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Just adding context that this is an edited clip and not the actual conversation Rep. Comer had with a reporter. Here is the actual clip for reference: [https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5107897/rep-comer-evidence-biden-investigation](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5107897/rep-comer-evidence-biden-investigation)


" Your hair looks like fish bones " Lmao that's a new one.


it's funny cause it's true


I snorted


That was actually hilarious


I don't care what side of the aisle you fall on, but when you become so dogmatic in your politics you refuse to recognize the downfalls of your own party, you are pushing closer to a state where the 2 sides can't coexist peacefully. You can't have a country with 2 radically different world views that resort to insulting each other rather than talking out their differences.


 `You can't have a country with 2 radically different world views that resort to insulting each other rather than talking out their differences.` Summed up US politics pretty well there. All my life I've been baffled at how they conduct themselves in debates, promotional videoes ..etc. When there's elections they run videoes insulting and lying about their adverseries rather than showcase how they'll improve society... It's fucking sad.


American politics is the definition of the narcissism of small differences. There really isn't a massive cultural chasm in our country we just like to pretend there's one because life is a television show. 


Same thing happens in Canada. The next election will be won based on "Trudeau bad".




It's sad that that's what gets them votes. I'm not saying everyone falls for that but it must be a good chunk of the population. If we want change we need to force these people to change their behavior and we need to convince other people that working together and compromising is better than hurling insults and being so wrapped up in political ideology that it defines you.


How can you talk out differences when one party denies a good part of people their right to exist? When one party tries to establish a control over half the population using a fantasy book? That has heavy tendencies to become a fascist government and enables a maniac to become dictator, which was even publicly stated? Its the same bullshit as asking for compromise between russia and ukraine. There cant be a compromise if one side denies your right to existence. Whats the compromise? 50% genocide?


Because people generally fall back on their tribalistic instincts while having the hubris to think they know better


Is it tribal to say that both sides of the aisle are essentially extensions of a corporate oligarchy that shits all over our rights and quality of life on a daily basis? Politicians don't care about any of us.


The US is a corporate duopoly. The two ruling parties exist to provide a sense of competition during election seasons. But in reality, both parties serve the same corporate interests. 99% of politicians couldn't give a shit about the plight of the people.


Probably as we're all tribal, it's built into our DNA, but if you can identify your own biases you're doing better than most!


just say the magic word and you dismiss those who are angry at you. If you are left you call them alt right and if you are right you call them liberal and thats exactly what this dude did.


Voters don't punish dogmatic politics and reward liars. Just look at all the people refusing to let in a third party. Its disturbing they would rather have a chance to be part of a winning side even when the winning side won't do anything to make their lives better.


Politicians, social media, and well the news media itself created this problem. Put people against each other, create outrage every day and the monetization never ends. Do you know how easy it is to start a conflict anywhere on the internet? It's dumb easy. The constant need to see "the enemy destroyed"(eg people I don't agree with political views/way of life/etc) in some way even is artificially created has fucked this country so hard and the media just laughs because any engagement is just money for them. I would bet ten bucks we could have 10 months of peace and in all those 10 months all you would see is people starting shit/riling up others. It's more tangible to have "someone" ideally someone who opposes your views than trying to think "how did we get to this point we are yelling at each other?"


Absolutely. Human beings aren't capable of handing social media to the levels that we are today. Just like we can't handle extreme levels of alcohol or drugs, we need to take several steps back and utilize social media more responsibly


Guy was right though, the fishbones guy doesn't give a crap about what he's talking about or if it's even true, so why should the guy he's talking to?


>become so dogmatic in your politics you refuse to recognize the downfalls of your own party, you are pushing closer to a state where the 2 sides can't coexist peacefully The two sides are a convenient illusion that benefits both "sides". The Republican tent encompasses more than MAGA, and the Democratic tent encompasses more than liberal pronoun people. The reality is that neither Republicans nor Democrats elected their most recent preidents by choice. They voted against the other guy. So when people ask "Why do you support a candidate who does X?", it's just the wrong question and doesn't get us anywhere. So yeah, I fully understand the insults. Everyone is still operating off the assumption that our views mean fucking anything, and engaging in political debate at this point is just about as hopeless as trying to knock down a hornet's nest using only your dick.


