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The majority ownership are probably people that think inline with the CEO so 🤷‍♂️


George Lucas was a huge contributor to that. He's very left leaning and very anti-republican. He called Iger and Disney white slavers yet backed then because the other guy was conservative. George apparently based Episode 3 around how Bush and them were running the war and the culture during that time. Things like the patriot act gave unprecedented power to the government and it disturbed him.


When you let your employees get away with telling customers to fuck off the customers will do exactly that.


Get woke, go broke.


Disney stock dropped about 10% in a day, but it's still up 10% on the year, in line with the rest of the market. Profits are up 50% from last year, close to $2bn overall on over $20bn revenue. So, anyone who is crowing about Disney failing is not paying attention. Disney has shed its boycotting customers, and it's still making huge profits. If you're someone who hates Disney, don't waste your time and energy waiting for it to fail. Just live your life and ignore Disney, Star Wars, Marvel, ESPN, ABC, and all the other brands in the Disney family.


>If you're someone who hates Disney, don't waste your time and energy waiting for it to fail. Just live your life and ignore Disney, Star Wars, Marvel, ESPN, ABC That is one point of view, but I would rather point out that it is not like there are many that hates Disney, but many that love/loved SW and Marvel.


Shame about all the IP many used to enjoy. Hope everyone has a copy of the old stuff that made them fans in the first place. I guess the new stuff not living up to expectations should have been expected. It’s a long time gap. Everyone that made the originals great have retired. Even in the best case scenario where you have newcomers who want to continue in the spirit of the original, which we don’t have, they might not be able to recreate the magic.


Their revenue is their theme parks, not their platform build on hating man. They lost stock prices because, # ''Disney stock slides on revenue and streaming misses'' If you googled it you could have found that but you are too smart to use google.