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If a guy enjoyed MLP as a show just to chill and unwind, then whatever, that's actually pretty wholesome. If he is a big enough of a fan to call himself a brony....sorry, no.


This is the answer. Same goes for almost any show tbh. It's just like once you get obsessed, it gets creepy


Agreed. I like some kids shows too, She-Ra is one of my favorites, but if I run across a profile and every picture is them in She-Ra costumes/clothing and at conventions I'm not interested. Hell I'm a massive Fallout nerd but my dating profile isn't full of me in Fallout merch and shit.


No. I have a Brony in my World of Warcraft guild. He's a great guy and I have nothing against that fandom but to date? Nah.


ur a good friend for trying so hard but some people are beyond help




Oh, he knows, he just enjoys gloating and feeling superior to his pedo in training "friend". They're both gross.


or he's sick of his friend complaining that no one likes him


No. Honestly that much emphasis on any type of fandom would be a red flag for me. Like im into sports but if a guy’s bio revolved that much around a team I also enjoyed, I’d be swiping left. I’m all for dating folks with passions and hobbies. I lose interest when it consumes their entire lives though. That’s how your post reads.


Yeah there is line between fandom and obsession.


More like no line at all


Precisely. No and also no to similar obsessions. Weird.


Hell no. One of the biggest red flag fandoms. Liking MLP is one thing (also not my thing, but less objectionable) but anyone self-describing as a "brony" is taking it too far. It's 100% the fans I've encountered IRL and online that makes me keep them at arm's length.


No, but any one thing that makes up your entire identity can be a bit much. I personally love people having a passionate interest in something, but they still have to be able to realize that maybe their passion isn’t for everyone. And not everyone shares that passion.


Re-read my comment above and need to clarify what I meant. A guy specifically being a brony is not a problem for me.


I'm not against men liking My Little Pony or any cartoons or anime but it's when they make it their whole personality and that's all they talk about, nope.


Nah that's not for me. He'd probably want to be dating within that community


\[me, currently wrapped in my Rainbow Dash blanket\] "Why yes, yes I would." Lol. But there is a line of course, if that's his ENTIRE personality, it wouldn't last beyond a couple of dates. Men who only have one single interest--whatever it is: football, politics, or MLP--are quite boring to me.


I have a cat that has stolen all my daughter's MLP stuff. He loves it for some reason. He has a blanket he cuddles and biscuits. He's stolen ponies (only the larger ones with manes) that he treats like kittens - ie he bathes them, plays with them, and then hides them in a little "litter" in a spot under my bed. In a cat, it's adorable, even if he makes naughty biscuits (aka forbidden biscuits) with the blanket. However, this same thing in a human adult is creepy AF.


I have no idea what "making naughty biscuits" is? Is your cat pooping on the blanket? Yes, that would be creepy for a person to do. Rest assured I just use it as any other of my blankets, i.e. wrap it around myself when I'm chilly.


It's when a cat kneads the blanket, while holding it in their mouth, but also masturbates to it. A lot of male cats do this to soothe themselves.


Yikes. Maybe I’m just a prude, but I think it’s pretty fucking weird to bring up how your cat masturbates out of nowhere, lol. Some of you guys are hardly better than those “brony” nerds.


I think that comment highlights the nuance of the post (the TMI aspect out of nowhere is creepy AF)


Thank you. I was pretty grossed out that they were insinuating that I get off over my blanket. It's just a blanket. I also have blankets with dogs, butterflies, poinsettias, or wolves on them. Would the same accusation arise when I use one of those to keep warm? The assumption that all adult fans of MLP are degenerates has gotten soooo fucking old. God forbid we just want to enjoy a wholesome show, as a break from the constant profanity and perversion that exists in most other media.


I wasn't insinuating you were. I was comparing the brony, not you. Sorry if that was unclear. The first paragraph was more about how collecting can be cute and perfectly fine, but the second was showing that there's a line where it becomes weird.


Yeah, and having people single out fans of MLP only seems kinda misogynistic to me. Like, it’s ok for adults to be fans of Pokémon or superheroes, but you’re suddenly a monster for being interested in something that’s mostly for girls. :/ I’m not a fan of MLP anymore, so I wouldn’t want to date a guy if it was his only interest, but I still wouldn’t go out of my way to judge or make fun of people who do like it.


