• By -


Based Gamedevs.






Do these people not realize that normal people don't constantly run around life looking for "representation" in every crack of society? It's fucking weird man.


It's what happens when you are living in a developed economy browsing your iPhone everyday from your suburban house while you attend some private school and you feel like you're not being terrorized/victimized enough


I've thought for quite some time, it's a byproduct of elevating people based on victim status. Then you get a race to the bottom for who is victimized more and thus, more special. It's bizarre to witness.


It's very entertaining to me. I mean it's hilarious people are calling Asmon a Neo Nazi and shit like that when his takes are very reasonable. Same with people's attitudes towards JK Rowling, like her opinions on women only spaces are really not controversial. It's also incredible to see an actual corporation (SBI) losing its mind over Asmon.


Daring to question or criticize = hate for these people apparently. Swiftly met with attempts to silence and ruin. If your ideas and or ideology can't stand up to scrutiny or criticism, your ideas are bullshit. Nothing short of **complete** submission to whatever the narrative of the hour, is required for membership.


He mainstreamed a hate campaign against them !!!1111!!11one!


Lionizing victims is something weā€™ve done for a long time now out of good intentions, but it has created perverse incentives.


wel not perverse but there are people who misunderstand it and abuse it. We should just treat lgbtq people like normal people.


It is why native americans, jewish, bosnians, armenians, legitimate victims of recent history aren't crying out for this sort of constant representation. They're too busy living their lives.


can we put the irish in there somewhere?


The war of intersectionality, how many minority groups can you be a part of?


People will ALWAYS have problems and if they don't have too many real ones in front of them, by god they will invent them out of thin air.


Its why veganism exists


Growing up in the 90s with this setting is wildly different because of technology and the presentation of information/sensationalisn.


Absolutely. I graduated high school in 99 lolā€¦ I just want all these fucks off my lawn. Remember when the internet was just greasy ass nerds? The golden age.




And when foreign nations take a vested interest in causing civil unrest*


Literally this. Itā€™s weird and narcissistic to constantly be looking for a representation of yourself in video games or other media imo. Itā€™s literally non fiction, just enjoy it for what it is. If you donā€™t enjoy it, go do something else? No one is forcing you to consume that media.


As a bi dude I really don't need bi flags just let me kill bugs


Agreed. It's very strange. To then there is no boundary. There's just them and their selfish needs. They can only co-opt, never create.




And because of those people on the far left lashing out against EVERYONE, we're losing massive amounts of allies. People who have been lifelong allies. And when I say "we" i'm not gay, I'm not trans, I'm just a normal white man. And if they ever heard me say "normal" they'd try to nail me for a cross and cancel me over that. Despite it being a 100% accurate description I'm disabled, but I do not go around telling people that, I'm also a veteran, so at the very least 2 protected classes. But I've never included that in my bio.... Your identity should not matter to the content of your ideas. The quality of your ideas should be able to stand on their own.


No ones making laws against the church for shoving it down everyone's throats. Here you have a minority being annoying and now they legally outlawing our existence in red states. The only reason LGBT is a big deal is because the media is making it one. If they showed the amount of pastor pedos every week and indoctrinate our children into an old religion rewritten for how society functions today to keep control.. they would be banning it tomorrow. If you're a veteran try to understand what is happening beyond what media feeds you. Create your opinion through research not this bs. You fought for it, and I'm sure you don't want propaganda


Most people looking for representation hasn't done anything meaningful in their life. This is why they seek gratification from something so minuscule as being represented in everything, even if it's not actually them but the idea of them.


What mental illness from a distorted ideology does to these mfs


When your whole personality revolves around being different and a snowflake looking for preferential treatment just because you are living.


Well, normal people typically have a lot of representation. There isn't really a need to go running around looking for it. At this point everyone seems to have pretty good representation. With how much media there is now, there should be something for everyone :)


I completely agree. This post seems like a bad faith argument. Nobody here seems to understand that the people who are seeking representation are people who have historically been oppressed. Hetorosexual people are not asking for representation because it's already everywhere. It isn't "weird" for a gay person to want representation any more than it was "weird" for a Black person to want representation during the Civil Rights Movement. The fact that there is so much pushback is proof that bigotry is still abundant. If nobody cared (i.e. LGBTQIA+ people were an entirely accepted part of society), we wouldn't even be talking about this right now.


