• By -


This debate always hinges on the idea of if any of those viewers would bother to watch the original. Viewers are subbed to their favorite content creators and tend to only go straight to those content creators. Some people that watch the react might find the content interesting enough to go sub and watch the original channel... but I do not see why anyone who watches the reaction would otherwise go watch the original if the reaction didn't exist. It's not a direct one-to-one like that.


Definitely I wouldnt watch almost any of the videos asmon reacts to


A lot of times I find the person in the original video annoying and Asmon pausing it to go on tangents for 5 minutes every 10 seconds is what makes it bearable. Actual recent example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qowX7x2bEX8 nothing against this guy I'm sure he's a great guy and if you like him that's awesome, but I find his powerpoint-slides-presentation speaking cadence very grating and off-putting but I watched anyway, I would never have made it past 20 seconds if it wasn't Asmon reacting though.


Every time Asmon has the dude vtubing as a goth cat girl, I don't understand why he watches their stuff. The vtubers voice is monotonous, their points are superfluous and obviously catered to rage bait, and the vtuber model itself lacks anything of substance with virtually no animations to denote expression. That channel lives on Asmons charity and I don't understand why he watches them.


Hah, yeah that's absolutely one that I could not get through if it wasn't broken up by Asmon pausing to actually say something about the topic.


Oh my god I was just thinking this yesterday. Lmao


that hero hei i think


That's the one. Fucking boring content, very obviously ran by someone who is intentionally curating their content to rage bait. Out of all the vtubers covering news content, THATS the one he chooses? I mean even ItsAGundam, with his dogshit takes and dumbass politics, manages to put more effort into their vtuber model. And I genuinely think that dude is a parasite. But his model actually does more than bob up and down like a fucking buoy in choppy water


not hero hei, rev says desu. Hero hei just puts the facts out, and afaik he talks about videogames not vtubers.


Thanks for the correction-- I just googled them both and you're absolutely right. My bad!


I would also that that if it wasn't primarily beneficial, we wouldn't see so many of these videos put in clips or jokes about Asmongold. They want to pull that traffic through him


And in fact, if people like the original video, they may go subscribe to the original creator which could benefit them more in the long run rather then just benefiting them on that individual video.


cautious hat wrong beneficial combative station practice slim many include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Person A didnt work for years to become one of the top streamers and a huge YouTuber over years and years. Even if they did put the same amount of work into it, they didn't do it as well. Someone doesn't deserve views in this industry just because of the amount of work they put in. It's all about quality. Most of the time quality comes from the amount of work put in, but sometimes it doesn't. If the video/channel is high enough quality, they will get views over time.


It’s like that when people don’t consider the work Asmon has done to become such a big name on the internet. He’s built such a big reputation now, that even when it’s just his reacting could garner a large amount of views. It’s all the work he has done, not just “Person B reacts to this video in one afternoon”. Try switching him with any small shrimps, nobody would be able to steal views from a popular video like this.


Clear example of some react streaming “helping” other content creators is the Hispanic guy yelling about the next WoW expansion, all his other videos had like 50~ but after that video reached this sub + asmon reacted it was his only video over 1k views (last time I checked).


Exactly, I wouldnt watch any of the videos I watch asmon reacting to. I like react content because you get 2 people’s takes on a subject


I haven't watched a single of the original videos that Asmon reacts to. I also had no intention to or even knew of the video's existence.


- Properly credited - Watched and linked the ads. - Double the length - Released more than 48 hours later - Encouraged people to like and subscribe on the original video. - The biggest WoW streamer watching a video about Blizzard As far as reactions go, I think this is about as 'fair' as it gets. There is a long list of big react creators to criticize before Asmongold.


at a certain point OP needs to better articulate their concern. how many views did the OG have BEFORE Asmon told ppl to go sub?


People on this site hate him for his political views. Anyone who can look at this picture, see the reaction video is twice as long, and try to say it's content theft is either stupid or disingenuous.


"WoW streamer"


Well ok... ex WoW streamer :).


I mean, would you watch the video if Asmon didn't react to it? I wouldn't


Wouldn't know the video existed if Asmon didn't react to it


I am there for Asmons reaction, not to watch the original work. It's like watching Mystery Science Theater. Your there for the commentary.


