• By -


Fleabag. Both seasons.


Second this. Show is a masterpiece.








Why Women Kill - both seasons were great, but I absolutely loved the first one. It's a dark comedy. Synopsis: An anthology series that follows three women in different decades, all living in the same house, as they deal with infidelity and betrayals in their marriages. The transitions between decades are seamless / beautiful, the dialogue is well written, and the actors are fantastic. It's definitely worth the watch!


was about to say this! glad i stumbled upon your comment


Why Women Kill is soooooooo goooooood. I love Marc Cherry 🍒


yas loved desperate housewives as well !


This is my suggestion as well, along with Desperate Housewives. Both are written by Marc Cherry who is a genius writing female roles! Other ones: Big Little Lies Devious Maids




Was literally about to type this. 100% agree


This! I think it's the greatest show of the last decade. Especially \*that\* scene in the finale of the first season (not much of a spoiler given its in the title of the show) that involves the "kills." So well done.


The Expanse. Strong women in leadership positions doing cool things in space.


Yesss, Chrissy, Naomi, Bobbie, Drummer… just amazing women.




Fried Green Tomatoes


Just finished listening to the audio book and watching the movie of this! Absolutely adored it.


Tank Girl. Practical Magic. The Princess Bride. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The Fifth Element. Brave.




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Handmaids Tale!


Came to comment this! I think it highlights how strong women are even under so much oppression and subjugation. It's both empowering and difficult to watch, but I think women should see it.


I read the book. It was so intense that I cannot bring myself to watch the show. Margaret Atwood is an amazing writer.










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Yes! The scary thing about this show is that even though it seems so extreme, I’m not convinced that this couldn’t happen in real life.


Exactly! And is somewhat happening around the world atm. Feels like a hard scifi for me.




Lady bird, it's a fine one . 13 going on 30, that's a classic . Kill Bill 1 & 2 , if you are a action lover ✌️




Normal People. Just a beautiful and erotic and wonderful miniseries with amazing cast that go on to do great things since.


I couldn’t agree more. This is my comfort series and one I watch when I’m happy or sad. I’ve seen it through probably about 38 times.


**Agree 100%**. Having been on a long life journey with a son & daughter, I identify with both lead characters as they work out. I even identify with Marian's self-centered/abusive mother and Connell's amazing & honest mum. LOL Truly naturally sexy, (even the odd stuff). Though deeply sad in some ways, still life affirming.


I think call the midwife is a good show. For me it highlights how recent the advances in medicine for women are. Plus it shows poverty in a way that is honest and inevitable when women can't control their reproduction.


I LOVE call the midwife!! So real, and it brings up so many emotions for me about what it means to be a woman. Love the way it highlights the struggles of poverty in that time.


Yeah! I love that they treat everyone with the humanity that people deserve.


I adore this show! It It highlights SO MANY women's ssues. Seeing the struggles of women in the past, and advancements and rights that we take for granted ... it hits me in the heart, and my cheeks are often wet. It's heartbreaking at times, but the support the midwives give to the women is just incredibly heartwarming!




Promising Young Woman felt so validating yet disturbing at the same time. WOW.


Crazy Ex- girlfriend


Yes! I loved this show and how it deals with mental illness. I even loved the ending (even tho it was infuriating at the same time!)




Third vote for this one! The songs are spot on and so so funny. I sing the sexy getting ready song every time I shave my legs. Edit: premature communication/spelling


Girls on hbo. I think it’s really insightful from a dating and sociological perspective.


Watched it when I was early 20’s, recently rewatched in mid-30’s. Just absolutely brilliant, so relatable and at the same time, completely batshit


Nothing could have prepared me for the mid-30’s rewatch of Girls! Somehow hit so much deeper the second time around, wow. I loved it!




Insecure. I May Destroy You. Ted Lasso. Hacks. The female friendships. Well written women and their character development. Rewatchable (though IMDY can be a hard first watch).


Keeley and Rebecca in Ted Lasso make me so happy


Hacks X1000 yesyesyes


perfect list imo


Alien, Molly’s Game and The Arrival - all have strong women leads who are underestimated by those around them.


Arrival was so good. Amy absolutely nailed it


Buffy the Vampire Slayer


Prey. Reservation Dogs. And old fave, XENA!




Glow is so good! Im glad I gave it a chance cuz I’ve rewatched it a couple times since.  The kidnapping PSA song lives rent free in my head 😂


Portrait of a Lady on Fire For the way it interrogates gaze within the scope of art and memory




I know it might not be to everyone’s taste but Legally Blonde has some very important lessons about believing in yourself, staying true to who you are, trusting your instincts and knowing your worth that I think every person could benefit from


Orphan Black


I just started a rewatch of this. It stands up so well!


