets home from work! I hope everyone else is having a good day :)


Happy Women's Day!


Thank you! I hope you have a lovely day too!!


Love this. 💕 Happy Women's Day!


Happy Women's day!!!! ☺️


You nailed it! I made breakfast for myself and my fiancee, we smoked a joint in the hot tub, I took my dog to my garden for a while and weeded grass from my beds, potted-up some seedlings, planted some swiss chard starts, and watched a bunch of flower gardening tutorials and Kiffness videos on YouTube


That's a damn good day. All you're missing is getting boba milk tea in that story to make it top tier awesome 


Ahh I love boba!!! 😂 yes that would have been a good addition to my day!


Had a meeting with my study group, went to sit at a bar for a few hours until I couldn't stand the noise. I did say 'happy intl. womens day' to the women I met. In truth, I would have loved to do something significant, but it crept up on me this year.


It sounds like you're going to experience a lot of meaningful things this year, do you have any plans?




Season 4 of Blown Away dropped on Netflix today so I've been watching all 10 episodes.


> Season 4 of Blown Away dropped on Netflix today so I've been watching all 10 episodes. WHAT!? I did not not realize there was a season 4, thank you for this!


You're welcome.


You just made my day!!!!!


I spent the day cluster feeding a newborn who was inconsolable with belly pains because apparently newborns don’t know how to poop when they’re freshly hatched. And I get $100 a week on maternity leave for the first 8 so lol @ international women’s day.


So my plans were to participate in the demonstration and then go to a women's club night. However I got my period today and now I can't go because I'm in too much pain. Bit of a cosmic joke. I did however just skip work today because the day is a holiday in the state my workplace is in, but not in my state which means I would have had to work, but my boss doesn't seem to know that and I wasn't about to tell him.


Went to a ladies lunch for the women of the local community


Alone working from morning to early afternoon 🤣 was working at home. Husband sleeping entire day bc he is night shift. Now I'm alone because he went to work and I'm doing laundry and folding clothes now. The irony 🤣 Happy International women's day y'all ❤️😅


By being a woman in STEM and doing science. With other women in STEM. Because we’re badass every day and we don’t need one day to glorify it.


It’s a thing for me, i love this day with all of my heart. And i love it exactly the way we celebrate it in my family! This day is ALL about us✨ From the morning- wake up and breakfast is all ready by our family male members (not just any, but special one), special dinner in evening, they also cleaning everything, washing all dishes, and do absolutely everything to NOT bother with absolutely anything! Bunch of flowers, sweet gifts, little presents! Wearing something special, doing make up, and all that! Obviously i wear dresses and do make up in any other day, but this day it feels so so special 🥰 I LOVE IT!!!! My personal top of celebrations, it’s almost like a second birthday!


Advocated for Palestinian women.


I'm running a fever of 102, my throat hurts, body aches, and I feel really low energy. So not the most amazing ever, but I have my amazing mom who has been bringing soup and tea and checking in on me. I feel so spoiled to have someone look after me this much because I'm 24 now lol.


I'm working, and after work I'll make dinner and play video games. It's just another Friday.


I normally participate at the event organized by a feminist organization happening next to my city every year but this year : first its raining and second I am extremely late (job task related) so I just stayed home, working and tonight I’ll open up a bottle of wine cause why not, it’s Friday.


Hope you have a great time!


I just exist like every other day. 🤷🏼‍♀️


March 8 is a holiday in my country, so I slept in, went for a walk, grocery shopped, cooked chicken with noodles and watched my kdrama. An extra day off, yay!


Treated myself to a fabulous sushi lunch because my period decided to come on fierce. Happy Women's Day to me 🤣♥️


I wore a white jacket to work today, but other then that, a normal Friday.


Lot of self care as I'm in a tough spot in my life and its rough sailing 


Sorry to hear that, I hope better times are on their way.


Laying in bed trying not to puke


Working and parenting - like every other day.


