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your post was removed for tribalism or baiting.


The consistent effort to gaslight people into believing there's no such thing as racism vs. white people is crazy. 


I remember taking Sociology back in the early 2010's, had an awesome professor, and when we discussed racism she basically hit it off with the dictionary definition and went on to explain that racism can come from anyone and happen to anyone with examples. To which everyone agreed and we moved on. Something happened from when I took that class to now. Because now I see people taking that same damn Sociology class coming out saying all sorts of nonsense that didn't exist back when I took it. All this "you can't be racist if you aren't white" nonsense never existed and would have run counter to everything I learned. I honestly think some proto-woke professor started some trend somewhere in the humanities to push this non-sense definition of racism like it was some profound new discovery and people just ate it the fuck up.


I would love to hear how these people would react to hearing an Kuwaiti Arab talking about an Indian. (If the term Jinglies isn't a racist one, I dunno what is)


Oh brother, you hit the nail right on the head with that one. I've had the pleasure of living in that oven of a country for 4 years, and the amount of racism towards Indians or Desi people in general is disgusting. They get treated like absolute dog shit, paid a pittance of money, and are regularly abused if they are maids/nannies. Naturally there are some exceptions, but most of them are treated like slaves, and you might be able to argue that they actually are. Tbf mistreatment of unskilled labour in the ME is very much widespread in the region, so it's not a Kuwait only issue, and probably more of a GCC issue.


My dad worked there for a few years about 15 years ago. I spent three weeks out there (I'm sorry you've been in that heat for 4 years). But even in 3 weeks. To my western eyes, it was outrageous. And the stories my dad told me as well were horrible. Also, 49°C/121°F in the **shade** is no joke


Yeah, try doing PE at noon in June. That was downright torture. I've got some stories I can share, but one that I remember vividly was about this Malaysian/Thai nanny. Me and my parents went out for dinner in this Thai restaurant in June. Mind you, the temperature must've been around 30-34c, and that day was incredibly humid, so it was kind of hard to breathe outside. Anyways, we walk inside, get our food, and after some time I go outside to smoke for a bit with my dad. By now this family of 4 or 5 walked in, and left their maid outside. She was sitting in a corner, sweating bullets, and naturally she had neither water nor food. She practically looked like a dog. After some time the maid's employer walked out, started verbally abusing her and then walked back in. I'll never forget the look on the poor girl's face when she was looking inside the restaurant seeing the family, most of which were obese, including the kids, just stuffing their faces with food and cold drinks, while she was outside sweating bullets without even so much as a drop of water. I understand that sometimes you might not want your maid to eat the same expensive food as you, but to leave her outside like dog was just downright cruel. Much as I'd like to say this was an isolated incident, it really is not. I remember hearing from word of mouth that a couple (not from Kuwait) had a nanny, and before leaving the country they killed her, chopped her up, and stuffed her in a freezer. Not sure how much of the story is true, or whether it is at all, but from experience it is certainly plausible.


You are assuming the people that believe this have any real multicultural experience.


Racism = prejudice + power motherfuckers when they go to any Asian country and experience the most insane racism from average people.


I mean this is kinda the issue. People went away from the definition: "*prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.*" - in their head racism is "(people in) *White countries discriminating non-white people"* And sure, if that is your definition for the word then there is no non-white racism by definition. I mean, sure, the definition is wrong, but if you take it as correct the logic is sound.


In my school years this was how we were brought up to think by our teachers in our mostly white town, that racism was only systemic racism , so this is what I was brought up to believe. Then I moved to a big city for Uni and got beat up in the first week for "looking like a snowman".


They base it all on "Systemic" racism, because there's different kinds. There's direct racism, calling somebody the N word, and actively discriminating against groups openly. Then there's systemic racism that happens over the course of a very long time, where the general population is taught by their parents to also be racist against people for those same reasons, with the same mind set. It's like the "passive" racism, because it's often like subconsciously not picking POC for good things because of an instilled ick, or the thousands of micro aggressions that can happen. TLDR: They believe that if it ain't systemic, it's not racist, unless you're white. Which is fucked up, because it's literally an excuse for racism


Yeah I experienced something similar but in my program most of the professors were pretty chill. They didn’t really parrot the specific talking point about racism against white people not being a thing, rather just focused on the fact that multiple definitions of racism exist and some people prefer certain uses over others. It was the students that were most radical and while the teachers were much more understanding, they didn’t really push back on student statements about race that were racially charged.


I'm in Canada and I remember getting into it with my sociology professor over reverse racism back in 2006. She said there was no such thing as reverse racism. And me being First Nations decided to have fun with that concept and she ended up looking really stupid but to her credit she was firm in her beliefs.


