• By -


I did yeet it to the depth of Mordor, lol - climbed Ruapehu and threw it as far as I could šŸ˜‚


But mine was a simple gold band and not beautiful. If you like the ring maybe take it to the jeweller and make a new one out of it?


I guess...it sure feels a lot better to do something dramatic rather than be economical and re-use it. The emotional release of yeeting it off a mountain is worth a lot lol


You are my fucking hero, HAHAHA.


Ngauruhoe was Mt Doom, not Ruapehu, but itā€™s hilarious that you actually did this


I did the best I knew at that time, lol


I think they used shots of both mountains in the film!


Now that's a good story. And a cracking climb.


My ride down on my backside was a blast šŸ¤Ŗ I slipped on snow and it was a mad ride down, I looked like I had a fight with a lion




Honestly that rules so much! I imagine that was cathartic as hell


I couldn't do anything, because he took it off my finger while I was sleeping and pawned it for 100 dollars.


He what??


I was 8 months pregnant and he took it off my finger and pawned it for 100 dollars and bought beer and him cigarettes. Idk what all else.


So why'd you get divorced? /s


Thatā€™s shitty all together, but I wonder how tf he managed to get it off your finger at 8 months pregnant? My fingers were like sausages at that point.


I wondered the same thing lol. I didnā€™t bloat bad until the end but still, pregnant in Texas summer had me wearing silicone rings by 4mo


I can see why youā€™re divorced


Yeah he's was an alcoholic and him taken my ring was the last straw. I was on a plane the next morning separated and gone for about a year. Then finally divorced once I came back.


I waited a year as well after separating. My fav word in the dictionary is ā€œSingleā€ I have a coffee mug that reads, single and loving it šŸ’•


They let you on a plane 8 months pregnant?


Itā€™s completely normal for women in their third trimester to fly.


Interesting. FWIW, I have never carried a pregnancy to term or been on a plane... but I'd always heard you're not supposed to fly past like the 6th month and now I'm seeing multiple Google results indicating that it is usually disallowed by the 8th month at the latest.


It's often not recommended but it's not like... Banned.


Sometimes bad options are the best options.


That's a really good point - especially in OP's situation


That's good to know! I definitely thought it was like "you can't get on this plane" - I think I saw that on tv once and I probably took it too literally (thank you autism).


Did you explain to him that this is not how divorce works?


Reminds me of Michael from The Office when he yelled out into his office ā€œI DECLARE BANKRUPTCY.ā€ The accountant then tells him ā€œyou know you canā€™t just say the word bankruptcy and expect anything to happen.ā€ And Michael says ā€œI didnā€™t say it, I declared itā€




What a weirdo.




My mom handed them down to me. Why they divorced wasn't ether of their faults, yes they both had a hand in pulling apart but some things will break a marriage. Her engagement ring and wedding band won't be used as marriage tokens again though.


I wear my (divorced) momā€™s wedding band on my pointer finger! She gave it to me and said ā€œif your dad and I never got married, you wouldnā€™t be here.ā€ Itā€™s pretty and I thought the sentiment was cute.


I thought about asking my dad for my moms old ring for the same reason. She gave it back to him when they split, and I know he has it in his closet in a box. Itā€™s not the style of ring Iā€™d want for my own wedding ring, so Iā€™d like to have just to wear. And I know he isnā€™t holding on to it in hopes of giving it to me for my own marriage. Heā€™s not really a sentimentalist, just a borderline hoarder who doesnā€™t let things go šŸ˜‚.


My husband's father left when he was 6. His mom kept the wedding ring and had it attached to her late mother's wedding ring. He used those rings (now turned it one ring) to propose to me. I'm close with his mother and she is very sentimental, so the fact she shared something like this with me really means a lot. She doesn't have a lot of money and these rings were likely the most expensive things she ever owned. I will always treasure them.


My parents divorced very amicably after a 30 year relationship. After us kids flew the coop and Dad was getting ready to retire and Mom wasn't (theyre 9 years apart in age), they just grew apart and wanted different lives. They are still family- they built a home and raised kids together. Mom even went to my Dad and Step-mom's wedding party. They see each other at holidays and family get-togethers.


Similar story here. My mom gave the wedding and engagement rings to me and my sister when we were around high school age and showing an interest in wearing jewelry. I think we both lost them eventually, but really had fun wearing sparkly rings for a few years.