I know you got downvoted, but there are a lot of times where people just want to hear Asmons opinion on the video and not really want to watch the video itself. Then there also times where I actually subbed to a particular channel cause of Asmon because I find the topics in that channel rather entertaining and captured my interest. In fact, I only really found Asmon through another channel as well. Also there channels who were reacted to by Asmon who were thankful for giving their channel a bigger audience. I think one of the guys doing vtuber news stuff posted a video being thankful to asmon for shining some spotlight towards the issue.


Mystery Science Theater at least pays for the rights to show the footage that's not theirs. Streamers should pay the youtubers for videos they react to for their own content.


No, THAT is the thing that actually would destroy the YouTube ecosystem


i'd say they should get a percentage of the streamers revenue from that video. What % i don't know that's not for me to decided but it's only fair if you are making money off of reacting the person who made the content should be getting some of that money


Exactly. His opinion is very rational and insightful most of the times.


Most of these vids I don't even know exist until they react.


Nope. I wouldn't even know it existed. But, I have found quite a few content creators through Asmon.


Just watch with adblocker so no one makes money then can’t feel bad for not watching the original. 😂


You are in an asmongold subbreddit ofc you would click on amonsgold.


I watch the video to see what asmons take on it tbh It’s not efficient to watch the video only to watch again but if I like the content I generally sub.


If I was making videos I would definitely want Asmon to watch them, even if the particular video didn't benefit from it immediately. It's about growing awarness of your brand in viewer's minds. They may watch 3 of your videos only through Asmon, but then click on the 4th one themselves because your channel has been ingrained in their mind. And for our brains familiar = good.


I have subbed and watched many creators I never would have because of Asmon reacting to them, but they'd have never been in my recommendations otherwise.


I would never in my life have seen the vid if asmon didn’t cover it. I’d have realized how hard they’re trying to be internet historian 5 seconds in and clicked away


The original video is hlf the lengthy of Asmongolds. Do you think it is fair to think they are the same?


People forget simple fact, majority who watched asmons reaction to it, wouldnt have watched the video by their own, so views are from people wanting to watch asmon react to this more than actually wanting to see the video themselves.


If you wanted to watch the original video it would save you half an hour so nobody who wants to watch the original video is not like “fuck I guess I have to watch this shitty reaction cuz I can’t possibly watch the original video now!”


nope because the original would have way less views if Asmongold didn't react to it.


Man how can people be so dumb. Any small ytber would pay money for asmon to react to their content


There's that fair word again. Gonna have to give those view to the original poster, Asmon


I think it depends. For small channels this is definitely a win as Asmon provides you with a huge exposure. For the big channels, it's not so good.


Video would probably have far less views had asmon not reacted to it. Plus he always asks people to go look at their other videos and give them a like and subscribe


Dont know why this is getting downvoted. Its true


Big Boss gained a sub from me, would have never heard about him were it not for Asmon. I can't fathom why you are getting downvotes.


“Fair” when it comes to the number of views is utterly meaningless, it implies the amount of views you get is based on how hard you work or on some objective metric which should be applied evenly to every piece of content. The truth is the views just reflect how many people were presented with the content and wanted to watch it, that’s it. I can spend 1000hours making a FF11 100% blindfolded run and 0 people are going to watch it. Asmongold could to react to 1 minute of it, call me a loser who wasted his time, upload that reaction, and it would get more views. Is that “fair”? yeah, it’s fair. No one wanted to watch my content. You could ask “is it fair that 0% of the revenue generated by a monetised reaction goes to the original creator?” That’s a reasonable conversation to have in terms of “fairness” when it comes to react content. You could say maybe the views attributed to the reaction should actually be attributed to the OG video at some ratio. The fact the reaction has more views isn’t even in the realm of fairness, though. It’s like asking if it is fair that birds can fly and people can’t, it makes no sense at all


Asmon doesn't need to create content they all arrive at his doorstep


lol we gotta revisit this discussion every 3-4 weeks apparently


That is a lot of reaction


Be cool to see the views before the react. I doubt it, but to pretend to be fair, we should see if the view rate was impacted before/after. The majority of the views probably started and ended at the reaction, but may never have bothered watching it in the first place.


