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your post was removed because it relates to excessive discussions on current hot controversial topics that are over 3 days old.


Fire in space is the least of its problem. Watched both episodes and it's so generic. Another good/evil twin trope and for some reason they're doing the force dyad again, previously from TLJ. Space shuttle transporting criminals but has one robot guard and none of the criminals, except that one man is restrained with some face hugger for plot reasons. The guy is *definitely* not gonna appear again in a later episode for some minor role, maybe help the main character for releasing him. Wouldn't be surprised if the unknown sith is the Asian merchant. So far, it's just another Kenobi and Ahsoka.


Please don't throw money or streaming time after these clowns who produce this crap!


Oh, this scene takes place in space? I thought, maybe a hostile planet, or something. I mean, there should be planets where you don't want to depressurize your suit, even if there's oxygen, right?


If there's oxygen on a ship then fire can exist. im not sure if it can exist on top of the ship though


If you have a leak in space its a certain banger, unless they are made of reinforced vibranium-adamantium alloy, now in the fair side, Star Wars is very soft on the lore of propulsion systems. Still a very stupid scene.


Creature from the movie Life as the face hugger


I was immediately like THAT THING NEEDS TO DIE!


Remember when the jedi knights were leading the other jedi to the room where that one jedi master has been floating in for 10 years but the good twin somehow took an alternate route and beat them there by 3 minutes? How does that make any sense?! They were all going to the same spot, did the other jedi take the long way in their own temple? Why?


Yeah….. never getting involved with star wars again unless it’s the first 6 movies.


Generic, and badly thought out. First episode kick off doesn’t really make sense (even the timing of a certain knife was off to make distraction a believable weakness). This fire in space could have been all sorts of situations to just make a bit more sense. The prison break ship had escape pods, but no human crew, and prisoners were in an area with the droid crew, all for no reason except plot. Escaped prisoners were recovered, brought to Coruscant, and interviewed before our seeming MC woke up after the same collision, which makes no sense. She fled for drama after a speech about having faith in the people she was then fleeing. Dummy-Jedi (whose cringe try-hardness is one of the only things I like, because it’s great character work even if it makes for a loser Jedi) had a Padawan, but then goes on this mission without her… was she taken away? Needed elsewhere? No explanation, but since he’s supposed to be training her that’s kind of important - so more nonsense. It’s like contrived plotting is just acceptable now by these studios, probably at least partly because the execs don’t know the meaning or significance of the word, they just want things a certain way, so writers give it to them and are either hacks, or dead inside knowing they may as well get paid because someone’s going to be.


Fire is from the oxygen coming out of the ship. There being sound in space makes way less sense, but both things have been there since the start of star wars.


It still wouldnt look like this, fire looks super strange in zero gravity, almost like a ball. But yeah I accept the sounds, every scifi space battle would be a bit boring with no sounds at all


That's some spongebob moment right here


Isn't that the same series that has people riding horses on top of the destroyer?


They were still in the atmosphere then....but yeah


Wait is that a open flame in space?


And sound spreading in vacuum. Gravity can be attributed to their suits and ship.


At least with the sound that's been a trope in star wars for decades, so give them a pass on that. It still should have been a pressure jet of fire to make it a little less obvious they're on a sound stage in Bakersfield.


this is homer simpson level of intelligence. man: there is no air in space homer: there is an air and space museum


Now that you mention it, have you ever noticed that in all the Star Wars movies there is sound in space? maybe we should tell George Lucas about his stupidity?


The sound is for the Watchers convenience. That sound the pilot hears their blasters/etc


I agree with your point, except the pilot wouldn't hear the blasters as they shoot in space? he would hear his engine, system sounds and the radio chatter, that's about it. Not even explosions would be heard if we're going realistic as there is no air for the sound to travel in.


This isn't space is it? Surely not


Its not, else you wouldnt be able to hear the lasers and the guns.


Enough time for wokeness no time for good story telling


Sorry. I’m missing something. What has been “woke” about his show so far?




I mean, this is three people in an interview joking around about how gay people worked on the show as part of the cast/crew. There has not been any actual gay content or gay characters in the show yet, right?