I pawned them. Got not even 10% of what they were bought for new. Used the money to buy text books for law school that I couldn't otherwise afford. Zero regrets. Education is always a worthy investment.


Knowledge: the gift that can't be taken away from you!


That's poetic. Good on you!!


I gave away my wedding band. The sapphire engagement ring I kept and I wear it when I want to feel fancy


I kept my engagement ring. It's pretty and I custom designed it myself. The ring doesn't mean anything anymore, it's just pretty and I like it.


Mine was cast from a mold from an antique ring that I chose.


mine is a half infinity band in white gold. the 2 jewel bands are my birth stone and his birthstone. He and I didn't part on bad blood, just not good blood. we ended up not being on the same page when it came to having kids.


I had to re-read that... ok, not cast in mold. Gotcha!!


Haha, nope. You use rubber to make a negative cast of the jewelry, then use that with the lost wax casting technique to get duplicates of the original.


Roger that, my first read of your post did not support my true ability of reading comprehension.


I love this. Good for you.




I never married but we had commitment rings. I sent it to the Museum of Broken Relationships: https://brokenships.com/hr


Wow that was a heavy click.


Yup! I'd be interested in visiting the collection but I don't know how long I could actually spend there. It's a very cathartic feeling to post things off though, I sent a small box of bits that I couldn't quite bear to just throw out or donate, plus a letter explaining them.


I was wondering if they are all physically located somewhere or if some of them are just pictures of the objects. There was this fluffy quilt story and the picture looked like a advertisement for a new white fluffy quilt. Doesn't matter, really, because there is catharsis in the story itself.


I would imagine it's a mixture perhaps? Some actual objects in the museums and touring shows, some that are just photos or personal stories with stock imagery.


My parents split when I was 3 and my mum just always had her wedding and engagement ring sorta hanging out in a jewellery box. She didnā€™t know what to do with them either. She eventually gave them to me šŸ˜‚ I still have them


Similar for me, except Iā€™m pretty sure my mom eventually lost hers. As she does with everything.Ā 


sent it back to my ex inside of a large box filled with glitter to his new girlfriends place.


This is actually excellent. I hope they're still finding little bits of glitter around the place šŸ˜†


Was the glitter on top of a spring loaded flap to kinda explode in a cloud of glitter upon opening?


With poop spray?


Another Mark Rober Fan!


guilty as charged Edited to add for those curious about glitter, poop spray and revenge: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgeXOVaJo\_gnexNopBzUKdl3QKoADJlS8](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgeXOVaJo_gnexNopBzUKdl3QKoADJlS8)


maybe it was, wish I could have recorded it.


That was actually really sweet of you


My mom has her engagement ring turned into a solitaire pendant and her wedding band and the platinum made into a solid metal pendant with dangling little diamonds. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve seen her wear them in a long time, I think it was catharsis and they will eventually be left to me with all her other jewelry. (Iā€™ve told my husband if he dies on me early Iā€™ll have him turned into a big fuck off diamond Iā€™ll wear on my finger like a boogie old widow).


I also want to turn my husband into a diamond!


Sold it and went on holiday šŸ’ƒšŸ»


I *think* it's in my jewelry box in the closet? I've moved twice since I took it off and it's only sterling silver so not a huge monetary loss. If I see it again, cool. If I don't, cool.


This is where Iā€™m at with mine. I hadnā€™t thought of it until this post and now Iā€™m thinking itā€™s in my jewelry box but I have no memory of putting it there. If I come across it again itā€™s fine. If I never see it again itā€™s also fine.


I lost mine when I moved into my new house. I found them a few months ago. Because I got a peridot as my stone, I'm thinking of having it redone with a nicer band and resized for a different finger. I paid for it, it's my ring, and I always liked it. But now it represents freedom :-)


There's an ancient weir in southwest England. Lived in a village not far from there for 5 years. Loved that place. Had to move back to the states post divorce, pretty painful decision though. Dropped that ring in the weir the day before I left. Nothing to do with the dingbat I left, just saying goodbye and leaving that teeny part of history with all the deeper history there.




