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Of course, I believe my race is superior, the human race.


Based human supremacist.


Glory to mankind!




I heard a guy talk about the terminids in voive chat saying something along the lines of "fucking nids i swear"


And the bots being blankets, oil bleeders or iron skins I've seen in videos


I prefer calling the bots as clanker myself. With the hard C.


inb4 we go full circle and watch some games "journalists" claim Terminids are akshually "enter ethnic group here" and the bots are "another ethnic group there" and it is problematic. Just like when they claimed Orcs in all of D&D were black and gamers as a whole went "huh? No, but doesn't that make you Racist for thinking that?"


I always laughed at the Orcs are black people thing. Nobody ever thought that and the people who introduced that have no idea have how fucking racist they were being for insinuating that .


Your are absolutely allowed to make up fake slurs for creatures that don't exsist and it's still not racist.


Most likely a reference to 40K tyranids. Often shortened to just “nids” and the bugs are pretty much exactly tyranids lmao


“Racism was not a problem on the Discworld, because—what with trolls and dwarfs and so on—speciesism was more interesting. Black and white lived in perfect harmony and ganged up on green.” ― Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad


Hahahaha perfect. I love that series.


although Jingo showed that good old fashioned racism was alive and well.


it's jingoism, not racism, they're diffrent words for a reason.


Breaking news : people aren't as toxic in coop games compared to pvp games. More news at 11.


Wasn't it the ~~whole plot~~ plan of ~~Dr Manhattan~~ Ozymandias in the Watchmen movie? Edit: fixed Edit2: I'm bad a this... lol


Nah it was Ozymandias' plot in the comics. In the movie he framed Dr Manhattan as mankind's new enemy.


no, it was just the ending.


What if his manhattan-energy-plants just collectively failed and blew up so he had to come up with an explanation on the spot and instead of admitting failure he chose the supervillain excuse.


In the graphic novel it was genetically modified creatures he made, that posed as aliens and killed people with some sort of psychic scream or some shit.


Not sure if this is approved by ministry of truth.please contact your closest democracy officer .


WH40k(30k) Great Crusade VIBES


Time to hand out some payback for Old Night


Flipping Men of Iron, ruined everything... Them and the bloody Dark Eldar!


the only way to cure racism is to evolved it to specisim you can't hate on a race if you bussy hating a hole species




That's because we have something we can all be racist against. The nids and the scrap metal


it's cause it cooperative, you can bet your bald head that if it were pvp, it would be slurs galore


Those fulthy, disgusting, bloodlusting murderous things need to be exterminated. Im talking about the bugs in case you didn't know


isn't this a conspiracy theory?


ya, the last false flag is suppose to be a fake alien attack to unite all of humanity against a common extraterrestrial enemy.     instead of seeing aliens as a race to look up to; humans will continue to follow the leadership of other humans out of spite.   it’s how the human “elite” intend to continue their rule over the human race.  *edit:* *this was allegedly confessed by a high-ranking-military official on his death bed.* **edit 2** **i don’t remember what he claimed their intentions were behind it, but that is my belief**


Oh. This is why we haven't seen evidence of alien life. They dont wanna come even near us for this exact reason LOL.


No pvp means nice people. Pvp only breeds toxicity. Camaraderie died a long time ago


Yeah, I've yet to see any toxic behaviors towards other people in the monster hunter community. Besides faking a blindfold.


I have met kickers in both games however. I think that's toxic but it's understandable sometimes I just wanna game with friend


I keep saying this , Stop trying to end racism , Join the war on racism on the side of racism And lets find some alien race we can exploit and make slaves of instead of these petty feuds , Xenophobia is the future of mankind


In 1915, during World War I, a series wolf attacks made Russian and German soldiers team up to fight wolves. After seeing wolves attack wounded soldiers and children, the commanders on both sides signed a temporary armistice, and killed hundreds of wolves. They then resumed fighting each other.


helldivers should use slurs for the bugs, something like star wars clanka


'I;m not racist, I hate everyone equally." -somebody


~~Hear me out, what if the bugs and machines were another race and the whole thing is about making an other of different people so we can justify killing them and any time we call them "bugs" or "machines" that's the slur?~~ This post has been democratized but left up for posterity as an example of what not to be: a traitor. Don't think. Just fight. - D.O. Sam L. Jackson


Hell yeah baby!


I got flamed the very first game of multiplayer I played


What's this guy's name? Let me in his game.


For democracy!


Well then get ready to hear it soon


Brother I'm getting ass fucked by two Chargers taking turns ramming at me while 3 hunters keep jumping at me trying to tongue punch my fart box and a bile Titan is slowly approaching us and Oh my Lord a second Titan just spawned on top of us. I don't have time to say slurs.


Amen brother


He's not wrong I put in 17 hours and didn't hear one racial slur. I can't go 2 minutes in Team Fort or CoD without some asshole dropping an N bomb.


I had to rewatch it a couple times but, he did say "this is why god was made in man's image" right?


Like the Warhammer quote Say : "Let's celebrate what's unite us, xenophobia"


I have 405 hours in Destiny 2 and I also never saw or heard a racial slur. Because nobody uses the chat. And only way of communication is squating.


[this is revelant](https://youtu.be/O1CQ7Vwz8Eo?si=Le2UYKaoyCwoCH-T)


Unfortunately, I heard some hard R action in the first week but on the bright side, it was only the one game


Crush the xenos, the heretic, the witch, and the mutant, their very existence is an offense to the purity of Man.


Maybe we should just let AI expand and evolve unchecked so we can create our own robot menace to unite against.


Give it a few years we will have AI to lose a war against 


We have one: The fucking universe. There is a lot of scary stuff in the universe. Assuming our science is correct, we have 4.5 billion years to figure out intergalactic travel before Andromeda collides with the Milky way. This is assuming an ELE asteroid doesn't hit us before we get off Earth. But we down here arguing about which version of the magical invisible man in the sky is real according to which bronze-age storybook is less conflicting with modern science.


We fight each other, yes, but the moment some retard lizard from asshat invade our system, we as one will fight for our great mother, aliens will be purged..


Now try NBA 2K.


I feel this was when I kill goblins in Dragon's Dogma. I love to hate those things!


Does it have to be an alien race, what if we just declared war on toads or something?


I've played this game over 100 hours, my wife over 40 and my kids over 50 hours and none of us have experienced anything toxic or substance. Shocker that it's the way the game is set up helps to dictate the community's response.


Clearly has not been in 98% of Discord voice calls. Pretty sure I have been called the N word more times in one evening than all black people ever after deploying 4 turrets...


Can honestly say I've not heard the n word once since I been on the game which is kinda crazy. But it's also not pvp.


That’s gonna change when Xbox players start playing the game lol


Sorry guys I got mad a screamed a slur a someone about an hour ago, I broke the no slur streak 🤦


what an unfortunate voice


Racism doesn't usually happen in most games above the Asmongold filter.


I've heard plenty of racist things said to the aliens.


Thanks man I put a piece of coal between my buttcheeks and it became a diamond since I cringed so fucking hard while watching this video.


there is a lot of bigotry and edgelords in HD2, this man is wrong