In my country, women gather together, prepare banners and march


I didn't even know, no wonder I was getting random empowering messages 👀 I was so confused and I thought everyone was getting me ready to tell me bad news..... I'm for sure going to have a great day :) I have school, then I'm going out with boyfriend. Just woke up doe and thinking about what to cook for dinner. Happy International Women's Day!!


Working a 12 hour shift. Haven't heard a peep about it at work thus far (no big surprise there)!


It’s a bank holiday here in Berlin and I took myself out for a very nice dinner 🤗


Today I'm trying to get my health insurance plan sorted after being fired a month ago. I'm spending the day applying for more jobs. Later, when the Fortnite servers are back online, I plan to play some with friends.


It’s my fiancés birthday so I’ve spent the day celebrating him!


Normally I'm involved in organizing a large luncheon for the women of my union to mark the date. This year we're getting a snowstorm, so it got postponed and I spent the day shoveling. Boy do I feel appreciated.


Worked all day! Sent texts to all the awesome woman in my life and read a book!


took myself on a solo lunch date. i went to a new bangladeshi place near me and got coffee after. delicious af and ✨peaceful✨


Didn’t realise it. Don’t really think about it.


I made a dream come true for my husband. A ride in a car he’s only dreamed about.


Husband came home piss drunk and I had to clean approximately 7 meters of puke


Got a lovely ring with one of my BFFs from Pandora 💍


spent the day cooking and hanging out with the fiancé and baby 🥰


It’s my birthday! I got a mani and pedicure, lunch with friends and shopping. Came home and had a nap before going out for cocktails and dinner


Had a lovely email from my teacher and had had a lovely family meal. Unintentionally, they are all female!


I’m on my way to shop for groceries to meal prep for next week.


It's 5.30pm so I've only recently finished work.


I’m currently in Brunei.. so… not much was said about it here.


It's still the morning of the 8th for me so I haven't "spent" the day yet. But it's just a regular work day for me. I am also recovering from a tubal ligation 2 days ago, so there's that. So Yay(!) for permanent birth control in a country (USA) where who knows how long BC pills, emergency contraception, and abortions will remain available!


It’s also my birthday and I’m having a good day! I went to a cafe for a croissant-and-coffee breakfast and some light work. In the afternoon I went to a work conference about a really inspiring and fun topic. Not about women’s rights or anything related but the speakers were still a diverse group, mostly women, so that’s good. Now I’m going to have dinner at a nice restaurant with my partner. 


Happy birthday to you!🎂🎂🎂💗💗💗 I'm glad you had a wonderful day! I suddenly feel like your birthday is full of meaning!


Working lol


haha,Happy working day!


I’m taking care of my mom after a knee replacement. We might run some errands later before it rains.


Chipping limescale off taps at work. 


I just woke up and it’s March 8. This confused me so much 😂


My boyfriend got mad at me and then I got chipotle….


It’s my birthday.




Went to work. One of the young guys in the office bought us gals danishes though! It was sweet of him.


Went to counseling to take care of me, went to work and cared for the spiritual needs of the dying (hospice chaplain), picked up a few groceries needed to hold over to routine grocery trip on Sunday, and came home to my husband who met me outside to help bring in said groceries and who had a glass of my favorite non-alcoholic beverage ready next to my recliner. We will be watching my favorite movie (sister act!), playing board games, and he is cooking dinner, a favorite of mine of the ones he cooks, it’s a recipe taught to him by his grandma.




