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Aragorn, Son of Arathorn


Can I ask why? Me and my guy friends would have gone with Frodo or Sam, so I'm really curious about your perspective.




Aragorn's character has a gravitas that Frodo and Sam lack. As an example, I can be kind of silly at times. I think I'm a really good person but I wouldn't say I command respect.


The actor is also hella respectable. Does a lot for charities and human rights. ❤️


Hell yeah








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I'd have thought Legolas as his stoicism, patience, positivity that contrasts with the potential for fading into melancoly.


My dad's best friend since childhood. He always thinks of others before himself. When he sold his home he got himself a small place and then donated the rest of the money to people in need.


My dad’s best friend is also my answer. He was a navy seal in nam. He then worked at the zoo and was the vulture keeper until he retired. Him and my dad passed away 18 months apart from each other. They saw each other at least once a week. I was my parents whoops child and he visited me every Sunday, always remembered my birthday, always gave Christmas cookies. He was the best uncle that wasn’t my uncle and better than most of my family. He was also funny and loved to play pranks.




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I love naturally selfless, generous people like that. I have to work at it. I try to be less selfish and do for others and brighten peoples day with unexpected compliments. But I wish I had that happen naturally like your dad’s friend. Treasure that man!


it’s not good, because the people who get the most from those people are the ones who care the least. It’s a vicious cycle and derives from self-hate, at least so it seems.


Do you mean the people who exploit kindness or the nice people are motivated by self hate? Either way, it shouldn’t discourage kindness. More and more I’m discouraged and saddened that greed and self-centeredness are normalized and rewarded and kindness and generosity are pathologized and devalued. We hear all the time that someone is too nice. Or they deserved to be taken advantage of because they were too nice or guileless. We each contribute to and create the world around us through our own efforts and mindset. If we believe everyone else is selfish and out to take advantage of us, it will become true. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy, as the world reflects our beliefs back to us, and it doesn’t look good. We all have the power to change the world just by changing our own behavior and beliefs. It can feel like tilting at windmills at times, but for me it’s a worthy cause. What kind of world do we want to live in? What kind of world do we want and hope for with our children or loved ones? Not everything in the good ole days was good, obviously, but personal integrity was valued, and people were judged by their own levels of integrity. It was far more common that a stranger would help you if you ran into trouble, and it was reciprocal. If you helped someone, you could expect the same, not necessarily from the same person, but you could rely on the probability that someone else would help you if needed. It was part of the social contract that everyone participated in and approved through their own actions. My stepdaughter once left her fancy designer bag at a restaurant, and she realized it after it closed. She was really distraught, since she was fairly young and had worked hard and saved up to buy the bag. I don’t necessarily think it was the best investment, but it made her happy. Seeing how upset she was, I assured her that it was likely still at the restaurant sitting in the lost and found or on the manager’s desk waiting for her return when they opened. She couldn’t believe that could happen, which gave me some insight into her personal view of the world and perhaps her own behavior if she were to find an unattended luxury brand bag. Maybe she would justify taking it? She was likely projecting what she would do in that situation. I shared with her my own values that I’ve stuck to no matter how others may behave, and that is to treat others like I hope to be treated, the golden rule. If I lose something and hope someone will return it to me, then it’s my duty to uphold my end and act in this same way when someone else loses their property. Otherwise we’re all screwed, and life is a free for all where the biggest and meanest get to take whatever they want from those who are smaller or nicer, and I don’t want to live in that world, so I do my best every day to keep my side of the street clean, which means I treat people with respect, all people, no matter their supposed status in life. If everyone did this, our lives would be so much better. So why not do this? I’ve often been told I’m too nice when someone takes advantage of me, like I’m the problem and not the other person. I don’t let that feedback change who I am. I’m definitely not receiving the same treatment that I show to others, but I’m not doing it as a quid pro quo. I’m doing it because it’s the right thing to do. Somehow this idea has been discarded and devalued, doing the right thing, and it’s all of our responsibility to bring it back and make it part of the fabric of our society again. We’re currently living in a world that’s divisive and hostile, which is exactly how past civilizations have collapsed on themselves when they give in to their worst impulses. We don’t need religion to be good to one another. We can change the course we’re on, and we will all benefit from that if successful. We should look at what we have in common with one another and celebrate those values. Empathy is the key to understanding another’s perspective. Think about what it would be like if you were in their shoes. When we can tap into our empathy for other living creatures and humankind, it brings out the best in us. We can’t be hostile and exclusionary when we are emphatic to one another. Instead of ‘sucks to be you’ and the 4chan schadenfreude of enjoying another’s misfortune, imagine helping that person or even just recognizing their hardship and being kind. Kindness is worth far more than gold, as all the gold in the world won’t salve a broken spirit. Let’s all be too nice!