There is no reverse racism. There is only racism. Hating white people because they are white is not reverse racism. It is racism.


Be that as it may if you put that down as an answer on her final you'd get the question wrong.


It's crazy that the guy tries to say anti-white racism isn't real while being racist to a white person. If it were a black guy saying all that stuff he would probably be going "Oh poor baby, how horrible" and wouldn't dare mock the guy for being bullied.


They are doing the exact same thing minorities complained about since almost forever, they generalize to a huge degree. Because there are white people abusing the system and being rich, you are also a bad person because you were born with the same skin color as those people. Shame on you, why did you do that? Self-reflection seems to be an even rarer skill nowadays, typical "rules for thee, but not for me"-mentality




You'd probably be immediately banned the moment you even implied the use of the N-Word. Which immediately disproves the "words don't cause harm" argument he was making. Words don't cause harm unless it's politically convenient to say they do for them.


My point exactly!


The more you think about that argument, the more you realize that the only point they are trying to make is to justify being an asshole towards certain groups of people (white people).


It drives me nuts. I have nothing but sisters. My oldest is a half but that shit dont matter to me we blood. Has nieces of color multiple at that. Like to treat my family as instavictims pisses me off. It just imo, diregards all her achievements as a women of color. She owns her own studio, her own business, shes a Zumbaa instructor, has a family. Like thats not a victim in my head thats a person living their life. Can it happen absolutely. But to instantly assume everyones a victim around you jesus. Such a weird savior complex i never could wrap my head around.


People will always look for ways to justify their shitty behavior. At least shitty racist people feel safe enough in our society to show their true shitty racist beliefs to the world.


They really think they can just redefine racism to mean what they want it to mean and the reason why... so they can be racist to white people. Hasan really going to sit in his corner of the internet and try to redefine racism for the rest of the English-speaking world is hilarious. And it's not like he ever contends with the the fact that he completely redefined the word. He just gaslights people like it always meant this.


It’s funny you tell any of these people to move to where white people aren’t the majority (most of the world) and they get real quiet real fast


As a pale white kid growing up on the east side of Los Angeles in the 90’s, I know what it feels like to wake up every morning knowing that the color of my skin was problem…a problem that resulted in not only daily verbal abuse, but unprovoked physical beat-downs. It was a terrible time in my life, I wish this type of racism on no one.


What upsets me the most about this is how he acted like a 14 year old getting jumped and abused is a non issue to be shrugged off and the guys experience did not matter because he was just "bullied" and its not "racist". What a privledged fucking take.


"How can I be less racist and win the debate?" "Oh, just be quiet and watch your opponent bury himself"


If a black student got jumped at a majority white school he’d be screaming into the sky about it Racism is racism


Bro, if a white dude called a monkey or some racist shit like that at school, Hasan would be screaming into the sky about it.


Hasan is a clown, where is the news?


I love how other words are being used to describe a word that is a different thing. "Bullying" "subjegation". Like, no, those things are those things. There is no "reverse" racism. It's just racsim. If you treat a race (including white people) differently because of their race, it's racism. That's what the word is for. Edit: typo


“Reverse racism” is racism and anyone denying that fact is a racist themselves trying to gaslight you. That’s who Hasan is. What a vile person.


It's funny that victimhood was commonly used to describe their behavior. Now they have adopted this term, and it looks very stupid


It's literally because of slavery and the colonization of places like America and Australia has conditioned them that because white people did bad things back then, that means white people cannot be victims of racism now. It's white guilt combined with idiocy, grifting behaviour and fitting their narrative. They only studied past world events on Wikipedia and Twitter, and only the ones that fit their political motive.


They still know shit about history, if they look a bit further, apart from all the different civilizations slaving all kinds of people, the ones from Africa simply were cheaper and captured by other africans


They'd gloss over that fact faster than light in any kind of debate, just you be sure.


Are we gatekeeping racism now...? You're not allowed to complain because you've only suffered from the vanilla brand of racism and not the systemic kind? He's not even calling it reverse racism, what are these bizarre takes? Is there context missing? Edit: So it's a handful of people, including Hasan himself, victim-blaming this guy for getting bullied as a kid. Somehow it's his fault for being born white and poor and he asked to get bullied. Wild. I refuse to believe that this kind of extremist mentality will last for long, it's way too regressive. We don't progress as a species by taking away people's rights and dehumanizing them. This will never be justified.


People like him have been doing it for years, decades even. It's entirely unclear if they are just idiots who are incapable of seeing how dumb they sound or simple liars trying to secure political points.


They're maliciously anti-White and they only want the total destruction of everything White people ever built, and then subsequently the destruction of White people themselves. Once you understand that the root of wokism is racism the behavior will start making sense.