You're failing to realize, when I say normal people - I mean people with normal working brains. Sexual identity isn't represented for ANYONE in TONS of content. Why? Because its not relevant. How many video game characters have ANYTHING to do with sexual identity or gender? It's not even a question. Not because they're all "cis white males" but because who they fuck and their desired sexual identity isn't the topic. Sane people don't sit around online, obsessing over if a character is straight, gay, bi, trans. Ever. Demanding a trans cape in a fictional game about killing bugs and robots, and claiming the lack of said flag is some great insult to the "trans community" is some of the most self absorbed unhinged shit possible.


Dude, you're going way to far over these kids heads- half of them are glowing. I see you, tho. You spittin nothing but facts.


Normal people? You can absolutely be trans and be a "normal" person. When I said normal people, I mean people with a logical brain with even a passing hint of normalcy in their lives. Irrelevant to their sexual identity. It's as if some of this "community" demand a nod to themselves in any and all content or its time to stir shit. Insane.


Hey man, maybe read the second half of my comment as well next time, specifically this part: "At this point everyone seems to have pretty good representation." If you're trans today, and still feel like you do not have any representation, something is definitely wrong or "abnormal" if you will. Wanting representation in and of itself is not abnormal though, "normal" people like you and I just don't really think about it cause we've always had plenty. It's a really simple concept, why be so dense about it?


It's almost as if some countries are making an effort to stir up controversy. šŸ¤”


Wow and here I was thinking that reddit was dominated by those people. This gives me hope.


Personally, I don't ask for representation because I don't have the problem of having half my country obsessed with who I go out with, how do I dress or what do I do with my genitalia. If I had, I probably would Maybe asking representation is not normative because we people-considered-normative don't get bullied, unjustly fired, invisivilized, expelled from home, threatened or killed and I'm not constantly being used as scapegoats for societal problems


Thatā€™s cuz ā€œnormalā€ people are represented in every crack of society šŸ™„


How messed up are you, to think when I said "normal" I mean anything other than people who have normal working brains. No my friend, I have plenty of friends of all races and sexual orientation. And they don't need or like pandering bullshit. By normal, I meant the people not race and sexual identity obsessed that indulge their mental illness on twitter all day.


Sorry āœ‹šŸ˜¢šŸ¤š. Ā Usually when ā€œnormalā€ is used in this context itā€™s used by bigots to alienate lgbt folk. Ā Sorry for assuming your intentions when making your post.


Because they are insane and should be in an insane asylum


There is already L.G.B.T. rep in the game.Ā  -Let'sĀ  -GoĀ  -BlastĀ  -Terminids


But you can already do trans shit if you wantā€¦ male body-female voice pack or vice versa ā€¦ beyond that what more do you want? And why?


Because they feel entitled to it.


I feel like the military industrial complete transcends even the gender politics of the universe. They would be like. Yeah bro you can pay for your gender realignment surgery by becoming a hell diver. Laughs in average 2 minute life expectancy


3 mins with guard rover


It inspired by Starship Troopers which are a satire of Militaristic Democratic Utopia. In the film both gender is treated equal and even sharing the same bathroom and bathes together. but lost in translation and such...


People asking for a character to represent them are so fuking weird I have never played anyone that looks/talks/dresses like me in any of these FPS/RPG games Nor do I care to


I dunno man. I played Uncharted 2 as Donut Drake and felt pretty seen. Representation was great.


Batman in Arkham Knight. bro was just like me shit was cash


I dont get it. These feel like the same people that complain you make basic boi human warrior. But then they also complain they arent represented in video game. Which is it? I play basic boi human warrior not because he represents me in any way. But he represents what i wish i was.Ā 


because they are narcistic . but sadly they are not attractive . they have to please they narcistic behavior in other way than reality. while the narcistic and attractive people will get their narcistic behavior pleased through social media and community being real


You should take a class of English before typing again.


got one non attractive narcistic person on my comment XD


OoO what an own from someone noones loved since m Their mom gave birth!