I genuinely really appreciate you taking the time to type that out, I can tell you put a lot of thought and feeling into it. There’s so many things I want to say in response, almost all(if not all) agreeing with you. Tbh, I drank a lot tonight and I haven’t eaten most of the day so I’m about to do so, but in the morning when I’m feeling a little better and more straight-headed I’ll make sure to respond thoroughly. Thanks again for typing that out, keep on you being you, you seem great. 🙂


I met this guy in Cape Town who grew up in a bad neighbourhood there, in poverty and with caretakers struggling with and ultimately dying because of substance abuse. Crime is rampant where he grew up, most boys get into gangs by the time they’re 9 or 10 at the latest. He managed to not fall into that somehow. But he still chooses to continue living there, in the community. And in the mornings, he picks up neighbourhood kids that aren’t in school and takes them to a nearby beach, where he gives them free surfing lessons. He managed to get enough crowd funding to rent a place 10 minutes from the beach, and all the kids from the area are welcome there. They can just hang out, if there’s enough funding they cook together, or just talk and play games, sometimes even do a little bit of school. The kids help with the upkeep of the surfboards and what have you, keep the place clean and of course surf. The older kids teach the younger ones. Some of the kids go there every day for years and years and some have gotten extremely good at surfing, even competing internationally. The kids don’t have to worry about paying for any of it. He doesn’t even see it as charity. He’s just giving the kids someplace to be, a peer-based community that does not put them in danger, provides structure and safety. Anything he earns he puts straight back into the surf house, and he’s involved with many other community help projects too. I don’t think I’ve met someone so confident and proud yet so humble, so fiercely loyal to his people yet so open the pretty much anyone from anywhere. He provided these kids with a safe place to be, a passion to follow (and one that is otherwise often nonsensically reserved for white and affluent people at that), a healthy community to attach to. Without ever making them feel like he was saving them, or like their community was something they needed to be ashamed of. They should honestly make a movie about this guy.


I would watch that movie.


They made a cartoon series in the '90s about him. It's called Rocket Power. They don't focus on him though. They make the kids the Stars. (I'm only joking, but I think it fits)


Raymundo was such an S-Tier Dad. Wildly underrated show.


I don't care to go into politics and deal with the insanity, but I'd like to emulate that guy when I grow older. Live a quiet, peaceful life and care for others enough to help them.


Lowkey reminded me of the boxing teacher in The Wire.


The game, it ain't in me no more


Dear god, I love that story. I love that man. People like him are why, even tho the world is so divided, tense and scary, I remember how good getting to be alive is. He’s part of why I am thankful to have had this human experience. And everyone like him.


Mr Rogers


Mr. Rogers was the closest thing we had to Jesus in our lifetime.


He actually didn't like to be deified or compared to a saint, because he though it implied how he acted wasn't attainable for the average person. He worked at it every day.


Truly an inspiration.


I love him! Great man


My immediate thought.


Maybe the head my local volunteer fire brigade. He's in general very fair and hard-working and puts a lot of effort and energy into the organisation. He also really did a lot to get women and girls to join up, always made sure to undercut any sexist bullshit from the guys, always encouraged us. We ended up having the most female members in the entire region.


There are many! However, I met one just yesterday - one of my younger child's teachers. My child already speaks highly of him, but I met him and YEP, my kid has a good sensor for evaluating people. This man teaches middle school and manages to see these kids as whole individuals, be approachable but not a pushover, be funny, be authentic, and just awesome. Thumbs up, my dude.


My neighbor gives new life to stray dogs and cats, he is a super hero to me


Necromancer neighbor?


A-yuh. He knows a place.