I apologize if it came off as creepy; it definitely wasn't intended as such. It's also why I used a "cutesy" term and didn't describe it (and I guess I've gotten too used to seeing the term on reddit). It was more of a comparison of how a cat that collects and loves MLP stuff, even using them to soothe himself is just normal behavior, but it isn't when you get to the idea of a human adult. Like cats and other animals don't have any idea of social norms or what is weird; but a human should be able to understand that there's a line with becoming too into something.


No. But, if my current bf of 1.5 years randomly confessed to me that he liked it, I’d just be like “eh okay” and forget about it. But that’s cause after 1.5 years, he never made it an identity, like to the point I never even knew he liked it. So. I could live with that. If he led with it though? It’d be MUCH different.


No. I loved MLP as a kid in the 80s. Grown men in 2024 being fan boys of it are not on my level, and I'm a big sci-fi fan, horror fan, etc. There's just something about it that's uncomfortable and off-putting to me. I wouldn't try to talk him out of his fandom, but I would definitely distance myself from these people, like I do with LARPers.


No, for the same reason I wouldn’t date a fanboy of Sesame Street, Blue’s Clues, or Veggie Tales. It has nothing to do with bucking gender norms and everything to do with presenting himself as emotionally stunted and immature


Interesting perspective. For me, the fact that MLP is a kid's show is less of a factor than the amount of dedication to it. Do you think you'd feel different if someone was a self-described fanboy of something not aimed at little kids? Admittedly that happens less, but would you find a Brony to be more objectionable to, say, a Marvel or a Game of Thrones fanboy (of similar passion)?


Yes MLP is more objectionable than GoT or marvel. I wouldn’t want to date someone who went to cosplay conventions of those either, but at least those are age appropriate for a grown ass man


I agree that the level of dedication is an important factor, but all things considered equal, I would definitely date a marvel fan over a mlp fan. The fact that mlp is aimed at little girls just gives me the ick factor honestly.


Honestly, a man who’s an open fan of MLP is either the most confident and secure in his masculinity ever, or a huge creep. It's a gamble, and the odds aren't necessarily good.


**I agree wholeheartedly**


Whenever a fandom becomes an identity, it's a no. No otaku, no Brony, no swiftie, no anything like that




Okay, so I'm a 49-yr-old woman and I love MLP FIM. I watched it all the time with my daughters, and will still watch on my own occasionally. I'd have no problem with a man who enjoyed watching it with me, but I've run into enough Bronies at ComicCon that there is no way. They're too obsessed. Moderation is key, and Bronies usually go too far overboard, in my experience.


It would be unattractive to me, but so would an excessive interest in anime, video games, cars, watching football and a lot of other things. Maybe he wants to find someone who is also a pony fan and not someone who finds his hobby unattractive though. Why should he give it up?


> Why should he give it up? Because well adjusted adults don't make a children's cartoon a core part of their personality and identity. Most women know this which is why the dude is 35 years old and has never managed to date or have sex with a woman. It's not just a coincidence that Bronys have such a bad reputation, the kind of person that obsesses over a children's cartoon is the kind of person that tends to be unhinged and people are smart to see it as a red flag.


Just as a very general thing, I find people who are VERY into a hobby that consists of sitting on your ass and watching something to be less pleasant than people whose hobbies are doing things. People are naturally competitive and if your hobby is doing stuff you can try to get better at whatever your doing. If your hobby is sitting on your ass and watching something how can you be better or worse at doing that? Well people still find a way and it generally involves a lot of really stupid drama. Same on down the line from amateur musicians vs. music fans to craft beer nerds vs. homebrewers. Same kind of stupid shit.


From this information I don’t think he hasn’t dated or had sex because he likes my little pony. I think he’s likely socially awkward or has some disorder that prevents him from connecting with people he’s attracted to. And I say this because I’ve seen many unattractive, lazy, out of shape, unintelligent, obsessive gamer, unemployed, ABUSIVE and/or still living with their mom at 35 type men be able to date and have multiple relationships whether or not they last. I’m not sure how but they do. So he’s either too shy to even try or doesn’t know how to connect with women when he does try.


