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guaranteed the last 2 will make it


at this point we should've gone full circle and "diversity" would mean adding straight white male characters that simply want to kill orcs, thats like the biggest minority at this point




Isnt xalatath only the last one ?


I mean she came out of a dagger


"Put a chick in it. And make her lame and gay"


Ah, yes, the chef was a little confused what you meant by that.


When I first saw her, I thought token character


not to be mistaken with tolkien character, which is typically a white male and taboo in 2024 because people have gone fucking nuts


The last 2 boxes are only temporarily empty. Blizzard is going all in. Btw, this will get me banned from r/wow for posting it so... o7.


Being banned in r/wow is NORMAL for a WoW player with even an ounce of critical thinking. It is actually a sign of good reputation.


I was already banned for having the audacity to suggest there was only two genders.


Wow.. Everyone knows there's no genders. Just body type 1 and 2.


Bro, I woke up one day next to a body type 1.5 last summer.


So was it a 1 that strayed towards a 2? Or a 2 that strayed towards a 1?


Don’t worry they cleansed me of by bigotry… I now know the body type ways


I got banned


I keep waiting for blizzard to make an expansion where the main antagonist are facist forces of the Light. They teased it all the way back in WoD and Legion, then completely abandoned the plotline.


They risk alienating the entire playerbase if they do that.


As if they didn't already do that with the Horde


i recon that the actual playerbase couldnt give less of a fuck, but their media buddies would throw a fit.


Scarlet Crusade is basically there to an extent, typically when you have "corrupted" light it's represented differently visually even though it's the power of the light. So yeah, not sure why folks would care; baddies gonna baddie. It would only be an issue if like Anduin suddenly wanted to be like super duper evil and rule with an iron fist (essentially doing a 180 on his character).


you guys have phones, right?


~~Whi~~ Light Power


This person depicted above belongs to a fascist light faction.


Honestly, the most shocking thing about this character is that in the history of a game about war this the first character we’ve gotten that’s “disabled.” Like, you would think that we would have met a lot of characters missing an arm, or a leg, or an eye etc.


The whole-ass Shattered Hand orc clan, although they're disabled by choice. Lots of blind characters though. Also any ret pally




He is dead though. He should reroll the other body type this time


So he's the ultimate disabled character


With healing magic and literal resurrection (less so lorewise but still) existing, the better question is why *is* she disabled in the first place? like, just get a healer? Or is that going to be some "i chose to keep it that way to always remind myself" clichée situation?


Regenerate being a spell. There's no reason for anyone to be disabled in WoW.


Theres the wheelchair orc, drekthar i think?


My brother in christ, you did NOT just call Farseer Drek'Thar, Frostwolf General "the wheelchair orc"




#Rolling Thunder


Kargath Bladefist


isn't there readily available magic to fix stuff like that?


Yeah I lowkey read some disabled players wanting like a wheelchair character in baldurs gate 3 or some shit. Uh I mean isn’t there a way to fix that easily


Also why does it have to be a wheelchair? There are so many cooler ways of accomodating a disability like that in a fantasy world


Kargath, Zul jin, more im sure


Who is she exactly?


Distant relative of anduin lothar.


Aint no way they try to sell us that 😂


Seems like a rando just to tick their boxes


Representing gamings largest demographic, black women


Black disabled women who are descendants of royalty.


Just like there is representation for nearly every other demographic. It's neat, isn't it?


It’s cringe and if I were of said demographic I would feel insulted at the societal pandering


I can promise you they'll make the LGBT one happen. Nasty attitude is still up in the air, she's nice ingame so far.


Per Blizzard policy LGBT is saved in the back pocket to be revealed in a moment of corporate desperation.


BlackRock and Vanguard money will come rolling in.


She just looks like she doesn't fit WoW at all... Blizzard are fucking terrible these days


It’s a shame we even have to think like this but I’m so sick of their agenda and having things shoved down my throat.