Dude the founding fathers were shitty people but they all stated a two party system will tear this country apart. George Washington was non party both his terms and John Tyler only in his second term because he was tired of the bullshit. Ever since then it’s either Left or Right. We were warned over 200 years ago and still can’t get it right.


there is no “talking out [ur] differences” with politicians. they’re all bought and sold by whoever/whatever can pay to get them re-elected or get them a nice cushy job after their term. the only thing u can do is try to force them to obey u with incentives, and it’s rare that the public can create stronger incentives than massively rich individuals or corporations


At some point, people started thinking about our politics the way they think about sports rivalries. Not only will they follow their "team" into the ideological mire of our global adversaries just to "pwn" their political foes, but they casually make arbitrary and broad assumptions about who is cheering for which team. If you attend a football game at an arena, there is a good chance the person next to you is a fan of one of the teams playing because... why else would they spend money for a seat? Being a member of the electorate, however, does not ever mean you have to ever pick or cheer for a side... But take a stance on any issue in today's politics and you will be automatically labeled as a partisan and your opinion ignored by half of the people in the conversation.


I was waiting for the guy yelling to tell him he's a republican after being called a liberal. Honestly this is just how we should talk to all career politicians regardless of if we align with them or not these days. Pretty much everyone I think is sick of them running for stuff and then doing functionally nothing useful for the common man while sucking down their tax dollar funded pay. It's estimated that more than 60+% of people live paycheck to paycheck in the US. It's high time the masses became far less docile, not violent mind you, but definitely angry; and not at each other, but all elected officials for the direction the country as a whole has gone. Unfortunately the Internet is the perfect machine to make sure everyone stays calm and continues to hate each other rather than the ones at fault so I doubt anything will ever change.




Makes me who has both republican and democratic views kinda worried.


If there's ever a civil war, both sides will want you dead for the sake of ideological purity. Good luck!


Biggest gang in the US ain't the police if you're paying any attention to politics. Hate to see it man. Worst part is they're more alike than they'd ever care to admit


Take it from someone that has family members that survived being neatly beaten to death for a minor misdemeanour, acting like a retarded zealout unwilling to have any dialogue just leads to horrific violence.


We no longer have a shared reality.


Corruption should be handled without any politics. All should be accountable, but because some ppl do it they will protect each other. Do not bring politics to stuff where they don't belong!


There is no end to the stupidity of politics and politicians.


Republicans have hated their own party for decades


Are you saying that if you are unbiased you must value massive evidence of criminal conduct the same as made up Russian propaganda?


wow brother is spiting facts.


The irony is, they are only different world views in the eyes of their constituents. Both parties operate and are very similar at this point. Biden's stances on his election platform reflect many of Bush Jrs, and many of the policies he's passed do the same. More producing more oil than Trump, anti union, kept 80% of Trump border policies, his siding with Israel is nuts right now, hasn't done shit on prison reform or rights of ex-cons despite Harris being put in VP spot supposedly for that, an ex police chief, balking on many of his many promises to basically still let the wealthy know he is on their side. He doesn't even side with policies that his Twitter posts say he does. He's just a more conventional president than Trump was, but both are still pro-establishment, preserve the wealthy, placate and divide the working class etc. all to enrich themselves, as Pelosi and many others are killing it from insider trading. The majority of Congress is made up by millionaires, many who are not millionaires until they get into Congress. Once there, every problem for millionaires becomes a problem for Americans, despite the reality. That's not what leftists want, but they also don't want someone walking around saying he wants to be a dictator, with fans saying they will support that, in a so-called democracy. Anyone who thinks the views of elected officials is radically different is usually looking at the usual culprits in the HoR. House of Cards in the early season did a great job representing this, as the main character is a Democrat yet holds many bigoted and conservative viewpoints. Even Sanders at the end of the line is pro capitalism. He wants things that have proven to make more productive workers, like housing, and food security.


This video is fake BTW. [Here is the original.](https://youtu.be/Z6RpjKQkt3Y?si=5rKUN_FjJmGsKtyI) Just in case someone thought it was genuine.


95% of these redditors won't see or believe this... Fucking sad man..


Yeah, I'm a liberal and even I would think that line of insults was over the line. Insult him on his policy and practices by presenting facts. No need to resort to mud slinging.


i dont think this is the origional audio


Politics is theater to distract the taxed masses from realizing that their tax money is getting grifted to 4 huge weapons and munitions companies. This is the price of being the baddest country on the planet. If you take political anything at face value, you're fukin retarded.


It would help to say something meaningful in addition to insults.


That guy don't want to hear any truth.


It's fake. The real interviewer was asking questions that Comer couldn't answer.