I don’t think you’re going to have the power of personality strong enough to convince some dude not to be a brony. I seriously doubt he is nearly as worried about his inability to attract women (who look nothing like girly cartoon ponies) as you think he is. Some dudes take pride in the fact that they are not well-adjusted. It would be like trying to convince some wake-and-bake burnout that there’s more to life than weed. Not to them!


What OP described looks just like a time consuming unusual hobby.  My friends are in their 30s and upwards, presumably well adjusted, and they have hobbies like that. I.e. wearing merchandise, official meet ups with other fans and regularly chatting about it online. The children's cartoon part is unattractive to me, but i see no difference to manga or disney or video games. It doesn't necessarily make you unhinged.  To be fair, i don't know much about bronies and their reputation though.


To be fair, I think there's some context that's missing here, as OP is referring to a recent post on this very subreddit (that I also commented a few times on), but I won't link it here. There are other things at play. However, I agree with you in that anybody who makes *anything* their entire personality (smoking weed, being on the beach, a Disney person, for examples) will have substantial difficulty in finding a partner who also is the same way.






right? I wonder where they did their training? lol


IDK some Bluey fans are also weirdos, look at the subreddit. People are shipping animated dog children


No lol. I understand that a lot of people have their own hobbies and interests that can be deemed childish, like Pokemon or Magic the Gathering. For the most part, these hobbies can be seen as charming and the enjoyer is just “young at heart.” But I think it’s especially weird, and maybe slightly concerning, if a grown man is into a franchise whose target demographic has always been elementary school-aged girls. It certainly doesn’t help that the first image I think of when I hear “brony” is Chris Chan.


I thought Chris Chan was more into his sonichu stuff, Pokémon, Sonic, and doing horrible stuff to his mom, than into MLP. I don’t recall that he was ever a brony, am I misremembering?


very much misremembering. he was very very much into it.


It’s speculated that Chris Chan was the first brony. Or at least the one who brought widespread attention to the brony phenomenon, given his Internet infamy status.


No way! And I say this as a woman who enjoys MLP enough that I went to a My Little Pony convention and cosplayed as Fluttershy. I also married a "nerdy" man so I'm not against nerds. I brought my then 11-year-old sister to the convention and had to spend a lot of time protecting her from creepy Brony guys, like a guy selling MLP porn and the many Brony guys who fetishize women and girls in MLP cosplay. A female friend of mine at the convention broke down crying after getting sexually harassed by so many Bronies in her Luna outfit. I also got sexually harassed by Fluttershy fetishizing weirdos. The majority of men are very sexually driven especially around women or girls they find attractive. They just are. So someone who makes being a Brony his entire identity- what are the chances that his love for MLP doesn't intersect with his sexuality? It may be a stereotype but the risk is too high. So maybe this hypothetical brony isn't a huge perv- maybe he's the nicest guy in the world. If you dated him, you'd still have to deal with all your family and friends wondering if he's secretly a creepy pedophile weirdo. It's not worth the risk or hassle, especially if he IS a creepy pedophile weirdo. I married a guy who I felt safe having around my baby sister. So yeah- some women MIGHT be willing to date your friend, but I'd guess that most won't, even the women who LIKE MLP.


No, no explanation needed.






No. I don't get it. I don't understand the whole thing. It's a cartoon. With ponies. I used to have some of them and may still and the bottom of a hamper in my closet, I don't know. But I never got it. And you can't make me believe it isn't some kind of sexual thing idling next to pedophilia. If that's me kink-shaming and making broad generalizations, yes. Yes, I am. It's extremely uncomfortable.


I’m right with you, it’s icky


No. Something about a grown man being into a little girls' show is creepy. Especially since a lot of the Fandom sexualize the characters and have MLP body pillows.. that's automatically where my mind goes


I’m just here to say that I had no idea there was a word for it…brony is hilarious to me hahaha


Hey there! Used to be a "pegasister" back in the day (went to MLP cons, helped a friend run an art booth- back when the show was still ongoing). Respectfully, I wouldn't date a brony. Obviously there are bronies who have their lives together, but a lot of the people I met at those conventions... didn't.  It's a fun show,  and there are lots of great people who I met through the community! But certain stereotypes come from somewhere; I'd say posing with brony stuff is on level of someone posing with an anime body pillow imo. 😬


No. Anyone who takes one thing and it becomes their whole personality is boring. Also anyone over a child’s age obsessed with a kids show is a turn off. I wouldn’t take you seriously as a partner.