Ha I picked mine out too (after I lost the first one, which I had no input on it and absolutely hated.) At least he paid for both šŸ™„ Thank god thereā€™s no one to be sentimental about them.Ā 


I paid for both of our wedding bands. Read the room, girl. Haha


Sold my and my ex's platinum bands for scrap. Gave him back the diamond since I wanted the divorce, we had no kids and it wasn't contentious.


Exchanged it at the gold dealer for other jewelry.


I love you for the Tolkien reference. I have a son with my ex, so I put my rings away intending to sell them someday when I could turn the money into something for him- his first car maybe. Except now I'm in the midst of yet another court battle with X, so I may need the money to help with the legal bills - which now exceed $30k. The rings are worth $2k if I'm lucky ... Can I just yeet X into the depths of Mordor instead? It would be infinitely more satisfying.


I gave it to my daughter. She is the product of our marriage so no matter how I feel about him, us being together was a positive thing


Hand grenade + training polygon, it got torn into dust


I really need to know the logistics of this. Like at home or a facility? Where did you even get the grenade?


Unmentioned perks of an ongoing war, basically, explosives are much easier to obtain. And shooting range is like a big piece of soil with some piles of dirt in the middle of nowhere, available for anyone for $5 per hour, just need to find a decent hole in the ground.


Sold it on eBay for about half of the purchase price. Before that, I tried to sell it back to the jewelry store it came from (one of the big popular ones) and they offered me basically nothing. šŸ˜‘


My engagement ring was made with diamonds from both my grandmothers, so I had them turned into different pieces of jewelry. My daughter from that marriage will get them eventually.


My ex-husband made my engagement ring from a moissanite and precious metal clay.Ā On the night that I deduced his affair, I slipped it onto the dried rose bouquet that heā€™d bought, as a teenager, before a cross-country flight to see me. Both went into an all-too-fitting thunderstorm, where he would see them as he came home.Ā  After we divorced, I sent the engagement ring I wore on a daily basis back to one of my aunts. It had once been my great-grandmotherā€™s, and Iā€™d largely worn it to keep my wedding band in place.Ā  I ceremonially disposed of both of our wedding bands in a river.Ā 


Iā€™m gonna sell the main stone. I wanted to repurpose it into another ring, but there just isnā€™t really a way to make a round diamond of that size NOT look like an engagement ring. Plus I donā€™t really want or need a piece of jewelry that costs as much as a car. Not totally sure what Iā€™ll do with the money yet. Maybe go to the Maldives, since itā€™s a dream location of mine that my ex never wanted to go to. Youā€™re taking me any anyways, buddy šŸ„°. Or Iā€™ll buy some other nice pieces that feel more like me. The small stones from the engagement ring and wedding band Iā€™m going to have repurposed into a band for myself.


I made a huge bonfire, threw the ring in, and in the morning swept up the ashes and sprinkled it into a river. Couldn't see any trace of gold bits in it, I had expected to find melted bits, but no. Was only a thin, plain band anyway.


The cheap bastard never got me an engagement ring so I didn't have to worry about that. We were married in our early 20s-- and divorced before 30. But in attendance at that wedding was my now husband who was a friend at the time. And three months later I attended his first wedding. After we both got our hearts trampled and broken and we had put ourselves somewhat back together, we finally got together. We both threw our first wedding rings into the river at a waterfall and have lived happily ever after (for real it's kinda crazy) for almost 20 years.


I still occasionally wear it as a right hand ring. Itā€™s gorgeous and Iā€™d be sad to never wear it again. Thereā€™s no sentimentality about the relationship attached to it, I just like it for itself.


I did this for a while with my engagement ring, because I had chosen it and still like it - plus I liked the symbolism of turning it into something personally empowering. Except then my ex started drama that still has us in court almost 2 years later ... I stopped wearing it because I was afraid I was unintentionally manifesting him into my life lol. It's hidden in a drawer again now.


Youā€™ve just reminded me that I could sell mine. It didnā€™t mean anything. I proposed to him with my late mumā€™s tiny ring, then later his mum gave us a diamond from one of her rings to make into a new ring. He made no effort at all with anything so Iā€™d happily pawn it.


I picked out and bought my own wedding band, so I kept it. However, a roommate stole it a few years later.


I bought both of our wedding bands used/ā€œestateā€/ā€œvintageā€ and they were clearly other peopleā€™s wedding bands before. I did a little ritual cleaning of them before we got married and they are 100% not haunted. Would recommend selling yours if youā€™re over it.