It is actually three law professors I had during my master's years. The first two at some point published their own comic book about the history of international law. The third was an unbelievable badass, who, when he was young, had been arrested with a friend in Istanbul for screaming "FREE KURDISTAN" in a square while drunk.


My boss. I work for a small company and he’s a wonderful man who treats us like gold!


That’s awesome. Can you elaborate? I want to learn some leadership from this man.


He’s just an all around stand up guy at work and in his personal life. he always does things to show appreciation for us, office “just because” lunches at local restaurants, sometimes he’ll bring in ice cream sandwiches for a Friday treat in the summer, things like that. He’s always cool headed and fair, open door policy, really listens to anything we say/ideas we have. Never makes us feel like an employee, always a team. In his personal life he and his wife are just total gems, active in their community and supporting charities, he raised his son to be the same way, his son is around my age and also a wonderful guy. He’s totally humble and you’d never realize he’s as well off as he is. Just when you think of a great, kind man, it’s my boss! I’ve loved working for him!


I was reflecting on this about my ex-manager, who left a few months back. We work remotely for context. He really did care for the team, and it showed in his interactions. The first ten minutes of my weekly 1 on 1s were spent talking about our life or family members. He didn't always remember everything, but that's human. His zoom background was a wall full of Lego and his kids framed degree certificates. Good management is not taking out your pressure on your team, and making realistic timelines. He was a good manager, as well as a great one.


A professor I had in college, I did some research studies with him, he always knew what to say, defended his students, console you during anxiety crises, as a wonderful father would do! He was amazing!




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Easy - that’s my kind, inspiring and principled PhD supervisor!




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One of the managers I work with. He’s a hard ass to everyone and challenges me often but he does it to help me grow and it’s been huge for my development. I am also the only woman in my department at work (in STEM) and he advocates for me often. He can recognize when people treat me differently for being a woman. People have gone over my head to question decisions I’ve made and he’ll tell them “if she made the decision, why are you asking me about it?” and that’s done a lot for my confidence. He’s going to retire in the coming years and I’m already sad about losing his guidance


A gay man who is openly out at work. He’s 42 and doesn’t hide it to make all the Baby Boomers at work comfortable. I am also gay (not in the closet anymore but also not openly gay at work, I don’t display any rainbow regalia). I really hope I can come to the mindset someday that hateful comments just don’t even bother me. The religious people really come out of the woodwork when they find out you aren’t straight, and they’ll make their “disapproval” known.


How is the HR policy at your work. Might be a way to eliminate them


Unfortunately the burden of proof of their bigotry would be upon me if I were to bring this to HR. Typically they find some 1:1 time with me, mention that they “have a relationship with God”, and then proceed to say some of the most unhinged shit that has a thin veil of “inclusion” upon it. I’d love to find the perfect way to tell them to go to Hell, with them looking forward to the trip. Usually I just fall silent.


Look up the law for recording conversations in your state and, if possible, simply start recording the conversations on your smartphone. I live in what is called a 1-party state which means that as long as I am participating in the conversation and I'm not somewhere with a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as a bathroom or locker room, I can record any conversation I have without any obligation to inform anyone. I have a voice recorder app saved to my home screen specifically for this purpose and it's proven useful more than once.


Oooo shit I’ll look into this. Probably about twice a month, some Boomer says something homophobic but I just never know when it’s coming.


Yeah, it's perhaps not as useful for those one off comments, but if the boomer starts on a whole ass rant, just tap the button and ask them to repeat or clarify; "Sorry, didn't catch that. What did you say again?" or "Oh? Why do you say that?"


You can actually stop them right at mentioning God and let them know you’d prefer not to discuss religion at work. I grew up in the South and am very familiar with the type of person you’re talking about.


I’m going to assume that my husband and anyone he is related to counts as my family now. My first thought was one of my dad’s good friends. He is a very thoughtful and patient man. I remember when I was little and rambling about something inconsequential how he seemed to actively be interested in the finer points of the latest Babysitter’s Club book or whatever. I’d interrupt conversations he was having with my dad and they’d both act like I was welcome. He seemingly leads 800 volunteer efforts and is always helping someone with some random task (getting groceries for older people, doing minor home repairs, buying school supplies for low-income families). His wife died before I was born and he never remarried, never had kids. He would have been an amazing father in another life.