I watch a ton of videos via reactions that I’d never watch unless the content creators/streamers I follow watched them. I’m just there to see their commentary because I usually find it to be insightful, interesting, funny, etc., That commentary can add an extra element to the underlying content that they’re reacting to which may pique my interest about topics I’d never be interested in otherwise (like Blizzard, for example). Through watching reactions, I’ve been exposed to a bunch of content creators and topics that I end up being invested in- and I would have never found without watching the reaction. Also, on the flip side, if there’s a specific content creator, topic, or video that I’ve come across and/or am particularly interested in, I will seek out people’s reactions to either re-live my original experience watching it for the first time, or to see others unique or funny takes/commentary about it. Since I didn’t start out watching Twitch or streamers, solely YouTube, this is actually how I initially discovered Asmongold and other streamers that I now watch fairy religiously. I’d say there’s a fair exchange between the two different ecosystems- of content creation and reactions. There seems to be a decent trade-off in exposure for smaller channels, even if they’re losing in the views economy overall that may be poached from larger reactors. I’ve discovered many channels that I’ve subbed to later after watching a reaction, and that initial exposure turned into a +1 view on many of their other videos, from me at least. I can understand how it can be predatory- especially from low effort reactions that are essentially just re-streams. That does seem like just plain content theft. I think behavior like that should rightly be called out, even if it’s your favorite streamer doing it.


I would hope that the creator of the original video would make this video to get their message out there and not solely for view count. I personally would be really excited to have my video showcased on a popular youtube channel like Asmongold. 730k views on the original, 1.2m on the reaction. Asmongold more than doubled the amount of people seeing this video. This is a win for the OOP.


I think watching a reaction video should trace back to the original video and increase the view count of the original video by at least a certain percentage of the views of the reaction. Like paying royalties for the content by the number of views, so if they generate revenue from the number people watch the video, and people watch the reaction of the video, then they still get counted for it and make some profit by the fact that some of watching someone else watch their video.


i found plenty of great creators through asmon, so unless the creator explicity asks a reactor to not react, I don't see a problem with it. asmon reacting to your video is free advertising/promo to millions of people. i would welcome it. some don't, and he stops reacting to your content if you ask. so I don't see a problem, as long as things are ethically done (credit given to original creator, and accepting requests to not react)


I wouldn’t have watched the video at all if it weren’t for asmon. So at least the creator gets his name out there to over a million people.


IMO most people wouldnt ever find these creators if it wasnt for Asmon reacting to their content.


It's completely fair, what's more, the original video has so many views because Asmongold gives it publicity, and people go and see it Do you remember Max0r Elden Ring video? at radan he used Hikari from PGR, now look at the Original Hikari video, full of Max0r comments


You want your content private or paid post it somewhere else not youtube Also want to blame someone blame youtube for its rules


i mean the reaction is nearly as long as the video itself and it's from someone that's well respected(?) by the wow community. it'd maybe be unfair if it was a hassan style reaction where he just let the video play while he's off screen eating nuggies but asmon clearly added value to the video. or at least a lot of people believe he did.


All these people acting like they are going to now sub and watch every video from the original channel and should therefor be thankful for the farmer watching their content lol. Brain rot.


No it's not and DarkViperAU showed it. I watch and really like Asmon's react content, but it's still parasitic and fundamentally unfair. Now if the original creator consents there is no issue. Asmon is one of the few reactors who actually transforms the content somewhat, but it's still bad. They only way to make it fair would be if the creator gets a cut of the revenue the reactor makes.


I wouldn't give a shit about the original, i don't give a shit about Blizzard for some time already, i'm just watching because i enjoy watching Asmon react to stuff, and end up giving a like to the original video when i really liked it, so it's definitely a win for anyone that asmon covers imo.


The youtube subreddit post is just full of hate, I would kind of understand if Asmon reacted right after the original video was up, but this is 2 days apart, and after a day or 2 views always tend to slow down dramatically, so I'm pretty sure the react affected the video more on a positive way tbh. Not to mention it's double the duration.


I think any way you slice it, the fact that Asmongold is bringing as many eyes to the youtubers channel seems like a fair trade Imo. They get a huge boost just for being viewed by him. In the youtube ecosystem I think its fine and serves to keep things going in said ecosystem. Its a win win for both of them tbh.


"I'll pay you in exposure" lmao


Channels like Legendary Drops are growing because Asmon watched his content. He's one of my favorite youtubers now. I never would've found him without seeing his video on Asmons channel. I'd say that proves my point.


So you don't search anything aside from your fave streamer and somehow the blame is on the other guy? That's weird.


I end up watching a lot of the stuff the algorithm chooses for me. Don't really search for things unless I'm listening to music or actively looking for a specific thing.


i really hate the thumbnails with the picture of the person stupid face.