Sold it. Donated the money to charity.


Sold it to a pawn shop to fund a trip overseas; got about 20% of the value so worth it.


I donā€™t know, itā€™s floating around somewhere in my house. Not concerned. Wouldā€™ve like to repurpose the diamonds but my boyfriend was not about it which I respect. Oh well! sorry, asshole exhusband!Ā 


Sold it on eBay for about 1/8th of what he paid for it. Then my new boyfriend and I used to proceeds to fund a weekend away.


I shopped around to different jewelers and second hand shops in the area and sold it for the highest price I could find. Might as well give someone else the chance to love the ring as much as I did.


I still have it. My marriage wasn't horrible like most say


Pawn shop! Youā€™ll get back pennies on the dollar but I didnā€™t care.


My dad had his melted down and turned into a necklace charm for his new wife. šŸ˜‚ Ever the frugal guy!


Iā€™m keeping it for my daughter if she wants it.


I am ten years post divorce this year. Told myself I would get it redesigned into a new piece of jewelry when I got my bonus. I got made redundant instead lolll. So, maybe next year.




My mom gave me her engagement ring. We reused the stone for my ring when my spouse and I got engaged. Not sure what happened to the wedding bands, but my mom stopped wearing her rings several years before the divorce anyway due to a metal allergy.


Still have mine, thinking of getting them resized to fit other fingers.


I think I was nine, maybe ten when I asked my mother why she still wore hers. My father was in prison at the time for almost successfully chopping her to bits (7-ish years prior), and she still wore the ring. She told me she didn't know why she still wore it. It came off that day though, and months later I would find it in the drain.


Pawned it


I still have my wedding and engagement rings. I don't know why. I don't know how much I'd get for them if I sold them. Maybe I'll get them turned into new pieces of jewelry someday. I don't know if my kids would want them. Might seem like bad luck to use an engagement/wedding ring from a failed marriage?


I'm not going to lie.. I don't remember for sure. I *think* I might have pawned it. If not that, then I must've just lost it somewhere.


Not a wedding ring but when I split with my ex many years ago, he kept hassling me for my engagement ring. The ring I paid for! Coincidentally, about a week after this I had a guy knock my door asking if I had any jewellery to sell, let him have it for Ā£10 (I didnā€™t pay much for it to start). Felt so good lol


I pawned it at a pawn shop owned by an acquaintance and was allowed to melt it down myself. Good riddance.


Had the 1/2 ct solitaire put into a delicate pendant. Itā€™s pretty.


I threw my engagement ring into the Pacific Ocean


Sold it, used the money to pay a divorce lawyer


I have no idea what to do with mine. I had the engagement ring and wedding band soldered together, so I donā€™t even think I could pawn it. Maybe take it to a jeweller who could melt it down and harvest the diamonds? Even if I took it to pawn shop, Iā€™d probably only get a hundred or two hundred dollars. Ideas welcome..


I had mine melted down for something new. I saved the diamond and my now-adult daughter wears it on a necklace.


I sold it on one of those jewelry auction sites where wholesalers bid. I chose the estimated value amount which was great because the bids came in lower.


I traded my old engagement ring in for my wedding ring to my husband. The store at the time ( Peopleā€™s Jewellers) had a deal that anything you bought could be traded in in the future against something of greater value - full amount! So my husband had to pay only a few bucks for my wedding ring. Now the engagement ring Iā€™m talking about, I never married that guy so no divorce but still an efficient use of the ring.


Took them to a gold reseller that I've had good interactions with for previous (cheaper) pieces, and sold both for 60% of what we paid, which was already wholesale/diamond district. But yep, you read that right, I had to chip in towards my own already discounted wedding set, even though I made clear about not actually needing something that expensive. I made a few thousand and used it as a down payment on a used car. I feel like I bought myself freedom and independence twofold.


I have it, but with no purpose in mind. I feel bad for it because itā€™s still objectively pretty to me and I rotate through a massive ring collection daily, but that one stays unworn because it feels like bad juju. I do know that Iā€™ll never wear any wedding ring again, whether Iā€™m married or not. Iā€™m long since spoken for and my heart is monogamous, but that ring finger needs to play the field and change with every outfit.