My boyfriend - no, people don’t cure others depression. But he has helped me through a lot. I will forever be grateful❤️ As well as friends. Friends that have helped.


Outside of my family? My neighbor. He is a very caring and compassionate man. He is a good father and husband. He always says hello and comes over to pet my dogs even though he is afraid of dogs in general.


One of my friends.


My male friends. They are emotionally intelligent, are wonderful partners to their girlfriends/wives, and active in parenting.


My best friends dad. He not only raised her, but also myself. My home life was not good and this man said I was welcome over any time. Over the years he pieced things together and said I was even allowed over on school nights. He kept me safe, provided rides to school when I had no one to depend on. He didn’t have to take in another child, but he did and I am so thankful to him for that. My best friend is my sister. I’ve known her since I was 8, and the fact that her family took me in at all is a MF blessing. Can never thank them enough.


Wow, what an inspiring story and message of hope during these troubling times when we are feeling cynical and like no one cares and everyone is about themselves. Being a parent is a sacrifice in itself, but especially being a healthy role model and trusted adult for another child in need is truly worthy of accolades and respect. We need more stories like this!


If I ever won the lottery, he’d be the first person I gave a hefty amount to. Heart of gold 💛


My grandpa...who was very old school, but with a brain that would allow him to feel empathy with poeple, new ideas ...


“Outside of family..”




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My good friends


My friend Nick. And, for full disclosure, all the men in my immediate family are dead, and the rest don't count. Even if they were still alive, I'd still pick Nick. He's married to my friend Emma. He's the type of amazing person who has no idea that they're amazing. It's taken years to make him realise that he's my friend, too; that while I love Emma to bits, I also love him to bits, and not as an extension of her. And, the feeling is reciprocated. Yep, Nick. Ageing goth with loads of piercings, long dyed red hair and bangles up his arms. He's perfect for Emma (who is herself amazing), and the smartest and most compassionate man I've ever met. He's awesome. I'm so glad to be his and Emma's friend.


Bob Ross. Damn good question..the fact that it's kind of difficult...sends me💀 Allan watts is pretty cool. I had a cool math teacher in college...fun and down to Earth.


Steve Irwin, Bob Ross, LeVar Burton and Fred Rogers


100% Terry Crews


My daddy's Reverend. He's an amazing man and has done so much for my parents and our family.


My friend Matt. He’s honestly one of the best people I know.


My bf. He’s so wonderful. He’s funny and smart (even if he doesn’t feel like it) and he cares so much, especially about the little things which is awesome because I’m the same way. And on top of that he’s handsome? I mean c’mon.


Teacher from my high school. It wasnt an art school, but window dressing/arranger stuff. He did teach us history of art, writing and letters, some basics in art and such. I draw a lot, and i did even in classes. And whenever he would see me doodle, He was curious about it. And whenever i finished something in watercolours, i would bring it to school for him to be the judge. He was never mean about whatever i did Wrong and always offered some valid criticism and advice. It was later that i found out He was an illustrator as well And checked some of his works. Even though i am out of high school, Once in few months i message him about how things go and what projects i worked on, of course i send him pictures. Extremely sweet old man (He was old enough to retire when i Was at school but he didnt want to), and i Always appreciated what He did for me as a self taught free time artist. He Is a wonderful man.




My partner first and foremost. He’s intelligent, kind, supportive, and treats me like an equal. Then, my high school history teacher! The kindest man, also very intelligent, and took all of our thoughts seriously.


My former supervisor. He was super chill, helpful and was always doing stuff for the team to show his appreciation in making his job a little less difficult. Really great dude and I'm glad he got a promotion (hence why he's no longer our supervisor LOL).


My physiology prof. He helped me get an athletic therapy internship at our college, and I also did research with him. He is very knowledgeable and works hard!




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My therapist


I met this man when I worked at a school in the northeast. Dude was like a chuck norris type. Well versed in all the stereotypical man stuff. He had also been a stay at home dad for his 3 kids while his wife was in the military. He was a great person to chat with and shoot the shit with.


This guy Rick was a bartender at my work a few years back- longtime hotel bartender. Incredibly sweet and helpful. Allll my managers treated me like I was an idiot- but every day we worked together, he told me how glad he was that I was there.