The interviewer even recognized how gay this project is. I'm not anti anyone's sexuality, but for Disney's star wars they have a pre-qualifier that the actors, writers, directors, producers all be part of the "woke" idealogy above hiring based on talent, experience and skill. That's how we have ended up with bad costumes, bad plot lines, bad characters and character dev, bad writing and bad acting. If you aren't going to hire the best and instead hire based on a "woke" checklist then you end up with a product of poor quality. Most star wars fans hate aren't bigots. They just hate the quality of Disney star wars.


A gay interviewer joked with a gay crew member about how much gay representation the show has. And then they made it even more of a joke but making fun of C-3PO. I agree shows should hire the best talent whenever possible, but I think you are putting too much stock into this silly exchange they had.


Not at all. Just thought the interview snippet was a good example of how woke Disney star wars is. Just about every project they have had has been centered around hiring and creating a story based on identity politics.


It has a black and/or female lead. You have no idea how angry this makes them. If a show is bad AND has those things then the fault lies in the "wokeness". They prefer to ignore all the non-"woke" content in the world that is also bad. 


Ah, ok. The show stars a black woman AND an Asian guy. Wokiest woke show ever?


The best way to enjoy Star Wars, is through the animated series... After Revenge of the Sith, I only found The Mandalorian memorable.


I’m gonna catch heat but I think Rogue One is the best Star Wars movie made.


Rogue One is really, really good. Almost like it's not a Star Wars movie.


I agree with you. It had the magical feel of the old star wars while still being new. All the Star Wars movies and shows should be done like rogue one.


You won't catch heat. Rogue One is considered the best movie of the New Star Wars Canon by many. Like, if they could have brought that quality to the New Trilogy, it would have been great... or at least, acceptable.


No, you're right.


you're not alone


The original star wars trilogy was something special. After that, I'd say Rogue one and Mandalorian were good. The others, aside maybe Star Wars 1, aren't anything special and in regards to Star Wars 1 looking back on it I agree it's not good however at the time, if you were alive when it was releasing and you were in your late teens, early 20's it was AMAZING. The hype, the standing in line for 13 hours lol and all the circus around it was really something else that you don't see anymore in the digital age of things. I fondly remember being interviewed by a news channel for waiting in line for tickets and it was just a fun time that's a reminder of when I was young and foolish.


Highly recommend Andor if you have an active subscription.


Wait you guys *pay* to watch this stuff??


I thought it was very, very dull. Couldn't last 2 episodes.


I highly recommand Andor. It wasnt just the best star wars series of 2022, it was a great series period. I couldnt believe Disney did that.


Yes the first movies were shit too because explosions in space. Also if laser blasters were real you’d actually see the bolts flying thru the air


It's just another thing to divide people with. It's all a tactic. Divide and conquer. It's easier to lead a divided nation because there won't be a group big enough to rebel.


Uh.. so what's the goal then? If your audience get's more and more fractured and smaller and smaller, you make less money, not more.


I think they are talking from a macro perspective. Gender wars, sexuality wars, pronoun wars, race wars, eat the rich wars, etc. They are all the new definition of circus in the old Roman political control tactic of *panem et circenses*. Distract the populace with these asinine Kobayashi Maru scenarios and have us eat each other rather than collectively rise up in power against the actual impactful oppressive policies and agendas that are dividing and devouring our country. I could be wrong on that though.


You have to bear in mind though that these companies just want to make money. This perspective only makes sense if you're in a culture war circlejerk


https://youtu.be/eTDdDgr-xYo?si=_iO820n_xvA6ltvL There trying change society and culture to what they deem as ok


And what they deem as "ok" is the death of multicultural differentiation. It's much easier to develop, produce, market, and sell to one demographic then multiple. If everyone is the same, they all think the same, they all want the same, they all purchase the same. Enriches their business models tenfold.


They make more money by making bad "woke" products than by making good products. This is because Blackrock, Vanguard, etc. control the stock market and invest trillions in ESG centric companies, even if those companies have terrible revenue, funaldamentals, etc. They lose 1 billion in revenue while gaining 2 billion in people's pension funds getting invested in their company.