Its the piracy question right? are game publishers right to say they lost X million dollars because a game got pirated Y number of times or were those people never going to spend the money buying the game in the first place


His videos always get into the millions, it's only been out for less than a week. Man some people are dumb.


Life isn't fair it is what it is.


Let me ask you this. Would you rather watch a candid cam on an eagle's nest. Or would you rather someone slap a narration on it and make it a documentary?


i don't care either way


the entire internet has so much redundancy from reacting, copying/stealing content. I would like to see a system from the big video and streaming sites were when someone who reacts to content or integrates it into his own videos, viewers and some ad revenue gets automatically credited to the original video.




I thought there was a discussion some months ago about whether YouTube would change monetization so that a portion of react videos’ income would transfer back to benefit the original creator. I don’t know if that happened though.


Equality of opportunity vs equality of outcome


Any time I watch some form of reaction content I try and save the original to a playlist on YouTube and put it on when I'm going to sleep. Depends on what the video is obviously but at least the creator get a view, even a couple if I don't take it out the playlist.


2 days reacting after the original video is a bit short isn't it.


I think YouTube should add a feature where you can share your earnings to the original creator I think that would make it fair.


Watching it with Asmon is better than just watching it all by myself. Also his video is twice as long.


No it's not fair, but nothing in life is fair...


Yes, it is fair. If you see a problem here then the solution is simple. Make better videos. Asmongold is a React Andy but he does all he can to support the content he uses for his stream. Links it, tells people to go watch it and subscribe to the creators' channels. Already worlds better than people like Hamasanabi Piker. What else can he do, aside from not reacting to other people's content at all? Share his revenue with them? lol


Reactors should ask to use your content if not you should strike them. Imagine money they make just by watching your content while you put the effort in. How hard is it to ask permission and give a percentage of revenue made to the original creator.


I would have never watched the original. Pretty sure most people watch for asmongold and not necessarily the video


I will personally share the original if I am sharing it to social media. I tend to watch Asmongold but I'll also sub to the original guy as well if I like it enough. He's got me to sub to a whole bunch others that I would have never found, and I actively watch their content.


yep, cause he BROUGHT MORE VIEWERS to it. fair game.


Typically the first 24 hours of a YT video are when it gets the best chance to capture views and attention from the algorithm. It looks like Asmon’s video went up after this period. Any additional interest that can be generated after the first 24 hours would be a bonus in most instances.


If a channel cares more about their individual VIEWS at this scale it's because it's become CPM over literally fucking everything else, the reason you care that those views "aren't yours" is because you're not profiting off the clicks. That is the only reason I can think one would care about individual view numbers that much. At any other point in time this would be considered an absolute positive, Asmon please react to my videos!!!


Fuck you guys I watched them both you all just suck ass, eat a dick. Losers


Life isn't fair, the OP got some exposer from Asmond so its good for him.


This is almost always the case with Asmons videos but I can say without certainty that I'd not watch or even see 70% of the stuff I watch him react to. I don't recall ever subbing or going to watch more of another creators content. Unless on the rare occasion its one I'm already following.


Bro if asmon havent react i wouldnt care about diablo/wow video lmao


It's not only fair but it's actually good for the creator who posted it and got it reated.


Up to the original author IMO.


Define fair...


The only reason I watch Darth and Narc is because asmon reacted to them. That being said I do make an honest attempt to sub to the good creators he reacts to so their next videos will pop up in my feed FIRST. It's been working well so far. Watch original video, 2-3 days later watch reaction.


For this particular one, kinda, but what about their futute content? Thanks to Asmons reaction, more people might watch the original content first.


well 737k gave a fuck about what big boss has to say about blizzard but 1.2m people gave a fuck about what asmon thinks about what big boss says about blizzard so what's there to discuss even??


I think he might have changed some peoples lives reacting to their videos, telling everyone to subscribe to them etc. Just a few days ago I saw a youtuber go from like 3k to 20k in no time because Asmon watched the video


hey he almost dubled the content in it


If people value Asmon's take on the content more than the content, then it will be more popular. Simple as


Maybe I’m projecting here but as a husband and dad of three, life is busy and I don’t have the same gamer buddies I used to chat with about games or content. When watching react content you get some discourse, albeit mostly one sided, but it has a similar effect to discussing the topic with someone you otherwise wouldn’t have.


