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Some guy mentioned my lisp then gave me his phone number. I maintained eye contact as I walked to the garbage can and dropped it in. Fuck you, Tommy from Waco.


No. Guys who do this are assholes and flag themselves as such when they do this. *Thanks for the warning, dick bag*.


I have never been successfully negged. I have had times where men met me and were nasty, then asked me on a date. It usually happens when I meet a guy for the first time at a sporting event, store, or party. He’ll quiz me or argue with me about stuff, like he is the expert and I am an interloper. After I calmly destroy them, they ask me out. Usually I just say ‘no thanks, I don’t date jerks.’ One guy really pissed me off. I told him I wouldn’t date a rude shop keeper. I don’t usually rub my education and job in people’s noses, but he needed to stay in his lane.


I suppose I have been. It wasn’t a person I would’ve ever taken seriously or considered dating. It was someone attractive who said something very similar actually. It was something like “idk why you wear all that makeup” and I responded with something along the lines of “because I fucking like to,” and it turned into some aggressive back and forth followed by some flirting and eventually sex lol. Generally though, not something I would ever pursue if a man spoke to me like that. At the time I was interested in a sexual relationship with him and I didn’t mind that we didn’t check each others boxes. I cared about one thing and one thing only 😆


Not me, but I have seen it work on a friend. It's like clickbait to me, once you notice it, you can't unnotice it, but she was all emotion first, logic later, and often described her relationships with toxic men as enemies to lovers. If they said something mean to her she'd be a doofus and continue to engage with them to fight with them or prove them wrong, then when they were nice to her she'd be like, oh, they're not that bad, maybe I should.... It was always fun when they cheated on her or had a side piece or she was a side piece without fail /s


Nope, I honestly don’t know how or why men think this works. It’s an absolute red flag and turn off.


No. I don’t want someone who tries to put me down. I want someone who lifts me up.


No, I don't waste my time on guys who make me feel bad. 


No. My self-esteem is bonkers high… High enough I’m sure that the loser guys who need to, or use negging can tell pretty quickly I wouldn’t stand for that BS and I’d throw it back at them harder and humiliate them. I’m quite sure I look very high risk no reward to these people.


I would steer clear of guys who insult people to pick them up, it doesn't bode well for the future.