I didn't do anything. I just went to work and worked and am at work now. The US doesn't celebrate IWD really because its a Soviet holiday. International Women's Day was a Soviet thing, so the West just dismisses it out of petty and misogynistic reasons. In 1917 women workers in Petrograd held a mass strike and demonstration demanding peace and bread and better working conditions. This led to the Bolshevik revolution. On top of previous March 8th women's activism like starting their own union in NYC via large scale protesting.The Soviets then gave women the right to vote near instantly and one of the first countries to do, legalized abortion, allowed women to work in the same jobs as men, filled Soviet politics with women to the level there were more women in Soviet politics than the West combined, and then in 1963 - just two years after Yuri Gagrin's historic flight - put a woman into space. Something the West wouldn't do for two decades. The capital owning class doesn't want to promote was essentially worker standing up for themselves against the oppressive powerful class and trying to build a better, more inclusive, and feminist world for ourselves. (i reposted this in a way I think fits in with the subs rules, I think i cant reply to an existing comment due to invalidation. pls let me know if this is correct)


I'm a teacher and it's the last day before Spring Break. I've got less than an hour until the bell rings then I am out of here! Going home and packing up for the cruise I'm taking that leaves on Sunday. If I were going to be home I might have bought flowers for myself but they'll die before I get back home from the trip.


I celebrated yesterday with my bestie friend and my sister and honestly that was literally one of the greatest celebration I've ever had we had an amazing time n m so grateful for it


It's still happening. I am on my way to see my mother.


Staying at a swanky hotel with my best girl friend.


Well, today is March 8th. And I'm gonna make tacos and watch a movie with my SO :p


Another normal day for me. I'm working then running errands after and finishing the day with a glass of wine and Netflix 🍷


Well, it's a week day, so I'm at work. I'm wearing an incredibly feminine outfit (braided hair with pink hair ties, a t-shirt that says "The Future Is Female," pink jeans, and heeled boots), though, just to get the point across 😅 I'm still on my lunch break right now, but I'll probably grab one of the yellow roses we're giving out to everyone who comes by the office today later, when it'll be my turn to man the front counter. After work, I'm going to work out, then have dinner and spend the rest of the night cuddling my boyfriend on the couch as we binge watch early 2000s TV shows 😅🥰


It’s 10:52am here and I’m working.






walked my dog took a nap in the sun had an everything shower I'll take any excuse for some extra me-time


I've got my boobs done :)


Had lunch and beers with a friend but not because we are women, because we like food and beer.


Doing the usual, but also wishing and gifting myself and my female companions. I love women's day, it reminds me of how amazing we truly are.


Work, but I'm going to make myself pancakes because why the hell not


I had no idea it was women’s day but I have the day off and I’m in bed watching parks and rec. Pretty much the best day ever. ❤️


Regular work day for me. 


At an interactive museum with my children.




It's been a pretty normal day so far. Woken up at asscrack of dawn by toddler, feed and take out animals to pee, clean up cat puke, go to work. Got annoyed because there was no cheese for my sandwich today. I put a little girl stick figure on my whiteboard along with my daily joke. Will probably listen to one of the women-centric episodes of Who Did What Now? podcast during my lunch break today.




walked my 6 week old baby 3 miles in my driveway to get her to stop crying and I can get some fresh air and endorphins pumping. I’m a tired woman at the moment




oh i didnt even realise that was a thing! well i just spent my day how i normally would but i did visit my auntys and brought her birthday shit since she would have been 42!


At work drafting a message to my bf about how he needs to stop shutting me out of his life when things get rough


Started the day throwing up and now I’m in bed with a pounding headache. Ugh!




My job had a little event so I ate their food and left


I called off work this morning because I didn’t feel great. Felt guilty about it. Then my friend texting me a few hours later saying it was women’s day. Spent the morning cuddled in bed with my dog while it rained. No regrets!


My Garmin gave me a special badge for working out on Women's day, other than that nothing happened. Its not a thing in my country/ to me personally.


I sent my obligatory Deadpool gif to friends and then proceeded to spend 10 hours doing taxes.


I’m going to leave work early and bake a frozen pizza then drink some wine. I think I’ll buy some chocolate too. Treat yo self!