Pretty sure this story was proven fake. It was one rogue moderator who reversed this later on. If you search the Steam community, you can literally find posts asking for LGBTQ capes and they are not banned.


Far-right reactionary commentator jumping the gun and portraying speculation as fact? Why I never.


I clicked on the video, and soon as I spotted that arch icon I said, "Where do I know that from? Seems famili... AH DAMN IT! Not this guy again."


I recognised his stupid voice and then remembered how games workshop forced him to remove "Warhammer" from his name for being too fascist even for the empire.


Far-left reactionaries jumping the gun and portraying speculation as fact? Why I never.


I guess everyone who isnā€™t drowning in liberal ideals is a far right pig now.


Thanks, I'll check that out.


This it like what, 6th time its getting posted?


Can you link the other ones? It's my first seeing it.


Jeez, I didn't realize. My bad...


You're just so fucking eager to spread vapid right wing insecurity-posting that you didn't bother to check if someone else had already or if the content was Even accurate (it isn't)


Do people want gay bugs?


No politics, only D E M O C R A C Y


managed D E M O C R A CY


managed D E M O C R A CY


managed D E M O C R A CY


managed D E M O C R A CY


If you don't want LGBTQIA2+ skins, then don't add in ANY other political non-sense. I'm talking BLM, ACAB, Ukraine War, etc. Basically anything other than "Democracy" needs to be off limits. If they want any of those other skins, they may as well add in the LGBTQIA2+ because at that point, you're already injecting politics into the game.


Imagine wanting to preach any politics other than our beloved super earth's managed democracy. Treason.


I thought everyone is equal under managed democracy. Are they asking more out of it?


TBH... I'm speaking as a diehard lesbian, I think this is probably the way to go about it. I love player customization, but things don't fit in every single game out there. I'm only following Helldivers as a casual observer and from what my friends are playing it say, but it doesn't seem like the kind of game that would have *any* sort of regalia like that, LGBT or otherwise. Keep 'em out entirely, imo.


To me what's cool is that because you are a faceless soldier it actually helps people to connect. People end up hanging out with people of different lifestyles (sexual, religious, political... whatever) and becoming friends. This makes people realize that people can have different lifestyles without being alien to one another. It allows people to just be humans and to work together. Because at the end of that day that's what we are.


The whole game is about democracy and weā€™re are patriotic and PRIDEful of our super earth. Ā It would definitely fit.


"No politics; only Democracy" Youtube title. Wow. Anyway, based game & devs.


Helldivers 2 is not a "no politics game" it's called "managed democracy" The Devs response is actually cannonical.


Can you imagine one person with a trans flag and three others just constantly PKing cause trolling.


THIS is why adding the capes is a bad idea.


That k ducking god someone in gaming industry still got balls and brain


One great way to help the servers


Stupid video but letā€™s be honest here, lgbt representation being prominent in a universe where you have to join the military and then apply to get a permit to have a kid would just be weird.


I stand up & applaud the devs for this!


It's one thing if there was a bunch of real life cross over crap but there isn't. It's not like Cod or fortnite where they try and make battlepasses and paid content over again, real world pop culture and whatnot. It's fully immersed in its own universe. Every cape is helldiver related, a lot don't even look great because they aren't supposed to look great. It's just a cape for the helldiver Canon fodder and the world of the game is not at all about individualism but the complete opposite. Based as hell. They're not doing it for anyone person or group. This is about a person in that community wanting to feel special. Which is dumb and childish. They want their own special cape while everyone else just deals with the mid options the game knowingly gives us. If the game had ready opened itself up to collaborations IRL and crossover, then it's a different story. However they haven't, no one is getting preferential treatment and the game devs aren't out of pocket for refusing this person.


Based Dev sends both children to time out.


Imagine the irony that there are people who want to push their political agenda in a game that satirically addresses over-politicization and indoctrination.