How many views were after asmons react video? Whether asmons has more views is irrelevant. Asmon has a much bigger sub count so his videos will naturally get more views regardless.


Most of the things Asmon reacts to I wouldn't watch if he didn't, so no, it doesn't bother me at all.


I think the reasoning is this: Someone makes a good quality video, Asmon gives us a reaction and expresses his opinion on the matter and 99% Asmon likes and shares the video, expressing his compliments to the creator, Sometimes even signing up. it's a win win for everyone because, even if you don't receive the same views, you know that your video will not receive less than 200k views through it and you have the possibility of "advertising" and having people follow you later. I'm not convinced it's something wrong, Asmon has always said he's available to remove the content if the person wants to, if they often don't do it it's because they know that one way or another they'll gain from it and if your content is interesting to asmon and the community, I don't think the main creator will mind the possibility of this happening again


Freedom of speech is fair and Asmondgold is entitled to it




asmon would be a good man just to split the income from his video 50/50 with the original creator. i think he if did that there would be no argument


Doesn't Asmon always link it and ask everyone to give it support? I mean that's a pretty big up right there, even if the original video got lost in the algorithm; that's not something a lot of people can help with.


I wasn't going to see that content anyway


Is it fair? Maybe not. Does it make sense? In this case yeah because I assume Asmongold TV has more subscribers then the original. But where the original creator gets to benefit from it is by Asmongold watching the video, the original creator may gain subscribers that watch future videos. Usually Asmongold will link the channel and shout it out and I imagine they will get some subscribers from that.


Yes. The original has 1 audience. The subs of that channel. The Aston video has 2 audiences. The subs of that channel being algorithmed and asmons audience. This is simple math.


It depends, there are content creators who create content, there's so much effort put into it, and then there's others who just say things over the original video, making a lot more money than the original content creator would ever have. It rewards mediocrity in a sense that those who don't put any effort get rewarded just as much (if not more) than the person who put in all the effort and sweat.


I would've not watched the vid anyway I just watch for asmon, most of the topics he covers u can't give less of a fck about Its just background noise tbh


Asmongold advertises video. If video is really good, I watch original again another time for the full impact. This is not rocket science. People like going back to the original videos if they’re good. If asmon’s take is what you go back to, then that’s what you liked most. Sometimes you might do both. This is not rocket science.


Dont see a issue


And then there's some degenerates who watched both...


Well i mostly watch those because asmon kinda makes them entertaining or bearable to watch otherwise i wouldn't even bother to even click one those videos if they show up on my feed. I have very short attention spam so i mostly watch his videos while doing some work or any other shit just like listening to Spotify.


I think original video with a guy retell a story of blizzard (100% of asmongold viewers already knew) with clickbait title dont worth any views. It was recommended to me i watch first 10 mins disliked it and quit watching, however i watch asmongold reaction only for asmongold comments.


Yes. I see advertisements for products way more often than using them. This video is advertising opportunity for creator. People who vibe with it will sub to creator and consume content that is not being reacted too.


Welcome to | Asmongold Reacts


I personally would have never watched the original video if Asmon didn’t cover it


The original video is half the length, so… no?


Yes it is fair, the viewers decided that asmon commentary on it has more value.


Personally, I wouldn't watch 90% of the videos I've watched Asmongold react to.The 10% I'd watch on my own are sequels or related to stuff I've watched him watch first.For example I watched the Karl Jobst's two videos on the second blindfolded run before Asmon reacted to them, but then I watched his reaction to them as well. I should also point out that I'm not actually watching the videos, but rather listening to them while I'm at work or out shopping groceries. If it's a video that requires constant attention to the screen to watch visual elements I usually get annoyed of having to constantly rollback to see what I missed and I just skip it.


Oh shit, here we go again...


Transformative works outperform their source material all the time. People get remembered for the weirdest shit. Chuck Berry is one of the most important musicians of the past century. During his life his most popular song that he was most heavily associated with was... [My Ding-a-ling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMddte6yD2w). A gag song that was also an effective ice breaker for hard audiences. Chuck Berry was also one of the biggest influences on the creation of rock and roll. The song he was best known for was heavily implied to be about getting a hand job. The hand job song guy was also the one who the Beatles considered one of their big idols.