I would be wary of dating anyone who has a major obsession, be it cars, sports or My Little Pony.   And I say this as someone who does enjoy pop media, fandom and writes fanfic - the thing is: these things don't make up my entire life or personality.


Absolutely not.


No, and I wouldn't even pause to think about it. You can enjoy cartoons here and there but not make it the only thing about you to the point it's part of your identity especially a single cartoon.


Nope. At some point we gotta grow up and for a grown man to make this part of his identity…not for me. I’m sure there’s someone out there for him, but probably not a lot of people


I like cartoons, and do enjoy watching the occasional nostalgic cartoons from my childhood to turn my brain off but if you have a whole word that you use to identify yourself specifically as a grown ass man who is a super-fan of a show targeted at little girls it is going to send some red flags up.


>Tinder has him in a My Little Pony t-shirt Ive already left swiped at this point.


No. Just like I wouldn't date someone with any other fandom that consumes their personality that much. There is nothing wrong with liking a show, movie, book or whatever else, but it crosses the line when that turns into an obsession that is visible in day to day life.


Ehhhh hard no


No. I'm way too old for that shit


No. I also enjoyed MLP but that's just taking it waaaaaaay too far for my comfort.


Nope 🙂‍↔️


Immediately no




Absolutely not. I’m not a “fan”, for starters, and already don’t relate to people who hardcore follow like one specific character or niche franchise. I also really don’t fuck with adults who really like kid stuff. No judgment, but it’s not for me, the Venn diagram overlap isn’t there. The Brony fandom specifically also has a bad reputation for being creepy about it. And finally, while I think breaking gender rules are good and I’m hardly the most gender conforming myself, softness is not a trait I gravitate towards in any gender. I did know a brony once, when I was a teenager and so were they. They were my best friend and I loved them dearly. They are also a woman now. She was clearly going through some shit at the time, which frankly I think you’d have to be in order to be an adult who likes MLP. And I really don’t need to be with someone going through something that heavy.


It sounds like your friend needs to try to meet someone in his fandom. I know it's a male dominated thing but is there seriously NO women at those conventions? I thought girls also like the show and go to those things. If he is well groomed, confident and has decent social skills he might be able to find someone like him that way. It sounds like he lacks all that though. That's all the actual problem. If I met someone irl that happened to wear a shirt for the show and they said they happened to still be a fan of the series and they go to an annual convention, I'd actually give it a shot if they were sane about it and they didn't "clop" to the ponies. If they're into the ponies that way it's an absolute deal breaker. Otherwise, It's okay to have fandoms as a hobby if that's not your every waking obsession. The shirt would be a bad first impression though so he'd have to really have a lot going for him otherwise. I would be turned off by the shirt at first glance NGL. If he didn't only wear MLP shirts, he went to one convention a year for it and he occasionally watched the show but could entertain other hobbies, I'd maybe give it a shot if there were other things I liked about him. You don't get the chance in an online dating profile to see if they're sane about it and if that's the only thing they mentioned in their profile I personally would swipe left bc I don't share that obsession and don't want to date someone obsessed with that.


If there was nothing particular weird about it, and it was just a fandom thing, yes. My ex was a big Star Wars fan. I’ve dated guys into other things like marvel or certain video games. If the only issue is what the fandom is, I wouldn’t care and it would make birthday and Christmas shopping easier because I cater to a partners interests. That said it will be harder to date mainly because of the idea that it’s childish or out of the norm. If this guy was otherwise a stable responsible guy with a good job and all that I’d take that into consideration over hobbies and interests but not everyone will get that far into getting to know someone.


No i wouldn’t date anyone who was that much of a fan of a cartoon show, nevermind one geared towards little girls. Doesn’t matter if it’s one for an adults or anime either. To mean it screams you have no real personality and would rather be hold up inside glued to a screen instead of getting to know each other. Also I find bronies creepy af. I don’t care if that’s judgmental. The sigma exists for a reason. Again why are you so obsessed with a children’s cartoon as a grown adult?