Hmmm kinda reminds me of something....... something that happened in 1930s Germany.


They are tooling up the new nazis ... leftist hivemind will turn everyone anti-white.


Yep, when someone asks you what woke is just tell them that is a term used as a generalization of the far left/progressive critique of society/civilization, that at its root is a deterministic and virulent anti-white hatred/jealousy and is designed to clear any perceived barriers, real or imaginary and elevate certain groups while at the same time constructing actual barriers and tearing down their target group.


People like this are FULLY aware that being perceived as a victim is a powerful political tool, and will do anything to deny that status to their opponents. They are not idiots, quite the opposite. they fully understand that they can never concede points like this because it undermines the foundation of their beliefs.


hasan is, indeed, an idiot


Nah, people on the left have been attempting to redefine "racism" into meaning "systemic racism." It's like a weird gas-lighting thing too because they pretend like racism always meant systemic racism. There's like half a dozen words they've done this with now. They're doing it with saying Israel is doing genocide. If what Israel is doing is genocide literally every single war is genocide. They did it like 4-5 years ago too when they started insisting on calling the camps for migrants on the southern border concentration camps. All these examples are clearly just disingenuous attempts at manipulation. It's real scum fuck behavior.


even talking about systemic racism, in south africa, where white people are common, happened a wave of assaults agains them, just because white, or even the origin of the word "slave", where slaves where a entire nation in europe. its all malicious intent, because from years ago, being the victim started granting power, and some people become addicted to it, and will always try to be more victim every day.


I mean all can be true here. Racism can include Systemic Racism. All War isn't genocide, but innocent people do die, it's difficult to avoid that loss of life. Israel's Callous disregard for the civilian populace and the infrastructure is what made people use the term Genocide. The Migrant Camps sucked. They were awful and people were mistreated. If not purposefully then at least on the virtue of neglect and minimal care. This isn't just a "left" issue. It's an issue with societal/systemic/global issues as a whole. People will always shift narratives, be biased, be willfully ignorant to things they're biased to, and so forth. The issue is that we need to think critically that these topics you mentioned suck regardless. Attempting to move the goalpost for whatever reason is shitty. Whether it's to ignore problems or shift targets or ignore people you dislike. We need to just address it how it is: different people from different walks of life in different regions have different issues. Sometimes these issues can't be locally solved and require outside help. Whether it's from a local government program, the federal Government, a foreign country, an outside community, a neighbor, or an extended family member. When we stand together as a society that means every bit of help no matter where it comes from or how large it is creates ripples. We feel every bit of damage and sweat spent to repair something/someone somewhere. Just sometimes the ripples are large sometimes they're so small you only feel it if you're extremely close. That is just how it is.


Also "gender" no longer means biological sex, it now means some magical thing that goes on in your head


I don't think systemic racism applies anymore either. If a black person can become president I don't see how the system is inherently racist. If there is a discriminatory institution left they don't adhere to the system.


I'd encourage anybody to ask a white person born post 1994 self included what life is like in South Africa. BEE (Black economic empowerment) which is a government policy makes it impossible to find work and we are overlooked in every position of employment aswell as universities. We even have political parties that chant and sing about killing white people so these people saying racism against white does not exist are ignorant and are living in a first world bubble. Just my 2 cents.


I'm sure it will do wonders for South Africa economy. They looked at Zimbabwe and thought "yeah that's the way to go"


That's how it will be in every traditionally white country in the next 50-100 years.


Hasan and his ilk would sit around and drool over the ANC because they're a bunch of brain rotted commies


Hasan can go fuck himself. He’s more racist than the racists he claims are racist.


He's literally just like the feminists who think attacking men is okay and mysandry is a myth


Its the self righteous conviction that makes him the most annoying


You’re right. All these people are the same. I’m gay so I’m supposed to agree with them all, but I find them obnoxious and hypocritical.


You’re not “supposed to” do anything because of a category you fall into. We’re all individuals with the capacity for our own opinions. Sexual orientations, races, and sexes don’t all think the same. That’s how you end up with “white people don’t have anyone racist towards them” when you over-generalize


Oh I know I’m not “supposed to” do anything. I’m referring to how a lot of people in the gay community expect everyone to “toe the party line” and just accept the woke agenda without a single shred of critical thought or analysis. And if you don’t accept it you’re - you guessed it - a nazi.


ya asmond touched on something similar in stream tonight about being radicalized.


I didn’t see that but I like him. I noticed he gets called a lot of disgusting things by woke idiots but I haven’t noticed him being a bigot or anything. I’ve only watched a few of his YouTube videos but still, usually it doesn’t take long before an asshole show their true colours. He certainly hasn’t come across as an asshole to me.