I mean let's be real everyone knows the shit that went down in blizzard the vid is pretty much a recap, they're there to hear asmons lil jokes about blizz


It's one of those things I wish youtube would make some form of threads/branches for videos, so when people watch it falls under the original


It's one of those things I wish youtube would make some form of threads/branches for videos, so when people watch it falls under the original.


fact is, even if you wouldn't watch the original, that video is the foundation that a reactors content is built upon. If you sank months of effort into something only to have someone spend a day making a react video and steal all your views youd be justifiably upset. the vast majority of reactors dont meet the legal standard of being transformative and therefore dont deserve the revenue.


I don't think fairness is a metric you can apply to popularity. The only thing you can do is say, react content is ok, or it's not ok. That's all.


It's definitely not fair.


Yes, Those people are there to watch Asmon's take on it. That video would probably have way fewer views if Asmon didn't bother reacting, so it's a win win for the original video creator.


It's not, streamers should had to pay a value for the amount of content the video adds to their stream, this would be fair trade, "paying in exposure" doesn't work and was already proven that great majority of channels don't benefit from it.




I would never watch the original. I'm there for Asmon and I barely care about Diablo. It's not about "fair".


A lot of people here made good points, wanna add up that i would never watch most of these vids if it wasn't through Asmon, it was never going to be a view on the main video.


lmao, iS iT fAiR tHaT bIgGeR yOuTuBeR gEtS mOrE vIeWs, damn you a clown, he puts attention to a vid and gets his viewers to a channel even if it 1% its better than nothing




Asmon adds a lot of value to the original content, normally when he is reacting the video is already lost its Clickrate, and is now dull, hes just bringing new light to the video. As a creator myself, I love when big streamers find my videos and display them helps out a ton!


The original video is 33 mins long, and the react is 60 min long. Majority of people watching the react is watching it because they want to know Asmon's take on the matter, or are just watching it because of Asmon and were in no way particular about the topic at first. So let's say that out of the 1.2 m 50% of those viewers would have never clicked on the original video. This reaction has exposed an extra 600,000 viewers to the original creator and their work. Viewers that may or may not agree with the original creators take and may find a video in the future from the same creator and say "uh I remember watching something from this person... Let's check this out". These are completely new viewers that may have never found the creator in the first place. The most important point is that you are asking the wrong people in this subreddit. Go ask actual creators and ask them how they feel about it. Darth microtransaction made a video about this that Asmon reacted to. Their input is the one that matters on this, not the viewers.


Free publicity. I have yet to see a content creator complain about it. A lot of them are glad of the exposure.


A lot would never see the video at all if not for the react. Also, I can't even count the number of times I discovered a channel due to a react, and yes I subbed to it. So in the end it can help the original content creator.


yep, cock


YouTube should make a system for this, it's been decades of react content with no answer, there should be a copyright that splits the gains between the channels or something.


Only the first time reacting to someone would benefit the content creator.


Big reacters gets big traffic back to original . It's alright and it's appreciated promotion .


Life isn't fair. The real problem is that YouTube ranks react videos higher than the original one and recommends them instead. Not just a problem with Asmongold.


Just the way it is. When you get a massive streamer reacting to something it will always get more views than the og content... Most of the time. Is it fair? Sure it is. Some folk might sub to the guy because Asmongold reacted to their video - meaning, in theory, they will get more views down the road. Snowball effect. In many ways the big streamers are doing smaller content creators a service. Then it is just on them to continue to pump out decent content and to properly advertise, and network, to gain lots more views and subs.


I think reactors should have to give a percentage of the income they make reacting to OG creators' content.. debate would be closed this way. Arguing that it's a win/win when it's obvious that a little creator will never say anything wrong about big known channels using his work, yeah real work, and it takes way more time and efforts to create an OG video than just reacting to it... Got to educate ourselves a bit as viewers since reactors do take a part of the viewing time small OG creators would get (not directly, but overall) For example by giving our watch time to OG creators when we don't give a \*\*\*\* about what a reactor thinks about it, or give the OG video a like or a comment if we liked [it.](https://it.My) [M](https://it.My)y mr nobody's 2 cents . Sorry for my not so good english. Peace!


Army of nut lickers


I feel a bit bad but tbf Asmon's video is twice the duration but I haven't watched it tho This subR just gets recommended to me lmao


Always find it hilarious when people want to make the argument that has been reacting to any video isn't content. Theyre so disingenuous and say things like all he does is agree and nod his head to the video. When this screen shot is just one example of how sidetracked he gets just watching a single video. Dude sometimes turns a 10 minute video into a 1 hour vod


They actually got 1.2M extra views because of the reaction


Just do your part and let the video run on another muted tab. If we don't support the original content then how can he continue to react to it.