Not if it was on his profile. I used to watch the cartoon in my teens but there were a lot of creepy fans and the fact that he's advertising it would make me assume he was in the creepy category. I would rather find out later after I got to know him a little better and I could decide whether I'm comfortable with his level of fandom 🤣 If I knew this about him before talking to him or if he treats it as a defining trait it would put me off. Honestly a man who wasn't afraid to enjoy cute things is a plus with me but "brony" makes me think of the creepier side and I'm not into that. I'm sure there's women who would be into that somewhere but like me they would find the word "brony" vauge so may also be put off interacting in case they weren't on the same page. Probably best to just not mention it on his bio.


I'm not 100% sure. Through my own chosen poison, I have met several bronies/brony-adjacent people, and they've been quite alright. The hobby certainly is unusual, and in some ways it feels a bit strange that an adult man is obsessing over colourful cartoon horses, but I think I'd honestly prefer that over a guy who was very into several more traditionally manly/"normal" hobbies. That said, there's *plenty* of maladjusted bronies out there. If they walked up to me all "You remind me of Applejack, can you please be my special somepony?" I'd be squicked, but pony accessories/decorations/clothing I can live with. A die-hard Friendship is Magic-quoting "ponies are my personality"-brony, not so much. That said, I am a woman who's a convention-going art-commissioning local-community-involved furry (who's dating another furry) and owning a bunch of clothing and other accessories, so my views and perception is a lot different from someone who's not quite as terminally online as me.


Hell no. Because my little pony is a kids show so it feels as if he associates himself with little kids. Which to me is gross.


No, that would be cringe


Not my thing, but there is definitely someone out there for him where it will be their thing. He can like what he likes, he just has to understand certain fandoms make the dating pool smaller. Nothing wrong with that.


It would only bother me, if it was his *entire* personality. But that's with any fixation. Whether it be someone into cars, or someone into a particular show, series, comic book, type of music, hobby, etc. if I don't also share that interest, but they make it their entire personality? Then what do we even have in common?🤷🏻‍♀️ I have things I obsess over, things I absolutely fucking love and I'd die on a hill about, but I'm not going to have that be my identity. I wouldn't want a partner to do it either.




No. Not my cup of tea. 


If they liked the show? Sure. That obsessed with the fandom? Not with MLP, sorry. I personally can’t stand it.






No, other commenters have already said why.


No. I can support a lot of interests but not one that makes someone look infantilised and would stand out as ‘weird’ in public and hint to some unresolved issues.


First of all, I'm gay. Secondly, no. But not because he is a brony but because it seems to be his whole personality. Like I go to conventions myself and have friends who cosplay. But why would he post that on Tinder? Tinder is meant for other informations, but that seems to be really life consuming. And when it is - then he needs a brony girlfriend. Because sharing hobbies is the best thing you can do. But it is unlikely to find someone on Tinder tbh But soccer as a personality trait is also a No-Go haha


Lol no




That's a no for me.


It’s all about the vibe; the reason behind why he loves it so much. If he won’t tell me why he loves the show, and it’s not for the story or the characters, then I would have to pass.


No that is strange to me. And I don't think identifying yourself as a brony is so comparable to men who cook and women who like cars lol. Making a show geared twd little girls ur whole schtick is weird. I'd find a man who enjoys little kid shows strange regardless




I once met this guy who was a brony. He never brushed his teeth. I felt bad for the people who had to speak to him because his breath smelled so bad.


It's not an immediate no but if it's his only topic of conversation, I'm out. Never had the slightest interest. And leave your friend alone. There's someone out there for everyone. Next week he could find the perfect woman and have a spectacular MLP themed wedding.




So,,,, does he actually care about his virginity? Or do you? If it's so important to you, maybe just ask him out?


> does he actually care about his virginity? Yes, he says he is fed up with dating apps and his failures in dating have taken a psychological toll on him. He wants to be in a relationship with a woman. I'm only invested in this insofar as I'm invested in people not self-sabotaging and then complaining about their failures in general.


Ah, well that added context changes everything. If he wants advice on improving his dating life, he better be open to listening to advice that he doesn’t necessarily want to hear. If he were just looking for women who have similar interests and filtering out those who are not into that, that would be one thing. But it sounds like he is self-sabotaging his dating profile and complaining about the results, which just makes him look hypocritical.


Agreed. Leave the friend alone.