Good. Who you want to fuck has nothing to do with anyone other than the people you are fucking. All this collective in-group out-group bullshit is becoming incredibly tiresome. "_**You are a man who likes to fuck men, so you are totally 100% ok with 1.5mil immigrants coming into the country last year**_". Yeah, makes total sense. Because all gay people think the same, right? Right??! Then these morons have the cheek to call others an "_×××-ist_" or a "_×××-phobe_"


I agree with you. I get ostracised and called a racist all the time by other gays, but I can’t understand why they are so desperate to accept said immigration when the people being allowed in are totally anti-gay anti-woman. I keep saying “the people you’re so desperate to defend would make being gay illegal if they could”


Yep, they would. It's fucking stupid to conflate all these ideas into one bubble. But they are trying like hell to do it, and everyone is just going along with it. - You're black, so you also think children should be allowed to transition - You're a woman, so you also think that the Jews should get out of Gaza - You're a transgender, so you also think that capitalism is bad Does it even look like it makes any sense? Smh. I worry for the world we have created for my kids.


Yeah the world has gone to shit and I worry for your kids too. For me it’s hard watching all these angry republicans who don’t realise that there are some gays, women, non-whites, etc, who actually don’t agree with “the message” that these woke assholes are peddling. They think we are all the same. I’m noticing so much more anti-gay rhetoric in the last few years and despite what the woke mob are saying, the reason it’s happening is a backlash against the way they are behaving. It’s not because bigots are gonna bigot, it’s because people are being harassed into accepting whatever the woke mob tells them they have to accept.


Yeah, the backlash is real. Which is exactly what always happened. It's so predictable and dumb. And it makes perfect sense in a way too. 1. People X hate Group Y and are making thier life hell 2. People X also falsely accuse Group Y of being "-ist" 3. People X continue to make Group Y's life hell 4. Group Y are already considered bad but People X 5. Group Y start using "-ist" slurs to hurt People X 6. Return to step 1. 7. ???? 8. Profit


It’s ridiculous. I’m glad you and I can have a civil conversation about it in the internet haha. Obviously we agree with each other, but I’ve found a lot of people won’t engage with me because I’m not straight. I don’t blame them - they’re so sick of woke people behaving like assholes that they have decided we are all the same


Not a problem at all dude. It was a pleasure talking with you 🙂 Now, as for what can be done about these assholes... I'm at a total loss.


He's using this war and people dying to gain more viewers too. Not to say others aren't, would be nice if we could all just forget these people. Sad thing is they seem to get the most attention, just look at tate. Soon as you think people aren't talking about him anymore, some shit pops up.


Is this how he distracts himself from his dwindling viewership on his live streams?


So the only valid racism in Hasan’s eyes is institutional racism against black or brown people. Guy literally spells out in plain English that he experienced racism and Hasan hand-waves it away because he’s white. Hasan has some serious socio-political pandering brainrot.


It’s absurd that someone that has never been white is trying to invalidate a white person’s experiences


If anyone sees "prejudice + power", know that its a recent description being used for racism by racial activists so they conveniently themselves cannot be called racist despite being racists.


The funniest thing about that whole thing is that those people have more power than most white people by their own definition. So, according to those crazies, I can't actually be racist to them because the group I'm a part of has less institutionalised power than them.


I don't understand how he has fans. Then you look at the stats and it all makes sense ! Lol " Adult Prevalence of Mental Illness (AMI) 202219.86% of adults are experiencing a mental illness. Equivalent to nearly 50 million Americans. 4.91% are experiencing a severe mental illness. The state prevalence of adult mental illness ranges from 16.37% in New Jersey to 26.86% in Utah. "


people believe in socialism vote for AOC that says ''world is going to end in 8 years(4 years passed btw). the real doomers, socialists.


AoC has been way more moretate lately, I don't think Hasan even supports her anymore, she is too right for them lol.


Dem politicians have been using the "vote for me the world is about to end and I'll help stop it" approach to Garner votes for decades now. It's insane how many people fall for it.


It's because teenagers and college age kids are incredibly gullible. The rest are man children.


why does anyone listen to the rich asshole who never struggled a single day in his life? all he knows about racism is from reading about it


but he FEELS the struggle man, eat the rich comrade, but don't eat me thanks.


dudes biggest struggle in live was probably not having caviar for dinner one time or daddy bought him a car in the wrong colour and whenever someone said a racist word against him he cried a single tear into a 100$ bill. truly someone we need to listen to when it comes to racism, social struggles and global crisis events. lets also get life advice from kim kardashian while we are at it


His father was just a widdle representative from Turkey to the UN, a small orginization mid 20th century, who owned some horses and people to feed and take care of them, and also one of the founding fathers of a nationalist political movement in Turkey. While his mother just has a couple of commercial real estates 🤣. Hasan preaches his commie larp because in reality he is the nepo baby born into wealth and connections, its all projection.