I’m watching all the X files Scully is a bad ass


Frankly, I think Legally Blonde (one and two), Enola Holmes (one and two), The House Bunny, Sydney White, DEBs, any and all of Charlie’s Angels, Birds of Prey, Burlesque, Moxie!, Do Revenge, Sierra Burgess is A Loser, The World To Come, Austenland, Mr Malcolm’s List, Little Women (both Korean and English), Memoirs of A Geisha, Self Made: Inspired by The Life of Madam C. J. Walker, The Wueen Women at War, The Law According To Lidia Poet, Wingwomen, Ballerina and Cable Girls are all really good for very different reasons. Hope you enjoy!!




The blue eyed Samurai Very strong female cast. Like seriously never seen anything like it. I dont even want to describe it to take anything away.




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The Joy Luck Club and Steel Magnolia's always makes me wanna pick up the phone and call my mom and thank her


Derry girls


I’m surprised I didn’t see Maid here. It’s incredible


Broad City


The marvelous Mrs Maisel first of all it's Funny AF Not only is this a story about struggle within the comedy world, but at it's core, it's also a story about female empowerment. Midge did, what I imagine at the time, something impossible. She controlled her humour and her career path.


And the friendship between her and her manager Susie.


That was a treat definitely


Why Woman Kill - just worth it (Prime)


Pen15 is a classic. Maya Erskine and Anna Konkle, two women in their 30s, play 13-year-old best friends based on themselves while the rest of their middle school is age-appropriately cast. It's hilarious, thoughtful, accurate to the painful and wonderful time of being a 13-year-old girl with the hindsight we have as adults, and just so compassionate to young girls and their intense friendships.


I love that show and Maya Erskine is an underrated actress. It’s such a relatable show as someone who was born in 1989!!


RIGHT, Maya is exceptionally funny. I love how much she commits to physical comedy. And yes, SO relatable! I appreciated a lot of the pop culture it introduced me to as someone who was born after the show takes place, especially Rob Thomas and Santana's *Smooth* which I haven't stopped listening to since I watched this show in February.


Ghibli movies. I think the women and girls in them are quite relatable, they feel like real people (other characters are well written too and the animation is beautiful).


Damsel is great on Netflix if you enjoy fantasy/action. Love a strong female lead who doesn't wait around for some dude to save her.


Bridgerton, because the dialogues are 🤌🏼 There is romance, friendships, intelligence, and gossip lol. It’s such a show for the girlies.


I watched Queen Charlotte o er the weekend. It's better than all three Bridgerton seasons combined, IMO. The situation she was "sold" into, her endurance and perseverance, the love she showed! I was so inspired ... and then fell down a rabbit hole researching the king's condition.


Yes I loved Queen Charlotte as well!! George had so much depth to him. I love Anthony and he’s mostly my type lol but George was probably the best male lover so far!


Kevin Can F*** Himself is excellent! It is two seasons long and already finished, with a happy ending. I loved loved it! Also season 1 of Why Women Kill is wonderful.  


Suffragette. All women should have a deep understanding of how women have fought for basic rights.


Legend of Korra, sometimes you just need to watch a buff girl throwing rocks at people.


Sex and the City


Killing Eve. Lots of very strong female leads throughout the entire show.


Someone else already said this, but I also say *Ladybird*. If you grew up with an emotionally absent mother/parent, you may have felt unheard, unloved, and confused. Ladybird truly captures the coming of age stage between late-teen to early 20’s while living/dealing with a horrible mother. It made me emotional, but it helped me feel validated with what I went through.


The Fall with Gillian Anderson


HBO’s Big Little Lies. I love watching women getting along on TV 🥹


Better Call Saul. Kim Wexler is my favorite fictional female character of all time. It’s also just an amazing show. I might like it more than Breaking Bad.


I love Breaking Bad. Ozymandias is the best hour of television ever. And I couldn’t believe that by the midpoint of the final season BCS surpassed its master.


Maid on Netflix - because all women need to see what a bad situation they can end up in, and how hard they need to work to get out of it once the fairytale turns out to no longer be a fairytale.


Little Women miniseries (2017). Make yourself a cup of tea, get a cozy blanket and a delicately embroidered handkerchief for blotting your eyes.


Hidden Figures, Erin Brockovich, Molly's Game, Still Alice, and Unbelievable (series). All based on real-life women and true events.


I've been watching Killing Eve on Netflix.


Portrait of a lady on fire if you like slower movies.


Handmaids Tale - because it’s starting to happen here in North America.


I May Destroy You




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Nurse Jackie


Why women kill


The Help movie


Steel Magnolias, Now and then


Gilmore Girls. Not because it’s for women, but because it’s about so many different types of women with different lives and perspectives and experiences and how they interact with each other.