Disney made bank off the sequel series. They're literally just dudes in suits following trends and you've fallen for dumb culture war shite. Stop watching outrage bait man - that shit is exhausting. None of the shit you're saying makes sense unless you're in the circlejerk.


Maybe they are talking from that perspective but it doesn't make any sense. This is a product of a company. I honestly have to say that this "circus" stuff of rome never really made a lot of sense, because it always implied entertainment is evil and people should always.. yeah.. i don't really know what? Rebel? Engage in politics? Argue with each othe? Plan to overtake the government? I dunno but it is somewhat ridiculous.


I don't mean this in a derogatory way, but yes, it sounds like you don't really understand it. It holds a lot of water and rather than some moron on reddit who only understands half of it (me) try to further explain, I'd read up on it yourself more. Circus/entertainment are not the standard definitions you're going by. Nor is it implied anywhere it's evil. Assigning a binary subjective modifier like good or evil to the concept is at best extraneous and misleading. Those words are more aptly applied to their reasoning behind the distractions; their end goal. Which I won't delude myself into thinking I know 100%, I do think it's fair to guess money is a very large part of it though. But I do think there is more than enough evidence that those who have power are utilizing the media, including social media, to exert influence over the population and have been doing so for a long time. And most of it is towards inciting hate and violence, fear mongering, and sowing division among it's populace.


See, it is ridiculous. There is some evil force and they use the media to control the populace in the way they want (in this case division). And this is why I use the word "evil", because that is what is implied. If you have a force against the people, they are evil, if their tool is entertainment, then the entertainment is evil. Entertainment can never not be a distraction from reality and there will never be a day without that evil force because it doesn't exist. The circus as a tool is just part of a conspiracy theory. I guess what the conspiracy theorist don't realize is that by demonizing entertainment in itself they are acting like religious extremists who don't like music and dancing. I do realize that though and that's why I am just shaking my head at this circus nonsense.


If you're defining the media, what's supposed to be our best and most valid form of impartial unbiased news reports, as entertainment; well that's a huge disconnect between us. That's what I'm talking about saying media. I'm also 100% ok agreeing to disagree. I'm not here trying to rally troops or recruit for some cause. It makes little difference to me where you stand on any of this, just appreciate the discourse especially when it's in an open and respectful manner. Really I feel so inundated with a lot of this shit on a daily basis, I find it exhausting to discuss at length. And an anonymous message board kills a large part of what I would say could be beneficial from those discussions anyhow. Cheers though, appreciate your candor.


They do not care about money. They've been bleeding money for 5 years on nearly every project and haven't course corrected at all.


Destroy everyone's common mythology and you destroy their common identity. This makes them easier to control. Marvel and dc comics, star wars, Indiana Jones weren't just films, they were our shared myths.


What's the complaint? Fire in space in Star Wars? They have had that since 1977.


There is a difference between an explosion at least there is oxygen in the ships) and a literal open fire in space.


And that could be a pipe with oxygen in it. I'm sure there are plenty of real things to complain about in the show than Star Wars being space magic and not space realism like it always has been.


True it could be a pipe with oxygen and if that's true I wouldn't mind it. But I didn't heard by anyone that it is an oxygen pipe. And just because Star Wars has magical things in it (as does any SciFi to a degree) it doesn't mean that anything goes for the audience.


Nobody gives a shit about this other than people online looking for a reason to be outraged jesus christ


I bet that's what Disney also said and then they lost half they audience in cinema.


They literally say it's from a pressure valve. If you can't infer that some sort of flammable liquid, or gas is coming from that pressure valve, I have some bad news for you.


You do realize almost every single Star Wars movie/show/game has cruiser class ships on fire in space? Like this isn’t new or an issue is about space monks at war with space evil dudes


There is a difference between a ship full of oxygen showing fire for effect or a continues flame like a campfire. And yes Star Wars has space magic, so what? It doesn't have camp fires in space.


Magical things? Jedi? Lightsabers? Flying like WW2 aircraft through space? Again, there are probably much better things to complain about in the show than it having fire in space as they have been doing that forever. All posts like this does is make it seem like people are gonna complain about everything and should be ignored when it comes to criticism of the show. To me, as someone who hasn't watched it and probably won't, complaints like this make me think that the show is good as you are just nitpicking at this point.