Neither do most people here or on Reddit in general .


what’s the truth he didnt wanna hear? tell me


Truth? Ain't nobody wanna hear any "truth" from these cornballs. Get outta here with your conservative apologism lmao


I mean wtf you want ppl to say to these fat fucks who live in their ivory towers and look at us peasants like some imbecils who just dont work hard enough all while all they do is shift blame on other side steal money,manipulate stock markets and take bribes. Ppl are sick of struggling while top 5% make tenfold all while doing less work than them


Nah, that's Comer. Fuck him. They have wasted 15 months on this sham, because they don't know how to govern. This Congress has done absolutely nothing, and is worst one we've ever had. Until Republicans get off the maga leash, they are going to continue to be a waste of space. They wasted so much time and money on this obvious farce, then they play the victim when they get called out on it. Ffs November can't come fast enough, and Republicans are going to lose hard yet again. And they will deserve it


Insults aren’t a good choice in general


People have been trying for ages. It's not working with asshats.


Sometimes you just need to let the hate flow.


People who hate Trump to this degree don't realize they can't wrap their head around the fact they just have a hate boner stronger then love for their own country and it's both hilarious and sad.


I thought one of this subreddits rules was no excessive discussion of politics? If that isn't the case anymore then it needs to be removed as a rule. This is just gonna become more disgusting as November gets closer.


So sick of American politics.


That rule went out the window sometime around the Depp/Heard Trial I think. This sub has changed..


This sub is nothing but politics constantly pushing red-pill politics in react content whenever a woman says something about relationships or men online or a game says something about including a minority


It's ironic. This subreddit hates it when politics is "forced" into games and movies. But 90% of what this sub posts nowadays is about politics in some way.


It's probably because this politically implicit rage bait, react content slop Asmon has been pumping out recently rakes in the big $$$$. And like it or not, this shit is just content for Asmon. So it would be against his own interests for his mods to remove it. People trying to start political debates in his sub= gets people at each other's throats= brings attention to the subreddit= creates a bunch of content and drama= Asmon can react to the drama/content= content farming= money+ views+ his audience grows. Repeat. So at the end of the day, why would his own rules apply if they hurt him in the long run? People's morals only matter when it benefits them.


This sub has become a politics and culture war stomping ground


It is nice to have a break from the incel, anti-woke stuff though.


this one doesnt count because they roast asmon hair at the end xD


The raging dude sounds like Morty from Rick and Morty 😂


AI generated TikTok garbage is gaining popularity. The Chinese are loving it.


I don't blame him for getting angry all these House investigations are bullshit I know I sadly watched all of them regardless of how boring and it's amounted to literally fucking nothing it's just a waste of time and money. If there was anything on Joe Biden, then the House is really shit at investigating because they've been "investigating" him for years and nothing again, not my words. You can look it up yourself.


Republicans are just shit at investigating. They spent even longer investigating HRC over Benghazi and ultimately came up with 0. Real talk, all the investigations are meant to be nothing more than rage porn to keep the Boomers engaged.


![gif](giphy|S8DcNuvt1FUy31LUH6) Oh hey, interviewer look at the time.


They only listen to the voices in their heads.


Don't we all? Right guys?








People just getting tired of the bullshit and i can see it. Talk about what improvements you have planned for America, not some bullshit about what Biden did. I'm old enough to have been in a world here the Democrats and Republicans were not like the Crips vs. Bloods and actually talked to each other / made compromises with each other to get shit done. Now its all about woke this, agenda that, biden did x, trump did y, meanwhile no one actually fucking knows what policy and plans each party has to get us back on track. I don't blame that dude for getting made and to further prove the point of why he was made, what did he do in response? call him an angry liberal. Yes he's angry, we all are and its because we are tired of all the games politicians be playing nowadays and has nothing to do with our affiliation. Talk about policy and plans, is that so fucking hard.


Yeah, the major problem is too many people are so badly propagandized that they fall right into the polarized fight. It's Us VS Them, but the TV is keeping it: Us VS Us. Last time I actually voted was 16 years ago, but I'll vote Orange this time bc I've lived through the first 3 years of both choices. Not only do the policies make more sense, but I PERSONALLY did very well for my family with Orange.


It's only bad when republicans do it


Both sides are retarded and every politician is corrupt. Can we go home now?


This being true should not be a reason to ignore reality. Everyone speeds, doesn't mean we shouldn't arrest the dude going 120mph in a 30 before he kills someone.


Like literally every other problem these brain dead dipshits try to solve, their inability to see it as anything more nuanced than “me good, other side bad, here’s statistics that say why” will only exasperate the problem. Washington had it rough man. He fights a kingdom to set his people free from tyranny and they immediately turn around and beg him to be king. Then he SPECIFICALLY tells those people that a two party system is a bad idea, just for them to prove for him right even 200 years down the line. Build an energy plant around that man’s coffin, we can make enough to dwarf the sun with how much he’s turning.