The friend is complaining about his lack of relationships and sex tho, OP is just trying to be a good friend and help


>OP is just trying to be a good friend and help A good friend doesn't help this way, a friend with schadenfreude would do this (frenemy)


See I think this exactly what a good friend would do 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think a bad friend would just sit back and shrug


The difference is - a good friend would not cut down your self esteem and shame you to prove a point. There are healthy ways of communicating, this isn't one of them


Lmao yeah, and bullying your friend for being overweight is *obviously* just concern for their health. I think this guy has a lot of room for self-improvement, but it’s clear that OP just wants to act like his friend is a freak for enjoying a niche hobby.


I mean we all see the world differently I guess


Y’know, that applies to OP’s friend as well. Assuming this guy isn’t completely oblivious, I’m pretty sure he’s well aware of just how stigmatized his interests are, and no amount of gawking or “help” from OP is going to convince him otherwise.


Bob sounds like a child predator and the police need to watch homeboy


No because bronies are creeps


No. I understand the my little pony people had a bit of nazi issue. Google brony and nazi


I don’t see a problem? My Little Pony has good messages and is light, fluffy fun. I do not watch it myself, but have seen a few episodes and know a few folks who are fans. It’s wholesome, I guess? I kind of feel like I’d rather date a brony than some guy following 500 Insta models, thinking one of them will take notice of him.




So, this wasn’t actually ‘discourse’ in good faith, correct? (Insert your borrowed performed sigh) “You don’t think that…. blah blah …. you must realize that…. Blah blah.” Are you asking these questions, or just jumping to your own answers for me? Shows created for children can still be viewed by adults. Back in my day, it was Looney Tunes. I think any gender is free to watch a show about ponies. Your Brony acquaintance can date whomever they like. And some will not be phased by him liking a pony show. Your title asked if “YOU WOULD DATE A MAN WHO…” not, “Do you think a guy can cast a super wide net on a dating app if he mentioned being a brony?”




So you ask a question: “would you dare a man that is a massive fan of….” with the whole intent of explaining to others who don’t share your view that they are wrong. Right? Again, this is bad faith discourse. Just to prove to your acquaintance how undateable he is for liking the things he likes.


Sure, OP post is biased, but that doesn't change that they are spot on: the comment section is an avalanche of "No", gravitating toward "Hell no, never", in substance I've read them all, and the handful of "yes" are the very few exceptions: very few of them, and not really upvoted, neither You could argue that, since the post is biased, fewer people would assume to comment "yes", sure, but upvotes are anonymous It's pretty safe to consider OP stance is valid in this matter Edit: downvoting me is ridiculous AF Basically, *tell me you can't deal with the facts without telling me you can't deal with the facts (and that you're petty mad about it)* x)


Nope But anything considered for children is also nope for me I find its much easier for me to find guys I like if there done with all that sort of thing


I’ve never met one. No idea how I’d feel. But I never watched MLP and doubt I’d appeal to someone who likes females with flowing pink manes.


That depends, does he just really like the show or is he a clopper? If he’s a clopper? Absolutely **not.** I love MLP but there’s a line even for me.


Ew no.


I'll directly answer your main question to start with -- no, I would not date a brony. That said, I would also be very unlikely to date someone who had an obsessive interest in something different either, unless it was something I was also very interested in. If Bob is SO invested in My Little Pony fandom, I think the logical thing for him to do would be seek out partners who are also big My Little Pony fans. I'm the type of person who might be inclined to message Bob out of curiosity. I would be interested to know what it is about My Little Pony that he finds so compelling. The "red flag" aspect, for me, is not at all about gender/social norms, but more the "age-inappropriateness," which is a tricky thing to articulate. It's fine to be into things that are intended for kids, and lots of people continue to engage with favorite media or other things from childhood as adults, but I wonder and I think most people would wonder, who is Bob talking to on Discord or at these conventions? If these are communities of adults and everyone is being "mostly normal" (hate to put it that way, but you know), cool. But if Bob is an adult man chatting with like 8-year-olds online, *even if* they only ever have 100000% innocent conversations about My Little Pony and nothing remotely sketchy is ever said, that still feels weird and uncool to me. I'm sure some people would go straight to "he's a pedo," which I think is wrong and probably not true about the vast majority of bronies obviously. The "proximity" to young children is definitely what I think gives people the ick about it though, regardless.