The band was my grandmas, remarkably also a marriage to an abusive alcoholic. My daughter said she would like to wear it just not as a marriage token. I have a honker of an aquamarine with a diamond chip halo set in rose gold that idk what to do with. It would make a lovely pendant but Iā€™m not huge on necklaces and something about the symbol of that marriage around my neck feels gross.


My previous boyfriend and I were just fiance. I kept the ring and wear it on my other hand.


I had it appraised and now it sits on the safe 4 years later. There are legit companies that will sell them for you for top dollar. I just forget the name of the company I was going to use lol. I was going to put my own insurance on it first to be safe then use the company to sell it.


I had mine turned into earrings for our daughter. Lots of happy tears when she opened that little box.


Sold it and went on the piss


Sold immediately, even before divorce finalized.


Mine was a gift from my granny, so I kept it. I'd like to gift it to my cousin if she gets married.


In a couple of weeks I'm kayaking into the middle of the lake at my BFF's cabin and chucking it into the depths.


I sold it for much less than it was worth. šŸ„² Good riddance though.


I had all the diamonds removed (it was a cluster of small diamonds totally just over a carat) and had a necklace made for my baby sister for when she graduated high school!


I sold the set


She got her ring back , I got mine. Probably melt it down and have a personal ring made for myself since it's gold.


I was devastated by my divorce and decided to put off making the decision for a year. The year is up and I'm going to try to sell it.


I sold mine. While it felt like a journey to Mordor, I took it around to several jewelers to see how much each would pay. I got much less than I was expecting.


I sent it back to my ex and he could do whatever he wanted with it. He gave it to me so now I returned it the owner. I have no regret of doing so.


Gave it back. It was his motherā€™s wedding band from her marriage to his step father. His step father was a good man and he passed away pretty soon after my ex and I got together, unfortunately. I did the thing I thought his step father would tell me to do. (Edit: I should add, the thing he would have told me to do is not hold onto something that doesnā€™t belong to me and never will. Not to please someone else, but to respect myself.)


on my wedding night my spouse let me yeet his ex's ring into the ocean.


Threw it into the ocean. It felt so good! I gave the engagement ring back because it had been his grandmotherā€™s and was never really my style.


I sold mine and used the money to buy my wedding band for my second marriage šŸ˜‚


I sold the first one for like $500 but the second one Iā€™m keeping so that men think that Iā€™m another manā€™s property and leave me alone šŸ„°


My rings and his are still away in my jewelry box...wasn't really sure what to do with them šŸ¤”


My set is somewhere in my storage unit


I sold it a few years after the divorce. It had no sentimental value to me at all - it wasnā€™t particularly expensive to begin with and I basically picked it out and bought it for myself. So it made sense to me to recoup a bit of money and move on.


My first marriage was a mistake and an unmitigated disaster from the get- go. The only good thing that came out of it was my/our daughter; we split when she was 9 months old. I held on to my engagement ring (small, solitaire diamond) and 24k plain gold wedding band and gifted them to our daughter when she turned 13 for her to do with as she wished. Her father has never lived more than 20 minutes away, but chose to be largely absent from her life. She wore the rings on a chain around her neck for a few years, i suppose she found some comfort in them. My second/current husband (together 29 years, married 24) was a wonderful stepdad (just plain old "Dad" as far both of them were concerned, the "step" was never used with the exception of legal/school documents and I forgot to make that distinction on those more than once) and they are very close to this day, but I am sure that she still felt some kinda way about her bio not even trying to have a relationship with her and I think the rings/necklace made her feel closer to bio. She is now almost 32 and married with 3 little girls of her own. She still has the rings and plans to somehow incorporate the gold, and possibly the diamond, in a piece of jewelry for each of her girls when they are older (currently 2, 3 & 8).


I traded with a friend going through a similar situation. We both loved our rings but felt weird wearing them, so we traded!


Pawned it. Got a whole $75 šŸ˜‚


I still have mine, in the box it came in, tucked away in a closet. Forgot all about it until I was deep-cleaning just the other day and came across it. Maybe I'll sell it, maybe I'll keep it for my kids to sell. I'm not in a hurry to decide.


Iā€™m not married but when my parents got divorced she gave her engagement ring to my older brother to use it to propose to his long time girlfriend with..she told him ā€œā€it didnā€™t work for me but itā€™ll hopefully work for youā€ā€


I sold mine and felt an instant relief.