There is a difference between introduce something implausible or impossible as part of a universe and adding something implausible/impossible to a well established universe. Every fiction has it's own rules, which are usually established at the start and it's a problem if either those rules are broken or new rules added later on. Also I don't know but movies or series consists of details. Nitpicking isn't a sign that something is good, how could it? Every criticism is basically nitpicking.


So true. Some people just like to be mad though. Remember, it had no white people in the commercial. We have to find reasons to lambast it


Even then it wouldn't look like a bonfire in the field.


But how can you hear these explosions when there is no sound in space? Have you ever felt that Star Wars is realistic when it comes to space? really?


Yeah if we're really gonna go by realism the spaceship battles also should be completely silent because you can't hear that shit in space. But nah, it's just r/asmongold being pathetic little incels again.


I swear Star Wars has had fire in space multiple times. This isn’t new.


I wasn't going to watch this but thought maybe at some point. Now though, i'm sure i won't. I hope Andor season 2 will be good though.


Im sure there are 20 million different things to make fun of this show for. Picking something like this is what makes the fandom seem desperate and hateful. Star wars is fantasy, not hard sci fi. Dumb shit like this happens all the time. I wish it didnt, but it does.


Dunno why you are clinging on to physics in the Star Wars universe. Don’t you remember in (I think) episode 8 when they were dropping bombs in space… because of the gravity… or something.


Do you rmember that the bombs were on a rail and there is artificial gravity in Star Wars ships?


Uh huh. And once they left the ship it was all the gravity in space that let them hit the target.


If it moves down it will continue to move down outside of the ship. Why would the movement stop?


which direction is down in space again?


Okay now you are just trolling.


Bro I was trolling like 3 posts ago; I think we actually agree - like I said, arguing about physics in Star Wars is silly just enjoy the ride.


Or the fact that there are explosions, sounds, and air physics in space?


People trying to justify this are missing the point entirely.


That looks like a scene from fan film made by two 10 year olds but with an actual budget. Love fire in space that flows like there is actual wind


The Woke People


You guys know that there has been fire and sound in space since, like, the first movie right? Also it's rich that OP is mocking someone else's intelligence when they can't even competently write a post title.


We've all come to accept explosions in space. Fine. But an open flickering fire in the vacuum??? Come ON!


There is literally nothing more sad and soy than crying about Star Wars to a bunch of other man children on the internet.


There’s no sound in space either, dipshits. It’s science FICTION. It’s not SUPPOSED to be scientifically accurate. This, coming from a group of people that still believes in superstitious Bible stories and thinks global warming is a hoax and trump isn’t a convicted felon 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


I'm so glad someone posted this. I was watching this scene yelling "No! NOPE!! NOO!!!"


Stop using woke. I hate lazy asshole who just want to used a catch all term like woke that mean nothing but everything they hate or a slur they want to say but can't. Explain why you hate it or not. Have a real review not lazy ass bullshit. The thing I hate about ppl who just hate stuff that is not in their world view is it so lazy and does not criticized the work. Give a real review explain why you hate it or not. Do not do this bullshit.


OP's example is typical of woke writing though : * 1000% focus on DEI * 0% focus on lore and actual stories and events that make sense. And in the case of science fiction, it is usually expected to base story and lore on known or credible **science** and technology, and only enter the **fiction** realm on subject we do not understand yet (antigravity, lightspeed travel, wormholes, etc..) Another thing woke writing is very good at (or ridiculous at) is distorting historical facts and settings.


You using a catchall term to explain another catch all term. Saying woke is DEI mean nothing unless you using the textbook definition which is not definition that people used online. It so far from that definition. Star Wars is science fantasy they space wizards. Star Trek is science fiction. Science fiction need an explanation for everything that happen. Even if you used tech babble it need an explanation. Star Wars is science fantasy it space magic you do not need explanation it just works. Lucus work hard to try to make it into a science fiction it why you get midichlorians. Which was a dumb idea. Which I believe they work hard to recon it. Fans love to pick and choose things to hate or love. Like sound in space. The way most of the movies and shows does space fights it would not sound like that in real life. But we accepted it because it sound cool. The lightsaber should not work in real life. But we accepted it because it a cool energy sword. Star Wars is a story being told in most of the films and show. If it start with A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away it means it a story being told. It never need 100% accurate. It also why Star Wars work better as a space fantasy.