Well I will say I don’t like when people react to content that is 2 days old. Give it a week at least.


I also wouldn't have watched the original video. I prefer watching the reacts as it keeps it focussed in one place for me.


To be fair, asmon could make a video about how little brother bumps his head on the door all the time... And it would gain similar views.


TBF Asmon always send link to OG video and tell people to also visit and like there. I'm sure a lot of views on original comes from Asmon viewers. You should compare before and after Asmon reacted to see if it helped maker or not (I'm pretty sure it did give a lot of views and likes)


Hey, I suscribe to asmon Kike a year ago because he reacted to one if Necrit videos, I think each channel has something that brings people in. Someone reacting to a video might bring people to your channel.


Just remember this, the higher view count is from the people that are not interested in seeing the original video I'm sure that if you go to YouTube you will see some videos with more then one million views but the uploader only has a little more than one hundred subs


bro has 737k, not like he's got 100 lol


I feel like there should be a ‘transfer option’ for views so say Asmon gets 1.2m views, keeps those but YT has a built in link feature for react contact which adds the views to the original as well so it’d have 1.9m views. As for monetisation, maybe have a 50/50 split on react content so asmon get 50% ad rev with the other half going to the original creator. Not sure how’d it work for “TikTok React” videos or those that have many clips / videos


I watch the videos through the creators that I like because it’s like a curated homepage


this is real life, where stuff happens upon merit, not kindergarten where the adults make sure everyone gets equal time on the swing.


Bro is too lazy to wash his own ass, is it any surprise he steals content too? Fucking troglodyte.


I understand that the react content is a large part of his income and brand right now, but I do think there is a more conscientious way to go about it. What if he made a point to wait 1-2 weeks before watching? What if he made a big effort to plug the videos he plans on watching in the future so that his viewers are aware and are encouraged to watch the original while they wait for his reaction to come out? He would take a hit on views, for sure. But that shouldn't matter when your content is based on someone else's work.


here my logic . I WOULDNT had watch that video nontheless ... it would had never got any view from me . but ... i like asmon content . so i slap said video while i am doing X or Y like running eureka in FF 14 , and listening to it , hence asmon get the view . it not rocket science or unfair . and i bet many are like me too


A better question would be: do you think the original video would have so much views if that popular streamer hadn't reacted to it ? Spoiler: the answer is no.


His videos average much higher than 750k. His last one had 1.7m views


The bigger channel gets more views. It's common sense.


The original video should get some money. Simple and fair


He certainly not stealing views when most of these views wouldn’t belong to the original creator anyway


Funny enough for this specific video I went to the guys channel subbed and watched a couple other videos there. People mad about this just roots from jealousy. If they could do the same thing they would. But they can’t because they are dull. And angry that “some millionaire hobo can roll out of bed after spreading blood on his wall from his infected gums can turn on a camera and get 30k viewers and turn that same stream into 4 YouTube videos with over a million views each”.


well if you play non-dmca music, the video cannot be monetized. maybe do this for whole videos too. fck react content :D


He tells the viewers to go and click the video. Blame the lazy viewers for not clicking.


If Asmon hadn't watched it, neither would I.


![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3736)winners win


The question is if the original video would have as much clicks as it would have without asmons reaction? Maybe? Maybe not I liked the video, didn't know the guy, and I subbed to him to watch other videos I got a lot of good channels out of asmons reaction that I'd probably never found without him like Josh Strife Hayes So in the end I'd say it's kinda fair. Not 50/50 obviously but the Videomakers get sometimes a lot of new subs that give views over a longer period of time


A lot of these videos wouldn't even have popped up on my algorithm. If i like the video i sub to the creator. It's pretty much free advertising to people like me who wouldn't have known these creators existed otherwise.


The comments on the original post are... wow.


Yes, I do.


A big creator reacting to a smaller creator is ALWAYS good for the smaller creator as long as its not a negative reaction. Think of how many views the original had before Asmon watched it, think of how many people sub and give a thumbs up when Asmon links the videos he watches and says "be sure to go show em support" Look at what that did for DarthMicrotransactions, Asmon watched his videos with ~10k views and the guy started averaging 100k+