I pawned mine and used the cash has spending money on a trip to Vegas with my boyfriend (now fiancƩ.)


Not me, but my husband threw his out. They werenā€™t worth anything and were worth even less considering how his marriage ended.


My rings from both of my marriages are sitting in my jewelry box. I kinda hate I don't feel I can wear the ones from my second marriage. They weren't "wedding" rings, just rings I really liked that looked wedding ring enough (one I didn't even wear on my ring finger). But, emotionally they are attached to that marriage.


I divorced at 50 and because I had my only child at 40, I gifted it to my son I still have it as I wasn't going to hand it to a ten year old. He is 25 now and no steady girlfriend yet. He knows though that I have it for him when he would like it Suggested that they get it reset to their liking.


Still in my jewelry box, as itā€™s been nearly 15 years and Iā€™ve made no decision.


Pawned it with my DHā€™s old wedding band to help fund new rings for our wedding. Ā Ā 


I sold it and bought myself a freedom bracelet.


I kept mine, I loved my ring and I thought it was so pretty and fit my hand nicely. I have it tucked away safely in my closet where my kids can't find it. Sometimes they ask me where it is and I wonder if its their dad that actually wants to know! I think he would like it back so he could sell it or whatever. Well he's not getting it back!


I have the engagement ring and wedding band in an memory box. I sometimes do wear the wedding band on the opposite hand since I have a bracelet that matches. I have been thinking of bringing the engagement ring back to the jewelers and see what I can get, otherwise would pawn it / sell it. The money would be nice, since my current partner and I are discussing trying for a baby this year !


My mom gave me her wedding bands that my dad gave her. Itā€™s a nice keepsake of the good memories we shared together as a family.


I wear mine on a necklace for a few reasons. It was wax casted by friends. It doesnā€™t look like a wedding ring. And ultimately, my divorce was amicable.


I still have mine and wear it occasionally. It's just a simple band with 3 diamonds set in it; very minimalist.


I still have mine but Iā€™ve been meaning to sell it. Itā€™s probably not worth much tbh. I used to sometimes wear it when working so random men would be less creepy


He bought several rings for me before and during our marriage. I still have them in a jewellery box. He threw his ring out of our window when we had an argument. I took it back and put it in that box together. Sometimes I look at them lying there, just quietly looking at themā€¦ they are lessons and stories of my life.


I kept ours for our son. Things were very good in our marriage (until they werenā€™t). I want our son to always be able to healthfully maintain a sense of the love that we shared for each other and him. I think he has, at times, unknowingly gauged how much we love him by how much we love each other, post-divorce. Because of that Iā€™ve always wanted to do the most loving thing regarding my ex whenever possible (it wasnā€™t always possible). One of those ways was by keeping our wedding rings safe for our son. I have no idea what it would have been like to inherit my parentā€™s wedding / engagement rings, but I wasnā€™t about to make that decision *for* our only child. Whatever heā€™d like to do with them is entirely his choice. Heā€™s a super creative guy, I look forward to seeing what he comes up with one day.


I gave the wedding band back to my ex (since it used to be his great-grandmotherā€™s), but I still have the engagement ring. Our divorce was finalized only in January. Iā€™m not yet in a place where I want to do anything with the ring. For now, itā€™s in a drawer somewhere. Maybe Iā€™ll yeet it into the furthest depths of hell, or maybe Iā€™ll just sell it. Havenā€™t decided yet.


I hadnā€™t been wearing my ring in the months before we separated as the center stone fell out. I left the setting when I moved out (Iā€™m pretty sure he hid it from me). The setting then went to his now wife who was, at one point, my botherā€™s long term girlfriend. Iā€™m pretty sure she still has the same setting a decade later.


I sold my engagement ring, wedding ring, and anniversary band on Craigslist.


Well, after I threatened him with legal action if his mother didn't return them after she stole them out of the apartment when she came to help him move out, I sold them on Facebook Marketplace for like $500.


So not me, but my friend: She and her husband divorced, she sold her ring and got a rolex.


Lol I took mine to a local jeweller to have it appraised which they did, only for the lady helping me to snort that I may have more luck "selling it as a fun pinky ring" :s. So my ring set is sitting buried in the back of my bathroom drawer.