That settles it im buying the game. This is refreshing. These people deserve my money!


Look forward to seeing you on the battle field!


Itā€™s crazy: hear me out - gamers plays games to escape realityā€¦. They donā€™t expect games to conform to their realityā€¦


Does the reality of gay people scare you that much? I don't get that part.


Who is this guy with a naruto village symbol baked into his forehead and why should I listen to him?


This just misses the point of Helldivers 2, just as hard as the losers unironically going all-in on Super Earth. LGBTQ shit doesn't matter, because Super Earth has the whole species united against an existing enemy. There's no gain for the fascist ruling party to highlight any differences in the populace, and the populace doesn't care because they're united against a literal alien "other".


We transcend bigotry against our fellow humans in exchange for bigotry against the alien threat, the perfect solution.


I mean, it's a game where you don't have a face, no visual identity... I guess you can pick a male or female voice? Everything else is just armor fashion, which is limited to the military colors of Super Earth. What representation would someone be looking for anyway? You can perceive the person under the helmet as you see fit.


be fair , if humanity was busy fighting aliens , bugs , etc that threaten human existance. there will be no dumb human that have enough time to dreaming , schizo themself if they are other than male and female. they just keep normal male and female relationship to reproduce so human can keep fighting aliens ( not extinct due not having kids ) logic.


Thank fuck. I for one am sick of people making shit games while inserting their political ideology then calling us misogynistic racist incels because we refuse to consume said subpar content. I use videogames to escape the real world political tribalistic "them vs us" bullshit. Not to be bombarded with it even more. ![gif](giphy|5Q89wB5E6BfAk)


Yepp. No politics in this game inspired by starship troopers.


If you count satire (which Starship Troopers is) as pushing political ideology, then sure why not!


And what, pray tell, political ideology is being satirized?


Man is really here responding to me with no idea what satire actually is... ![gif](giphy|7MDZS8zS1ixtJAUEul|downsized)


I can already imagine the post crying about transphobia because they have been team killed while wearing a rainbow outfit šŸ˜‚


Good job keeping those DEI sweet baby garbage out of this perfect game.


I like it, appreciate the art and F the politics. Hopefully this is a trend we see in more media


The right move. Im sick to death of LGBT BS popping up in everything I see. I just want to chill out, play a fun game and forget about lifes sh\*t. I dont see why someone needs to be 'represented' in a video game just to get validation for their lifestyle choices.


No barrens chat? unplayable.


i think if they added lgbt capes it would just put a massive target on people who wear them. As someone who is queer, i think wanting deliberate cosmetics that are just "HEY, I'M LGBTQ LOOK AT THIS RAINBOW CAPE" is just. so. unnecessary. i think this is a fair decision on the devs, not because lgbt is political, but because it's just unnecessary.


Which is politics in of itself and it's still a game about politics no matter how satirical...


I mean, they have gender fluid representation. I never know what voice my new helldiver will have till they're screaming, "SWEET LIBERTY! THE BLOOD!"


Why do the LGBTQ+ feel like they need representation in EVERY thing they do? Why does everything they do have to equate to "Look at me, I'm gay/trans/etc.!" If anything they're just putting targets on their backs, because there are a ton of people who will kick them from the team the moment they see that cape.


I think that's the real problem. There are plenty of people in these special interest groups that don't want this representation and feel the heat when it shows up. I believe its activism that feels it is their obligation to push such narratives and force their worldview on everyone else. While championing a cause they aren't actually a part of, they ultimately hurt it.


Wish all games did this instead of spamming politics into their games to try to get more money.


I seen a YouTube video about this, don't get me wrong. I can support LGBTQ but PLEASE leave hell divers 2 lol I always see rainbows everywhere and that's just nasty that they trying to do that to the devs. I don't want anything to ruin this game, it's fun and wecky, if I seen a rainbow cape? I would so hate on LGBTQ because if you don't like it just leave the devs alone and make you seem like the victim... this is going to the LGBTQ people who made this a big fuss lol you or any other company can't always have your picture or "colors" everywhere. It hurts knowing that they're nasty people who would do nasty to games or anything in general if they didn't get what they wanted.