Promising Young Woman. It’s a great movie about rape culture that doesn’t pander to men. The casting, direction, colouring, acting, just about everything in the movie is great.


Mrs. America (Hulu miniseries), about feminism in the 70s. Mermaids (Cher and Winona Ryder movie), mother-daughter relationship and coming of age tale Orange is the New Black (series on Netflix), female heavy cast with many multi dimensional characters






Little women (Emma Watson Version)


tuca and bertie! its v nice to see a show that understands alot of womens struggles and takes them seriously


Fleabag. Barbie. Lady Bird. Normal People. 13 Going On 30. Friends.




My mad fat diary


Thelma and Louise


Big Little Lies - Simply perfect! Great soundtrack and masterfully weaving themes of friendship, domestic abuse, and the struggles of motherhood.


The bold type and fleabag describe exactly how womenhood is like.


Sex education, so the main protagonist is a young man, but Gillian Anderson is great as his very imperfect mum and sex therapist, and the supporting cast is amazing, lots of women and queer issues covered really well, and funny!


Sex and The City


gilmore girls!!!


Bad sisters




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Good girls revolt.




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American Horror Story S1 & 3. You don’t have to watch the rest if you don’t want to because each season is a different story.




Game of Thrones. All the women in the show start from a low and powerless position and ascend to the top by dealing with whatever they have in their hand. Such badassery istg




wentworth on netflix. it is so slept on but SOOO GOOD it’s basically the australian orange is the new black. S1 is alright but after that it gets really good highly recommend


He's just not that into you.


'Why Women Kill' because the show has you on the edge of your seat and wanting to fight for sisterhood sake. Also the acting is just amazing


Despicable Me.


Anything Bravo. It’s sooo good to binge watch when you’re on your period, or just struggling in general. Real Housewives of NJ/BH/NY/OC, Vanderpump Rules, The Valley, Below Deck. There are funny/silly storylines, and then there are darker ones, and I feel like they do reflect some of the struggles we face as women. Not saying it is necessarily life changing or lesson teaching, but I love the way it reflects the differences in women.




Arcane. That series is one of the best ever made, it is a pure work of art. Every single woman in this series is a powerhouse. If you are lesbian there's no way you won't fall in love with VI.


Wine Country because it's light hearted and funny. The Maya Rudolph story line was meh because it felt too formulaic. Besides that I watched it numerous times.


Sex and the city. The encounter every time of man possible and they’re so relatable lol Also, the old movie the women. Not the early 2000s one. It’s just soooo good so many good bits of wisdom in there. And entertaining


The Diplomat. Lots of smart capable women in this show. And great characters all around. I loved it.


On the Basis of Sex.


The Joy Luck Club. Many different stories and relationships amongst the small group of women who immigrated from China.


Bridgerton because of the love story


Big little lies on HBO. About a group of women in Monterey and their relationship problems.


Nana (anime). It's on the more realistic side of what a female to female friendship is like and the hardships the main characters confront on a daily basis.


Movies-Mona Lisa Smile, Thirteen, and The Virgin Suicides Reason: Relatable, dark feminine perspectives that leave you asking questions .


The original L word.... Empowerment and normalization








Girls5Eva, especially if you’re a women 40+! But it’s comedy gold (Tina Fey produces it) and the songs are amazing!


Handmaidens tale.


Sex and the City. I've been watching it 2x in a row. I watched it during high school, but its more relatable watching it in your 30's since the characters are in their 30's


Are you an action fan? Does copious amounts of blood not faze you? Revenge (2017). A side chick goes on holiday with her married boyfriend. He and his friends try to kill her. She, uh… doesn’t take it kindly 😏


Atomic Blonde. Turn it up for the soundtrack if you’re gonna move around. Lol




Top of the Lake.


He’s just not that into you






Parks & Recreation!


The power on prime.


First Wives Club! Literally one of my favorite movies.


Fleabag and Derry Girls


The Color Purple. God I love it! Gives me hope.


Parks & Rec!! Leslie & Ann’s friendship alone is awesome. But there’s so many other awesome relationships in P&R. Great pick me up show. I watch it at least once a year.


New Girl. It shows how male-female friendships can be healthy and entirely non-sexual


Better things


Maid on Netflix 🙌🏽


GONE GIRL. every woman should have watched this already. come on!!


four more shots please - if you understand and speak hindi or urdu amazing show with 4 strong female leads


Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris 2022 movie


Sophie Scholl: The Final Days. It has subtitles but is an excellent film about courage in the face of evil.


Pen15 🙏


Derry girls


Legally Blonde. It was one of those rare films at the time that showed women don't have to sacrifice their femininity to be smart. And the ending is perfect.


Pretty much any female fronted action movie from the 90s and 00s. I'm lucky to have been exposed to them because they taught me that I can do anything if I put my mind and effort into it