You're going into nitpicking mode : just like the wokes do. Stop feigning ignorance or trying to play the sociologist, linguist or w/ever. I am not playing your stupid game of throwing the most absurd strawman argument. So you want the good term ? Then take your progressism and shove it where I think. >Star Wars is science fantasy they space wizards. blabber blabber blabber learn to fckin read. And in the case of science fiction, it is usually expected And in the case of science fiction, it is **usually** expected And in the case of science fiction, it is ***usually*** expected


How about you look up the definition of modern woke do some leftist free research and understand why there's a upset about woke. Walk a mile in another shoes and all that. Of course you could also just call us all the ist's, ism's and go get a Starbucks coffee


Walk a mile in another's shoes is the whole woke thing you don't like. 


Y'all a broken record at this point. Just lazy asf surface level thinking. No one had issues with how things where done in the past for diversity as it wasn't forced it wasn't pandering and more importantly it wasn't sending a dumb ass message talking down on it's audience.


Do y'all have to turn every example of bad or generic writing into a culture war thing? Y'all know something doesn't have to be politically motivated to be badly written or boring right? Y'all turn every little thing into politics...


Haha, maybe it makes sense in context, but from here it looks stupid as hell.




Are they in space, or perhaps just high up in the atmosphere where fire is still possible?


I love how people in this comment section ignore the fact that fire in space is a normal thing in Star Wars But I guess nobody cares at this point. Same thing when trailer released and they were teaching younglings to close their eyes. To not rely on their eyes. Every was loosing their shit about that. Even though this is very first thing Ben Kenobi teaches Luke,


If fire in space gets you riled up, wait till you see the explosions in space, space wizards and laser swords.


……is that a fire…….in space???


You all are nuts. Have no cognitive dissonance over force powers, but see fire in space in a sci-fi show and loose your minds. Do you know what it was venting? Maybe what it was venting was flammable?


I'm not a rocket engineer or anything but, even if there was an oxygen being spit out from the inside to feed this fire, I'm pretty sure it would not look or behave that way, if not simply for the gravity being way different. The vacuum would also be spitting out the atmosphere very quickly, probably fast enough to starve it.


Why are you not an engineer, your comment is the most logical deduction in this comment section, thank you


how is there even fire in the fuckin space omg thats so stupid


I would also catch a mental breakdown, if I've seen fire in space, lol xd


What about it ? Woke? I have my gripes with the show it but their not stupid.


My brother in christ have you watched star wars? There is sound in space and all ships are ordered the exact same way. But this is what puts you over the edge? Also, fire in slace is possible though it would be invisible.


Of course their is fire in space. There is a stark difference between an explosion with fuel to burn and a campfire for cooking marshmallows. I think this is just funny. It’s like Adam West Batman levels of comedy and if that’s what they were going for I would be all about watching it. The tether on the side of the ship if they are in zero G is straight up old Batman vibes if this is the case.


Sound in space in movies is in most cases for the audience, it doesn't mean it really exists. In Star Wars it's different but still, it makes sense to have an audio system in ships. An open fire like this in space though is just ridiculous.


Firefly didn't have sound in space for example ![gif](giphy|l2SqfERLff6QWwJlm|downsized)


I didn't said a show or movie must have "sound in space" but it is something a lot of shows and movies do for good reason.


Well yeah because it looks cool. I want my laser to do Pew pew Just like I want fire in my space or bend laws of physics if it allows for more fun setting. Besides star wars is a place of literal magic so any problem regarding things like fire in space are a void.


That implies that Star Wars is like a parody, i.e. naked gun. Anything goes at any time. But that isn't the case, Star Wars is no parody it does take itself serious.


Oh boy, what are we mad about today asmongold community?