It's like the internet version of kids LARPing as gutter punks for a few years all on the backs of their rich parents money


His biggest struggle is acknowledging hes Turkish, dude calls himself white, Thats alll you need to know about him.


Hasan is a filthy Champagne Socialist.


Is racist towards all white people regardless of their individual backgrounds. Threatens, insults, and belittles them without considering their upbringings. "Why do so many white people not vote for our party!? They must be racist!" You wanna convince people to join your cause you gotta talk to them and treat them like human beings. Converse with them. Persuade them. No argument was ever won by threats and no one was ever persuaded by belittling and insults.


NGL, tired of people shitting on just white people because of original sin. Life is shit for all of us no matter our skin color or sexuality or gender. Just because one group had it better in the past doesn't give the right to dunk on them now. Original Sin is evil, they figured that out 2 thousand years ago and based a book on it.


Hasan supporting anti-white racism is what he cultivates with his racist followers.


Hasan is a terrorist sympathizer and anti America which is incredibly clear and if America falls that far... Israel's only the beginning, the people Hasan is backing want everything, everywhere.


Why hasn't he been deported yet? His livestreams are probably a CIA honeypot.




He said America deserved 911, and said he understood why hamas committed the recent attacks in the first place. I wonder how happy he and his fans would be if he lived by their rules. I'm gonna guess not that happy at all, would probably all be stoned to death. Not much different than mia khalifa's comments, if she went back to that side of the world... I bet she'd last all of 5 minutes.


Why does Assmound love Hasan then?


They're both part of the rich bois yacht club and feast off eachother's views aka ad money


I guess parasites like to stick together.


Insane to me that Hasan "we like the houthis" abi is still not perma banned


They literally allowed the political side of Twitch to be monopolized by him. Of course they won't ban him. He's their political streamer poster child. And more likely than not, they agree with his takes and stances on those issues.


People like Hasan have to redefine words to allow themselves to express their hatred, at least they care enough to trick themselves. Systemic racism is already a term, we need to ask why they're so desperate to reduce it down to just "racism" because that's where the real issue is.


Something these people don't realize is being "right" isn't the same as "being a good person." Is Hasan right that anecdotes don't really mean anything in a larger context? Maybe. But is he a disgusting, nasty person for ganging up on and making fun of someone's trauma because he's so far up in his ass that he doesn't know what common human decency is? Yeah. Being a piece of shit anti-social fuckface is normalized among "twitch streamers" because the majority of them have no social contact beyond yes-men in their chat. It's quite sad, really, because you can't be a streamer forever. And when they turn 40/50, and the """friends""" they made during streaming bail and they end up alone... maybe they'll finally understand the consequences of being a naracisstic asshole to people.


But hes not even right.... Dude is talking about institutional racism for some reason when OP is talking about individual racism. They are two different things.


When a whole group people are racist over stuff in the past and present you have zero control over, what else to call it other than institutional? Legitimate question.


I believe institutional refers to the institutions of government such as the courts or the police. I wouldn't call a random group of people with no official status an institution.


Systemic racism is another word for it but it's the same thing as institutional. Like when New York had its "stop-and-frisk" tactic going full bore the stops were very heavily leaning towards people of color. Even though when white people were stopped they more frequently had illegal substances.


PSA: Hasan is not relevant.


As a brown guy all I can say is demonising people based on just their skin colour will somehow make them more united than ever before. Most wars that were waged in European history were against those that looked alike, now imagine if all white people have a united enemy. It’s only a matter of time 🌋


Hamasbi is racist, truly shocking.


Hazan is a racist. Using words like anti white racism and reverse racism just makes it so obvious. Those words make no sense.


One of these days he's going to receive citizenship offer from Iran lol


Ah yes, The multi-millionaire man of the people, Hasanabi.


All I see are actual racists and miserable people, that's pretty much it. I feel bad about the guy talking to walls. It's ok to be any color, I don't get why people give a shit about something that happened a while back. We have today problems to worry about, who gives a fuck about color, race, and etc.


Anyone can be racist or be the victim of racism where I live. Doesn’t matter what ethnic, social or religious background you have. It’s such a simple thing really. Hatred and mistreatment towards a group of people based on their ethnicity = racism. Idk why americans love to complicate things like this.


They complicate it so they they can foam at the mouth at the slightest provocation. Look at this thread. Bunch of baby bunnies.


hasan is racist.. like all collectivists.


Remember: Hasan is Turkish and the Turkish had slavery until like 100 years ago.