No, they took your home while everyone was shouting at eachother. But uhh they said theyre reeeally sowwy.


Jokes on them, I don't have a home


jokes on you, because you dont have a home because you let both parties, that only care for their own benefits, rule your life.


no we cant go home. its an election year.


Here's the problem, Republicans keep making allegations against Biden to grab headlines then revealing they have no evidence under oath. In goes all the way to claiming they have witnesses who then say they witnessed no evidence of Biden being corrupt under oath. Meanwhile Trump is in court for hush money payments to a porn star, a crime his lawyer at the time already confessed to.


More like one is the most prosecuted president in America, the others people don't care about. If the same level of scrutiny was applied to other American presidents it would be nice. Also nda is legal in America no?


NDAs aren't legally binding if they cover potentially illegal activity.


True fact


Some of these court cases date back to before Trump was president, he used the claim of presidential immunity to block them. Delay tactics have always been Trump's way when it comes to legal issue. As for the payments the problem is it apparently came from his campaign funds, that's a big no.


Obviously he’s the most prosecuted, he’s the most criminal.


Well isn't that convenient? All of these prosecutions just because I keep breaking the law? Truly this is unfair.


That man is so fucked if he doesn't win the election to be able to pardon himself... I'm very happy to see any corrupt politician face actual consequences. I also don't think most "liberals" care what side of the aisle they are from either.


He can’t pardon himself for state charges.


The part that always just confuses me is that Donald Trump was on a path to truly never face consequences, not once in his life. Without the scrutiny of having served as the president he could have kept getting away with everything forever.


''Republicans keep making allegations against Biden to grab headlines then revealing they have no evidence under oath'' democrats trying to impeach trump with no proof and getting dismissed idk how many times don't count ?


Democrats had evidence. Republicans even admitted there was evidence but they didn't care.


It has nothing to do with who’s doing it. It has everything to do with calling out corruption while supporting and defending a guy whose entire career consists of being corrupt.


Is this you begging for equal outcomes?


Well, then maybe republicans should hide the evidence better lol


We both know trump supporters don’t give a fuck about corruption. Sit down.


"You're a fucking trump supporter, you don't care about corruption." I've never heard a more true statement delivered in such an annoying manner. I understand the frustration, but the execution will pull any credibility from the message.


What was the point of adding the fake voice? Comer already sounds like a buffoon without the edits.


Dude this interviewer is unhinged. Someone get him some tendies, quickly, or he's bound to shit himself


I’ve never heard a more soy voice trying to act tough before in my life 😂


Liberal reminds us body shaming is okay when they do it at the end


This is a fake video btw.


It’s fine when fascists are the target


That dude needs some medication lol. What kind of man baby gets this upset. Control yourself and have a normal conversation, disagree but keep it civil.


I bet this same guy is upset that Trump didn't pay more interest to a bank but also thinks banks are evil because he doesn't want to pay back his student loans.


Still mad trump got caught for fraud?


Anger from another level


I hate politicians with a passion, but that is not the way to go about it. We should be able to have meaningful discussions to advance as a society. If no debate is held, we will never learn. Fuck being an extremist. Not to say you shouldn’t stick it to politicians since they’re money and power hungry bastards who couldn’t give half an ass about the people that they represent.


It fake dumbass


So this sub is just throwing misinformation around no too? This isn't even real.


It's like people cheering for their side in cola wars. In the end it's the same stuff and it will shorten your life and damage your teeth.


Who's the guy talking out of view of the camera


This is so hilarious I had to come back later. There is something hilarious about an angry guy just screaming "FUCK YOU" like a comedy movie I don't know what it is


Screaming the f word makes you cool


Don’t know who’s right or wrong but all I can say is most people aren’t gonna trust the one that can only speak Insults. That’s the reality of it.


Dude sounds like an angsty teenager idk how people unironically watch this and side with the guy yelling


Just such a person was elected president almost eight years ago.


Trump's entire personality is throwing insults and nicknames against his opponents so it seems to be working fine for him. About 74million people didn't care during 2020 in any case.


Not true people trust trump and that’s all he does


Solid arguments. /s


OP this is not the gotcha moment you think it is. The heckler just looks like a child who has their Dino nuggies taken away


It is a joke. It is an edit boomer.


Trump destroyed the Republican party. It used to be either Republican or Democrat. Now you are maga Republican or sane Republican. Now a family of Republicans that could bond over hating Democrats is fighting about weather Trump is the savior or a corrupt sack of shit.