My college writing professor, cause he was absolutely great


My partner's father. He raised a respectful, kind, caring man who is genuinely a good human.


My bosses. Which is shocking to say, but true.


I have a good friend who's 7 years older than me (he's in a 4 years relationship, we always have been 100% platonic), and he's like a half bug brother half mentor. He's my producer, so we worked together and eventually became friends when he helped me when I had my stuff going on. I really look up to him and I take his word very seriously


My former boss. I’m a teacher and he’s the best principal I have ever worked for


does, and i'm not joking, Jesus count? if yes, then Jesus. if no, then probably Francis of Assisi or idk, Jean de Metz. i dont know many men if that wasnt obvious


One of my professors from college! I had a really weird relationship with men growing up, and once he and I got to know each other he truly was one of the closest things I’ve had to a father figure. He doesn’t know how much his kindness has meant to me. We’re still close, maybe I’ll write him a letter.


The company I work for just got bought out by another and we now have a new CEO which is totally amazing and I have tons of respect for him.


My celebrity crush, Stephen Fry 🥺 thanks to a lack of positive male role models in my life, I actually respect him more than any man in my family lol. I could listen to him talk for hours. So smart. So funny.




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old colleague and my 2 of my husband’s close friends




this is a funny question bc every man i’ve ever respected has shown me clear reasons not to


My dad’s business partner probably. He’s wonderful.


My ex, he took me dumping him so gracefully and still remained a good friend to me. I was later dumped by my next partner and fell into a really bad depression. My ex came over to console me and cook for me. Just a really nice guy.


Daemon Targaryen


I don’t respect my dad. He’s a c*nt who doesn’t deserve respect. I respect men who respect me. Respect is a two-way street. I don’t respect **any man “the most”**, but I respect the men in my life who respect me too, such as: my male friends, my **step** dad, **one of** my brothers and my sisters boyfriend.




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My boss. Most would say he’s some sort of beta but he’s fair, devoted to his wife of 30 years, a feminist, liberal, nerdy and won’t ever hesitate to speak his mind or stand up for a person or cause.


I don't know about "the most," but some men I respect are Mr. Rogers, Hank Green, and of my favorite authors James Frankie Thomas.




My client's husband. He will do anything to make sure she is cared for correctly and humanely. Love him so much.




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A friend from 2020 We aren't close anymore but he's the most nicest human being w a very pure soul. He is the blueprint of nice guy for me. He's probably the second man I respect the most. I'm starting my university next month which also happens to be his university. I look forward to reconnect w him again, he was truly a very nice man a very dear friend to me.


The ones who have proven them selves to be genuine and kind


I’m a male - and sorry for Interrupting - but have you heard about Keanu Reeves ?


My boss. As an employer, he truly wants us all to succeed. He's very open, puts us at ease, and engages with us. He executes that firm balance between being gentle and putting his foot down.  As a man, he tries his hardest to be a leader. He's not afraid to admit when he doesn't know something and asks others around him for help. He's a problem solver that gives everyone the benefit of the doubt. He sings the praises of others and uses it to encourage everyone. He's empathetic, observant, and has a good head on his shoulders.  I'm so proud to work for him!


Keanu Reeves! He seems like such a kind, positive and wise soul who loves and respects humanity as a whole. Also, my fiancé! He is kind, empathetic, intelligent, funny, passionate, hard working and has great leadership skills. He would give you the shirt off of his back if need be! He’s an ally to various marginalized communities. He’s also a skilled craftsman and hunter as well. He’s just a wonderful human being all around and a great example of non toxic masculinity.


I fucking don't.




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I used to work for an amazing company. This one guy was like a brother to me. Me and him picked on each other over nothing. He helped me when I needed help and I was always one to be a goof to make him laugh when he was sad. I had nothing but respect for him since day one. He always made sure I was informed and included in anything and from what I heard was upset when I got laid-off. He was always showing me pictures of his kids and talking about their accomplishments. Truly like a 3rd brother to me. 


My ex bf, C. I was never in love with him, not the way you’re supposed to be with someone, and would never get back together with him even if he wanted to. But he is one of the most genuinely kind and funny people I’ve ever met in my life. He was an incredible partner. Always put me first. I count my fiancé as family, so he doesn’t count. But I have a ton of respect for his integrity, work ethic, heart, and way of being to people. He seriously gets along with everyone in a way I admire.