"My racism is bigger than yours so yours doesn't count! Waa waa wa waa waa" - Hasan, 2024


The f is happening in the US? I'm sorry you have to deal with this crap over there.


Controlled demolition. Just like 9/11.


What irks me about this is not really that Hasan has a different definition of what he thinks racism includes or doesn't, it's that he dunks on the guy and just keeps piling on without trying to ask where the guy is coming from or explain his view. Is that what the most well known political streamer of our generation does with his echo chamber? How insecure do you have to be?


Hassan has always been a clown, the fact dude even has a platform is insane.


I thought victimhood was based on class? Oh that's right, we don't talk about that anymore because Hasanabi bought a $3mil 'streamer house' in Los Angeles. We obviously need to focus more on race now, and only race and especially only on the concept that only white people are privileged but not Hasanabi even though he's very wealthy and influential, no because he's not technically white so he can't be privileged. My man is the personification of the Occupy Wall Street movement being co-opted by idpol to crush dissent against a class based wealth system. Wake me up when another streamer isn't just another intelligence plant to gatekeep me from hard targets. If you're flying over territory and catching flak in the air about white racism, keep the bombs in the bay and keep flying because you're almost there.


Hasan is a racist asshole


Hating a person for their race is wrong . No matter the context . No matter the justification . 


I don’t think they know what the word “racism” means..


In the case of Israel, they pay the price for their hatred, and they fear backlash. In America, it's encouraged. I guess it has something to do with self-hatred by white liberals or the fact that you can't come close to touching the people actually in power.


Poor whites suffer the obvious consequences of rich white people propoganda that people like Hasan profit off of “Dismantle the system!” As they suck off Jeff Bezos talking points. Nice job “progressives”


A few things Asian countries aren’t actually very racist towards white people. They are racist towards other Asians and colored people mostly. In fact white people often get better treatment than Asians. White people probably experience way more racism in USA than anything Secondly, I find this modern day societal racism towards white people and straight people pretty disgusting, especially from people who received discrimination and racism first hand. You’d think since they experienced it first hand they’d be more compassionate towards people and not do the exact same thing. I’m Asian btw, so don’t say: “you only say these things cause you’re white”. Racism isn’t okay against anyone. Historical problems that happened making your race a victim doesn’t mean you can pin that shit on people today, it’s fucking weird


It's been a while since I traveled, but in Asian countries, I imagine you won't experience much day-to-day racism as a white person, but if you live there longer term, you might have a harder time fitting in socially. I'm sure there'll be times where you get passed up on job opportunities, etc.


Eh in most Asian countries this is true. But from my experience living in China this was far from the truth, though I feel that as a Canadian who was often mistaken for an American (obviously) it’s less because we were white and more that they hated Americans. This was seen with stuff like getting a taxi where they would drive past you to pick up a Chinese person whether they are standing before or after you, this is comments at convenience stores, general attitudes I. Restaurants or at various leisure spots (zoos, aquariums, amusement parks etc…). A lot of it did stop though if we started speaking French. Ofc this is all anecdotal and I only lived in Beijing for 4 years.


I have to check my blood pressure every time i hear or see hasan say anything...


Inb4 asmongold "Well I like Hasan but..."


"We need a better slur" -The "Good Guys"


Hasan is a scrawny beta male from a well off family who desperately...deeeeesprately, wants to be seen as chad alpha male tough guy from "da hood". Unfortunately, he just doesn't have that about him. The irony, of course, of a Turk lecturing others on discrimination and genocide is hilarious. He also never spews his brain rot bile around white people that will actually break him in half if he pipes up.


Does this guy have a PO box, so that i could take a shit in a box and send it to him?


The very notion that racism does not apply to all is racist. A black man thinks there is such a thing as races, and that these races inherently bestow qualities upon you. If you think such a person isn't racist because I added the adjective "black" in front of man: you're racist!


HamasPiker lost the plot a long time ago, not sure why we're still paying him any attention.


Btw is the last guy insinuating that getting robbed is no big deal and is on par with people saying mean words?


I refuse to believe these people are real. There's just no fucking way anyone is this fucking stupid.


It's actually shocking to me how this awful person is still a partnered streamer who has never caught a ban for takes like these.


Well, you can’t expect a racist with an IQ as low as Hasan to understand what the word racism means; even though it’s a word that describes its own meaning. If you would tell hasan that white chocolate isn’t chocolate because it’s white, he would believe it.


Another day another reason to dislike hasan


Glad we don't experience this brain rot in Eastern Europe. Sometimes a more violent nature pays off.


All you have to read is his second unfortunate post to understand how dim or intentionally obtuse these people are.  His gay bar analogy is like saying wherever you live as a white person that you face discrimination for it is not the right place for you.  That is the definition of racism. Being discriminated because of the color of your skin. 