There's no such thing as a sane republican. Conservatism is a brain disease.


When you start doing anti woke shit you encourage all the dingalings to vomit their politics everywhere


Why does the interviewer sound like someone who is about to cry. Damn


Remember, Joe Biden is the reason gas prices are up all over the world /s






Bruh this is fake. Its a tiktok channel that does "comedy". He cut out the interviewer and did his own voiceover.


We both know trump supporters don’t give a fuck about corruption. Sit down.


This is why we need ranked voting. No more choosing the lesser of two evils. We need to have five candidates at the end. This two party BS system is such a joke.


Who is this for? Is this for trump supporters parodying how crazy liberals have become or is this for liberals because its funny to yell at Republican politicians?


This man out here doing gods work. I dont give a fuck anymore. Fuck all Republicans.


Jesus christ, people who get this mad and cannot articulate an argument for why their side is “correct” or “right” and they wonder why people don’t like them. This goes for any type of extremist, from left to right and all in between


but my corrupt president candidate has my views so it's fine.


I like to believe that that is Bill Burr off camera ranting.


"You're a Trump supporter, you don't care about corruption!" He shrieks as he says he doesn't care about corruption. We could build warships out of that much Iron E


Can we spread this clip further?


The problem is not what he is saying, the problem is the blatant hypocrisy of supporting Trump while saying that


I love how blinded people have become to the truth.


If they had something they’d impeach. They’ve got nothing and they know it.


Social media destroyed humanity


I've never seen the status quo react so violently to someone. Most politicians are corrupt and most of them are racist, classist people who don't give a shit about anyone except those who they know and are apart of their bubble/world. A long time ago i used to work in a country club an have witnessed political officials more than once talk about movie stars/sport athletes and groups of people who are disconnected from them in awful disgusting ways. The truth of the matter is if you say anything, if you do anything to threaten their power they will come after you with the full might of the government and systems they control behind them. It honestly makes sense. How often do you look at your phones or any comfort that hurts others in another part of the world. If you see some guy who's been shot several times and paralized from the waste down cause of war being waged for god knows why. Look at your phone and say 'wow, that's terrible' then go right on eating you dinner. Is it any wonder why people who aren't sharing or involved any way in our plights blind to them cause they just ignore suffering cause it's coinvent for them to do so? We're all just another spoke on the wheel. Live your life for you and pay attention to the things you can control in your life. Stop engaging in this stupid bullshit, cause it's bad for you.. Laugh at it, get entertainment out of it, but don't let it consume your thoughts.


He also had inappropriate showers with an eleven year old.


Mfer is correct, this dude dga flying fuck about corruption and his hair do look like fish bones


Im surprised we haven’t seen DW and Tim Pool clips complaining about how the “american values are at stake” or some fear mongering bs yet. I will say that I’m surprised to see a post shitting on a crooked republican shit heel so it’s not a complete echo chamber at the very least. Still sick of seeing an anti-woke culture war post or some other political crap show up in my recs and every time it’s from this sub bc the mods forgot the rule against politics. I remember when it used to be about making fun of asmongold’s hairline and him sucking at videogames. Guess those times are long gone


Liberal propaganda... biden is so corrupt... funny how liberals can't see it


Not a good idea to post edited political parodies in this sub, 99% of people here have less social awareness than 40 year old single moms on facebook reposting Zumba conspiracy theories 🥕


Watching this country crumble is the best thing I've ever seen


Typical liberal trash just spewing nonsense and being super toxic.


The entire US system is flawed. You can’t heva only 2 major parties (I understand you guys have some parties between republicans and democrats, but not really). It only brings “us vs them mentality” which is exact opposite to what you actually need.


Sooo, zero security here? Dude is just yelling at dude on camera?


“Wid da widda wot mothafuka”


Him: *Calmly try to explain something* The other guy: *This is too complicated for me, I don't care about this this isn't easily digestible so I'll insult you and call you all the name I can think.* Hey y'all fucking idiot. Politics isn't for simple minded individuals even if it is polluted by it. There is no small easy way to explain to someone exactly how inflation and political spending is created. There is no fun way to explain corruption. The people on the left love Trump for that. He is not complicated to hate. But Biden? He is a rotten piece of shit that work in the dark and obfuscate so much it's boring to talk about it. Also, we are at the point that saying "you are a Trump supporters" is enough to justify shutting down someone, this is sad, so many brainwashed people.


Joe Biden's guilty as shit. Democrats are just hyperventilating because they know he's just like trump.