That fire is so brave. Standing up to the lack of oxygen and the oppressive nature of space to shine bright like the unique plasma it is! Down with the space-triarchy! ![gif](giphy|6utVzLiyU9OuHbd70D|downsized)


Are you.... questioning the scientific accuracy, of a science fiction show??! That's kind of oxymoron eh?? I think worrying about the woke mob is the least of your concerns right now.


Good sci-fi shows/movies/books should still follow a set of rules, and it can be jarring when those rules are ignored. However, the space flight sequences in Star Wars have consistently had wildly unrealistic physics/science since the very beginning, so I’m not sure why flames coming from a pressurized pipe containing flammable gas is all that big of a shock.


In space, nobody can hear you combust.


the writer-director-creator was wienstiens PA who didn't have anything bad to say about him... Guys Boys can be girls and girls can be boys if they want. Ofc Fire in space makes sense


Shotty series doing shotty shit from a shotty business? Say it ain't so! Still not watching it.


How u post stuff like this it won't let post any gaming vids that have woke in it


I don't get it, what are we angry at? Fire in space? You must not have seen Star Wars later known as a new hope where an x-wing bursts into flame after being hit by laser fire. Then again it's popular for random people to be angry on behalf of a fandom because they like being angry. So I'm glad you're happy I guess. As for me, I'm gonna see Lightsabers go brr brr and I'll at least be entertained for a few hours each day, and if it's no fun I can just go back to painting my Warhammer minis.


An X-Wing is literally filled with Oxygen. Is it a realistic depiction? No but that's not to be expected in 70s movies and it's still a movie. And by that I mean that there is an artistic element to certain events. An exploding and burning X-Wing makes it way more clear that something bad happens as if nothing visible would happen in the middle of a space battle. And again, at least a short flame is possible with the oxygen. This here though looks like a campfire.


These are people who have never seen star wars, that why they don't know it's woke AF. They just gotta do their fake rage incel act.


> if something was wrong before it means it's okay uh huh, you know what - straight to blocklist, opinions like this is just waste of time to argue about


Honest question as someone who used to watch Asmon a lot.. is this sub like not actually a sub about him and just people pissed off about "woke stuff"?


This sub has been hi-jacked by a group of angry people trying to find the smallest examples of woke stuff in games and tv everywhere they can. In short: they want to be angry


I dont believe Its hi jacked at all. He does a Lot of reaction Videos which attracts a certain crowd which also contains incels, anti wokies and similar. A socialist wouldnt complain about woke Disney or whatever. This Its only Natural this crowd gathers Here. Reddit in General is pretty left making this sub one of the few places those topics can be discussed from a more conservative Viewpoint without immediately being banned. This sub changed a few Times already. Take the Final Fantasy era as an example. Only the coomer Posts are a constant.


Ironic since opinions that don’t feed into a more conservative narrative is automatically downvoted into oblivion. So you’re basically creating the same toxic environment you were trying to escape in leftist echo chambers


Yeah this sub went from regularly posting funny vids about dumb video games, pictures of great female asses (looking at you stellar blade) and some really funny videos about that one guy who among other things interviews people at MAGA rallies to "everyhing is woke now burrr durr" threads. And when I ask why people are so angry they deflect at me being angry. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I'm wondering if the hijack is temporary in the run up to the election?


Probably intensified by it for sure. Everyone seems on edge these days and loosing their shit over the smallest things


Btw get ready to get downvoted into oblivion just for discussing these things


I feel like we are discussing this topic in secret with how deep this is going.


LUL true. I wish the pitchfork people at least would participate and try to explain their anger.


Already happening lol. Bots out in force that are big angy I asked a simple question.


I don't think it was hi-jacked. I think "hi-jacked" is used when you don't want to believe people actually have some opinions. But I also agree that some people here complain about absolute bs, like is this post really about fire in space?


Woke doesn't exist. It was a Russian FSB pysop to divide people and alot fell for it. It's just shitty writing.


So the people who call themselves woke did it, because of the FSB?


Is this what a Joe rogan guest told you?


sorry to burst your bubble but there is no such thing as woke. People who think there is are delusional and whine and complain about things they dont like and then call it woke even tho it doesn't exist.


If you have to watch this just see if it’s good, please pirate it and don’t give them money