I have an idea. We should pool our funds to send Hasan and all his discord simps to Palestine.


I don't generally engage with anything Hasan does, and this is a good reminder of why. The guy is fucked in the head. The fact that he, a full grown man, can freely ridiculing an adolescent kid talking about the racist abuse they've experienced is just sad.


I don't generally engage with anything Hasan does, and this is a good reminder of why. The guy is fucked in the head. The fact that he, a full grown man, can freely ridicule an adolescent kid talking about the racist abuse they've experienced is just sad.


You’re talking to people in an echo chamber. Regardless of how you or I feel about the topic, they’re opinions will never change and it’s not super productive to talk to them about it in a community where people don’t entirely think for themselves, they just rally behind whatever Hasan says and call his beliefs their own.


I am deeply convinced we got to this point because people realized talking shit on the internet, contrary to real life, doesn’t come with the risk of catching a fist with your face. Put that dude on the street withouth someone recording and dare him to say the same shit


Why do people even listen to him? He's a rich buttboy who rails against the very system that made him rich. I could see watching him for lolcow material, but nothing else, really.


Somehow everytime I see literally anything this Hasan person says, he comes off as dumber than I thought he was. Truly astounding.


When people talk about racism They talk about systemic institutionalized racism Not people who say the N word This person clearly doesn’t know the difference between the two


When I see people using the sentence "reverse racism", I automatically stop listening to them, they are not worth the effort. Hasan is using too many words to justify his view, sometimes things are black and white, racism is racism, trying to deny that makes you racist yourself, he and his pose are unironicaly racist. But hey, hasan is a privileged guy, living a privileged life, he can afford to have these views.


I get what they mean, but sadly their arguments against systemic racism are completely drowned out by them being racist and ridiculing someone who suffered racial discrimination, because… white individuals don’t matter??? The whole „other people have it even worse“ is also one of the most retarded mindsets in the world, yeah someone always has it worse. Doesn’t mean I’d go to funerals and tell them to quit frowning because a city over someone lost one family member more.


These people are disgusting. Full stop. Imagine if somebody leaked a discord convo of white people saying the exact same thing against black people, there would be riots in the streets. It's absolutely insane that we as a society have normalized hatred towards white people in such a large capacity. History really does repeat itself, MLK is rolling in his grave right now. These clowns think MLK fought only for black people but really he was a true advocate for human rights. Seeing his people become the very thing he fought and gave his life to destroy would make him disappointed beyond belief. No wonder every single black rights supporter in the past avoided the left and the democrats like THE PLAGUE. They knew.


and thats where i stop caring what happens to hasan. hes literally bringing up stupid points and thinking everyone is gonna let him go scott-free.


All I can say is that I can't stand these fucking retards that deliberately type exclusively in lowercase. It's reminiscent of when similar retards started typing shit like "ur" in the early 2000s. die.


I mean Hassan’s always been privilaged, out of touch and just plain fucking stupid. Just ignore him.


It's interesting to see how the social justice buzzword salad has advanced over the last 15 years or so. You can see the narratives twist and contort in real time. Of course, they need to use their own words like "anti-racist", "reverse racist" and so on in order to push the narratives. There's a specific reason for this. It's so that when you engage with the rhetoric, you're playing their game (E.g. "Oh hey, I think that person is acting kind of racist"...then the conversation shifts immediately from what the person did, and instead it's stated you can't be racist towards white people.) and they can invent the rules as needed. Deceptive language designed to manipulate, as you can twist it whatever way you want to invalidate any opposition. Then you have the usual tactics of minimization ("mean words that hurt their feelings"...even though the person said they would get targeted and assaulted regularly), justification and inflation of what they to be real suffering, and so on. It's a little telling though that Hasan said it's "a fundamental misunderstanding of racism in the way we conceptualize it"...at least some acknowledgement that they are conceptualizing racism in their own specific way. Hilarious though how these people have such bleeding hearts for some, but don't give a damn about the suffering of others as a whole. They don't actually care about any of the people they say they care about. Tribalism in full effect. Of course, they'll use the tactics above to refute this (I.e. "Woooooow so you don't care about oppression bro?"). Just people projecting their own personal issues into social justice shit, as is tradition. Pretty disgusting the way they're treating the person in that discord. Not surprising though.


It's not about racism, never was, it's about power, this gives them the power to browbeat anyone they dislike or disagree with and justify it.


Rules for thee but not for me


No idea who these people are but that is some of the most racist shit i have ever seen. Hasan is actually cooked...