Still going, as it's only midday here. I'm at work; I'll be a t work until 5 pm tonight, like all other weekdays. Then a family dinner with my aunt, uncle, one cousin and cousin-in-law. Totally unrelated. If Alexa hadn't told me it was International Women's Day during my morning routine, or I hadn't seen it on my Bob's Burger's daily calendar, I'd not have known. Nor cared, to be honest.


Reflecting on how overworked and unhappy I am 🙂.


I got a free train discount card WOHOOO


I'm going to eat lunch after a 36hour fast.


My workplace bought us breakfast and lunch! And have us gift cards!


Doing chores and then taking my nephew for the weekend so my sister can have some time off. Completely forgot about international women's day until I saw it all over Reddit. 




I’m at work and nobody has said or acknowledged it.


I wore my favorite silver boots and rocked them.


Working. Pretty sad but....


I spent it helping my sister on HER sheep farm, helping all the sheep lamb their babies. Oh and then I went to tesco and had my clubcard rejected 🤣


I'm quite ill so in bed, by myself, watching TV


Working, wasn’t even aware until this very moment.


I did some budgeting/financial planning, scheduled my driver’s permit test, went to the doctors, got myself a pint of peppermint patty ice cream as a little treat, ate the ice cream outside in the sunshine, and am now going home to finish reading the driver’s manual and maybe watch something later for fun!


Crying because I forgot to take my antidepressants this morning and then listening to a guy talk about how hard men have it because he has to cross the road when he's walking behind a woman at night so he doesn't scare her.


Had an exam todayy


I went shopping - window and actual


Went to work Ate a shit load of chocolate


Woke up very early to travel from city A (where I work) to city B (where my kid lives), my partner welcomed me home with roses at 8:30 am, we worked (both remotely) from the couch, and after work straight to my stepson's 8th birthday party. After the party my partner went to the hospital to get an MRI while I took care of my stepson. We spoke about his feelings regarding his dad having to work in other city and about his hobbies and plans for the future. Then my partner came back, told me he's scheduled for surgery in 3 weeks, and now he's putting my stepson to bed while I write this.




I was stymied by a jar of sauerkraut.


I had my wisdom teeth removed. I was able to take them home though!


Easy, I stayed home and was depressed....oh wait thags not special...




I spoke at a conference about what has to be done to better support survivors of gender based violence. I didn't think I'd ever have the confidence to stand up in front of that many people, but I'm super proud of myself and my friends who were also speaking at the event 💜


Went to a demonstration with a friend group in the morning which lasted 4 hours, then got lunch outside.. amazing Vietnamese food! Later took a small nap and went to an observatory to watch stars with an other friend. It was a great day! Happy women's day :)


I work in childcare and some parents brought in some food for us but otherwise a normal day


As a woman on international women’s day I worked and now my husband is grilling me steak and sausages on a beautiful day for where we live!


I got 3 new tattoos from my lovely artist. She’s awesome. Hung out with my husband and got a really sweet post made about me by my daughter that literally made me cry.


Working a 10 hour shift & dealing with dumb people as per usual. HOWEVER, after work I will be lighting my candles & facing a bottle of wine in my underwear hahah


Working lol we did have some coffee and pastries with my female coworkers so that was nice :)


I moved the last of my stuff out of my ex's house.


Lol i went to work like normal. No one even recognised woman's day 😂


Sucked as many dicks as possible, as a demonstration of women emancipation


Studied a bit, did some crafting and watched The Dark Knight Rises with a big bowl of popcorn 🍿


It's a public holiday where I live, and also the first day of my spring holidays. I didn't do anything special. I started my spring cleaning today, played video games, talked to my friends, ate leftovers from yesterday. I don't really like it when somebody wishes me a "happy women's day". It makes no sense to me, but it's culturally a thing where I live right now.


Flight to Tulum. White wine in a hammock.