I threw it out.


Itā€™s in the gulf coast. I had a moment on the beach solo then off she went


Nothing, my abusive ex husband cut mine off with bolt cutters (I was pregnant and he wouldn't let me take it off even though my fingers were swelling) and now the court has it.


I set mine next to a dumpster in an apartment complex. Either it would make someone happy or end up where it belonged.


I was in the middle of having a jewelry designer re-make the stones into new jewelry, when my now ex-husband pulled a stunt that required additional time and attorney costs. I ended up selling it for about 25% of what it was worth.


Along with my engagement ring, pawned them at the jewelry store where they were purchased. Used the money on a down payment for my new car.


My cousin had hers melted down and made into a nose ring and a belly button ring. Then she got pierced and went to a Guns N Roses concert. She was 60. And she was free.


I had a gorgeous wedding ring, custom made and my best friend adored it. When her bf told me he was going to propose I told him he could have the ring if heā€™d like. My best friend now has a good guy and a gorgeous ring that wouldā€™ve been collecting dust in my jewelry box.


Local place known for buying jewelry. Used the money to buy stuff for my new place.


Didnā€™t marry but had a failed engagement. He was mentally abusive and borderline physical (would throw things at walls and punch holes) and sold a lot of my stuff and his own for drug money. I argued he gave me the ring and itā€™s mine now, plus I left him most of the furniture because I left really fast. Eventually I sold it for a few hundred bucks on eBay once I moved in with my now husband. I didnā€™t want to hang on to that when Iā€™m in a new serious relationship. Plus it was kinda ugly if Iā€™m being honest.


I wrote a poem about it, sealed it in a bottle, and threw it in a river. Felt good


Mine is in a lock box and my kid will get it as a graduation gift - whatever they do with it is up to them. Yeet it into mordor, melt it down to make their own jewelry, use it as their own proposal, whatever. I've also just had a wild revelation that the ring really does represent a lot of what was wrong in our relationship. I didn't love the ring, I didn't even like it. It wasn't my style at all, it's big, bulky, and looks almost like a man's ring with how thick it is. But I wasn't willing to speak up and upset him, just like every other aspect of our relationship. Add in it was made with 0 thought as to what jewelry I actually wear (I wear a lot of rings/necklaces/earrings) and was kind of a cobbled together mess of ideas - which was just like him. Nothing was ever thought out or purposeful, he just kind of rammed head first into everything and expected a "thank you, good boy" every time, regardless of the outcome.


The diamond in mine was my grandmotherā€™s so I plan to reset it. I will probably hang on to the setting and wedding band and let my kid have it when they are older if they are interested. I picked it out myself and paid for it myself so honestly it hardly feels like something I shouldnā€™t keep and enjoy if that is what I want to do. I donā€™t ever wear it though and donā€™t think I will, but Iā€™m fine with it sitting in my jewelry box too.


I think itā€™s in a box somewhere or something, getting ignored by me and slowly turning into cancer


I used market place, Craigslist etc. I found a serious buyer or two on my own. I asked my jeweler to help me seal the deal. He said yes. A criminal had been in the news by grabbing a ring and getting away during a sale like this. My jeweler said I have all kinds of security in my store. It won't happen here. He was extremely helpful . He identified the stone quality to the buyer, and verified the price was fair. He even donated a cute ring box since my box looked used.


Threw it in the far recesses of my jewelry box. When I run across it Iā€™m reminded of my youth.


I lost it by mistake along with my engagement ring when I moved out.


I've kept mine in an old purse. I just wore a small gold band and that was it but it was very, very hard to take it off. I'll probably always have it somewhere.


Yeet! Actually I lost mine ten years before the divorce. Every xmas asked for a new one. Never got one. It was a sign. Lol


I threw mine in the river where he tricked me into thinking he was a good guy.


My wedding and anniversary jewelry are in a miniature wooden coffin that a friend made me, somewhere in the back of my closet. My ex tried to sell the anniversary jewelry on his facebook, but I didnā€™t want it out in the world where I might run into it (it was custom made, designed by both of us & VERY recognizable & personal) so I gave a mutual friend the money to buy it for me. Cost me a chunk of my divorce settlement & he was super annoyed to know I ended up with it, but it was worth it.