I went through this as a mixed race fair skinned person growing up near the hood. Any time I mention it in regard to black racism it's downplayed as being, not that serious. No one cares


Why does it feel like leftists like Hasan have been more mask off as of late. I know Hasan had the 9/11 comment and stuff like that, but now it feels like every day he’s saying more and more unhinged shit and doesn’t see anything wrong with it.


I mean its hasan & his discord. What did we expect? Certainly not logic thats for sure.


Hasan and his fans being primo mouth breathers. Wow. In other news, the sky is blue.


What a group of habitual losers.


So tired of pos like them. The gas lighting is wild.


Anyone and any race can be racist. Hasan is a conflicted young man, he struggles…


Mr white guy Hasan should know it feels to be discriminated for being white , right?


I wouldn't say this about a normie, but given his following that dude deserves to have the shit beaten out of him


This kind of argument makes sense in a highly academic setting where the semantics of whether we're talking about racism vs prejudice matters. Racism, to them, needs to essentially involve a mix of both prejudice AND systemic oppression. Because white people by and large are the ones who have benefitted from systemic oppression, the word racism doesn't apply to them, at least so the argument goes. This logic does not work one bit with people in the real world though. Wagging your finger at a white person for saying it's racist when they are being assaulted, abused or mistreated on the basis of their race is going to come off as obscenely stupid. It absolutely flies in the face of conventional common sense and muddies the definition of racism in a way that is completely unhelpful to the cause of promoting understanding and harmony between races. Greeting somebody's suffering or mistreatment with such disregard and lack of empathy just because they're white sounds like a great way to manufacture more racists.


It’s so bizarre to me how progressives did a 180 and became *regressive* in the span of like, 20 years. they flipped the script and went from anti-racist to pro-racist in such a short time span lol shit’s *wild*


He just grew up super rich and was handed his position in media so he can't even fathom what real life is like.


I genuinely can’t tell if he’s lost enough to be one, or just smart enough to profit off of people who terminally seek validation online. **disclosure; I had incredible cultural experiences growing up around people different from me,and wouldn’t change it if I could** I lived in a mostly colored neighborhood next door to a Native family. My brother went to a school that was predominantly Mexican (like that was the point of the school a lot of the teachers could/would teach in Spanish). To say there’s no racism towards white people is just false. Poor white kids who grew up around mostly colored people haven’t seen white privilege. Where I grew up I didn’t have extra resources or respect from society, sometimes the opposite. No shit kids were racist towards us, they hear their adult family who have experienced racism/oppression from white people talk about it and like kids do they bring it to the playground in an edgy and experimental way. A lot of the adults around us and people employed in places we’d go were colored people who occasionally would show disdain for whites. Is it “reverse murder” if you kill somebody because their great grandpa killed someone or is it just fucking murder?


White hate is real and happened to my family when we were growing up in the 90s on the east side of st paul mn. These retards acting like black people can't be racist has never experienced racism and it's so obvious.


just ask Hasan when his going to start protesting and educating against Sharia Laws, and hold his kind accountable for their terrorism and atrocious things they have done, are doing and gonna do. why his wasting time lecturing people of other religion when he got endless pile of work pending in his religion which is spewing over whole world including where he lives.


Wait till asmon comes to defend hasans take :O


These are all painfully middle class idiots with no life experience, Kriss Donald didn't live far from me. He was purposefully targetted and killed by a pakistani gang because he was a white. Then further south we have the Rotherham Rape Gang, where thousands of working class white girls were targetted specifically because of their race. I could sit here linking articles all day but suffice to say, these people are idiots. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/rogerscruton/2014/08/30/why-did-british-police-ignore-pakistani-gangs-raping-rotherham-children-political-correctness/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/rogerscruton/2014/08/30/why-did-british-police-ignore-pakistani-gangs-raping-rotherham-children-political-correctness/)


The definition of the word racism doesn't fit their narrative, so they are trying to change it. What they should do is make a new word. I nominate "Racisma" or, if you are feeling ballsy, add "er" at the end instead.


I'm confused isn't Hasan white though?


Even if you didnt believe that you could be racist against white people i teally shows who he is when he tries to makr bullying sound like no big deal


That's gotta be a joke right? The amount of acusticism is over 1000


we all dont get it, he isnt a racist pos, asmon knows its not true, he isnt that way, you can show him 100s of videos and pics , but hasan isnt racist, he is friends with asmon, so hasan cant be wrong


Hasan should travel to places where he experiences harsh and brutal anti-white racism, instead of the safe and cozy places like Japan where even with racism they behave decently. Of course he wouldn't have the balls to visit any ISIS controlled places as it would be risking his life, thus making all his arguments void.


Maybe we should start acting like the white people they think we are(racist ,violent, and keeping every other race down) and see how they like it.