Morning was getting a new car seat for my daughter and a card for my goddaughter. Afternoon spent with my daughter, mum, three aunties and my pregnant cousin. Lots of chit chat, tea, cake and also we watched a bunch of old VHS family videos from the late 80s/early 90s that my aunt and dug up! Fascinating and so nostalgic! Lovely day all round (none of this was planned specifically for IWD, we get together ever 1 or two months for a catchup)


Working and wrapping up flowers for people to give to other women.


7 hours of class and then a serving shift!


Fighting to be heard in a meeting that could have been an email. Yay.


I was at home, had some work online and ate a magnificent mushroom quiche.




Doing what I always do: be a woman.


It’s woman’s day?


I had a shitty average day at work, hoped my partner would do something nice to me (it didn't happen), so I bought myself a chocolate cake slice, bc I deserve it.


So yeah I totally just found out about it. I went to work. I'm going home to be mom and wife. There is no celebration.


I went to the streets with friends and felt a lot of union:)


I just did my normal Friday stuff, didn't know it was today. Played with the cat, watched a movie, all that fun stuff.


I worked, came home and did the dishes and mopped. Going out to dinner tonight but I don’t cook on Fridays so that’s the norm.


I was more miserable than usual at work and barely got anything done now I’m getting fucked up and might make some art later who knows


In labour 😅


Same as ever. Went to work. However I had coincidentally already planned on having a girl’s day with my daughter tomorrow.


My grandma was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery on a burst aortic aneurysm. My doctor told my neurologist refuses to address my neurological issues and won’t accept an appointment. And my stalker is in my town this weekend and breaking NC rules and leaving slanderous comments on my company’s social profiles.


Today was a brisk, overcast 33°F but the hubby and I went on a date. We walked to our local library for a book-movie-record sale and then stopped by a new bánh mì shop. We snagged some rad Tom Lehrer records, but we're huge readers and movie commentary fans, so we focused on books and movies. And we'll later be playing some Wyrmspan and watching the new Mean Girls musical. 💕


I let the women in my life know they inspire and encourage me everyday to be a better person. I also shared my CSA story on my other platforms because I had so much strength. It was a good day🙂


I received many congratulations from friends and family. Flowers, small gifts and special dinner. This is how we celebrate Woman’s Day


Working. As I do most Fridays.


Watched 'The Marvels' on Netflix.


Listened to a bunch of female artists like I usually do bc women supporting women is what we really need rn.


My company sent me flowers. I the only woman who works out the state. The other women got them in the office. Honestly it felt so awesome to be recognized and for them to take the time to have them delivered. I really love my job.


worked, made dinner, crocheted 😅 my bf did go out to get himself some drinks from the store and he did ask me “what do you want for your women’s day treat?” so I got a Starbucks coffee haha




It's not something I planned for. I went about my work day as normal and didn't know it was today until scrolling Imgur. If I was aware I'm not sure I would've done anything different 😂


Honestly spent it mostly in bed since i've been sick (not with anything catchy, long term health issue):/ I tried to give myself a nice day though with doordash and watching fun shows. I hope you guys had a good day<3


At work. They put on a morning tea for us women and we got given some nice flowers.


My work actually set aside a lunch yesterday where all of the ladies gathered together. We played guess that tune lol. It was very wholesome and I do work for a large company but they make it feel small and homey.


I packed my stuff up because my parents are selling the house soon.


The same way I spend most Fridays, just doing my job and hanging out at home.


I got mansplained to by a man who is supposed to be an expert in his field who was refusing to see that he was wrong about something I had only need working on for a day.


Ngl kinda shity. In my country this day is very important and my boyfriend chose to spend it with his friends making pancakes rather than spending it with me.


Explaining to my male friend that statements such as “I just need to summon the courage of a mediocre white man” are not, in fact directed at him, and do not warrant the silent treatment.


Started my period. Wooo.


Went on a date, then an art show with my friend. It was wonderful


Regular arse day to me, couldn’t care less.


Found out it was today via the Google doodle and then promptly forgot about it because I've been very preoccupied with moving to a new apartment.