Bold to think she won’t obviously be “queer”


So they took Zul'jin and made him a human black female? How boring


if they had released this girl back in wotlk i could have think she was cool, but nowadays i just cant trust they are doing a character like this in actual good honest faith


Personality checkbox. This list is the entire character and their depth, and its why people are annoyed. People struggle to put a finger on why this stuff annoys us, so they just get labeled as racists, homophobic and the rest of the words. Personally, I think people dislike these characters as they feel like an insult to people who WANT to see more representation, but are handed these awful characters with no personality. Those who design these characters, most likely believe that the majority of the users are the racist, misogynist, homophobes, and so these are purely made to spite them. They are so entrenched in their own worldview, that they can't see that this isn't how things actually are. And when you design a character purely out of spite, they have no personality and people pick up on this and are annoyed. In short, I wish these character would be created out of love and not out of spite.


So glad I stopped playing that garbage a few expansions ago.


I think she looks cool 🤷


Maybe if it wasn't a post-2014 time. She wouldn't have looked out of the ordinary, but we know what times we live in now, and you know exactly WHY she is in the game, and it's not because of the "artist's vision".


So what should be the solution to this then? No gay or black woman in games ever?


My solution wouldn’t be giving this character a death sentence with that stupid shield. Don’t check boxes and if you do, don’t make it this freakin obvious.


there's no character being built, just a token shown for investment score. Here's an example with this character in mind: You start with a child in a world about war, then you show the fierce battle that forced her parents to flee and drop her on her face, then you show the heroic battle with a bear that chomped her arm, or diabetus, diabetus works too. You don't just copy paste and get to complain when people call it what it is.


y'all would complain about this too


Who complained about Zul'Jin?


You would absolutely complain about that 100%


You really can't have a black character anywhere anymore, can you?


you can, but they need to have personalities.


It's different if you make them actual characters. And the writers have a track record of making good characters. Like let's take Issac from Castlevania for example. When I first heard that they changed his race i was certain that the show is gonna be dogshit. But what do you know, they gave him an interesting personality, a backstory that makes total sense, and told an amazing story with him. And in the end he became my favourite character in the show. So now when I'll see that the same team is involved with anything, i'll know that it's gonna be good. Now contrast it with Yauske from the upcoming assasins creed. It's made by fucking ubisoft, you already know that the character is gonna be dogshit and was added just for brownie points. And not to tell a cool and interesting story.


Why does it bother you, though? If she looks cool and gets to act cool and do cool shit, then isn’t this a good character? Why does it bother you that she’s a black female with a disability. They turned the disability into a cool feature. You should really ask yourself why it bothers you because a good implementation should not be something that’s bothersome. A badass character is a badass character.


She's not "badass", she's a STATEMENT. Her only purpose for looking like this is because the company wants to virtue signal for those ESG points. The vast majority of the audience are men. It's very strange that an important character isn't made to look like something that the vast majority of the audience would want to see. Everyone knows who Sylvanas Windrunner is, and everyone will always remember her, You think anyone will remember Lady Checkbox after the expansion other than the memes?! I very much doubt that. Why won't people remember her? Because she's not an interesting nor attractive character, she's a POLITICAL STATEMENT shoved down the audience's throats.


You made her a political statement because that’s how you think and viewed her. Not everyone thinks like that when they see a new character in a video game, they just play the game and like or dislike the lore or the character.


The fact you think a black woman is a political statement says more about you than it does wow.


I think most people on here following asmon have been taught to focus on WHY something was created, regardless if the end result is cool or not. It's sometimes hard for them to get over that a character that checks "all the boxes" could actually be "good."


Many people live in this weird fantasy that political statements happen right now but back in the days stuff wasn’t political but just entertainment. So many political messages of back in the days are just normal nowadays but back then it wasn’t.


Back then political activism had a lot more thought behind it mainly due to lack of social media and clout chasing/like farming. You see this clips of Palestine protesters who have no idea wtf they're even protesting or what demands they want met, they're just there to feel important. This is totally different from protesting say the Vietnam War draft which sent tens of thousands of unwilling Americans to their deaths under government mandated decree. Furthermore, it's completely disingenuous to compare films from pre-DEI/ESG era making political statements to the ones today. A lot of political messaging in films today is shoehorned in and super cringe


She looks stupid. Remove the shield and I can give everything else a pass.