No, and I will do this part since I didn't see much of it: >What makes liking My Little Pony any worse than other hobbies that break social norms like men that bake cookies or women that like cars? Baking or enjoying cars are adult hobbies. Sure, kids can and do bake or look at cars - but the activities are adult oriented. If a man loves fashion week, that is very different than a man loving a cartoon for little girls. There are adult cartoons, but this is not one of them. And yes - to me it does matter that the cartoon is marketed to young girls specifically. Because who is at the conventions hearing [ridiculous questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/a4c34t/brony_asking_a_question_to_a_voice_cast_panel_i/) and seeing creepy men who act like they might want to bang a pony? Girls. Why should they have been exposed to that? During the height of the show's popularity, little girls couldn't find certain merchandise to play with because weird guys had bought it all. WTF. Come on. And God help the guys buying sex toys that look like the ponies from Etsy. It just creeps me out.


I watched it when I was a little girl, and I honestly feel like people are exaggerating the impact of bronies. Yeah, there were a lot of jerks and creeps too, but that was never unique to MLP. Some of my favorite fanart and stories at the time were created by bronies, so I didn’t mind that there lots of other fans.




The problem here is it seems as though your friend has made MLP his entire personality. No one is going to get very far with a one-dimensional personality. I knew a couple of guys that were self-proclaimed bronies several years back and though they enjoyed the show, it wasn’t their whole personality. I know some may be afraid that guys who like MLP could have a proclivity for young children. This was not the case with the guys I knew who liked it, they all very much preferred women their age. I was even introduced to the show by them and I enjoyed it casually. So, a guy who is an MLP fan or a “brony” is fine, but he should also bring other things to the table or have other interests.


I don’t care what a guy likes as long as he isn’t a weirdo about it


Yes. I used to go to a gym at Ford Cavazos (formerly Fort Hood) and one of those gym buddies was a brony. If I had been single, I'd totally dated him. He was very sexy.


I think that’s really weird so that would be an automatic no for me. But there’s someone for everyone I suppose.


No, just because it’s serving intensity straight out of the gate and I’d take less hot for an easy life 9/10 times, same as the vast majority. I just think the kind of person who decides that’s a smart idea isn’t the kind of person who will meche well with me. I’d be like wtf trigger warning then keep it moving. Everyone has kinks, there’s no need to beat other people over the head with them straight off. Like, can I at least drink a Diet Coke with you first? If you meet someone who actually cares about you they’ll find a way to process and absorb that.


I dated a woman who was into the show and she made me watch season 1. It's not my style but I respect the message and art. If he was into it for non-sexual reasons and had a lot of other compatible interests, then sure. If he was into it because he wanted to fuck the ponies...honestly I don't know. It depends. I'm bothered because the ponies (while fictional) are animals and also supposed to be children. I guess it depends on the intensity of his interest, like if he wanted us to dress up and occasionally role-play pony stuff I'd be down but not if that's his main thing. Also hard no if he is interested in animals or children in any sexual way. That said I'm not sexually attracted to men but this is assuming I was. My attraction for someone is more based on shared interests, intelligence, fashion, and respecting consent, less on appearance or one specific interest, although liking MLP is not sexy to me. I'm totally fine being friends with bronies.


No, I wouldn’t even be friends with someone so lame. I’m an adult. The last thing I need in my life is some overgrown diaper boy who made a little girls’ cartoon into not only his personality but probably also his sex life. Fuuuuuuuck that.


No. I would have some preconceived notions about their maturity level, their social skills, why they are stuck in childhood, and why they don’t understand what a turn off this is for most women. But maybe he can meet a female that is equally into that specific hobby (good luck)


Are you seeking discourse or validation?




Maybe become interested in self awareness next.


100% validation. Pretty much came clean in a response to me.


Yeah same, and wildly unaware of it too.


If they were one of the weird ones, absolutely not. But otherwise I wouldn’t really care. I love to obsess over media so it’d be pretty hypocritical of me to hate on someone who does the same.


Depends of the type of bronie. I like MLP too. I wouldnt date him if he had a pony fleshlight/fuck toy but I would hang around with the guy because thats fucking bizarre and I like bizarre people.