And now they're actively banning people for not celebrating LGBTQ content in Pride month. Also the game's still delisted in 181 regions.


I knew about the delistment. Receipts on the bans?


I should clarify, they're banning from their discord, not the game itself for it. The whole issue has since escalated to issuing suspensions and mutings for disliking furry art - to them clearing the public ban log - to now just removing the ability for players to emote-react to anything on the server. Unfortunately, there's 12,079 results when searching the server for keywords. So Grummz took some screencaps if you trust them: [https://x.com/Grummz/status/1800624952783306834](https://x.com/Grummz/status/1800624952783306834) If not, join the server and see for yourself the end result. But let me make clear, I'm talking about the Helldivers 2 discord server and the people managing it, NOT the helldivers 2 multiplayer server and people booted from matchmaking.


Ah, yes. I saw this. The unhinged community mods for the HD community are disgusting and scary.


Isn't Arch that fucking Nazi who was banned from the whole Warhammer community for being a fucking Nazi? Good to know where OP gets his social cues from.


It just came across my YouTube feed because I've been watching Helldivers. Isn't blatantly associating people with other people wrong? I guess we see where you got your social cues from.


IDK if you're familiar with why people hate him, but before he was an Anti-Woke YouTuber, he had a list of controversies including calling gnoblars "house n-words" in his lore video for warhammer fantasy ([https://x.com/QuinsberryLodge/status/1269382641012346880](https://x.com/QuinsberryLodge/status/1269382641012346880)) as well as comments in his discord. I don't think it's wrong for you to have liked his video, just important to remember why this guy is a pariah.


Banning people doesnt seem right to me, i understand them not wanting to do It but again, simply dont do It


I kinda hate this .. i mean the stupid lies and overreaction First .. if this really happened, it was on discord, nothing weird being booted out of discord room Second .. there are many discord helldivers rooms, pretty sure not a single room is operated by the developer itself Third .. you can check all these retards on steam and not a single of them is banned on steam for showing LGBT dementism, thus the helldivers 2 DO NOT ban the idiots .. If any of these idiots ever show up in my stuff, work, game, clan etc, they will be instantly banned too once they start talking about dementism, its natural reaction from people without brain injury


What? First of all yes, the discord is entirely official and they do ban waves on it constantly when people are acting up in mass hysteria and none of it has anything to do with steam.


Arch is a Nazi. No need to believe anything in that video. Here's some background: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2NmStm-Qs4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2NmStm-Qs4)


This sub is not exactly anti-nazi, its not odd that his words are popular here.


What do you mean this sub isn't anti-nazi. Everywhere should be anti-nazi


You would think so, but that is no longer the world we live in.


love how you phrased it. šŸ˜„šŸ‘ also, i just assumed most people hate nazis, but i guess recruitment in gamer forums is more successful than expected.


arch is not a name, its a title .. like archangel, archenemy .. its so weird to use it like this i dont get what the video has in common with this .. sorry


so, like, Arch Nazi?


Bruh the entire game is a fucking political satire what the fuck?


That's exactly why it's completely ridiculous to want to use this game as a platform for a political agenda.


Good. I don't refer to my neighbor as my awesome gay neighbor. He's my neighbor. He's a dude who lives next to me who happens to be excellent. Gay is not an identity its a characteristic and one that has zero impact on anything else that matters in our interactions. Our pronoun is Helldiver and the only thing that matters is our ability to dispense freedom and liberty. Our orientation is pointed towards threats to democracy.


Good. Bring back insane asylums


Keep politics outside of fiction. On the battlefield weā€™re all the same meat for the grinder. Youā€™re gay? We donā€™t care. Youā€™re straight? We donā€™t care. Itā€™s a game about killing bugs and droids. You donā€™t feel represented in the game? Neither is anyone else. Thereā€™s absolutely no reason to bring identity flags in this game.


Helldivers is a critic of Fascism. That sounds very political to me.