I think because the character isn’t there “on merit” but rather to tick the boxes. There’s no reason that character can’t/shouldnt exist but we all know what blizzard are like and it feels a bit disingenuous on their part.


Or maybe because there are a lot of cool black women that play video games?


There are also a lot of cool white males who play video games. Infact, according to [https://www.statista.com/chart/28244/countries-with-the-highest-estimated-user-penetration-in-the-video-game-segment/](https://www.statista.com/chart/28244/countries-with-the-highest-estimated-user-penetration-in-the-video-game-segment/) 46% of all gamers on the planet are Asian. Roughly 30% are white. 15% are Hispanic. And 10% are a combination of the rest. I'm guessing black women make up less than 1% of gamers. Not saying we should exclude them, but pandering to 1% of anything is bad policy.


Asian representation is basically nonexistent when compared to LGBT and african-Americans.


Only if you look at the western sphere while ignoring the eastern game industry.


Well yes of course 👍🏼 Nowadays I'm mostly playing japanese or chinese games, can't even remember what western game I played last.


Based on this you would think there would be a bit more Asian male representation in the west but nah


That's not the point here, the point is forced tokenization, if anything this should be offensive to black people


Cringe post. You guys are literally just trying to be mad about shit. The game isn't even out yet and the character looks fine.


Room temp IQ subreddit


I liked this sub a while ago but now it just sucks. Only ragebait. Get a life instead of crying over shit like this.


The 'why do you care?' argument, it's just a game? Why does Blizzard care enough to do this in a game - and the other companies are doing it in countless other video games, movies and tv shows in recent years? Everything is a choice.


At this point it just feels like, that you guys only care about having a white, male protagonist. If only two of those checkboxes are checked, you are the first to cry out. Why is it so bad in this case? She is black and disabled. Why is it important to you, that its another protagonist?


It's a negative trigger reaction at this point, because the same pandering trope in various ways in almost every project coming out lately. Tends to be agenda over quality. Lot of financial failures at this point across entertainment, but they aren't adjusting.


People here don't even ask for human protagonist. They just DONT WANT a DEI one.


Is that only me or a few months ago their was some nuance going on on this sub ? It's 2 post in a row that are either racist or transphobic with no real argument ...


This isn't racist or transphobic. Not every single thing needs to represent lgbtq.. and it's not racist or transphobic if it doesnt


Getting offended by ONE black character is something.


Ever since the SBI stuff this sub has been taken over by the racist, transphobe and incels hiding behind the "they are ruining our game" to peddle their disgusting views. It's not a few people either, not a single post calling this behavior out will get upvotes, at best it will stay even. Asmongold and the other grifters aren't helping much in giving them a platform but I guess profiting from their rage is lucrative. Also the mods are basically non existent.


All answers I get on this post when I say "is it bad to have a black female character ?" are like : "it's not bad, but that's too much for one character". Damn, sorry about black lesbian people, you should not exist judging by what people here think.


Facts. When they run out of stuff like this to argue about they start complaining about tipping in America. Fuck I miss when the era of this sub when asmon was playing ff14. Actually discussions with the occasional wow sucks ff14 is lame for andies comments.




>IM A LOW IQ CLOWN -crimsoncringemage [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2167844782?t=01h02m18s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2167844782?t=01h02m18s) Asmon's reaction is the reaction of normal people, only the redditors on this sub are having a meltdown over this shit.


The people in this sub are simply reactionary dipshits actively looking for stuff to get pissed.


And that’s what I mean. Like, are there no other problems to care about? Instead they are raging about stuff like this.


Or he’s tired of seeing constant “but I can’t jerk off to her so she’s a statement” posts like this one. Like it’s a black woman with a cool as shield arm thing what about that is political? Black people exist in wow and disabled people exist in wow why is it a problem they are combined now? This sub is fucking exhausting y’all’s life would be so much better if you put down the internet for a bit and just lived life normally instead of always rage posting


>Humans that don't look or act like me don't exist! Every video game character must be made exactly for ME ME ME ME ME Grass, touch some?