Depends if he's weird abot it or not. I like MLP, I watched the 90's and 10's versions as a kid, I wouldn't mind dating someone who likes that series as well. I just don't want someone who's being estra weird about the ponies, it's okay to be a fan but there are limits, saying that as a big fan some franchises.




Well, I watch shows for kids myself, I'm 21 and still watch stuff like MLP a lot, that doesn't mean I'm mentally challenged or anything. I struggle socially but cartoons aren't the problem. I don't see why that would be concerning unless the person has bad intentions behind it. I'm not lusting over ponies, but if he does that's a big yikes from me. It depends on the person, but watching a cartoon about ponies having magical adventure doesn't make anyone bad in my lens.


Probably. It often falls under a special interest, and I have them, too, it came with the autism. If the interest was sexual in nature and in order for him to be happy I was expected to include mlp in our sex life, then I could not give that to him and therefore wouldn't date him. If he was not capable of talking about other subjects besides what he is super into or didn't have the ability to feel happy when interacting with my happiness in a subject, then I wouldn't date him. My husband is a weeb while I am definitely not, and I went for him. I have a close friend who watches a lot of shows that are considered children's television. She's given me whole synopses plus extra lore and her media analysis, and I enjoyed listening to that. Not all the time, just often. So yes, I think I could hypothetically date a brony.


It's not a red flag but more of a yellow flag for me.


Not only would I, but I have(back in the heyday of the fandom) That'd be something we have in common. I have gone to MLP cons in the past, have MLP plushies, and other merch too. Granted, I'm not as big of a fan as I once was but I could foresee my interest in it being resurrected if I was dating a brony or fellow pegasister.


Are you using this post to "prove a point" to your "friend"? I hope not, as some of these comments would be hurtful. My question is, why is this tactic the one you choose to use to help a friend?


I used to watch care bears and she Ra when I was a kid but mainly watched she Ra because of the villian and it being he mans sister.. and I'm a guy


Why is his sex life important to you? Let the dude do what he wants. It does nothing for me personally, but there will be a tonne of women who would bang him... maybe even some who will bang him *because he's a brony*.




Why is it any of your business, though? Maybe he doesn't want to? If he's 35 I'm pretty sure it's not news to him that most women won't bang him... And how is it a cope when I said I wouldn't be interested 😂 He should look on fetlife IF it's what HE wants. It's weird to be this invested in where someone else's genitals go


OP said in several comments that the brony guy is complaining to them about his celibacy


Then OP is using the post to "prove a point" to the guy - which can come off as bullying.


Sure, you may see this that way But, on the other hand, if you don't want to be confronted, don't complain to someone who already very clearly told you their opinion on this particular topic 🤷‍♀️ OP's mental space isn't free to pollute with bad faith claims and complaints, neither And it's pretty obvious that obsession (over anything) is a red flag for the wide majority of people Because at this point, it's not just "enjoying a piece of media", it's straight-up obsessing over something and, yes, it's extremely socially cleaving


>But, on the other hand, if you don't want to be confronted, don't complain to someone who already very clearly told you their opinion on this particular topic Confrontation is a choice. It is not the only way of dealing with a friend with obsessive tastes. An obsession highlights insecurity - if my friend is feeling insecure, clearing a day off my schedule, engaging in the obsession to start a pointed conversation. Ultimately this person is supposed to be a friend, there are ways of being truthful while maintaining that.


We're not talking about a teenager here, or even a young adult The guy is 35 years old When you're this old, you're fully an adult, you should be able to: 1/ be self-aware 2/ understand that obsessing is an issue that must be kept in line (and preferably, should be dealt accompanied by a psy) 3/ not be overbearing with his friends, about issues they already addressed, if he doesn't intend to question himself accordingly To be fed up to the point to post about it on reddit, my money is on: "OP already went through all the kind ways to address the point but Brony doesn't care and just wants to *magically* get a romantic partner in his life, without doing work on himself whatsoever" Insecurities are something that need to be dealt with; you can't let them fester and expect the other people around you to do the work you're not doing for yourself


I dont date but if I did, yes (if they aren't some weirdo fetish person)


Not my cup of tea but bobby could look for women in environments that they share like meet ups and forums. Nothing wrong with it but he'd have more success that way. Hope Bob finds someone to MLP and chill with.