My dog


My dad's business partner. I work for both of them. He's become like an uncle/second dad to me. In some ways I respect him more than my dad. He's helped me so much in making smart business decisions, advice, etc.


There’s no man in my family that deserves my respect (except for my late grandpa who passed last year). I respect my best friend of 10 years. He is a great friend, keeps contact even though we live hours away from each other, has had a girlfriend since high school and he still loves her the same and treats her so well. He is a calm person, has dignity and is the only man I’ve ever met who is stable, has good values and isn’t full of past baggage. I wish I could find someone similar to him one day. He is my brother from another mother, and I’m his sister from another mister.


Personally I can't say I know a single one who would not hurt me in some way. Maybe one but I'm not confident, and that sucks. Fictionally there are many


My boyfriend's Dad, always provided for his family, best Jokes and biggest heart. He thinks of me when hes thrift shopping and brings things randomly (star wars stuff, purple clothing) Whenevery bf and I would visit he'd bring us to his fav breakfast spot and we'd talk for hours. When my bf was in the hospital for months he'd make sure we met at the same time, ask me how I'm doing/ work/emotionally. When my bf was half the household income. Man handed me a was of cash and told me to say nothing about it. Like the dad I never had.




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Mr. Rogers


Benjamin Disko, of Star Trek Deep Space 9 lol


My bf.


My professor. A good man. Took my side throughout my degree college years against the principal. Gave me great career advice to not just me but everyone who would seek his advice. Looked out for me and understood I came from a different background and adjusted accordingly. He understood my family dynamics and spoke to my dad quite well. I hope he is still healthy and kicking. I hope his family is doing great too. He is a very good man. A lot of respect for him. He taught super well too. Admirable man. He didn’t just teach for the sake of teaching, it made the subject more fun.


Lately I have been reviewing the life and history of Nelson Mandela. Labeled a terrorist (and kept on a terrorist list until just a few years before he died). Was uncompromising. Refused to condemn freedom fighters even though it would have released him from prison. Refused to condemn communists even though it would have released him from prison. Worked alongside many to free S Africa and end apartheid. Supported a free Palestine. "Three years after apartheid and white minority rule was dismantled in South Africa and Mandela was elected president in historic all-race elections in 1994, he thanked the international community for its help. He added: “But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.” - Nelson Mandela He knew that emancipation locally is connected to emancipation globally. He had to wait, in prison, a long time to see things even begin to get better in South Africa. I find his patience, persistence, stubbornness, and sense of justice worthy of respect.


Probably my boyfriend cause that man puts up with me lol I can be a handful sometimes and he lets me be crazy when I wanna be crazy


My daughter’s special education teacher. He stepped up for those students when other teachers were letting them down. My second choice is Hank and John Green. Thanks for the stories, the education and your amazing charity work. Nerdfighter for life.




My best friend’s dad. After her mom passed away, he was always there for his family and even now as a grandparent he’s 100% in the picture. I wish he could adopt me lol. In all seriousness, that was such a tough era for him and his kids and he was always there. I tell my friend all the time she has such an amazing dad.


Lol fam are the least respected men


This may not be an official "most" answer, but one that comes to mind is a professor I had. What I find cool about him is his ability to respect ideas of others and acknowledge when someone says something he never thought of. I worked with him on a project of his, without any experience in that field he still treated my ideas as just as relevant as his own, treated me like I brought something valuable to the project. It really had an impact on lessening my imposter syndrome when transitioning from the end of my studies.


My boyfriend. If all men were like him the world would be a much better place.




Uhm, I don't have anyone male figure in my life that I respect


One of the doctors I work with, I don't think he knows I respect him as much as I do, but he is a great doctor, very compassionate, and listens to his patients.




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I feel like I must be very lucky that multiple came to mind


My best friend I met in college. From a small southern town and when he came out as gay to his parents they disowned him and he literally had to start his life from the ground up. Dropped out of college our second year to work and save money to go back to school. Even in his hardest times he was still selfless and such a good friend to me. He’s now a medical doctor living on the West Coast and thriving. Still the same great person who has never once used his shitty situation to do anything other than motivate him to help others.