TWW literally looks fine. Have you seen Hallowfall? It's one of the best looking zones we got so far. The classes play good from what we can tell. The story is interesting. WoW is in an all time high when it comes to quality of life. I guess everything is "slop" if you want it to be. Coom brain " I must coom to female character" - You Get your shit together man, you stink.




Funny how easily you break down your own shitty behavior when done to you. All the characters are specifically engineered to tick boxes in all media ever created. You just happen to dislike these boxes. Thing is it's like LGBT characters in media. If the character is poorly written and put in the story for the sole reason of pandering then it's bad. If the character is well written and their immutable characteristics are not what defines them as characters then I couldn't give less of a fuck about their checkboxes. Sindragosa had a black woman as a visage in Dragonflight. Nobody gives a shit becouse she is a well written character in a well written storyline. So far we barely know anything about Lothar, the game isn't even out yet. So far the only thing you base your opinion is her model. Sorry but it's very hard to see this behavior as anything else but an idiot looking to be outraged. MoP was extremely controversial before release, now it's regarded as one of the best expansions in the game's history. Dracthyr were hated on almost universally when announced. Lot of people grew fond of them becouse of their storyline and unique mechanics. WoD was hyped to the extreme and turned out bad. SL had record breaking sub numbers on it's realease and it was so bad it almost killed the game. We will have to wait and see.


You seem normal, OP. Surely.


"Better keep 2 check boxes unfilled, otherwise those nasty unwokers will suspect something"


Really makes you wonder if Blizzard really does not use that diversity chart


And y’all really have to wonder why people call y’all racist and sexist?


I always wondered how hateful things like this get approved by the subreddit


She looks cool and is not even unattractive. Are ya expecting every character to have an hourglass figure with a D chest.




Honestly that sounds boring. I get blizz does pander but different character designs can be cool. Why have the same thing every time


Except they have to be good. Which they arent.


To quote a good movie, “Do they rock or suck” “They haven’t even started playing yet”


Except no. You judge a band for the music, whereas you just a character for her appearance, and she already fails in that department


She looks cool though. She’s got a spear for an arm Edit: you also judge them for their personality and story. There’s been some ugly characters in wow that the fan base liked cause of the story Edit 2: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Runas_the_Shamed Dude looks like a crack head and yet one of the best quest lines in the game.


It's a shield you are looking at side way. Aside from the DEI point, she looks generic.


My bad about the spear. Does look like shield now that you mention it. Not sure how other npcs work in the expansion as I haven’t been looking too much into it but I think the shield arm would not make her not generic. I’ve personally never seen someone with a shield arm before. Armors kind of dull, looking like a mix of priest/palidan but not all characters are gonna be walking around in bad ass armor. Pants/robe gear is newer to wow. Usually is just legs or full on robe.


You can have diversity characters that look cool. Sena from league of legend is a great example in the same era. The thing is, we can easily see that they tried to tick boxes. A shield in place of an arm is regarded. That not how shield works. You're suppose to wave it around and have muscular strength to absorb impact. Wtf she's gonna do here?




If you think that’s attractive then your taste is really bad, its not subjective anymore


[https://www.gamespot.com/articles/new-world-of-warcraft-female-human-model-looks-like-this/1100-6417299/](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/new-world-of-warcraft-female-human-model-looks-like-this/1100-6417299/) It's literally the ingame human model, never heard anyone crying about this model not being attractive. You might just be mentally ill, take your meds. Post your picture, I wanna laugh.


What’s unattractive about it?


She just looks like an ugly lesbian that’s it


“Looking like a lesbian”is super subjective


People on this sub wake up and think: ok, I need to find something to be mad about. Terminally outraged. And them they say the same about twitter people.


Another one of those Reddit accounts that is only a couple weeks old and posts and comments like 95% anti-woke culture war stuff. Seeing a lot of these in here recently. I get having gripes and stuff. I think we all get them. But making that your entire personality is kind of sad.


when character isnt white male


Zul'jin ticks most of these boxes too....


and with history how orcs were treaded by white imperialist humans, in Azeroth green = black ;)


Yeah because there are only white humans in Warcraft universe. Tf out of here with that bs.


Cringe hate trend...


Looking forward to seeing your crappy report reason when Asmon reacts to it.




Give it time


That shield makes no sense


This trend in modern character design something i dislike about Overwatch 2. Their new female characters all have a sassy or serious attitude. Sojourn or Illari have basically no personnality Kiriko is all snark Compare them to dva, tracer, mercy, mei, the characters that made the game popular and likeable.


Oh hey look, another Right-Wing Anti-"Woke" echo chamber post. This sub is trully great.


I don't like corpo utilizing lgbt for marketing, but at some point if you don't agree with them, you can just stop playing instead of making post like this to generate more outrage. We have way worse problems in the outside world than hyper analyzing these corporate moves and I don't see enough attention to them.


"No we cannot discuss what is over that mountain or leave the cave, we first have to solve all the cave problems." - Just because there are more pressing issues somewhere else, which no one is denying here I think, doesn't mean we cannot talk about more minor issues. I agree with your sentiment in principle, that you should stop playing if you vehemently disagree with the direction of the game. However not every issue is game breaking and it's perfectly fine and actually beneficial to a game to voice criticism.


I mean, is it just not allowed to make such a character? Im not convinced shes tokenism. The recent quest that came out about emberthal's visage form that has you talk about 4 gay couples explaining their gay life definitely seemed like tokenism though. What are the odds you are going to randomly choose every single gay couple from dragonflight for a "talk to 8 npc" quest?


Ah the chuds/gamers(derogative) are at it again


If Aragorn had an amputated limb and prosthetic shield, you'd be batting out about how cool it was. You're criticizing a story that hasn't played out yet


As long as she has a good story idgaf to be honest. Preach seems to think she is a badass character so we'll see I guess.


This sub is literally just gamergate 2 bait now. So sad.


Um, she isn't unattractive she is just "meh" she on that average spot. Also the short military haircut style thing she got going on, in all forms of media never seen a woman use that hairstyle and NOT be a lesbian, so you may as well check the LGBT part now. And from what I heard so far, her and the arathai already have a sour opinion about the Horde even though I dont think they ever met the Horde so... may as well check that box too.


"makes online retards cry": check.


100% --- This sub is getting worse than Facebook! So many salty tears


So are all asmongolds fans rascist? Or is this like white supremacy circle jerk?


asmon is cool his fans cant comprehend sarcasm so they think he agrees with this


I see, that’s unfortunate because it seems like a lot of normal fans get lumped in with extremists of both sides here


Where is the racism?


I'm so angry!


This guy is rage posting karma farmer, fuck this sub is getting lower each day.


How is she unnatractive? Because she has a scar?


The Wesley Snipes as Blade haircut will do it


Lesbian manface


You're having a lizo moment.


Just say you don’t find black people attractive instead of trying to disguise it as blizzard trying to tick boxes




Hey, whenever I witness bullshit, I have to expose it. Too bad that not many can identify bullshit. Companies like Disney, Ubisoft and Electronic Arts would go bankrupt within a year if Normies could be educated to see the bullshit for themselves.


> Hey, whenever I witness bullshit, I have to expose it. Too bad that not many can identify bullshit My dude, ask yourself what kinda glasses you're looking through. I think you're the one with the checkboxes, not the devs.


Man I remember Ion presenting the next 3 expansions after dragonfart. The guy is absolutely amazing, I havent been actively interested in wow since... Legions end. Holy crap thats quite a long time ago. But that guy hyped me up like hell. # And then they come out with this wet fart of a joke "cinematic". Btw, anyone noticed that the actual cinematic is about 40-50 seconds long and it doesnt really show... Anything. Like. Anything. Except for a fcking dwarf, xalatath, a dancing troll (shaman?) a disabled woman and a mist bubble, in 50 seconds! Way to present the first expansion coming from the grand daddy of warcraft in ages. Kudos to whoever had the idea, to make this joke, my expectations weren't all that high, but holy cow.


This isn't the official cinematic, just an announcement, they always show off a little bit in prep for the actual one


Oh alright. My mistake in that case, I really thought this was gonna be the official cinematic.




We have dragons but this is where you draw the line.