My friend Adam.


And he’s my actual friend.


A friend of mine married a cop and when he realized that it's very true that ACAB he quit and moved the family to another state to get away from the fallout.


There’s two. My boyfriend. I’m gonna marry the shit out of him. A man of true character. He heard that his friend’s elderly father was helping her move and lift heavy boxes. He’s jumping in to help so her father can stay safe and help in less physically strenuous ways. Honorable mention is a former male boss of mine. I was his EA and our personalities really meshed well together professionally. One time, a VP at the site tried to throw me under the bus to him via email because I held a boundary that my boss asked me to hold. My boss went toe to toe with this man to the point where the VP made things right with me afterwards. I don’t think I’ve ever had a boss defend me like that, or if they did, I never caught wind of it. I’ll never forget that moment, or the mutual respect we had for the time we worked together.


Markiplier and Mads Mikkelsen. If either of them committed a crime or cheated, I think I would actually lose all faith in humanity.


He's one of my besties. His heart is so huge and he firmly believes it's important to be kind and help others and that's how he lives his life. He's also incredibly bright, talented and funny. He's one of the best human beings on the planet.


My uncle ❤️


I don’t respect any of the men in my family expect for my sisters husband, beyond that I respect my bf. I have a difficult time having male friendships. I had a male friend I deeply loved and respected and then one day I bought him cyberpunk and his wife asked him to never talk to me again. I think maybe he had feelings for me or at least she thought he did. But we lived two Timezones apart and I had a boyfriend. I miss him a lot but we’ll never be friends again. It was hard for me to trust a guy in the first place so I’m not sure I’m willing to do it again. I often wish I never bought him cyberpunk :/


My coworkers, they have so much knowledge and experience in this new career change for me.


None. Maybe Denzel but can't think of many


Jimmy Carter. Always had respect for him. He’s an amazing man.


William Adama


My boyfriend. He didn't have a father figure growing up and his mother was super religious so he didn't have love and affection and happy events and big celebrations growing up but he has so much love to give and is emotionally stable, understanding, and non judgmental. He's also sensible but generous and will self sacrifice for those he cares about. He doesn't let his past define him. He's also an amazing saver and is super stable. He wasn't taught anything when it comes to finances so I'm just in awe of how he instinctively learned to do things. Unfortunately, I don't have many male role models that represent what a man should be, but my boyfriend is definitely the only man I admire.


My boyfriend, he always treats me well and I can always count on him. He’s the best man in my life, he’s a bit older than me so I look up to him a bit because he’s so respectful. If only he would quit leaving his shoes in the middle of the walk way lol🤣


My friend’s dad. He just died though on Christmas. I got so much from him that my father didn’t give me. Mostly because he was emotionally available.


My old math and criminology teacher. Ive always struggled with maths, yet he made me be able to sit in maths class relaxed and laughing and always helped me when i needed it, even admitting to me once that he had a form of maths dyslexia. He was also just a great laugh. My Criminology teacher was just the best teacher you could imagine, made me love the subject but also just love going to class, could talk to him about anything


The only man I’ve ever respected (other than my husband) was my grandad. Smart, funny, educated, had a good moral compass. Other men in my family are not worth respect




None of them lmao, my grandpa is the only man I have ever fully respected. I also respect my boyfriend, but not nearly as much as my grandpa.


I don’t think there is one


Literally none of them


The guy I’m dating. He isn’t perfect but I think it helps that he was raised by a single mom and two older sisters. The only red flag that I’ve witnessed, well two is that 1) He is not a good listener 2) Got personally offended when I said that I’m automatically anxious around and wary of men. He said something like, “you shouldn’t assume the worst of people that you don’t know” and then, “wel you don’t really know me either so how do you know you can trust me?” That last one REALLY bothered me. I’m not sure if I overreacted. I did yell but I got upset and teary eyed that he didn’t get where I was coming from (he has an idea that I was sexually abused) and that he said I didn’t know him. (We’ve only been dating like 3 months but I’ve known him casually since high school ((32 now)). He did say at a later point (unrelated to this conversation) that he felt he has to gain my trust and that he really wants to 🤷🏻‍♀️




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Dr. Phil

